November news letter

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November 2016 … Phone: 021 501 200 … Email: Slip Slop Slap Wrap

Read about:

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

New Zealand Fire Service Info Police Buckle Up Message Legionnaire’s Disease Adoption .

Inside info:

Library Info/News What's On Cruise Boat Dates Jokes, Quotes Market Dates

Pet Tips CC’s Horoscopes Emergency Helplines Give Aways & Free Psychic Reading

So beautiful and peaceful Ocean, Dolphins, Rocks and Children

Evening Rendezvous By Simon Dewey Photography By: C Foster

Give Aways Better Send Off , by Gail McJorrow

4 Books to give away

CC’s News Letter

Email: ►Subject Re-name Go in the draw for a Free Box Ad for (1month)

The Ultimate Funeral Guide Jenny Crawford and Sharlene Lyons-Crawford

Email your question to ►Subject: Psychic Reading and your answer will be published in the next addition of CC’s News Letter.

Give Aways Send me your thoughts/idea of a new name for the CC’s News Letter Re-name the CC’s News Letter ……………………………………………….

Email ►Subject: Give away Tell me what you would like to see in Don’t forget to like and share CC’s News Letter on Facebook

CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email:

Page 2

Emergency Help and Support, Numbers

Toughlove 0800 868 445 Family Works 07 575 9709 Alcohol Drug Mainline 0800 787 797 Alcohol Drug Maori Line 0800 787 798 Alcohol Drug Pacifica Line 0800 787 799 Nemms Needle Exchange Mt Maunganui 07 575 5922 0800 WHATSUP children's helpline 0800 9428 787 Healthline (open 24/7) 0800 611 116 Samaritans (open 24/7) 0800 726 666 Citizen Advice Bureau 0800 367 222 Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 229 67 57 AIDS Hotline 0800 802 437 Youth line Phone Counselling 0800 376 633 Kids line (Kids up to 14yrs) 0800 543 754 What’s Up (Age 5-18) 0800 942 878 Parent Help 0800 568 856 Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. 021 2255108 Cot Death (sudden infant death support) 0800 16 44 55 NetSafe 0508 638 723 Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 Grief Support Services 07 578 4480 Suicide Crisis Helpline (open 24/7) 0508 828 865 Lifeline New Zealand 24hr 0800 543 354 Narcotics Anonymous 0800 628 632 Gambling Crisis Helpline 0800 654 655 Quitlin 0800 778 778 Pregnancy Counselling Service 0800 773 462 Relationship Services 0800 735 283 Family Violence Information Line 0800 456 450 Gender Bridge Inc (transgender support) 0800 844 357 Union of fathers (separation and support) 0508 22 5532 Shine Domestic Violence helpline 0508 744 633 Victim Support 0800 842 846 Women’s Refuge 0800 86 733 84 Tga 07 541 1911 Telefriend Sight Loss Peer Support 0800 100 051 Shakti Ethnic Women’s Support 0800 742 584 Tauranga Living Without Violence 0800 577 003 Prisoner Aid/Rehabilitation offender/family Turangi 07 386 8246 Open Home (Child, Family Support Foster Care) Tga 07 579 2840 Tauranga Moana Victim Support 0800 842 846 Te Whare Oranga Wairua Maori Women’s Refuge 0800 733 843 Sexual Abuse Centre (Rotorua) Inc 07 348 1555 Family Planning Tga 07 578 8539 Healthline 0800 611 116 La Leche (Breastfeeding Support) Tga 07 544 9817 Diabetes Helpline Tga 07 571 3422 Cancer Society Tga 07 571 2035 Café Youth Health 07 378 3895 Asthma Respiratory Management 07 577 6738 Plunketline 0800 933 922 Stroke Foundation 0800 787 653 National Cervical Screening Programme 0800 729 729 Prostate problem support line 0800 477 678 Breast Screen Aoteara Free: Age 45-69 0800 270 200 Western Bay of Plenty Ostomy Society Inc, help line 07-5737443 BOPSASS (Bay of Plenty Sexual Assault Support Service) 0800 227233 Rural Support Trust 0800 787 254

Emergencies: Mobile Phone Report Traffic Incidents Fire, Police, Ambulance Medical:

555 111

Accident & Healthcare (Tga) 07 577 0010 Hospital (Tauranga) 07 579 8000 Tauranga Police Station: Monmouth Street Tauranga Mount Maunganui Police Station: Salisbury Avenue Papamoa Police Station: 530 Papamoa Beach Road

Wedding Anniversaries 1st Paper 13th Lace 3rd Leather 15th Crystal 5th Wood 25th Silver 7th Copper 35th Coral 9th Pottery 45th Sapphire 11th Steel 55th Emerald 60th/75th Diamond

2nd Cotton 4th Flowers 6th Sweets 8th Bronze 10th Tin 12th Silk

14th 20th 30th 40th 50th

Ivory China Pearl Ruby Gold

Moon Phases Monday 07th November 2016 First Quarter

Monday 14th November 2016 Full Moon

Monday 21st November 2016 Last Quarter

Tuesday 29th November 2016 New Moon


Summer December - February Autumn March - May Winter June - August Spring September - November MONTHS OF THE YEAR January 31 Days February 28 Days March 31 Days April 30 Days May 31 Days June 30 Days July 31 Days August 31 Days September 30 Days October 31 Days November 30 Days December 31 Days February 29 Leap Year Every Four Years 0100 = 01am 0200 = 02am 0300 = 03am 0400 = 04am 0500 = 05am 0600 = 06am 0700 = 07am 0800 = 08am 0900 = 09am 1000 = 10am 1100 = 11am 1200 = 12 o clock (Mid Day) 1300 = 01pm 1400 = 02pm Eg: 1415 = 2.15pm 1500 = 03pm 1530 = 3.30pm 1600 = 04pm 1645 = 4.45pm 1800 = 06pm 1700 = 05pm 1900 = 07pm 2000 = 08pm 2100 = 09pm 2200 = 10pm 2300 = 11pm 2400 = 12 o clock (Midnight)

CC’s NOVEMBER HOROSCOPES Aries Difficulties with relationships are causing a few problems. These need to be looked into and changes made to get things back on track with your partner. Don’t worry too much as things will full into place. Taurus Social life seems to be swinging from complicated to positive, A good time to get those jobs finished around the home. This will let you prepare for the festive season with friends and family. Gemini This is a productive time for Geminis so make use of this and get the unfinished jobs sorted. Work is rolling along in a positive direction. Make time for the family and friends. A little socialising will do you good. Cancer Temptation to buy expensive things need some thinking as to whether you really need them. This could prove to stress the pocket so think well before you spend. This is a good time to put in place future savings. Leo There are changes ahead of you which will make a huge change to your life. There is a possibility of a move and change in work. New people crossing your path, it is likely you will make new friends. Virgo Virgo are very competitive striving for improvement within life. Don’t try to take on too much at once. You need to think wisely and make sure you make the right decision to get the best result of what you are wanting. Libra Time to get out of the rut. Life to you at the moment is having some time out to enjoy some of the pleasures that life has to offer. Take a road trip with family or friends enjoy each others company. Scorpio You are ready to have some fun. Social life will be busy with a lot of catching up to people whom you have not seen for a while. Some good advice may come your way that will help settle an issue that has been bothering you. Sagittarius With a positive frame of mind you have lots going on around you. You need to be on the ball if you want good outcomes from opportunitys that are surrounding you at the moment. Tread carefully and remember not everyone will agree with everything you want and plan. Capricorn Relationships seem to be in a good place. Life seems to be a roll with opportunities that if thought out well will bring positive results. This is a good time for socialising but be mindful of your opinions towards others. Aquarius Colleagues at work may make things tense. A good time to mind what you say and just do your job. If you are signing contracts or documents read the small print, Know what you are signing. You seem to be dealing with a mixed bag but this will pass soon. Pisces Socialising is important spending time with good friends. The green light is on and you are ready for opportunitys that will improve your life. Financial gains are looking good at this point of time. Tread carefully and wisely and push through those new ideas you keep thinking up.

Bay of Plenty Sexual Assault Support Services (known as BOPSASS) BOPSASS is a free 24 hours service in the Bay of Plenty for adults, teenagers & children who have been sexually assaulted.

We have staff based in Tauranga and Whakatane. If you would like to talk to one of our nurses or counsellors about what has happened to you, and what we can do to help you, then please

contact us. We know it takes courage to ask for help. You are not alone. 0800 227 233 … 27/7

CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email:

Page 3

DISCLAIMER: All efforts have been taken to see that all information within this News Letter is

correct. No responsibility will be accepted for any inaccuracies, misuse or misinterpretation of wrongful information. All information given and provided should be used as a guide only .

