Yili Media Introduction Handbook

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In 2009, the student organization Yili media was registered in the Department of Business, Economics and Management in Xi’an-Jiaotong Liverpool University(XJTLU). After two years of efforts, Yili was named as the five-star club and top ten star clubs in Dushu lake higher education town in Suzhou. As a media platform of university students, Yili media is oriented on public welfare, education and art and it is in favor of stabilize the cultural foundation.


Traditional Classical Art the accumulation of years of history of China contains abundant and glorious cultural heritage. Painting and calligraphy, music, dance, traditional opera, gardens and architecture, all permeate the intellectual achievements of ancient Chinese in five thousand years of civilization. In March, 2011, Yili Media cooperated with the Brand and Market office of XJTLU and held traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting exhibition Oriental Art Gallery, during which period, the president professor Xi youmin spoke highly of and approved the activities organized by students to promote the traditional Chinese culture. Besides, Yili was actively exchange with traditional artists and planned to establish an experience zone of traditional Chinese culture so as to let more students feel the true essence of art. On the other hand, many artists from all circles invited the members of Yili to participate in the activities of traditional Chinese culture. Yili also has arranged to make documentaries and interviews to uphold traditional Chinese culture.

Media and Film At the time of fast development of science and technology, state leaders and medium person are the two groups of people who have the biggest influence on society. Yili well knows the responsibility and obligation as a media public service club. Be faced with the conditions and issues of current world pattern, where shall we seek the solutions as one of the university media? We are confronted with the shortage of equipment, technology as well as the restrict of area and fund up to now, yet we have still finished more than ten videos and television programs, which won the recognition of people from all walks of life. Yili is expecting to spread the splendor of humanism and kindness through the platform of media and films as well as awaken people’s conscience to cherish the planet earth so as to improve the social morality and develop a harmonious and happy world.

Let us encourage each other in our endeavours


The president of XJTLU professor Xi Youmin had profound exchanges with the members of Yili Media and showed his support and valuable suggestions.

On Campus

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Smile on life inspiring public lecture, the invited guest was national morility morality model--- -teacher Tian Xiuying. The series activities to express love and feel grateful to parents. The students wrote down the emotional words that they have never said on postcards. Jiao Bo ( State Council Information Office Photo Art Director) my parents filial piety culture theme photography exhibition The members of Yili and foreign teachers jointly participate in the Confucius Culture Festival in the Confucius Temple of Suzhou. We hold the sharing session every week based on the theme of filial piety culture. We shoot the videos of filial piety to express the gratitude to our parents.

Off Campus

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The staffs of Deyuan High-tech Company in Rugao Town, Nantong City exchanged and shared their experience of learning the Chinese classical literature. The children of Qinger Art School in Qingdao, Shandong bring the Chinese classical literature into their study. A Summer voluntary teaching activity named Children Education and Righteousness Fosterage Class has been carried out in Wangshan, Suzhou for one month. The education department of Yili Media held a bilingual voluntary teaching activity named Love and Care in Hanlin primary school in Suzhou Industrial Park. We participated in the public welfare forum of educating civic virtue in Suzhou, Wuxi, Changshu, and Wenzhou. We repeatedly involved in the traditional Chinese cultural training programs and exchanged and learned from each other in the Ju Meixin Institution in Nanjing.

Public Welfare Programs on campus

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Protect the forest and supply free recyclable disinfectant chopsticks Shoot public welfare videos and advertisements Make vegetarian snacks to express many thanks to dear teachers for their sincere guiding. Yili Media donated series of classic literature work to the XJTLU library. Environmental-friendly Public Exhibition themed by Protect the Environment, Love the Earth Hold public lectures series given by Guo Geng, who is a member of the standing committee of the CPPCC Beijing committee, CPPCC Vice-Chairman of the Daxing District, Beijing, Deputy director of the popular science director of the Beijing Elk Ecology Center Yili distributes free vegetarian dishes every Monday to correspond to global warming and FAO.

