The Violet | Fall 2012

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FAL L 2012


Š 2012 The Violet Cover photo: Yossy Arefi-Afshar This photo: Samantha Shorey

Contents open

Director’s Letter 5


Do Something! 12

Back to School 14 create Make Something! 18 Blossom: Calliopsis 20 nurture We Recommend 23 Take a Hike 24 explore A New England Fall 29 nourish Four Soups for Fall 38 From Scratch 46 Oatmeal 50 play The Alchemy of a Gathering 57 embellish Simply Fall 61 Wrap It Up 70 Hair-DOs 74 love Project Life 78 Cozy Dates for Fall 82 muse

A Chat With a 12-Time Olympic

Medalist / Food Lover 85

Do Something That Scares you 88


Back Story 92

FAL L 2012


{Open} verb * remove the covers or wrapping from

Director’s Letter back to the basics

Every year when the Fall season rolls around, we are faced with the

But really, the most important task we are faced with day to day

task of reevaluating our lives. Maybe we don’t realize it, but as the

is to open our eyes and take in the changing world around us. It

nights grow longer and the air colder, that adventurous spirit of

never fails to amaze me how the new colors in a leaf manage to take

Summer fades and, often, the most basic elements of our lives

my breath away. Above all else, the Fall season serves as a wonder-

become the most valuable. Summer trips and hot-weather adven-

ful opportunity to take a look at our lives and think about what

tures have tired us out, and we’re ready to simplify a bit. Luckily,

really makes us happy.

this season is perfect for doing just that. Whether it’s lighting your apple-spice candle or drinking a hot cup of coffee on a chilly Fall morning while catching up on the news or your favorite blogs, it’s hard not to appreciate the little things in life. I remember being nervous last year to launch our Fall issue. This season is so important to me, personally, that I never feel like it’s possible to accurately capture all of its romance in a magazine. And maybe that’s because it really isn’t possible. Fall is fully experienced breathing in the crisp air, crunching leaves with your

Camilla Salem Founder & Director

boots, and roasting pumpkin in your kitchen. So we recommend soaking in this issue, and then putting your computer to sleep so that you can truly savor the season. Take an afternoon to make your own candles (page 18), wow your friends and family with delicious pies made from scratch (page 46), or wear your favorite scarf (page 70) and go see a football game with a buddy (page 13).

FAL L 2012


Contributors meet our fall- obsessed team













Camilla is a 6’0






tall California

Ashlee is an aspir-

Jasmine is a

Jackie lives in New

A curly-haired,

Molly is a Brook-

native who enjoys

ing writer & ama-

southern Cali-

York’s Hudson

library-loving girl

lyn-based food

food (a lot), docu-

teur photographer


Valley with her two

split between

writer, classical

mentary films,

residing in Sacra-

native living in

dogs, Rocco and

Ottawa (journal-

percussionist, and

and daydreaming.

mento, California.

Long Beach, CA,

Suzette. Known as

ism school) and

mustard collec-

She is a graduate

When she’s not

with her super-

“the resident pa-

London (home).

tor. Originally

of U.C. Berkeley’s

making lists and

hot, hair stylist

parazzi”, it was no

An apple lover,

from the suburbs

department of

guzzling Go Girl

husband, Levi, and

surprise that she’s

dinner party en-

of Chicago, she

Peace and Conflict

energy drinks, you

their kitties, Gretel

ended up making

thusiast & bedroom

moved to New York

Studies and admits

can find her at your

and Lily. True to

her living as a pho-

ballerina, Emily

to attend the Juil-

to having amassed

local thrift store,

her Gemini na-

tographer. Jackie

enjoys picnics,

liard School. Her

an embarrassingly

yoga studio, or

ture, she values

likes hiking, sushi

baking, 80’s post-

favorite things to

large collection

most likely, frozen

independence and

and she is among

punk and read-

do include riding

of magazines...

yogurt shop. She’s

likes to dabble

the small percent-

ing Hemingway.

her bike, eating,

so, naturally she

a self-proclaimed

in anything that

age of people in the

She loves boys

making dump-

decided to start her

joy-chooser, smile-

strikes her fancy.

world who actually

with glasses, John

lings, tap dancing,


creator, and truth-

She appreciates

enjoys hanging out

Hughes movies,

and changing the


good food, good

in airports.

and listening to


Blog: Where My

coffee, and good

Blog : JacPfef

Heart Resides


Blog : Champagne


Blog: An

Experiment in Poverty

other people’s stories. Idols include Anne Shirley and Tina Fey.

Blog : My Name is








Britty lives in

Kenza is 17 year old


Sophie is an


northern Cali-

with a passion for

Yossy is a New

aspiring to-be-de-

Celeste is a Bay

fornia with her

Shakespeare and


termined currently

Area native whose

husband, dog kid,

all things old fash-

photographer and

living in Boston.

life dream is to

and fat cat. She

ioned. She finds

baker. Originally

She loves food,

travel the world.

works by day in

herself looking at

from Seattle, she

weekend adven-

A recent Stanford

community benefit

life through some

left her Northwest

tures, drinking

graduate in English

and by night is a

seriously dramatic

roots to follow

coffee, and de-

and Classics, she

slave to the pen.

lenses and like so

her heart east

vouring books on

loves her ukulele,

Britty enjoys sweaty

many teenagers

where she spent six

the T. When not in

film photography,

yoga, dark coffee,

considers herself

years honing her

the office, she likes

stargazing, and Mr.

homemade bread,

well beyond her

baking skills in

to fill her time

Darcy. She splits

morning light,

years. She’d much

restaurant kitchens

with what inspires

her daydreaming

music with soul

rather be having

and building

her: taking photos,

equally between

and sharing a table

steak frites with

her photography

drinking coffee,

food, Europe, and

with friends.

Badoit in France

portfolio. She loves

being outside,

what to be when she

than going a high

her trusty Pentax

and cooking for

grows up.

school dance.

film cameras and


Blog : Wanderlust

Blog: My Treasure

Blog: Britty Wesely


baking seasonally inspired treats. She

Interested in contributing to The Violet? Send a short pitch to ashlee@ thevioletonline. com.

Blog : Just Live

Into It

longs for a house with a garden and some chickens out back. Blog : Apt 2B

Baking Co.

FAL L 2012


Even More Contributors







Chelsea is a blog-

Sydney is a twenty-

Allison recently

Elise is an avid

Samantha Shorey

ger by day and a

something who

left the career

Project Lifer

lives in a lit-

musical theatre

believes in the

world to pursue a

and designed the

tle New England

performer by

power and grace of

second degree in

Seafoam kit, which

town where she is a

night‌ or some-

simple things like

nursing with the

is scheduled to

reader, writer, and

times vice versa.

smiles and being

goal of becoming a

launch this Fall.

romantic (see also:

Her blog, Lovely

awake when the

diabetes educator.

She blogs about

graduate student).

Indeed, focuses

sun rises. She loves

Her favorite things

craft projects

She believes that

on a DIY lifestyle

writing, floss-

include getting lost

and her life in

photos should look

and all the hap-

ing, and being on

in a book, playing

Southern Califor-

more like memo-

piness that comes

time. She currently

with her cat, and

nia. She believes

ries, which is prob-

along with it. She

lives somewhere

spending time with

everything is what

ably why she loves

recently relocated

between NYC and

her friends and

you make of it.

