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The one-day, high energy development program for the future-proof CIO

June 11th, La Hulpe - Brussels

A unique opportunity

Choose 7 workshops out of 18 workshops

for CIOs to work on professional and personal skills and improve your impact as a digital leader

Interactive discussions

Inspiring keynotes

with each 3 tangible, directly applicable takeaways.

Networking opportunities

Impactful workshops

Terence Barry

Nils Fonstad

Lead with stories

Learning to Test and Learn

Lead with stories! Stories are an extremely efficient way to convey your messages and get things done. From pitching your vision and plans to the Board or other business units, to getting your teams enthousiast about your vision, your impact will increase when using stories. Based on an experience of over 20 years, Terence Barry will explain how stories work and how to build them in such a way that they influence your audience.

Organizations are investing in a greater number and variety of digital innovation projects, where each project is essentially a step on a transformation journey. Yet many don’t know where all those steps, taken as a whole, are taking the organization; organizations struggle to coordinate interactions across their growing and increasingly diverse portfolio of innovations. When they do not coordinate these interactions, they put their operations and customer experience at risk. By coordinating interactions well, they achieve significant synergies—the total impact of the company’s innovations is greater than the return on the sum.

Brand and Stories


To counter pervasive uncertainties in the business and technology environment and prioritize the most strategic innovation projects from myriad options, organizations can take a test-and-learn approach to innovation investments. From our analysis of top performing firms, we have identified three principles around which test-and-learn capabilities can be built: articulate a vision that focuses and guides innovation efforts; foster experimentation throughout the organization; and deepen engagement to coordinate interdependencies. This session will describe each principle and discuss how firms have applied these principles to increase the strategic impact of their digital innovations.

What will attendees gain from this session?

What will attendees gain from this session?

• I n this session you will learn how to pitch your ideas and vision effectively to your peers, colleagues from other business units and the Board, by using story-telling techniques

• Insights into how organizations are coordinating interactions across their growing and increasingly diverse portfolio of innovations, and in the process, increasing the strategic impact of their digital innovations

Kate Goodger PhD

Tom Haak

‘Manage your own mind first’ What employees REALLY want

Do you know what impact you have on others? What would they typically write in a text message about you after a meeting? What’s the difference for those you get along with and those who you find challenging?

Motivational speaker

Not only is it well written about and common sense that great team mates and leaders design and create environments that get the best out of others. The challenge however, is that the people we work with aren’t always the ones we get along with and don’t necessarily bring out the best in us. Internally our dialogue can be primed to ‘oh no, not them again’ or ‘I just don’t get them’ without our conscious effort. This affects how we think, feel, and act towards them and ultimately the outcomes of interactions. How can we achieve a better relationship and influence on them and us? Relationships can become unnecessarily messy when we focus on the symptoms and not the cause of difficulties in them. Establishing the cause starts with us and how we’re looking at the situation. Mindset describes our typical perspective to something and it’s not rocket science that having the right mindset is the basis for better interactions. Yet our experience is often that even when we know this would lead to better outcomes, it can seem incredibly hard to do. Mindset is an output from the brain via the mind. To shift a mindset we need first to understand how it is built and maintained in the brain and mind. It is here that we also learn how it can be changed. In this session participants will take a practical and engaging look at the mechanics of mindset, identify possible limitations of their own, and how to develop plans to create a new outlook and approach.

What will attendees gain from this session? Using an energetic, practical, and low jargon delivery participants will gain insight into • The components of mindset • The impact of their mindset has on themselves and others • What makes some mindsets more resistant to change than others • What helps shift mindset and establish a new perspective • How to develop practical plans for making the shift

HR Trend Institute

In his keynote, Tom Haak, Director of the international HR Trend Institute, will address major trends that affect the workforce of the future. How can organisations benefit from current trends and attract talent with a future proof skill set? How can organisations meet the expectations of new generations? How can technology help to use the full potential of people, and help organisations to new levels of productivity? Tom is one of the global HR thought leaders, and you will find his high paced introduction both informative and entertaining.

What will attendees gain from this session?

After this session, participants will: • have a better view on future workforce trends • know what to look for when recruiting talent with future proof skills • have a better idea how HR tech can help digital leaders • be inspired on how to use the trends to utilize the potential of people

Savannah group

Cathy Holley

Jurriaan Kamer

What CEOs expect from future-proof CIOs

Perform like a Formula 1 team

Cathy and her team spend a great deal of time with boards across all sectors exploring their technology leadership needs, be they in technology transformation or innovation. Over the years she has been able to read between the lines and distill the real requirements- quite different for each organisationand not always what is described openly. The skills required today to underpin business transformation, customer-centricity and agility require a new breed of CIO and boasts of large teams and budgets and massive ERP programmes are no longer very attractive. What worked yesterday may no longer be vaid. Even “standard” leadership techniques have evolved hugely and dinosaurs (old-fashined CIOs) are having to reinvent themselves to stay relevant. In this session Cathy will share some trade secrets in terms of what the future technology leader (regardless of title) will look like and how to work with headhunters to find and secure the very best role for you.

