Jackson Hole Traveler 2022 Visitor Guide

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River Retreat Lodge

Spring Creek Ranch Resort

Wyoming Inn

Triangle X Ranch

The Virginian Lodge

Antler Inn 307-733-2535 Cowboy Village Resort 307-733-3121 Darwin Ranch 307-203-3040 Elk Country Inn 307-733-2364 Flat Creek Ranch 307-733-0603 Hampton Inn 307-733-0033 49er Inn & Suites 307-733-7550 Lexington Hotel 307-733-2648

White Buffalo Club

Dar win Ranch

To Flat Creek Ranch 1. Visit startbikejh.com 2. Call 307-734-3560 3. Download the app BCycle See page 52 for Friends of Pathways multi-use map 3. DowBC St. John’s Health

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Latham Jenkins Publisher/Photographer Julie Butler Editor Martha Vorel Creative Director Beth Ricciardi Sales + Marketing CIRC MEDIA DESIGN LOCALLY OWNED + PUBLISHED 802 W. Broadway | P.O. Box 4980 | Jackson Hole, WY 83001 307-733-8319 | circ.biz | info@circ.biz 9 Introduction to Jackson Hole 10 Jackson Hole History 12 QuintessentialJacksonHoleMoments 14 Jackson Hole by the Numbers 15 High-Altitude Health Tips 16 Calendar of Events 18 Planning Essentials 20 Mountain Weather 22 Itinerary Suggestions 26 Grand Teton National Park 29 10 Free Things to Do 30 Jackson Hole Wildlife 32 Yellowstone National Park WELCOME 36 Things to Do as a Family 40 9 Things to Do Year-Round 46 11 Things to Do in Summer 56 Jackson Hole Mountain Resort 60 Snow King Mountain Resort 62 Grand Targhee Resort 63 10 Things to Do in WinterDO70 Unique Finds 72 Shopping in Jackson Hole SHOP 78 Local Favorites 80 Local Libations 82 Deck Dining: Food with a View 84 Edible Jackson Hole 85 Teton Treats 87 Dining DirectoryEAT97Where to Stay 99 Lodging Directory 102 Welcome to the Neighborhood STAY On the Cover LATHAM JENKINS Ever since his first sight of the Tetons in 1989, Latham has had a lifelong passion for capturing images of the natural world and lifestyle in Jackson Hole. His photos are prevalent throughout this Visitor Guide and jacksonholetraveler.com, and have been featured in National Geographic Traveler, Sunset Magazine, Travel + Leisure, Outside, Food + Wine, New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. © 2022 Jackson Hole Traveler, published by Circ Design, Inc. When you’re in Jackson Hole, Darwinism is in full effect. The large animals can—and will—run over you. Don’t try to sit on their backs or ride them. Don’t run, skip or ski up to the edge of anything you cannot see over. Weather is extreme, so no standing on an outcropping during a summer lightning storm or licking a chairlift at 20 below. If you steal an antler from the Town Square arches, you’ll incur bad luck for 20 years. Should you need more advice, see jht.guide/what-not-to-do CALL 307-733-8319 FOR ADDITIONAL COPIES JH TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 | jacksonholetraveler.com

Gaslight Alley • Downtown Jackson Hole • 125 N. Cache www.danshelley.com • info@danshelley.com • 307.733.2259 ALL DESIGNS COPYRIGHTED 47 YEARS INSPIRATIONOF

Artfully crafted beers paired with from scratch meals are served at our open-air, slope-side patio overlooking Snow King Mountain 45 East Snow King Ave, Jackson, WY 83001 307 www.stillwestbreweryandgrill.com201-5955

Explore the information in this guide more in depth with our digital companion. Our website includes the Jackson Hole experience, blogs, maps and special deals. And, don’t forget to follow us on social. Find us on social at @jacksonholetraveler and tag your photos #OnlyinJH GO DIGITAL JACKSONHOLETRAVELER.COM

WELCOME TO JACKSON HOLE Jackson Hole Traveler HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE JH Information is divided into DO, SHOP, EAT and STAY. For expanded content, backYellowstonejacksonholetraveler.comvisitUsetheGrandTetonandparkmapsintheforplanningexcursions. 321

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jacksonholetraveler.com elcome to Jackson Hole, where the untamed spirit of the West lives on, jagged mountain spires reach to the sky above an unparalleled landscape, and the crystal waters of the mighty Snake River run through it all. This is the scenery that spurred our nation to establish the world’s first national park, Yellowstone National Park, in 1872, and its equally spectacular neighbor to the south, Grand Teton National Park, in 1929. These parks are part of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, one of the largest nearly intact temperate-zone ecosystems left onEvenearth.knowing about Grand Teton and Yellowstone, most visitors are surprised to learn how much there is to see and do in this magnificent Jackson Hole valley. The variety of activities and events is so extensive you’ll probably wish you had more time to spend here.


