Cious Bali | 10 Bali's Iconic Temple , Ed March 14 Vol. 15

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Ask Dr. Harry Drg. Harry Iskandar Sp. Pros BIMC HOSPITAL - Dental Centre

Stained Teeth Dear Dr. Harry, I am 32 years old and a heavy tea drinker. I found that lately my teeth are not as white as they used to be and I was told this is from the natural ingredient, tannin, which is found in tea. What can I do to get my teeth white again? Terimah Kasih, Ayu Dear Ms. Ayu, Stained teeth are very common amongst coffee and tea drinkers and one simply needs to have regularscaling and cleaning to rid the problem. Additional whitening can be an added treatment, too. The tannin color will not go away if you continue to drink tea and you shouldn’t give up this harmless pleasure, just visit us for a cleaning every six months. And on your next visit we’ll provide you some affordable whitening options to consider, too .

To Make an appointment please contact Dental Centre at BIMC HOSPITAL Phone (0361) 3000 911|

Teaching Dental Hygiene to Kids

Awful Halitosis

Dear Dr. Harry, Our son is five years old and very reluctant to brush his teeth with any kind of regularity. We’ve tried everything and he is most stubborn. Any suggestions? Thank you, Susanti Smith, Denpasar

Dear Dr. Harry, My husband has terrible mouth odor that comes and goes. What do you think the problem is? Many thanks, Ni Kadek Sifa – Renon

Hi Ibu Susanti, Yes that is frustrating and a subject we know well. Here are sixsuggestions I often recommend: 1. Show him how to mimic brush strokes like the motion of train wheels. Having him think of the wheels of a choochoo train helps kids brush correctly. Use big circles in a massaging stroke, round and round instead of back and forthscrubbing. 2. Encourage your son to create lots of bubbles by way of brushing or lathering. You could hold a bubble-making contest with your son to see who can create the most bubbles. 3. Have your son bring his favorite stuffed animal or doll into the bathroom, and have him brush his toy’s teeth as well as his own. 4. Point out an action hero’s typically animated and white teeth to encourage proper hygiene. 5. Allow your son to choose a kids’ toothpaste he wants to use, making it “his” decision. 6. Give praise to your son when he brushes well, especially when he does it with the correct strokes and for two full minutes.

Hi Kadek, Mouth odor can be the result of either gum disease or a decaying tooth. Having “bad” breath can also be from stomach conditions but usually the reason has to do with a decay issue in one’s mouth. It is best to make an appointment to assessgums for periodontal issues, which is a build up of bacteria in the mouth resulting in a receding gum line, decayed roots, and eventually decayed teeth. That’s the worst-case scenario. The problem could just be a cavity that has not been dealt with for some time.

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