Advertising Information

DISCLAIMER (Daylight Saving Times R included) Time tables are a guide only. All efforts have been taken to see that these times and tides are correct. No responsibility will be accepted for any inaccuracies or misuse or wrong information.

Day/Date High

Advertising with CC’s News Letter supports organisations that provide help info to the community so that families can seek the required help in times of need. Advertise your business with CC’s News Letter and know YOU are supporting the community at the same time ... Logos need to be high resolution Files can be Jpeg, PDF or Publisher or word documents. (eg: drug abuse, alcohol abuse, child abuse, family violence, grief support, health advice, cancer

society, waipuna hospice, guide dogs, SPCA, Police, Fire, Ambulance). We welcome all businesses to join us supporting the community …


Hello Everyone … Editor’s Blurb We are definitely into spring with summer about to warm us all up. My garden is doing pretty good, nice to pick fresh bits for healthy salads, a nice change from cooked vegetable. Have a read about Legionnaire’s disease and see you work correctly with composts and garden products.

Cindy CC’s News Letter Phone: 021 501 200


I welcome aboard Josh who will keep us up to date with the Fire Brigade news and info giving us reminders of safety tips. Also have a read of the Police article regarding seat belts (“BUCKLE UP’) Please take note of their advice, there are too many people dying on our roads. While on this subject if you are traveling you know the rules NO cellphone texting, keep speed down and follow the speed limits. YES IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU and if so it will change yours and other lifes for ever if you kill someone. Don’t be an idiot … Be a legend





Tues 1


02:55 0.3 m

09:14 1.8 m

15:14 0.4 m

21:23 1.7 m

Wed 2


03:33 0.3 m

09:53 1.8 m

15:53 0.4 m

22:02 1.7 m

Thur 3


04:10 0.3 m

10:32 1.8 m

16:32 0.4 m

22:40 1.7 m

Fri 4


04:47 0.3 m

11:10 1.8 m

17:12 0.4 m

23:18 1.7 m

Sat 5


05:26 0.3 m

11:49 1.7 m

17:53 0.4 m

23:58 1.7 m

Sun 6


06:06 0.3 m

12:30 1.7 m

18:36 0.4 m


Mon 7

00:41 1.6 m

06:49 0.4 m

13:15 1.7 m

19:23 0.4 m


Tues 8

01:27 1.6 m

07:36 0.4 m

14:03 1.7 m

20:13 0.4 m


Wed 9

02:19 1.6 m

08:28 0.4 m

14:55 1.7 m

21:07 0.4 m


Thur 10

03:16 1.6 m

09:25 0.4 m

15:51 1.7 m

22:04 0.3 m


Fri 11

04:17 1.7 m

10:25 0.4 m

16:49 1.8 m

23:02 0.3 m


Sat 12

05:20 1.7 m

11:26 0.3 m

17:46 1.8 m



Sun 13


00:00 0.2 m

06:20 1.8 m

12:25 0.2 m

18:43 1.9 m

Mon 14


00:57 0.1 m

07:18 1.9 m

13:22 0.2 m

19:39 2.0 m

Tues 15


01:52 0.0 m

08:14 2.0 m

14:18 0.1 m

20:34 2.0 m

Wed 16


02:45 0.0 m

09:08 2.0 m

15:12 0.1 m

21:28 2.0 m

Thur 17


03:37 0.0 m

10:01 2.1 m

16:06 0.1 m

22:22 2.0 m

Fri 18


04:29 0.0 m

10:54 2.1 m

17:00 0.1 m

23:16 1.9 m

Sat 19


05:20 0.0 m

11:47 2.0 m

17:54 0.2 m


Sun 20

00:09 1.9 m

06:12 0.1 m

12:41 2.0 m

18:49 0.2 m


Mon 21

01:04 1.8 m

07:05 0.2 m

13:35 1.9 m

19:44 0.3 m


Tues 22

02:00 1.7 m

08:00 0.3 m

14:30 1.8 m

20:40 0.3 m


Wed 23

02:57 1.7 m

08:56 0.4 m

15:24 1.8 m

21:36 0.4 m


Thur 24

03:55 1.6 m

09:54 0.4 m

16:18 1.7 m

22:32 0.4 m


Fri 25

04:51 1.6 m

10:50 0.5 m

17:10 1.7 m

23:25 0.4 m


Sat 26

05:45 1.6 m

11:44 0.5 m

17:59 1.7 m



Sun 27


00:15 0.4 m

06:35 1.7 m

12:34 0.5 m

18:46 1.7 m

Mon 28


01:01 0.4 m

07:22 1.7 m

13:21 0.4 m

19:30 1.7 m

Tues 29


01:44 0.3 m

08:05 1.7 m

14:04 0.4 m

20:12 1.7 m

Wed 30


02:24 0.3 m

08:47 1.8 m

14:46 0.4 m

20:54 1.7 m

Have a happy month.

43 Alach Street, Greerton, , PO Box 2087, Tauranga, Phone 07 578 0245

Police Station Address and Contacts Tauranga Central Police Station, Monmouth St,

07-577 4300

Mount Maunganui Police Station, 6 Salisbury Ave, 07-575 3143 New Zealand Police - Greerton, 244 Chadwick Rd, 07-578 3460

Papamoa Community Policing Centre 530 Papamoa Beach Rd Papamoa

07 572 2440

Daylight Saving Starts 25th September 2016 …… Daylight Saving Ends 02nd April 2017 …... Daylight Saving Starts 24th September 2017

Public Holidays 2016 New Years Day: 1st Friday January Day after NY Day: Monday 4th January Waitangi Day: Monday 8th February Good Friday: Friday 25th March Easter Monday: Monday 28th March Anzac Day: Monday 25th April Queens Birthday: Monday 6th June Labour Day: Monday 24th October Christmas Day: Sunday 25th December Boxing Day: Monday 28th December Valentines Day: 14th February Mothers Day: 8th May Fathers Day: 4th September

School Term Dates 2016

Primary, Intermediate Secondary 1st Term 01st February… 15th April 2016 2nd Term 02nd May …. 08th July 2016 3rd Term 25th July … 23rd September 2016 4th Term 10th October ... 20th December 2016 Secondary & Composite 4th Term 10th October… 16th December 2016

Anniversaries / Symbols First Anniversary Cotton Second Anniversary Paper Third Anniversary Leather Fourth Anniversary Fruit & Flower Fifth Anniversary Wood Sixth Anniversary Sugar Seventh Anniversary Wool Eighth Anniversary Pottery Ninth Anniversary Willow Tenth Anniversary Tin Eleventh Anniversary Steel Twelfth Anniversary Fine linen & silk Fourteenth Anniversary Ivory Fifteenth Anniversary Crystal Twentieth Anniversary China Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Silver/Coral Fortieth Anniversary Ruby Forty-Fifth Anniversary Sapphire Fiftieth Anniversary Gold Fifty-fifth Anniversary Emerald Sixtieth Anniversary Diamond Seventieth Anniversary Platinum

Gender Signs ♂ male ♀ female ⚦ transgender, transsexual, alchemical symbol for iron or crocus of iron ⚲ neuter, eunuch ⚪asexuality; genderless; betrothed. (⚨ ⚩ alchemical symbol for iron)

Sex Relations Signs ⚤ heterosexual ⚢ lesbian, female homosexuality ⚣ gay, male homosexuality ⚥ bisexuality ⚧ transgender sexuality, hermaphrodite (in entomology). two men holding hands two women holding hands

Marriage Status Signs ⚭ Married ⚮ Divorced ⚯ Separated

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CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 —...— Email:

At your library now…


Free Psychic Reading From International Mediums/Psychics Jenny Crawford and Sharlene Lyons-Crawford

Clue yourself up with some newbies in the non-fiction area of your local library! Rampage Nation hits on a flashpoint in history where there seems to be a ramping up of mass shootings. Louis Klarevas sheds some light on the current penchant for pulling triggers multiple times. Lara, by Anna Pasternak, is Boris Pasternak’s great niece. Here she unravels the story of Boris’ “Lara”, Olga Ivinskaya. She paid the ultimate price for being Pasternak’s muse and love of his life. Doctor Zhivago was inspired by her. The Wright Brothers: The pioneering flying Wright Brothers are the subject of a new book by double Pulitzer winner David McCullough. The author sifted through private diaries, notebooks, scrapbooks and thousands of letters to recreate the lives of The Wright Brothers, Oliver and Wilbur, not to mention their unknown, yet so pivotal, sister Katharine. Paul Cuming | Collections Librarian, Tauranga City Libraries, Tauranga City Council

Do you have a question that you would like answered? Tauranga Library If so, please email your question to and your answer will be Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5.30pm … Wed late night 9.30am - 7.00pm Saturday 9.30am - 4.00pm Sunday 11.30am - 4.00pm published in the next addition of CC’s News Letter. PROFESSIONAL & RELAXED BRA FITTING Ladies… Do you loathe bra shopping or have trouble finding a well fitting bra?

