Lace Covered Windows SH30 Lake Rotoiti
The lace windows have gone now ‌ I love old buildings
Photograph by: Cindy Foster
Sharing one of my favourite photographs with you.
Horoscopes Safety Tips/Advice Mt RSA Entertainment Waipuna Hospice News Family Works Parenting
Sudoku Family Abuse Help Grief Care Information Donald Welsh Parenting Civil Defence Information
Market Dates Emergency Contacts Alcoholism Advice Dog Safety Library Book News
Chilling Cold Wintery Feeling What Can You See?
Jokes/Quotes/Poem Computer Advice Life On The Inside Computer Virus Advice Lots More
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: (Page 2) DISCLAIMER: All efforts have been taken to see that all information within this News Letter is correct. No responsibility will be accepted for any inaccuracies, misuse or misinterpretation of wrongful information. All information given and provided should be used as a guide only.
Hello everyone … Well cooler nights winter is here. This is the season for heaters, fires to keep warm. Have you got smoke alarms ? Are they working? Get them now! Don’t be someone who regrets your actions. They could save a life and your home. June activity was the Zorb at Rotorua trying out the tracks. Wow 3rd track was rough but fun. (Con Pg12)
Emergency , Help and Support, Numbers
ADVERTISING FEEDBCK: The May Newsletter has continued to receive positive feedback from both readers and advertisers. Our reader count has grown where we have been running out of News Letters so we will have another 2000 Newsletters this month to prevent this, with no increase in advertising costs … Now that’s a bonus for advertisers. Please support this News letter we are always looking for New Advertisers Contact me if you wish to advertise in the up coming AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER issues. Let us get your information out to prospective clients. (contacts on top each page) Please remember to like and share CC’s News Letter with your contacts/friends on Facebook. Help us to get it out to more people. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT Email:
DISCLAIMER (Daylight Saving Times R included) Time tables are a guide only. All efforts have been taken to see that these times and tides are correct.
No responsibility will be accepted for any inaccuracies or misuse or wrong information.
Wed 01 Thur02
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Moon Phases 2015
Wednesday 01st July 2015 Full Moon
Wednesday 08th July 2015 Last Quarter
Wednesday 15th July 2015 New Moon
Thursday 23rd July 2015 First Quarter
Wednesday 31st July 2015 Full Moon
Toughlove 0800 868 445 Family Works 07 575 9709 Alcohol Drug Mainline 0800 787 797 Alcohol Drug Maori Line 0800 787 798 Alcohol Drug Pacifica Line 0800 787 799 Nemms Needle Exchange Mt Maunganui 07 575 5922 Citizen Advice Bureau 0800 367 222 Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 229 67 57 AIDS Hotline 0800 802 437 Youth line Phone Counselling 0800 376 633 Kids line (Kids up to 14yrs) 0800 543 75 What’s Up (Age 5-18) 0800 942 878 Parent Help 0800 568 856 Cot Death (sudden infant death support) 0800 16 44 55 NetSafe 0508 638 723 Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 Grief Support Services 07 587 4480 Lifeline New Zealand 24hr 0800 543 354 Narcotics Anonymous 0800 628 632 Gambling Crisis Helpline 0800 654 655 Quitlin 0800 778 778 Pregnancy Counselling Service 0800 773 462 Relationship Services 0800 735 283 Family Violence Information Line 0800 456 450 Gender Bridge Inc (transgender support) 0800 844357 Union of fathers (separation and support) 0508 22 5532 Shine Domestic Violence helpline 0508 744 633 Life Link/ Samaritans Inc 0800 726 666 Victim Support 0800 842 846 Women’s Refuge 0800 86 733 84 Tga 07 541 1911 Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 Telefriend Sight Loss Peer Support 0800 100 051 Shakti Ethnic Women’s Support 0800 742 584 Tauranga Living Without Violence 0800 577 003 Prisoner Aid/Rehabilitation offender/family Turangi 07 386 8246 Open Home (Child, Family Support Foster Care)Tga 07 579 2840 Tauranga Moana Victim Support 0800 842 846 Te Whare Orange Wairu Maori Women’s Refuge 0800 733 843 Sexual Abuse Centre (Rotorua) Inc 07 348 1555 Family Planning Tga 07 578 8539 Healthline 0800 611 116 La Leche (Breastfeeding Support) Tga 07 544 9817 Diabetes Helpline Tga 07 571 3422 Cancer Society Tga 07 571 2035 Café Youth Health 07 378 3895 Asthma Respiratory Management 07 577 6738 Plunketline 0800 933 922 Stroke Foundation 0800 787 653 National Cervical Screening Programme 0800 729 729 Prostate problem support line 0800 477 678 Breast Screen Aoteara Free: Age 45-69 0800 270 200 Western Bay of Plenty Ostomy Society Inc, help line 07-5737443. Emergencies: Mobile Phone Report Traffic Incidents 555 Fire, Police, Ambulance 111 Medical: Accident & Healthcare (Tga) 07 577 0010 Hospital (Tauranga) 07 579 8000 Tauranga Police Station: Monmouth Street Tauranga Mount Maunganui Police Station: Salisbury Avenue Papamoa Police Station: 530 Papamoa Beach Road
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 07 5755 181 ... Email: (Page 3) Prisoners should live in poverty This heading might raise a few eyebrows for a few people. I hope it does as I think some people should stop and think before they open their mouths on how inmates are living. It is usually the ones that have had no experience regarding inmates and prison and yet they seem to have all the answers. Many times when in discussion about prison and inmates I hear the comments that prisoners are too well fed and looked after they get good food and TV's and live better than we do. I rather find this amusing. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but when I hear this I wish they would put more thought into what they are saying.
