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FLEXOUND Augmented Audio appoints a new CEO

Up-to-date round-up of the global industry newS, views & events



FLEXOUND Augmented Audio puts Automotive Professional at the Helm

FLEXOUND Augmented Audio has appointed Isak Olevic from Sweden as their new CEO. Olevic is an experienced automotive and audio business executive with past experience in Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, Harman and Ericsson, and will assume responsibilities for the company on January 1, 2022.

“Isak has an extensive network in automotive, cinema and audio industries, where Flexound seeks rapid expansion with its unique augmented audio technology”, says Flexound chairman Markku Vauhkonen.

Isak Olevic will succeed co-founder Mervi Heinaro, who was recently appointed as the Deputy Mayor of the City of Espoo, Finland. Heinaro remains a partner in the company, as well as a member of the Advisory Board.

Christie Set to Mass Produce CounterAct with Care222

CounterAct is designed for occupied indoor venues, is CE and UL compliant

AS WE prepare for a post-pandemic world where reducing pathogens and viral spread is essential, global visual technology company Christie announced the mass production of its Christie CounterAct line of commercial

UV disinfection products with patented Care222 far-UVC light technology. CounterAct fixtures are designed for use in occupied indoor spaces, from cinemas, theme parks, museums, and sports complexes, to retail, restaurants, as well as transit hubs at airports, train and subway stations.

Developed by Christie, and using parent company Ushio Inc.’s Care222nm UV lamp technology that’s licensed through Columbia University, the CounterAct line of mounted

fixtures is designed for high-ceiling applications, which are as easy to install as commercial lighting fixtures. The first UV disinfection

technology developed for use around people, Christie CounterAct uses proprietary filtered far-UVC light to eliminate 99% of pathogens on surfaces in indoor spaces, including the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that

causes COVID-19, influenza, bacteria, and other antibiotic-resistant

superbugs by damaging the DNA or RNA of the pathogen, leaving them unable to reproduce and infect humans.

Barco Celebrates 100,000 Digital Cinema Projectors Production Milestone

BARCO is proud to announce a record achievement in digital cinema manufacturing. Since the first pioneering release of Barco digital cinema projectors in 1999, the company has established itself as the trusted partner and leading provider in cinema technologies resulting in the production of 100,000 digital cinema projectors today. The milestone is testament to the longevity and sustained heritage of innovation shared by Barco, its partners, and the exhibition community.

At the turn of the 21st century, the film and cinema experience underwent an unprecedented change as it moved from the traditional analog world of celluloid film into a new digital age. Barco has been a market and technology driver in these digital innovations ever since the early days.

Over the last seven years, the market continued to innovate with the

advent of the laser era, harnessing the leading laser technologies to power the next generation of moviegoing experiences. Today, there are more than 25,000 Barco laser projection solutions deployed around the world.

Ignace Rombaut, Barco’s VP of Projection added, “This is not the end of the success story. Digital projection and the more recent switch from lamp to laser light sources only delivers more advantages for customers.

From R&D to production, and from design to end-user, lasers are embedded in everything we do as the right choice for the future of cinema. From image quality to sustainability there is still untapped potential for further growth, and I am convinced that the outlook is bright for cinema.”


POSitive Cinema Announces Partnership with KinoGram

POSitive Cinema, a Polandbased supplier of cinema software, is pleased to announce that its system supports a new, unique cinema: KinoGram.

KinoGram is a new place on the map of Warsaw, located in the revitalized Norblin Factory complex. KinoGram is also the new headquarters of the Polish Directors Guild, which co-creates the cultural offer of

the cinema. The unique venue opened on September 10, 2021

Deluxe Creates Deluxe Events

Deluxe, the provider of digital and cloud-based services, has formed a new division, Deluxe Events, to provide content mastering, localization, and distribution for physical, virtual, and hybrid experiences. Deluxe, owned by Platinum Equity, expands upon its already successful support of live theatrical events, including Digital Cinema Package (DCP) mastering, keys and support, packaging and finishing, feature distribution, versioning and advanced audio.

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