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CINEMA ZEAL Vol. 01 | Nov-Dec 2017, Jan 2018

| Zoe, Zi Fang Yen | Cindy, Hsin Lu

The Art of Cinema & Language


因為愛你 Carol

2015 | Todd Haynes

Just when you think it can't get any worse, you run out of cigarettes. 你覺得一切不可能再更糟時,連菸也半根不剩了。

吸血鬼家庭詩篇 What We Do in the Shadows

2014 | Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi

When you are a vampire, you become very sexy. 當你成了吸血鬼,你就會變得很性感。

夜行動物 Nocturnal Animals

2016 | Tom Ford Susan, enjoy the absurdity of our world. It's a lot less painful. Believe me, our world is a lot less painful than the real world. 蘇珊,好好享受我們兩人荒謬的世界,它輕鬆多了, 相信我,真正的世界遠比我們的要痛苦許多。

魔幻旅程 The Fall

2006 | Tarsem Singh

What a mystery this world, one day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over. 多麼神祕的世界啊!曾經,你如此深愛這 一切,但下一刻你卻恨不得讓它灰飛煙滅。

Roy Walker: All right, close your eyes. What do you see? Alexandria: Nothing. Roy Walker: Rub them... Can you see the stars? Alexandria: Yes. :那現在,請閉上雙眼,看見了什麼嗎? :什麼也沒看見。 :揉揉你的眼睛,有沒有看到繁星熠熠? :真的耶!

養子不教誰之過 Rebel Without a Cause 1955 | Nicholas Ray Boy, this is gonna be one terrific day, so you better live it up, because tomorrow you'll be nothing. 孩子,這將會是最棒的一天,所以好好把握吧,因為明天 你就什麼也不是了。

街頭日記 Freedom Writers

2007 | Richard LaGravenese Nobody cares what I do. Why should I bother coming to school? 根本不會有人在意我的所作所為,那我幹嘛來上學?


模仿遊戲 The Imitation Game

2014 | Morten Tyldum

Do you know why people like violence? It is because it feels good. Humans find violence deeply satisfying. But remove the satisfaction, and the act becomes... hollow. 你知道為什麼人都喜歡暴力嗎?因為暴力讓人感覺很好。 人類從暴力中找無可自拔的滿足,然而,一旦從這種滿 足中抽離,他就只剩......空洞。

愛是您,愛是我 Love Actually

2003 | Richard Whalley, Anthony Curtis Don't buy drugs. Become a pop star, and they give you them for free! 不需要買毒品,只要當個流行巨星,你一毛錢也不用花!

二十世紀的她們 20th Century Women

2016 | Mike Mills

Whatever you think your life is going to be like, just know, it's not gonna be anything like that. 不管你如何想像你的人生,你要知道,它絕對不是 你想的那樣。


比利林恩的中場戰事 Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk

2016 | Ang Lee

It's sort of weird, being honored for the worst day of your life. 這感覺很怪,大家頌揚的居然是你人生中最糟的日子。

萬花嬉春 Singin' in the Rain

1952 | Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly

Short people have long faces, and long people have short faces. Big people have little humor, and little people have no humor at all. 矮小的人通常有過長的臉,高大的有著太小的 臉;大塊頭的通常沒什麼幽默感,而嬌小的根 本沒半點幽默感。


藍色情人節 Blue Valentine

2010 | Derek Cianfrance

How do you trust your feelings when they can just disappear like that? I think the only way you can find out is to have the feeling. :如果感情都轉瞬即逝,你要如何相信它? :唯有去愛,才能尋得答案。

月光下的藍色男孩 Moonlight

2016 | Barry Jenkins

In moonlight, black boys look blue. 在月光下,黑皮膚的男孩成了藍色的。

禁愛世界 Equals 2015 | Drake Doremus It's like everyone's... searching for these answers eight hundred million miles away and the truth is the answers are right in front of us. 這就像...大家忙著探尋八十億英里外的世界,卻沒 發現答案其實就在我們眼前。