Although Native Americans passed through this valley thousands of years ago, the long, harsh winters discouraged any permanent settlement until the late 1800s. After the town of Jackson was established in 1894, homesteaders began to trickle in, lured by the prospect of open land for the taking. They faced a hard existence and eked out a living through a combination of cattle ranching, farming and big-game hunting. Descendants of some of those early settlers still ranch or reside within the valley today. In 1920, Jackson residents elected an allfemale town council, continuing the pioneer spirit of Wyoming that earned it the nickname of Equality State when it became the first state in the country to grant women the right to vote in 1869.


Originally named after an 1820s fur trapper, Davey Jackson, it’s 48 miles long and between 8 and 15 miles wide. The northern end of the valley serves as the southern gateway to Yellowstone National Park and is about 6,779 feet above sea level. The town of Jackson (whose name is often confused with the valley, Jackson Hole) sits at the southern end of the valley, at an elevation of about 6,069 feet.

Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks have always drawn sightseers to this region, but Jackson Hole’s tourist trade truly took root in the 1920s, when dude ranches like the still-operating Triangle X Ranch began inviting visitors to stay. A “dude,” in Western parlance, is a guest who pays to experience cowboy ranch life. Perhaps nothing shaped the identity of Jackson Hole from a cowboy town to a ski town as much as the creation of the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in 1965. Indeed, the acclaimed ski resort was built at the site of a dude ranch called Crystal Springs Ranch. Nearly overnight, the resort helped propel the valley from a oneseason economy to a year-round one, drawing visitors from every corner of the world.


he name Jackson Hole refers to an entire valley in the northwest corner of Wyoming, surrounded by mountains.

PRE-1800s AmericansNative came to the area for hunting. 1829 Smith,JedediahJimBridger and “Davey” Jackson name the “Jackson’sareaHole.”

1920 Jackson elects the US’s first townall-femaleofficials 1807 John Colter leaves Lewis and Clark to discover Jackson Hole and Yellowstone.

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1907 Louis Joy and Struthers Burt established the area’s first dude ranch— The JY Ranch 1912 ElkNationalTheRefuge is established.



Jackson Hole History

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2019 Jackson Hole Mountain Resort named #1 on Forbes’ Top 10 Ski Resorts in North America. 1929 Grand Teton National Park is dedicated.

1939 Neil Rafferty erects a rope tow on Snow King Mountain, making it the first ski area in Wyoming.

BEGIN! Filmed in Jackson Hole


“I came for the winter, but stayed for the summer” is a popular saying by locals who have long understood the lure and beauty of Jackson Hole during the all-tooshort summer months. It’s a postcard come to life, framed by the magnificent Teton Range. Thanks to the efforts of generations of conservationists, 97% of this beautiful landscape is public land and protected from development. For outdoor enthusiasts, Jackson Hole has a role as both a sanctuary and a playground, no matter what the season. There are hundreds of trails to tackle, many mountains to climb and ski down, abundant wildlife to spot, rivers and lakes to float and fish on, and so much more.


ith a population that has now expanded to about 23,000 residents, Jackson Hole is not the isolated valley it once was. Even so, locals are easily outnumbered by some 4 million visitors each year. In addition to being the home of Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks, two major ski areas (and a third just “over the hill”), the National Elk Refuge and Bridger-Teton National Forest, we also have a thriving cultural scene. From world-class art to live theatrical, musical and dance performances— featuring national and international actors, musicians and dance companies—Jackson Hole is far from a sleepy valley. The Teton Range is not called the Grand Tetons, plural. There is only one Grand Teton peak. The mountain range as a whole can be referred to simply as “the Tetons” or the Teton Range.

Fifteen feature films have been made on location in Jackson Hole. John Wayne’s first speaking part was in The Big Trail, filmed here in 1929. Other movies shot in the valley include: Shane, Spencer’s Mountain, Any Which Way You Can, Rocky IV and Django Unchained. In 2011, an episode of “Modern Family” was also filmed here.




1965 Jackson Hole Ski Area in VillageTeton opens. 1971 Bill Briggs makes the first ski descent of the Grand Teton. 1957 The Jackson Hole Shootout starts, and is the longest “gunfight”runninginthe US.




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Bathed by the neon honky-tonk sign of the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar and bordered by four quirky elk-antler arches, the Town Square forms Jackson Hole’s retail and artistic core. It is also the site of the Jackson Hole Shootout, the longest-running gunfight in the country. Don’t forget to take a photo under the antler arches.

