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Jokes/Quotes/Poem Computer Advice Cruise Boat Dates Computer virus advice Lots More
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 2) DISCLAIMER: All efforts have been taken to see that all information within this News Letter is correct. No responsibility will be accepted for any inaccuracies, misuse or misinterpretation of wrongful information. All information given and provided should be used as a guide only.
Hello everyone … Here we are with June now tapping our heels, where has the year gone? My adventure for May was Water Rafting on the Kaituna River with River Rats. It was awesome fun with plenty of excitement coming down the waterfalls. The water was cooler than a few weeks ago sledging the Kaituna with Kaitiaki Adventures.
Emergency , Help and Support, Numbers
ADVERTISING FEEDBCK: The May Newsletter has continued to receive positive feedback from both readers and advertisers. Our reader count has grown where we have been running out of News Letters so we will have another 2000 Newsletters this month to prevent this, with no increase in advertising costs … Now that’s a bonus for advertisers. Please support this News letter we are always looking for New Advertisers Contact me if you wish to advertise in the up coming JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER issues. Let us get your information out to prospective clients. (contacts on top each page) Please remember to like and share CC’s News Letter with your contacts/friends on Facebook. Help us to get it out to more people. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com
DISCLAIMER (Daylight Saving Times R included) Time tables are a guide only. All efforts have been taken to see that these times and tides are correct.
No responsibility will be accepted for any inaccuracies or misuse or wrong information.
12:04 0.4m 18:29 1.8m
Mon 01
Tue 02
00:27 0.5m 06:38 1.8m 12:50 0.3m 19:15 1.8m
Wed 03
01:14 0.4m 07:25 1.8m 13:34 0.3m 20:00 1.9m
Thur 04
02:00 0.4m 08:11 1.8m 14:19 0.3m 20:45 1.9m
Fri 05
02:47 0.3m 08:58 1.8m 15:05 0.2m 21:31 1.9m
Sat 06
03:35 0.3m 09:46 1.8m 15:52 0.2m 22:18 1.9m
Sun 07
04:24 0.3m 10:35 1.8m 16:40 0.2m 23:07 1.9m
Mon 08
05:14 0.3m 11:26 1.8m 17:31 0.2m 23:58 1.9m
Tue 09
06:06 0.3m 12:19 1.8m 18:24 0.3m
Wed 10 Thur 11
00:51 01:47
07:00 0.3m 13:16 1.8m 19:20 0.3m 07:57 0.3m 14:16 1.8m 20:20 0.3m
Fri 12
08:54 0.3m 15:17 1.8m 21:20 0.3m
Sat 13
09:53 0.2m 16:18 1.8m 22:21 0.3m
Sun 14
10:51 0.2m 17:17 1.9m 23:20 0.3m
Mon 15
11:47 0.2m 18:13 1.9m
Tue 16
00:17 0.3m 06:31 1.9m 12:40 0.2m 19:06 1.9m
Wed 17
01:10 0.3m 07:24 1.9m 13:31 0.2m 19:56 2.0m
Thur 18
02:02 0.3m 08:14 1.9m 14:19 0.2m 20:44 1.9m
Fri 19
02:51 0.3m 09:03 1.8m 15:06 0.2m 21:30 1.9m
Sat 20
03:39 0.3m 09:50 1.8m 15:51 0.3m 22:15 1.9m
Sun 21
04:24 0.3m 10:35 1.8m 16:35 0.3m 22:59 1.9m
Mon 22
05:09 0.4m 11:19 1.7m 17:18 0.4m 23:42 1.8m
Tue 23
05:53 0.4m 12:04 1.7m 18:02 0.4m
Wed 24
06:37 0.5m 12:50 1.7m 18:48 0.5m
Thur 25
07:21 0.5m 13:38 1.6m 19:35 0.5m
Fri 26
08:08 0.5m 14:28 1.6m 20:25 0.6m
Sat 27
08:56 0.5m 15:20 1.6m 21:17 0.6m
Sun 28
09:46 0.5m 16:12 1.7m 22:09 0.5m
Mon 29
10:36 0.4m 17:04 1.7m 23:02 0.5m
Tue 30
11:27 0.4m 17:55 1.8m 23:53 0.5m
Moon Phases 2015
Tuesday 02nd June 2015 Full Moon
Tuesday 09th June 2015 Last Quarter
Tuesday 16th June 2015 New Moon
Wednesday 24th June 2015 First Quarter
Toughlove 0800 868 445 Family Works 07 575 9709 Alcohol Drug Mainline 0800 787 797 Alcohol Drug Maori Line 0800 787 798 Alcohol Drug Pacifica Line 0800 787 799 07 575 5922 Nemms Needle Exchange Mt Maunganui Citizen Advice Bureau 0800 367 222 Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 229 67 57 AIDS Hotline 0800 802 437 Youth line Phone Counselling 0800 376 633 Kids line (Kids up to 14yrs) 0800 543 75 What’s Up (Age 5-18) 0800 942 878 Parent Help 0800 568 856 Cot Death (sudden infant death support) 0800 16 44 55 NetSafe 0508 638 723 Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 Grief Support Services 07 587 4480 Lifeline New Zealand 24hr 0800 543 354 Narcotics Anonymous 0800 628 632 Gambling Crisis Helpline 0800 654 655 Quitlin 0800 778 778 Pregnancy Counselling Service 0800 773 462 Relationship Services 0800 735 283 Family Violence Information Line 0800 456 450 Gender Bridge Inc (transgender support) 0800 844357 Union of fathers (separation and support) 0508 22 5532 Shine Domestic Violence helpline 0508 744 633 Life Link/ Samaritans Inc 0800 726 666 Victim Support 0800 842 846 Women’s Refuge 0800 86 733 84 Tga 07 541 1911 Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 Telefriend Sight Loss Peer Support 0800 100 051 Shakti Ethnic Women’s Support 0800 742 584 Tauranga Living Without Violence 0800 577 003 Prisoner Aid/Rehabilitation offender/family Turangi 07 386 8246 Open Home (Child, Family Support Foster Care)Tga 07 579 2840 Tauranga Moana Victim Support 0800 842 846 Te Whare Orange Wairu Maori Women’s Refuge 0800 733 843 Sexual Abuse Centre (Rotorua) Inc 07 348 1555 Family Planning Tga 07 578 8539 Healthline 0800 611 116 La Leche (Breastfeeding Support) Tga 07 544 9817 Diabetes Helpline Tga 07 571 3422 Cancer Society Tga 07 571 2035 Café Youth Health 07 378 3895 Asthma Respiratory Management 07 577 6738 Plunketline 0800 933 922 Stroke Foundation 0800 787 653 National Cervical Screening Programme 0800 729 729 Prostate problem support line 0800 477 678 Breast Screen Aoteara Free: Age 45-69 0800 270 200 Western Bay of Plenty Ostomy Society Inc, help line 07-5737443. Emergencies: Mobile Phone Report Traffic Incidents 555 Fire, Police, Ambulance 111 Medical: Accident & Healthcare (Tga) 07 577 0010 Hospital (Tauranga) 07 579 8000 Tauranga Police Station: Monmouth Street Tauranga Mount Maunganui Police Station: Salisbury Avenue Papamoa Police Station: 530 Papamoa Beach Road
