2 minute read
August through December Scriptures Available
At the beginning of the year, Bishop Sharma D. Lewis challenged members of the Mississippi Conference to seek God’s word together through the reading of scripture. Click here for 2023 Bible Challenge headquarters where you’ll find upcoming monthly scripture reading plans and all things Bible Challenge.
Save The Dates
Labor Day Office Closure – Sept. 4
The Mississippi Conference and Episcopal offices will be closed Monday, September 4, in recognition of Labor Day. The offices will reopen on Tuesday, September 5 at regular business hours.
Spiritual Wellness Retreat –Sept. 7-8
The office of spiritual leadership is offering an opportunity for healing and restoration for Mississippi Conference clergy during their upcoming Spiritual Wellness Retreat. The retreat begins Thursday, September 6 at Camp Wesley Pines in Hazlehurst. The cost to attend is $100 and all clergy who attend will receive 1 CEU. Click here for more information and to register. The deadline for registration is August 28.
World Communion Sunday – Oct. 1
Sunday October 1 is World Communion Sunday. Offerings collected on this Special Sunday provide racial and ethnic students with scholarships, grants, mentoring and training for leadership. Click here for the 2023 World Communion Sunday pastor and leader kit.
United Women in Faith Annual Meeting – Oct. 6-7
The Mississippi Conference chapter of United Women in Faith will host its annual meeting October 6-7 at Rust College in Holly Springs. The theme for this year’s conference is “Where do We Go from Here,” taken from Micah 6:8. Bishop Sharma D. Lewis will address the body during Saturday morning’s session. Click here for more information and to register to attend.
Employment Opportunities
As a courtesy to the Mississippi Annual Conference, job announcements from across the United Methodist connection are featured in The Circuit Rider. To submit an employment notice, send an email to news@mississippi-umc.org. Postings are not guaranteed to appear more than once in Mississippi Conference publications. To read a description of job opening(s) listed below as well as other listing, click here.
• Administrative Assistant to Senior Minister & Spiritual Formation Galloway UMC (Jackson, MS)
• Part-time Pianist, Broadmeadow UMC (Jackson, MS)
• Director of Student Ministries, First UMC (Mountain Home, AR)
• Ministries Coordinator, Crossgates UMC (Brandon, MS)
• Director of Student Ministries, Isle of Hope (Isle of Hope, GA)
Cares And Concerns
As you pause to pray this week, take time to ask for strength, peace and comfort for the families and friends of those listed below who have joined the Church Triumphant:
• We regret to inform you that Rev. Ellis Lynch passed away August 3.
• With great sadness we report that Rev. Ralph Johnson Jr. passed away July 16.
• Mrs. Linda Branning, widow of Rev. Billy Joe Branning joined the Church Triumphant July 1.
• Please remember in prayer the family of Rev. John Travelbee. He passed away June 16.
• Our hearts are saddened to share with you that Rev. John Thomas Tucker passed away May 28.
• We ask that you pray for the family of Bishop Marshall L. Meadors, Mississippi’s episcopal leader from 1992 until his retirement in 2000. Bishop Meadors passed away May 25.
• Please join us in prayer for the family of Anna Rouse Anderson. Mrs. Anderson, the widow of Rev. Bertist Rouse passed away May 1.
• With heavy hearts we report that Emma Lee Brown, spouse of Rev. Fred Brown passed away April 22.