GET ACTIVE Endless recreational opportunities include hiking, biking, climbing, swimming, paddling, boating, rafting, horseback riding, paragliding, golfing, fishing, ziplining, downhill, Nordic and heli-skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, dog sledding, snow tubing, ice skating and shooting experiences.


In addition to the magnificent Teton Range framing the west side of Grand Teton National Park, there are myriad things to love about this 485-square-mile wilderness and recreation area. In fact, its wide range of recreational activities is among the most accessible of any national park. Exploration opportunities abound—and the amazing views just won’t quit.

Jackson Hole boasts two major ski areas and a third “over the hill”—Grand Targhee. For 10 years running, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort was named the No. 1 ski resort in the country by Forbes magazine. Snow King Mountain (the locals’ hill) literally looms over the town of Jackson and holds the title of the first ski area in Wyoming.




Yellowstone is the world’s first national park and has approximately 10,000 active thermal features, including Old Faithful. The 3,500-square-mile wilderness area is mostly in Wyoming but also spreads into Montana and Idaho. Open year-round, but roads are closed in winter; only snowmobiles and snowcoaches are allowed.

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With nearly 500 animal species inhabiting the Greater Yellowstone region, some have called our area the “American Serengeti.” Wild things are literally all around you! Spotting a bison, moose, bear, bald eagle, coyote and/or elk is a definite possibility during your visit.



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Straddle a saddle at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar; see the more than 4,000 1921 uncirculated Morgan silver dollars embedded in the bar of the aptly named Silver Dollar Bar in the Wort Hotel; or attend “Sunday Church” at the Stagecoach Bar in Wilson to dance the night away!


Taking a guided, exhilarating whitewater rafting trip or scenic float down the Snake River is truly a Jackson Hole must-do item during your visit. Professional and knowledgeable outfitters abound here to steer you down the magnificent Snake.

Attending the Jackson Hole Rodeo is a favorite way to experience a Western tradition. Every Wednesday and Saturday evening throughout the summer, see authentic cowboys ride bucking broncos and mighty bulls, barrel race and rope calves, among other competitions.

You won’t need binoculars to view the thousands of elk wintering on the National Elk Refuge, 25,000 acres of protected land. Each year, wapiti gather to feed, scramble for dominance with antler clashes and raise young. A unique way to experience the refuge is by horsedrawn sleigh.





Jackson Hole by the Numbers Elk annually winter on the National Elk Refuge  7,300 Record low temperature (Feb 1933) Record high temperature (July 1934) -63° F / 101° F Jackson Hole Mountain Resort’s vertical drop 4,139 FEET Year-round population Town of Jackson 10,658 Annual visitors 4 MILLION Jackson Hole restaurants featured in “Diners, Driveins and Dives.” 6 Height of the Grand Teton above sea level 13,775 FEET Active featuresthermal in Yellowstone National Park 10,000 Current or former Olympians who call Jackson Hole home 18 Jackson Hole Mountain Resort’s snowiest month ever: December 1996 225 INCHES Record skier days at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort (2019) 715,100 Elk antlers on each of the four arches on Town Square 2,000 Café Genevieve 14 | jacksonholetraveler.com


I see several patients every week who were given the “all clear” by their providers back home and then experienced worsening of their usually well-controlled medical problems when they came to Jackson Hole. If you have a significant preexisting medical condition, seek advice from a qualified medical provider who is experienced in altitude medicine. There are medications that can be prescribed in advance to help reduce your risk of getting sick.

2. Limit your alcohol intake.

Insects and Other Small Critters Mosquitoes, deer flies and horseflies are common stinging insects here. Use a bug repellent or pre-treat clothing with permethrin spray. Also, check yourself for ticks.

3. Get plenty of rest and transition gradually from the valley floor to higher elevations. Don’t try to tackle a steep trail or climb a mountain on your first day or two. There is less oxygen in the air here, so your aerobic capacity is decreased. As your body adjusts, you can build up to higher elevations and more strenuous physical activity.

1. Stay well hydrated. Due to our dry climate here, it’s very easy to get dehydrated.

Most people will adapt relatively well to the altitude on the valley floor in Jackson Hole, which is around 6,300 feet above sea level. The people who tend to have the biggest trouble often have preexisting medical problems, especially obstructive sleep apnea, high blood pressure, heart failure, heart disease, pulmonary hypertension or chronic lung conditions. Even healthy visitors can occasionally have issues with the altitude during activity.

Sunburn At higher elevations, you are more susceptible to sunburn. SPF 15 or higher is adequate. Reapply throughout the day. A good pair of sunglasses, widebrimmed hat and long sleeves and pants are also recommended.