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 07 5755 181 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 3) CRIME / PRISON HAS EFFECT ON MANY PEOPLE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE Is prison life really working? Take a moment to think and understand inmates and the inside life or supporting an inmate on the inside. The lives and futures of many people are affected in all ways children, wife's, husbands, relations and friends, family pets, finances, and futures. Love, trust relationships, marriages and commitments are tested and hard to hold onto from both the inside and outside life. As a support person for a number of years I am challenged each time entering the prison emotionally, being scanned and watched, inside the barbwire fences, obeying the rules … Its not easy nor pleasant. Corrections officers live two life's – prison life / outside life . How do correctional staff balance their life in a secure detention facility then walk through the gate as a family man to help their kids with their homework? How can one person be two completely different people each day? How can you remain healthy day in /out balancing lock up and freedom?
Tandoori Indian Restaurant & Bar Fully Licensed and B.Y.O Wine only
Dine in, Takeaway or Free Home Delivery Conditions apply $10 Lunch Combo Curry, Rice, Naan And Soft Drink Takeaway only Great Spice Loyalty Takeaway Buy 11 Takeaways...Receive 12th Free Dine In Lunch Any Mains With Rice & Naan Bread $12.00 Conditions apply Gluten & Dairy Free Meals Available
How does someone that’s has been locked up for many years stripped of dignity, all responsibilitys, controlled each minute of the day when they will be locked up, let out, when to eat, lights out and no responsibility of accounts/bills and day to day living, be released and be expected to live on the outside again, supporting a family and expected to be a responsible parent coping with the issues most everyday people face. Don’t get me wrong there are people who need the keys thrown away as we do have some very nasty and brutal people on our land committing shocking despicable crime. But in my view many are thrown in the one big basket. We seem to work on the one big basket with many issues in this country … Some people seem to think if its in the basket it’s dealt with… Is it really? Throw the key away on someone for doing wrong then when they have done their time unlock and set free? … Ok some do courses but a lot don’t . In many cases the X inmate usually ends right back in lock up within a short time as they have re-offended. In some cases it’s just easier to be an inmate and not have to deal with the outside world’s many challenges that every day people have to cope with, for which many on the outside are seeking counselling. Stress on the outside is hard enough for the people that have freedom. This is such a huge subject with many avenues to amalgamate together into a satisfactory outcome. Victims so many innocent people become victims of rape, murder, drugs, alcohol, abuse causing injury's that wreck/destroy their lives. How can someone be asked to forgive a person that has raped/murdered or put their child on drugs? This is a huge ask of people grieving for a loved one. People having to live the rest of their life with the loss of a family member or a family member with brain injury's? People make mistakes, we are creatures that are supposed to learn from our mistakes. But come on, rape is not a mistake, murder is not a mistakes, robbery/theft is not a mistake, graffiti is not a mistake, abuse is not a mistake we can go on and on. Drugs and alcohol are the problem! Peoples brains bombed out. It is now been said that banning synthetic drugs has dropped medical treatment costs. Yes teens still get their hands on it … why don’t we toughen up again and again when we see it is working. Look how our young teens consume alcohol it is disgusting they scull bottle after bottle mix their drinks and then act like idiots, fight, yell and smash/throw bottles, spew and pee wherever they are standing … party's out of hand. Do teens understand what pride is these days? Girls staggering drunk, squatting peeing, pashing up, screaming, language half dressed showing the world their valuables and roaming late hours of the night. TV is full of violence, sex, drugs, prostitution, rape, and murder. PlayStation games kill kill kill beat them up, ram that car, bomb that building...full of violence and many people are happy for their youngsters to play them. If you don’t like that person kill them ...oh but then that person jumps up and fights again. OMG so much fun! Bali has had the headlines over the trafficking of drugs, it is a known fact you enter with drugs and caught you face the death penalty. Drugs and greed for money and power. This was a topic with many views some for it some against … Bali setting standards for their country to try and keep it free of drugs? Was it right to have people kill people? People sorry for those guys, whom were trafficking … But who's lives did they ruin … how many people and young children were using drugs they trafficked before they were caught. The money they would have made I find it hard that their families didn't know what they were doing … getting married just before the hour I'm sure she will live comfortable…. Here I sit on the fence and find it hard to decide the right answer here… So what is the answer? … I really don’t know … What we are doing is not working. People are not being held accountable for their crimes. Our laws are far too weak for the today’s world. Is it time to start and set some standards here in New Zealand? A thought maybe we should use the Army more, put the offenders in and train them, and send them to fight for our country/their lives and freedom. I think it would be a good way of making many grow up and respect what freedom really is… interested in your thoughts email ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com.
