October news letter 2015

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Horoscopes Sudoku For Sale Diabetes & Alcohol Market Dates Cruise Boat Dates Jokes/Quotes/Poems Safety Tips/Advice Family Abuse Help Road Safety Emergency Contacts Computer Advice Alcoholism Advice Library Book News Grief Care Information Waipuna Hospice News Donald Welsh Parenting Pet Safety In Emergency And more

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 2) DISCLAIMER: All efforts have been taken to see that all information within this News Letter is correct. No responsibility will be accepted for any inaccuracies, misuse or misinterpretation of wrongful information. All information given and provided should be used as a guide only.

Hello everyone … Hopefully we are over the worst of the weather and heading for a beautiful summer. Christmas is motoring fast towards us less than 90 days!!! Wow time to start planning your breaks, travel plans holidays with the kids. Where you are having Christmas and with who. NEW TO CCS BOP COMMUNITY NEWS LETTER We welcome FindUs to CCs News Letter and are now able to offer great packages advertising your business by a Print Copy News Letter With Apps, Mobile Apps, Shop Window Scan App Stickers, FindUs Directory, Facebook, ISSUU all bundled into one package at great rates. Also bulk pamphlet printing and small quantities of Business cards. Contact … Cindy 021 501 200

Advertising Requirements Full Contact Details Are Required: Landline Phone, Mobile, Address, Email address and Name of person placing the ad. Are you looking at a one off or long term 3+ months, What is the business … Advertising payments are required to be paid by the 20th of the month of the advertising Interest and collection fee will apply if payments are not made within the month of advertising. Secure your space in NOVEMBER, DECEMBER. JANUARY My contact details are at the top of each page) Please remember to like and share CC’s News Letter with your contacts/friends on Facebook. Help us to get it out to more people. All Advertisers are the supporters of CC’s News Letter suppling Help information, Safety Advice, Community Info to the public. Thank you to all the businesses that provide this News Letter to the public. You are very important to the Community News Letter and the public readers. DISCLAIMER (Daylight Saving Times R included) Time tables are a guide only. All efforts have been taken to see that these times and tides are correct.

No responsibility will be accepted for any inaccuracies or misuse or wrong information.