Tandoori Indian Restaurant & Bar Fully Licensed and B.Y.O Wine only
Dine in, Takeaway or Free Home Delivery Conditions apply $10 Lunch Combo Curry, Rice, Naan And Soft Drink Takeaway only Great Spice Loyalty Takeaway Buy 11 Takeaways...Receive 12th Free Dine In Lunch Any Mains With Rice & Naan Bread $12.00 Conditions apply Gluten & Dairy Free Meals Available
As I have said in my other articles we need prisons and there are some that deserve to be locked away so they can’t hurt others. We do have people that have hurt innocent families by taking a life or inflicting life long injuries and raping, and the list goes on. There is NO excuse and it is totally unaccepted for this kind of behaviour inflicting loss, pain and injury to others. However we also have the ones that do wrong and get caught. This is fine, they need to stand accountable for their actions. We all have and need to stand accountable for our own actions. People are people and mistakes are there to be made. A person is supposed to learn from that mistake and become a better person so it never happens again. Some choose not to learn from their mistakes and go on reoffending. I do not believe in the one basket for all. And I do not believe that we have enough programmes, systems and places to help rehabilitate the people that do wrong. Using the excuse that their up bringing was not good and they are not mentally sound is not the answer to stop the horrid crimes people are committing against other human beings… Life on the inside and doing time. Poems From The Heart On The Inside. By Georgia Rose People know what they are doing when they are robbing, killing, beating up a person Inside you finally realise what you no longer have, that on the outside you took for or raping women or children. People know it’s wrong to use a knife on anybody! So granted and was so freely yours for the keeping. much of our crime is committed by young youths or should I say children??? What … No Longer … should they be classed as??? A child/youth or adult??? In todays world our young The road I now walk has many twists and turns, a path of children/youths are very unpredictable and can become the more serious offender to concrete in all directions. deal with. These youths/children are well aware of what they are doing they know No longer to feel the beautiful grass of green with my toes, right from wrong so when causing a death or rape they should have to MAN UP … do shackles and chains weighing me down. No longer to feel the coolness of the sea so blue, wash over me; the crime do the time. Like soldiers in a row, uniforms of matching hue. Anyway back to the how prisoners are living. As a support person I have had No longer to feel the golden rays of sunlight warm on my legs. a small look into the way of prison life and I assure you that you would not want to live Told to go ; this way, that way, everyway. in the manor that inmates live. Under strict control of their everyday movements, when No longer to feel the wind’s soft whisper against my cheek. they can get up, eat, go out in the yard, the pat downs, bums checks, room searches, No longer to run so free over the hills of home. lock ups, their mail controlled, and what they can /cannot have with restricted requirements the list goes on.
Addiction is currently defined as a chemical dependency caused entirely by the way the body reacts to a certain substance. But Johann Hari, author of “Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs,” believes it is a vital element of one’s life that drives a person to addiction. (You might enjoy reading this book)
Inmates are still people and all people have rights and if an inmate is not fed and given bedding to keep warm they will only become sick and then the medical accounts will rise, Guard's cannot work amongst sickly people day in and out. We could end up with life threatening diseases spreading. TVs are what they have to occupy them in their small boxed concrete room when locked up, and yes it helps to pass time and stop one from going stir crazy and helps to keep harmony in the camp. Recreation, everyone needs exercise to help stay healthy. Locked away from children, family and friends missing family events. Shackles and chains, barbwire fences, concrete walls and steel gates is not an inviting atmosphere for a way of living. For those people who have had no experiences of members of their family/friends in prison I assure you it is not all luxury living and may you never have to experience what it is really like to be an inmate or support one. Food for thought I welcome any feedback email
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: (Page 4)
SAD “Imagine smiling after a slap in the face. Then think of doing it twenty-four hours a day.” ― Markus Zusak, “Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart.” ― José N. Harris “Don't cry over someone who wouldn't cry over you.” ― Lauren Conrad “there are two types of people in the world: those who prefer to be sad among others, and those who prefer to be sad alone.” ― Nicole Krauss, .
“Tears are words that need to be written.” ― Paulo Coelho “You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.” ― Jonathan Safran Foer “Don't be ashamed to weep; 'tis right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us.” ― Brian Jacques, Taggerung “So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.” ― E.A. Bucchianeri “It always is harder to be left behind than to be the one to go...” ― Brock Thoene “When you do something noble and beautiful and
nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps.” ― John Lennon
Dear Mother-in-law, "Don't Teach me how 2 handle my children, I'm living with one of yours & he needs a lot of improvement" "It's just too hot to wear clothes today," Jack says as he stepped out of the shower, "honey, what do you think the neighbour's would think if I mowed the lawn like this?" "Probably that I married you for your money," she replied. He said - Shall we try swapping positions tonight? She said - That's a good idea... you stand by the ironing board while I sit on the sofa and fart. A man is intensively washing his jeans, mumbling: - You cannot trust anyone these days! Not a single person! Even yourself... I was only trying to fart. The mother of three notoriously unruly youngsters was asked whether or not she'd have children if she had it to do over again. "Sure," she replied, "but not the same ones." A child told her mother: 'My teacher thinks that I'm going to be famous. He said all I have to do is mess up one more time and I am history!' What did one saggy boob say to the other saggy boob? "We better get some support before someone thinks we're nuts!" Husband to wife: Darling, I have to confess to you that when I’m having sex with you, I sometimes think about other women. Oh you mongrel. When I have sex with other men, I always think about you!
Check this list to see what you can do to save money Declutter to save your sanity and some cash. Stop collecting, and start selling Maximize yard sales Clean out those closets. Go through your clothes – all of them. Learn how to dress minimally. Avoid stress-spending. Quit using credit cards. Buy quality appliances that will last. Cancel unused club memberships. Dig into your community calendar. Check out free events in town. When buying a car, look only at used models. Stick to reliable, fuel-efficient cars. Carpool or Walk or bike where possible Don’t speed. Take public transportation. Pack food for road trips Drive a different route to work. Correct air in your tires can increase fuel efficiency. Combine errands Drink more water. Avoid convenience foods and fast food. Invite friends over instead of going out. Prepare some meals at home Don’t fear leftovers: Jazz them up instead. Bulk buying can sometimes be cheaper Grow your own food … veg and fruit … Start a garden. Grocery shop on a full stomach to stop impulse buying Use a basket instead of a shopping trolley to prevent grabbing extra items. Take your own bags to save the 10cent bag charges. Pass on the checkout line with the impulse buying … eyes on the checkout operator. Cook more to save cooking every night, saves time and power Eat in … invite friends Potluck dinners with BYO Send the person that avoids impulse buying to do the shopping Use the question “DO I really need it” Set Goals Avoid ads on TV … that encourage spending. Don’t carry cash in your wallet, it’s only tempting to spend it. Divide your pay checks into savings and accounts Plan ATM withdrawals Keep a check on your accounts for errors/poor spending. Consolidate your student loans. Debts, mortgages and credit cards Use a brutally effective coupon strategy Learn about all of the benefits your company offers. Write a list before you go shopping – and stick to it. Give the gift of labour Take care of yourself, get plenty sleep, eat well, exercise Give up cigarettes, illicit drugs, alcohol. Shorten your showers Turn hot water cylinder off in the day, heat at night on lower rates. Run a bit of water in sink to rinse dishes, don’t waste water turn tap off Turn off lights that are not needed to save power. Wear more cloths in the winter to keep warm. Turn off appliances so they are not using phantom power (TV, Phone chargers, printers, coffee makers etc. Look after what you do own … cloths, appliances, cars etc. Use the clothesline instead of dryers. Wait for sales, buy at end of the seasons, after Christmas. Use students in training for haircut, nails etc. Don’t overspend on hygiene products. Buy a smaller house. Look for a cheaper place to live. Air seal your home. Cancel services you don’t use with phones, TVs, internet, magazine subscriptions Make sure all your electrical devices are on a surge protector Try to fix things yourself Swap babysitting with neighbours Throw all your coins into a jar for a special treat or use it to pay an account. Amazing how coins add up.