35-millimeter film

from NYC to LA,

San Francisco as

husband. She lives

and late golden

where she and her

she drives across

just outside of New

husband are loving

the country on

York City.

the California

the adventure of a



Blog: Lovely

Blog: The Great


Lung Run

light. Blog : Ashore

Blog : With Faith &


Blog : enjOY it

FAL L 2012


{Live} verb * remain alive

FAL L 2012

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Do Something! six ideas to help you soak in as much of fall as possible

Words by Emily Rack Photos by Yossy Arefi-Afshar

bundle up and head out for a

able to create useful things. Sure, we’re all

look instantly. There’s never a shortage in

nighttime walk!

computer savvy and can appreciate a good

thrift stores, not to mention the scores of

The days of long, languid summer strolls

craft on Pinterest like nobody’s business,

them on Etsy.

may be coming to a close, but that’s good

but actually making something tangible

news for those of us who like to dress up

go to a football game!

doesn’t factor into our lives very often.

in layers, grab a friend, and head out into

Does your grandmother know how to

the cold night air (perhaps with a thermos

knit? Of course she does. And your mom

of tea). Something about walking around

probably knows a thing or two about it too.

on cool autumn nights is romantic and

Help save these kinds of skills. Get yourself

promising and unsullied all at the same

two needles and a skein of beautiful yarn,

time. Lace up your boots, head out the

and learn how to knit something. A scarf

door, breathe in the smell of lit fireplaces,

or a dishcloth is a simple place to start

and pretend you’re part of a scene in a Meg

because there’s no pattern to follow. Once

Ryan movie.

you get the hang of it, you can continue

make preserves!

pretty effortlessly until you’ve created

Gather up as much produce as you can

something lovely (and maybe a little sloppy

from the Fall harvest, and capture it in

on your first attempt, but we’re happy to

jams, preserves, and pickles that will last

call it “rustic”).

you for months. They are relatively easy

find a great coat!

to prepare (save time by sterilizing jars in

Vintage coats are one of the great delights

a clean dishwasher), make for a fun day

of life. Maybe that’s an exaggeration. At

in the kitchen, and will remind you of

the very least, they are one of the great de-

summer every time you spread a dollop of

lights of the style world. Fewer things hold

spiced apple-fig jam on your toast or finish

up so well over time and are so strongly

off a charcuterie plate with a few home-

imprinted with the essence of a certain

made pickled beets.

decade. Whether it’s a fur-lined 1940s

knit something!

beauty, long 1990s wool coat, or a retro

It’s amazing how far we’ve come from being

When is the last time you saw a live football game? High school maybe? This, to me, is one of the quintessential, American Fall activities. Channel a little Charlie Brown, throw on a scarf, and head to a game (whether big league or backyard). An afternoon spent cheering from the sidelines might just get you in an Autumn mood. carve a pumpkin!

And while you’re at it, go to the patch and pick it out yourself. There is something to be said about the whole process of hunting down some fine orange specimens (maybe some gourds for good measure too), taking them home, and giving them the goofiest faces you can. Roast the pumpkin seeds too. In fact, roast a whole pumpkin. It’ll be divine in soups or as the filling for your own pumpkin pie.

1960s swing jacket, you can update your

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Back To School By Allison Nimlos

Even though New Year’s Day is traditionally the time to start fresh,

1. The Seven Year Pen: Invest in a quality pen for ample note-

there’s just something about Fall that begs us to get organized with


fun notebooks, smooth pens, and life-saving planners. We think

2. Planner: Whether you’re tracking class assignment, social en-

now is the perfect time to stock up on the supplies that will help

gagements, or health benchmarks, Erin Condren has something

you close out 2012 and start 2013 with a bang. Whether you’re back

for everyone.

in the classroom or just enrolled in the School of Life, we think

3. Messenger bag: Function meets style with this popular

these unique items are ideal for expanding your horizons while

messenger bag.

having a little fun too!

4. Bento boxes: Lunchtime has never looked cuter with these

If you’re yearning to keep learning, but higher education just isn’t

Japanese-style lunch boxes with multiple storage options.

in your budget, check out for free online courses

5. Healthy snacks: Be kind to your mind, body, and earth with

from schools like Harvard, MIT, and UC Berkeley.

these nutritious on-the-go snacks. 6. Recycled notebooks: Save the planet while saving your brilliant ideas with these 100% Post Consumer Waste Recycled notebooks. 7. Desk organizer: This modern desk organizer can be stacked to suit your needs. 8. Coffee mug: Save money by making your own coffee then carrying it in this faux paper cup. 9. On Writing Well: Writing is a necessary skill for any profession, so brush up on your grammar and style with the only book you’ll ever need.


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{Create} verb * bring (something) into existence

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Make Something! bring light to your chilly fall nights with candles

By Chelsea Costa

Fall just may be my favorite season. I love the feel in the air when the temperature finally cools and the last days of summer blaze out. Without fail, I always crave things that are comforting and cozy, which makes these candles the perfect Autumn DIY. Don’t let them intimidate you; it’ll be much simpler than you think. And this Fall, I’m all about simplicity.

gather your materials:

Start by breaking up the wax into small

candle wax

chunks with the hammer then prepare

candle color blocks

your glass containers by inserting a wick

essential oil in your choice of fragrance

in each. Wrap the top of the wick around a

wicking with wick clips

bamboo skewer, and be sure that the wick

double boiler (line the top portion with

clip reaches to the bottom of the glass.


Balance the skewer on the rim of the glass.


Before you melt the wax, have the essential

bamboo skewers

oil and some shavings of your color block


prepared; the wax will melt quickly.

glass containers in various sizes

Drop wax chunks into the lined double


boiler, and heat on high. As soon as the


wax is fully liquefied, drop in the color shavings and approximately 6-7 drops of essential oil. You may need to play with specific amounts of color or scent,

depending on your preference. Thoroughly mix with a bamboo skewer until the color is even. Remove the wax from the heat, and, using the funnel, carefully pour into the glass containers. Fill to about a half an inch below the rim of the glass. As the wax cools, it will contract and form a hollow portion in the center of the candle. Save some wax to fill this in. You can leave the wax in the double boiler and just reheat when you need to fill the hollow spot. For larger candles, this can take up to about one cup of wax, so be sure that you have enough to begin with.

Allow the wax to fully cool (this may be as

mantle‌ and even better as an Autumn

long as overnight), and trim the wicks.Â

gift for a sweet friend.

After your wicks are trimmed, your candles are ready! These would be absolutely perfect at a Fall table setting or on the

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Blossom calliopsis: a fall bloom

By Camilla Salem

Plains coreopsis, also known as calliopsis,

mental, often used for road beautification

is one of those flowers that scream Fall.


The yellow and burgundy colors of the wildflower effortlessly bring the season into your home, but it’s wonderful to know the background story of the blooms you buy or plant. Its genus name, coreopsis, actually comes from the Greek word for “bug,” so it makes sense that the flower

Grab a big bunch of the wildflower at your local flower store or grocery store (or off the side of the road should you find them), and place them in a terra-cotta vase or a mason jar. Cut the ends of the flowers every few days, and change the water to keep your blooms looking bright and happy.

is incredibly popular with all kinds of insects, especially bees and butterflies. As a native wildflower of the Southern United States, Native American once used the root and blossoms of the plant for teas (which was said to have medicinal purposes) and dyes. These days the flower is mostly orna-

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{Nurture} verb * care for and encourage the growth or development of

We Recommend three things we’re loving this season

By Emily Rack

BOOK – The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

WEB SERIES – American Hipster Presents

MOVIE – Like Crazy

This book is one of the most compelling

This YouTube series is a mini-docu-

Romantic and beautifully shot, Like Crazy

and important pieces of nonfiction of the

mentary showcase of trendsetters all over

is an honest and complicated film about

last few years. It delves into the story of

America. From the Detroit Party March-

an American boy (Anton Yelchin) and an

Henrietta Lacks, an impoverished, South-

ing Band to Philadelphia go-go girls to bi-

English girl (Felicity Jones) who fall in love

ern, tobacco farmer whose cancerous cells

son farmers in Austin, American Hipster

under difficult circumstances. The sound-

were famously used in groundbreaking

Presents is a fantastic peek into the world

track and cinematography are perfection,

research for decades without her family’s

of the quirky, the independent, and the

the chemistry will make you swoon, and the

knowledge. Although not an easy read,

downright rad.

story will have your heart aching in the best

by Rebecca Skloot

the story is broken up into journalistic

way possible.

research, anecdotes exploring the life and death of Henrietta Lacks, and the science behind her unusual case. Rebecca Skloot’s perseverance and hunt for truth shine and make this an absolute must-read for savvy girls.