Thur 01 Oct

High -

04:00 0.0m

10:21 2.0m

16:25 0.0m

22:44 2.0m

Fri 02 Oct


04:51 0.0m

11:13 2.0m

17:18 0.1m

23:36 2.0m

Sat 03 Oct


05:42 0.0m

12:06 2.0m

18:11 0.2m


Sun 04 Oct

00:29 1.9m

06:34 0.1m

13:00 1.9m

19:06 0.2m


Mon 05 Oct

01:23 1.8m

07:27 0.2m

13:55 1.8m

20:02 0.3m


Tue 06 Oct

02:18 1.7m

08:21 0.3m

14:52 1.8m

21:00 0.4m


Wed 07 Oct

03:15 1.7m

09:18 0.4m

15:49 1.7m

21:58 0.4m


Thur 08 Oct

04:13 1.6m

10:17 0.4m

16:44 1.7m

22:55 0.4m


Fri 09 Oct

05:10 1.6m

11:13 0.4m

17:37 1.7m

23:49 0.4m


Sat 10 Oct Sun 11 Oct

06:04 1.6m -

12:06 0.4m 00:38 0.4m

18:26 1.7m 06:53 1.6m

12:54 0.4m

19:11 1.7m

Mon 12 Oct


01:23 0.4m

07:39 1.7m

13:39 0.4m

19:53 1.7m

Tue 13 Oct


02:05 0.3m

08:21 1.7m

14:20 0.4m

20:34 1.7m

Wed 14 Oct


02:44 0.3m

09:02 1.7m

15:00 0.3m

21:13 1.7m

Thur 15 Oct


03:22 0.3m

09:41 1.8m

15:39 0.3m

21:51 1.7m

Fri 16 Oct


03:59 0.3m

10:19 1.8m

16:18 0.3m

22:29 1.7m

Sat 17 Oct


04:37 0.3m

10:58 1.8m

16:59 0.4m

23:08 1.7m

Sun 18 Oct


05:16 0.3m

11:38 1.7m

17:41 0.4m

23:48 1.7m

Mon 19 Oct


05:58 0.3m

12:20 1.7m

18:26 0.4m


Tue 20 Oct

00:32 1.7m

06:42 0.3m

13:06 1.7m

19:14 0.4m


Wed 21 Oct

01:20 1.7m

07:31 0.3m

13:57 1.7m

20:07 0.4m


Thur 22 Oct

02:13 1.7m

08:25 0.3m

14:52 1.7m

21:03 0.4m


Fri 23 Oct

03:13 1.7m

09:24 0.3m

15:51 1.8m

22:03 0.3m


Sat 24 Oct

04:16 1.7m

10:26 0.3m

16:51 1.8m

23:03 0.3m


Sun 25 Oct

05:20 1.8m

11:27 0.2m

17:51 1.9m



Mon 26 Oct


00:02 0.2m

06:22 1.8m

12:27 0.2m

18:48 1.9m

Tue 27 Oct


01:00 0.1m

07:20 1.9m

13:25 0.1m

19:44 2.0m

Wed 28 Oct


01:54 0.0m

08:16 2.0m

14:20 0.1m

20:38 2.0m

Thur 29 Oct


02:47 0.0m

09:09 2.0m

15:13 0.1m

21:30 2.0m

Fri 30 Oct


03:39 0.0m

10:01 2.0m

16:06 0.1m

22:22 2.0m

Sat 31 Oct


04:29 0.0m

10:53 2.0m

16:58 0.1m

23:14 1.9m

Moon Phases 2015

Sunday 04th October 2015 Last Quarter

Monday 12th October 2015 New Moon

Tuesday 20th October 2015 First Quarter

Tuesday 27th October 2015 Full Moon

Emergency , Help and Support, Numbers Toughlove 0800 868 445 Family Works 07 575 9709 Alcohol Drug Mainline 0800 787 797 Alcohol Drug Maori Line 0800 787 798 Alcohol Drug Pacifica Line 0800 787 799 Nemms Needle Exchange Mt Maunganui 07 575 5922 Citizen Advice Bureau 0800 367 222 Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 229 67 57 AIDS Hotline 0800 802 437 Youth line Phone Counselling 0800 376 633 Kids line (Kids up to 14yrs) 0800 543 75 What’s Up (Age 5-18) 0800 942 878 Parent Help 0800 568 856 Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. 021 2255108 Cot Death (sudden infant death support) 0800 16 44 55 NetSafe 0508 638 723 Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 Grief Support Services 07 578 4480 Lifeline New Zealand 24hr 0800 543 354 Narcotics Anonymous 0800 628 632 Gambling Crisis Helpline 0800 654 655 Quitlin 0800 778 778 Pregnancy Counselling Service 0800 773 462 Relationship Services 0800 735 283 Family Violence Information Line 0800 456 450 Gender Bridge Inc (transgender support) 0800 844357 Union of fathers (separation and support) 0508 22 5532 Shine Domestic Violence helpline 0508 744 633 Life Link/ Samaritans Inc 0800 726 666 Victim Support 0800 842 846 Women’s Refuge 0800 86 733 84 Tga 07 541 1911 Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 Telefriend Sight Loss Peer Support 0800 100 051 Shakti Ethnic Women’s Support 0800 742 584 Tauranga Living Without Violence 0800 577 003 Prisoner Aid/Rehabilitation offender/family Turangi 07 386 8246 Open Home (Child, Family Support Foster Care)Tga 07 579 2840 Tauranga Moana Victim Support 0800 842 846 Te Whare Orange Wairu Maori Women’s Refuge 0800 733 843 Sexual Abuse Centre (Rotorua) Inc 07 348 1555 Family Planning Tga 07 578 8539 Healthline 0800 611 116 La Leche (Breastfeeding Support) Tga 07 544 9817 Diabetes Helpline Tga 07 571 3422 Cancer Society Tga 07 571 2035 Café Youth Health 07 378 3895 Asthma Respiratory Management 07 577 6738 Plunketline 0800 933 922 Stroke Foundation 0800 787 653 National Cervical Screening Programme 0800 729 729 Prostate problem support line 0800 477 678 Breast Screen Aoteara Free: Age 45-69 0800 270 200 Western Bay of Plenty Ostomy Society Inc, help line 07-5737443 Emergencies: Mobile Phone Report Traffic Incidents 555 Fire, Police, Ambulance 111 Medical: Accident & Healthcare (Tga) 07 577 0010 Hospital (Tauranga) 07 579 8000 Tauranga Police Station: Monmouth Street Tauranga Mount Maunganui Police Station: Salisbury Avenue Papamoa Police Station: 530 Papamoa Beach Road

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 07 5755 181 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 3)

Pain or Discomfort Brock van Leeuwen Certified practitioner of CONTACT C.A.R.E FLINCHLOCK RELEASE THERAPY

My name is Brock van Leeuwen. I am a ConTact C.A.R.E FLINCHLOCH RELEASE THERAPY Practitioner. Contact Care is a practical form of health care, it offers a Common-sense Approach To Real Ease. ConTact C.A.R.E is a Flinchloch Release Therapy – a system to locate and release trapped bone pressure triggered and held by surprise impact combinations. Contact cares uniqueness… Recognition of the body’s self defence system which over-rides the nervous system and the reflex system. The Flinchloch Release method – releasing trapped pressure from the BONE. Understanding the pressure for pressure balanced interplay between head and body which is used to match and neutralise injury pressure. Who can benefit? Headache/Migraine Cranial Tension Back and Neck Pain Mental/Emotional Shock Breathing Disorders Old Unresolved Injuries Sports injuries Co – Ordination Problems Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Post-Op Rehabilitation Depression – caused by chest cavity impacts Equine and Pet Injuries In general any condition involving musculo-skeletal discomfort, tension, stress or pain can be effectively worked with. The clinical experience is non-intrusive and gentle, the techniques safe and very effective. Consultations are carried out with the client fully clothed. We ask you wear loose clothing for comfort. Sessions can last 30 – 60 minutes with a return visit according to your needs.

Check out: Contact Care Brock van Leeuwen on Facebook Or go to www.contactcare.co.nz for more information Mobile: 027 350 2124 Email: brockreleasetherapy@gmail.com

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 4) The Rich the Poor

Answers Page 10


“The law, is made by the rich people so that the poor people can't get ahead...” ― Walter Mosley “We live in a world where we give our pounds to those who have too much and our pennies to those who have too little” ― Dean Griffiths

“You are blessed and rich If you have a roof over your head, food on your stomach, cloth on your body and water to drink? You have more than lots of people do!” ― Pople “Even the poorest among us deserves the dignity of equality.” ― The Prophet of Life

“More people should learn to tell their dollars where to go instead of asking them where they went.” — Roger Babson “Money problems can always be solved by a man not frightened by them.” – Robert Anson Heinlein There's enough on this planet for everyone's needs but not for everyone's greed. - Mohandas Gandhi Let's share our abundance and make our country stronger. -- John Travolta "It

is easy to feel rich any time. Just count all the things you have that money can't buy." -- Kevin Eikenberry

Summers Coming...Shape Up I was going to wake up early and go jogging, but lucky for me my toes voted against me 10 to 1. -Randy Glasbergen -

Cruise Ship Dates

The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, running down their friends, side-stepping responsibility, and pushing their luck! -unknownI joined a health club on an exercise special, I spent about $300 every month and haven't lost a pound. Apparently you have to show up? Only eat things that have been broken into pieces; that way, all the calories fall out. –unknownI gave up jogging for my health when my thighs kept rubbing together and setting my pantyhose on fire. Just didn't have the finance to keep replacing them.–unknownMy gym teacher told me to touch my toes. I said, "I don't have that kind of relationship with my feet. Can I just wave?" If God had wanted me to touch my toes, he would have put them on my knees. –unknownI do have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them. My body has become totally out of shape, so I got my doctors permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I bent, twisted, jumped up and down and perspired for an hour, but by the time I got my leotard on, the class had ended. –unknown-

The roads in town are for everyone. We should expect pedestrians and cyclists. About one third of crashes are caused by SPEEDING If a child steps out 45 metres away and the vehicle is travelling at 60km/h by the time the alert driver reacts and brakes, the car will still be travelling at 44km/h when the child is hit.

There is a one in three chance that the child will die. ►If a vehicle hits a person at 50km/h, the risk of death is 40% ►If a vehicle hits a person at 60km/h, the risk of death is 70% ►If a vehicle hits a person at 70km/h, the risk of death is 96%

Kill your speed, not a child SLOW DOWN

Diamond Princess

07 October 2015



Sun Princess

16 October 2015



Costa Luminosa

01 November 2015



Dawn Princess

06 November 2015




07 November 2015




09 November 2015



Celebrity Solstice

12 November 2015



Celebrity Solstice

16 November 2015



Golden Princess

17 November 2015



Dawn Princess

19 November 2015



Golden Princess

30 November 2015




30 November 2015



Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. 0212255108 Who we are: For most grandparents, raising grandchildren is a result of an unexpected and traumatic event that requires a significant readjustment to their lives and those of their grandchildren. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust NZ is a unique organisation that has a deep understanding of both the benefits of grandchildren being raised by their grandparents and the challenges it can present. We provide support services to grandparents who are raising their grandchildren on a full time basis. Our Vision: A community where grandparents raising grandchildren are empowered to provide a safe, secure and nurturing home for their grandchildren. Our Purpose: To provide support services to grandparents raising grandchildren to protect and promote the well being of children in their care. Our Values: . Family is everything . Knowledge is strength . Children are our taonga (treasure) VIOLENCE & ABUSE .


