The Most Influential Women Leader In Real Estate

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WWW.CIOWOMENMAGAZINE.COM | JUNE 2024 O p r a h W i n f r e y : A L e a d e r i n M e d i a , P h i l a n t h r o p y , a n d E m p o w e r m e n t Pg. 10 C h r i s t , t h e R e d e e m e r : T h e S t a t u e o f S o l a c e a n d F a i t h Pg. 30 1 0 B e s t P e r s o n a l F i n a n c e I d e a s f o r B e g i n n e r s Pg. 40 Team Leader The MacDonald Team The Most INFLUENTIAL WOMEN Leaders In Real Estate A Tenacious Leader Forging Paths To Real Estate Success
Divya B.
“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.”
- Dolly Parton

The tide is turning…!

Forfartoolong,theupperechelonsofrealestatehavebeenaboys’club.Yet,apowerfultideisturning.Womenarenot onlyenteringtheindustryindroves,butthey’realsoascendingtopositionsofleadership,shapingitsfuturewithinnovation, vision,andacommitmenttoprogress.

InthisissueofCIOWomenMagazine,weembarkonathrillingquest:toidentifythemostinfluentialwomanleaderinreal estate.Thisisnoeasyfeat.We’lldelveintotheaccomplishmentsofremarkablewomenwhoare:

Steeringindustrygiants:Leadingestablishedfirmstonewheightsthroughstrategicbrillianceandakeenunderstandingof markettrends.

DisruptingwithPropTech:Pioneeringtheuseoftechnologytostreamlineprocesses,enhancetransparency,and revolutionizetherealestateexperience.

ChampioningSustainability:Integratingeco-consciouspracticesintodevelopment,construction,andproperty management,ensuringathrivingfutureforourbuiltenvironment.

AdvocatingforInclusivity:Breakingdownbarriersandfosteringdiversitywithintheirorganizationsandtheindustryat large.

Thisisnotsimplyaboutrecognizingoneindividual.It’saboutcelebratingthecollectivepowerofwomenwhoare transformingrealestate.Throughtheirstories,we’llgaininvaluableinsightsintothestrategiesthatpropelsuccess,the challengesthey’veovercome,andtheunwaveringdeterminationthatpavesthewayforfuturegenerations.

Onthecoverofthisissue,wehavefeaturedStephanieMacDonald,PrincipaloftheTheMacDonaldTeamatCompass RealEstate.Sevenyearsafterpracticinglaw,Stephaniefeltdiscontentandenteredtheworldthatappealedtoher more—RealEstate.Fromapurelyprofessionalstandpoint,anAttorneyandaRealtorarepolesapart.However,withher perseverance,Stephanietackledtherealestatechallengesandstoodoutamongherpeers.

So,turnthepageandjoinusonthisexcitingexploration.We’llnotonlycelebratethemostinfluentialwomanleader,but alsoilluminatethepathforabrighter,moreequitablefutureforwomeninrealestate.

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10 First Lady Women

Oprah Winfrey:ALeader in Media, Philanthropy, and Empowerment

30 Monuments

Christ, the Redeemer: The Statue of Solace and Faith

40 Article

10 Best Personal Finance Ideas for Beginners



In American media, there is a well-known gure whose name is associated with inspiration, empowerment, and resilience. Her journey from humble beginnings to global icon status has caught the attention of audiences worldwide. Moving beyond television stardom, she has become a symbol of hope and possibility for many. This person is none other than Oprah Winfrey, a highly inuential gure whose impact extends beyond television. This article will delve into the remarkable life and lasting legacy of Oprah. Her story serves as a reminder of the importance of perseverance, compassion, and rm determination.

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O p r a h



OprahWinfreyisanamesynonymouswithinfluence, inspiration,andempowerment.Shewasbornon January29,1954,inKosciusko,Mississippi.Oprah's journeyfromachallengingchildhoodtobecominga highlyinfluentialwomanistrulyremarkable.

