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Emergency Help and Support, Numbers
Toughlove 0800 868 445 Family Works 07 575 9709 Alcohol Drug Mainline 0800 787 797 Alcohol Drug Maori Line 0800 787 798 Alcohol Drug Pacifica Line 0800 787 799 Nemms Needle Exchange Mt Maunganui 07 575 5922 Citizen Advice Bureau 0800 367 222 Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 229 67 57 AIDS Hotline 0800 802 437 Youth line Phone Counselling 0800 376 633 Kids line (Kids up to 14yrs) 0800 543 75 What’s Up (Age 5-18) 0800 942 878 Parent Help 0800 568 856 Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. 021 2255108 Cot Death (sudden infant death support) 0800 16 44 55 NetSafe 0508 638 723 Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 Grief Support Services 07 578 4480 Lifeline New Zealand 24hr 0800 543 354 Narcotics Anonymous 0800 628 632 Gambling Crisis Helpline 0800 654 655 Quitlin 0800 778 778 Pregnancy Counselling Service 0800 773 462 Relationship Services 0800 735 283 Family Violence Information Line 0800 456 450 Gender Bridge Inc (transgender support) 0800 844 357 Union of fathers (separation and support) 0508 22 5532 Shine Domestic Violence helpline 0508 744 633 Life Link/ Samaritans Inc 0800 726 666 Victim Support 0800 842 846 Women’s Refuge 0800 86 733 84 Tga 07 541 1911 Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 Telefriend Sight Loss Peer Support 0800 100 051 Shakti Ethnic Women’s Support 0800 742 584 Tauranga Living Without Violence 0800 577 003 Prisoner Aid/Rehabilitation offender/family Turangi 07 386 8246 Open Home (Child, Family Support Foster Care) Tga 07 579 2840 Tauranga Moana Victim Support 0800 842 846 Te Whare Orange Wairu Maori Women’s Refuge 0800 733 843 Sexual Abuse Centre (Rotorua) Inc 07 348 1555 Family Planning Tga 07 578 8539 Healthline 0800 611 116 La Leche (Breastfeeding Support) Tga 07 544 9817 Diabetes Helpline Tga 07 571 3422 Cancer Society Tga 07 571 2035 Café Youth Health 07 378 3895 Asthma Respiratory Management 07 577 6738 Plunketline 0800 933 922 Stroke Foundation 0800 787 653 National Cervical Screening Programme 0800 729 729 Prostate problem support line 0800 477 678 Breast Screen Aoteara Free: Age 45-69 0800 270 200 Western Bay of Plenty Ostomy Society Inc, help line 07-5737443 BOPSASS
(Bay of Plenty Sexual Assault Support Service)
Mobile Phone Report Traffic Incidents Fire, Police, Ambulance
0800 227233
555 111
Accident & Healthcare (Tga) 07 577 0010 Hospital (Tauranga) 07 579 8000 Tauranga Police Station: Monmouth Street Tauranga Mount Maunganui Police Station: Salisbury Avenue Papamoa Police Station: 530 Papamoa Beach Road
04th June 2016 New Moon
12th June 2016 First Quarter
20th June 2016
Monday 27th June 2016 Last Quarter
SEASONS Summer December - February Autumn March - May Winter June - August Spring September - November
0100 = 01am 0200 = 02am 0300 = 03am 0400 = 04am 0500 = 05am 0600 = 06am 0700 = 07am 0800 = 08am 0900 = 09am 1000 = 10am 1100 = 11am 1200 = 12 o clock (Mid Day) 1300 = 01pm 1400 = 02pm Eg: 1415 = 2.15pm 1500 = 03pm 1530 = 3.30pm 1600 = 04pm 1645 = 4.45pm 1800 = 06pm 1700 = 05pm 1900 = 07pm 2000 = 08pm 2100 = 09pm 2200 = 10pm 2300 = 11pm 2400 = 12 o clock (Midnight)
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Aries Workwise is positive for you this month, this could be a time to see rewards for your input. Your positive take on life will keep you pushing forward but don’t over do it. Take some time out for you. Taurus You seem to have a positive focus on change. This is time to take advantage of change, Keep pushing on towards your goals. Time to enjoy life, maybe some travel in sight. Gemini This is a month of reorganisation. Stop look and listen don’t rush into things, or you could miss opportunitys . Get your thinking cap on it’s the right time to pursue your dreams. Cancer A personal issue may be causing you some concern and effecting your performance. Take time out to put things in order. A break wouldn't do you any harm, time to think things through and put matters to rest. Leo You may be thinking of change in your life. Consider opportunities that would brighten your lifestyle. If you don’t make changes you will never know what adventures are awaiting you. Virgo Don’t be put off with obstacles that come into your path. Keep moving forward and before you know it you will have achieved your goal. A