Regards, Karen Ormsby ,… Tauranga coordinator for GRG.

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 07 5755 181 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 5)

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 07 5755 181 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 6) FAMILY VIOLENCE CAN HARM YOUR CHILD FOR LIFE Babies and infants are precious. Everything babies and toddlers experience affects their brains forever. The way you treat your children counts – and it counts long term. Children are not tough. They are not too young to notice. They do not just get over it. Love care and attention will help children to become happy and stable adults. Shouting, hitting, violence, abuse and ignoring your child have a very bad effect on your baby’s and young child’s brain development. This can cause problems later at school; as teenagers; as adults. Parenting can be tough but one of the most important things you can do is provide a safe home, calm and free from violence for your children. If you get early help the risk of the children suffering long term effects will be less. To get help talk to someone you trust. A support agency that helps family's. Jigsaw (child protection agency) 0800 228 737...Child, youth and family 0508 326 459 Preventing violence in the home helpline 0508 384 357 Plunket your doctor or health worker, women's refuge, citizens advice bureau, Police family violence officer or a good friend It’s never too late to change the life of a child

Matakite Kei Mobile: 021 400 754

web site www.angelmanu.com for more information about

Heaven on Earth

TAURANGA FILIPINO SOCIETY, INC. (Non-profit organization, founded 1990) Website: www.mygroupnz.com Phone: (07) 5718264 The Tauranga Filipino Society Inc, a non-profit Society, has been awarded the chance to Host this year’s Prestigious Filipino Festival and Fiesta in our City (“PISTANG PILIPINO 2015 SA TAURANGA CITY”) over the labour week-end, 24/25 October 2015 at both the ASB Arena and QEII Arena – Sports competitions in 9 Sports, Filipino Food Fiesta, Cultural dances and competition, highlights at QEII of Cultural Evening with Celebrities, KYLA and Aiza Seguerra being flown in from the Philippines for performances on 24 October @ 6.30 and the next day, Beauty Pageant @ 6.30. All details and program on the internet and some tickets still available but be quick we are expecting 8,000-10,000 visitors including Filipinos from all over New Zealand. celebrities are Singer-Actress Aiza Sequera & Miss Kyla



CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 7)

BARRY MUIR’S FURNITURE GALLERY Greetings….. Barry Muir here and once again it is great being able to address you through CC’s Newsletter…. Do you sometimes hear a tune that you just cannot get out of your mind……? "if you go down to the woods today be sure of a big surprise" etc.…” Well I have one of the tunes ringing around in my head every time I walk though Barry Muir’s Furniture Gallery…And it’s all about the teddy bears picnic… You may ask what on earth are you talking about Barry….? Well the Teddy Bears have arrived and are enjoying greeting our customers who visit our store and particularly in our newly designated IMG showroom where we invite you to come and check out our extensive range of IMG luxury easy chairs settees and accessories.. On your way through to the IMG showroom you will notice many of our picnicking visitors relaxing on a variety of La-Z-Boy’s and chilling out in our beds section… As always at Barry Muir’s Furniture Gallery we deliver free to your door to all addresses within The Bay of Plenty. And you never know one of our new fluffy friends may arrive with your purchase… Well here we are October….. Springtime under way and summer on the way. Not long now until our new shipment of the latest LaZboy furniture will be here…. Whatever the season Barry Muir’s Furniture Gallery is open seven days a week… We look forward to meeting and greeting you soon…. Almost forgot to mention… There is only ONE Barry Muir’s Furniture Gallery

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 8)

YÉÉà VtÜx VÄ|Ç|vá Jenny Overton Reg. NZ Nurse

Clinics at Downtown Mount Pharmacy Bongards Pharmacy Greerton Hardy's Papamoa

07 575 4576 07 578 2008 07 574 2160

Foot Care is a necessity for all Women and Men of all ages. I am a Registered Nurse who has done her training for foot care and has been doing it for eleven years and I believe the consultation should be affordable and enjoyable. There is nothing more painful when the toes and feet need care and you are unable to reach them. My Clinics take the appointments and I am at the clinics every two weeks.

The New Zealand teenage fertility rate is the second highest in the OECD countries, with a predicted increase. So how do we as a nation respond to this? Unfortunately the public attitude towards teenage pregnancy has a disabling effect on the lives of young mothers and their children. This attitude creates more negative outcomes than necessary. With support in place teenage parenthood can be a positive opportunity for young women and men. Improved personal ambition, a greater sense of responsibility, stability and motivation can all be positive outcomes for teenage parents. We all know the saying it takes a village to raise a child; therefore I encourage our response as a nation to be a positive one. For us to think about what we have to offer to inspire these young people and our future leaders. Hannah Angus University of Waikato Social Work student


30 min appointments Treatments maximum charge $28.00 Toe nails cut and filed Hard skin on heels removed Callouses, corns and verruca's treated Diabetic footcare P.E.T (PATIENTS EMERGENCY TOILETRIES) CHARITABLE TRUST INC provides PERSONAL CARE PACKS of Toiletries to Tauranga Hospital Patients admitted under Emergency situations.