Sports Injuries Wearing a helmet when snowboarding, skiing, mountain biking or riding horses can help protect you from serious injury. Wear Adequate Layers Be prepared for inclement weather and drops in temperature. The best layers are wool or synthetic fibers.

Whatever you’re here for, we’re here for you. www.stjohns.health jacksonholetraveler.com | 15


The most common form of altitude sickness here is called acute mountain sickness. The symptoms are: headache, nausea, fatigue and sometimes shortness of breath. Generally, those symptoms worsen at higher elevations or during exertion. If you feel that you might be suffering from acute mountain sickness, descend to the valley floor, stay hydrated, get some rest, and most of the symptoms will pass. If you are having trouble adapting to the elevation of Jackson Hole, you shouldn’t go to Yellowstone until symptoms resolve—most of the Yellowstone plateau is significantly higher than Jackson Hole. Two serious types of altitude sickness are highaltitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and high-altitude cerebral edema (HACE). In general, these don’t occur very often below 12,000 feet. However, HAPE (fluid in the lungs) can occur at much lower elevations in people who have preexisting medical conditions.

Dr Jim Little, Jr Family Health + Urgent Care



It’s good to see a doctor who can verify that you’re not having more serious problems. Unrelated cardiac problems or other medical issues can have similar symptoms to those of altitude sickness.


jhskiclub.org TRICK-OR-TREATING ON TOWN SQUARE Held from 3 to 5 p.m., this annual event is a classic Halloween favorite of both young and old. OCTOBER 167 31 10 ELK SLEIGHREFUGERIDES MID-DEC TO EARLY APRIL fws.gov/refuge/national_elk_refuge/TRAMJAMBAND SATURDAYS DURING SKI MountainJacksonSEASONHoleResort ONGOING WINTER EVENTS

JUNE ARTFAIR JACKSON HOLE A weekend of regional artistry hosted by the Art Association of Jackson Hole. 11artassociation.orgthANNUALPLEIN AIR FEST hosted by the National Museum of Wildlife Art JACKSONwildlifeart.orgHOLE FOOD AND WINE SUMMER FEST A weekend of wining and dining events. jhfoodandwine.com

JULY 4th OF JULY Enjoy the annual 4th of July parade downtown. Snow King Mountain Resort hosts a fabulous fireworks display, as does Teton Village.

The Fall Arts Festival has become the week-long, premier cultural event of Jackson Hole attracting nationally and internationally acclaimed artists. and at Snow King Sports Event Center

16 | jacksonholetraveler.com See full calendar at jht.guide/calendar 2022-23 CALENDAR OF EVENTS JANUARY DOWN UNDER THE TRAM AUSTRALIA DAY AT JACKSON HOLE MOUNTAIN RESORT INTERNATIONALjacksonhole.com PEDIGREE STAGE STOP SLED DOG RACE This family-friendly event features sled dogs, mushers and more. wyomingstagestop.org SANTA ON THE TOWN SQUARE Nightly ChristmasthroughEve TORCHLIGHTNEWjacksonholechamber.comYEAR’SEVEPARADE Dusk parades and fireworks at local ski resorts jacksonholechamber.com DECEMBER 3115

The festivities kick off Memorial Day weekend. The spirit of the true West is celebrated during Old West Days. See one of the only remaining horse-drawn parades in America! jacksonholechamber.com ANNUAL JACKSON HOLE FALL ARTS FESTIVAL

231817 274 38th

FAIRTETONjacksonholechamber.comCOUNTYCARNIVAL Teton County Fairgrounds tetoncountyfair.com



