Herald-Tribune 07/02/2013 2 juLY 2013
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The Who, W Why of
Tech Boot Camp 2013 July 8 - 19
By Phyllis Garfinkel, voluntee
Beginning Courses to Make Technology Work for You
Shortly after my Mother pass in 1997, I wanted to voluntee Friendship Centers in Saraso the Volunteer Coordinator to many programs available at t The home delivered meal pro homebound seniors sounded fit for me. From then on, I ha standing appointment to del every Wednesday afternoon
Haley Underwood shows Lee Escalera how to use the iPad. Learn how to make technology work for you at the Friendship Centers,Tech Boot Camp 2013 in Sarasota and Venice July 8 19. This award-winning program features class instruction augmented by one-onone assistance from high school students to help beginners learn to use popular tech tools. The following two-hour courses ($25 per course) will be offered: PHOTO SHARING: How to use your photos and videos using Photobucket, Shutterfly, YouTube, 2-4 p.m. Offered Mondays, July 8 or July 15. INTRO TO iPAD/eREADERS Please bring your iPad and logon information, 2- 4 p.m. Tuesdays , July 9 - iPad. July 16 - eReaders, Nook, Kindle. Please bring your e-reader. SMART PHONES Please bring your phone and manual , 2- 4 p.m. Wednesdays, July 10 iPhones; July 17 Smart Phones. GETTING THE MOST FROM YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA Please bring your camera & manual, 2 - 4 p.m. Thursdays, July 11 or July 18.
Do you ever feel frustrated trying to share a photo, master your smart phone or camera, or simply get connected with friends and family via social networking? SOCIAL NETWORKING Facebook, Twitter Skype and learn to communicate across the miles. Please bring your password and log on information, 2-4 p.m. Fridays, July 12 or July 19. INFORMATION & REGISTRATION: • Sarasota The Friendship Center 1888 Brother Geenen Way Sarasota, FL 34236 Call Cindy Underwood, 941.955.2122 or email cunderwood@friendshipcenters.org • Venice Catlin Friendship Center 2350 Scenic Drive, Venice, FL 34293 Call Linda Shane 941.584.0052 or email lshane@friendshipcenter
Copyright © 2013 Herald-Tribune - All rights reserved. Restricted use only 07/02/2013
As in the game of Monopoly, “Get Out of Jail Free” day. W have become my favorite day By volunteering at something doing, everything else in my and is put on “hold” for a few week. My clients, friends and where I am on those afterno out of their way not to interr ing this special time.
Through the years, I delighte along both of my toddler gra my deliveries. They knew the names of everyone on our de And they still ride with me s during holiday and summer v
My, how time flies! Over the years, I have enjoyed meetin ing many wonderful people, walks of life, during my Wedn deliveries. The majority of ho people are very lonely, as the and families live elsewhere. M lost their spouse as well. It is them to feel completely disc from the world.
Often, they no longer drive a the kind assistance of others appointments, groceries an o life needs. For some on my d meal delivery is the highlight
Volunteering 101: “People H People” is probably the simp to describe the volunteer mi amount of volunteer time is preciated. The best part of vo is the rewarding feeling that
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