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 07 5755 181 ... Email: (Page 5) Being flood wise The recent devasta ng floods in the lower North Island are a mely reminder of how we need to be be er prepared for floods. Flooding is certainly one of the natural hazards that Tauranga is most at risk from. Floods are usually caused by con nuous heavy rain or thunderstorms but can also result from tsunami and coastal storm inunda on. A flood becomes dangerous if: the water is very deep or travelling very fast the floods have risen very quickly the floodwater contains debris, such as trees Before the flood Find out from your local council if your home or business is at risk from flooding Know where the closest high ground is and how to get there Make a Household Emergency Plan (including an Emergency Grab Bag) During the flood Listen to your local radio sta ons Put your household emergency plan into ac on and check your getaway kit. Where possible, move pets inside or to a safe place, and move stock to higher ground. Consider using sandbags to keep water away from your home. Fill bathtubs, sinks and storage containers with clean water Do not a empt to drive or walk through floodwaters unless it is absolutely essen al. A er the flood Help others if you can, especially people who may require special assistance. Throw away food including canned goods and water that has been contaminated Check with your local council or public health authority before using the water. If your property is damaged, take notes and photographs for insurance purposes. Check for injuries, check if your neighbours need any assistance Report broken utility lines to appropriate authorities If your property or contents are damaged take notes and photographs when it is safe to do so
“T34 I567489:;4 Y4=7>” (NA= T=B M93=7C) – A F744 P7CA7=EE4 FC7 G=745H> NAU MAI
Parenting is probably the most difficult job an adult will ever undertake in their lifetime. How much training do we receive to prepare ourselves for this life long undertaking? Do you need support to be the best parent you can be? The Incredible Years (Nga Tau Miharo) is a group programme where parents meet weekly to discuss and share common problems they may be experiencing in parenting their children (tamariki). Each week the group sets goals to help improve and build healthier more positive relationships with their tamariki (children) and to learn ways to effectively manage unwanted behaviours such as Aggressiveness Tantrums Swearing Yelling Hitting Answering back Refusing to do as asked These behaviours can cause enormous family stress and parents can feel alone and helpless. But positive and harmonious family life is possible. Pick up the phone and contact us if you think this free programme could be helpful to you in learning more about effective positive parenting and how you can better support your tamariki (children) for the future. Topics include – praising & rewarding tamariki, communicating positively, setting effective limits, dealing with disobedience, helping your child to problem-solve. Family Works Hillier Centre Bayfair
I can Sneeze cough laugh and pee all at the same time. I think they call that Multi-tasking?
Three Brand New Library Books This Month: Sea of Darkness – Brian Hicks. Unique account of the world’s first attack submarine and the mystery surrounding the finding of the wreck that changed naval warfare. Clive Cussler fans are frothing to get this one.
Motherless Child – Paul Scott. Warts and all biography of world class guitarist Eric Clapton, from difficult family connections in infancy, via absent fathers, to loss of a child. Also to finally settling down upon the eve of his 70s.
Epilogue – Will Boast Tragedies and secrets abound in Will Boast’s memoir. The searing loss is dealt with as Boast reconciles his childhoods in England, Ireland and Wisconsin, and turns his jigsaw of life into a work of magnetic storytelling. Paul Cuming Tauranga City Libraries Tauranga City Council | 07 577 7221 |
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 07 5755 181 ... Email: (Page 6) Members, Members’ Guests & Affiliated Members & New Members Welcome
M M R S A (I )
►Restaurant Lunches: Monday to Fridays 12.00pm - 1.30pm Dinners: Monday to Thursdays 6.00pm - 8.00pm Fridays & Saturdays 6.00pm- 8.30pm Sunday Carvery 5.30pm – 7.30pm Full A-La-carte menu including Carvery on Friday & Saturday Evenings.