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ta k e a hik e By Jackie Pfeffer

“Soon the terrain began to change. The landscape was still arid, but juniper trees, piñon pines, and scrub oaks started popping up. Occasionally I passed through shady meadows thick with grass. The grass and the trees were a comfort to me. They intimated that I could do this. Until, that is, a tree stopped me in my path. It had fallen across the trail, its wide trunk held aloft by branches just low enough that I couldn’t pass beneath, yet so high that climbing over it was impossible. Walking around it was also out of the question: the trail dropped off too steeply on one side and the brush was too dense on the other. I stood for a long while, trying to map out a way past the tree. I had to do it, no matter how impossible it seemed. I backed up to the tree, unbuckled my pack, and pushed it up and over its rough trunk, doing my best to drop it over the other side gently. Then I climbed over the tree after it… The thing about hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, the thing that was so profound to me that summer—and yet also, like most things, so very simple—was how few choices I had and how often I had to do the thing I least wanted to do. How there was no escape or denial. No numbing anything down with a martini or covering it up with a roll in the hay. As I clung to the trees that day, attempting to patch up my bleeding finger, I considered my options. There were only two. I could go back in the direction I had come from, or I could go forward in the direction I intended to go. And so I walked on.”

Hiking is a term that encompasses so many

you’ve never hiked before, a walk through

terrains, difficulty levels, and lengths

historic land might be perfect, while oth-

of trails. It can describe my pre-workday

ers might prefer hours on a mountain

jaunt with my dog, a few hours of rock

trail. Once you’ve decided on a hike, plan

scrambling, or the three months on the

accordingly. Pack a bag, wear a good pair

Pacific Crest Trail detailed in Cheryl

of shoes (sneakers or hiking boots), and

Strayed’s memoir, Wild. It offers both

bring a buddy. Lastly, be sure to allow

physical and mental benefits, acts as a

yourself plenty of time to enjoy it. Hikes

low-budget pastime, and awards gorgeous

aren’t meant to be rushed, so take breaks,

scenery, great memories, and an enormous

sunbathe in a clearing, go swimming if the

sense of accomplishment.

opportunity arises, and take in every last

Excerpt from Wild: From Lost to Found on the

one every now and then.

Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed

With so many options as far as hiking goes,

It’s no secret that hiking is a healthy activity, but in addition to the more obvious

detail of that view. Pack lightly, travel far:

health benefits that any exercise brings, like preventing heart disease, the Ameri-

❖ A backpack that’s comfortable and

can Hiking Society reports that it can also

lightweight. I keep it old school with this

decrease high blood pressure, prevent os-

one: Jansport Slacker Backpack

teoporosis, and relieve chronic back pain. Additionally, hiking is a great way to improve and maintain mental health. When

❖ Plenty of water. We like carrying this water bottle: LifeFactory Glass Water Bottle

you’re hiking, you’re moving, which causes your brain to release serotonin

❖ Snacks. We like these: Clif Bar Energy

and endorphins: the chemicals that make

Bar (or get creative and make your own!)

you feel happy. Combined with fresh air, a break from the stresses of everyday life, and the stimulation of your senses, hiking ends up being a healthy, refreshing, happiness cocktail that you can be proud to

❖ A durable camera. We like this one: Olympus TG-1iHS 12 MP Waterproof Digital Camera

❖ A cell phone (in case of emergency).

consume. Leave your work e-mail or that looming exam at the trailhead and allow yourself to be present. Take in your surroundings – the scenery, the smells, the sounds –give your mind a break. It needs

❖ Trail maps or information. ❖ First aid kit. Make sure it includes moleskin in case your shoes start bothering you. Nobody likes blisters.

a little research can make your day. Contact the National Park Service or do a search for popular hikes in your area to see which ones sound most attractive to you. If

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Five Reasons to Bring a Buddy:

1. safety.

If you fall off the side of

a mountain, twist an ankle, or have an encounter with a not-so-friendly living thing (e.g. bears or deranged mountain men), you’ll have someone to go get help, distract, or protect you. Plus, people are much more likely to believe that you saw a

My ideal hiking buddies:

moose if someone else is there to back up your story.

2. encouragement. If you’re doing a challenging hike, a friend can mean the

difference between moving forward or turning back, and if you get stuck, they can

Man’s best friend.

quite literally give you a hand.

3. conversation. You can certainly have a good chat at Starbucks, but heartto-hearts tend to get a lot deeper when you’re sitting atop a cliff staring out at an expansive river valley. The astounding

My best friend.

beauty of nature makes for a philosophical mindset, and people are usually willing to talk more when they’re trying to extend a break before the long trek back.

4. romance. You could go to dinner and a movie, or you could spend an afternoon playing together in nature. Round it out with a picnic lunch at a secluded lookout, and refer back to reason number two. The adorably romantic opportunities in hiking are endless.

5. pictures. You could use self-timer, but it’s a lot easier (and much more fun) to get a friend to take a photo of you (doing yoga poses, jumping in the air, thoughtfully gazing, showing off your sweet hiking backpack) in a gorgeous location.

A new friend. Maybe one who looks like this guy.


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{Explore} verb * travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it

a new england fall Words by Sophie Smith

Photos by Samantha Shorey

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Fall is a wonderful season anywhere in the world. In my opinion, the Northeast especially shines in the Fall, showing its true colors. After spending the Summer on the beaches of Cape Cod, Nantucket, Maine, and Martha’s Vineyard, we New Englanders return home and welcome the crisp that lingers in the air, happily saying goodbye to the humidity until next year. The leaves start to turn, at first just dotting the trees with a few red and golden hues here and there, and then suddenly it looks as if they have been set afire with the most beautiful reds, oranges, golds, and ambers before they fall (all too soon!) and crunch beneath our feet. The smells of Fall are wonderfully comforting. You know what I’m talking about - when you walk outside and you smell that mixture of fresh air, crunching leaves, and a fire in the distance, and you just know that Fall is here. Before we have to hunker down for a long, cold winter out here on the East Coast, we try to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Lucky for us, there is so much to do! And even luckier yet, every quintessential Fall activity is accompanied by the perfect autumnal snack. Apple picking is an all-time favorite – from finding the perfect ones to snack on to choosing others to make hearty applesauce and warm apple pie. A successful day at the pumpkin patch is best rewarded with a trip to the corn maze followed by a box of cider donuts. We locals can’t blame the “leaf-peepers” who come from all over, flocking to the mountains to get a glimpse of those gorgeous Fall leaves. Once you’ve seen Vermont and New Hampshire in October, you understand the need to crawl at a snail’s pace on the highway and take it all in. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, and I would suggest doing so with a Thermos of hot apple cider and a loaf of pumpkin bread. My favorite thing to do in the Fall? I love to throw on a puffy vest and a scarf, grab a cup of pumpkin coffee, and go for a walk. Whether in the city or the mountains, Fall is my favorite time to get outside and enjoy the scenery. What I love most about Fall is the food. Soups, pies, roasted root vegetables – Fall food has a certain satisfying comfort unlike any other season. After all, the first signs that Fall has arrived are in the produce section of the grocery store. Apples from local farms arrive by the bushel, summer berries give way to squash of every shape and size, and bumpy gourds and pumpkins line the entry way.