~ Aprox 4800 bags have now been given FREE to patients during the past 4 years this trust has been operating. If a child gets admitted a Mum, Dad or carer can also have access to a pack. Items 'lurking' in your bathroom cabinet that you have collected from holidays or airlines? or maybe you are a local hospitality provider that has surplus items you would like to donate to this Charity? *Motel sized: *Shampoo/Conditioner *Combs *Toothbrushes/ toothpaste *Bodywash *Razors *Pens Collection points are: ►TODD GOWER (principal sponsor of the trust) ►EVES REALITY (all offices) ►BAYFAIR CHIROPRACTIC (648 Maunganui Rd)

►CC’s BAY OF PLENTY COMMUNITY NEWS LETTER (610 Maunganui Rd, Mt Chris Bishell (Principal Trustee) Ph: 575 9066 or 0274300988

Affordably Priced Hardware/Software Problems Solved

If I can’t fix, house call is free. Call Dirk : 07 5432521 Mobile: 0221 231 591 Email: dirkmac@mail.com Website: www.cybaIT.com

WANTED BOOKS PUZZLES DVD'S RECORDS for the Mount Maunganui Lions & Lioness Annual Book Fair DROP OFF POINTS: Mount Mainstreet Office, Phoenix Car Park, Mon-Fri 8:30am to 5pm Car Air B.O.P Ltd, 138 Newton Street, Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm

OR PHONE FOR COLLECTION Christine 575 2144 - Stella 575 0685 - Pam 543 0708

Grief Support Services is a local agency offering subsidised counselling to individuals and whanau/families whose lives are affected by grief and loss. This may be due to the loss of a loved one or from circumstances that have caused change that is difficult to manage. We also facilitate an after suicide support group. We are friendly and welcoming and understand that it is not always an easy step to contact an agency such as ours. We are happy to be ‘sussed out’ if you want an initial appointment to see if our Service is for you. We treat all enquiries with respect and confidentiality. For more information about our Service you can check our website www.griefsupport.org.nz, phone us on 578 4480 or email griefsupport@xtra.co.nz

Thank you!!! To all my loyal customers past and present, without you I wouldn't have been able to make nearly 23 years in business. Also to all my suppliers for your help and cooperation. Veronique the new owner has taken over and I wish her well and hope you will patronize her as you did me. Thanks once again. Pat Jennings. I can be contacted on my mobile 0274346430 or email diggerdono1@icloud.com

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 9) Imagine us all moving beyond what is, to what might be!!




Flexible, with Reasonable Ph: 07 579 9930 Cell: 027 630 8568 USB-C I’m sure you are all aware of USB sticks/thumb-drives/etc. They are handy devices to move stuff between computers or to use for backups. Up till recently there were two connector types. The familiar rectangular connector and a square-ish connector which is mainly used on printers. Now on the 2015 Apple Macbook, and most likely on other laptops, there is a new USB-C connector. It has many advantages over the old connector, but is a different shape so old devices don’t fit. Thankfully you can buy adapters that allow old USB drives to use the USB-C connector. One of the main advantages of USB-C is that you can plug it in either way around. No more trying to plug it in only to realise you have it upside down. Another advantage, which Apple is using, is that you can charge the laptop using the USB-C port (you couldn’t do that before). USB memory sticks are starting to come out with both connectors on them. They cost a little bit more, but are really handy if you use different computers with different connectors. I can give further advice on USB-C and how it might work for you. Give me a call (07-579-9930 or see my ad for other contact details). -David (Kings Computers)

ImagineBetter provides advice and thought leadership to people with disabilities and their families. We assist families to imagine a better way of life and provide the support and encouragement required to achieve their goals. ImagineBetter offers Local Area Coordination (LAC) which is a practical, community-based approach to working with disabled people and their whānau. An LAC could help you to: • identify your goals, strengths, interests and passions • plan for the life you want • find and connect you with people and community resources • build and maintain relationships, including developing ‘Circles of Support’ • access funded supports and services, if required.

Who can work with an LAC? Anyone who is looking for information or advice is welcome to contact an ImagineBetter LAC.If you would like longer-term support to achieve your goals, you must: 1 be between 0 and 65 years of age 2 have a disability that lasts longer than six months 3 need support in some parts of your life because of your disability 4 live in the Bay of Plenty or Lakes District.

Want to find out more? Contact us: ImagineBetter 18 Girven Road Mount Maunganui 07 579 4379 0800 787 587 info@imaginebetter.co.nz

Discount Voucher $10.00 Off The Normal Retail Price One Voucher Per Purchase

Business, dress or casual shirts

from $19.95 New stock in store

Frank Casey Suits 89 Grey Street, Tauranga Phone: 5782888

Tandoori Indian Restaurant & Bar Fully Licensed and B.Y.O Wine only

Dine in, Takeaway or Free Home Delivery Conditions apply $10 Lunch Combo Curry, Rice, Naan And Soft Drink Takeaway only Great Spice Loyalty Takeaway Buy 11 Takeaways...Receive 12th Free Dine In Lunch Any Mains With Rice & Naan Bread $12.00 Conditions apply Gluten & Dairy Free Meals Available

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 10) MONTHS OF THE YEAR

Public Holidays 2015


January 31 Days New Years Day: 1st Thursday January February 28 Days Day after NY Day: Friday 2nd January March 31 Days Waitangi Day: Friday 6th February April 30 Days Good Friday: Friday 3rd April May 31 Days Easter Monday: Monday 6th April June 30 Days Anzac Day: Monday 27th April July 31 Days Queens Birthday: Monday 01st June August 31 Days Labour Day: Monday 26th October September 30 Days Christmas Day: Friday 25th December October 31 Days Boxing Day: Monday 28th December November 30 Days Valentines Day: 14th February December 31 Days Mothers Day: 10th May February 29 Leap Year Fathers Day: 6th September Every Four Years Christmas Eve 24th December Summer December - February New Years Eve 31st December The year 2015 is a common year, with 365 days in total

Autumn Winter Spring

March - May June - August September - November

2015 School Term Dates Primary, Intermediate & Secondary 1st Term 02nd February....02nd April 2015 2nd Term 20th April ............03rd July 2015 3rd Term 20th July …......... 25th September 2015 4th Term 12th October …..18th December 2015 Secondary & Composite (4th Term 12th October-15th Daylight Saving Ends 05th April 2015 … Daylight Saving Starts 27th September 2015 Daylight Saving Ends 03rd April 2016 … Daylight Saving Starts 25th September 2016

PHONETIC ALPHABET Alpha, Br avo, Char lie, Delta, Echo, Foxtr ot, Golf, Hotel India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November , Oscar , Pappa Quebec, Romeo, Sier r a, Tango, Unifor m, Victor Whisky, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu Height