â–şCourtesy Bus (phone direct 0274-776-178) Wednesday, Friday & Saturdays 3.00pm till late Phone / Fax (07) 575 4477,
544 Maunganui Road, Mount Maunganui
Friday 03 Shy & Retiring Saturday 04 Bruce & Chipper Sunday 05 Back Porch (4.30pm -7.30pm 10 Marilyn Kingi & Friends Saturday 11 The wild Clovers (Irish Band) Sunday 12 Andy Bowman (4.30pm-7.30pm) Friday
Friday 17 Coopers Run Saturday 18 Gerry Lee Sunday 19 Helen Riley (4.30pm-7.30pm) Friday 24 Che Orton Saturday 25 Ray Solomon Sunday
26 Tim Armstrong 4.30pm -7.30pm)
31 Lip Service
My supervisor used to say that ‘families are the factories that people are made in’ and she was right. Our kids are more than our DNA, often as they grow they repeat a cycle of traits that we have, they live under the same belief system‌‌and that belief system might be useful or not. If one of the parents is someone who is never wrong, the children may pick up that trait or belief, if this is indeed a belief for your partner, I wish you good luck as you navigate the adolescent years! As a parent who might be aware of these traits and beliefs within ourselves sometimes it’s hard watching our little cherubs travel down a similar path that we were on many years ago. As the big people it is also difficult to watch our future product from the factory ignore us because they know better, or laugh our concerns off as ‘old fashioned’. We can only warn, suggest, or try hard to steer the cherub away for what we can see as coming, and sometimes we can’t budge them from their pathway or belief. For us adults sometimes life can overwhelm us and sometimes, like our kids, we just loose the plot. And even during our plot loosing episode our kids are watching us, and watching how we deal with the aftermath, or simply how we put things right. We need to be able to pull ourselves together and maybe even be able to turn that period into a teaching moment! Or just find a place to hide! So once everyone is calm and more settled, the adults may need to make some apologies‌‌and while it can be painful for us, make sure the little cherub is present. Sometimes you may need to apologise to them for your behaviour. So make sure YOU apologise the way YOU want them to say sorry when it’s their turn. Remember that until we prove otherwise, our kids can see us as a form of superhero and while sometimes we can ‘push the envelope’ as people say, sometimes we can get cut by the paper and need to clean the mess up‌..and I’m talking figuratively here! So remember that it is YOUR factory that is turning out the next link in the chain that bears YOUR name. If you mess up, fess up and fix it! Have a good month, stay warm. Donald Welsh, Parenting Coach, Tauranga Ten great reasons to go to work naked 10. No-one ever steals your chair.9. Gives "bad hair day" a whole new meaning. 8. Diverts attention from the fact that you also came to work drunk. 7. People stop stealing your pens after they've seen where you keep them. 6. You want to see if it's like the dream. 5. To stop those creepy programmer guys from looking down your blouse. 4. "I'd love to chip in... but I left my wallet in my pants." 3. It's an inventive way to finally meet that 'special' person in Human Resources. 2. You can take advantage of your computer monitor radiation to work on your tan. And ... drum roll ... the Number One reason to go to work naked : 1. Your boss will never say, VIOLENCE & ABUSE "I wanna see your ass in here by 8:00!" ever again. ‌‌‌..(did you get a smile?)
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: (Page 7)
BARRY MUIR’S FURNITURE GALLERY Greetings….. Barry Muir here and once again it is great being able to address you through CC’s Newsletter…. I often begin this newsletter page by announcing that there is ONLY ONE BARRY MUIR’S FURNITURE GALLERY. And in my previous message I mentioned how lucky I have been over the years to have developed great people around me to ensure we stay at the top and how important the team at Barry Muir’s Furniture Gallery are. It is with great sadness that I announce the loss of Alec Potter who passed away on 9th June. Alec is going to be missed by all of us at the store and particularly by many of you that have come to know him over the years. Alec and I have been associated for many years. He and his wife June both worked with me at Greerton Furniture for more than 20 years. And for the past 15 years Alec has been a truly loyal team member at Barry Muir’s Furniture Gallery. Nothing was ever too much trouble for Alec. He would always go the extra mile to ensure his customers received the best attention. Not only is there only One Barry Muir…. There is a great team supporting me… and without you our loyal customers there would be none of us….. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all of you to visit our store at your next opportunity… even if you do not require new furnishings it is always nice to browse the ever changing range and designs that adorn our showroom…
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: (Page 8)
Please make contact with me if you wish to advertise in August September October News Letters are print deadlines so all information is required by the 18th of each month
Email: Profiling Waipuna Hospice Services: Equipment Loan The availability of specialised equipment enables many of our patients to remain comfortably – and safely – at home. Electric Lazy-Boys, hospital beds, wheelchairs, walking frames, shower stools and hoists are just some of the items provided to patients from our pool of loan equipment. Patients’ mobility and independence are supported as much as possible, and it also helps caregivers to make their loved one’s life more comfortable. Hospice at Home nurses assess patients’ changing needs and request the supply of items that improve and enhance safety at home. Our equipment officer delivers and assembles beds and chairs and we have a small team dedicated to the fastidious cleaning and maintenance of all equipment. A small delivery fee is charged for some of the larger items and while specialised equipment represents a substantial cost, it is provided free of charge to our patients. You can support Waipuna Hospice in numerous ways: become a volunteer, attend our fundraising events, donate to or purchase from our hospice shops. Keep up-to-date on or visit
Discount Voucher $10.00 Off The Normal Retail Price One Voucher Per Purchase The art of Jin Shin Jyutsu®
How to choose a computer support/repair company There are several computer companies around town so I thought I’d quickly go over 3 main ways to help you decide which one is best for you. Experience : The ability of staff to get the job done quickly and efficiently is critical. Especially if you are paying by the hour. And while this is generally measured in years, it is also common for a relatively inexperienced technician to be supervised by an experienced person thus speeding up the work. Ethics : When entrusting your computer with a technician, with all your personal information, photos and other data, you need to be confident that they will not touch any of your personal files. The only exception to this is when the technician has been asked to transfer all data from one computer to another, or to perform a full backup. There really is no other reason to look at customer files unless the customer is demonstrating the problem. Cost : There is a saying that “you get what you pay for”. However, in the computer world, it’s probably best not to pay more than the replacement cost of the computer. So, ask for a quote for the job, and what a replacement computer would cost. Some shops offer a fixed price for particular jobs; others offer a maximum price, shop around for what suits you. You may have noticed that I haven’t mentioned any computer company as examples of the above, or even my own computer company. Primarily, how you choose a computer company is up to you. However, you are always welcome to give me a call (see my ad for contact details). -David (Kings Computers) ABUSE IS NOT OK IT IS OK TO ASK FOR HELP DON’T WAIT TILL IT’s TOO LATE EMERGENCY 111 IF YOU SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING
Jin Shin Jyutsu® means ‘The art of the Creator through compassionate Man’. It is a gentle application of hands (over clothing) to re-establish balance and harmony. It can strengthen vitality and enhance relaxation and can ease breathing and relieve pain, discomfort and stress. Jin Shin Jyutsu® employs 26 Safety Energy Locks (SELs) along the energy pathways (meridians) at each side of the body. Holding these SELs in certain combinations assists in the unblocking of stagnation to allow energy (circulation) to flow evenly again, which can restore good functioning and balance to the body. ………………………………………………………………… .