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The best way to top off any Fall day is with a bowl of creamy New England clam chowder. It provides the comfort that we crave after a day outside in the cold air, but the taste of seafood reminds us of the fun we had in the Summer at the beach. Clam chowder is a great dish to make for meals during the week or for an easy, Fall dinner party (just add a sprig of fresh thyme as a garnish to dress it up a bit). A good bowl of clam chowder should have a few key elements: plenty of fresh clams, bacon, a creamy base, and a warm baguette to accompany it. Photo by Sophie Smith.

new england clam chowder Ingredients Ingredients: 5 pounds small to medium soft-shell clams (steamers) *note that if fresh clams are not

1. Fill two large pots with cold water. Place

and golden brown. Transfer the cracklings

the clams in one pot of water, leaving out

to a small dish, leaving the fat in the pot,

any that are dead, opened, or cracked.

and reserve until later.

Gently move them around in the water, and let them soak for a few minutes. Take them out and place them in the other pot of cold water. Rinse and repeat until the water is clear, about 5 times.

available, canned clams will do the trick

2. Put 2 cups water in a large stockpot,

2 cups water

cover, and bring to a boil. Place the

4 ounces bacon, diced

clams in the pot and cover again. After

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

4 minutes, remove the lid and gently stir

1 large onion, diced

the clams with a wooden spoon, trying to

2 stalks celery, diced

lift some of the clams from the bottom to

2-3 sprigs fresh thyme, leaves removed and

the top so they will cook evenly. Cover and

chopped (1 teaspoon)

continue to steam for another 4-5 min-

2 dried bay leaves

utes. All the clams should be open; if not,

1 1/2 pounds Yukon Gold, Maine, PEI,

steam them a 1-2 minutes longer. Remove

or other all-purpose potatoes, peeled and

the clams and strain the broth; you should


have 4 cups.

1 1/2 cups heavy cream (or up to 2 cups if

3. Once cooled, remove the clams from the


shells and cut off the siphons. Dice, cover,

Freshly ground black pepper

and refrigerate until later.

Kosher or sea salt, to taste

5. Add the butter, onion, celery, thyme, and bay leaves to the pot and sautÊ, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes, until the vegetables are softened but not browned. 6. Add the potatoes and the reserved clam broth. The broth should just barely cover the potatoes; if it doesn’t, add enough water to cover them. Turn up the heat and bring to a boil, cover, and cook the potatoes for about 10 minutes, until they are soft on the outside but still firm in the center. 7. Remove the pot from the heat. Stir in the clams, bacon, and cream. Season to taste with black pepper and salt to taste. If you are not serving the chowder within the hour, let it cool a bit then refrigerate; cover the chowder after it has chilled completely. Otherwise, let it sit at room

4. Heat a stockpot over low heat and add

temperature for up to an hour, allowing

For garnish:

the diced bacon. Once you have a few

the flavors to meld.

1 baguette

tablespoons of fat, increase the heat to

A sprig of fresh thyme

medium and cook until the bacon is crisp

8. When ready to serve, ladle into bowls, break up a baguette, and enjoy!

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{Nourish} verb * provide with food or other substances necessary for growth, health and good condition

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Four Soups for Fall By Celeste Noche Few things are more welcoming than a warm bowl of soup on a brisk day. Set a big pot of any of these recipes on the table, and gather around with friends, spoons, and bowls in hand. These hearty classics have been remade with a fresh twist, perfect for winding down and welcoming Fall.

apple butternut squash soup

Heat butter in a large saucepan over

Serves 6-8

and onion, and sauté until tender. Cut

1 pat of butter

the butternut squash into 1-inch cubes,

2 cloves of garlic, minced

and cook, stirring occasionally, until soft

1 medium onion, diced

(about 10 minutes). Slice the apples, and

1 butternut squash (about 3 pounds)

add to pan with spices and liquids. Bring

3 gala apples, peeled and cored

to a boil then reduce heat to a simmer,

½ teaspoon paprika

cooking vegetables until very soft (about

½ teaspoon cumin

25 minutes). Once soft, purée with an

1 teaspoon ginger

immersion blender or food processor then

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

return to sauce pan. Serve with a dollop of

salt and pepper to taste

crème fraîche.

medium heat until melted. Add the garlic

2 cups stock 2 ½ cups water crème fraîche

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rosemary lentil soup Serves 6-8 1 large onion, diced 6 cloves of garlic, minced 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 ½ tablespoons of fresh rosemary, minced 2 cups dry lentils 3 cups stock 4 cups water 4 carrots, sliced 4 bay leaves 1 teaspoon oregano 1 teaspoon thyme 3 cups fresh spinach salt and pepper to taste Heat oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add onions, and sautÊ until tender. Add garlic and rosemary, stirring for 2 minutes until well incorporated. Add remaining ingredients except for salt, pepper, and spinach. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to a simmer for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. About 5 minutes before eating, stir the spinach into the soup. Add salt and pepper to taste.

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cream of mushroom soup

Finely chop mushrooms, or coarsely chop

Serves 4

in a food processor. Place in a bowl, and

1 pound button mushrooms, cleaned

sprinkle with lemon juice. Melt butter in a

1 pound cremini mushrooms, cleaned

medium saucepan over medium heat. Add

juice of one lemon

shallots, and sautĂŠ until soft. Add mush-

2 tablespoons butter

rooms, thyme, and bay leaves, and cook

3 shallots, minced

until the liquid released from mushrooms

1 ½ teaspoons thyme

evaporates (about 8-10 minutes). Add

2 bay leaves

remaining spices and liquids, and bring

salt and pepper to taste

to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer for 20

4 cups heavy cream

minutes. Add cornstarch, and simmer for

3 cups stock

an additional 10 minutes, adding ad-

2 teaspoons cornstarch

ditional salt, pepper, and lemon juice to

2 tablespoons minced parsley

taste. Garnish with parsley.

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spicy minestrone soup Serves 8-10 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 medium onion, diced 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 teaspoons chili flakes 1 teaspoon cayenne 1 handful parsley, thyme, and/or basil, chopped 2 cups spinach, chopped 2 tomatoes, diced 4 cups cooked beans and their broth 2 cups stock 1 cup small pasta salt and pepper to taste grated Parmesan cheese Heat oil and garlic in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add onions and carrots, sautéing until tender. Add chili flakes, and stir. Add herbs, cayenne, spinach, tomatoes, and beans. Cover the ingredients with the remaining liquid (using more or less stock), and simmer for 30-40 minutes. About 8 minutes before you serve the soup, add the pasta to cook. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve with Parmesan cheese and homemade croutons.

Quick tip: To turn stale bread into homemade croutons, cut bread into small cubes, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with whatever herbs you’d like, bake for 15 minutes at 300°, toss, and bake for another 15 minutes until golden brown.