Growingupinpovertyandfacingvarioushardships, includingsexualabuse,Oprah'searlyyearswerefar fromeasy.However,shefoundcomfortineducation andbeganherbroadcastingcareerwhilestillinhigh school.Hernaturalcharmandtalentledhertobecome thefirstAfricanAmericanfemalenewsanchorat Nashville'sWLAC-TV

In1984,OprahmovedtoChicagotohostamorning talkshow,whichwaslaterrenamed"TheOprah WinfreyShow."Theshowquicklygainedpopularity foritsgroundbreakingdiscussionsonawiderangeof topics,frompersonalgrowthandself-helptosocial issuesandcurrentevents.


For25years,"TheOprahWinfreyShow"hadastrong impactonaudiencesaroundtheworld.Oprah's genuineempathy,insightfulinterviews,anddedication toupliftingotherscontributedtotheshow'ssuccess.It providedaplatformforordinarypeopletosharetheir storiesandaddressedsensitivetopicswithgraceand authenticity.

Oneofthemostmemorablemomentsoftheshow occurredin1993whenOprahconductedasignificant interviewwithMichaelJackson,whichremainsoneof themost-watchedtelevisioneventsinhistory Throughoutitstenure,"TheOprahWinfreyShow" receivednumerousawards,includingmultiple DaytimeEmmyAwards,solidifyingOprah'sreputation asthe"QueenofAllMedia.”


OprahWinfrey'sinfluenceextendsbeyondtelevision assheisalsoasuccessfulactress,producer,and entrepreneur.Herproductioncompany,Harpo Productions,hasproducedseveralcriticallyacclaimed filmsandtelevisionshows,suchas"TheColor Purple,""Beloved,"and"TheWomenofBrewster Place.”

Inadditiontoherentertainmentventures,Oprahisknownfor herphilanthropicefforts.Shehasdonatedmillionsofdollarsto variouscauses,includingeducation,healthcare,andwomen's empowerment.TheOprahWinfreyFoundation,foundedin 1993,supportsglobalorganizationsdedicatedtoenhancingthe livesofmarginalizedcommunities.Oprah'sInfluenceon


OprahWinfrey'sinfluenceismostnotablyseeninhereffortsto empowerandpromoteself-improvement.Throughher televisionshow,books,andpublicappearances,shehas motivatedcountlessindividualstostrivefortheirgoals, overcomechallenges,andchasetheiraspirations.

OneofOprah'swell-knowntraditionsisherannual"Favorite Things"episodes,whereshesurprisesheraudiencewithgifts. However,shealsostressesthesignificanceofself-love, authenticity,andpersonaldevelopmentbeyondmaterial possessions.Hermantra,"Liveyourbestlife,"hasresonated withmanywhoseekfulfillmentandmeaningintheirlives.


Although"TheOprahWinfreyShow"endedin2011,Oprah's influencecontinuestoresonate.ShelaunchedtheOprah WinfreyNetwork(OWN),acabletelevisionchannelfocused oninspirationalprogramming.Additionally,Oprahremains activeinvariousphilanthropicinitiativesandcontinuesto advocateforsocialjusticeandequality

Inrecentyears,Oprahhasexpandedhermultimediaempire withprojectssuchasthe"Oprah'sBookClub"andher "SuperSoulConversations"podcast.Throughtheseplatforms, shecontinuestosparkmeaningfulconversationsandprovide guidanceontopicsrangingfromspiritualityandpersonal developmenttosocialactivismandmindfulness.

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Things to learn from her:

There are numerous valuable lessons to learn from Oprah Winfrey's life and career. Here are some key takeaways:


Oprah's success stems from her authenticity and genuine connection with her audience. She has always remained true to herself, sharing her struggles and triumphs openly. Learning to embrace authenticity can help cultivate trust and rapport in personal and professional relationships.


Despite facing signicant challenges in her early life, including poverty and abuse, Oprah persevered and used her experiences as fuel for personal growth. Her resilience in adversity reminds us that determination and perseverance can overcome setbacks.


Oprah's ability to empathize with others and understand their struggles has been a cornerstone of her success. By listening actively and showing compassion, she has created a supportive and inclusive environment that resonates with people from all walks of life.