Jin Shin Jyutsu® harmonizes and does not have any negative side effects. It is suitable for anybody, no matter what their condition is, and can be perfectly combined with other medical treatments. A Jin Shin Jyutsu® session generally lasts about an hour and it does not involve massage, manipulation of muscles or use of drugs or substances. Jin Shin Jyutsu® is great and easy for self-help. The philosophy behind Jin Shin Jyutsu® is that disharmony is caused by attitudes. You can simply hold your thumb with your other hand to harmonize worry, your index finger for fear, your middle finger for anger, your ring finger for grief and you can hold your little finger to harmonize the attitude of pretence/trying too hard. There are 144000 functions in the body; 14400 functions in each finger. If you are not using your hands, why not hold a finger? ”My destiny is in my own hands.” – Mary Burmeister
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: (Page 9)
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: (Page 10) MONTHS OF THE YEAR
Public Holidays 2015
New Years Day: 1st Thursday January January 31 Days Day after NY Day: Friday 2nd January February 28 Days March 31 Days Waitangi Day: Friday 6th February April 30 Days Good Friday: Friday 3rd April May 31 Days Easter Monday: Monday 6th April June 30 Days Anzac Day: Monday 27th April July 31 Days Queens Birthday: Monday 01st June August 31 Days Labour Day: Monday 26th October Christmas Day: Friday 25th December September 30 Days Boxing Day: Monday 28th December October 31 Days November 30 Days Valentines Day: 14th February December 31 Days Mothers Day: 10th May February 29 Leap Year Fathers Day: 6th September Every Four Years Christmas Eve 24th December New Years Eve 31st December Summer December - February The year 2015 is a common year, with 365 days in total
Autumn March - May Winter June - August Spring September - November
2015 School Term Dates Primary, Intermediate & Secondary 1st Term 02nd February....02nd April 2015 2nd Term 20th April ............03rd July 2015 3rd Term 20th July …......... 25th September 2015 4th Term 12th October …..18th December 2015 Secondary & Composite (4th Term 12th October-15th Daylight Saving Ends 05th April 2015 … Daylight Saving Starts 27th September 2015 Daylight Saving Ends 03rd April 2016 … Daylight Saving Starts 25th September 2016
PHONETIC ALPHABET Alpha, Br avo, Char lie, Delta, Echo, Foxtr ot, Golf, Hotel India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November , Oscar , Pappa Quebec, Romeo, Sier r a, Tango, Unifor m, Victor Whisky, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu
Miss Jojo {6 ft tall, fluffy adorable bear} For those special occasions.. Why not invite Miss Jo Jo to add joy and fun to your events and parties... ? She will gladly interact with your guests and spectators.. She loves children.. and will visit Pre-school events.. Senior School Balls and Community based events Miss Jojo will participate in product launches and promotions.. Shopping Malls and Retail Stores.. She brings cheer to hospital visiting.. She can brighten up the days for those in Rest Homes...
Phone 021 501 200 Discuss your event with Miss Jojo’s Manager.
JULY HOROSCOPES Aries You have a burning desire for intimacy so you feel strong bonds within your relationships especially at the beginning of the month. You are successful in business but you may have to choose one path and stick to it otherwise you could lose out if you go for everything. Taurus Cool calm collected and in love. Fantasies come true. Wow! You receive new proposals at work or in business. Think about it, weigh it up. You won’t lose out either way. Lucky you. Gemini Positive, creative and dynamic. Watch out for Venus though, you could be tripped up again! When you focus on love, problems multiply so pay attention to your work instead. You are being given a chance for happiness in a project. .Cancer You are unstoppable and totally positive. You have the resources and energy to take charge of your own direction and dreams. Give it a go! Leo It is a complicated month for you. The pressure is on from relatives and the small problems have become big problems. At work though, your new project will become workable mid-July. Focus on detail so you can have the situation under control. Virgo Just say “Yes” at home and give in to the pressure. In the first two weeks, it would be best to concentrate on work and give it your best. Your energy and zest for life will return after that so you will be able to shine again in the details. Libra You are positively loved by everyone. An excellent time mid-July to think long term and organize a more stable environment for yourself that may require the signing of a contract or two. Good one! Scorpio You have success in finance so you can trust the money flow. Focus on building reliability in your relationships especially if you are being rushed to make decisions which give undue pressure. The problem is their problem so don’t make it yours. Sagittarius Relax! Your love charms are working well. Listen and stay informed. At work you are left holding the fort. When you delegate responsibility, make sure you have control of the process or else it could all go to custard. Capricorn Prepare for an event mid-July. You are being protected so if there are any complications it is probably just a misunderstanding. Manage opponents early in the month so you can continue to do what is right for you and aim for that. Stick to your guns Aquarius Your relationships are humming along. You may need to go out of your way for a friend in need. Respect management but don’t overload your mind with detail. Use your intuition and predictive powers to prepare yourself for an interesting future. Pisces A great month to start a new business or job. Ignore the objections but pay attention to the technical side because this is important. Your love life should be planned too, be clear about your directions so no one is confused. Being diplomatic and stable is a plus. Three important words in life Without this there is nothing
“Contact Matakite Kei 021 400 754 for more information about this amazing book.”