Life on the inside and doing time. WHEN Poems From The Heart On The Inside. By Georgia Rose I have never known such great despair as each night the sound of the keys locking me in takes away from me any sense of normality in this hideous place. When every question we have asked doesn’t have the answer we seek, when every dilemma we are in is not solved the way we want, when our greatest time of need we fall flat on our faces with none to help prop us up, when you are stripped of every basic right and reduced to merely a name and a number, when others think you still have too much and lobby to take that as well… When did humankind ever become so unforgiving as to judge all as one, instead of on merits where deserved? But not too quick to shout out load and seem too lordly over others? Just remember, the higher you climb the harder you’ll fall as we all do eventually.
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 4)
No One Is Perfect Human beings were not born to be perfect. We were born to learn, to grow, to expand, to love, to create, to enjoy and to see beauty in all things-including ourselves. Our striving for perfection is a futile endeavour, a waste of time. Evan the most enlightened of us regularly trip and fall. No one is perfect. ...Susan Jeffers Feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction do not come from striving to be perfect. They do come from the process of using our inner power, beauty and love in a creative, expansive, positive and loving way. It doesn't get any better than that. ...Susan Jeffers Success is not about goals. Success is about living a full and balanced life in partnership with others to create a joyful feeling of love, contribution, appreciation and abundance … despite how our endeavours may turn out. ...Susan Jeffers If you see your tasks in life as drudgery, then they are drudgery. On the other hand, if you see them as a gift of the Universe coming through you, then your tasks are done in the spirit of love and generosity. What a difference your perception makes! ...Susan Jeffers The word ‘ENOUGH’ can overcome the hunger of our MORE-BETTER-BEST society. ENOUGH implies a sense of fullness. When we say ‘I've had enough’ at the end of a delicious meal, it means we are full and satisfied. We are not looking for more. When we include thoughts of ENOUGH in the deepest recesses of our being, we can begin to relax and smell the proverbial roses. … Susan Jeffers
This blonde decided one day that she was sick and tired of all those blonde jokes and how all blondes are perceived as stupid. So, she decided to show her husband that blondes really are smart. While her husband was off at work, she decided that she would paint a couple of rooms in the house. The next day, right after her husband left for work, she got down to the task at hand. Her husband arrived home at 5:30 and was hit by the distinctive smell of paint. He walked into the living room and found his wife lying on the floor in a pool of sweat.. He noticed she was wearing a heavy parka and a leather jacket at the same time. He bent over and asked if she was OK. She replied “Yes”. He asked what she was doing and she replied that she wanted to prove to him that not all blonde women are dumb, and she wanted to do it by painting the house.. He then asked her why she had a parka over her leather jacket, and she replied that she was reading the directions on the paint can and it said… "FOR BEST RESULTS, PUT ON TWO COATS."
Tell me, Johnny. Do you say prayers before Johnny: No, ma’am, I don’t have to. My mom’s a good cook.
A couple was going out for the evening. The last thing they did was to put the cat out. The taxi arrived, and as the couple walked out of the house, the cat shoots back in. So the husband goes back inside to chase it out. The wife, not wanting it known that the house would be empty, explained to the taxi driver "He's just going upstairs to say goodbye to my mother." A few minutes later, the husband got into the taxi and said, "Sorry I took so long, the stupid thing was hiding under the bed and I had to poke
her with a coat hanger to get her to come out!" When Dad came home he was astonished to see Alec sitting on a horse, writing something. " What on earth are you doing there ?" he asked. "Well, the teacher told us to write an essay on our favourite animal. That's why I'm here and that's why Susie's sitting in the goldfish bowl !" Event and party organizers.. Make your function the most talked about.. Add to the fun.... Spruce up the occasion.. Add some of our unique party props Hang out with Elton. Dine with Elvis... Pose with Marilyn... Props for many themes...Sport...World Leaders...Showbiz...Celebrities...Gunmen, . Easy to hire.. easy to arrange. The props stand between 6-8ft and look absolutely fabulous. They are hand painted wood . Great for shop window displays. They look awesome. We also have hollow barrels to set a backdrop for photos To view and for more information contact Cindy. Phone: 021 501 200 Email:missjojo55555@gmail.com
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 07 5755 181 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 5)
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 07 5755 181 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 6) Members, Members’ Guests & Affiliated Members & New Members Welcome
M M R S A (I )
►Restaurant Lunches: Monday to Fridays 12.00pm - 1.30pm Dinners: Monday to Thursdays 6.00pm - 8.00pm Fridays & Saturdays 6.00pm- 8.30pm Sunday Carvery 5.30pm – 7.30pm Full A-La-carte menu including Carvery on Friday & Saturday Evenings.