Purpose-driven Leadership

Throughout her career, Oprah has been guided by a sense of purpose and a commitment to making a positive impact. She uses her platform to amplify marginalized voices, raise awareness about social issues, and advocate for meaningful change. Learning to lead with purpose can inspire others and create a lasting impact.

Continuous Learning

Despite gaining tremendous success, Oprah remains humble and committed to ongoing growth and learning. She is an avid reader and lifelong learner, constantly seeking new insights and perspectives. Embracing a mindset of continuous learning can fuel personal and professional development.

Gratitude and Generosity

Oprah embodies the principles of gratitude and generosity, often expressing appreciation for the opportunities and blessings in her life. She is known for her philanthropy and acts of kindness, using her wealth and inuence to uplift others and give back to the community. Cultivating gratitude and practicing generosity can lead to greater fulllment and connection with others.


Self-care and Well-being

Despite her busy schedule, Oprah prioritizes self-care and well-being. She emphasizes the importance of taking time for oneself, practicing mindfulness, and nurturing physical and emotional health. Prioritizing self-care can enhance resilience, creativity, and overall quality of life.

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“Turn your wounds into wisdom.”

We can benet from our challenging experiences by using the lessons learned to improve and make better choices in the future. Instead of allowing our wounds to dene or restrict us, we have the opportunity to turn them into sources of strength and understanding.

“True forgiveness is when you can say, Thank you for that experience.”

True forgiveness goes beyond just releasing anger or resentment. It requires reaching a stage where you can acknowledge the lessons learned and personal growth achieved from a challenging situation. This depth of forgiveness enables you to recognize the benecial effects the experience had on your life, assisting you in moving forward with gratitude and comprehension.

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”

Pursuing your deepest aspirations and goals can be a highly rewarding and exhilarating expedition. It highlights the signicance of following your passions and working towards your dreams, even in the face of obstacles, as this can ultimately lead to a more meaningful and adventurous life.

“I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it.”

Every event in life serves a purpose, even if it may not be evident to us right away. It promotes faith and patience, suggesting that with time, we may come to comprehend the importance of our experiences and how they shape our personal growth and journey.

“Surround yourself only with people who are going to take you higher.”

Surrounding yourself with individuals who support, uplift, and inspire you can help you become the best version of yourself. Positive relationships can aid your growth, goal achievement, and maintaining a positive mindset, while negative or unsupportive individuals may hinder your progress.

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Successstorieshavealwaysbeenan exceptionandnotthenorm.The followingisthestoryofStephanie MacDonald,PrincipaloftheThe MacDonaldTeamatCompassReal Estate,andhowshebecameoneofthe mostinfluentialrealestateleaders despitehavingalegalbackgroundand nopriormarketingexperience.

Sevenyearsafterpracticinglaw, Stephaniefeltdiscontentandentered theworldthatappealedtoher more—RealEstate.Fromapurely professionalstandpoint,anAttorney

andaRealtorarepolesapart.However, withherperseverance,Stephanie tackledtherealestatechallengesand stoodoutamongherpeers.


Gettingclientsremainstheprimary challengeforanyrealtor.Recognizing thatarealtor’sjobismorethan showcasingandenjoyingseeing differenthomesisessential.The processprimarilyincludesmarketing andnegotiationskills.Asanattorney, Stephanieisatrainednegotiatorin resolvingconflictsandadvocatingfor

herclients—askillsetthat differentiatesherfromotherrealtors.

“Switching careers and being able to implement and fit my skillset into a new career as well as learn marketing skills was a big challenge.”

Amidstallthechallenges,hardwork andperseverancepavedStephanie’s successinrealestate.Asabusiness heavilyreliantonreferrals,having happyclientswhoreferStephanieto otherpotentialprospectsfueledherand theteamtomakeamarkinthe industry


Aleadermustberesilient.However,amidstallthehardwork,onehasto balanceprofessionalandpersonallife—adifficultyetnotimpossible thingtoachieve.Especiallyforwomen,it’sanongoingstruggle,says Stephanie.