屬於她們的片刻 Certain Women

2016 | Kelly Reichardt

We human beings grow through our failures, not our virtues. 人類從自己的失敗而成長,而非從美德中學習。

聖杯騎士 Knight of Cups

2015 | Terrence Malick Once the soul was perfect and had wings, it could sour into heaven that only creatures with wings can be. But the soul lost its wings and fell to earth where it took a earthly body… 曾經,靈魂完美無暇且能展翅高飛,它能躍升至天堂, 那唯有翅翼能及之高。然而,靈魂失去了雙翼,墜落 紅塵,只能寄生血肉之軀。

後窗 Rear Window 1954 | Alfred Hitchcock Intelligence. Nothing has caused the human race so much trouble as intelligence. 聰明才智,再沒什麼東西比它帶給人類更多麻煩了。

花都舞影 An American in Paris

1951 | Vincente Minnelli Lise: Maybe Paris has a way of making people forget. Jerry: Paris? No. Not this city. It's too real and too beautiful to ever let you forget anything. :或許巴黎有讓人遺忘一切的方法。 :巴黎?不,不會是這個城市。它太真實、太美,反而 讓你什麼也無法忘卻。

早餐俱樂部 The Breakfast Club

1985 | John Hughes We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all. 我們都是怪胎,只不過有些人善於隱藏罷了。

青春搖滾練習曲 Sing Street

2016 | John Carney Look at her. She races home every evening just to catch that last little bit of sun, have a cigarette and read her papers. She's always talking about going on a holiday to Spain, but he never takes her. That's all she gets. 看她,每個傍晚都那樣奔著回家,只為了趕上那最後一抹晚霞, 一邊抽著菸,一邊讀報紙。她開口閉口總談著自己對西班牙的 嚮往,但他卻從沒想過帶她去,她有的不過只有這些罷了。

憂傷大象之歌 Elephant Song

2014 | Charles Binamé Just because I’m crazy, doesn’t mean I’m stupid. 雖然我是一個瘋子,但這不代表你可以愚弄我。

因為愛情:在離開他以後 The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Her

2014 | Ned Benson A shooting star only lasts a second, but... aren't you glad to at least have seen it? 流星雖然轉瞬即逝,但...不覺得何其幸運曾經歷那一瞬嗎?

記憶乍響 Louder Than Bombs

2015 | Joachim Trier He could still, many years from now, recall the scene in all its detail. The lock of hair she placed behind her ear. The way the washing label stuck out from the neck of her tanktop. The streetlights that went out as they passed Kevin Anderson's house. That strangely familiar smell of damp earth that he couldn't quite place.

即使過了很多年,他仍能憶起那場景裡的所有細節: 那一綹輕勾耳後的髮絲、她頸後那沒塞好的背心標 籤,他們經過安德森家時亮起的街燈,還有那異常 熟悉卻想不起來的潮濕泥土味。


崩壞人生 Demolition

2015 | Jean-Marc Vallée

Dear Champion Vending Company, I put five quarters in your machine and proceeded to push B2, which should have given me peanut M&M's. Regrettably, it did not. I found this upsetting, as I was very hungry, and also my wife had died ten minutes earlier. 親愛的冠軍販賣機公司: 我在貴公司的販賣機投了五枚印幣,接著按下該給我花生 M&M的B2鍵,遺憾的是,什麼也沒掉下來。這件事情讓我沮喪 不已,一是我很餓,二是我的妻子在十分鐘前走了。

贖罪 Atonement

2007 | Joe Wright

He certainly seems to think he's the cat's pajamas. 他一定以為自己最厲害。

鋼鐵英雄 Hacksaw Ridge

2016 | Mel Gibson I don't know how I'm going to live with myself if I don't stay true to what I believe. 唯有忠於心之所向,我才能真正的活著。