used Alpine, Nordic and snowboard equipment and clothing

jacksonholetraveler.com | 17 COMPLETE CALENDAR jacksonholechamber.com/eventsAT FEBRUARY SPECIAL WYOMINGOLYMPICSWINTERGAMES at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and Teton Pines CORBET’SKINGSspecialolympicswy.org&QUEENSOFFREERIDEEVENT Skiers and ‘boarders take on Corbet’s Couloir jacksonhole.com JACKSON HOLE FOOD AND WINE WINTER FEST 3-day event SNOWMOBILEWORLDjacksonhole.comJACKSONjhfoodandwine.comHOLEDOWNHILLCHAMPIONSHIPHILLCLIMB Weekend event snowdevils.org JACKSON HOLE RODEO May 21—Sept 6 JACKSONjhrodeo.comHOLESHOOTOUT MON—SAT, MAY 21—SEPT 3 Town Square at 6 p.m. HISTORICALWALKINGDOWNTOWNTOURS MEMORIAL DAY—LATE SEPT Wednesdays,FridaysThursdays, jacksonholehistory.orgGRANDTETONMUSICFESTIVAL JULY 3—MID-AUG at Walk Festival Hall in Teton Village MUSICgtmf.orgONMAIN LATE JUNE—EARLY AUG Free Thursday night concert series in Victor, Idaho tetonvalleyfoundation.org CONCERTS ON THE COMMONS JULY 3—END OF AUG Sundays 5 p.m. Teton Village concertsoncommons.comFARMERSMARKETONTHETOWNSQUARE LATE FreshSaturdayJUNE—LATE-SEPTmornings;8a.m.-noonproduceandmusic jacksonholefarmersmarket.comPEOPLE’SMARKET JUNE 1—SEPT 21 Wednesdays 4-7 p.m. Crafts and produce from local vendors, beer and music at the Center for the Arts lawn tetonslowfood.org ONGOING SUMMER EVENTS NOVEMBER ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DAY TURKEY TROT 5K RUN SQUAREANNUALtetonparksandrec.orgTOWNLIGHTING Holiday carols, cookies and Santa Claus jacksonholechamber.com 2524 AUGUST ARTFAIR JACKSON HOLE TETONartassociation.orgVILLAGEARTS & ANTIQUES mcpresents.comSHOW195 MARCH JACKSON jacksonholechamber.comHOMEJACKSONjhskiclub.orgPOLEjacksonhole.com/rendezvousFESTIVALRENDEZVOUSHOLEMUSICPEDALPADDLERACEHOLESHOW APRIL JH PresentsMCofCourtesy



Rivers run full. Mountain trails open. Lake temperatures rise. Music festivals and dozens of special events swing back into gear. Hiking, biking, camping, rafting ... the list of summer’s pleasures in Jackson Hole goes on and on.

Because spring is so unpredictable and uncrowded, it can be a great time to visit, particularly for wildlife lovers. Certainly the most underrated season here, spring offers plenty to do if you’re willing to go with the flow of what the weather presents.


WINTER 18 | jacksonholetraveler.com

Skier or not, everyone agrees that winter is when our valley, blanketed in snow, lives up to its image. It’s the time for sleigh rides in the National Elk Refuge, snowshoeing in Grand Teton National Park, snowmobile treks and skiing deep powder.


For those who might see the bustling summer as a bit too much to handle, fall is essentially a quieter version. The menu of activities isn’t quite as full, but the calmer fall season has benefits of its own. Did we mention the aspens turn an incredible fiery hue?





WINTER Layering is the way to go. A base layer should be made of a moisture-wicking fabric. A fleece works as a midlayer. Wear a jacket that blocks the wind. Other

winter essentials: moisture-wicking socks; waterproof gloves; goggles and sunglasses with polarized lenses. Welcome BY BUS Salt Lake Express 800-356-9796 | saltlakeexpress.com Alltrans Mountain States Express 800-652-9510 | mountainstatesexpress.com HELPFUL NUMBERS + WEBSITES Jackson Hole Airport 307-733-7682 ofJacksonjacksonholeairport.comHoleChamberCommerce 307-733-3316 Jacksonjacksonholechamber.comHoleMountainResort 307-733-2292 | jacksonhole.com Jackson Hole Snowmountainweather.comWeatherKingMountainResort 307-201-KING (5464) Tetonsnowkingmountain.comCountyRecreation Center 307-739-9025 Yellowstone National Park 307-344-7381 | nps.gov/yell MY FAVORITE THINGS “Going to church” Sundays to play music with the Stagecoach Band Playing at Dornans Hootenanny on Monday nights Working with Open Range Films Coffee at the Virginian Restaurant FIRST PERSON TO SKI THE GRAND Bill Briggs LOCAL INSIGHT ... jacksonholetraveler.com | 19

SUMMER Bring a fleece jacket for cool mornings and evenings. Lightweight, zip-off hiking pants are recommended, as are sturdy hiking boots made from a breathable but waterproof fabric. Lighter trail-running shoes can also work if you’re doing a milder hike or run. Other essentials: rainwear; waterproof sandals; swimsuit; backpack. WHAT TO PACK See more in-depth packing suggestions at Avalanchejht.guide/packReport 307-733-2664 Grandjhavalanche.orgTarghee 800-TARGHEE (827-4433) Grandgrandtarghee.comTetonNational Park 307-739-3399 nps.gov/grte Just north of Jackson, Jackson Hole Airport is one of the country’s most beautiful airports. Visit jht.guide/airport for arrivals/departures. BY AIR JH Airpor t 307-733-7682 American Airlines 800-433-7300 Delta Airlines 800-221-1212 United Airlines 800-241-6522 HEREGETTING



The main attractions in Jackson Hole are our natural setting, wildlife and recreational opportunities. Connect with a local wildlife, rafting, hiking or photography guide service to jump-start your trip.