UnderStephanie’sleadership,thebusinessisexpandingintoSouth Jerseyandthesurroundingshoreareas.Tomaketheexpansionseamless, theteamhashirednewexpertagentswhoareSouthJerseynativesand knoweverynookandcrannytoservepeoplebetterwhileproviding relevantknowledgeandinformation.

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APersonalized Experience

Withovertwodecadesintherealestateworld, Stephaniehasmetsomegreatpeople withdiverse backgroundsandpersonalities.Youcantellsomuch aboutapersonbasedontheircareer choices—“Psychology plays a much bigger role than I had previously thought going into this career.”

Toeffectivelydealwithpeoplefromdiverse backgrounds,aleadermustpossesspeopleskillsto adapttoeachpersonalitytype.Stephanievaluesthe personaltouchinbusinessalot.Sheishands-onand alwaysavailabletoherclientsthroughoutthedeal andevenaftertheclosing.Manyofherclients becomeherfriendsandshealwayshasreferralsfor themforwhatevertheyneed,whetherit’sadoctor, school,contractor,seamstress,placeforabirthday party,orwheretobuyapromdress–sheishappyto helpinanywayandpeopletrusther recommendationsandappreciateit.

AtakeawayfromStephanieinherjourney:keepinga personaltouchandnotturningthebusinessintoa massmachineisvital.

“There is a right and a wrong way for everything. I oversee my team to ensure everything is being done properly, personally and the right way.”

Cover Story


Onemustbefocusedonwhattheywanttodo. Successdoesnotcomeeasybutthroughhardwork. Toachieveyourbusinessandpersonalgoals,one musthaveaplanandworktowardturningthatplan intorealitywithapositiveattitude.

Withouthavingapositiveapproach,thereisariskof fallingdowntherabbithole.Apositiveattitudedoes notmeantherewon’tbebaddays.Whenyouhavea baddayordon’tgetthelistingyouhavetobe resilientandmoveontothenextday Youcanlearn somethingfromalmosteverydeal.Moreover,ifyou needtogeteducatedorneedresourcestohelpyou reachyourgoalsefficiently,youshouldnotletthat opportunitygo.

“Find a goal, find something you love to do, and then your work becomes easier. It doesn't feel like work if you truly enjoy what you're doing.”

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Cover Story


TheEnterpriseWorldMagazineishonoredtopresent snippetsfromacandidinterviewwithStephanie MacDonald,wheresheshedslighton career setbacks, her definition of feminism, how she strikes the worklife balance, her leadership philosophy, what inspires her to keep going, and more!

Asawomanleader,whathavebeenyourbiggest careerchallenges?Haveyoufacedanygender-related biasesorbarriers?

WhenIwasalawyer,therewasdefinitelymoreofa gender-relatedbarrierthereasopposedtoasarealtor. Therearemorewomenrealtorsthanmensoitisnotseen asamale-dominatedindustry

Thelegalfieldwasaverymale-dominatedindustry.I wouldoftenwalkintoadeposition,andtheywouldthink Iwasthestenographerandtellmewheretosetupmy typewritertorecordthedeposition.AndIwouldhaveto say:no,I'mtheattorney.I'mheretotakethedeposition. Therewasanassumptionthatyouwerethestenographer ifyouwerefemale,especiallyayoungfemale.Ithink thatwasoneofthereasonsIswitchedcareers.Ijustfelt likeevenafterpracticinglawforeightyears,Iwasstill treatedthesameway.

Flippingthattorealestate,itwasalmostabreathoffresh air,butthereweredifferentchallengestoface.Alotof peopleassumerealtorsarenotsmartasthereisno requireddegree.Havingalegalbackgroundandbeing professionalhasallowedmetostandoutamongmy peers.IapproachbeingarealtorasifIwereanattorneykeepingmyclients’informationandsearches confidential,protectingtheirinterest,andnegotiatingon theirbehalf.

Whatisyourdefinitionoffeminismandhowdoyou ensureinclusionandempowermentinyour organization?

Ithinkfeminismcanbeachievedbytreatingeveryone equallyandhavingcommongoals.Forme,itisstaying truetowhoIamandusingmyexperiencestoempower myteamtobethebesttheycanbe.