Let me help you to find your FEEL GOOD FIT ! Complimentary Bra Fitting At your home or mine. Sizes 6A to 24 G Wide range of styles to suit all tastes. View and try on in relaxed surroundings.

Your Papamoa Bra Fit Specialist, Helen e: ph: 021 895 052 Getting the most out of your bras Taking good care of your bras will prolong the life of them. This means the bra will be more functional and comfortable for longer, therefore making it better value. Here are some tips for getting a longer life out of your bras: Washing We all love the convenience of a washing machine but underwires and the spin cycle are not friends… even in ‘delicates’ bags! Hand washing will most certainly cause less damage and wear & tear. Have you considered taking your bra into the shower with you and giving it a gentle rinse with some body wash? Always keep hooks and eyes done up to prevent snagging and the hooks from bending. Drying Hang the bra by the centre bridge over a washing line in the shade, or over drier or towel rail. Pegging out by one end will cause significant stretching, due to the weight of the bra when wet. Storage When placing bras in drawers or cupboards, be sure to lay them flat with both cups laid out and hooks done up. This is particularly so for moulded cup bras where the instinct is to push one cup inside the other turning it inside out. This causes wrinkles and puckering in the fabric and can also misshape the cup. Stack bras flat on top of each other or stack behind each other for longevity. Putting your bra on Are you a twister? Doing your bra up at the front then twisting round to the back and then lifting up and pulling straps over the shoulders. This causes stretching in the wings and the shoulder straps. Some ladies are forced to put a bra on this way due to physical injury or stiffness but if you are able, the best method for a long lasting bra is as follows: Put one arm in each shoulder strap, bend forward as far as you can go (head down towards ground) let breasts fall into your bra and then scoop them up then stand up and do strap up at back. This method will ensure the correct fitting of the bra from the outset and will therefore require very little adjustment once on. It will also reduce the stretching that forward fastening & twisting can cause, particularly if twisted the same way every time. Conclusion A good quality bra is an investment … not only in the bra itself but also in good breast health. A quality bra will give you years of life with the correct handling. It should be said though that a bra fitting every 6 months is still recommended to ensure that breast size has not changed and the bra remains a great fit !

Mount Maunganui Public Library: Mon-Fri 9:30am - 5pm Sat 9.30am-1.30pm 398 Maunganui Rd, Phone: 07-577 7177 Mount Maunganui Toy Library, Incorporated, Phone: 07-572 5228 Papamoa Public Library, Library, Public Toilets Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 09.30am-5.30pm, Sat-Sun 09.30am-4pm 15 Gravatt Rd, Papamoa 3118, Phone: 07 577 7177 Papamoa Toy Library: Inside the Papamoa Library Complex 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa, Phone: 07 575 3011 Greerton Library: Mon-Fri 9:30am – 5PM Sat-Sun 09.30am-4pm 139 Greerton Rd, Phone: 07-577 7177

The Mobile Library

The Mobile Library visits 43 stops on a fortnightly cycle. There are over 3,500 items to choose fromThe Mobile Library will bring any item from the Catalogue to your stop, for a Hold fee of $1 for an Adult, or 50c for Child or Teen.

Mobile Library Timetable November 2016

“For one who reads, there is no limit to the number of lives that may be lived, for fiction, biography, and history offer an inexhaustible number of lives in many parts of the world, in all periods of time.” ― Louis L'Amour

CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 —...— Email:

Shop 304 Bayfair Shopping Centre Cnr Maunganui & Girven Road Mount Maunganui Tel 07 574 1089

Shop G1 Bethleham Town Centre 19 Bethleham Road Bethleham Tel 07 579 1211

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CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email:

Compost and Potting Mix Legionnaire’s disease (legionellosis) It’s gardening time which means planting and repotting using compost and potting mix. I’m sure many have noticed the strong smell of compost and potting mix in the shops. The smell seems to be strong this year. People need to be careful around their handling of compost and potting mix. Compost is full of living material - some of which can be harmful if inhaled causing risk of Legionnaire’s disease (legionellosis) The disease is a lung condition, with symptoms similar to pneumonia or mild flu-like symptoms. Seek medical advice immediately if you have concerns you have contracted the disease. Legionnaires’ disease can cause serious illness in some cases death if not treated. The disease does not spread from person to person. Take special care when using garden products. Make sure you store it safely away from small children. ►Store bags of potting mix out of direct sunlight. ►Open bags of composted potting mix slowly (opening away from your face). ►Wear gloves when handling soil, compost or potting mix. ►When potting plants, wet the soil to reduce dust. ►When working in greenhouses or indoors, make sure it is well ventilated. ►Wash your hands carefully after handling soil. ►Avoid getting compost in sores or cuts. ►Wear a mask if you are working in confined spaces.


Sold Your Home Now Avoid Post Move Clutter 1. Unpack And Set Up One Room At A Time

You might feel like you have to get everything done at once, but that will get you frustrated in a hurry. Remember to take it slow. Unpack one room at a time, such as a bedroom. Place the bed, dresser and other basic furniture in the room. Add heavier items such as free-standing wardrobes only if the remaining space will permit them. This avoids wasting time removing items from the room after unpacking. This also allows you to see what the room needs to complete the décor, such as curtains, rugs, mirrors and other items. Set up a consistent pace and stick to it.

I was born in 1969 and this was at the height of adoption in New Zealand. Upwards of 3000 babies were adopted that year. It was the norm and society at the times way of solving the problem of young unmarried women becoming pregnant. Funny as it seems if you search under ‘adoption’ at the Tauranga library the books are under the sub heading ‘social problems’. One of the most serious misconceptions of the time was that adoption was actually good for everyone involved. Sadly time has told a very different story. It turns out that for the adoptee the trauma of being separated at birth from mother is devastating and the effects are so profound they define us. One adoptee has written that the pain and loss felt through her life was ‘cellular’. Of course I made my way through life as any other person does and I believe that today through a lot of counselling and support have a wonderful life. But the fact remains that I have feelings of loss and grief for that relationship with natural mother/father that I never had. These feelings have affected every aspect of my life.

If you are adopted and have struggles perhaps talking with others of similar experience may help. Several adult adoptees in Tauranga are starting a support/discussion group and you would be welcome. Phone Scott 0275656459

2. Use What You Already Have Too Fill the New Space

Wait to go shopping for new things until after you unpack for at least a couple of weeks. You may have items in boxes that will fit the new space you have in home. No one wants to buy more of what they already have, so unpack all those boxes before you do any shopping. Dressers, beds, cabinets and more can be reused in your new home. A fresh coat of paint and perhaps new hardware can make old furniture look new again. 3. Organise Your Storage

Sometimes you just have too much stuff. Not every new home will accommodate all of your belongings. Be sure to organise your storage spaces in way to maximize the amount of belongings you can store. Extra furniture, seasonal clothing, holiday items and more can be stored until needed. This reduces clutter around your home. Your new space will feel comfortable and less stressful.

This month is a great time to talk to your kids and grandchildren about preparedness! Do they know what your plans are for when there 4. Have a Garage Sale is no power, water or phone/ After a few months of living in your new home, consider having a garage sale internet? to dispose of items you no longer use. Get rid of all the old junk that’s just Do they know what you will do taking up space. This could include electronics, lawn equipment, seasonal if you can’t get home? Are stuck clothing, furniture or other items. The money can help offset the costs of living at home? Or have to leave in a new home. Hosting a garage sale is a great way to get rid of clutter. If home in a hurry? there are items that go unsold at the garage sale, there is always the option to To help you answer the donate unused items. Consider tossing old junk or clutter that is altogether difficult questions useless. Also try selling your stuff online. It’s a great and easy alternative to a viit Talk to your family! garage sale. Make a plan! Phone 0800 22 28 24 for a free consultation if you need a hand.

CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email:

Greatness of a nation

Page 7 Answers Page 14


Eating what you have grown completes a cycle, from seed to table, that humans have been fulfilling for thousands of years. In our busy and alienated existence, we rarely have opportunities to meet our physical needs so directly. Pam Peirce “If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.” ― Mark Twain “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi Until mankind can extend the circle of his compassion to include all living things, he will never, himself, know peace. - Albert Schweitzer What we most need to do is to hear within us the sound of the Earth crying. Thich Nhat Hanh With happiness as with health: to enjoy it, one should be deprived of it occasionally - Jules Verne It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength. -- Maya Angelou I'd give all wealth that years have piled, The slow result of Life's decay, To be once more a little child For one bright summer day. ~Lewis Carroll, "Solitude"

We’ve got Christmas all wrapped up

Johnny had just received his brand new driver's license. The family goes out to the driveway and climbs in the car, where he is going to take them for a ride for the first time.

As we approach the season of giving, let Waipuna Hospice help you tick off that list.  NZ Home Diary 2017 - $18  Precious Kiwi Tea Towel - $14  Christmas cards, pack of ten with envelopes - $12 Concert tickets to see The Shades and Natasha Wilson on 26 November (an early Christmas gift or outing?) - $40, Adult; $20 Student All available from Waipuna Hospice, our Hospice Shops, and the online store at

Dad immediately heads for the back seat, directly behind the new driver.

Trees of Remembrance

"I'll bet you're back there to get a change of scenery after all those months of sitting in the front passenger seat teaching me how to drive," says the beaming boy to the his dad. "Nope," comes dad's reply, "I'm gonna sit here and kick the back of your seat as you drive, just like you've been doing to me all these years." Julie was driving a people carrier full of ten screaming kids through the high street looking for a space. Too frazzled to effectively pay attention, she coasted right through a stop sign. A man in a passing car leaned out of his window and yelled, "Hey, lady, have you forgotten how to stop?" Julie out of her window and yelled back, "What makes you think these kids are all mine?" A patrol officer pulled over Enid for speeding. Enid was a 65 year old lady from out of state. The officer asked to see her licence. 'Don't have one' Enid said. 'Can I please see the Vehicle registration' the officer asked firmly but politely. 'Nope' snapped Enid. In that case I will have to take you into the Police station and charge you there. When they arrived the arresting officer said, to the duty sergeant. This lady has no licence and no vehicle registration. 'Sure I do' said Enid sweetly. 'This officer has got it in for me, the next thing is he will be saying that I was speeding'. Sally's car was unreliable and she called John for a ride every time it broke down. One-day John got yet another one of those calls. "What happened this time?" he asked. "My brakes went out," Sally said. "Can you come to get me?" "Where are you?" John asked. "I'm in the drugstore," Sally responded. "And where's the car?" John asked. Sally replied, "It's in here with me."

The long-standing tradition of the remembrance tree appeal will take place in December, with sites at Brookfield New World, Palmers Bethlehem and Papamoa Pak’n Save. Farmers stores at Bayfair and Tauranga – and in fact all around the country – are also supporting the appeal and you can add a donation when you pay for your shopping at the counter. There will be trees instore where you can write a special message to someone you love who can’t be with you this Christmas. By supporting our fundraising activities, you are helping us provide specialist medical and nursing care to people in our community living with an illness for which cure is no longer an option. Thank you!

Bethlehem Hair Design 235b State Highway 2 Bethlehem, Tauranga

07 576 4460 "The team at Bethlehem Hair Design has 4 passionate stylists that cover and enjoy all aspects of hairdressing in the heart of Bethlehem Come in for a consultation today!

Our hours are: Tues, Weds and Friday 9-5 Thursday 9-8 Saturday 9-2

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Mount Maunganui RSA (INC.) 544 Maunganui Road, PO Box 4011 P: 07 5754477 / M: 022 647 1407 E:

Every week Top Quality Live Entertainment Fri/Sat/Sun

Opening Hours Mon - Sun 10am to 8.30 Monday & Tuesday Family nights with $22 buffet selection under 5’s dining free with an adult and children 5 and over pay their age. Carvery buffet is available Sunday to Thursday, full buffet on Friday & Saturday and we have an a la carte menu running in conjunction with the buffet menu. NOVEMBER ENTERTAINMENT ‘

Friday Saturday Sunday

04 November 05 November 06 November

Che Orton Gerry Lee Big John (4.30pm to 7.30pm)

Friday Saturday Sunday Friday Saturday Sunday Friday Saturday Sunday

11 November 12 November 13 November 18 November 19 November 20 November 25 November 26 November 27 November

Mark Taupiri The Gee Bees Show Andy Bowman(4.30pm to 7.30pm) Back Porch Ray Solomon Terry Jensen Duo(4.30pm to 7.30pm) Shy & Retiring Two of Hearts Selwyn & Debbie(4.30pm to 7.30pm)

Civil Defence The Bay of Plenty will experience Natural and Man Made disasters such as power and water failure, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions in the future. Disasters have the potential to ruin everything you have worked for over the years - homes, treasured and precious momentos and, possibly the loss of a loved one. Whilst disasters cannot be stopped, think ahead and be prepared by involving the whole family, and make an emergency plan together. Plan to look after yourself and your loved ones for at least 3 day or more. Many disasters will affect essential services and possibly disrupt your ability to travel or communicate with each other. You may be confined to your home, or forced to evacuate your neighbourhood. In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, emergency services will not be able to get help to everyone as quickly as needed. This is when you are likely to be most vulnerable. So it is important to plan to look after yourself and your loved ones for at least three days or more in the event of a disaster. Get your family or household together and agree on a plan. A functional emergency plan helps alleviate fears about potential disasters, and can help you respond safely and quickly when a disaster happens. You can get a copy of a household emergency plan and checklist from your local council, or download your printable Household Emergency Plan template. For people with a disability, emergencies such as fires, floods and acts of terrorism present a real challenge. The same challenge also applies to the elderly and other special needs populations. Make arrangements now to get the support needed during an emergency event.

Build a personal support network

Organise a personal support network of a minimum of three

people to alert you to civil defence warnings, or to help if you need to be evacuated. This could be family members, careers, friends, neighbours or co-workers. Ensure you have an emergency plan before a disaster happens and practice it with your support network. Plan for various disasters and situations you could encounter.

Discuss your needs with the support network and make sure everyone knows how to operate necessary equipment Inform your support team if you are travelling or away

This Could Be Your Space How To Advertise in CC’s

Email me for advertising information/order form Pictures & logos must be high resolution. Email ready made ads or I can help design for you. Secure your space in November, December and January

“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls.” – Anais Nin

We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Anonymous

CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 —...— Email:

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CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email:

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MOBILE PHONES … TXT DRIVING DON’T TXT WHEN DRIVING!!! 610 Maunganui Road, Mount Maunganui, 3116, Mobile: 021 501 200 or Email:

B/W Printing (1Ream 500) $46.00 gst incl Colour Printing (50+) $1.00 + gst

50 x A4 colour $46.00 gst incl Binding, Calendars, Business Cards, Pamphlets, Personalised Cards, (Bereavement, Birthday, Wedding)

Some Photo Restoration

Laminating A4, A3 Photo’s, Pictures & Documents R U a small Business starting out? Do you need Business cards? U need just a few to get going? Buy as you need (Template has to be made)

Save 50%

Email high resolution logo’s, photos & info for your Cards or Documents

Quote will depends on your requirements, layouts DON’T TOUCH A DOG UNLESS YOU ASK THE OWNERS PERMISSION FIRST!

Dogs Safety

Little, medium and big dogs can look so cute, adorable, however this does not mean that you ... a stranger to the dog can just walk up an hug, kiss and pat it. In lots of ways dogs are similar to children some are quite, shy, scared, and then you get the ones that don’t mind a stranger. All dogs belong to their owners not a stranger. You wouldn't like a stranger to just appear and start playing, hugging or kissing your child, well it is the same for dog owners. Many people don’t think!. It is only polite to ask before you touch a dog you don’t know. Maybe the dog is not a peoples dog or maybe it’s in training or maybe the dog is not well. If you see a dog you like the look of make sure you ask if you can pat the dog listen to the owner, don’t let your children hug and climb around the dog. Teach your children the right way to meet and greet a dog. Children cry if they are not happy and don’t want to be around you … A dog can’t cry they may show their fear by nipping you if you insist on getting in their space. Please show respect to the dog owner and their pooch. When you do greet the dog don’t grab at it or try to hug it. The correct way to greet a dog is to slowly put your hand out facing down and let the dog sniff it. Your tone of voice will also determine if the dog is happy to be around you. If the dog is happy it is then ok to slowly pat it on the side of its face by the ears. If you have your hand above the dog it might make the dog think you are going to hit it. Do not put your face around dogs you don’t know.