Programs Off Campus

1. Students in Yili were invited to participate in the 2nd Social Innovation Tracing Forum, which is initiated by Chinese and Sinapore students. And we made face to face communication with world-renowned social entrepreneurs along with the 15 well-known university students. 2. Yili was invited by Distinguished Business Leader Series and communicated and took photos with Cheong Chong Kong, President of Bank of Overseas Chinese. 3. Yili has communicated with Mr.Shen GangďźŒdirector of China Telecom Shanghai Informatization Promotion Office, and accepted his experience guidance. 4. Yili was invited to participate in Tracing 2010 Social Innovation Forum with Fudan Universityand East China Normal University, and was awarded Workshop Team Award. 5. Yili has conversed with Ms. Zhou Shijin, who is a Singapore Youth iconic figure and founder of 77th Street, and accepted her experience guidance. 6. Yili has established cooperation with Singapore International Foundation(SIF) and made conversation with Mr. Cham Tao Soon, the foundation’s Trustee of Board, and accepted his guidance.

The collection of Oriental Art Gallery---Green Mountain and Clear Stream the Painter: Xu yongyang, Nanjing

Traditional Classical Art

1. The executive president of XJTLU professor Xi Youmin arrived at oriental art exhibition and gave us guidance. 2. The king of furnace in Suzhou Chen Qiaosheng showed his support and cooperation to Yili Oriental Art Gallery 3. Jiang Yongxin-- from Nanjing Calligraphy Association, gave his guidance and had a group photo with us. 4. Mr. Xu minyao, an artist of Suzhou, one of the outside school teachers on art direction of Yili. 5. The painter of Nanjing, Mr.Xu Yongyang had a live painting and presented it as a gift to show his support to Yili oriental art gallery program. 6. We cooperated with The Sound of Love Glee club, musician Wang Renjin took charge of music teacher.

Media and Film

1. We organized professional portraits shooting and make-up activities in fixed days 2. SINEMA is a Sinapore Indepenent Film Organization. On the Southeast Asia international film festival, we invited Nicholas CheeďźŒthe co-founder of SINEMA, to enjoy the independent films from each country of Southeast Asia and the short films of Yili. 3. A large-scale photography activity named Unity of All to discuss and explore humanity. 4. The shooting of Public welfare short film Greetings 5. The interview program Honor Teachers and Esteem Truth of the Expressing Love series 6. We hold the skill training of filmshooting and post production on fixed days. 7. The international film star Cheng taisheng and Suzhou artists arrived at the sharing session and gave us guidance on the spot. 8. Mr. Meng Xiangdong, the 76th generation of Mencius,at the seek roots exclusive program recorded scene.

The Future Plan and Project Planning Yili Media mianly based on the excellent traditional Chinese culture and is a collection of public welfare, education and art for the sake of revealing a most real, kind and beautiful world. Apart from continuely expand the previous basic traning courses and carry out many activities including photography, video production, make-up, actor and model traning, voluntary teaching, painting and calligraphy, public welfare and so on, we will also hold some news gatherings, profound interview programs as well as theme series guest lectures and photo exhibitions.On the basis of two-year impact and development practice experience, Yili Media and Yili culture association of Liverpool University will pay more attention to long-term goal and development potential of our programs. We are expecting nothing but seeing everything and we firmly believe that the development of Yili would benifit the whole world. The media team of Yili would never forget our initial determination---We should be to ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth, to secure life and fortune for the people, to continue lost teachings for past sages, to establish peace for all future generations.

Special thanks National University of Singapore Management Department Co-founder of SINEMA in Singapore Nicholas Chee Singapore International Foundation Lotus Primary school in Suzhou Industrial Park Hanlin Primary school in Suzhou Industrial Park Dushu Lake Library in Suzhou Dushu Lake Theater in Suzhou Indonesian Student Association in Suzhou Cencer Art Gallery of Qiaosheng Chen in Suzhou The Sound of Love Glee Club Suzhou Artist Minyao Xu General Management of Project Management Department in Longyuan Construction Group Company Tiesuo Yan Famous movie star in China

Taishen Cheng

CPPCC Beijing committee member, Deputy director of the popular science director of the Beijing Elk Ecology Center

Geng Guo

Shanghai Fudan University Management Department Deyuan High Techonology Company in Shanghai Wuxi Xiyangyang Enterprise Management Consult Co., LTD Anhui Lu’an Gold Serene Machinery Co., LTD Nanjing Jameson Househole Articles Nanjing ZhiYuXuan Youth Growth Club Nanjing Calligrapher Association Qing’er Art school in Qingdao

Yongxin Jiang

Contact Information Phone Number:ďźš E-mail:

15150114426 13218185544 yilimedia@sina.com

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