Thereisnoperfectwork-lifebalancebutbeingorganized isessential.Iammarriedandhavetwodaughters.Lifeis busy,soIhavetobeorganized.Ifthatrequiresgettingup anhourortwoearlierthannormaltocheckemailbefore anyoneisawake,that'swhatIdo.Ifmychildrenneedto bedrivensomewhere,Itrytoscheduleclientsaround thatorfindsomeonetohelpdriveifneeded.

It'simportanttoprioritizeyourlife.Therearetimeswhen Ihavetoschedulearoundachild’sgameorcompetition forafamilyevent.Mostclientsunderstandthatinthis dayandage,andwecanalwaysfindatimethatworks forbothofus.

Whatisyourleadershipphilosophyasawoman leader,andhowdoyouincorporateitintoyour organization?

Ithinkit'ssoimportanttostayintouchwithyourteam andbeavailableforquestionsorhelpinanyway.Itryto bearolemodeltotheteamandopencommunicationis essentialtorunningateam.

Howdoyouincorporatetechnologyintoyour offeringsorservices?

TechnologyisahugepartofwhatIdo.Everythingis onlineintoday’sworld. Compassoffersmore technologicalservicesthananyotherrealestate company.Weareaheadofthegameinkeepingagents organizedandefficient..

Professionalphotography,socialmediapresence,and websitesareallsoessentialasarealtor.Let’sfaceitif thepicturesofthehousearenotperfectnoonewilleven wanttoseeit.Todaywecanvirtuallystagevacanthomes andshowcaseanyhomeinthebestlightpossiblewith


technology.Ialsouseaerialphotosto showagreatpool,yardor neighborhood,walk-throughvideos and3Dvirtualtours.Ialsoconsistently usetechnologytokeepintouchwith myclients.

Whatisthatonething,apersonthat inspiresyoutokeepgoing irrespectiveofthechallenges?

That'seasy.Justseeingaclient'sjoy whentheyfinallygettheirdream home.Theyseetheirfuture-raising theirchildren,decoratingtherooms, creatingmemories-Ilovethatandit makesmehappythatIwasableto contributetotheirdream.

Whatarethekeyachievementsor milestonesfromyourprofessional careerthatyouwouldloveto highlight?

Withalmosttwodecadesofexperience asarealtorontheMainLine,inCenter CityPhiladelphiaandSouthernNew Jersey,I'vebeennamedaMainLine TopProducerforthepastsevenyears andalsoaPhillyMagazineTop Producerforthepast4years.Ihave alsobeenrecognizedasaFive-Star Realtorformorethanadecade—an awardbasedonclientsatisfactionthat onlythetop5%ofRealtorsreceive. Furthermore,Irankinthetop1%of realtorsacrossthenation.My achievements,clienttestimonials,and repeatedreferralsdemonstratethe valueIbringtoeachofmyclients.

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e Redmer Christ

The Statue of Solace and Faith

Standing on top of the mountains of Corcovado in Rio de Genrio, Brazil is one of the world's seven wonders - Christ, the Redeemer, looking over the magnicent city. Known by many names, Cristo Redentor (locally), Christ Redeemer statue or Christ, the Redeemer, it has become an internationally recognized symbol of both religious devotion and Brazil's rich cultural heritage. Numerous non-religious students of statuary commonly refer to it as the Corcovado statue or Christ of Corcovado.

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It stands 2,310 feet tall above the city, with a height measuring around 98 feet without the pedestal. The arms of the statue stretch around 92 feet horizontally and the statue weighs 1145 tons. It is the largest art décostyle sculpture in the world and has fascinating architecture, along with a rich history. In this article, we will learn more about this breathtaking monument.

The idea for constructing a statue of Christ atop Corcovado Mountain was rst conceived in the 1850s by a Brazilian Catholic priest named Pedro Maria Boss. However, it wasn't until the early 20th century that the project gained momentum. In 1921, a group of Brazilian intellectuals and religious leaders initiated a campaign to build a large statue to commemorate Brazil's centennial of independence.