Minimum Weight

Maximum Weight







4ft 10in


6st 0lbs


8st 3lbs


4ft 11in


6st 3lbs


8st 8lbs


5ft 0in


6st 7lbs


8st 13lbs


5ft 1in


6st 10lbs


9st 3lbs


5ft 2in


6st 13lbs


9st 8lbs


5ft 3in


7st 2lbs


9st 13lbs


5ft 4in


7st 6lbs


10st 4lbs


5ft 5in


7st 9lbs


10st 8lbs


5ft 6in


7st 12lbs


10st 13lbs


5ft 7in


8st 2lbs


11st 4lbs


5ft 8in


8st 5lbs


11st 9lbs


5ft 9in


8st 8lbs


11st 13lbs


5ft 10in


8st 12lbs


12st 4lbs


5ft 11in


9st 1lbs


12st 9lbs


6ft 0in


9st 4lbs


13st 0lbs


6ft 1in


9st 7lbs


13st 4lbs


6ft 2in


9st 11lbs


13st 9lbs


6ft 3in


10st 0lbs


14st 0lbs


0100 = 01am 0200 = 02am 0300 = 03am 0400 = 04am 0500 = 05am 0600 = 06am 0700 = 07am 0800 = 08am 0900 = 09am 1000 = 10am 1100 = 11am 1200 = 12 o clock (Mid Day) 1300 = 01pm 1400 = 02pm Eg: 1415 = 2.15pm 1500 = 03pm 1530 = 3.30pm 1600 = 04pm 1645 = 4.45pm 1800 = 06pm 1700 = 05pm 1900 = 07pm 2000 = 08pm 2100 = 09pm 2200 = 10pm 2300 = 11pm 2400 = 12 o clock (Midnight)

Aries You have plenty of energy but tend to over play your leadership role and expect everyone else to be as fanatic as you with your interests. Prioritize and empathize with your partner’s point of view. Perhaps take him or her to that place they have always wanted to go - at last. Taurus Yawn! A calm month not requiring that sudden rush to the head. No thrills and no frills. So…relax on the couch but be positive because your partner could do with a nice pick me up. Maybe some new jewellery might do the trick. Gemini Yes! You are an amazing communicator but you are a bit pushy for feed-back sometimes. You thrive on sorting unfinished business, don’t you? Expect new opportunities at work or maybe a new job offer but don’t take too long to decide. You know what’s at stake. Cancer It is going to go well for you this month as long as you use your willpower to make it happen. This is a fortunate time to make allies at work. Listen to others, they have great ideas. Expect interference with plans at home though. Go with the flow if you can. Leo There will be no significant conflicts this month. You will achieve your goals and be outstanding in your workplace. Your diplomacy pays off so it is better that you don’t delay solving family issues. You are a shining star even if you are a little unusual in your approach. Virgo Your mind is behaving differently, so beware of the downward spiral. You will be strapped for cash and someone will try to deceive you – so watch out! Solve that personal problem and be understanding if you can. Libra This isn’t the month to give up, this is the month to fight back. Make ultimatums. Challenge your opponents at work. However, being fair is more your style in personal relationships so be clear about what you want to appease your true nature. Scorpio Your life might be about to make an epic change for the better – especially at work. Your love prospects are looking good too. Watch the moody tendencies of others. You are good at monitoring emotions anyway, aren’t you? Sagittarius Surprises abound! This is a stunning time for you. You are on a roll. You will work fast and make quick decisions by trusting yourself. Yes! New activities are on the horizon too in your love life because you are smart. You enjoy being in the moment. Capricorn You are particularly good at solving problems. You are capable of analysing the situation at work and sometimes find an unusual solution. Be diplomatic with loved ones. Even a coffee and cream cake will go down well. Aquarius Trust in your own path in life and don’t be persuaded to take risks in adventures that take you off course. Someone will create a dilemma causing you to change your priorities. There will be an unexpected bright surprise. Pisces You continue with your surge of energy and feel very powerful. So be active and get on with it. Focus love and attention on your darlings. If single, a new beginning is just about to ignite.

Signs of the Zodiac TIME: 60 Seconds = 1 Minute 365 Days = 1 Year 60 Minutes = 1 Hour 366 Days = 1 Leap Year 24 Hours = 1 Day 2 years = Biennial 7 Days = 1 Week 4 Years = Olympiad 14 Days = 1 Fortnight 10 Years = Decade 52 Weeks = 1 Year 100 Years = Century 12 Months = 1 Year 200 Years = Bicentennial 1,000 Years = Millennium

Aries March 21st-April 20th Ram Taurus April 21st-May 21st Bull Gemini May 22nd– June 21st Twins Cancer June 22nd-July 23rd Crab Leo July 24th-August 23rd Lion Virgo August 24th-September 23rd Virgin Libra September 24th-October 23rd Balance Scorpio October 24th-November 22nd Scorpion Sagittarius November 23rd-December 22nd Archer Capricorn December 23rd-January 20th Goat Aquarius January 21st-February 19th Water Bearer Pisces February 20th-March 20th Fish

Wedding Anniversaries 1st Paper 13th Lace 2nd Cotton 14th Ivory 3rd Leather 15th Crystal 4th Flowers 20th China 5th Wood 25th Silver 6th Sweets 30th Pearl 7th Copper 35th Coral 8th Bronze 40th Ruby 9th Pottery 45th Sapphire 10th Tin 50th Gold 11th Steel 55th Emerald 12th Silk 60th/75th Diamond

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 11) Beef and Mushroom Hashbrown Slice (food in a minute) I love hash browns … so made this … it’s yum … Try it. Here's a neat way to turn family favourites - Wattie's hashbrowns, Wattie's Condensed Vegetable Soup - and some beef mince into a fabulous pie. Ingredients 1-2 Tbsp oil 1 onion, peeled and diced 1 tsp crushed garlic 250g mushrooms, wiped and sliced 500g lean beef mince 420g can Wattie's Condensed Vegetable Soup 2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley pepper 500g box Wattie's frozen Hash Browns Topping ½ cup fresh white breadcrumbs ½ cup grated Cheese Method Heat the oil in a frying pan, gently fry onion and garlic until softened, add the mushrooms and fry until lightly browned. In a bowl, combine lean beef mince, Wattie's Condensed Vegetable Soup , parsley, cooked onion mixture and season with pepper. Place Wattie's frozen Hash Browns in a single layer, in a shallow 2 litre capacity lasagne-style dish. Spread beef mixture evenly over the hash browns, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cheese. Cook at 190°C for about 50-60 minutes or until cooked through and very hot. PARTY SAFE Contacts: Always have emergency numbers with you. Parents, Friends, Emergency number 111, Taxi numbers. Always let family know where you are and who you are with. Drink: Don’t drink and drive… make sure you have a sober driver or order a taxi. Don’t get in a car with someone that has been drinking. Make sure you have money in case you need a taxi. ID: Always carry your ID so in a case of emergency you can be identified and family contacted if needed. Keep your ID safe. Mobile Phone: Make sure your mobile phone is fully charged … put your ID detail on your phone, Keep your mobile on you at all times in case you need it. Drink: Monitor your drink intake. Intoxication puts you in a vulnerable place for danger (disputes, rape, Alcatraz lockup) Don’t make an idiot of yourself that you can’t remember and regret. Carry some morals with you while out having fun. don't scull or mix your drinks. Groups: You are far more safe by staying in groups or with a friend. Take extra care if out on your own. Spiking Drinks: Buy your own drink. Don’t leave your drink un-attended!!! Keep your drink in sight at all. times and know who is around you. Sharing your drink can be a danger. (Don’t think it can’t happen to you)

