Fit for the future: HFR 4K at 120FPS is available with the CP4450-RGB
Christie redefines PLF with the dual-laser CP4450-RGB A GLOBAL LEADER IN digital cinema
technologies, redefining
Christie the
experience for Premium Large Format (PLF) theatres with its state-of-the-art RGB pure laser cinema projector, the CP4450RGB, equipped with dual-laser optical systems (LOS) and highspeed
Capable of playing High Frame Rate 4K at 120Hz playback, it is the world’s first advanced format cinema
equipped with the company’s RealLaser technology for screens up to 111 feet (33 meters) wide. With an output of up to
it the ideal projection system for PLF theatres,” says
55,000 DCI lumens, Christie claim the CP4450-RGB is
Brian Claypool, EVP of global cinema at Christie, “This
the brightest direct-coupled RGB pure laser cinema
direct-coupled RGB laser cinema projector enables
projector on the market.
exhibitors to impress audiences with stunning, true-
“The compact CP4450-RGB excels in image quality, operational lifetime and on-screen brightness, making
to-life 4K while benefiting from a platform designed to support the content and formats of the future.”
Sounds Associates purchases Future Projections AS CT WENT TO PRESS, the news was announced that the cinema integrator Sound Associates has bought the
over the reins — and it is a pleasure to hand over to them.” Graham Lodge, MD of Sound Associates said: “We are
London-based Projection, sound, design and installation
pleased to be working with Peter and Karen on this acquisition
services specialist Future Projections.
of the company assets and will be working hard to support
Karen Pitman, director at Future Projections explained the rationale behind the sale: “Peter and I decided in early
the existing Future Projections customer base in the same way they have been looked after over the past 23 years.”
2020 that the time was right to sell the business. After much
All existing Future Projections customers for cinema
consideration, we believe the fusion of FP and SA is really the
equipment sales and hire will continue to be supported
strongest way to look after all our amazing customers. We are
without interruption, now with the additional resources SA
delighted to be working with them, pulling all the strands of
can offer. As part of the transition, Future Projection contact
the business together and combining with the quality of the
details will be diverted to SA. Following the sale, SA now has a
SA company structure to make a solid transition.” Peter Hall,
full range of hire equipment for outdoor and indoor events,
MF at Future Projections and a long-term supporter of Cinema
large or small, from DCP to small kits.
Technology magazine, added “We are delighted SA is taking
Contact hire-enquiries@soundassociates.co.uk
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