friend may offer you some advice that could be well worth listening to. Libra Not all people are on your side at the moment. Sometimes it’s better to say nothing and slip into the background for a while until things blow over. This will pass and you will soon be back on track with people. Scorpio No use arguing with family members. Sometimes it’s best to let them go and learn the hard way. Some people just don’t like advice. You just might have to help pick up the pieces when things don’t go the way they think they should. Sagittarius There are people around you that want to offer their help. You may not want their advice but it could be a time that you should pull back and hear what they have to say. You might not like their advice but it just might be what you need to bring change into your world. Capricorn Sometimes it’s not money you need to get ahead. Change ! Change can be good for the soul. Stepping out of the box and taking on a new opportunity can be the answer. Remember change is good, take the plunge and see what develops. Aquarius Life seems to be rolling along steady at the moment. Finances are comfortable. You may want to have a bit of time out with friends and treat yourself with something you have always wanted or maybe travel. A little indulging won’t hurt. Pisces
Time to take some time out from work. Add some fun times into your life and it will give you a more positive attitude. Financially things are not too bad. But don’t go over board with your spending.
Daylight Saving Ends 03rd April 2016 … Daylight Saving Starts 25th September 2016 Daylight Saving Ends 02nd April 2017 … Daylight Saving Starts 24th September 2017
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DISCLAIMER: DISCLAIMER (Daylight Saving Times R included) Time tables are a guide only. All efforts have been taken to see that these times and tides are correct.
No responsibility will be accepted for any inaccuracies or misuse or wrong information.
Hello Everyone … Editor’s Blurb
We have now entered winter, the days shorter and the nights longer. June July and August it doesn't seem long when you say it, but somehow these three months pass by slowly, with the chilly mornings, cold/wet days where you find it hard to keep warm and then the dark murky wet evenings chilling your bones. Our seasons are forever changing where mother nature has her say bringing stormy weather, earthquakes, tornadoes and flooding … yep the Mount can’t rule out tornadoes. So one has to wonder what is in store for us this winter?.
When you think about the whole round picture of the world there is something going on somewhere bringing peoples lives down. War, tidal waves, earthquakes, flooding, fire, transport disasters or people on rage with firearms. Very scary and not a nice thought, but a reality that somewhere or somehow something will come to test your strength. It doesn't matter who you are or how rich or smart you are the chances are your turn will prevail. Like me I'm sure many think oh I wish I had a life like ….. But when you look into other peoples lives you find that they too have problems to face. Celebrities lives come with sacrifices and mainly due to too much fame and money. They are not smart enough to stay away from the addictions, sexual encounters, drugs, alcohol, and crime which leads onto stress and suicide for some. When you really look at them, are they really happy with their life? Or are they too wishing they could live like someone else? The rich become too frivolous and end up loosing everything through greed. Look at half the lotto winners, too much money for a human to handle, marriages break up and in the end broke. For me I would like to see the Lotto split up between more people giving them just enough to sort out mortgages and live a little more comfortably. $500.000 is more than enough to help a family out of trouble. Are us humans smart? Stripping and taking the goodness out of our land, building on everything and playing with the atmosphere sending rockets to the moon etc. Here’s a thought, when birds make their nests in the trees they gather bits from the ground to build the nest, they raise their chicks and then leave the nest which in time rots away leaving no harm to the tree’s… Humans cut down the trees to build houses, shopping centres and roads. … Food for thought. Enjoy life while you can.