Pet Disaster Survival Kit Taking care of our pets in an emergency is really important, as they can rarely care for themselves. Creating a pet disaster survival kit can help to make sure your animal is safe in the event of a disaster. Here are some important things to consider: Emergency contact list – include details for SPCA, local council, vet and animal centres Carry box for your animal Copies of important information – vaccination card, vet record, photo of pet (helps identification if needed) Essential supplies - Bottled water, dry food, plastic bags and paper towels Ample blankets/bedding and treats Collar and large name tag (including animal’s name, address and phone number) First aid kit – bandages, iodine, first aid cream, absorbent cotton, sharp scissors, etc) “Animals Inside” sticker – available from the SPCA DON’T BE THE ONE WHO REGRETS YOUR ACTION BY LEAVING OTHERS GRIEVING Think about PEOPLE Children, Mums, Dads, Friends

Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable. There are still far too many such preventable accidents. Unfortunately, in spite of all the warnings, advice, TV Ads, road signs, alcohol-impaired driving remains a serious problem that tragically effects many victims, families and friends. DON’T DRINK & DRIVE.

November 05th GuyFawkes Fire works season

From the time that fireworks go on sale bulk buys are made with many people storing them up for occasion's throughout the year. One now has to relate to the fireworks season as they are set off for weeks and months of the year not just the one week. A ban letting them off any day except GuyFawkes night should be in place so that they can be enjoyed and finished with. This would make it better for everyone and their properties and the safety of all animals. In many cases people have to hope that their neighbours don’t burn their house down with the stupidity that people display. Fireworks, alcohol and drugs don’t mix. Along with all hours of the night. Over the years there has been so many accidents and fires related to the fireworks. Emergency services risking their life putting fires out and the Emergency department dealing with burns … costing the ratepayers. For all those pet lovers November brings the problem of terrified animals stressed to the point of having to drug them. For the animals this time of year is frightening. WHY should animals have to be drugged??? The human race seems to show in many ways the poor respect they have for animals ...the cruelty, poor care, killings and disrespect. The human race has a lot to answer for. Animals have rights just as we do. Animals hurt just as we do. Animals have hearts just the same as we do. I have no problem with controlled firework displays for enjoyment. Displays are beautiful and I think cheaper in the long run. Risks are lesser which also cuts the cost of emergency/hospital services. This also will keep control on the time/dates ... people will not be disturbed all hours of the night, for weeks and months. I don’t understand how families/people can afford the fireworks and yet be on the bones of their butt struggling to pay their bills and on benefits. Fireworks are expensive and you totally have nothing once the sparkler goes out and the cracker bang/rockets gone off. Waste of dollars to people who can’t afford to burn it up. For me CONTROLED DISPLAYS … no sales to the public. Many problems solved. C Foster

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200 ... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 12) It takes a village to raise a child In August this year the Commissioner for Children, Russell Wills released his first annual report on the state of care report for 2015. In terms of the words ‘care’ means those that are in the care of the state, or as more commonly known being looking after by CYF’s. At the time the usual suspects in the media and in politics made a fuss and lots of noise, and the next day or two moved onto the next ‘scandal’ which attacked the Government. For those that did not wade through the 58 page document it said many things about how care is delivered and how at times CYF’s need to make changes. However it said little that people in the field didn’t already know. Dr Wills said one or two things I wish to point out. Firstly he did not level any criticism at any individual within the CYF’s structure, as the report said there are many overworked social workers dealing with impossible caseloads and sadly, at times, belligerent parents who are reluctant to make changes in the life of their family. Some figures for you, CYF’s received 63,000 reports of concern in a year and of those 43,000 of those were appraised as needing further action. Of those actions reports, 16,000 were found to be substantiated abuse situations, however this does not mean that children are uplifted from their home, for it is at this stage that CYF’s staff have to keep making judgement calls and work even harder for their money as they try and guide the family and the situation back to safer places where children’s lives are improved. Usually it is only when these attempts fail does the issue of taking a child into ‘care’ is considered. In a year 2,000 children enter care, with 1,700 leaving care each year bring a net increase of about 300 each year. Secondly the report pointed out the situation that often CYF’s is sometimes the agency left to ‘pick up the pieces’ and is not supported as well as it could be by other Government departments, NGO’s and in my view, society at large. The report calls for greater support from all concerned, as well as a greater focus on the child. So what does that mean for you and I on this journey of life raising children. Just maybe it’s time for all of us to get over this idea that we are great parents and we know it all, for the record I don’t know much…my kids are teaching me along the way! Yes it can be uncomfortable for us to accept that at times we need a bit of guidance in the way we raise our children, however a parenting group or a course, may bring some focussed changes in our homes and in the lives of our children. Even a bit of time spent reading the plethora of parenting books that are around, just might help, however a book read does not equate to changes made. If you have read a book and like a few ideas, ask for some help to implement these changes. After all, it takes a village to raise a child, and we alone don’t count as a village. Have a good month, Donald Welsh, Parenting Coach, Tauranga

New Release: Fundraising Tea Towel 2015 design Local artist Mandy Williams has once again donated a charming design to grace the 2015 edition of our fundraising teatowel. Featuring a quirky quail, the design has been painstakingly printed by Raymond at Printex, producing an appealing piece of art or a practical addition to the kitchen. Such was the demand last year, we’ve doubled our order and stock is now available at our Hospice Shops. You can also purchase online and view other outlets at www.waipuna-hospice.co.nz. At a price per unit of $12.50 this makes an affordable and attractive gift. It’s light and easy to post, or treat yourself! Keep up to date at www.waipuna-hospice.co.nz and become a facebook friend at www.facebook.com/WaipunaHospiceTauranga.

"Book NOW for $15 New Patient Exam & Treatment"

36 Maunganui Rd. Unit 7 The Triple P-Positive Parenting Program is designed for any parents, caregivers or whanau with children aged from birth to 12yrs to support those common parenting challenges. From dealing with general disobedience, tantrums, fighting and aggression or other challenges, the TripleP program supports parents, whanau and caregivers to make positive changes. Triple P doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. Rather, it offers clear and simple suggestions to help you manage problem behaviour or prevent problems from developing in the first place. You’ll become more confident about your parenting skills and learn how to take care of yourself as a parent, too. And you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll start seeing results.