Regardless of all the advertising, Police warnings, people still drive and use mobile phones. What don’t they understand? The danger they are putting themselves and others in by driving with eyes off the road. Come on people don’t be so bloody stupid … there is enough advertising around warning you of the dangers but still you do it. You think it won’t and can’t happen to you… think again. Sooner or later you will be a victim … just what the damage will be … death of someone else … a child or a mother or father? Or maybe you taking your last breath … hopefully you got to finish your txt message? Don’t be an idiot have respect for others on the road.

DRINK DRIVING We have all been warned about drink driving. We all know we are not to drink & drive …!!!

DON’T BE A BLOODY IDIOT! Have your parties enjoy your friends and celebrate holidays but use your brains, organise your travel home or stay at your friend’s place. Taxis are available and in the end are cheaper than a drink driving ticket, loss of licence or living with the fact you have injured or killed another person. Remember if you kill another person or yourself you

HURT & WRECK so many people’s lives. Too Late? You idiot when you sober up and realize what you have done will you be able to still say you enjoyed your drinks? Will you be able to live with what you have done? Wattie’s Cans for Good 14 -18 November, Collect. Educate. Create. Donate. Is an exciting national can ‘collection, education, creations and donation’ event being run in the week of 14 November by The Salvation Army in partnership with Wattie’s for New Zealand primary schools. With help from schools all around the country we hope to collect more than 25,000 cans to help restock local foodbank shelves in the lead-up to Christmas. With Wattie’s matching donated cans, we are targeting a whopping 50,000 cans in total! All cans collected by schools will be donated to their local Salvation Army or community foodbank making a direct and real difference to those in need in their local community. How it works Wattie’s Cans for Good goes beyond other can fundraisers, by bringing together the charitable collection activity with a creative competition and a set of teacher resources which are designed to engage children and teachers, in a fun, team-based giving and learning experience. The campaign will involve primary schools: Awesome prizes All participating schools will receive a special certificate thanking them for their contribution and five schools with the most creative ‘can creation’ can choose from sports or art supply voucher valued at $500. Making a difference We hope hundreds of primary schools from around the country will sign up to be part of Wattie’s Cans for Good. Every school that gets involved will help make a difference to vulnerable families and individuals in their community who need food assistance to deal with New Zealand’s rapidly rising living costs. Last year The Salvation Army provided more than 55,000 food parcels to help Kiwis in need get back on their feet. Sign up today to collect, create, educate and donate and make a difference in your community. If you have any questions or would like more information, call us on 0800 653 050. K Mart wishing tree appeal This year K Mart at Bethlehem will be taking part in the K Mart wishing tree. The Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal helps everyone. We receive a lot of gifts for children, but we also distribute gifts for everyone that might be having a hard time. Everyone including adults and seniors are assisted by the Wishing Tree Appeal. The launch at Bethlehem K Mart will be week of 14th November. K Mart Bayfair Mount Maunganui are participating in the Wishing Tree Appeal.

CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: A.A - Alcoholics Anonymous NZ When I first stopped drinking, I was told about AA meetings, but there was NO WAY that I was going to go to a meeting with a group of people and tell them I had a drinking problem and needed help. My goodness they were a bunch of crazy alcoholics and me, well I just had a drinking problem that was totally unique to me and I could sort myself out. So that's what I did for 6 months, stayed sober and tried to get my life back together. Then I started to feel a bit wobbly, issues came up in my life that had me thinking about drinking again. I rang the 0800 number with the thought of just going to a couple of meetings to "sort my head out". I was really nervous and didn't want to walk into a room of strangers...and believe me, everybody in that room has also been to their first meeting! They all knew that feeling of trepidation, fear and feeling like a loser. The lady I spoke to on the 0800 number arranged to meet me outside so I would have someone to walk in with (that was a relief). The meeting was actually OK too, just a regular group of people sitting in a circle of chairs sharing their experience of drinking, the strength they feel in sobriety and the hope that they can make it and also help other alcoholics achieve sobriety. I found out that my drinking problems were not unique and that other people had similar stories. I walked out of that first meeting thinking that "Yeah I might go back, and that wasn't as dicky as I thought it would be" There are meetings in the BOP region every day of the week and they can be found on the AA website or by calling 08002296757 Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety. For more information please call 0800229 6757 or visit

Car Check List If you leave the car, lock all doors, take your (valuables within reason) Tyres under-inflated it will cause rapid wear and reduce the tyres life. Tyres that are underinflated can reduce fuel efficiency by up to 4%. Check the condition and tread depth of your tyres. Bulges, lumps or cuts are all signs that your tyre may need replacing. Different vehicles need different levels of tyre pressure. Check the pressure when your tyres are cold. Check the pressure in all four tyres and the spare Check your wiper blades for wear and tear. Clean your mirrors and windscreen inside and out. Check all indicators are flashing. Check your headlights, reversing lights and brake lights are working Check you have current warrant and registration.

Page 11

Restraints Between 1 January and 20 September, 36% of vehicle occupants killed were unrestrained. This translates to 63 people whose deaths may have otherwise been prevented had they used a seat belt. · If you look at yearly figures, there is a sudden increase in deaths associated with non-restraint use. From 2012 to 2014 there were 57 deaths. In 2015 that figure jumped to 92. It only takes two seconds to buckle up which could potentially save your life in a crash, so why are people choosing not to do it? · In the last five years over 300 people who died in crashes were not buckled up. Those lives could have potentially been saved if they had made the decision to wear a seat belt. ►Wearing a seat belt reduces your chance of death or serious injury in a crash by over 40 percent. ►Seat belts – it’s a no-brainer. The two seconds it takes to fasten your seat belt may just save your life. ►The wearing of seat belts and use of restraint devices in vehicles continues to save lives. ·

Seat belts save lives – it’s that simple.

Statistics show that male passengers at night with an alcohol-affected driver were more likely to not be wearing a seat belt. (Outcome Report, 2015) Regardless of what type of motor vehicle you are driving, whether it’s a hatchback, people mover or an 18 wheeler truck, the message is still the same. Wear your seat belt. Child restraints Since November 2013 all child passengers up to 7 years of age, have to be restrained in an appropriate child restraint. Approved child restraints include: · infant restraints for young babies (often called baby capsules) · restraints for older babies, toddlers and preschool children …. (often called car seats) · booster seats for preschool and school-aged children · child safety harnesses (used with or without a booster seat) for …. ...pre-school and school-aged children. The driver is responsible for ensuring that all passengers under the age of 15 are appropriately restrained. ►The rules for child restraint use are for one purpose – to stop children from being killed or seriously injured when travelling in vehicles. The death or serious injury of any child is a tragedy, and even more so when it can be prevented with the use of simple and widely available equipment like child restraints. It is unacceptable for people to put children's lives at risk by willfully ignoring the law or failing to restrain a child where restraints are available. ►Children are taonga and need help to keep safe. It’s your responsibility, as the driver, to make sure they are properly restrained. ►No family should ever have to bury a child whose death could have been avoided by being properly restrained while in the car.

Dial *555 FREE from a mobile phone to report road incidents which are Sergeant Ian Campion urgent but not life-threatening. This includes such things as non-injury Senior Officer in Charge: Road Policing Team | Western Bay of Plenty | New Zealand Police crashes, erratic driving, traffic congestion, breakdowns and obstructions on the highway. Your call will go to a Police Communications Centre but DOGS SHOULD WEAR SETBELTS will be given lower priority than 111 calls. Just like all things in your car dogs should be seat belted so if you have to GUIDE DOGS apply your brakes in a hurry your pooch Are you thinking of sponsoring a is not sent like a bullet through the guide dog Enquires, Information window screen. 0800 24 33 33 Remember they are part of your family

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CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 —...— Email:

Where are we now?..... FUN When you have one of our CC’s Magazines, take a photo of it somewhere in your town, country. Email the photo to me at: Your choice if you want to be in the photo. Lets see how far this News Letter is going and where … Keep

Charlie at Mile Bay Taupo your magazine was on a table at the 2 mile bay cafe Taupo. Struggled to get a picture of lake background due to poor lighting and cell phone issues. Andrew Hart

CC’s Newsletter at Just Cuts Fraser Cove

sending your photos … Gordon Inglis of Welcome Bay reading the CC's newsletter mag outside the Dubai Opera House.

CC’s News Letter at the Agrodome in Rotorua CC’s Props has a range of props that will enhance a theme for your event. Depending on the prop they stand 6ft and look absolutely fabulous. Bookings are required to secure the props for your event Just a few of many …. Hollow drums are also available.