Enriching History of Christ, the Redeemer

The responsibility for designing the monument fell into the capable hands of Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, who collaborated with French sculptor Paul Landowski. Together, they created a masterpiece that seamlessly blended Art Deco and Neoclassical styles. The statue was constructed using reinforced concrete and soapstone, a locally sourced material that has since become synonymous with the monument.

In 1923, people in Rio and across Brazil donated money to build the statue. They raised almost half of the total cost. Sculptor Paul Landowski created models for the head and hands of Christ, and calculations were made to guide the construction of the body and arms.

The construction of the colossal statue, made from reinforced concrete, took place on the clifftop for ve years, from 1926 to 1931. Thousands of Brazilians, with their strong willpower and faith in Christ, joined forces with engineers, artists, workers, and contributors. Under the watchful eye of Heitor da Silva Costa, the statue took shape. It became the tallest statue of Jesus in the world, a symbol of their devotion and dedication.

The construction of the monument posed numerous challenges, including transporting the massive pieces up the mountain and ensuring the statue's stability in the face of Rio de Janeiro's unpredictable weather. Despite these obstacles, the statue was nally revealed on October 12, 1931, to great acclaim and has remained an enduring symbol of Brazil ever since.

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Challenges the Monument Faced Throughout the Years

The current design of Christ the Redeemer wasn't the original design of the monument. Heitor da Silva Costa and the artist Carlos Oswald wanted a statue to depict Christ with arms outstretched, holding a cross, and a big sphere, but the public rejected the idea. Archbishop of Rio appointed Da Silva as the deputy in charge of the project and the current design of the monument was constructed. However, the grandeur monument has gone through several challenges throughout the years.

Treacherous Terrain: Mount Corcovado, where the statue is located, presented a challenging terrain for construction. The steep slopes and rocky landscape made it difcult to transport materials and equipment to the site.

Logistics: Transporting the materials needed for the construction of the statue to the top of the mountain was a logistical feat. Overcoming the obstacles of the mountain and ensuring the safe delivery of the necessary components required careful planning and execution.

Weather Conditions: The statue was exposed to the elements, including strong winds, heavy rain, and tropical storms. These weather conditions posed a challenge in terms of ensuring the stability and durability of the monument. The statue had to be made of solid materials capable of withstanding the inuence of the weather.

Lightning Strikes: Christ the Redeemer is frequently struck by lightning due to its elevated position and the storms that occur in the area. This posed a risk to the statue's integrity and required measures to be taken to protect it from lightning damage.

Maintenance and Restoration: Over time, the statue has required maintenance and restoration to preserve its structural integrity and appearance. This includes cleaning, repairs, and periodic restoration work to address any wear and tear caused by weathering and aging.


Despite these challenges, the construction team and subsequent maintenance efforts have persevered to ensure the monument's longevity and continued signicance. The reconstructions and ongoing maintenance have allowed Christ the Redeemer to remain a symbol of faith, peace, and cultural heritage for Brazil and the world.

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Breathtaking Architectural Brilliance

Christ the Redeemer monument is surrounded by the beautiful landscape of the famous Sugarloaf Mountain, Tijuca forest, Copacabana and Ipanema beaches, and Guanabara Bay, but the structure itself is a magnicent beauty to behold. Along with having spiritual signicance, its architecture is worth admiring.

• Art Deco and Neoclassical Fusion: The design of Christ the Redeemer Monument seamlessly blends elements of Art Deco and Neoclassical styles. This fusion of architectural inuences creates a unique and visually striking monument.

• Materials: The statue is constructed using reinforced concrete and covered with soapstone, a locally sourced material. Soapstone not only provides durability but also gives the monument its distinctive appearance.

• Outstretched Arms: One of the most iconic features of the statue is its outstretched arms, symbolizing Christ's embrace of all humanity. The arms span an impressive 92 feet (28 meters), creating a sense of openness and inclusivity.

• Location: The choice of Corcovado Mountain as the site for the monument adds to its architectural signicance. The mountain's elevation and panoramic views of Rio de Janeiro create a dramatic backdrop for the statue, enhancing its visual impact.