Contact Cindy CC’s News Letter 610 Maunganui Road, Mount Maunganui 3116 Mobile: 021 501 200, Email:
New Years Day: 1st Friday January Day after NY Day: Monday 4th January ♂ male ♀ female Waitangi Day: Monday 8th February ⚦ transgender, transsexual, alchemical Good Friday: Friday 25th March symbol for iron or crocus of iron Easter Monday: Monday 28th March ⚲ neuter, eunuch Anzac Day: Monday 25th April ⚪ asexuality; genderless; betrothed. Queens Birthday: Monday 6th June (⚨ ⚩ alchemical symbol for iron) Labour Day: Monday 24th October Sex Relations Signs Christmas Day: Sunday 25th December ⚤ heterosexual Boxing Day: Monday 28th December ⚢ lesbian, female homosexuality Valentines Day: 14th February ⚣ gay, male homosexuality Mothers Day: 8th May ⚥ bisexuality Fathers Day: 4th September ⚧ transgender sexuality, hermaphrodite Christmas Eve 24th December (in entomology). New Years Eve 31st December two men holding hands two women holding hands
Second Anniversary Paper Third Anniversary Leather Fourth Anniversary Fruit & Flower Fifth Anniversary Wood Sixth Anniversary Sugar Seventh Anniversary Wool Eighth Anniversary Pottery Ninth Anniversary Willow Tenth Anniversary Tin Eleventh Anniversary Steel Twelfth Anniversary Fine linen & silk Fourteenth Anniversary Ivory Fifteenth Anniversary Crystal Twentieth Anniversary China Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Silver/Coral Fortieth Anniversary Ruby Forty-Fifth Anniversary Sapphire Fiftieth Anniversary Gold Fifty-fifth Anniversary Emerald Marriage Status Signs Sixtieth Anniversary Diamond ⚭ Married ⚮ Divorced ⚯ Separated Seventieth Anniversary Platinum
2016 School Term Dates
Primary, Intermediate Secondary
1st Term 01st February… 15th April 2016 2nd Term 02nd May …. 08th July 2016
3rd Term 25th July … 23rd September 2016 4th Term 10th October ….. 20th December 2016
Secondary & Composite 4th Term 10th October… 16th December
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Make sure you check your car over before you start your trip. See that you have good tyres on your car. Make sure your warrant, registration is up to date and 3rd party insurance. Slow down, wear a seatbelt and drive to the conditions. See that your children are strapped in safely and correctly Don't drive while impaired by drugs or alcohol. Plan your trip take a break every two hours to avoid fatigue. Give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination. Let faster traffic past dangerous risks are taken when frustrated. Make sure you have clear vision when over-taking. Obey all traffic signals/signs Don't use your mobile phone while driving.
but stop in a safe place to do this
This always amuses me when passing by, $15.00 accommodation ...
...the shed?
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Here's the opportunity to plan ahead for your "trip of a lifetime" by choosing and decorating your coffin and saving money at the same time. Make your coffin represent what was important to you in your life; family, sports, hobbies. Purchase the professionally made kit-set and then personalise it. You can paint or wallpaper it and then add pictures, stencils, linings and handles. Anything is possible! Depending on the finish and handles, coffins will cost approx. $350.00 - $400.00 Make it a project for yourself or for family and friends too, or come along to help and support others at what can be a difficult time of life. Help is also wanted to make Baby coffins for Tauranga Hospital. -
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Opening Hours Mon - Sun 10am to 8.30 Monday & Tuesday Family nights with $22 buffet selection and children under 10 dine FREE
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I have suffered with chronic pain and headaches on and off, over a period of 20+years. After having tried all the conventional methods and possibly a few less than conventional methods, swallowing pain killers and anti-inflammatories every day (sometimes several times a day) I saw an advertisement for Flinchlock Release Therapy. Since my first appointment with Brock, 5 weeks ago, I have not had one anti-inflammatory and only the occasional paracetamol. The change for me, has being phenomenal. - -
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Who we are: For most grandparents, raising grandchildren is a result of an unexpected and traumatic event that requires a significant readjustment to their lives and those of their grandchildren. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust NZ is a unique organisation that has a deep understanding of both the benefits of grandchildren being raised by their grandparents and the challenges it can present. We provide support services to grandparents who are raising their grandchildren on a full time basis. Our Vision: A community where grandparents raising grandchildren are empowered to provide a safe, secure and nurturing home for their grandchildren. Our Purpose: To provide support services to grandparents raising grandchildren to protect and promote the well being of children in their care.. Our Values: Family is everything . Knowledge is strength Children are our taoga (treasure) Regards, Karen Ormsby ,… Tauranga coordinator for GRG. … Phone: 0212255108 .