â–şCourtesy Bus (phone direct 0274-776-178) Wednesday, Friday & Saturdays 3.00pm till late Phone / Fax (07) 575 4477,
544 Maunganui Road, Mount Maunganui
Friday 05 Ray Solomon Saturday 06 Double Exposure TBA Sunday 07 Tauranga Big Band (4.30pm -7.30pm 12 Mark Taupiri Saturday 13 The Tornados Sunday 14 Hans (4.30pm-7.30pm) Friday
Friday 19 Marilyn Kingi & Friends Saturday 20 Emmerline & Coral Sunday 21 Big John (4.30pm-7.30pm) Friday 26 Andy Bowman Saturday 27 Ray Solomon Sunday
28 Helen Riley 4.30pm -7.30pm)
SEAT BELT SAFTEY Recently there was a check done to make sure the kids were securely belted into the cars they were travelling in. Every time I hear this I have a mind flash back to something I saw a few years ago. A car being driven very quickly through town, the driver had an interesting addition. A young girl maybe 4 years of age, standing between the front seats with her arms loosely wrapped around the drivers neck‌ I assume her father. Had there been a sudden stop she would have had little chance of survival. I have spent some time thinking about how this happened. Dad may have had to get somewhere quickly and daughter may have thrown her toys out of the car until Dad got frustrated and relented, and she won. Regardless of how this situation happened, how could it have been prevented? Planning, Planning and Persistence! Every time a little person gets away with something they are not supposed to it sets precedence, and that can then turn into a habit, and then after too many screaming matches parents give up. The question the parent needs to ask themselves‌..Is my child old enough to understand the consequences of their action? If the answer is no then action needs to be taken by the parent. In this case I wonder if the girl has seen other family members do the same thing, which is not put a seat belt on when they get into a car. If that is the case, parents‌or adults need to address this at the same time. So let’s get down to an action plan. Firstly regardless of how old the child is they need to be warned that there needs to be changes. Explain any new system to the child and ask them to tell it back to you. As the event draws near that there is going to be changes in (like getting in the car) the child needs to be ‘cued’ that is they need to be told that the event is happening soon and the new desired behaviour needs to be described, sometimes in detail, and supported by maybe a reward or positive words from Mum or Dad. As the event unfolds Mum or Dad needs to have plan B sorted as to ensure that there is compliance. Parents need to keep calm, and stay in control and maybe choose an event where time is not pressing. In this situation, if parents had arranged to go see Granny and had cued the girl and she not got into her seat, maybe the visits to Granny not proceed. Maybe Granny could phone and speak with the little person and ask what happened. The best phrase I know for this is when and then. When you put your seat belt on, Then we can go see Granny. As much as people plan for things to change, parents must remember that they will be challenged by their children, and often! We need to pick our battles and then dig in for the long haul. Children might suddenly get very compliant and then all of a sudden refuse to follow the expected procedure. This is more about power and control and parents need to have plans to counter this behaviour. Have a good month VIOLENCE & ABUSE Donald Welsh, Parenting Coach, Tauranga
Three important words in life Without this there is nothing
Emergency 111 ‌ Request Police, Fire, Ambulance, Rescue Keep Calm, Speak clearly, Stay on the line, Know the address
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 7)
BARRY MUIR’S FURNITURE GALLERY BARRY MUIR’S FURNITURE GALLERY Greetings… Barry Muir here and once again it is great being able to address you through CC’s Newsletter…. Did I mention that there is ONLY ONE BARRY MUIR’S FURNITURE GALLERY ?... Well that’s right there is only one of me…. But boy oh boy have I been lucky over the years to have developed great people around me to ensure we stay at the top…. People often ask me how lucky I am to have the best team in the furniture retail business…. I can assure it’s not luck…. Although luck plays a big role in most things in life… It’s the Barry Muir way of doing things… I am so proud that each and every one of our staff members adapt to the Barry Muir Way… Together we develop: STRONG WORK ETHICS LEARN A LITTLE BIT MORE EVERY DAY BUILD UP LONG TERM TRUST MAKE TIME OUR MOST PRECIOUS COMMODITY MAKE SURE WE ALWAYS SEE THE BIG PICTURE WE LISTEN AND WE LISTEN WELL WE UNDERSTAND THAT FAILURE IS AN IMPORTANT PART OF SUCCESS
Not only is there only One Barry Muir…. There is a great team supporting me… and without you our loyal customers there would be none of us….. So please keep coming to Barry Muir’s Furniture Gallery..
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 8)
Please make contact with me if you wish to advertise in July, August. September News Letters are print deadlines so all information is required by the 18th of each month
Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com Phone: 021 501 200 Alcoholism; If you seem to be having trouble with your drinking, or if your drinking had reached the point where it worries you a bit, you may be interested in knowing something about Alcoholics Anonymous and the A.A. program of recovery from alcoholism. Determine, for yourself, whether or not alcohol had truly become a problem for you. And remember that you will always be welcome to join the thousands of men and women in A.A. who have put their drinking problems behind them and now lead "normal" lives of constructive, day-by-day sobriety. We in A.A. are men and women who have discovered, and admitted, that we cannot control alcohol. A few of us had become derelicts before turning to A.A. for help. Some of us had been hospitalized or jailed. We had committed grave offenses - against society, our families, our employers, and ourselves. Others among us have never been jailed or hospitalized. Nor have we lost jobs or families though drinking. But we finally came to a point where we realized that alcohol was interfering with normal living. When we discovered that we could not live without alcohol, we, too, sought help through A.A.
Discount Voucher $10.00 Off The Normal Retail Price One Voucher Per Purchase
P.E.T (PATIENTS EMERGENCY TOILETRIES) CHARITABLE TRUST INC provides PERSONAL CARE PACKS of Toiletries to Tauranga Hospital Patients admitted under Emergency situations.