BE CAREFUL Be respectful of our wild animals, as the growing human population of our valley has reduced their habitat. Drive very cautiously during the day and evening. For whatever reason, some visitors think they can walk up to a bison, moose or bear. This stresses the animal and can be dangerous.


2019 marked the 150th anniversary of Wyoming giving women the right to vote, the first state in the nation to do so. That earned Wyoming the nickname “The Equality State.”

Discover locals’ tips to best enjoy your visit to the area. jht.guide/tips



The allure of Jackson Hole is its extremes—extreme mountains, extreme sports … and extreme weather. You’ll want to follow the weather trends closely. The area can experience major fluctuations in temperature, precipitation and wind.

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BE PREPARED Any outing needs to always include water, extra warm layers and additional food. Bring a small pack and always have it with you when you are outdoors.

Rental cars and taxis are available at the airport and in town. Uber and Lyft are also available. Biking can be enjoyed on over 69 miles of the multiuse pathways. Bike rentals are available as well as START Bike; go to StartBikeJH.com. See “Go Biking” on pages 52-53, or jht.guide/bike

GETTING AROUND START Bus provides a FREE town shuttle that runs every half-hour and can get you to restaurants, supermarkets and shops in town. Buses also run between Jackson and Teton Village. Go to startbus.com or get the RouteShout app.

jacksonholetraveler.com | 21SnakeRiverSnakeRiverSnakeRiver Flat Creek GrosVentreRd. Rd.arkthSouPLoopFallCreekRoad GrosSpringGulchRd.VentreRiver 22 8926 22 191 WilsonWest Bank Town Jacksonof VillageTeton Kelly Moose South EntranceSouthtoGTNP VisitorJacksonCenterVisitorCenterPhelpsLakeTaggartBrLakeadley Lake LakJennye AspensThe Moose-WilsonRd. SouthwestEntrancetoGTNP BoundarySouthtoGTNP Aerial MountainJacksonTramHoleResort Airport Jackson Peak Snow King Mountain Resort elev: 7,780’ Mt. Elly elev: Teton9,279’Passelev:8,431’ MountainShadow Moose Junction Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis Grand SouthMiddleTetonGrandNationalTetonParkTetonelev:13,775’elev:12,804’Tetonelev:12,514’ NationalWildlifeRefuge NationalBridger-TetonForest Mt. Elly elev: Teton9,279’Passelev:8,431’ North of Town West TownBankofJackson (West of the Snake River) ▲ To Yellowstone To HotAstoriaSprings ▼ Scenic Gondola DRIVING DISTANCES Jackson Hole Airport to downtown Jackson 9.4 miles Jackson to Wilson/base of Teton Pass 7.1 miles Jackson to Teton Village 12.2 miles Jackson to Grand Teton National Park, Moose Entrance 13.2 miles Teton Village to Grand Teton National Park, Granite Canyon Entrance 1.4 miles Jackson to Yellowstone National Park, South Entrance 57.3 miles Jackson to Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park 98 miles

BREAKFAST Fuel up with a burrito at The Bunnery then grab a picnic lunch at Creekside Deli on your way to the park.

JH WHERE TO STAY Dornans Spur Cabins MORNING Sunrise wildlife expedition tour. Do this first so you can know where to look for wildlife during the rest of your visit.

HOW TO SPEND YOUR DAY Summer in Jackson Hole

LATE AFTERNOON Drive back through the park and see what comes out to graze. Head toward Signal Mountain and look for bears as you take the road to its summit.

DINNER To wind down from your busy day, head to Hayden’s Post restaurant at the base of Snow King.

LATE MORNING Head to Dornans wine shop in Moose, which has nearly 2,000 fine and rare wines. Grab a gourmet picnic lunch from Dornans Deli. AFTERNOON Enjoy your boxed lunch on the shores of Jenny Lake under the Cathedral Group of the Tetons. DINNER Choose from the Snake River KitchenGrill, orBistroThe 22 | jacksonholetraveler.com The Bistro


PalateLUNCHrestaurant at the National Museum of Wildlife Art

See full calendar at jht.guide/summer

WHERE TO STAY The Wort BREAKFASTHotel Al fresco at Café Genevieve and buy a bag of “Pig Candy” as a snack for later. WHERE TO STAY The Virginian Lodge

NorthDINNERGrille at Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis Club, the occasional moose can wander by. MORNING Hike to Amphitheater and Surprise lakes in the park (10.2 miles roundtrip; rated strenuous). Enjoy your lunch at one of the lakes.