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From Scratch two piecrusts to make yourself

By Yossy Arefi-Afshar

One of the things that surprises me most

graham cracker crust

about living on the east coast is how much

yields one 9-inch crust

I’ve grown to enjoy the seasons and the transitions that come with them. I don’t like to play favorites, but the change from the melting days of Summer to the cool days of Fall is the one I look forward to

This crust is a cinch to put together and the perfect base for everything from pumpkin cheesecake to key lime pie. Ingredients:

most. The air turns crisp, I can finally

9 graham crackers (5 ounces)

pull my favorite sweaters down from stor-

2 tablespoons sugar

age, and, perhaps most importantly, I feel

1⁄8 teaspoon salt

free to crank up the oven daily without

6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

fear of overheating my apartment. Fall also


signals that the holidays are just around the corner, which, in my family, means

1. Preheat oven to 325°.

gathering around a big table over a special

2. In the bowl of a food processor, grind

meal as often as possible and eating lots of

the graham crackers until they are fine

pie for dessert.

and free from large chunks. If you don’t

When you are cooking a big holiday meal, you might be tempted to skimp and buy pre-made pastry from the grocery store, but I urge you to try making your own. It tastes infinitely better, you can control the

have a food processor, place the graham crackers in a zip-top bag, and crush with a rolling pin until the crackers are finely ground with no large chunks. Place them in a bowl.

quality of ingredients, and, really, it’s not

3. With the processor running, add the

that hard. You can even make piecrust in

sugar and salt then slowly stream in the

advance and store in the freezer for a few

butter. Mix until evenly distributed

to press the crumbs evenly up the sides of

weeks then defrost it in the fridge when

throughout the crumbs. Use a spoon to stir

the pan.

you need it. Below you’ll find a simple gra-

if you’re not using a food processor.

ham cracker crust and the perfect, buttery pâte brisée to tuck your apples and pears into this Fall.

5. Bake the crust until it begins to brown

4. Press the mixture evenly into a 9-inch

on the edges, 15-18 minutes. Cool com-

pie plate. Use a ramekin or measuring cup

pletely before filling.


Chocolate: Substitute 5 ounces of

G ingersnap: Add 1⁄2 teaspoon ground

Coconut: Add 4 tablespoons toasted,

crushed chocolate wafer cookies for the

cinnamon, 1⁄2 teaspoon ground ginger,

finely shredded, unsweetened coconut and

graham crackers.

1⁄8 teaspoon ground nutmeg, 1⁄8 tea-

1 additional tablespoon of butter when the

spoon ground allspice when the sugar and

sugar and salt are added.

salt are added.

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To Roll and Shape the Dough On a lightly floured surface, roll out 1

the pan, fill with desired filling, and lay

piece of dough into a 12-inch circle about

the top crust (rolled into a 12-circle) on

1/8-inch thick and place into a 9-inch

top of the filling. Gently press the 2 crusts

pie pan. To make a single crust pie, finish

together, fold the edges underneath, and

the edges by folding the dough under-

crimp the edges using your fingers. If the

neath itself then crimp the edges using the

dough seems soft, pop the whole pie into

thumb and forefinger of one hand and the

the refrigerator or freezer until it is firm

forefinger of your other hand. To make a

then bake.Â

double-crust pie, lay the bottom crust in

pâte brisée

3. When most of the butter has been

yields one double piecrust

reduced to lima-bean-sized shards (you’ll

There are many theories on the best way to mix a pie dough for optimal flakiness. After a lot of experimentation, this is the method I’ve landed on. This method may sound complicated, but as long as you have some room to move, you’ll be just fine. And when you’re done, you’ll have the flakiest crust you’ve ever tasted. Just make sure to keep everything nice and cold. Warm butter and water equal tough, chewy

have some smaller and some larger pieces), make a well in the center of the dough, and pour the ice water into it. With a bench scraper and your fingers, quickly and evenly distribute the water throughout the dough. If the dough seems very dry, add more ice water (1 teaspoon at a time). You have added enough water when you can pick up a handful of dough and squeeze without it falling apart.

crust. There is no sugar in this dough,

4. When the water has been thoroughly

making it perfect for both sweet and savory

mixed in, form the dough into a shaggy


mass, wrap it in plastic, and refrigerate


for at least 30 minutes. Remove from the refrigerator, and place on a lightly floured

12 ounces flour (pastry flour works best,

board. With a floured rolling pin, roll the

but all purpose flour is an okay substitute)

dough into a long rectangle. Brush the

8 ounces cold butter, sliced into ½-inch

excess flour off the top, and fold one of


the short ends of the rectangle 2⁄3 of the

4 ounces ice water

way in. Brush the flour off of the surface,

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

and fold the other end of the dough over

1⁄2 teaspoon salt

so that the dough has been folded into


thirds. If the dough feels like it’s getting

1. Mix the flour and salt together then pour the whole mess on a large cutting board or countertop where you will have some room to move. Add the apple cider vinegar to the water, and place it in the fridge until you are ready to use it. 2. Lay the butter slices over the flour mixture then turn them over to coat with flour. Using the heel of your hand or a rolling pin, roll the flour-coated butter into thin sheets. Every so often, stop to scrape the bench with a bench scraper and fold the floury dough over itself. The but-

warm, refrigerate it for 30 minutes before proceeding. Turn the dough 90 degrees so the seams are facing away from you, and repeat the rolling and folding process. The folding and rolling creates layers of butter in the dough, which will bake into delicious flakes. 5. After the second roll and fold, cut the dough evenly in half. Form each half into a disk, and wrap tightly in plastic. Chill the dough for at least 1 hour before using. I like to chill my dough overnight before using it.

ter will break up a bit, and that’s okay.

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OAT ME A L . chilly fall mornings call for delicious and creative breakfasts

By Molly Yeh

Oatmeal weather: the edible version of

Pictured: opposite

sweater weather. Am I right? With the

page – sweet potato and

days getting shorter and chillier, it seems

cranberry oatmeal; this

we could all use a gentle shove to get out

page – PB & J oatmeal

of bed, so why not extend some coziness to the breakfast table with a warm bowl of oatmeal? In my experience, there are two types of people when it comes to oatmeal - the ones, like my mother, who want to puke at the thought and the ones who love it so much they could eat it every day. The latter, the obsessed, have caught onto the porridge-y texture, could probably eat it three times a day, and have the cook time and liquid measurement down to a science. This was me at five years old. I had my special, color-changing oatmeal bowl and a favorite spoon that caused many fights with my sister. And, of course, my favorite flavors ran the gamut from very, very, very favorite to sorta favorite. One of my earliest childhood memories is sitting, very late at night, at my family’s dinner table in a dimly lit kitchen with my mom and a bowl of brown sugar oatmeal. We had just come home from a dinner

when I eat brown sugar oatmeal, I almost

ence, the flavor variety, all of the badges

feel like I’m doing something wrong. Like

on the box that tell you how healthy you’re

wearing footed pajamas or picking my

being. But be careful because many instant

nose... things I’m too old to do, things

oatmeals hide a ton of processed sugar

only Molly of yore would do.

and ingredients that take a dictionary to understand.

party where I refused to eat anything (my

That wrong-ish feeling, however, is quickly

pickiness was typical back then). The

counteracted by the comfort that oatmeal

Making your own is quick and healthy and

oatmeal’s texture was just how I liked it, a

brings. The way that it holds its warmth for

opens up the opportunity to be creative in

wee bit oversaturated, and the brown sugar

as long as you eat it, how you don’t need to

the kitchen. Following you’ll find five reci-

flavor was exactly what I’d been craving all

cut it or stab it with a fork, how it’s one of

pes for cozy, Fall oatmeals. Have fun with


the first real foods you can eat after getting

these - don’t feel the need to stick to the

your wisdom teeth out.

recipes exactly. Use them simply as sugges-

Though I only specifically remember this one late-night instance, my mom swears

Let’s face it: it’s nostalgia in a bowl.

this happened frequently, and I believe

making it

her. Not just because it would be silly to

We know instant oatmeal has its appeals…

make up a thing like that, but also because

the cute individual packages, the conveni-

tions, and add your own favorite seasonal ingredients!