~ Aprox 4800 bags have now been given FREE to patients during the past 4 years this trust has been operating. If a child gets admitted a Mum, Dad or carer can also have access to a pack. Items 'lurking' in your bathroom cabinet that you have collected from holidays or airlines? or maybe you are a local hospitality provider that has surplus items you would like to donate to this Charity? *Motel sized: *Shampoo/Conditioner *Combs *Toothbrushes/toothpaste *Bodywash *Razors *Pens Collection points are: ►TODD GOWER (principal sponsor of the trust) ►EVES REALITY (all offices) ►BAYFAIR CHIROPRACTIC (648 Maunganui Rd)
►CC’s BAY OF PLENTY COMMUNITY NEWS LETTER (610 Maunganui Rd, Mt Chris Bishell (Principal Trustee) Ph: 575 9066 or 0274300988
Viruses, Trojans and other Malware I’ll use the generic name of “virus” here, however there are various types and categories which are important to anti-virus product makers, but are generally unimportant to the average computer user. Viruses on your computer can range from a mild annoyance as it slows things down, to total disaster if it deletes your files, or in some cases demands a ransom in order for you to regain access to your computer. I’m often asked why someone would create a computer virus. And that’s a complicated question as there are many reasons. Sometimes it’s to research how quickly a program can get copied around the internet. To prove to peers that they are a good programmer. An attempt to make money. Or, in retaliation against someone or something. It is almost impossible to prevent a virus from trying to get on your computer. So, there are two main steps to take to avoid any issues that may result. First, backup your computer on a regular basis. This is because the process of removing a virus could possibly result in your important files being deleted. The second step is to make sure you are running good virus protection software. Microsoft Security Essentials is a good first step along that path. Various other software like the free AVG or Avast and others, and yearly fee based software like Trend Micro, McAfee and others. While Windows computers are more prone to viruses, other devices such as Apple Mac, Android smartphones and even iPhones can also suffer from a virus infection. However, that is currently a somewhat rare occurrence. I can give further advice on anti-virus software, removing viruses from your computer, as well as tips to help avoid the problem. Give me a call (see my ad for contact details). -David (Kings Computers)
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 9)
OLD GRUMPY’S GALLERY…… Happy June everyone… And welcome to Old Grumpy’s Gallery… And thank you for all the good wishes received on Bob’s 65th Birthday… Much appreciated… Does anyone know the definition of VISUAL POLLUTION ?... During a conversation with a neighbouring business manager the topic of signage arose… And how difficult it had been for this person to find a business address in Newton Street due to the vast amount of signs and billboards… This we learned is VISUAL POLLUTION… At Old Grumpy’s Gallery we have a brand of visual pollution that is pleasing on the eye, it helps make us stand out and define exactly what we are about… This discussion led us to explore not only visual pollution around the world but discover some novel signage and displays on a whole range of retail businesses… Such as “THE HARD WOK CAFÉ”… CAFÉ”… or “SELLFRIDGES” “SELLFRIDGES at a white goods dealers, “SOFA SO GOOD” at a Furniture store, “JUNK and DISORDELY” at a 2nd hand shop… “SPEX APPEAL” at an Opticians… “BATTERSEA COD’S HOME” outside a fish and chip shop… “ THE TEMPLE OF GROOM” at a pets parlour.. "WINE ME UP" Liquor Store.. "GRATEFUL BREAD" Bakery," ," SURELOCK HOMES" Locksmith,,, “BIG DICK’S HALFWAY INN”…. INN” !!! at a motel and resort… “CURL & DYE” at a hairdressers… And our favourite in a butchers window “DUE TO COMPLAINTS THERE IS NO WINDOW DISPLAY” That’s enough hilarity for now…. What’s happening at Old Grumpy’s Gallery ? In a nutshell… More of the same….. With lots of choices… Our ever changing range of good quality pre-loved books… over 10,000 new arrivals in the last month… Our huge stocks of much sought after vinyl records… Again 100’s of new titles to choose from…. And don’t forget Bob’s excellent photographic images from around the region…. ( Not visual pollution…!!) Speaking of which why not take that camera out of the cupboard and enquire about some lessons on how to use your camera with ease…. As always we invite you to visit Old Grumpy’s Gallery…. Come in and browse, take a seat, relax enjoy a refreshing coffee or beverage and a delicious slice… We look forward to greeting you…. 276 Maunganui Road
Mount Maunganui, 3116 Phone: 07 281 1256 Email: bob@oldgrumpys.co.nz Website:www.oldgrumpys.co.nz Facebook: Old Grumpy’s Gallery
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 10) New Years Day: 1st Thursday January January 31 Days Day after NY Day: Friday 2nd January February 28 Days March 31 Days Waitangi Day: Friday 6th February April 30 Days Good Friday: Friday 3rd April May 31 Days Easter Monday: Monday 6th April June 30 Days Anzac Day: Monday 27th April 31 Days Queens Birthday: Monday 01st June July August 31 Days Labour Day: Monday 26th October Christmas Day: Friday 25th December September 30 Days Boxing Day: Monday 28th December October 31 Days November 30 Days Valentines Day: 14th February December 31 Days Mothers Day: 10th May February 29 Leap Year Fathers Day: 6th September Every Four Years Christmas Eve 24th December New Years Eve 31st December Summer December - February The year 2015 is a common year, with 365 days in total
Autumn March - May Winter June - August Spring September - November
2015 School Term Dates Primary, Intermediate & Secondary 1st Term 02nd February....02nd April 2015 2nd Term 20th April ............03rd July 2015 3rd Term 20th July …......... 25th September 2015 4th Term 12th October …..18th December 2015 Secondary & Composite (4th Term 12th October-15th Daylight Saving Ends 05th April 2015 … Daylight Saving Starts 27th September 2015 Daylight Saving Ends 03rd April 2016 … Daylight Saving Starts 25th September 2016
PHONETIC ALPHABET Alpha, Br avo, Char lie, Delta, Echo, Foxtr ot, Golf, Hotel India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November , Oscar , Pappa Quebec, Romeo, Sier r a, Tango, Unifor m, Victor Whisky, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu
Miss Jojo {6 ft tall, fluffy adorable bear} For those special occasions.. Why not invite Miss Jo Jo to add joy and fun to your events and parties... ? She will gladly interact with your guests and spectators.. She loves children.. and will visit Pre-school events.. Senior School Balls and Community based events Miss Jojo will participate in product launches and promotions.. Shopping Malls and Retail Stores.. She brings cheer to hospital visiting.. She can brighten up the days for those in Rest Homes...