AFTERNOON A craft beer at Stillwest Brewery overlooking Snow King. Then tackle the Treetop Adventure course or the new zipline at The King.



Start your day on a scenic helicopter tour with Wind River Air. Or, book a firearm instruction with Jackson Hole Shooting Experience WHERE TO STAY Inn On the Creek MORNING

SnakeDINNERRiver Brewery, topped off by the Jackson Hole Rodeo jacksonholetraveler.com

LATE MORNING A romantic his-and-her massage at Snake River Lodge and Spa LUNCH The deck at the Alpenhof at the base of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. DUSK Experience a sunset float with Jackson Hole Vintage Adventures. DINNER Try the romantic Blue Lion, within walking distance of the Inn!

LATE AFTERNOON Private instructionyogawith Akasha Yoga. Then go for the trifecta at Healing Waters: cold plunge, Full Spectrum Infared Sauna and float session. DINNER Ride the Bridger Gondola at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and savor Piste Mountain Bistro all to yourselves.

The MORNINGCloudveil


Start your day with an Aerial Tram ride at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and waffles at Corbet’s Cabin. WHERE TO STAY Elk Country Nora’sBREAKFASTInnFishCreek Inn, in Wilson


There is so much to see and do in Jackson Hole, it’s hard to know where to start. Below is just a snippet of travel Itineraries created for your personality? Your Jackson Hole adventures start here!

JacksonMORNINGHole Mountain Resort to mountain bike, bungee trampoline, tackle the ropes course and ride the Aerial Tram. AFTERNOON Grab a picnic from Bodega in Teton Village and drive north on Moose-Wilson Road to the Laurance Rockefeller Preserve.

A chef-curated private dining experience at SUDA Izakaya’s upstairs terrace, off Town Square.



Enjoy a private tour with Wyoming Stargazing

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EARLY JacksonEVENINGHoleShootout on Town Square at 6 p.m.

KampaiDINNER on the Town Square for amazing Japanese Cuisine

WHERE TO STAY The Wyoming Inn for a convenient location

MORNING Sunrise snowshoe tour for an insider’s intel on wildlife sitings

PalateLUNCHat the National Museum of Wildlife Art MIDDAY Take a horse-drawn sleigh ride on the elk refuge. Then drive on the refuge road and look for the bighorn sheep.

WHERE TO STAY The Alpine House Lodge and Cottages, owned by former Olympians and current mountain guides

ThaiDINNERMe Up for curry dishes and its awardwinning beers

MIDDAY Rent snowshoes or cross-country skis for a tour in Grand Teton National Park. APRES SKI Mangy Moose for their famous spicy margarita

WhistlingBREAKFASTGrizzly, in the Wyoming Inn, for a breakfast made of seasonal, local ingredients

THE FOODIE THE ADVENTURER THE WILDLIFE LOVER See full calendar at jht.guide/winter HOW TO SPEND YOUR DAY Winter in Jackson Hole

BREAKFAST Start your day with waffles at Corbet’s Cabin at JHMR. MORNING Backcountry excursion with JH Mountain Resort or Exum Mountain Guides

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WHERE TO STAY Stay at Spring Creek Ranch for a bird's eye view of the valley

DINNER The Gun Barrel for local game or fish as a hearty, winter meal. Fun fact: The restaurant was formerly the Wyoming Wildlife Museum!

MORNING Enjoy Bovine + Swine artisanal sausages at Bodega, in Teton Village. LUNCH Ski into the Westbank Grill at the Four Seasons in Teton Village for a fine dining experience. AFTER LUNCH After lunch in the Village, pop into Persephone’s West Bank bakery for savory sweets.

DINNER Another private dining experience at the White Buffalo Club, a USDA steakhouse NIGHTLIFE A private VIP area at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar for lively “honky-tonk”

DINNER Pizza at Pinky G’s or Hand Fired Pizza's then hit a Moose Hockey game!


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Private dining option at Ringholz Gallery, catered by Provisions JH

THE HIGH ROLLER WHERE TO STAY RMR Luxury Collections, luxury vacation residences on West Bank, Shooting Star and Teton Village MORNING Scenic helicopter tour with Wind River Air WHERE TO STAY Alpenhof in Teton Village; romantic, Old World charm WHERE TO STAY Stay in town at Snow King Resort and enjoy lots of fun activities with your kids and family.


Old Faithful erupts every 44 to 125 minutes. To plan accordingly, check with the visitor center upon arrival or jht.guide/ oldfaithful for upcoming eruption times.