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carrot cake oatmeal (1 individual serving) 1/2 cup rolled oats 1/4 cup coarsely chopped walnuts 1/4 cup finely chopped carrots 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon a pinch of salt 1 cup milk a dollop of cream cheese or plain Greek yogurt Combine all dry ingredients.

extract, vanilla extract, and honey. Pour

until desired consistency is reached.

wet ingredients into dry ingredients, and

Bring milk to a boil over medium-high

pb + j oatmeal

mix well. Fill muffin tins evenly. Spoon 1

(1 individual serving)

heat, add dry ingredients, and reduce to

teaspoon of jam on top of each. Bake for

medium heat. Cook, stirring frequently,

15-20 minutes or until oatmeal sets and

to desired consistency (about 5-7 minutes).

becomes slightly browned.

Remove from heat, and finish with a dol-

1/2 cup rolled oats a pinch of salt (omit if using salted peanut butter)

1-2-3 instant oatmeal

1 tablespoon ground flaxseed

(1 individual serving)

3/4 cup milk or water

Make a few of these at a time and store

2 tablespoons peanut butter

them in the freezer. Grab and go as

2 tablespoons jam or jelly (more or less as

(12 servings)



2 cups rolled oats

1/2 cup quick-cooking oats

Combine all dry ingredients.

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon baking soda

a pinch of salt

1/4 cup ground flaxseed

1 tablespoon brown sugar

2/3 cup marzipan “chips” (marzipan

2 tablespoons coarsely chopped nuts

chopped into pea-sized pieces)

3 tablespoons frozen berries (or more, if

2 cups milk


lop of cream cheese or yogurt.

baked marzipan oatmeal with raspberry jam

1 teaspoon almond extract 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup honey 1/4 cup raspberry jam

In a medium saucepan, combine liquid and peanut butter. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring frequently. Add dry ingredients, and reduce to medium heat. Cook, and continue to stir until oatmeal reaches desired consistency (about

In a 16-ounce jar or container, combine

5-7 minutes). Remove from heat, and fin-

oats, cinnamon, salt, brown sugar, and

ish with jam or jelly.

nuts (it’s most fun to do this by sealing the

sweet potato and cranberry oatmeal

jar and shaking it up!). Top with berries.

Preheat oven to 350°. Grease or line 12

Seal, and store in freezer until ready to

muffin tins, and set aside.


In a medium bowl, combine oats, salt,

To prepare, add 1/2 cup boiling water or

baking soda, flaxseed, and marzipan. In

milk, give it a little stir, and cover (but

a separate bowl, combine milk, almond

don’t screw on lid) for 1-2 minutes, or

(1 individual serving) Courtesy of Lauren “The Oatmeal Artist” Smith! 1/2 cup rolled oats

1 cup liquid (water and/or milk of choice) 1 small sweet potato (or 1/2 a large one), peeled, cooked, and mashed 1 tablespoon honey 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract a tiny pinch nutmeg a pinch of salt a handful of dried cranberries In a medium saucepan, combine liquid (Lauren uses an equal mixture of almond milk and water) and bring to a boil. Add oats, and reduce heat to medium. If you’d like to add flax or chia seeds, do so now. Let cook for a couple minutes, add mashed sweet potato, and stir. Once more of the liquid has been absorbed (1-2 minutes), stir in honey, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, and salt. If you’d like to add any extra ingredients (coconut oil, dried fruit, nuts, sunflower seeds), do so now. Lauren recommends walnuts or pecans. When you’re pleased with the consistency of the oatmeal, transfer to a bowl. Either stir the cranberries into the oats, or just top the oatmeal with them! Serve with another splash of your milk of choice and any other additional toppings (shredded coconut, nuts, etc.).

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Ask the Expert Lauren Smith, a.k.a. The Oatmeal Artist (, has an entire blog devoted to oatmeal. She regularly posts her recipes for yummy twists on the stuff (oatmeal in the style of green monster, lemon poppy seed, or savory Cajun-spiced oatmeal, anyone?) and she also has a ton of tips and tricks on how to make

1. steel-cut oats or rolled oats? Rolled, it’s quicker! 2. best dairy-free option? Silk original almond milk.

3. best sweetener? Mashed bananas or honey.

4. is there a “golden ratio” for liquid to oats? For stove top,

your oatmeal healthier and tastier. To help

shoot for 1:2 oats to liquid ratio. For

you with your kitchen adventures, here are

baked oatmeal, it’s about 1:1.

her answers for some common oatmeal questions.

5. Stovetop or microwave? Stovetop, all the way!

6. what’s an easy way to add more nutrition? Grated zucchini, blended spinach (like a green monster smoothie!), or a tablespoon of flax or chia seeds.

7. Any other secrets you can spare? Add hearty fruits (apples, peaches, bananas) right away, but don’t add fragile fruits (berries, kiwi) until the end.

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{Play} verb * engage in activity for enjoyment

»the alchemy of a gathering« Words by Brittany Wesely Photos by Sam Hayes Jr.

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Orange - the color of the free-spirited, the optimistic, the vivacious

night, bodies misted from the soft rain. The sky above lit up by

and the inspiration source for my favorite gathering of the year

lightning. The air is crisp, much cooler now than it was when we

(affectionately named “The Orange Party”).

arrived, but we don’t need our sweaters. Our celebratory move-

Every year after the blistering summer subsides, some friends,

ments and warm embraces provide us with enough warmth.

with bountiful hospitality and a gift for occasion, host a celebra-

We feel a gentle resistance as we eschew the night’s end, lingering

tion of days that have passed and those that lay ahead. The long,

a little longer. We embrace our friends, old and new, one last time

uninterrupted evening is immersed in the spirit of the season – a

as we head out into the twilight, enlivened by the alchemy of this

whirlwind of laughter, music, and good conversation.

ritual gathering that so greatly feeds the hunger of our bellies and

A traditional Argentinean meal is prepared by a few as the rest


inhale the chilly air and strong cocktails. As the sun bids farewell, the laughter gets louder, echoing across the valley. We dine in communal fashion at a long table under towering pines with plates lit only by candlelight. Though we can’t see much, somehow this 60-person dining experience still feels intimate and easeful – bringing together friends, neighbors, and strangers, offering a sense of community amongst those who we see only once a year. Our bellies fill quickly as the temperature drops, and a guitarist and singer begin to serenade. We dance and sway amidst a late summer storm, pirouetting upon the wet grass. Lighthearted. Free. Uninhibited. Our spirits lifted, lost in the rhythm of the

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{Embellish} verb * make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or features

Simply Fall. Photos by Ashlee Gadd Words by Camilla Salem Modeled by Brittany Wesely

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What is it about Fall that begs for muted colors and simple, uncomplicated outfits? As the season forces us to look inward and appreciate the basic elements in our lives, we also are tempted to wear only a few of our favorite items that embody the season. jeans and loafers

It seems that loafers are the hottest shoe of the season, and we’re grateful for that fact. They’re simple, comfortable, and can be worn with many different outfits. We love to pair them with our favorite skinny jeans with a rolled cuff. Top the look off with a comfortable sweater or a tank top and your go-to blazer.