The one stop for your grooms wedding attire Custom made suits and shirts Suits and shirts to purchase Full hire service available with stock in store

Frank Casey Suits 89 Grey Street, Tauranga Phone: 5782888 Facebook/ frankcaseytauranga Pink Ribbon / Daffodil Day "My horse Shadow (20 years old) and I have been collecting for Pink Ribbon / Daffodil Day now for 11 years. Initially in Hamilton, we moved to Tauranga three years ago. Riding my horse is a great way to get amongst the public and it's always special to see children and parents up close, patting Shadow. He really is the most amazing horse and will go anywhere and do anything I ask of him. This year, my two dogs, Lacey and Teeny (mother and daughter) travelled with us - Shadow carried them in the saddle bags. There are dozens of charities every year which we are encouraged to support - my passion is with cancer. Hamiltonians were incredibly generous over the years and I challenge Tauranga residents and visitors to dig deep into their pockets - let's face it, most families are touched by cancer in some way. A gold coin donation for every photo taken on the day would have made a huge difference. Thanks to all of you who did donate." [Jan Ferguson]

CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 —...— Email:

Page 13 Don’t leave your dog in the car, It is too HOT for them.

Give good clear Information and stay on the line

Emergency Services Call 111

Hot cars cause your dog to over heat and stress

It’s Too Hot


A Crystal Meth Poem get high. The crimes you'll are your gifts from me.

Animal Healing If your pet acting is out of character or unwell, it may well be that they don’t have an energy field around their body or their energy centers' may be out of alignment. When this happens the cells of the body are not able to communicate, it’s like they are sitting on the couch, not talking to each other and sleeping. You may be feeding your pet good quality foods and the right supplements or even medications from the vet but their body is quite simply not able to use them, the ability to assimilate them as its’ supposed to just doesn’t happen, therefore it may appear that nothing is changing. .

During a healing session I work to wake up these cells and kick them off the couch. We get them to start talking to each other again, to have the body running at optimal levels. With the lack of energy field, the body may not have been “putting out the garbage/waste” for awhile; therefore your pet could experience a detox after a session. Once the cells are awake and talking to each other, your pet’s body will have a better chance of healing by itself. The whole system will be empowered as the body is now able to up-take the nutrients, supplements or medications you are giving them. They will feel more balanced. With an energy field fully functioning, it acts as a buffer around the body which helps any outside influences just slide off. During the healing I will also help your animal let go of any trapped emotions they may be holding onto. What affects the body’s energy field? Quite often the energy field can be knocked out by abuse, an accident, being re-homed (this can be what they were subjected to in their previous home), dog fighting, or a traumatic event – including a fall or break, having an anesthetic or something the owner is going through. (What animals tend to do is look out for their owners and if they get sick or go through trauma, the animal will try and take on some of the emotions so that the owner can cope) How often should I have my pet checked? My suggestion is to have two sessions within 7 to 10 days of each other. The “new normal” for them, may initially feel odd. If your pet has been out of alignment for quite some time we may have to re-train the body that the new normal is the true alignment. This also gives you a chance to see the difference between them being in alignment and out of alignment, therefore putting you in charge of your pet’s health and wellbeing.

Andy The Animal Healer Has your pet been .... Re-homed? Rescued or Abused? In an Accident or Experienced Trauma? Unwell or Acting out of Character? Andy Pentecost

Website: Email: Phone: 07 571 1141 or 0275 750 708

If my glamorous lifestyle is appealing to you. And you want to try me because you've nothing to lose. Then, let me give you a bit of advice. You are a fool. And you'd better think twice. I destroy homes. I tear families apart. I take your children and that's just the start. I'm more valued than diamonds. More precious than gold. The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold. If you need me, remember; I'm easily found. I live all around you. In school and in town. I live with the rich. I live with the poor. I live just down the road. And maybe next door. I'm made in a lab, but not in one like you think. I can be made under your kitchen sink. Or in your child's closet and even out in the woods. If this scares you to death, it certainly should. I have many names, but there's one you'll know best. I'm sure you've heard of me. My name's Crystal Meth. My power is awesome. Try me you'll see. But if you do, You may never break free. Just try me once and I might let you go. But if you try me twice, then I own your soul……..………………….. When I possess you, You'll steal and lie. You'll do what you have to Just to .






commit, For my narcotic charms Will be worth the pleasure, You'll feel in my arms. You'll lie to your mother. You'll steal from your dad. When you see their tears you must not feel sad. Just forget your morals and how you were raised. I'll be your conscious. I'll teach you my ways. I take kids from their parents. I take parents from kids. I turn people from God. I separate friends. I'll take everything from you; Even your good looks and your pride. I'll be with you always. Right here by your side. You'll give up everything; Your family, your home Your money, your friends, You'll be all alone. I'll take and I'll take ‘til you've no more to give. When I'm finished with you, you'll be lucky to live. If you try me be warned: THIS IS NOT A GAME. If I'm given the chance, I'll drive you insane. I'll ravage your body. I'll control your mind. I'll own you completely. Your soul will be mine. The nightmares I'll give you when your lying-in bed.... And the voices you'll hear from inside your head.... The sweats, the shakes, and the visions you'll see.... I want you to know: These .






By then it's too late and you'll know in your heart That you are now mine, and we shall not part. You'll regret that you tried me. (They always do.) Remember, you came to me. Not I, to you. You knew this would happen. How many times were you told? But you challenged my power. You chose to be bold. You could have said "No" and then walked away. If you could live that day over now, what would you say? My power is awesome as I told you before. I can take your mother and turn her into a whore. Go ahead and curse me with every breath. Just make your choice: Will it be life or meth? You will take unknown paths on your journey through life. Some will bring happiness. Some will bring strife………………………. But, my path is one you must not ever cross. Although it's well-trodden countless lives have been lost. Now that you've met me, what will you do? Will you try me or not? It's all up to you. I can show you more misery than words can tell. Come, take my hand. Let me lead you to Hell. Author unknown .





Affordably Priced Hardware/Software Problems Solved

If I can’t fix, house call is free. Call Dirk McTavish: 07 5432521 Mobile: 0221 231 591 Email: Website:


507 Maunganui Road, Mt Maunganui Phone: (07) 575-4462 Email: Stores Nationwide

Page 14

CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email:

Whats On

Market Dates

Summer Night Riot Totara St, 11 Totara St, Mt Maunganui, Mt Maunganui Friday 4 November 2016 8:00pm – 12:30am The Little Big Markets Coronation Park, Maunganui Road, Mt Maunganui Saturday 5 November 2016 9:00am – 2:00pm The Original Gypsy Fair Memorial Park, Devonport Road, Tauranga Saturday 5 November 2016 9:00am and Sunday 6 November 2016 9:00am BaseUp Omokoroa Coastal Challenge Omokoroa Domain, The Esplanade, Omokoroa, Tauranga Saturday 5 November 2016 8:00am – 12:00pm Chirp Monthly Market Day Chirp ReDezine, 5 Merivale Rd, Tauranga Saturday 5 November 2016 8:00am and Saturday 3 December 2016 8:00am Apollo Steam Train Single Release Party Totara St, 11 Totara St, Mt Maunganui, Mt Maunganui Saturday 5 November 2016 8:00pm – 11:30pm Introduction to SUP and Waka Ama Pilot Bay Beach, The Mall, Mt Maunganui Saturday 5 12 19 26 November 2016 11:00am – 12:30pm Eastslide Blues BREW Craft Beer Pub, 107 The Strand, Tauranga Saturday 5 November 2016 4:00pm – 7:00pm Healthy Living Festival Mount Maunganui Sports Centre, Cnr Maunganui & Hull Road, Saturday 5 November 2016 10:00am and Sunday 6 November 2016 10:00am Intermediate SUP and Waka Ama Pilot Bay Beach, Mt Maunganui Sun 6 13 20 27 Nov 11:00am Stand Up Paddle Boarding Fireworks Extravganza ASB Stadium at Baypark, Mt Maunganui Sat 5 Nov 6:30pm / Motorsport Celtic Illusion - Witness the Magic Baycourt Community and Arts Centre, 38 Durham Street, TaurangaMonday 7 November 2016 7:00pm 6 Emerson's Beer Styles & 6 Degustation Courses to Match Mount Social Club, 305 Maunganui Road, Mt Maunganui Wednesday 9 November 2016 6:00pm – 10:00pm Dance for Kindness Mt Drury Sound Shell, Marine Parade, Mt Maunganui Sunday 13 November 2016 2:00pm – 2:30pm Kids Learn to Snorkel Mount Hot Pools, 9 Adams Ave, Mt Maunganui Wednesday 16 November 2016 4:00pm – 4:30pm Nana's Naughty Knickers Detour Theatre, 155 Seventeenth Avenue West, Tauranga Wednesday 16 November 2016 7:30pm – 9:45pm Bay of Plenty Sports Awards ASB Arena at Baypark, 81 Truman Lane, Mt Maunganui Friday 18 November 2016 6:00pm – 10:30pm Busting Out With Kerre Mcivor ASB Baypark, 81 Truman Ln, Mt Maunganui Saturday 19 November 2016 6:30pm – 12:00am The Little Big Markets The Papamoa Pony Club, 491 Papamoa Beach Rd, Mt Maunganui Saturday 19 November 2016 9:00am – 2:00pm M*O*M Launch Club Mount Maunganui, 45 Kawaka St, Mt Maunganui Saturday 19 November 2016 6:45pm – 9:00pm New Zealand Ocean Swim Series - Sand to Surf Mt Maunganui Beach, Marine Parade, Mt Maunganui Saturday 19 November 2016 9:00am – 2:00pm Gourmet Night Market Coronation Park, Maunganui Road, Mt Maunganui Friday 2 December 2016 5:00pm – 9:00pm Boutique Mummy Markets Papamoa Papamoa College, 151 Doncaster St, Papamoa, Mt Maunganui Sunday 4 December 2016 10:00am – 2:00pm Tauranga's Christmas In the Park Gold coin entry Blake Park, Maunganui Road, Mt Maunganui Saturday 10 December 2016 1:00pm – 8:00pm