Triple PP-Positive Parenting Program Clinical leader

So how do you do Triple P- you can come along to a Triple P Discussion Group and meet other parents who are experiencing the same challenges. The Discussion Groups will give you the skills to cope with specific problems, or you can work alongside a Triple P practitioner. You choose.

Email: ardell.triplep@kaitiakiservices.co.nz

Ardell Unsworth

47 Fraser St, TAURANGA 3110 PH: 07 5710144 Cell: 0273112140 Fax: 07 5710154

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 13)

Phone: 572 0603 Shop 31, Palm Beach Plaza | Open 7 days Mo-Fr: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sat-Sun: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Free inspection when you bring this coupon. Your local computer specialist for over 12 years We are still in the plaza and not moving Qualified, experienced, friendly Technicians We Service Home, Business and Schools Tune ups, virus, spyware, malware removal Affordable, custom built machines Fully stocked shop for all your needs

NEW: We now service Apple and Android Products Senior Net and Gold Card discount We recycle old Computers, Notebooks, printer, microwaves, etc environment friendly, FREE of charge! Please take a minute to think about this; the National Pet Alliance in the US estimates that in the course of 12 years one unspayed female, with all her unspayed female offspring, can be responsible for 3200 kittens, how frightening is that. De-sexing your pet is such an important and necessary step; cats can reproduce very quickly and from as young as four and a half months of age, do you really want your cat to have litter after litter of kittens, the struggle of trying to rehome them and for a lot of people the guilt of knowing that you have dumped them somewhere, even if they end up at the shelter, where I can guarantee they are well cared for, DESEXED and adopted out to loving families, they were still dumped by you, and left for us to take responsibility for your problem. A problem that could be easily fixed, we received almost 1000 kittens in the Tauranga SPCA shelter in 2013, already in the early months of 2014 we have received almost 500 and are still receiving anywhere up to 50 kittens per week into the shelter, who knows how many we will have had by the end of the year. It amazes us why you would not go out and get your pets de-sexed. We are now taking bookings at the shelter for the SPCA De-sexing Caravan which will be at the Tauranga SPCA the requirements for desexing you cat is having a current Community Services Card and identification and $20.00 per cat, bring these into the shelter so we can site them and we will book your cat in to be de-sexed – bookings are essential. We have 561 spaces available for cats; let’s fill them all, if your cat is already de-sexed that is great, please help us by spreading the word. De-sex your cat and dog now before you are faced with litters that are your responsibility! Please come and book your cat or dog in NOW at the Shelter 43 Alach Street, Greerton. shelter 43 Alach Street, Greerton, Tauranga, PO Box 2087, Tauranga,

Phone 07 578 0245

Miss Jojo {6 ft tall, fluffy adorable bear} Phone 021 501 200 Discuss your event with Miss Jojo’s Manager.

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 14)

Market Dates Mount Maunganui Farmer's Market Every Sunday from 9am-1pm Phoenix car park, Mount Maunganui Greerton Markets Last Saturday of each month 9am-2pm, Tauranga Katikati Plant and Produce Market Every Friday 4pm -6pm A & P Showground's, SH2, Katikati Moggies Market 2nd Saturday of each month Katikati Memorial Hall Maketu Flea Market 3rd and 5th Sunday of each month Maketu Village Green Omokoroa Lions Market 2nd Sunday of each month 9am-noon Western Avenue, Omokoroa Papamoa Lions Market. 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month , Simpson Reserve, Dickson Rd. Papamoa. Red Square Market 2nd Friday of each month Downtown Tauranga Tauranga South Community Patrols Car Boot sale, Greerton Village School 8am.3rd Saturday of the month Tauranga Farmers’ Market Each Saturday from 8am-12pm Tauranga Primary School, 5th Avenue The Cargo Shed Saturdays and Sundays, Some public holidays, 5 Dive Crescent, Tauranga Car Boot Sale Evans Road Community Church 3rd Saturday of each month. Lions Bethlehem Market (B Town Centre) 1st/3rd Sunday each month 8am-12noon Historic Village Market, Every 2nd Saturday of the month 9 am to 1pm 17 Avenue Tauranga. Cambridge Farmers Market … Victoria Park, Cambridge ... Every Saturday 8am-12 noon Te Awamutu Twilight Far mer s Mar ket … Selwyn Park ... Every Thursday 3.30pm-6.30pm Frankton Market, Commer ce Str eet, Fr ankton ...Ever y Satur day 8am-1pm Hamilton Farmers Market, 204 River Road, Hamilton … Every Sunday 8am-12noon Tamahere Country Market … St Stephens Church, Tamahere Hamilton … Every 3rd Saturday Raglan Creative Market Old School Ar ts Centr e … Stewart Street Raglan … 2nd Sunday each month 10am-2pm Waihi Beach Fresh Produce Market Community Centr e, Waihi Beach … 2nd and 4th Sunday each month, 9am-11am Taupo Riverside Market River side Par k Reser ve, Redoubt Str eet, Taupo … Every Saturday 10am-1pm Rotorua Night Market Tutanekai Str eet, Rotor ua … Every Thursday 5pm-9pm Thames Market Pollen Str eet, Thames … Every Saturday 8am-12noon The Little Big Markets, The Mount Spor ts Centr e - cnr Matai Street & Maunganui Road, 9am-2pm, 1st Saturday each month The Little Vintage Markets, The Mt Citizens Club -345 Maunganui Rd, Mt Maunganui 9am-2pm, 2nd Saturday each month Peace Park Boon Street Whakatane 2nd & 4th Thur sday till Apr il Matata Reserve Main Road Matata 3r d Wednesday of ever y month. Site booking essential Whakatane Sunday Market Ever y Sunday. War Memorial Hall carpark 8am 1pm. Carol 027 3844 026. Tauranga Night Markets EVERY Saturday 6pm-11pm at Bayfair

Emergency 111 … Request Police, Fire, Ambulance, Rescue Keep Calm, Speak clearly, Stay on the line, Know the address WHEN DID YOU CHECK YOUR SMOKE ALARM ARE THE BATTERYS FLAT? YOUR SMOKE ALARM COULD SAVE YOUR FAMILYS LIFE SAVE YOUR HOME CONTENTS


Get them Check them NOW

Put Smoke Alarms in all your rooms

Gate Pa Car Boot Market Monthly car boot sale in Gate Pa next to Tauranga Girls’ College.

