Peter Walde: Building Reformative AI Tech Solutions
In this era of technology many organizations are envisioning a growth path in diligent ways and heading towards success. MAPEGY is also creating a benchmark in AI industry and being a significant leader of his company Peter Waldethe CEO has shared his insights behind the triumphant success of his organization in the global market. Below are the highlights of the interview conducted between Peter and CIO Look: Give a brief overview of your background and your role in the company. I have a PhD in computer linguistics, and after that I started a profit center at Volkswagen group research called Di.ana – digital analysis, based on the Roman goddess for hunting (for information). I successfully built up the profit center, after 10 years there I left to start MAPEGY. CEO and founder, vision and mission: to build technology intelligence platform to help high tech companies to see tomorrow’s technology risks and chances today.
What does MAPEGY do? MAPEGY (mapping data for your strategy) is a team of Data Scientists who are building the market leader for Global Technology Intelligence. Our AI-backed algorithms constantly analyze millions of data points on industries, companies, experts, technologies and trends to help you see tomorrow’s opportunities and threats, today. With our technology intelligence platform SCOUT you can have all technology advancements and power of big corporate intelligence teams at your fingertips. How do you diversify your tech solutions that appeal to your target audience? Our key competence is developing algorithms that automatically collect all the technology related data points and integrate them into our innovation graph. This is our USP and core competence. We have developed two solutions 1) our keystone product, SCOUT – an easyto-use platform that anyone can use to access our data warehouse. 2) Custom consulting packages for companies. Describe some of the vital attributes that every tech individual should possess. The person should be able to manage and quickly adapt to different emerging technologies, they should also know that where to find answers to constantly changing questions and challenges. They should be able to connect multidisciplinary solutions. From an entrepreneurial and CIO perspective, one also has to be businessminded, not only scientifically/engineering minded. You must understand the use of cases and each problem from the perspective of your client. It’s important to break from the “tech stereotype” and be a team player who is able to communicate effectively with your team and clients. What were the past experiences, achievements or lessons that shaped your journey? I have always been an engineer, and passionate about tech and innovation. I was already in Silicon Valley in 1999, but wasn’t yet
inspired to carve my own path in tech, at that time i was doing research for my PhD and pursuing a career in consultancy, and later in big corporate business. When i was working for Volkswagen then i realized that all R&D processes were analog and expert based, and this made keeping up with global technology dynamics near impossible. After 12 years I realized that my contribution to the world could be to make these processes more efficient and effective, thus making even more possible. This was through MAPEGY. What were some of the primal challenges and roadblocks that you faced during the initial phase of your journey? The most important lesson I’ve learnt, and I learnt it the hard way, was that I realized that even within technology, the key drivers for success are not the technologies themselves, but the people that you surround yourself with. It is not technologies that make decisions, its people who use technology to make better decisions. With ascending in the number of pivotal and ground-breaking technological advancements the role of technologists is continually evolving. How according to you, has this role changed over the years? From my perspective, the underlying drivers and fundamental structures behind innovation and technology have not significantly changed. What has changed is the way that business and people in general interact with technology. Understanding these fundamental structures allows you to quickly adapt to all the surface changes. For example: a lot of research we have conducted in AI 20 years ago is still relevant today, only the amount of data, speed of processors and the growing number of potential use of cases have changed. My role has not significantly changed, it’s still about timing: finding the right times to invest in the right technologies, use cases or businesses. What has changed is the pace at which we have to adapt, and how flexible we need to be. This is where our core competence comes in. Our goal, as always, is to help companies stay ahead of change. Where do you see yourself in the near future and what are its future goals?
We are on a mission to build the market leader for global technology intelligence in order to make our customers more innovative and successful. Leader with Enthusiastic Traits Peter Walde is the CEO of the MAPGEY, headquartered in Charlottenburg, Berlin. He is passionate about innovation, entrepreneurship, and fond of connecting with the fellow leaders. He was the project director of Digital Intelligence at Volkswagen and among the pioneer of its research prior to 2012. He also developed computer based learning software as well as multimedia products. Peter studied and worked in Leipzig, San Diego, Moscow, London and Shanghai. He completed his Doctorate in the field of text-mining and future research. He was born in Bautzen (the three- country border between Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic). Read more: