Smart Access – On The Rise In Homes, Properties, and Vacation Rentals

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Smart Access – On The Rise In Homes, Properties, and Vacation Rentals

The introduction of smart technology is game-changing, and there is no doubt that it has been taking over the world by storm in recent years. It is reshaping how we live – from personal needs to social demands, many aspects of our day-to-day lives have become integrated and in turn, made easier. ‘To do more with less’ pushes us for greater efficiency in our daily tasks. People nowadays lead a busier lifestyle than ever before, creating even more of a need for convenience and multi-tasking capabilities. Tremendous growth of the smart lock industry expected Home automation is one sector that is receiving an increasing amount of interest. Home owners can now control different parts of their home with a single device – the smartphone – even though they may not even be physically present in the home. Over a wide range of household applications, access solutions are an area that is expected to experience tremendous traction – the smart lock industry is projected to reach USD$25 billion in 2024. 2 key areas of growth in the smart lock industry in particular are hospitality – with expected compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) year on year of 80% – and sales in Asia Pacific – with over 70% expected CAGR. As a growing smart access solutions provider, igloohome has built a strong focus on these 2 key areas that are projected to take off in the next few years. Consumer Expectations on Smart Access Beyond just going keyless, home and property owners are now expecting the convenience of remote management for home access. It is not uncommon that home owners find themselves wanting to let a visitor in even though they are not at home. Based on an

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