Warning signs include:
► feeling dizzy or faint ► feeling sick or sleepy ► passing out ►feeling intoxicated or confused even if you have only had a little alcohol to drink ► waking up feeling uncomfortable and disorientated, with memory blanks about the night before. What to do if you think your drink has been spiked. If you think your drink has been spiked, tell a friend, the bar or security staff, or the police. Your doctor can test for the presence of traces of certain drugs through urine or blood tests within 24 hours. If you think that you have been assaulted or raped, it’s important you tell a friend or family member, and go to a doctor or hospital. Drink spiking is illegal. It’s a serious offence to introduce a drug into the body of another person without their knowledge or consent, especially if the person is assaulted as a result. Party Safe
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As with all hazards the key message is to be prepared! · Learn about disasters and how to keep safe. · Create and practice a household emergency plan. · Assemble and maintain emergency survival items. · Prepare a get-away kit in case you have to leave in a hurry. · Sign up for emergency alerts at
PARTY SAFE It’s great to be out having fun BUT party safe!!! Don’t think it can’t happen to you. People do spike drinks … Never leave your drink unattended. Know who is buying your drink or get it yourself. Contacts: Always have emergency numbers with you. Parents, Friends, Emergency no: 111, Taxi numbers. Always let family know where you are and who you are with. Drink: Don’t drink and drive… make sure you have a sober driver or order a taxi. Don’t get in a car with someone that has been drinking. Make sure you have money in case you need a taxi. ID: Always carry your ID so in an emergency you can be identified and family can be contacted Keep your ID safe.
Give good clear Information and stay on the line Emergency Services
Babies and infants are precious. Everything babies and toddlers experience affects their brains forever. The way you treat your children counts – and it counts long term. Children are not tough. They are not too young to notice. They do not just get over it. Love care and attention will help children to become happy and stable adults. Shouting, hitting, violence, abuse and ignoring your child have a very bad effect on your baby’s and young child’s brain development. This can cause problems later at school; as teenagers; as adults. Parenting can be tough but one of the most important things you can do is provide a safe home, calm and free from violence for your children. If you get early help the risk of the children suffering long term effects will be less. To get help talk to someone you trust. A support agency that helps families. Jigsaw (child protection agency) 0800 228 737… Child, youth and family 0508 326 459 Preventing violence in the home helpline 0508 384 357 Plunket your doctor or health worker, women's refuge, citizens advice bureau, Police family violence officer or a good friend It’s never too late to change the life of a child
Mobile Phone: Make sure your mobile phone is fully charged … put your ID detail on your phone. Keep your mobile on you at all times in case you need it. Drink: Monitor your drink intake. Intoxication puts you in a vulnerable place for danger (disputes, rape, Alcatraz lockup) Don’t make an idiot of yourself that you can’t remember and regret. Carry some morals with you while out having fun. Don't scull or mix your drinks. Groups: You are far more safe by staying in groups or with a friend. Take extra care if out on your own. Spiking Drinks: Buy your own drink. Don’t leave your drink un-attended!!! Keep your drink in sight at all. times and know who is around you. Don’t share drinks - this can be a danger. It could be spiked.
43 Alach Street, Greerton, , PO Box 2087, Tauranga,
Phone 07 578 0245
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Where are we now?.....
FUN When you have one of our CC’s Magazines take a photo of it somewhere in your town, country. Email the photo to me at: Your choice if you want to be in the photo
Lets see how far this News Letter is going and where
• Your child comes home with torn, damaged, or missing pieces of clothing, books, or other belongings • Has unexplained cuts, bruises, and scratches • Has few, if any friends, with whom he or she spends time • Seems afraid of going to school, walking to and from school, riding the school bus, or taking part in organized activities with peers • Finds or makes up excuses as to why they can’t go to school • Takes a long out of the way route when walking to or from school • Has lost interest in school work or suddenly begins to do poorly in school • Appears sad, moody, teary, or depressed when he or she comes home • Complains frequently of headaches, stomachaches or other physical ailments • Has trouble sleeping or has frequent bad dreams • Experiences a loss of appetite • Appears anxious and suffers from low self-esteem Note: Children with disabilities may be at a higher risk of being bullied than other children. What to do if you suspect your child is a victim of bullying The above signs are signs of bullying but are also signs of other abuse as well. If your child displays any of these signs talk with them and talk with the school staff to learn more about what’s going on.
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BOPSASS is a free 24 hours service in the Bay of Plenty for adults, teenagers & children who have been sexually assaulted.
CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: Greerton Markets Last Saturday of each month 9am-2pm, Tauranga Moggies Market 2nd Saturday of each month Katikati Memorial Hall Maketu Flea Market 3rd and 5th Sunday of each month Maketu Village Green Red Square Market 2nd Friday of each month Downtown Tauranga The Cargo Shed Saturdays & Sundays, Some public holidays, 5 Dive Crescent, Tauranga Car Boot Sale Evans Road Community Church 3rd Saturday of each month. Lions Bethlehem Market Historic Village, 1st/3rd Sunday each month 8am-12noon Cambridge Farmers Market Victoria Park, Cambridge ... Every Saturday 8am-12 noon Te Awamutu Twilight Farmers Market, Selwyn Park, Every Thursday 3.30pm-6.30pm Frankton Market, Commerce Street, Frankton, Every Saturday 8am-1pm Hamilton Farmers Market, 204 River Road, Hamilton, Every Sunday 8am-12noon Omokoroa Lions Market 2nd Sunday of each month 9am-noon Western Avenue, Omokoroa Katikati Plant and Produce Market Every Friday 4pm -6pm A & P Showground's, SH2, Katikati Tauranga Farmers’ Market Each Saturday from 8am-12pm Tauranga Primary School, 5th Avenue Rotorua Night Market Tutanekai Street, Rotorua, Every Thursday 5pm-9pm Thames Market Pollen Street, Thames, Every Saturday 8am-12noon Peace Park Boon Street Whakatane 2nd & 4th Thursday till April Matata Reserve Main Road Matata 3rd Wednesday of every month. Site booking essential Gate Pa Car Boot Market next to Tauranga Girls’ College. 934 Cameron Road 1st Saturday each month Tamahere Country Market St Stephens Church, Tamahere Hamilton, Every 3rd Saturday Papamoa Lions Market. 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month , Papamoa Sports & Rec, Parton Road, Papamoa. Mount Maunganui Farmer's Market Every Sunday from 9am-1pm Phoenix car park, Mount Maunganui Tauranga South Community Patrols Car Boot sale, Greerton Village School 8am.3rd Saturday of the month Whakatane Sunday Market Every Sunday. War Memorial Hall carpark 8am 1pm. Carol 027 3844 026. Taupo Riverside Market Riverside Park Reserve, Redoubt Street, Taupo, Every Saturday 10am-1pm Raglan Creative Market Old School Arts Centre, Stewart Street Raglan, 2nd Sunday each month 10am-2pm Waihi Beach Fresh Produce Market Community Centre, Waihi Beach, 2nd & 4th Sunday each month, 9am-11am The Little Big Markets, Corner Matai Street & Maunganui Road, 9am-2pm, 1st Saturday each month T Arataki Community Centre Grenada St Park. Every Saturday 9 - 1pm. Phone 0274779366 The Little Vintage Markets, Astrolabe Brew Bar, Maunganui Rd, Mt Maunganui 9am-3pm, 3rd Sunday each month Arataki Community Centre Grenada St Park. Every Saturday 9 - 1pm. Phone 0274779366 Waihi Lions Market Memorial Hall, Seddon Street 3rd Saturday of the month. Te Puke Creative Market, Memorial Hall Te Puke 1st Saturday each month 9am till 12.00
Many people believe that Domestic violence is only physical abuse. However, Domestic violence takes many different forms. It may also be psychological, sexual, financial or spiritual violence. Physical Violence includes hitting, pinching, spitting, slapping, pushing, punching, kicking, burning, stabbing, strangulation, suffocating & shooting. It may also include threats to cause harm. Psychological Violence (sometimes referred to as emotional or verbal abuse) includes put-downs, name calling, jealousy, harassing, screaming, using degrading language, insults, criticism, harming pets or animals, isolation from family and friends, and threats to leave the relationship or to commit suicide if the victim does not co-operate Sexual Violence includes unwanted touching or sexual activity, raping and forcing victim into unwanted sexual practices. It may include control over birth control, forced pregnancies or abortions and transmission of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
Financial Violence occurs when an individual uses finances to control another individual. This could include forcing a person to hand over all or part of their salary or by denying someone access to their own finances, making victim ask or beg for money, forceful removal of money from victim Spiritual Violence occurs when an individual uses religious or spiritual matters to control another, such as forcing another to follow a particular faith or give up their religion or justifying their violence as religiously and spiritually acceptable
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How To Advertise in CC’s Email me for Advertising information Pictures & logos must be high resolution. Email ready made ads to the above email. Requirements: Full name, contact details
Secure your space in JULY, AUGUST & SEPTEMBER
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Counselling is becoming a more accepted and recognised natural therapy that can assist us in dealing with past, current and everyday issues that we encounter throughout our life. The types of issues that it can help with are life transitions, assisting us to know ourselves better, how to communicate in a positive and productive way, an understanding of why we make poor choices again and again. Also the reason we lack self-esteem and confidence, the effect stress can have upon our health and how to deal with it, childhood issues, abuse, addiction, Grief and loss, depression, anxiety, panic attacks and motivation.