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: (Page 11) Making The Right Choice Too many of our young children/teens out there are confused some feeling worthless and don’t know what they want to do with themselves. For those that don’t have the support to help find the path they should be taking seem to end up wasting their life and turn to the life of drinking, drugs, bad behaviour, and crime. And yet many of these young teens have talents that they don’t even know they have. They continually keep putting themselves down and take on the, “I don’t care attitude” I have heard some singing and only had the wish that I had their vocals, some have great art skills which are amazing. It’s sad that so many underestimate their abilities/talents and lose the possibilities that are actually out there for them. If only you can get into the brains of these youngsters many of them would be a great asset within the community. The question: What do you want to do with yourself or what sort of work field do you want is a Biggy for anyone to answer let alone a teenager. Stop! Ask yourself right now what would you like to do, what’s your dream job? … Well can you answer this? Do you know what you would really want to do? Very few of us know the answer. Most of us just have a job that helps pay the bills… But do you really love the job? Is it the dream job? … So there’s nothing you would rather be doing than the job you have now? There maybe a few that are happy but come on we all know there are many not satisfied with their job. Making decisions on what courses to take for jobs when they don’t know what they want is stressful for any teen entering into the work field. It is overwhelming, leading many to the “too hard basket”. The costs of study these days means you have to get it right due to the mortgages a student carry’s after studying. Then the big worry after all the study is there a job for them? Being a student myself is an eye opener. Students work so hard and are under so much stress with study and exams one after the other. They can’t afford to fail and have to repay the course. Some have children and others have to work due to financial commitments. How much help they get from Studylink depends on circumstances … if you are married there is no help even if you have to give up working. After your study you end up with the mortgage 20-30,000+ of courses and Studylink fees to repay. Let’s face it, it is not possible for every teen to study. We are all aware that we live in the $10 city where the wages paid are the minimum rate or just above if you are lucky. Take it or leave it. Family’s need both parent’s out working to survive leaving no one home to support the children after school. Is this where things are starting to go wrong? Parents having to work long hours week days and weekends then expected to be there raising children, keeping house and dealing with the financial matters become stressed and tired. Are parents there enough for their children to help guide and support them? Children left to sort themselves out after school until mum and dad get home. I hear many people putting the parents down blaming the parents for the social problems that are going on with young children and teenagers. .. This I find annoying as most parents are good hard working people trying to do the best they can with the society we live in …yes we have some parents that need a bomb under them. The society we live in is to blame the technology is depended on by all human beings computers, phones, play stations, TV. Life is full of crime due to no respect, drugs, alcohol. The law is not tough enough when it comes to the crimes that are committed. Our lives run with systems that are not set up and working properly. All in the one basket for all does not work … people are individual and require different levels of support/help and financial assistance. The country is in debt and people are encouraged to keep spending, want and need living out of their means in debt causing stress, health issues due to human greed which is the evil of all. It is important to help children choose their path carefully and teach them the importance of saving and getting rid of study loans.
You Can Say No … And Mean It! In today’s society, there is some confusion about what we’re entitled to or what we deserve. Concern about what we are teaching our children for the future. Are we teaching them how to be grateful and work hard for what they want or are we making life too easy for them? Our children observe our demands and the things we think we are entitled to. They hear our tone of voice when talking and making those demands. They hear the manor of how we speak to others in authority. They hear the news of all the problems and dramas of the world and the crime of people not caring or showing respect to others just to get what they want. Should children really hear or see this? The example society is setting for our future is that they are entitled to get everything they want. In a healthy world no one is entitled to get everything they want? I often hear children complaining to their parents. “That’s not fair!” “I want this!” “You promised!” Don’t feel guilty for being the parent that says no. As parents, we owe them our unconditional love, respect, and endless forgiveness. They deserve a place to call home, clothing, food to keep them healthy, and an education that will help them later in life. We do not need to feel guilty saying, “NO” to our children! Just because your child shows good behaviour it does not entitle them to treats and rewards. It is expected that children behave at home, in public or when out shopping. Many times I see parents pleading and compromising and giving into bad behaviour from their children because it is easier than taking a stand and teaching them right from wrong. WHY? You are teaching them to misbehave and disrespect you and others to get what they want. This only makes them an undesirable child to others. There is nothing worse trying to do your shopping with preforming spoilt children protesting and misbehaving because they want sweets/toys/phones or maybe they want to go out. Children need to be taught respect in life they need to work and earn the money for their wants so they understand the expense of their desires. If they are bought up on handouts they will never respect or look after their belongings as they have never had to work for it. There will be no value attached to their property they own. It’s up to the parents to stand firm and correct this behaviour making their child learn they cannot have everything they want.
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: (Page 12)
Zorb Rotorua was the adventure for June. My friend Teresa joined me to take on the three tracks, the day was a bit cool so the spa at Zorb was a plus. We did the 1st track where two could dive into the Zorb ball and slide down the hill. The second track was only one person in the Zorb ball as injury could be possible smashing into each other. As you rolled down the hill the S bends threw you around uncontrollably in the ball. The third track was through the trees with corners and banks. So after a run and dive through the hole into the Zorb ball each of us was ready for the thrill. It seemed quite smooth until ...yep the bump! And off you went. Holy smoke smooth no way, it seemed a long trip gasping for breath as there is water in the ball. Finally at the bottom and enough was enough Lol … we completed the three tracks enough fun for the day. We survived with no injury ...however a wee tip bend your legs it’s better on the knees when the ball hits the banks. Keep your trap shut don’t drink the water in the Zorb as it is not the cleanest... Event and party organizers.. Make your function the most talked about.. Add to the fun.... Spruce up the occasion.. Add some of our unique party props Hang out with Elton. Dine with Elvis... Pose with Marilyn... Props for many themes...Sport...World Leaders...Showbiz...Celebrities...Gunmen, . Easy to hire.. easy to arrange. The props stand between 6-8ft and look absolutely fabulous. They are hand painted wood . Great for shop window displays. They look awesome. We also have hollow barrels to set a backdrop for photos To view and for more information contact Cindy. Phone: 021 501 200