Phone 021 501 200 Discuss your event with Miss Jojo’s Manager.
MAY HOROSCOPES Aries Your ideas may seem a little unusual but this is the time to implement them …. because you have plenty of energy. Innovate and take the initiative. If you have a partner, organize an amazing event in the third week. Taurus Your work situation will see improvements at the end of June. Use your …. stolid nature to challenge the opposition. In your love life, be objective by …. helping people rather than trying to change them. Acceptance would be a good strategy. Gemini Get moving and take advantage of all the positive opportunities coming ….. your way. Efforts will be rewarded. Pour sweetness, love and light onto your relationships. Don’t engage in arguments, stay neutral. .Cancer This is an important time to de-stress after a heavy workload at work. Go to the gym and get back into meditation. Inaction is not an option. Support your lover even though it is you who needs a hug because your nerves are rattled. Leo Lucky Leo, you will experience some amazing happenings especially in your ….. love life. Be cautious with the gossip and the green-eyed monster. At work, you may need to revise your direction and even consider a new job. Virgo Flexibility with your darling is a good call. Any sport that makes you breathe well is a positive. Perhaps you need to review your work patterns this month and listen to management. Stop and consider other ways of doing something. Libra You are about to change your life. Everything is supporting your career. Focus on your projects and wow everyone. Keep your intimate relationships steady with a nice trip or holiday. Great time to develop self-actualization. Scorpio Diplomacy in your relationships can prevent over-reacting to problems. Best friends are true companions. Your finances are being protected and there will be some positive events. Work is helping your to learn some new skills as long as you remain calm. Sagittarius Money is flying out the window. Be honest and get on with the job. Pay attention to lazy employees. Prepare for a dynamic change in events in your love life. You are an optimist and the world lives in unison with you.. Capricorn Your project can result in a brilliant outcome. It is up to you. Evaluate your strengths. Chill out in love, be open and sincere. Heal any mistrust. You have a way of getting people’s backs up. Aquarius Awesome time for financial positioning. Get involved in social media for attention in business. Good times are coming to use minimal resources for maximum profit. Focus on your health. You are a charismatic lover, aren’t you? Naughty charmer. At work, expect a battle during the last two weeks of June. Spot the troublemakers. Pretend you lost the battle and aim to win the war. Lovers are an easy victory this month. Being noble and wise is an attractive draw card.
“Contact Matakite Kei 021 400 754 for more information about this amazing book.”
Public Holidays 2015
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 11)
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 12)
“Good Grief” Time…… how long does grief take?
There are plenty of expectations about this, most of which aren’t particularly helpful to those grieving. Let’s check out some of the common ‘myths’ about this. Myth: A grieving person should be over their grief after two weeks. Reality: There is no definite timeline for grief; it may take weeks, months, years or a lifetime to process a loss. ………..How long depends on the person, the situation and the type of loss. Myth: The grieving person should definitely be "over it" within two months. Reality: There is no definite timeline for grief. Myth: Grief declines over time in a steadily decreasing fashion. Reality: Grief is more like a roller coaster ride with up times and down times. Myth: Once over a loss, the grief is never experienced again. Reality: A place, a smell, a song, or a special date may trigger the old memories. Grief may be experienced again. Myth: Grief ends after the funeral. Reality: Many people believe that life should return to normal after the funeral service. However, this may be the start of the .grieving ………..process as the shock and numbness give way to the reality of the loss. Myth: Grief eventually ends. Reality: In time most people learn to live with the loss. (Taken from http://dying.about.com/od/lossgrief/a/griefmyths_3.htm ) Grief Support Services is a local agency offering free counselling to individuals and families affected by loss and grief. We also run an After Suicide Support Group. For information or to make an appointment you can phone us on 578 4480. www.griefsupport.org.nz support@griefsupport.org.nz
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 13) FAMILY VIOLENCE CAN HARM YOUR CHILD FOR LIFE Babies and infants are precious. Everything babies and toddlers experience affects their brains forever. The way you treat our children counts – and it counts long term. Children are not tough. They are not too young to notice. They do not just get over it. Love care and attention will help children to become happy and stable adults. Shouting, hitting, violence, abuse and ignoring your child have a very bad effect on your baby’s and young child’s brain development. This can cause problems later – at school; as teenagers; as adults. Parenting can be tough but one of the most important things you can do is provide a safe home, calm and free from violence for your children. If you get early help the risk of the children suffering long term effects will be less. To get help talk to someone you trust. A support agency that helps family's. Jigsaw (child protection agency) 0800 228 737 Child, youth and family 0508 326 459 Preventing violence in the home helpline 0508 384 357 Plunket your doctor or health worker, women's refuge, citizens advice …. bureau, Police family violence officer or a good friend
It’s never too late to change the life of a child IS IT VIOLENCE? You might be experiencing domestic violence if your partner: Calls you names, insults you or puts you down Prevents you from going to work or school Stops you from seeing family members or friends Tries to control how you spend money, where you go or what you wear Acts jealous or possessive or constantly accuses you of being unfaithful Gets angry when drinking alcohol or using drugs Threatens you with violence or a weapon Hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, chokes or otherwise hurts you, your children or your pets Forces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts against your will Blames you for his or her violent behaviour or tells you that you deserve it
Men are also at risk of violence and abuse. It’s harder for a man to admit that he is under abuse. It is degrading him as the male provider in the household. If you think your work mate or friend is showing signs of abuse …
Here are a few photos of the Rafting on the Kaituna River with River Rats. If you enjoy a bit of adventure and water give this ago. There are River Rats and Kaitiaki Adventures in Rotorua either one I would recommend. Drift Kartz in Rotorua is a bit of a fun place for those who like to test their driving skills sledging round the track. The track has a special coat on it to help make your kart slide. A good way to get the feeling of sliding and seeing if you can correct it in a safe environment. Get a gang together and give it a go. By the way I crashed due to using my mobile phone to video Lol Information centres have all info you need for these activitys
Answers Page 15
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 14)
Phone: 07 578 4064 or www.autocraftnz.com WHAT IS BRAKE FLUID? Brake fluid is the hydraulic oil used throughout your vehicle to transfer pressure to the brakes. WHY CHANGE THE BRAKE FLUID? Brake fluid is hydroscopic fluid meaning that it absorbs moisture. Moisture is created from the heating/cooling effects of normal brake use, also humidity from the atmosphere. The moisture causes rusting and pitting of internal parts, which leads to unnecessary replacement costs. Under severe braking excess, moisture can cause the fluid to boil leading to brake failure. WHEN IS IT NECESSARY TO CHANGE BRAKE FLUID? We test the moisture content using a Hydrometer. Once the fluid has an excess of 3% moisture, we will recommend replacing it. This should be checked annually and normally requires changing every 2 years. WILL I NOTICE ANY DIFFERENCE IN MY BRAKES? If the system is well maintained and the fluid has been replaced on a regular bases, in most cases the brakes will feel the same … If the brake fluid is over due for replacement, we usually find that the brake pedal is firmer with less travel and less pedal pressure is required to stop the vehicle.