Sudoku Answers

Greerton Markets Last Saturday of each month Greerton Hall 8am - 12noon 027 9082952 Moggies Market 2nd Saturday of each month Katikati Memorial Hall Maketu Flea Market 3rd and 5th Sunday of each month Maketu Village Green Red Square Market 2nd Friday of each month Downtown Tauranga The Cargo Shed Saturdays & Sundays, Some public holidays, 5 Dive Crescent, Tauranga Car Boot Sale Evans Road Community Church 3rd Saturday of each month. Lions Bethlehem Market Historic Village, 1st/3rd Sunday each month 8am-12noon Cambridge Farmers Market Victoria Park, Cambridge ... Every Saturday 8am-12 noon Te Awamutu Twilight Farmers Market, Selwyn Park, Every Thursday 3.30pm-6.30pm Frankton Market, Commerce Street, Frankton, Every Saturday 8am-1pm Hamilton Farmers Market, 204 River Road, Hamilton, Every Sunday 8am-12noon Omokoroa Lions Market 2nd Sunday of each month 9am-noon Western Avenue, Omokoroa Katikati Plant and Produce Market Every Friday 4pm -6pm A & P Showground's, SH2, Katikati Tauranga Farmers’ Market Each Saturday from 8am-12pm Tauranga Primary School, 5th Avenue Rotorua Night Market Tutanekai Street, Rotorua, Every Thursday 5pm-9pm Soundshell Market…Lakefront, Rotorua 9am to 3pm…For dates/information, telephone Liz or Gordon 07 3325782 Thames Market Pollen Street, Thames, Every Saturday 8am-12noon Peace Park Boon Street Whakatane 2nd & 4th Thursday till April Matata Reserve Main Road Matata 3rd Wednesday of every month. Site booking essential Gate Pa Car Boot Market next to Tauranga Girls’ College. 934 Cameron Road 1st Saturday each month Tamahere Country Market St Stephens Church, Tamahere Hamilton, Every 3rd Saturday Papamoa Lions Market. 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month , Papamoa Sports & Rec, Parton Road, Papamoa. Mount Maunganui Farmer's Market Every Sunday from 9am-1pm Phoenix car park, Mount Maunganui Tauranga South Community Patrols Car Boot sale, Greerton Village School 8am.3rd Saturday of the month Whakatane Sunday Market Every Sunday. War Memorial Hall carpark 8am 1pm. Carol 027 3844 026. The Taupo Market Riverside Park Reserve, Redoubt Street, Taupo, Every Saturday 09am-1pm Raglan Creative Market Old School Arts Centre, Stewart Street Raglan, 2nd Sunday each month 10am-2pm Waihi Beach Fresh Produce Market Community Centre, Waihi Beach, 2nd & 4th Sunday each month, 9am-11am The Little Big Markets, Corner Matai Street & Maunganui Road, 9am-2pm, 1st Saturday each month The Little Vintage Markets, Astrolabe Brew Bar, Maunganui Rd, Mt Maunganui 9am-3pm, 3rd Sunday each month Waihi Lions Market Memorial Hall, Seddon Street 3rd Saturday of the month. Te Puke Creative Market, Memorial Hall Te Puke 1st Saturday each month 9am till 12.00

Please Email me any changes to these Market dates … Thankyou

Harmony a Plenty Barbershop Chorus

Looking for new members, rehearse Monday 7pm at Bethlehem Community Centre 183 Moffat Road

Wilf 5715576

Violence Many people believe that Domestic violence is only physical abuse. However, Domestic violence takes many different forms. It may also be psychological, sexual, financial or spiritual violence. Physical Violence includes hitting, pinching, spitting, slapping, pushing, punching, kicking, burning, stabbing, strangulation, suffocating & shooting. It may also include threats to cause harm. Psychological Violence (sometimes referred to as emotional or verbal abuse) includes put-downs, name calling, jealousy, harassing, screaming, using degrading language, insults, criticism, harming pets or animals, isolation from family and friends, and threats to leave the relationship or to commit suicide if the victim does not co-operate Sexual Violence includes unwanted touching or sexual activity, raping and forcing victim into unwanted sexual practices. It may include control over birth control, forced pregnancies or abortions and transmission of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Financial Violence occurs when an individual uses finances to control another individual. This could include forcing a person to hand over all or part of their salary or by denying someone access to their own finances, making victim ask or beg for money, forceful removal of money from victim Spiritual Violence occurs when an individual uses religious or spiritual matters to control another, such as forcing another to follow a particular faith or give up their religion or justifying their violence as religiously and spiritually acceptable

“Good Grief” Time…how long does grief take? There are plenty of expectations about this, most of which aren’t particularly helpful to those grieving. Let's check out some of the common ‘myths’ about this. Myth: A grieving person should be over their grief after two weeks. Reality: There is no definite timeline for grief; it may take weeks, months, years or a lifetime to process a loss. How long depends on the person, the situation and the type of loss. Myth: The grieving person should definitely be "over it" within two months. Reality: There is no definite timeline for grief. Myth: Grief declines over time in a steadily decreasing fashion. Reality: Grief is more like a roller coaster ride with up times and down times. Myth: Once over a loss, the grief is never experienced again. Reality: A place, a smell, a song, or a special date may trigger the old memories. Grief may be experienced again. Myth: Grief ends after the funeral. Reality: Many people believe that life should return to normal after the funeral service. However, this may be the start of the .grieving .process as the shock and numbness give way to the reality of the loss. Myth: Grief eventually ends. Reality: In time most people learn to live with the loss. (Taken from ) Grief Support Services is a local agency offering free counselling to individuals and families affected by loss and grief. We also run an After Suicide Support Group. For information or to make an appointment phone us on 578 4480.

CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email:

Parents and families need to prepare for exams

Oh, well its November, and Christmas is rapidly approaching, but the year for the young people isn’t quite done yet. EXAMs are looming and in a hurry!! My darling daughter informs me she only has a week left of school and that’s it…apart from NCEA to get through. So parents and families need to prepare for the stress and the pressure of these important exams and will need to be forgiving and adaptable as dramas unfold and jobs get forgotten about while swotting and studying is happening. Just how much work is happening and how much time is spent on social media with friends is something best left alone … for now. If you have a highly strung child you might pay a visit to the chemist to obtain some vitamins or other potions to help with the stress, even if all it does it provide expensive coloured waste water they at least know you are thinking about them!! Of course after the exams we have Christmas and then the holiday….YAY… for some. However now is the time to inform your darling young people that they will need to get back to the jobs they need to do, and sometimes even a few more. I notice on social media a posting of a sign that can be left for the young people who are still in bed when parents leave for work. The sign says something like this. “Hi (Child). The password to the wi-fi (or the location of the Playstation consul) can be obtained from me when you pix me a photo of a clean bedroom/kitchen/lounge showing a copy of today’s newspaper in the corner” The newspaper is to make sure they don’t send you the same photo all the time!! For younger children the rules can be something like. “WHEN you have spent 30 minutes outside, done all your jobs, played with (sibling/pet) for 1 hour, THEN you may play on the tablet/ PlayStation/internet” And now is the time to make sure they understand that there will be jobs to do over the holidays. As much as they will tell you they are tired from the long academic year, their parents are equally as tired from the demands of funding their cherubs lifestyle!! The year is rapidly running out, so for parents with children who are dealing with exams, just hang on a bit longer, the year is JUST about over, but not done and dusted yet. Have a good month Have a good month, Donald Welsh, Parenting Coach Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. .