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loose layers

Wearing comfortable fabrics can actually make your mood better, and we fully support that. Embrace your inner earth mother by loosening up your layers and combining a flowing tank with a long sweater.

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neutral colors

Spring and Summer boasted a neon and neutral trend, but now that it’s Fall, we’re ready for neutrals with neutrals. Muted colors work well together. Pair earthy greens and blues with tans to make your pretty, flushed cheeks (from the chilly fall air) stand out.

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Wrap It Up pull out your pashminas and get wrapping

Words and photos by Camilla Salem Modeled by Kenza Salem One of the marks of the Fall season is the abundance of scarf-wearing. Scarves are easy, affordable accessories that can completely transform an outfit. It’s easy to get stuck in a wrapping-rut, so here are four simple and stylish ways to wear your scarves.

classic: Wrap the scarf once around your neck then tie the ends together and pull. Fluff the fabric and make sure both ends are visible.

european: Fold your scarf in half. Wrap it around your neck, and pull the ends through the loop. Fluff the fabric.

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menswear: Tie your longer scarves as you would a man’s tie. Pull the knot down so you can easily remove the scarf over your head.

bib: Wrap the scarf once around your neck like you would begin for the Classic look. Take the top corner of one end and wrap it around once more, tucking the ends. Leave the bottom corner to fall loosely.

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three hairstyles you ’ve got to try

By Jackie Pfeffer

Is it just me or are Fall mornings shorter than every other sea-

low wrap bun

son? It’s like somewhere between snuggling down into my warm

What you need:

blankets for an extra ten minutes and blending up a pumpkin green monster, I have about five minutes to do my hair before I have to run out the door. Fortunately, I have a few go-to styles that take less than five minutes to do so that I can enjoy my mornings and look good doing so.

A skinny hair tie Claw clip Bobby pins Pull your hair into a low ponytail. Pull the ponytail straight up, and clip it to the back of your head directly above the hair tie. Place your hand over the clip, and wrap the rest of the ponytail around your hand, tucking the ends underneath the bottom near the clip. Secure the bottoms with bobby pins.

fountain ponytail

scarf wrap

What you need:

What you need:

Hair tie

Hair tie

Bobby pins.

Elastic headband (ribbons and skinny scarves work too)

Gather your hair into a loose, half-pony tail. Separate the secured

Bobby pins

section of your hair between the crown of your head and the pony-

Pull your hair into a low ponytail. Place your headband around

tail. Loop the ponytail underneath, and thread it up through the

your head so that the bottom is above the ponytail. Remove the

hole you created. Tighten by separating the ponytail in half and

hair tie. Starting with the sides, loosely wrap sections of hair up

pulling the sections away from each other. Fan the ponytail out to

and over the headband, tucking it underneath the band. Continue

cover the hair tie, and secure any unruly pieces with bobby pins.

until all of your hair is tucked into the band. Finish by securing with bobby pins.

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{Love} verb * have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for (another person).

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Project Life By Elise Blaha Cripe

stories onto paper. I wanted to try this memory-keeping method because I had burned out a bit on other more traditional forms of scrapbooking, but I was still craving something to keep track of our lives. Plus, my husband, who was then deployed, was coming home from Afghanistan soon. We had recently moved to a new town. We were looking forward to starting a family. Now felt like as good of a time as any to start documenting our normal in detail. After almost nine months of creating weekly spreads, I am totally hooked. This process is ideal for me because it can be as compli-

I totally believe in documenting the everyday.

cated or simple as I would like (or have time) to make it each week. The page protector concept is organized enough for the right side

Think about it - even in the most monumental of years when you

of my brain but still allows for as much creativity as the left side

take a week-long vacation, change careers, lavishly celebrate each


holiday and birthday… you’re still looking at about 350 days of “normal.” More than anything else, a year in our lives represents a collection of normal days and routine.

My method for working on this album is to update a few times each week. I take photos (with my digital camera and iPhone) often (though not necessarily every day) then print the ones that tell the

It doesn’t really make sense to just document the big things. I

best stories. As I have figured out what methods work best for me,

think it’s awesome to celebrate and take note of all that normal.

the process has gotten easier each week. I have avoided the stress

In the beginning of 2012, I decided to commit to documenting in a big (and tangible!) way and started Project Life, a memory-keeping system designed to simplify the process of getting photos and

and boredom that tend to come with long-term projects by refusing to overcomplicate or over-think the process. I appreciate very much that each week I build on the album, I am

creating a record for my family. I love that my kids will someday be able to look back on what our lives looked like before we became parents – not to mention how awesome it will be to have such a detailed record of their own early days! When I was younger, I could never picture who my parents were prior to raising my brother and me. Now, as an adult, I still can’t grasp what they were like. It would be amazing to have access to a slice of their lives like this album is becoming for us. But more than the inevitable record for the future, I have enjoyed the positive way this has affected my life today. I am taking more photos than ever before. I’m writing much more down - little things like where we went and what we did, but also big things like thoughts and ideas. I am writing about my worries, triumphs, failures, and successes. Nothing is too big or too mundane when you are making a point to document every week. I have felt more gratitude this year than ever before, and I know part of this is because I am taking the time to reflect and document. Our story of 2012 unfolds a little bit more each week. As I work on this project, I continually remind myself that the focus is the album, not the spread. It’s the collection of photos and stories, not any one individual image or idea. I adore the record I’m creating

Do you have your own unique way to collect and display your memories? Share it with us! Send an email with a few pictures to info@ and we may share it on our blog.

and see this as a project I’ll continue every year.

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Cozy Fall Dates Words by Emily Rack Photos by Jackie Pfeffer

Waffle brunch, pajamas mandatory. Waffles are one of the coziest foods ever, and making them with someone cute is just an excuse for extreme coziness. Isn’t that what we’re all looking for when the weather gets chilly? Plan it like this: put on your flannel jammies, pull up your wooly socks, and make waffles together. Gather as many toppings as you like (think: whipped cream, berries, caramelized bananas, maple syrup, bacon!), make decadent creations, eat them while they’re warm. Easy peasy. To make it better, I would even add some Baileys-spiked coffee (it is brunch, after all) and snuggling (you are in your pajamas, after all).

A quiet one. Simply going to a coffee shop in the evening with a book, the person you love, and the intention of ordering something warm to sip (in a mug not a paper cup, you’re staying for awhile) is sometimes the perfect fall date. Try to find somewhere that’s open late, has comfortable chairs, and makes a mean chai latte. Quiet time together is often underrated. A date doesn’t need to be a big show, a dinner-and-a-movie ordeal, a pick-me-up-ateight venture. Some of the very best nights can be spent side by side, curled up, drinking a latte, and occasionally reading each other the best bits of your respective novels.

Take a class together. The fall season instills in me a great

Get outside. I know. It’s getting chilly. But it’s only going to get

desire to sharpen pencils and slide on patent school shoes. Any-

chillier, and you’re only going to want to stay in bed wrapped in a

one else? If you met your love outside of a school environment,

duvet more and more as the days go by. A lot of cold weather date

chances are, you haven’t seen what they’re like when they’re learn-

nights revolve around eating and then curling up. This is great for

ing something. What an opportunity! Leisure classes are so varied

the cozy factor but (let’s face it) not great for your body. Take your

and so widely available that you can easily harness any phantom,

man on a hike. It may not be cozy at the beginning, but breathing

back-to-school feelings and sign up for something that interests

in the Fall air and seeing the fiery leaves is the best way to embrace

you both. Cooking is a good place to start (classes range from basic

the season. And think! You can hold hands, walk arm-in-arm, and

skills to gourmet wine pairings), but you could always branch out

crunch through piles of leaves, and there is always hot apple cider

to things like photography or massage (oh la la). You’ll pick up a

for afterwards.

new skill and probably learn a thing or two about your date.

