Human Centred Space Action Plan

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CORNWALL & ISLES OF SCILLY Action Plan 2018-2030 Human Centred Space Action Plan 2018-2030



Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

Human Centred Space Action Plan 2018-2030


Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Human Centred Space Action Plan 2018-2030

Welcome to Cornwall and Isles of Scilly’s vision of Human Centred Space. Launching Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (CIoS) to the forefront of space utilisation, travel and research, our action plan will accelerate the economy through innovation and education. By putting people at the heart of space activities and development, it will generate employment and research opportunities, targeting 1,000 ‘upstream’ jobs in associated manufacturing and engineering activities by 2025, and eight times that ‘downstream’ using space derived data in the service of people, such as health, agri-food, marine, creative industries, tourism and digital. It will inspire young people, working closely with our schools, colleges and universities and up-skill the workforce, catalysing the creation of new, highly skilled jobs in both emerging and established companies.

2018 – 2025 Human Centred Space activities, in partnership with our other sectors highlighted by our ‘10 Opportunities’, will support the CIoS-LEP Vision 2030 Strategic Economic Plan. Our ambitions include: •A ttracting and retaining skilled talent, targeting 1000 new upstream jobs by 2025 and catalysing the creation of almost 8000 further positions which take advantage of space derived data in their supply chain. •E ngaging in launch and spaceport activities, a foundation of tomorrow’s UK space industry, which has the potential to contribute almost £200M to our economy by 2030. •S pace related activity growing the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly economy by

over 10% through to 2030; this represents an increase of £1bn and will also be a significant contribution to the national Space Growth Action Plan target. •A ttracting, creating and nurturing high profile space manufacturing companies in both upstream (manufacturing and operations) and downstream (data information and applications) areas to bring National Space Growth figures (8.6% annually since 2010) to Cornwall’s economy.

Through this action plan, we aim to build on our existing physical and intellectual property assets to make CIoS the first choice destination for space utilisation, exploration and travel, and position our region at the forefront of the UK’s developing space economy.


Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

Human Centred Space Action Plan 2018-2030



SPACE TECHNOLOGY HUBS Cornwall will be a space technology, research, education and training hub spearheading space-science and innovation, working with new and growing companies and helping to attract new businesses, whilst providing academic and industry expert support to leverage the latest advances in space-centric research, data and technologies. Building on the success of the South West Centre of Excellence for Satellite Applications and our universities, and working with space industry stakeholders we will address the need for specialist infrastructure, resources and services to support Cornwall’s space ambitions. The opportunities •E ngage with leading research and educational providers in CIoS and grow expertise, insight and skills in industry and research activities •D evelop world-leading courses to support and develop the 21st century space industry in the UK and attract students to STEAM subjects


Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

•P artner with global leaders to enable Cornish companies of all sizes to build business and generate growth •E stablish unrivalled capability, capacity and thought-leadership in space-enabled applications development

Human Centred Space Action Plan 2018-2030



GOONHILLY: DEVELOPING SPACE ON EARTH Goonhilly Earth Station is already an international facility for satellite communications and data centre services. It has also been contracted by the European Space Agency to provide the world’s first private deep space network antenna. Goonhilly has some of the best connectivity in Europe and our aim is for Goonhilly to become a centre for space-focused high tech businesses, manufacturing and testing. The site will be at the core of ground station communications and operations for Earth orbit and deep space missions, as well as for the operation of launch systems across the UK. The opportunities •C reate over 400 jobs on the site, develop local infrastructure and secure inward investment

•D evelop a capability to manage safe launch missions under the Space Industry Bill legislation

•D evelop trailblazing education offers on site, stimulating our future workforce and acting as a Cornish space industry showcase


Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

Human Centred Space Action Plan 2018-2030



SPACEPORT CORNWALL The creation of Spaceport Cornwall will position CIoS as a global leader in accessible, safe and low-cost satellite launch and space travel through a globally recognised horizontal launch site, where launch operations, human spaceflight and scheduled airport services are fully integrated. The opportunities •O ffer a complete launch and tracking solution to industry and commence launch operations from 2020 •S ecure UK Space Agency investment support, and collaborations with public and commercial launch operators

• I nitiate a national and international campaign to define CIoS as Europe’s hub for space travel •B ecome a global leader for rapid transport through space and human spaceflight activity •C reate 480 new jobs and £25million GVA in CIoS

•E nable UK and international satellites to be delivered to orbit from the launch site


Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

Human Centred Space Action Plan 2018-2030


2025 & Beyond

2025 AND BEYOND: WORKING TO CREATE THE FUTURE OF SPACE CREATIVE SPACE APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT The future will see use of space and space travel become synonymous with CIoS. Through space industry stakeholders and the South West Centre of Excellence for Satellite Applications, in collaboration with Goonhilly Earth Station and the future Spaceport, CIoS aims to be the UK location for using space data to improve our quality of life. This will be achieved by inspiring and empowering the region through: •D eveloping a programme of digital skills enhancement in partnership with further and higher education providers, upskilling our workforce and attracting a new cohort of digital entrepreneurs to boost our businesses and the economy. •O ur proposed incubation and training centres will generate employment, develop the space industry and support economic growth across the region. •U tilising the workforce to link space applications to other leading CIOS industries including artificial intelligence and virtual reality, agri-food, ehealth and renewable energy.


Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

Human Centred Space Action Plan 2018-2030


2025 & Beyond

SPACE FACILITIES FOR THE FUTURE CIoS plans to host space facilities for the future. We will become a place for ground-breaking creation, innovation and ‘clean’ manufacturing. We want to encourage the growth of small satellite design, become a test site for launch and operations, and support the development of critical national space technology and research. Through incentivising inventors, creators and eco-manufacturers to relocate to the region, we will develop the economy and the space hardware industry. This will be achieved by: • I nitially focusing around the Goonhilly & Aerohub Enterprise Zones to support small satellite launch and operations, plus human spaceflight and space travel. This will be complemented by niche manufacturing to build on existing strengths, for example software defined radio for on-board data handling and communications. •F acilitating the growth of small satellite design, build, test and operations, where we will be able to support the complete space mission supply chain including launch from Cornwall. •S upporting entities bidding for national space technology funding in key areas to develop their capabilities, technologies and intellectual property in Cornwall. To this end we have identified market and supply chain gaps in several space technology areas, ranging from spacecraft propellant tanks to power supply units for electric propulsion systems.


Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

Human Centred Space Action Plan 2018-2030


2025 & Beyond

SPACE MISSION OPERATIONS Goonhilly Earth Station and Spaceport Cornwall are collaborating to ensure we can offer the capability for end-to-end space mission operations, in Earth orbit and into deep space, based at Goonhilly and using a wide range of assets to service all future UK Spaceport launches. Our vision is for CIoS to be synonymous with space travel, and space launch services. To achieve this, CIoS will: •B uild a public awareness campaign to position Cornwall as the place to start your journey using space – in industry, research and travel. •D evelop a suite of bespoke training courses and educate those wishing to be involved in the launch and mission operations part of the value chain. •E stablish a launch operations and range services offering that can be applied to all UK and potentially European spaceports. •E xplore relevant developing markets which could make use of our operations tracking and communications capabilities, for example space situational awareness, data storage archiving and retrieval, and backup control centre capabilities. • I nvestigate whether relevant training services can be provided to assure mission safety in conjunction with the developing market for personal spaceflight (‘space tourism’).


Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

Human Centred Space Action Plan 2018-2030


2025 & Beyond

NEXT STEPS This plan has been developed by the CIoS Space Strategy Steering Group and refined following an extensive consultation process with the aim of putting CIoS at the forefront of space utilisation, travel and research to accelerate the economy through innovation and education. We aim to build on our existing physical and intellectual property assets to make CIoS the first choice destination for space utilisation and exploration.

Through this action plan we will utilise the opportunities provided by space and space derived data for the benefit of CIoS and the UK economy to:

The Steering Group, including members from Cornwall Development Company, Spaceport Cornwall, Goonhilly Earth Station, the South West Satellite Applications Centre of Excellence, Invest in Cornwall and the CIoS Local Enterprise Partnership will work with industry, investors and research bodies to ensure CIoS remains at the forefront of the UK’s developing space industry.

•B uild the foundations for tomorrow’s global space industry through our launch and spaceport activities which have the potential to contribute almost £200m to our economy by 2030,

We will publish half yearly reviews of our progress, with the first in September 2018, towards the opportunities outlined in this document. Our initial focus will be on the 2018-2025 actions, while simultaneously monitoring and refining the plan to keep it agile and relevant for post 2025.


Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

•M ake CIoS the prime location for attracting and retaining skilled talent through the creation of 1,000 new upstream (space technology) jobs by 2025, doubling this by 2030. Potentially catalysing a further 8,000 positions in the space supply chain,

•G row the CIoS economy by over £1bn by 2030 through space related activity: this will also form a significant contribution to the national Space Growth Action Plan target, •A ttract, create and nurture high-profile space manufacturing companies specialising in both upstream and downstream activity and secure further investment in research, development and innovation.

Human Centred Space Action Plan 2018-2030


More information Tell us how we can help grow your business in Cornwall in order to realise our Human Centred Space Vision. For example: •A ccess to a skills pipeline to grow your staff • Direct engagement with our high-value assets, Goonhilly Earth Station and Spaceport Cornwall, the South West Centre of Excellence for Satellite Applications and other valued partners • Bespoke accommodation for your business • Links with universities, and collaboration support • Financial incentives (e.g. business rate relief) • SpaceTech Incubation Programme access • Research and Development grant support and promotion of your business at global exhibitions and conferences through AeroSpace Cornwall +44 (0)1872 224214 @LEPCornwall_IoS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership, PO Box 723, Pydar House, Pydar Street, Truro, Cornwall, UK, TR1 1XU Design:

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