1 minute read
Voice-Absorbing Facemask
Yes, you are probably sick and tired of face masks by now but this one is very different. The Skyted Mask “absorbs” your voice, so no-one nearby can listen in on your phone calls, or hear you swearing as you play Fortnite online. Its maker suggests one of these masks is perfect for those on flights holding business calls. Not our bag, but you can see the mask in action on YouTube. It features some of the same materials used for sound isolation on airplanes.
The Laptop-Charging Bike Desk
Working from home can mean your steps go way down and your energy bills go way up. But this could be a solution, if a slightly strange one. The eKinekt BD 3 from Acer is an exercise bike that is also a desk. We’ve seen those before, but this one converts your mid-meeting workouts into electricity that can be used to charge your phone, your laptop — whatever you like — through its three USB ports. With an expected price of £999, the costs might take a while to balance out, mind.