• Chapel: The pedestal of the monument houses a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Aparecida, the patroness of Brazil. This addition adds a religious element to the architectural design and provides a space for prayer and reection.

• Weather Resistance: Given Rio de Janeiro's unpredictable weather, special attention was given to ensure the statue's stability. The construction incorporated features to withstand strong winds, heavy rain, and other environmental factors.

• Night Illumination: The monument is equipped with a lighting system that allows it to be illuminated at night. This feature not only enhances the statue's visibility but also adds to its visual appeal, creating a captivating sight for visitors.


Cultural Signicance of Christ, the Redeemer

The monument holds profound cultural and religious signicance for the people of Brazil. As a predominantly Catholic country, Brazil views the statue as a symbol of faith and a testament to the country's deep-rooted religious heritage. It serves as a pilgrimage site for many Catholics, who ascend the mountain to seek solace, offer prayers, and nd inspiration in the statue's serene countenance.

Beyond its religious signicance, the monument has also become an enduring symbol of Brazil's national identity. It has been featured prominently in lms, television shows, and advertising campaigns, solidifying its status as an iconic representation of the country. The statue's welcoming embrace evokes feelings of unity, peace, and hope, resonating with people from all walks of life.

Interesting Facts About Christ, the Redeemer

• Are you searching for a special place to have your wedding? How about getting married under the famous Christ the Redeemer statue? There's a little Catholic chapel right at the bottom of the statue where you can exchange your vows. This chapel is dedicated to the patron saint of Brazil, Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Our Lady of Aparecida).

• Many women played a vital role in constructing the statue. The beautiful mosaic coating, made up of small triangular pieces of soapstone that covered the entire surface of the statue, was carefully crafted by skilled and talented women.

• Instead of accepting a statue built to honor her on top of Mount Corcovado, Princess Isabel requested that a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus be created instead. This picture would serve as a visible reminder and declaration that Jesus is the true Savior of humanity.

• Christ, the Redeemer of Corcovado was created to symbolize the greatness of Jesus Christ and the incredible signicance of his sacrice and resurrection. It represents the belief in his divine nature and the immeasurable value of his actions for humanity.

Christ the Redeemer is one of the tallest monuments apart from being a wonder and a must-visit landmark. You can reach there by train, van, walking, or hiking. Weekdays might be crowded and the weather can also affect the experience but seeing the magnicent structure should be a part of your bucket list that you might want to cross off next.

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Personal finance is an essential aspect of our lives, yet many people often find themselves unsure of where to begin. Whether you’re just starting your financial journey or looking to improve your financial well-being, understanding the basics of personal finance is crucial.

In this article, we will explore the 10 best personal finance ideas for beginners that can help you establish a strong financial foundation:


Oneofthefundamentalpersonal financeideasforbeginnersis creatingabudget.Abudgetisa planthatoutlinesyourincome, expenses,andsavingsgoals.It servesasaroadmapforyour finances,helpingyouallocate yourmoneywisely.Startby listingallyoursourcesofincome, includingyoursalary,freelance work,oranyotherincome streams.Next,listyourmonthly expenses,whichmayincluderent ormortgage,utilities,groceries, transportation,andentertainment. Ensurethatyourexpensesdonot exceedyourincome,andprioritize savingsasanon-negotiable expense.ToolsandappslikeMint, YNAB,orasimplespreadsheet canhelpyoutrackandmanage yourbudgeteffectively


Anemergencyfundisafinancialcushionthatprovidespeaceofmindincase unexpectedexpensesoremergenciesarise.Aimtosaveatleastthreetosixmonths’ worthoflivingexpensesinyouremergencyfund.Thisfundcanhelpyoucover medicalbills,carrepairs,orunforeseenjoblosswithoutgoingintodebt.Startsmall ifnecessary,butmakeconsistentcontributionstoyouremergencyfunduntilit reachesyourtargetamount.