Clothing, food, free items. Call Wiki on 578 3321 to book your car space. A community initiative of Chirp. www.chirp.org.nz

CHIRP is a charitable trust and any funds raised will be donated to other Tga-based organisations or used by Chirp in the community. This will be monthly event of first Saturday of the month, until after December, where we’ll look at it’s success to decide if will continue into future. So dates are: 3rd Oct, 7th Nov, 5th Dec

Omanu Probus Club Fellowship, new friends, interest groups. Mount Club 2nd Wednesday of month. Phone Margaret 575-8975

Pink Papamoa Beach Walk 2015 Sunday 11th October, 10.00am

List With CC’s News Letter Your ad runs for a month

On beach, in front of Papamoa Surf Club Rain or shine come and show your support for LOCALS diagnosed with breast cancer. Entry by donation.

House/Rental/Flatmates wanted

For more information visit www.breastcancerbop.org.nz Lea Lehndorf Service Manager -


All sales are between buyer and seller

For sales Clubs /Meetings Email

For Sale

For Sale

X POLE 2 x Pole & 1 stage. Almost brand new 1 x 3 meter 40ml pole with static/spinning bearing $200 1 x 45ml static/spinning incl extension piece for standard ceiling height. X stage lite $950 for set They are Freestanding contact Cathy 027 371 3480

Dog Jumps Set of 4 65.00 Different heights Small dogs Easy to assemble 07 5755181 eve

For Sale Toyota Corolla $2000 Phone Lloyd 5442277 for further info.

For Sale Generous vendor finance Phone Ross 0276050616 for further information.

Agility poles Dog training Small dogs 65.00 Easy to assemble 07 5755181 eve Sale Groomers Dog Nail Grinder MitsubishiFor Lancer gsr 1995 Used once 45.00 Turbo Automatic, 4wd Condition as new Good running condition 3500ono Ph 021 501 200 Contact 027 371 3480

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 15) DO YOU HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM?

Library News

While there is no formal "A.A. definition" of alcoholism, most of us would agree that, for us, it could be described as a physical compulsion to consume alcohol beyond our capacity to control it, and in defiance of all rules of common sense. As alcoholics, we have learned the hard way that willpower alone, however strong in other respects, is not enough to keep us sober. We have come to understand that there are few alternatives for alcoholics. If we continue to drink, our problems will become progressively worse. The only alternative is to stop drinking completely, to abstain from even the smallest quantity of alcohol in any form. If we become willing to follow this simple course, and to take advantage of the help available, a whole new life can open up for us. Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. For more information please call 0800 229 6757 or visit www.aa.org.nz

Don’t you love that new book smell? Well, here is three that will massage your nasal passages! Atoms Under the Floorboards by Chris Woodford: Have you ever thought there may be potential gems of ideas under your own roof? Within the pages of this book you can learn how to keep your home warm with just one candle, dry your socks outside in winter and why you should never poke cold custard down your sink. Lanterne Rouge by Max Leonard: Forget Armstrong, Froome, Wiggins, and Merkx – this is the story of the fellow who comes last in the Tour de France – and surprisingly you can come last and still influence who wins, but presumably still feel like you’ve ridden over 3,000 miles flat stick. One for the underdog supporters. Just Add Water – Clay Marzo: Champion surfer Marzo thought something was missing in his childhood – it turned out it was undiagnosed Asperger’s Syndrome. Clay only felt at home in the water, and while this story could become key to identifying autistic traits in any child, it is more importantly a personal journey of an original radical surfer. Come in and sniff the new books soon ! Paul Cuming | Collections Librarian, Tauranga City Libraries Tauranga City Council | | www.tauranga.govt.nz

Bryan Wakelin Phone 07 5755 521 Mobile: 021 049 61 40

Remove those unwanted tree stumps 10% off Gold Cards Many people believe that Domestic violence is only physical abuse. However, Domestic violence takes many different forms. It may also be psychological, sexual, financial or spiritual violence. Physical Violence includes hitting, pinching, spitting, slapping, pushing, punching, kicking, burning, stabbing, strangulation, suffocating & shooting. It may also include threats to cause harm Psychological Violence (sometimes referred to as emotional or verbal abuse) includes put-downs, name calling, jealousy, harassing, screaming, using degrading language, insults, criticism, harming pets or animals, isolation from family and friends, and threats to leave the relationship or to commit suicide if the victim does not co-operate Sexual Violence includes unwanted touching or sexual activity, raping and forcing victim into unwanted sexual practices. It may include control over birth control, forced pregnancies or abortions and transmission of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Financial Violence occurs when an individual uses finances to control another individual. This could include forcing a person to hand over all or part of their salary or by denying someone access to their own finances, making victim ask or beg for money, forceful removal of money from victim Fire: Well we have had heaps of advice in this news letter about keeping yourself and your family safe, and how to see that your home is safe….NOW … THE QUESTION IS … HAVE YOU TAKEN ANY NOTICE??? Have you checked your smoke alarms? Or have you ignored all the advice and ads on TV… think how you would feel if one of your kids got severely burnt or killed due to the lack of checking your smoke alarms or putting smoke alarms in your home. DON’T PUT THIS ON THE GUNA DO LIST!!! Do it now!!!

If you have a fire and you’re not sure what to do get out and stay out!

CC’s Bay Of Plenty Community News Letter, Phone: 021 501 200... Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com (Page 16)

Christmas Props Be in quick Bookings are required to secure Santa props

Santa Dimensions: 2370H x 1160W mm. Shop displays Event and party organizers.. Make your function the most talked about.. Add to the fun.... Spruce up the occasion.. Add some of our unique party props Hang out with Elton. Dine with Elvis... Pose with Marilyn... Props for many themes...Sport...World Leaders...Showbiz...Celebrities...Gunmen, . Easy to hire.. easy to arrange. The props stand between 6-8ft and look absolutely fabulous. They are hand painted wood . Great for shop window displays. They look awesome. We also have hollow barrels to set a backdrop for photos To view and for more information contact CCs Prop Hire. Phone: 021 501 200

FindUs Apps CC’s BOP Community News Letter Advertising in Print Mobile Apps Bulk Pamphlet Printing

FindUs Directory Business Window Scan App Facebook and ISSUU

Email ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com or Phone 021 501 200 for Awesome packages in advertising your business

Cindy Foster, 610 Maunganui Road, Mount Maunganui, 3116, Mobile: 021 501 200 or Email: ccsbopcommunitynewsletter@gmail.com R U a small Business starting out? Do you need Business cards?

SAVE 50% Email high resolution logo’s photos info for your cards.

Black/White Printing (1Ream 500) $46.00 +gst

RUa Small Business starting out? Do you need Business cards? Buy as you need

Full Colour Laser Printing (50+) $1.00+gst

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