e ve n t s
n e w S ,
v i e w s
i n d u s t r y
r o u n d - u p
g l o b a l t h e o f
U p - to - d a te
The Lexi turns to crowdfunding for its new Hub THE LEXI, IN LONDON’S Kensal Green is the UK’s first social enterprise cinema — and the team behind it have turned to crowdfunding to support its proposed expansion.
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“Powered by the energy and enthusiasm of 50 local
upheavals in Hong Kong, the Film Expo Group has announced that the CineAsia conference is to
but with one screen and just 75 seats, there’s a limit to how
return to Bangkok after a decade’s absence. From
much we can do, and we’re now at capacity,” explains the
7-10 December, the venue will be the Royal Paragon
Lexi’s founder Sally Wilton, “The new Hub building that we
Halls at the Siam Paragon Mall with screenings and
want to raise funds for will be an attractive, sustainable build,
presentations at the Paragon Cinema.
providing 2,000 hours of additional community space per
The management team had no trouble picking
year. Our mission is to change lives through film. The Lexi Hub
the location as “the support from local exhibition is
with its second screen would mean we can do so much more
extraordinary, the theatres are among the best-
for our community.”
designed and technically enhanced theatres in the
Plans for the new Hub include a second screen and no fewer than 3,860 additional places per year for local www.spacehive.com/thelexihub
December’s CineAsia due to the recent political
volunteers, the cinema is affordable, accessible and friendly,
schools and nurseries. Find out more at:
CineAsia heads back to Bangkok this December
world and the cinema itself is on the same level as “I am a cinema. Love me.” The Lexi is a prime example of cinema’s role in the community
the convention center,” according to Robert and Andrew Sunshine, the co-managing directors of CineAsia. Find out more at www.filmexpos.com
15/02/2020 10:19