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Counselling can, and usually does, involve talking about difficult or painful feelings and as you begin to face them, often you may feel worse in some ways, however with the help and support of your therapist you should gradually start to feel better. This can take a number of sessions but with regular commitment and work more often than not a positive outcome is achieved and the future is a lot brighter.
I have had clients comment that they only wish they had been taught how to better communicate when they were at school, it may have saved their relationship, their marriage, business, job and potentially improved many other area’s of their life. The philosophy is quite simple really, for example; “You make me behave like that” as opposed to “I feel like you don’t respect me when you do that” The first statement blames and is confrontational, argumentative! The second keeps the discussion on a personal level, you are stating how YOU feel, and invite the other person to say how they feel, which can then produce a more productive conversation. Counselling should not be a series of costly chats; it involves talking about sensitive issues, thoughts and feelings in order to help you cope better with your life and the issues you have. A good counsellor focuses on you and listens without judgment, leading or advising, your Counsellor should help you deal with your problems in a constructive positive way, helping you to gain a better understanding of your thought processes and identifying ways in which to find your own solutions to the problem.
For Counselling to be effective you need to build a trusting and safe relationship with your Counsellor, they are there to support you and respect your views, values and beliefs. In order to get the most out of the sessions you should feel comfortable with the Counsellor you have chosen, if this is not the case, discuss this with them. I personally, try to assist my client in finding a more suited therapist to their needs.
Most reputable Counsellors will be registered with a professional organisation and qualified in providing a therapy that is relevant to your needs, do not be afraid to ask. Fees vary, discuss with your Counsellor at initial contact, , I always make my first appointment free, that way my potential client can meet with me and decide if they feel comfortable enough to return and also, and more importantly, that I feel I can really assist my client with their particular issue.
Dawn Ingall - Counsellor - Life Coach Free Call number - 0800 223 446
Better Send Off - Funeral Guide Giveaway
Just like talking about sex won't make you pregnant, talking about death won't make you dead! From the time we are born we are all dying, everything that lives must die - we plan for births and marriages and other significant events in our lives but most of us don't give our departure from this earth much thought. Gail McJorrow, author of NZ's best-selling Funeral Guide - 'Better Send Off' has now made it easy for you with her one-stop shop funeral website and book. The website is a first for NZ and has all the information you will need to learn not only how to save thousands of dollars on a funeral but also all sorts of ideas on how to personalise a funeral as well as leave a 'green' footprint. There is a comprehensive products and services directory that sells everything from inexpensive flatpack beautiful pine caskets to hand-blown glass jewellery and ornaments that hold a portion of your loved ones ashes. Gail says pre-planning is crucial to having a good send off. You can download a 'Funeral Wish List' from her website and she urges you to take half an hour out of your life to do this; at the very least you must let your family know if you want to be buried or cremated. She has seen families fall out over what song was played at the funeral. By letting your family know your wishes they won't have to second guess and you will make their life easier at what will be a very hard and stressful time for them. CC’s News Letter has books to give away - 'Better Send Off - The Ultimate Funeral Guide' - they have been generously donated by Paul Adams of Carrus Construction. To find out more please visit website - the book is also available at bookstores nationwide rrp $29.95 and through the Better Send Off facebook page. A Doctor says to his terminally ill patient, "what is it like to wake up every day to know that you are dying?" The terminally ill patient says to the Doctor, "what's it like to wake up every day pretending that you're not?"
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Shop 304 Bayfair Shopping Centre Cnr Maunganui & Girven Road Mount Maunganui Tel 07 574 1089
Shop G1 Bethleham Town Centre 19 Bethleham Road Bethleham Tel 07 579 1211
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