Market Dates Mount Maunganui Farmer's Market Every Sunday from 9am-1pm Phoenix car park, Mount Maunganui Greerton Markets Last Saturday of each month 9am-2pm, Tauranga Katikati Plant and Produce Market Every Friday 4pm -6pm A & P Showground's, SH2, Katikati Moggies Market 2nd Saturday of each month Katikati Memorial Hall Maketu Flea Market 3rd and 5th Sunday of each month Maketu Village Green Omokoroa Lions Market 2nd Sunday of each month 9am-noon Western Avenue, Omokoroa Papamoa Lions Market. 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month , Simpson Reserve, Dickson Rd. Papamoa. Red Square Market 2nd Friday of each month Downtown Tauranga Tauranga South Community Patrols Car Boot sale, Greerton Village School 8am.3rd Saturday of the month Tauranga Farmers’ Market Each Saturday from 8am-12pm Tauranga Primary School, 5th Avenue The Cargo Shed Saturdays and Sundays, Some public holidays, 5 Dive Crescent, Tauranga Bethlehem Lions Market at the Village 17th Avenue 1st and 3r d Sunday of Each Month 8.00am - 1.00pm Car Boot Sale Evans Road Community Church 3rd Saturday of each month. Lions Bethlehem Market (B Town Centre) 1st/3rd Sunday each month 8am-12noon Historic Village Market, Every 2nd Saturday of the month 9 am to 1pm 17 Avenue Tauranga. Cambridge Farmers Market … Victoria Park, Cambridge ... Every Saturday 8am-12 noon Te Awamutu Twilight Far mer s Mar ket … Selwyn Park ... Every Thursday 3.30pm-6.30pm Frankton Market, Commer ce Str eet, Fr ankton ...Ever y Satur day 8am-1pm Hamilton Farmers Market, 204 River Road, Hamilton … Every Sunday 8am-12noon Tamahere Country Market … St Stephens Church, Tamahere Hamilton … Every 3rd Saturday Raglan Creative Market Old School Ar ts Centr e … Stewart Street Raglan … 2nd Sunday each month 10am-2pm Waihi Beach Fresh Produce Market Community Centr e, Waihi Beach … 2nd and 4th Sunday each month, 9am-11am Taupo Riverside Market River side Par k Reser ve, Redoubt Str eet, Taupo … Every Saturday 10am-1pm Rotorua Night Market Tutanekai Str eet, Rotor ua … Every Thursday 5pm-9pm Thames Market Pollen Str eet, Thames … Every Saturday 8am-12noon The Little Big Markets, The Mount Spor ts Centr e - cnr Matai Street & Maunganui Road, 9am-2pm, 1st Saturday each month The Little Vintage Markets, The Mt Citizens Club -345 Maunganui Rd, Mt Maunganui 9am-2pm, 2nd Saturday each month Peace Park Boon Street Whakatane 2nd & 4th Thur sday till Apr il Matata Reserve Main Road Matata 3r d Wednesday of ever y month. Site booking essential Whakatane Sunday Market Ever y Sunday. War Memorial Hall carpark 8am 1pm. Carol 027 3844 026.
COMPUTER CONUNDRUM? I come to you. Affordably Priced Hardware/Software Problems Solved
If I can’t fix, house call is free. Call Dirk : 07 5432521 Mobile: 0221 231 591 Email: dirkmac@mail.com Website: www.cybaIT.com
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 15)
Family Works
Northern has an excellent range of resources for our families to draw on. Our social workers and counsellors run programmes such as Parenting Through Separation, Incredible Years Parenting Programme as well as WAVe and Restore for women and children who have experienced family violence. Our facilities are excellent, with smaller rooms for individual counselling or large rooms for the biggest families. We have a great place to work. To top it off, we love what we do. As Family Workers, we get real satisfaction from getting alongside our clients and journeying with them as they make changes, learn, laugh, grieve and celebrate their lives. The nature of our work gives us the chance to work with children. Being at a different stage in life means they don't process things quite the same way as adults. So we need to be different is our approach. Which means playtime! Kids learn through play, so we use felts and paper, puppets, toy families, cards, sand tray therapy, therapeutic videos... The list goes on and on.……… The therapeutic journey can be hard work. But it is worthwhile and can also be a lot of fun.
