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IP Inclusive update
Our first event of 2023 was, appropriately enough, a joint webinar with CIPA. ‘Enhancing diversity in the patent profession: how can I help?’ on 17 January looked at how individual IP professionals can help young people access professional careers. We were joined by representatives from the social mobility charities Generating Genius, In2scienceUK and The Access Project, who talked about opportunities for tutoring, mentoring and otherwise helping STEM students to develop and fulfil their ambitions. We also heard inspiring stories from patent attorneys who’ve worked with the three charities, all keen to stress how rewarding their experiences had been. There will be a report in the March CIPA Journal
If you missed the live webinar and you’re looking for ways to ‘give something back’, please contact CIPA’s CPD team for access to the recording. Or consult the Careers in Ideas directory of outreach organisations at https://ipinclusive.org.uk/resources/careers-inideas-directory-of-outreach-organisations/. Our other events in January and early February included a hybrid coffee date with our Scotland Network on the theme of ‘unconscious bias’, kindly hosted by Murgitroyd in Glasgow and online; and another of our Inclusivity Unlocked! webinars. ‘(Office) space: the final frontier?’ was about redesigning and optimising workspaces in the wake of the Covid-19 lockdowns.
Communities update
IP & ME have also run their first 2023 event already: a relaxed dinner at BAO Kings Cross to celebrate the start of the Lunar New Year. IP Futures, our community for early-career IP professionals, will be running a hybrid panel discussion later in February, hosted by HGF in London and online. Aptly entitled ‘Thrown into the deep end – Finally qualified, what now?’, it will tackle the often difficult transition from student to qualified professional, with insights from panellists who are themselves ‘in at the deep end’.
IP Out’s next event will be a social gathering in London: details below. Also look out for Women in IP’s next coffee date and the results of IP Ability’s latest survey (thank you to everyone who took part in that).
IP Inclusive is open to all UK-based IP professionals and those who work with them. For more information, visit our website, www.ipinclusive.org.uk; follow us on Twitter (@IPInclusive, @ipinclusiveIPME, @IP_Ability, @ip_out, @WomeninIPI, @CareersInIdeas) or join one of our LinkedIn groups. And if you’re interested in getting involved, please email contactipinclusive@gmail.com.
To keep abreast of everything we’re doing, join our mailing list: there’s a ‘Stay in touch’ form on the website.
Our regional networks
At the moment we have four regional networks: Midlands, North of England, Scotland and South West. They’re keen to offer more opportunities for their local IP Inclusive supporters to share ideas, boost one another’s EDI efforts and generally build new friendships and professional networks. We’re conscious that the idea of a ‘regional’ base means something different in the new hybrid working environment, so we’re open to suggestions about the types of events and resources the networks should provide. Please get in touch if you’ve any ideas or would like to get involved (contactipinclusive@gmail.com). The networks’ committees would love to recruit more members, especially paralegals, business support professionals and early-career professionals who work in IP.
Pledge Prattle
In late January we held our third ‘Pledge Prattle‘ session, for our Senior Leaders’ Pledge signatories and their colleagues. This month’s informal chat covered modern-day EDI policies. Discussions revealed some fascinating insights and ideas for going beyond the old-fashioned equality policy, and for ensuring the results are meaningfully implemented.
If you’re in a senior role and you’re keen to champion EDI in your organisation, please do consider signing up to the Pledge: see https://ipinclusive. org.uk/the-ip-inclusive-senior-leaders-pledge/
Summer of IP 2023
Our Summer of IP campaign is progressing. We’re planning several introductory events from Careers in Ideas, but the rest is up to you. Can your organisation provide some kind of activity to help us attract and support a wider range of recruits, for example a ‘taster’ day or half-day, a work experience placement (however brief), a mentoring opportunity or even just a short talk? If you were inspired by the January webinar to do something for disadvantaged young people, this is the perfect way to make a practical contribution. It will also help you access a more diverse talent pool and boost your recruitment efforts.
Summer of IP will run from early July throughout the summer. Visit https://ipinclusive.org.uk/careers-in-ideas/summerof-ip-2023/ for more information, a prospectus and the activity providers’ registration form complete with ideas for taster sessions. Or contact me directly if you prefer.
In the events calendar…
Here’s what’s in our calendar for the next month or so. Keep an eye on our website events page for more details and others as they’re added.
Wednesday 15 February , 5.30 for 6 pm
‘Thrown into the deep end – Finally qualified, what now?’ A hybrid event with IP Futures to discuss the transition from student to qualified professional. In London and online.
Tuesday 28 February , 6 pm till late
Spring into Spring with IP Out at the ZODIAC bar in London: a night of networking, catching up, singing (yes, there will be FREE karaoke) and even dancing if you’re up for it! Allies welcome.
Thursday 9 March , 12.30 pm
Save the date for our joint IP Ability and CIPA webinar about online accessibility. Another in our Inclusivity Unlocked! series, this will explore how websites and online systems can be made more user-friendly for disabled (including neurodivergent) people.
Wednesday 22 March , 4.30 pm
An Inclusivity Unlocked! webinar about supporting colleagues who are going through the menopause or perimenopause; again, please save the date and we’ll post details as soon as we can.
Monday 27 March , 12.30 pm
Another Inclusivity Unlocked! save the date , this time for a webinar with LawCare about working cultures and their impact on mental health.
Tuesday 28 & Wednesday 29 March , 9.15 am – 5 pm Online mental health first aid course provided by Illuminate VR at a discounted rate for IP Inclusive supporters.
Tuesday 18 April , 10 am – midday
‘All aboard! - IP Inclusive’s 2023 annual meeting’. Help us celebrate our progress and plan for the next 12 months. Everyone welcome!
For an up-to-date listing of Inclusivity Unlocked! events and resources, visit https://ipinclusive. org.uk/resources/inclusivity-unlocked/.
Andrea Brewster OBE is Lead Executive Officer at IP Inclusive.