“Good Grief” Time…… how long does grief take? There are plenty of expectations about this, most of which aren’t particularly helpful to those grieving. Let's check out some of the common ‘myths’ about this. Myth: A grieving person should be over their grief after two weeks. Reality: There is no definite timeline for grief; it may take weeks, months, years or a lifetime to process a loss. How long depends on the person, the situation and the type of loss. Myth: The grieving person should definitely be "over it" within two months. Reality: There is no definite timeline for grief. Myth: Grief declines over time in a steadily decreasing fashion. Reality: Grief is more like a roller coaster ride with up times and down times. Myth: Once over a loss, the grief is never experienced again. Reality: A place, a smell, a song, or a special date may trigger the old memories. Grief may be experienced again. Myth: Grief ends after the funeral. Reality: Many people believe that life should return to normal after the funeral service. However, this may be the start of the .grieving .process as the shock and numbness give way to the reality of the loss. Myth: Grief eventually ends. Reality: In time most people learn to live with the loss. (Taken from ) Grief Support Services is a local agency offering free counselling to individuals and families affected by loss and grief. We also run an After Suicide Support Group. For information or to make an appointment you can phone us on 578 4480. “Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.” ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200... Email: (Page 13) Minimum Weight
Maximum Weight
4ft 10in
6st 0lbs
8st 3lbs
4ft 11in
6st 3lbs
8st 8lbs
5ft 0in
6st 7lbs
8st 13lbs
5ft 1in
6st 10lbs
9st 3lbs
5ft 2in
6st 13lbs
9st 8lbs
5ft 3in
7st 2lbs
9st 13lbs
5ft 4in
7st 6lbs
10st 4lbs
5ft 5in
7st 9lbs
10st 8lbs
5ft 6in
7st 12lbs
10st 13lbs
5ft 7in
8st 2lbs
11st 4lbs
5ft 8in
8st 5lbs
11st 9lbs
5ft 9in
8st 8lbs
11st 13lbs
5ft 10in
8st 12lbs
12st 4lbs
5ft 11in
9st 1lbs
12st 9lbs
6ft 0in
9st 4lbs
13st 0lbs
6ft 1in
9st 7lbs
13st 4lbs
6ft 2in
9st 11lbs
13st 9lbs
6ft 3in
10st 0lbs
14st 0lbs
Answers Page 15
0100 = 01am 0200 = 02am 0300 = 03am 0400 = 04am 0500 = 05am 0600 = 06am 0700 = 07am 0800 = 08am 0900 = 09am 1000 = 10am 1100 = 11am 1200 = 12 o clock (Mid Day) 1300 = 01pm 1400 = 02pm Eg: 1415 = 2.15pm 1500 = 03pm 1530 = 3.30pm 1600 = 04pm 1645 = 4.45pm 1800 = 06pm 1700 = 05pm 1900 = 07pm 2000 = 08pm 2100 = 09pm 2200 = 10pm 2300 = 11pm 2400 = 12 o clock (Midnight)
Put them in all the rooms in your home. Signs of the Zodiac
Aries March 21st-April 20th Ram Taurus April 21st-May 21st Bull Gemini May 22nd– June 21st Twins Cancer June 22nd-July 23rd Crab Leo July 24th-August 23rd Lion Virgo August 24th-September 23rd Virgin Libra September 24th-October 23rd Balance Scorpio October 24th-November 22nd Scorpion Sagittarius November 23rd-December 22nd Archer Capricorn December 23rd-January 20th Goat Aquarius January 21st-February 19th Water Bearer Pisces February 20th-March 20th Fish
60 Seconds = 1 Minute 365 Days = 1 Year 60 Minutes = 1 Hour 366 Days = 1 Leap Year 24 Hours = 1 Day 2 years = Biennial 7 Days = 1 Week 4 Years = Olympiad 14 Days = 1 Fortnight 10 Years = Decade 52 Weeks = 1 Year 100 Years = Century 12 Months = 1 Year 200 Years = Bicentennial 1,000 Years = Millennium
P.E.T (PATIENTS EMERGENCY TOILETRIES) CHARITABLE TRUST INC provides PERSONAL CARE PACKS of Toiletries to Tauranga Hospital Patients admitted under Emergency situations.
~ Aprox 4800 bags have now been given FREE to patients during the past 4 years this trust has been operating. If a child gets admitted a Mum, Dad or carer can also have access to a pack. Items 'lurking' in your bathroom cabinet that you have collected from holidays or airlines? or maybe you are a local hospitality provider that has surplus items you would like to donate to this Charity? *Motel sized: *Shampoo/Conditioner *Combs *Toothbrushes/toothpaste *Bodywash *Razors *Pens
Business, dress or casual shirts from $19.95 New stock in store
Frank Casey Suits 89 Grey Street, Tauranga Phone: 5782888
Collection points are: ►TODD GOWER (principal sponsor of the trust) ►EVES REALITY (all offices) ►BAYFAIR CHIROPRACTIC (648 Maunganui Rd)
►CC’s BAY OF PLENTY COMMUNITY NEWS LETTER (610 Maunganui Rd, Mt Chris Bishell (Principal Trustee) Ph: 575 9066 or 0274300988
Facebook/ frankcaseytauranga Heat Powered Woodburner / Stove Fans - NO RUNNING COSTS PremiAir Fan
2-Blade Fan
Stove Thermometer $20.00 Or
To place an order: Tel: 021 103 7116 or Email:
$10.00 Combo deal with fan
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200... Email: (Page 14)
Market Dates Mount Maunganui Farmer's Market Every Sunday from 9am-1pm Phoenix car park, Mount Maunganui Greerton Markets Last Saturday of each month 9am-2pm, Tauranga Katikati Plant and Produce Market Every Friday 4pm -6pm A & P Showground's, SH2, Katikati Moggies Market 2nd Saturday of each month Katikati Memorial Hall Maketu Flea Market 3rd and 5th Sunday of each month Maketu Village Green Omokoroa Lions Market 2nd Sunday of each month 9am-noon Western Avenue, Omokoroa Papamoa Lions Market. 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month , Simpson Reserve, Dickson Rd. Papamoa. Red Square Market 2nd Friday of each month Downtown Tauranga Tauranga South Community Patrols Car Boot sale, Greerton Village School 8am.3rd Saturday of the month Tauranga Farmers’ Market Each Saturday from 8am-12pm Tauranga Primary School, 5th Avenue The Cargo Shed Saturdays and Sundays, Some public holidays, 5 Dive Crescent, Tauranga Car Boot Sale Evans Road Community Church 3rd Saturday of each month. Lions Bethlehem Market (B Town Centre) 1st/3rd Sunday each month 8am-12noon Historic Village Market, Every 2nd Saturday of the month 9 am to 1pm 17 Avenue Tauranga. Cambridge Farmers Market … Victoria Park, Cambridge ... Every Saturday 8am-12 noon Te Awamutu Twilight Far mer s Mar ket … Selwyn Park ... Every Thursday 3.30pm-6.30pm Frankton Market, Commer ce Str eet, Fr ankton ...Ever y Satur day 8am-1pm Hamilton Farmers Market, 204 River Road, Hamilton … Every Sunday 8am-12noon Tamahere Country Market … St Stephens Church, Tamahere Hamilton … Every 3rd Saturday Raglan Creative Market Old School Ar ts Centr e … Stewart Street Raglan … 2nd Sunday each month 10am-2pm Waihi Beach Fresh Produce Market Community Centr e, Waihi Beach … 2nd and 4th Sunday each month, 9am-11am Taupo Riverside Market River side Par k Reser ve, Redoubt Str eet, Taupo … Every Saturday 10am-1pm Rotorua Night Market Tutanekai Str eet, Rotor ua … Every Thursday 5pm-9pm Thames Market Pollen Str eet, Thames … Every Saturday 8am-12noon The Little Big Markets, The Mount Spor ts Centr e - cnr Matai Street & Maunganui Road, 9am-2pm, 1st Saturday each month The Little Vintage Markets, The Mt Citizens Club -345 Maunganui Rd, Mt Maunganui 9am-2pm, 2nd Saturday each month Peace Park Boon Street Whakatane 2nd & 4th Thur sday till Apr il Matata Reserve Main Road Matata 3r d Wednesday of ever y month. Site booking essential Whakatane Sunday Market Ever y Sunday. War Memorial Hall carpark 8am 1pm. Carol 027 3844 026.
