color process book

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Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Objectives: To create neutral primary hues from warm and cool colors., then create secondary and ter tiary hues. Primary Hues First I used gouache to create the neutral primary hues. To get red, I used ‘Winsor Red’ and ‘Rose Tyiren’; for neural yellow, ‘Spectrum Yellow’ and ‘Brilliant Yellow’l; for blue, ‘Ultramarine’ and ‘Cyprus Green’.

C=0, M=100, Y=98, K=5

C=0, M=1, Y=90, K=0

C=100, M=70, Y=5, K=25

C=0, M=68, Y=100, K=0

C=63, M=3, Y=100, K=10

Secondary Hues

For the Secondary colors, I mixed the neutral colors together to get the best hues.

C=63, M=100, Y=9, K=45

In order to get the Tertiary colors, I mixed original tube color with secondary colors.

Tertiary Hues

One way of knowing if a hue is neutral between two colors is to see if there is a reflecting halo around the edges of the swatches. If the hue you desire is reflecting these halos, it is more than likely that the color is neutral.

C=30, M=0, Y=100, K=0

C=90, M=20, Y=80, K=30

C=0, M=88, Y=100, K=0

C=0, M=43, Y=100, K=0

C=35, M=100, Y=0, K=30

C=76, M=100, Y=3, K=56

After painting the 12 colors with gouache, the next step was to put it in a digital form.

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011


Assignment 2

Assignment 2

The color wheel consists of 12 colors. After establishing a color wheel, you can easily construct complimentary color system called contrast harmony.

You can also play with different varieties of tints of the color., simply by adjusting the opacity in Adobe Illustrator. Above is 10% increments of tint.

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011


Assignment 2

Assignment 2

Three-Color Combinations

The composition reflects on how the bright red comes forward when contrasts with bluegreen. Red is so vibrant that the size of its shape looks bigger.

This is a 10% increment of K, or Black, in the colors. As you can see some of the colors turn completely black because it already has black in them.

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011


In this composition I used the same green, to note the fact that it quickly draws back because of its cooler, darker color. The warmer, more dynamic color of orange stands out.

Assignment 2

Assignment 2

Tints and Shades of Three Color Combinations

The top row had two original colors replaced with its shades and one remained the same. Interestingly, when the red and yellow green were added black, the cool green started to “pop-out�. The yellow-green started to look

Four-Color Combinations

Consisting of two sets of complimentary colors, the colors in this composition are fighting for attention. The red receives more attention due to its size. The blue recedes because its area is small and its a cool color.

nothing like its original. For the tints on the bottom row, the decrease of the red and the green drastically changed the appearance of the composition; the left has definitely hierarchy, the right one is more subdued.

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011


This composition has an emphasis on the yellow because it is the brightest color in the composition. The other cool colors recede away, while the orange is coming forward.

Assignment 2 Shades and Tints of Four Color Combination

When I drastically darkend red and blue and left the orange as it is, the orange is the dominant hue. I also left the orange as it is for the tint, but compared with the shade composition, the color seems duller due to the similar value surrounding it.

I left the yellow its original color for both shade and tint compositions. The yellow stands out no matter what, if you dull down the cooler colors, or if you tint and lighten up the cooler colors.

Cynthia Oh


Assignment 2

For the ‘Positive-Negative’ assignment, I chose to assign each of the twelve colors to each month in a year. The calender is designed to flip back and forth, and you can compare my very personal emotions and thoughts associated with each month. I assigned the colors according to the words I chose for the color.

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011


Assignment 2

Each colors are laid out in a white or black background, or black and white text were on a colored background. This is to compare how a color can feel and look like on a different background. Some colors looked better on white, some better on black.

Cynthia Oh

Assignment 2

January ~ April

January Commence Ambitious Meditative

Quiet Cold Vacant

February Romantic Luxurious Extravagant

Conflictive Desparate Penitent

March Flexible Cozy Earthy

Tiresome Disordered Rampant

April Happiness Sacrifice Resurrection Sick Aspiring Uncertainty

Assignment 2

May ~ August

May Fresh Fertile Healthy

Bitter Guilty Indifferent

June Excitment Environment Efficient

Laziness Unproductive Disgusting

July Life Nature Outdoors August Balanced Hopeful Valuable

Sweat Sticky Agitated Restrained Frankness Despair

Assignment 2

September ~ December

September Harvesting Family Compassion

Lonesome Melancholy Transformation

October Ripe Flavorful Creative

Decadence Overflow Appetite

November Abundance Gregarious Celebration

Overindulge Exaggerate Social

December Family Warmth Spiritual

Somber Lonely Hectic


Assignment 3

The objective of this assignment is to develop a sensitivity to subtle variations in appearance of any give color due to changes in its position, and/or quantity.

Mixing permanent white and ivory black, I created a five step grayscale.