Have a date night with your girlfriends. This one can be something that falls by the wayside when you’re in a relationship, but keeping up friendships with your girls is so important. And Fall is a great time to do this! Think of the pumpkin bread that must be baked and the chai lattes that much be shared. Make sure you carve out some time (even just once a month) to spend an evening doing something together. It doesn’t have to be a cosmodrinking, heel-wearing, all-out glamathon either. Decide on a craft, open a bottle of wine, sit around, and chat. Connecting with the women in your life is so good for your soul and peace of mind.

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{Muse} verb * be absorbed in thought

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It seems almost too easy for an athlete who has seen as much success

been, it’s hard for anything to bring us down. That said, she

as Natalie Coughlin to lose sight of the most basic, elemental parts

maintains that it is important to hold ourselves to a high standard.

of life. She has traveled the world, met all kinds of incredible

“I think it’s important to be your harshest critic. Better me than

people, competed on Dancing With The Stars (seriously), and bro-

someone else!”

ken all kinds of records, among so many other things. But that just doesn’t seem to be true for her. What can’t this 12-time Olympic medalist live without? “Good food, great wine, and the outdoors.”

While there’s so much we can learn from Natalie, her points about women in today’s world were especially noteworthy. She wishes women would spend more time complimenting themselves and less

Yeah. It’s hard not to like her.

time criticizing others. At first glance, this seems kind of obvious.

Food plays a big role in her life. She grows it (masterfully), cooks

But the truth is, it’s easy to slip into the habit of negative self-talk

it, and enjoys it. A glass of wine with a great dinner is a basic

while judging our peers. It’s a simple thought that she shares but

pleasure that she tries to incorporate in her everyday life. Natalie

an important one that I have definitely noted.

maintains that healthy food is good food, and finding pleasure

I’ve made it no secret that I admire this woman. I absolutely ap-

and enjoyment in it is essential for long-term health and happi-

preciate her successes and her Type-A approach to going after her

ness. When you are able to find that balance of health and pleas-

goals and dreams. But mostly, I respect Natalie for her ability to

ure, it’s not hard to convince yourself to eat well all the time.

see past the distractions and appreciate the basics.

“Wonderful friends and family” help keep her grounded as does

And of course I had to ask what she loves about Fall. Her answer:

perspective. I asked how she handles setbacks gracefully, and her

“cozy sweaters, comfort food, and the return of NFL football.”

answer was so simple, yet so easily forgotten - “I remind myself how lucky I am to be in the positions that I have been in.” And it’s true - when we’re grateful for where we are and where we have

Photos by Jessy Plume for O’Neill 365

a day in the life of natalie When I’m in training, I start the day very early. I generally get up around 4:30 a.m., eat breakfast, and am at the pool a little after 5:00. I do Pilates for about an hour (on my own to warm up) and get in the water by 6:00. After two hours of swimming, I hit the weight room for 90 minutes. Then I have breakfast number two! Depending on the day I may go back for another swim session and/ or group mat Pilates. I am generally done with training by early afternoon and am completely exhausted. To wind down and decompress from a long day, I spend time in the kitchen whipping up a delicious meal for my husband and myself. Follow Natalie on Twitter: @NatalieCoughlin

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Do Something That Scares You how eight inches became

3,000 miles

By Sydney Ford

I should have known Jill would turn me into a “do something that scares you” kind of person. I’ve never been a big risk taker or one to step outside my comfort zone. I like structure, organization, and my life planned to the minute. But then? Oh, but then. Jill was diagnosed with lung cancer. And, suddenly, there I was cutting off eight inches of my thick, curly hair to donate as she lost hers from round after round of chemo. Now you have to understand, people with hair like mine don’t just up and cut off eight inches. Thick and curly hair is hard enough to deal with but short, thick, and curly? Let’s not even go there. It’s petty, but I don’t care what anyone says - cutting off eight inches of the hair you spent years growing is scary. As it turns out, that was just the beginning. Jill isn’t here anymore - that cancer put up one hell of a fight - but the “do something that scares you” person she helped me become seems to be here to stay. It began with cutting off my hair, but a month ago, I quit my job so I could pursue my commitment to helping raise awareness about lung cancer. Besides Jill there is another person who I can thank for that, Kelcey Harrison. Kelcey is on a quest she is calling the Great Lung Run, running the 3,500 miles from New York to San Francisco to raise money and awareness for lung cancer. As if simply running wasn’t enough, she has set a goal to raise $250,000 along the way. Kelcey is a childhood friend of Jill’s, and after Jill died, she knew she had do something extraordinary to let the world know that lung cancer can happen to anyone. So she spent months planning her route, quit her job, and now averages running 30 miles per day. When I found out about her run, I asked if I could join her as her “on the ground” logistical support team - coordinating her lodging in each city, ensuring she has all the supplies she needs, and acting as her personal cheerleader. She said yes, so I quit my job, gave up my apartment, and put my long-term future on pause. I’m petrified because what if I… can’t get my daily workouts in, don’t find a job when we arrive in San Francisco, don’t save enough money? The list goes on and on, and I think about these things daily. But then I look at Kelcey and see Jill’s legacy in her. Kelcey lives her life with Jill as her inspiration. She doesn’t let the things that could/possibly/might/maybe someday happen weigh her down. She blazes forward, finding the joy in everything she does, because she can. Because she, too, is a “do something that scares you” kind of person. So here I am. In the middle of Missouri, writing this while Kelcey runs her 30 miles for the day. I might not be able to find a job or an apartment or {fill in the blank} when I get back to San Francisco, but that’s okay because I’m a “do something that scares you” kind of person now and people like us… we usually figure something out.

Jill Costello was a Divison 1 athlete at UC Berkeley. She died in June 2010 at age 22. Jill’s Legacy, a subsidiary of the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, is a group of young professionals who have set out to change the way the world views lung cancer. For more on Jill and Jill’s Legacy, visit Kelcey Harrison is running from New York to San Francisco to raise money for and awareness about the need for lung cancer research. To follow Kelcey’s journey, visit To make a donation to help Kelcey reach her fundraising goal, visit

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{Close} verb * bring or come to an end

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Back Story

We’ve got a few goals for the season, and

Secondly, we want to take a few minutes

Finally, we’re challenging ourselves to be

we hope you’ll join us as we try to really get

each night to journal. It can be as simple

kind. We’re going to try to put our judg-

back to the basics.

as writing something we were grateful for

ments on a shelf and look at the world with

over the course of the day, or it can be a

a fresh new perspective. That applies to

long stream of consciousness, as long as we

how we treat ourselves too. Let’s work to

take some time to be thoughtful and quiet.

make ourselves and the people we love feel

Firstly, we want to set limits on our social media use. Maybe at a certain time each night, we switch off our devices (comput-


ers, iPads, phones, etc.), cook dinner, and

Next, we’re looking to focus a bit on what

watch a movie with a friend. Or maybe we

we put into our bodies. As the nights get

make sure not to pull out our phones while

longer, cooking meals from scratch can

we’re eating meals to help us be a little

seem rather daunting, but we think we’re

more present in our daily lives. A simple,

up for the challenge. There are so many

self-imposed limitation can make a world

great ingredients to enjoy this season,

of difference.

and we should (and will) take advantage of them.

Have a great Fall! Photos: previous page and next page by Yossy Arefi-Afshar, Instagram by Camilla Salem.

Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. Joseph Addison

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see you in winter!

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