COMPUTER CONUNDRUM? I come to you. Affordably Priced Hardware/Software Problems Solved
If I can’t fix, house call is free. Call Dirk : 07 5432521 Mobile: 0221 231 591 Email: Website:
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200... Email: (Page 15) We made a decision... All of us now in A.A. had to make one crucial decision. We had to admit that we were powerless over alcohol. For some of us, this was the toughest proposition we had faced. We did not like the word "alcoholic." We associated it with the down-and-out derelict. Unfortunately, this is a common misunderstanding. Within our membership may be found men and women of all ages and many different social, economic, and cultural backgrounds. Some of us drank for many years before coming to the realization we could not handle alcohol. Others were fortunate enough to appreciate, early in life, that alcohol had become, or was becoming, unmanageable. As alcoholics, we have learned the hard way that willpower alone, however strong, was not enough to keep us sober. We have gone through stages of dark despair. We can smile at those recollections now, but at the time they were grim, unpleasant experiences. We can now enjoy a sense of release, a feeling of freedom from even the desire to drink. Since we cannot expect to drink normally at any stage in the future, we concentrate on living a full life without alcohol today. Quite naturally, the prospect of a life without alcohol seemed a dreary one. We feared that our new friends in A.A. would be dull and boring. We discovered that they were, instead, human beings like ourselves, but with the special virtue of understanding our problem sympathetically, without sitting in judgement. Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. For more information please call 0800 229 6757 or visit You are welcome to attend an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous at 11 Victoria Road Mount Maunganui St Peters Hall every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm. There are other meetings every day of the week in Tauranga you can get the details from the AA web site or by ringing 0800 229 6757.
Emergency 111 … Request Police, Fire, Ambulance, Rescue Keep Calm, Speak clearly, Stay on the line, Know the address Dogs and safety Little, medium and big dogs can look ever so cute, adorable however this does not mean that you ... a stranger to the dog can just walk up hug, kiss and pat it. In lots of ways dogs are similar to children some are quite, shy, scared, and then you get the ones that don’t mind a stranger. All dogs belong to their owners not a stranger. You wouldn't like a stranger to just appear and start playing, hugging or kissing your child, well it is the same for dog owners. Many people don’t think!. It is only polite to ask before you touch a dog you don’t know. Maybe the dog is not a peoples dog or maybe it’s in training or maybe the dog is not well. If you see a dog you like the look of make sure you ask if you can pat the dog listen to the owner, don’t let your children hug and climb around the dog. Teach your children the right way to meet and greet a dog. Children cry if they are not happy and don’t want to be around you … A dog cant cry they may show their fear by nipping you if you insist on getting in their space. Please show respect to the dog owner and their pooch. When you do greet the dog don’t grab at it or try to hug it. The correct way to greet a dog is to slowly put your hand out facing down and let the dog sniff it. Your tone of voice will also determine if the dog is happy to be around you. If the dog is happy it is then ok to slowly pat it on the side of its face by the ears. If you have your hand above the dog it might make the dog think you are going to hit it. Do not put your face around dogs you don’t know. Fire: Well we have had heaps of advice in this news letter about keeping yourself and your family safe, and how to see that your home is safe….NOW … THE QUESTION IS … HAVE YOU TAKEN ANY NOTICE??? Have you checked your smoke alarms? Or have you ignored all the advice and ads on TV… think how you would feel if one of your kids got severely burnt or killed due to the lack of checking your smoke alarms or putting smoke alarms in your home. DON’T PUT THIS ON THE GUNA DO LIST!!! Do it now!!! KEEP WARM >>> BUT DO NOT leave heaters unattended and always unplug heaters when not in use. KEEP flammable materials away from the heater. DO NOT plug any other electrical device into the same outlet as your heater. This could result in overheating. KEEP heaters away from children and don't place in a child’s room without supervision. WATCH children wearing nightgowns or other loose clothing that can be easily ignited DO NOT use a heater with a damaged cord Inspect the heaters and cords from time to time. DO NOT use in damp or wet areas. Avoid using electric space heaters in bathrooms DO NOT block heater’s air intake or exhaust exit. KEEP combustible materials, such as furniture, pillows, bedding, papers, clothes and curtains at least three feet from the heater PLUG the heater directly into an outlet. Attaching an extension cord to the unit increases the chance of overheating, fires. DO NOT use your heater with extension cords. Overheating of extension cord could result in a fire. DO NOT touch the heater if you are wet or have wet hands, as this increases the risk of electrical shock. SWITCH OFF and unplug the heater when leaving it unattended. . Do this when you go to Bed. Fireplace Tips DO NOT use flammable liquids to start or accelerate any fire. DON’T use excessive amounts of paper to build roaring fires in fireplaces. It is possible to ignite creosote in the chimney. NEVER burn charcoal indoors. Burning charcoal can give off lethal amounts of carbon monoxide. KEEP flammable materials away from your fireplace. A spark from the fireplace could easily ignite these materials. BEFORE you go to sleep, be sure your fireplace fire is out. NEVER close your damper with hot ashes in the fireplace. A closed damper will help the fire to heat up again and will force toxic carbon monoxide into the house. USE SAFETY guard screens to prevent children getting to close NEVER discard hot ashes inside or near the home. Place them in a metal container outside and well away from the house.
If you have a fire and you’re not sure what to do get out and stay out!
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200... Email: (Page 16)