While for some organizations it can take months to deliver new innovations to the market, Formula 1 teams have minimized their build-measure-learn cycle time to mere days. A F1’s team’s ability to innovate, learn and adapt quickly in fast-changing conditions are key to outpace the competition and achieve performance. Is this any different from most businesses? I don’t think so. Most businesses are desperately looking for ways to organize for agility and innovation. In the session we’ll dive into how Formula 1 teams work from the inside, and what we can learn from them.

Agile CIO

What will attendees gain from this session?

•A n insider view of what Boards are asking for in terms of next gen technology leadership •S ome thoughts on how to alter your leadership style in time of transformational change •A headhunter’s view on the war for talent and how to be a talent magnet •S ome hints and tips on how to identify and secure the right role (and spot a poisoned chalice)

What will attendees gain from this session?

• Insights in how Formula 1 teams are organized, and how to apply these insights to their own organizations

Joe Peppard

Jordy Veth

Overcoming Critical Leadership Challenges

Developing mastery; a paradigm-shift in your development.

Perhaps no other executive role has undergone as many changes in expectations, approaches and philosophies during the past decades as that of the CIO. CEOs now expect their CIOs not just to specify and manage the IT infrastructure and flawlessly deliver IT services but increasingly to drive the transformation agenda. However, what my research is indicting is that many are struggling in this new reality. This presentation will explore the leadership necessary for CIOs to be effective in today’s digital world, particularly in overcoming the challenges that are unique to the role.


During this session Joe will draw on his research that uses Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI); therefore, knowing your MBTI preferences will be useful to get the most from the session. MBTI is based on the theory of Carl Jung. Jung’s ideas give us insights into how we may enhance our ability to do many tasks, in particular interacting and communicating with other people. If you do not know your MBTI preferences, contact your HR organization and they can organize for you to complete a questionnaire in order to determine this.

School for mastery

As a CIO you are shaping business of the future. But do you realize that you are changing the nature of work too? And do you realize that the way you look at your own development may very well be driven by an old way of looking at work and development which is still based on the assumption of life time employment? If you want to be prepared for the future job market you will need to look differently at the way you develop yourself. Being a connected individual means that you will need to know what you need to be connected in yourself in order to develop that towards mastery. There lies your unique value. So stop developing your talents and start developing your personal mastery.

What will attendees gain from this session?

• They will gain a new perspective on talent development • They will learn what mastery development is and how it can help them have a lasting impact. • They will learn how they can adopt a mindset that enables them to become more agile for future changes in work. • They will learn that their most important to source to invest in structurally is themselves and the unique impact they can have, now and in the future.

What will attendees gain from this session?

•A n elaboration as of some key leadership challenges and some suggestion as to how to overcome them

• People will learn on the spot what their potential mastery can be and how they can start to use that as a basis to develop themselves

CIONEXT will also host a series of special sessions. Make sure to get the most of this event by attending these!

European CIO of the Year Awards • The workforce of the future: Which key competencies and skills do you need to work on to become a future-proof CIO? Learn everything about it in this high-level, strategic session.

At CIONEXT we will celebrate the accomplishments of some exceptional digital leaders across Europe. Over 20 finalists are submitting their achievements in leading the digital future of their organisation in three categories:

• Design thinking for CIOs: Companies that adopt a design thinking approach to development have outperformed the S&P 500 over the past 10 years by an extraordinary 211%. CIOs have an increasing part in making this work! Learn how to in this special, 1,5hr session! • Speed-date with the finalists of the European CIO of the Year Award & build long-lasting relationships with them.

Public Sector CIOs with local responsibilities CIOs with international responsibilities Make sure to meet the finalists of, among other, Philips Global, Kinepolis, KPN, G4S and Iberdrola at CIONEXT, and learn from their vision and experience!

• Learn from the latest technology academic research, by the 2 finalists of the European Research Paper of the Year Award. • Compare the top PaaS vendors on the spot in this highly intensive debate which can bring your IT operations to the next level! • Benefit from contacts in your own industry, by attending the industry round-tables.

a selection of winners of previous years’

Build your own program!

Choose 7 workshops out of 18 workshops with each 3 tangible, directly applicable takeaways.

Registration Go to the registration page at Take the self-assessment to know which skills you need to develop at CIONEXT: Scan to QR code to start the survey:

Dolce La Hulpe, a luxury business location, 20 minutes from Brussels

A unique location

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