海邊的曼徹斯特 Manchester by the Sea

2016 | Kenneth Lonergan

I can't beat it. I can't beat it. I'm sorry. 我不能面對!我面對不了!我很抱歉。

戰馬 War Horse

2011 | Steven Spielberg

Some days are best forgotten. Today ain't one of them. 有些日子該被遺忘,但非今日。


月昇冒險王國 Moonrise Kingdom 2012 | Wes Anderson Sam: Why do you always use binoculars? Suzy: It helps me see things closer. Even if they're not very far away. I pretend it's my magic power. :你為什麼總帶著望遠鏡? :這是我的秘密魔法,它能拉近一切事物,即便它們 一點也不遠!

愛在黎明破曉時 Before Sunrise

1995 | Richard Linklater I like to feel his eyes on me when I look away. 我喜歡他趁我別過頭去時看著我的模樣。

異星入境 Arrival

2016 | Denis Villeneuve Dr. Louise Banks: If you could see your whole life from start to finish, would you change things? Ian Donnelly: Maybe I'd say what I felt more often. I-I don't know. :如果你能完完整整地看到你的人生,從始至終,你會試圖改變嗎? :或許我該多說說自己的想法。我......我不知道。


怪物來敲門 A Monster Calls

2016 | J.A. Bayona

Because humans are complicated beasts. You believe comforting lies, while knowing full well the painful truth that makes those lies necessary. 因為人類是複雜的野獸,你們相信善意的謊言, 而知道全部事實的痛苦讓這些謊言有了存在的 必要。

盧安達飯店 Hotel Rwanda

2004 | Terry George

I think if people see this footage, they'll say Oh, my God, that's horrible. And then they'll go on eating their dinners. 我想人們看到這些膠卷時,他們只會哀嘆一聲「天啊! 這真駭人!」,接著繼續他們的晚餐。

天才無限家 The Man Who Knew Infinity

2016 | Matthew Vaughn There are patterns in everything. The color in light, the reflections in water... in math, these patterns reveal themselves in the most incredible form. 萬物皆自成一格。光譜中的虹霓,水紋中的倒影...... 在數學中,這些真理映出它們的不思議。

漫漫回家路 Lion

2016 | Garth Davis

I'm starting to remember a life I had forgotten. I had another family, a mother, a brother. I can still see their faces. I have to find my way back home. 我最近想起那個被我遺忘的人生,我的另一個家庭, 有媽媽、還有哥哥,到現在我仍記得他們的臉。 我必須要找到回家的路。

達文西密碼 The Da Vinci Code

2006 | Ron Howard

She rests at last beneath starry skies. 她在滿天星斗下長眠。

傲慢與偏見 Pride & Prejudice

2005 | Joe Wright

Not all of us can afford to be romantic. 浪漫不是每個人都能承受得起。

一路玩到掛 The Bucket List

2007 | Robert Reiner

We live, we die, and the wheels on the bus go round and round. 生生死死,時間之輪仍舊不停地轉動。

屍控奇幻旅程 Swiss Army Man

2016 | Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheinert

Before the Internet every girl was a lot more special. 在網路發明之前,女孩子神秘多了。

浪蕩世代 On the Road

2012 | Walter Salles

The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars. 對我而言,只有那些瘋子才是真實的。那些奮力活 著的、胡言亂語的、渴望救贖的、慾望無窮的、那 些樂此不疲或那些只說真話的,他們「咻咻咻─」, 在星空中爆發出放射線般的絢爛。

猜火車 Trainspotting

1996 | Danny Boyle Choose your future. Choose life. But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin? 選擇你的未來,選擇生活, 但我幹嘛選擇? 我選擇不選擇生活,我選擇了別的,原因? 沒有特別的原因,有了海洛因,誰還需要理由?


黑色追緝令 Pulp Fiction

1994 | Quentin Tarantino

I do believe Marsellus Wallace, my husband, your boss, told you to take ME out and do WHATEVER I WANTED. Now I wanna dance, I wanna win. I want that trophy, so dance good. 我相信我的丈夫、你的老闆─馬賽勒斯· 華萊士有 吩咐你要帶我出去做我想做的事。現在我想要跳舞, 我想要贏!我要得到那個獎盃,所以給我好好跳!