Personalfinancebeginnersshouldprioritizeclearinghigh-interestdebt,suchas creditcarddebt.High-interestdebtcanquicklyspiraloutofcontroldueto compoundinginterest,makingitchallengingtoachievefinancialstability.Createa plantopayoffyouroutstandingcreditcardbalancesandotherhigh-interestdebtsas quicklyaspossible.Thismightinvolvetransferringbalancestocardswithlower interestratesorseekingprofessionaladvicefromacreditcounselor


Investingisacriticalpersonalfinanceidea,butitcanbeintimidatingforbeginners. Startbyeducatingyourselfaboutdifferentinvestmentoptions,suchasstocks, bonds,mutualfunds,andrealestate.Considerseekingguidancefromafinancial advisororusingonlineresourcestounderstandyourinvestmentoptions.Long-term investingcanhelpyourmoneygrowovertime,providingyouwithfinancial securityandthepotentialforsubstantialreturns.



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Settingclearfinancialgoalsisoneoftheessentialpersonal financeideasforpersonalfinancesuccess.Defineyourshorttermandlong-termobjectives,suchasbuyingahome,paying offstudentloans,orretiringcomfortably.Havingthesegoalsin mindwillhelpyoustaymotivatedandfocusedonyour financialjourney.Breakdownyourgoalsintomanageablesteps andcreateatimelinetoachievethem.Regularlyreviewyour progressandadjustyourgoalsasneeded.


Automationisapowerfulpersonalfinanceideaforbeginners. Setupautomatictransfersfromyourcheckingaccounttoyour savingsorinvestmentaccounts.Thisensuresthatyou consistentlysavemoneywithouthavingtothinkaboutit. Automationmakesiteasiertomeetyourfinancialgoalsand buildwealthovertime.Youcanalsoautomatebillpaymentsto avoidlatefeesandmaintainagoodcreditscore.


Financialliteracyisavaluableskillthatcansignificantly impactyourfinancialwell-being.Investtimeinlearningabout personalfinanceconcepts,includingbudgeting,investing, taxes,andretirementplanning.Therearenumerousbooks, onlinecourses,andeducationalresourcesavailabletohelpyou gainasolidunderstandingofpersonalfinance.Themoreyou know,thebetterequippedyou’llbetomakeinformedfinancial decisions.


Personalfinanceisalifelongjourney,andtheseten personalfinanceideasforbeginnersarethebuilding blocksforasecurefinancialfuture.Bycreatinga budget,buildinganemergencyfund,clearinghighinterestdebt,andinvestingwisely,youcanestablish astrongfinancialfoundation.Settingclearfinancial goals,automatingsavings,andeducatingyourself aboutpersonalfinancewillfurtherempoweryouto takecontrolofyourfinancialfuture.

Protectyourassetswiththerightinsurancecoverage, avoidlifestyleinflation,andmakeregularfinancial reviewsahabit.Withdedicationandperseverance, youcanpavethewaytofinancialsuccessand security.Remember,personalfinanceisnotjust aboutmanagingmoney;it’saboutachievingyour dreamsandsecuringyourfuture.


Insuranceisacrucialaspectofpersonalfinancethatis oftenoverlooked.Ensurethatyouhaveadequate insurancecoverageforyourhealth,home,andvehicle. Additionally,considerdisabilityandlifeinsuranceto protectyourincomeandlovedonesincaseofunexpected events.Whileinsurancepremiumsmayseemlikean addedexpense,theyprovidefinancialsecurityintimesof need.


Asyourincomeincreases,itcanbetemptingtoincrease yourspendingonnon-essentialitems,aphenomenon knownaslifestyleinflation.Tomaintainstrongpersonal financehabits,avoidthispitfall.Instead,allocateyour additionalincometowardssavings,investments,anddebt repayment.Thiswillaccelerateyourfinancialprogress andhelpyouachieveyourgoalssooner.


Thefinalpersonalfinanceideaforbeginnersisto consistentlyreviewyourfinancialsituation.Setaside timetoexamineyourbudget,trackyourspending,and monitoryourinvestments.Thisregularcheck-inwillhelp youstayontopofyourfinancialgoals,makenecessary adjustments,andensureyou’reheadingintheright direction.Usethesereviewstocelebrateyour achievementsandidentifyareasforimprovement.


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