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The Circuit Rider
Rev. Marta Sobrino Bolen has seen transformative growth in her congregation, and she credits a lot of it to the time she invested attending the hospitality training for Lighthouse Congregations back in late April. Lighthouse Congregations serve as safe harbors for United Methodists who are now without a church due to disaffiliations or church closures. They also serve seekers—people who are not
Senatobia District’s Missions in May Spreads Love to the Community

During Missions in May churches were encouraged to find a way to serve a group of people beyond their local church. Multiple churches in the Senatobia District went above and beyond putting their best foot forward to display the love of Christ across their communities. [Read More] committed to a church yet and are searching for deeper meaning in life. Bolen, pastor of Glenfield United Methodist Church in New Albany, came to the training hosted by the Mississippi Conference Faith Community Formation Office and left the gathering reflecting on things she heard and how to implement them. Read more about practical steps that can move your congregation to be more hospitable.

Safe Harbor UMC Takes Worship Outside for ‘New Thing Sunday’
Matthew Johnson, Connectional Ministries and Communications Assistant Bishop Sharma D. Lewis dedicated Sunday, June 25 as New Thing Sunday in the Mississippi Conference. On this Sunday laity would come up with fresh ideas for conducting Sunday worship while clergy and their families took a Sabbath. Safe Harbor United Methodist Church in Moss Point took a unique approach to New Thing Sunday. Instead of having Sunday worship inside of their church building, Safe Harbor’s ministry team took worship to the community. [Read More]
Wesley Foundation’s Food Pantry Addresses Student Hunger

The Wesley Foundation on the campus of the University of Southern Mississippi, USM, is collecting food donations to bless students who are facing food insecurity. Thanks to the generosity of donors like Fairfield United Methodist Church and their pastor Rev. Paul Roller, pictured above, the pantry was filled. As a new school year begins more donations are needed to keep up with demand. [Read More]
West Park UMC’s Endowment Provides Lasting Gift
Though West Park United Methodist Church closed its doors in 1998, the congregants’ decision to be a blessing to United Methodist students and United Methodist senior service agency Riggs Manor continues until this day. Click here to read how the congregation’s endowment created a legacy that continues 25 years after West Park’s closing.
Methodist Rehabilitation Welcomes Chaplain Rev. Maxine Bolden

Rev. Maxine Bolden is the new chaplain at Mississippi Conference benevolence Methodist Rehabilitation Center. With a background in healthcare and previously working as a hospital and college campus chaplain, Rev. Bolden will focus on the spiritual restoration of the patients at Methodist Rehabilitation Center. [Read More]
“I really appreciate the level of excellence the team here provides in the area of recovery, and I am honored to be able to do this.”
Is The United Methodist Church Really…?

This is the eighth in a series of articles offering factual responses to questions addressing the disaffiliation process in central conferences and “extended” or “alternative” disaffiliation policies beyond 2023 in six annual conferences in the United States. To read the article, click here, and to read all the articles in the series click here.