Who we are: For most grandparents, raising grandchildren is a result of an unexpected and traumatic event that requires a significant readjustment to their lives and those of their grandchildren. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust NZ is a unique organisation that has a deep understanding of both the benefits of grandchildren being raised by their grandparents and the challenges it can present. We provide support services to grandparents who are raising their grandchildren on a full time basis. Our Vision: A community where grandparents raising grandchildren are empowered to provide a safe, secure and nurturing home for their grandchildren. Our Purpose: To provide support services to grandparents raising grandchildren to protect and promote the well being of children in their care.. Our Values: Family is everything . Knowledge is strength Children are our taoga (treasure) .

Regards, Karen Ormsby ,… Tauranga coordinator for GRG. … Phone: 0212255108

KEEP DRINKS IN SIGHT Don’t leave your drinks unattended and any stage as it may put you in danger of someone spiking your drink,

NEVER THINK it won’t happen to you! Bottle drinking is safe as you can put your thumb in the neck of the bottle. Buy your own drinks unless you know and fully trust that person

Warning signs include:

►feeling dizzy or faint ►feeling sick or sleepy ►passing out ►feeling intoxicated or confused even if you have only had a little alcohol to drink ►waking up feeling uncomfortable and disorientated, with memory blanks about the night before. What to do if you think your drink has been spiked. If you think your drink has been spiked, tell a friend, the bar or security staff, or the police. Your doctor can test for the presence of traces of certain drugs through urine or blood tests within 24 hours. If you think that you have been assaulted or raped, it’s important you tell a friend or family member, and go to a doctor or hospital. Drink spiking is illegal. It’s a serious offence to introduce a drug into the body of another person without their knowledge or consent, especially if the person is assaulted as a result. Party Safe

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After Suicide Support Group. ‘Choice’ So many ideas, thoughts and pain can spring out of this word when you have lost a loved one to suicide. At our ‘After Suicide Support’ group we talked about ‘choice’ in the context of ‘what now for our present and our future?’ “Saying the words I have some choice in how things go for me now is easier said than done” was one comment that got a lot of nods. Having the idea expresses an intention and that’s a good place to start. Just recognising that there are choices is another starting place. Perhaps ‘choice’ is something about steering yourself in directions that you somehow know serve you better. You might have a day where you know an afternoon on the couch under a rug is what you need—even though someone else might have other ideas for you; you get to make this choice. Or you might not feel like going to that dinner even though you know it would be good to go. Sometimes the choice is between feelings and knowing and sometimes choices need a plan around them to make them possible….. “I’ll go to that dinner but take my own car so I can leave when I’m ready”. Our group meets monthly, phone 578 4480 or email for information.

Knock on Wood

Mount Sports Stadium CNR Maunganui & Hull Roads 10.00am – 4.00pm … 18th – 20th November, 2016

TAURANGA WOODCRAFTERS ANNUAL EXHIBITION Our wood has been beautifully and expertly crafted by master craftsmen here in the Bay of Plenty and some is very delicate so please knock gently. Marvel at the feature display. Over 100 years from one family. Four generations dedicated to wood. From Great Grandmothers carved chair to Grandsons immaculately built “North Indian” canoe and work by Great Grandchildren. A truly wonderful achievement and display. Tauranga Woodcrafters cover a range of woodworking disciplines and active demonstrations are ongoing at the Show. Expert pen maker Colin will be making his magnificent pens which would be a unique Christmas present. There will also be two pyrographers demonstrating and selling their art on wood techniques using hot electric pens. Derek will be there again making and selling his perpetual wooden flowers. Always a popular crowd pleaser. Club members will also be actively demonstrating wood turning and carving and if you are interested in these activities they will be happy to talk to you about the benefits of joining our Guild. The Exhibition is held when “what am I going to buy for Christmas?” thoughts are starting. Well the opportunity is here. There will be tables of unique local handcrafts for sale. Aside from the pens and flowers choose from intricately turned and decorated bowls and carved art through to practical breadboards. There will also be tools, timber & sandpaper for sale for those who enjoy working with wood at home. Terry Scott – a worldfamous turner - will be there with his specialty tools & is happy to sharpen any tools brought into the Exhibition. Look also at the heritage tradition of Spinners and Weavers transforming raw wool into a range of knitted, woven & felted articles. Come for breakfast and stay for lunch. Outside there will be a BBQ selling sausages, bacon & egg butties and hot chips. Inside at Woody’s Café for coffee & tea with sandwiches, cakes and other delicacies. All at modest prices and for only $5 entry. Have you got smoke alarms in your home. Have you checked your smoke alarms? Are the battery's flat? DON’T PUT THIS ON THE GUNA DO LIST!!! DO IT NOW !!!

If you have a fire and you’re not sure what to do ... Get Out & Stay Out!

CC’s News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 —...— Email:

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Welcome to our first edition of Fire News for the CC’s Newsletter. Here we will bring you updates on fire related issues, fire safety tips to keep you safe from fire & general news about your local community fire station. Tauranga is covered by 4 Career Fire Stations that are staffed 24/7– Tauranga, Mount Maunganui, Greerton & Kawerau. As well as this, the Bay of Plenty Region is strongly supported by large number of volunteer brigades. All these stations provide a response to the people of Bay of Plenty in the event of an emergency. There are 3 firefighters and 1 officer on each of these Fire engines, ready at a moment’s notice to respond to a call for help in the community. Our modern Fire Service provides an emergency service & response to a wide range of incidents far beyond fire; they also deal with motor vehicle crashes , often Co-Respond with Ambulance, are the lead agency for Hazardous Chemical Spills & Gas Leaks, rescue trapped animals and respond to Natural Disasters and various local emergencies. ….

Risk reduction and public education is a key focus for the Fire Service as this helps to reduce the incidence and consequence of fire. Don’t be alarmed if you see us pull up outside your neighbour’s house as it may be that we are checking their smoke alarm batteries, giving advice on where to install smoke alarms and fire safety. This is a service that is provided free of charge to every member of the community. It’s called a Home Fire Safety Check (HFSC) and in some instances, you may also qualify to be provided with a free smoke alarm. You can contact your nearest Fire Station (Tauranga, Mount, Greerton or Kawerau) to enquire about this. Firefighters at times may be attending incidents so alternatively you can call 0800 NZ FIRE (0800 693 473)…………………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………….. .

Guy Fawkes November 5 ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .

This month fireworks will again go on sale for New Zealanders celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on the 5th November. Unfortunately, around this time there is also an increase in fireworks-related callouts and injuries. If you are planning on lighting fireworks, we have put together some tips to help you stay safe. .

Lighting your fireworks Read the fireworks’ instructions. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using them. DO NOT modify your Fireworks. Light your fireworks in a wide-open area. Keeping away from anything that could catch fire such as long grass, bushes rubbish and any other flammable material. Fireworks and alcohol/drugs are a dangerous combination and should be avoided. Always have an adult light the fireworks. Keep a bucket of water or a hose handy nearby. Keep all unlit fireworks in their box away from where you are lighting fireworks until you are ready to light them. Leave dud fireworks alone. Trying to relight them is unsafe. If you do get burned, hold your burn under running water for 20 minutes and seek medical advice or care.

Think about others Put away your fireworks after 10:30pm. Keep your pets inside on Guy Fawkes Night. Point fireworks at the stars, not at your mates. Only set off your Fireworks on November the 5th, loud explosions will terrorize animals and wake young families in your neighborhood so please be considerate. Finally, please do not hesitate in contacting your local Fire Station if you do have any concerns or seek advice about Fire Safety, we’re always happy to take the time to talk. “A dose of prevention is better than any cure” Have a fire safe November and please take care this Guy Fawkes. .

Joshua Bishop Senior firefighter

New Zealand Fire Service

6ft Santa Props 4 Hire … Look awesome Enhance your venue Many to choose from Barrels available CC’s Props 021 501 200

Smoke alarms We have all seen the ads on TV don’t ignore these ads. Make sure you have Smoke Alarms in all the rooms where risk of fire is likely. When fire starts it moves fast and puts people’s lifes at risk. Smoke alarms will alert you to fire. Don’t think it wont happen to you … households have many electrical appliances. See you don’t overload multi boards. Do regular checks of your appliances, cords and wiring look for faults that may risk all that is important to you... If you have a house fire see everyone is out of the house … having an emergency plan is wise so that children know what to do and where to assemble. Call 111 … get out of the house and stay out. It is wise to have your documents on a USB stick in a safe place in a case of emergency. (eg: insurance policy's, Bank details/numbers, passports and IDs)

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