Then I brought the colors to Illustrator to match the colors, only using percentages of black.

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011


Assignment 3

Assignment 3

Using the matched grayscale, monotone, and analogous colors, I made an interactive book which you can compare and contrast the colors in effect of simultaneous contrast.

The next step was the match similar values of monotone and analogous colors. I made sure the value of the colors matched.

First page of the book, with “PULL� sign for indication to interact with the book.

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011


Assignment 3

Assignment 3

Medium gray looks brighter on black background and light gray looks darker on white. Therefore, when put together it gives an illusion of being similar in color.

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011


Assignment 3

Assignment 3

For monotone colors, I chose the red hue. Unfortunately, the effect wasn’t great when a color other than gray was put against black or white background. Printing it out didn’t help with the simultaneous contrast.

When a blue-green is put against a dark blue value, the blue in the blue-green gets absorbed. Likewise, the yellow in yellow-green gets absorbed aginst yellow background, therefore the colors look similar.

This time grayscale tones were put against a colored background, same as above. The blue background absorbs all the blue in medium gray, and yellow absorbs all the yellow in light gray.

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011




Assignment 5

Assignment 5

After picking the colors I wanted to use, I designed a compositionf for a stamp that resonated starwberry and its vine. I used swirls as transparency to observe if any element came forward or moved back.

The object from nature that I picked was a strawberry. I painted analogous, monotone, and complimentary colors observed from the strawberry.

The objective of this assignment was to carefully observe colors in nature, and fully apply all the theories learned in this semester. Along with observing varieties of colors that can be produced with just mixing black and white, transparency was an added factor to examine. Transparency enabled elements to appear moving forward or receding.

RISD Fall 2011


Finished stamp on an envelope

Assignment 5

Assignment 5

Monotone Colors

Analogous Colors



The analogous colors, due to its similarities in tone, didn’t seem to have as great effect as the monotone colors. However, The vibrant red in the strawberry made it pop out as the duller tone of the reds receded. The transparent swirls looks like it is moving backwards in space.

The strawberry on the left came forward due to its contrast against the light background; however, the element on the right gains more attention due to its size and it being against a dark background that recedes. The transparency added a three dimensional feel to the composition.

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011


Assignment 5

Assignment 5



The yellow is another element that I decided to try on this composition. Being the brightest color of the color wheel, the yellow definitely stands out from the rest. The effect of the right strawberry coming forward due to the warm, yellow background is very successful with the cool, dark green.

This composition seems to show the most hierarchy. This may be due to the similarities in color of real strawberries, but the contrast between the red and the green very strong. Then you see toned down greens which make the background recede.The transparent swirls go back and for th in space due to its size variation but also its interaction with surrounding colors.

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011



Assignment 4

Primary to Secondary Colors

RGB to CMYK The objective of this assignment was to recognize the specific effect a color does when it is surrounded by or next to another color. For this assignment we also learned how to calculate the exact complements of a color using CYMK.

RISD Fall 2011


Assignment 4

Assignment 4

CMYK and Pantone Solid Matte


Afterimage Effect Pantone Solid Matte

C=14.29 , M=85.71 , Y=14.29 , K=0

Pantone 227 U

C=85.71 , M=14.29 , Y=14.29 , K=0

Pantone 313 U

C=9 , M=15.14 , Y=78.43 , K=6.43

Pantone 111 U

C=5.62 , M=26.87 , Y=34 , K=3.57

Pantone 4655 U

C=85.71 , M=69.71 , Y=18.57. , K=21.43

Pantone 2767 U

C=43.36 , M=43.46 , Y=17.34 , K=0

Pantone 7447 U

C=0 , M=100 , Y=98 , K=5

C=57.14 , M=69.14 , Y=45.71 , K=14.29

Pantone 1795 U

Pantone 5195 U

C=0 , M=86.19 , Y=86.19 , K=0

Pantone 032 U

C=82.72 , M=0 , Y=82.72 , K=0

Pantone Hexachrome Green M

C=45.8 , M=41.24 , Y=41.24 , K=0

After observing how a color changes due to surrounding, I calculated the neutral gray for the background from the complementary colors.

Pantone 7540 U

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011


Assignment 4

Assignment 4

Observation Four Color Separation

The cyan and magenta looks darker and duller than the original color, because the yellow background absorbs the yellow in both colors.

Cyan and magenta looks cooler than the original because the blue and violet takes away the cool colors of cyan and magenta.

Cyan definitely looks brighter, bluer, and cooler because the red takes away all the red in cyan. Magenta looks duller because the background absorbs the red.

Complemtary colors of cyan and magenta, the orange takes away all the orange in cyan therefore making it look cooler and brighter. Same with magenta, the green takes away the green in magenta and gets warmer and brighter.

Cynthia Oh

RISD Fall 2011


Assignment 4

Half-Tone Separation

Cynthia Oh

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