Ponder This Exhibi on of original fine art, prints, cards and books by interna onally acclaimed NZ ar sts and authors Mike and Richard Ponder. 50 Devonport Road Thursday 28 May to Saturday 13 June Open 10am to 4pm every day except Sundays Fundraiser for Waipuna Hospice and the chance to see a striking collec on of artwork by these talented brothers. Entry is free, with Waipuna receiving 15% - 50% (depending on the item) on every sale during the exhibi on.
Na onal Volunteer Week 21-27 June We just couldn’t do what we do without the support of our 700 volunteers. The roles are so varied, suppor ng our pa ents, visi ng and driving them to appointments, working in the hospice shops, gardening, recording biographies. Every one of our volunteers meets a need, making an important contribu on to our service and care of pa ents and their families. The commitment, versa lity and good humour of our fine band of merry volunteers puts them at the heart of Waipuna Hospice.
Minimum Weight
Maximum Weight
4ft 10in
6st 0lbs
8st 3lbs
4ft 11in
6st 3lbs
8st 8lbs
5ft 0in
6st 7lbs
8st 13lbs
5ft 1in
6st 10lbs
9st 3lbs
5ft 2in
6st 13lbs
9st 8lbs
5ft 3in
7st 2lbs
9st 13lbs
5ft 4in
7st 6lbs
10st 4lbs
5ft 5in
7st 9lbs
10st 8lbs
5ft 6in
7st 12lbs
10st 13lbs
5ft 7in
8st 2lbs
11st 4lbs
5ft 8in
8st 5lbs
11st 9lbs
5ft 9in
8st 8lbs
11st 13lbs
5ft 10in
8st 12lbs
12st 4lbs
5ft 11in
9st 1lbs
12st 9lbs
6ft 0in
9st 4lbs
13st 0lbs
6ft 1in
9st 7lbs
13st 4lbs
6ft 2in
9st 11lbs
13st 9lbs
6ft 3in
10st 0lbs
14st 0lbs
TIME: 60 Seconds = 1 Minute 365 Days = 1 Year 60 Minutes = 1 Hour 366 Days = 1 Leap Year 24 Hours = 1 Day 2 years = Biennial 7 Days = 1 Week 4 Years = Olympiad 14 Days = 1 Fortnight 10 Years = Decade 52 Weeks = 1 Year 100 Years = Century 12 Months = 1 Year 200 Years = Bicentennial 1,000 Years = Millennium
0100 = 01am 0200 = 02am 0300 = 03am 0400 = 04am 0500 = 05am 0600 = 06am 0700 = 07am 0800 = 08am 0900 = 09am 1000 = 10am 1100 = 11am 1200 = 12 o clock (Mid Day) 1300 = 01pm 1400 = 02pm Eg: 1415 = 2.15pm 1500 = 03pm 1530 = 3.30pm 1600 = 04pm 1645 = 4.45pm 1800 = 06pm 1700 = 05pm 1900 = 07pm 2000 = 08pm 2100 = 09pm 2200 = 10pm 2300 = 11pm 2400 = 12 o clock (Midnight)
Signs of the Zodiac Aries March 21st-April 20th Ram Taurus April 21st-May 21st Bull Gemini May 22nd– June 21st Twins Cancer June 22nd-July 23rd Crab Leo July 24th-August 23rd Lion Virgo August 24th-September 23rd Virgin Libra September 24th-October 23rd Balance Scorpio October 24th-November 22nd Scorpion Sagittarius November 23rd-December 22nd Archer Capricorn December 23rd-January 20th Goat Aquarius January 21st-February 19th Water Bearer Pisces February 20th-March 20th Fish
Tornado Tornadoes are not something that people tend to worry about too much living in New Zealand, but there are a few tornadoes seen here each year. Mostly these are small scale and they don’t do too much damage. Probably the biggest one in recent history was in the Hamilton suburb of Frankton on 25 August 1948 which caused 3 deaths and 12 injuries as well as damaged 150 houses and 50 businesses.……………………… On the 13th May a tornado swept through parts of Mount Maunganui overnight. 11 houses and six commercial properties reported damage and there was extensive damage to Baypark Stadium. With quick responses by emergency management teams and key infrastructure providers by midnight all roads were open and power was back on. Club Mount Maunganui was open as a Welfare Centre until just before 1am.
Things we can do to be better prepared for such high winds, including: Before a landslide
Make sure you have a Household Emergency Kit ready Keep trees and shrubs trimmed and remove branches if they look damaged Remove any loose debris in your outdoor area
If you think a tornado is about the happen Take shelter immediately, such as in a basement or under furniture. If you are outside lie down flat away from trees and protect your head Don’t stay in or under a car
After a tornado Check for injuries, check if your neighbours need any assistance Report broken utility lines to appropriate authorities If your property or contents are damaged take notes and photographs when it is safe to do so
CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 16)
Are You Fed up with pricey dealership servicing costs, Then We Have Another option for servicing and repairs of your European car We use Autologic it is a top of the line robust vehicle diagnostic and service tool and is made for independent garages like us. Essential for European cars. Dealer-level software for use across premium vehicle manufacturers including BMW, Mini, Landrover, Range Rover and Mercedes Benz all backed with unrivalled technical support from Master Technicians and specialist software engineers on call. ...………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………... The Autologic Solution hands control back to us the independent garage giving them the confidence and technical ability to undertake any service or repair work without having to involve the dealer or call in outside help. Autologic is now Used by Autocraft Automotive Solutions!
Mention this add to go in the draw to win a car care gift pack