Henry Park: Redefining Convergence Technology Globally
Persistency is an essential attribute that every entrepreneur should possess. Comprehending the aftermath of failures and coming up with a better ideological approach aids in the sculpting of a leader. The success of an entrepreneur resides in an all-encompassing strategy to make the most of each venture. To illustrate the varied abilities of a successful leader, CIO Look presents Henry Park, the Founder, CEO and Chairman of Board at 3GC Group, an exceptional entrepreneur and IT indust leader. Following is Henry’s story narrated in his own words, and possessing the potential of inspiring and motivating everyone. Success as a leader in any industry requires a lot of mistakes and learning from those failures. A leader’s primary function is to focus on a long-term vision and mission, making sure that the bumps on the road don’t distract from that vision, and a leader’s team depends on that adherence. Our mission at 3GC Group —to focus on providing high-value services to our clients through a consultative approach, our clients’ needs to augment their existing teams, and helping to achieve the goals of our clients—has remained consistent through a decade of growing our business. Today, instead of a traditional service client model, our operations, communication, and processes are very well aligned with our customers in partnership. Along the way, we’ve hit our fair share of obstacles, some of our own making, but continuously adjusting our steering