落日車神 Drive 2011 | Nicolas Refn There's a hundred-thousand streets in this city. You don't need to know the route. You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and you're on your own. Do you understand? 這城市裡有成千上百條街道巷弄,但你無須費心。給我 時間地點,你有五分鐘。在這五分鐘裡,無論如何,我 全聽憑於你。一旦超過,一分一秒,你就只能自己承擔。 明白了嗎?

畢業生 The Graduate

1967 | Mike Nichols

My whole life is such a waste... It's just nothing. 我這輩子根本沒半點意義……什麼也不是。

愛情昏迷中 The Big Sick

2017 | Michael Showalter Can you imagine a world in which we end up together? 你能想像一個我們攜手共度的未來嗎?

殺手沒有假期 In Bruges

2008 | Martin McDonagh

It's a fairytale town, isn't it? How's a fairytale town not somebody's fucking thing? 這是個童話小鎮,不是嗎?每個人都一定會他媽的 喜歡這裡吧?

名媛教育 An Education

2009 | Lone Scherfig Miss Stubbs: You seemed to be old and wise. Jenny: I feel old. But not very wise. :你看來變成熟了老練了。 :我心已老,但仍不甚明智。


紐約哈哈哈 Frances Ha

2012 | Noah Baumbach

I like things that look like mistakes. 我喜歡那些就像錯誤的事物。

你看見死亡的顏色嗎 Dead Man

1995 | Jim Jarmusch

Every night and every morn, some are born to sweet delight; some are born to endless night. 每個黑夜與白晝,有些人綻放著笑靨,有些人桎梏於闇夜。

哈利波特-神祕的魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

2001 | Chris Columbus

There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it. 這世上沒有善惡,只有權力,和那些汲汲營營的弱者。

哈利波特-消失的密室 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

2002 | Chris Columbus

Oh, Harry? If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet. 噢哈利,如果你死在這,我願意和你分享同個廁所呦!

哈利波特-阿茲卡班的逃犯 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

2004 | Alfonso Cuarón

For in dreams, we enter a world that is entirely our own. Let him swim in the deepest ocean or glide over the highest cloud. 夢,是自己所獨有的世界,就讓他盡情地徜徉深海之際, 在雲間遨遊。

哈利波特-火盃的考驗 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

2005 | Mike Newell

Rita Skeeter: This is cozy. Harry: It's a broom cupboard. Rita Skeeter: Well you should feel right at home, then. :這裡真不錯。 :呃,這是掃帚櫃。 :那你應該不陌生吧!

哈利波特-鳳凰會的密令 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

2007 | David Yates

Hermione Granger: I can't understand why you don't want to wear it, Ronald. Ron Weasley: Cause I'll look like a bloody idiot, that's why. :榮恩,真想不透你為什麼不願套上這毛衣? :因為那讓我看起來像個徹頭徹尾的笨蛋。

哈利波特-混血王子的背叛 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

2009 | David Yates

Professor McGonagall: Why is it, when something happens, it is always you three? Ron Weasley: Believe me, Professor. I've been asking myself the same question for six years. :為什麼有事情的地方總有你們三個的蹤影? :教授相信我,整整六年來我都在問自己這個問題。

哈利波特-死神的聖物 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I

2010 | David Yates

Fred Weasley, George Weasley said together, ‘‘Wow, we're identical!’’ 弗雷、喬治 :「哇!我們長得一模一樣!」

哈利波特-死神的聖物 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II

2011 | David Yates

Molly Weasley: Not my daughter, you bitch! 臭婊子!敢動我女兒試試看!

‘‘We live three times as long since man invented movies… Movies give us twice what we get from daily life.’’ ─ A ONE AND A TWO, Edward Yang

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