LATE MORNING Take a day off from the slopes and go on a half-day dog sled tour with Continental Divide Dogsled Adventures lunch included. AFTERNOON Share a romantic hisand-her massage at the Four Seasons Spa. MORNING Breakfast at The Bunnery before a half-day, guided snowmobile trip to Granite Hot SnowMIDDAYSpringsKingfor rides on the Cowboy Coaster and snow tubes

DUSK A sunset expeditionwildlifetourwith one of the valley’s guides

LATE AFTERNOON Head out on a private snowmobile tour on Togwotee Pass. Then grab dinner at Brooks Lake Lodge.

DINNER Candle-lit dinner at the cozy Coelette off Town Square. jacksonholetraveler.com


And did we mention the majestic, awe-inspiring Teton Range that runs the length of the 93-yearold park? Getting close to those mountains alone is worth the price of admission. The world-famous Tetons are “what mountains are supposed to look like,” Theodore Roosevelt once remarked of the spectacular range, which is actually a young one—a spry 10 million years old. It was formed when multiple earthquakes along the Teton fault line pushed the peaks upward, in what is known as a “fault block.” Huge glaciers then sculpted the range into the jaw-dropping, rugged rock spires you see today. In addition to these magnificent mountains, the park is dotted with the historic dwellings of the valley’s earliest homesteaders and is still inhabited today by many of the West’s iconic wildlife.

There are 16 miles of paved, multi-use pathways available for biking throughout Grand Teton National Park—the most paved trail system of any national park! Rent a bike and experience its grandeur on two wheels. jht.guide/bike



Grand Teton is equal parts “see” and “do”— maybe even more “do”! Truly a hiker’s park, its mountain trails are among the most accessible of any national park. In addition to hikers, it also attracts world-class climbers and extreme skiers.

Go beyond the view with our crib sheet to all the park’s can’t-miss highlights. jht.guide/gtnp


GRAND TETON National Park


rand Teton National Park is 485 square miles rich in extraordinary wildlife, pristine lakes, hiking trails, a multi-use pathway system, the Snake River and, oh yes, serenity.


GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR VACATION by staying with Grand Teton Lodge Company. Our full-service hotel, cabins and camping offer the convenience of lodging, activities, dining and shopping all in Grand Teton National Park.

There are 242 miles of hiking trails in Grand Teton National Park, ranging from easy strolls to more strenuous treks at steeper ascents. All have water features such as cascading streams from both valley and high-alpine lakes. Wildlife is generally viewable, including moose, deer, black bear and smaller mammals, as well as eagles and hawks. jht.guide/hike GET ON THE WATER

Jenny Lake Boating runs small, passenger shuttles (for a fee) from the South Jenny Lake boat dock to the Hidden Falls/Inspiration Point dock every 15 to 20 minutes during the summer. A one-hour scenic and interpretive tour gets you up close to the mountains.




National Park SYMMETRYSPIRE MT ST JOHN ROCKCHUCKPEAK MT WOODRING MT MORAN ESTABLISHED: February 29, 1929 SIZE: 485 square miles HEIGHT OF GRAND TETON: 13,775 ft; second-highest peak in DEPTH242OUTDOORWyomingTERRAIN:milesofhikingtrailsOFJACKSONLAKE:438 ft QUICK FACTS j27


GTLC.com |

Paddleboarders, canoers and kayakers will find both String and Leigh lakes a breeze for leisurely paddling. Rent a boat or SUP. These are the best spots for beginners and children to enjoy water sports in Grand Teton. A favorite recreation site for Jackson Hole locals, Jackson Lake is the largest lake in the park and welcomes all kinds of watercraft. Rent a kayak, canoe or runabout at Signal Mountain or Colter Bay. Take a lake cruise and enjoy a meal at Elk Island with Grand Teton Lodge Company. The Snake River winds an ever-changing route through the valley. Take a guided scenic float down the river to soak in the beautiful scenery of the park.

“Ten of the most beautiful miles of river in the world,” and that’s why we run our float trips only inside Grand Teton National Park. For more than 59 years, Barker-Ewing has provided scenic and wildlife viewing opportunities that are unique to this portion of the Snake River. barkerewing.com 800-365-1800/307-733-1800 TETON LODGE COMPANY 307-543-3100 Teton

28 | jacksonholetraveler.com



Snake River Overlook Oxbow Bend Turnout Moulton Barn The Cathedral Group Turnout Jenny Lake Overlook View from Jackson Lake Lodge Schwabacher’s Landing Find us on IG at @jacksonholetraveler and tag your photos #OnlyinJH



CLIMB A MOUNTAIN While climbing the Grand Teton can be both a bucket list item and an ambitious undertaking— “easily” experienced with Exum or Jackson Hole Mountain Guides—you may want to opt for a family mountaineering adventure with Exum’s day-long introto-climbing program.



PERMITS Overnight backcountry permits, which must be retrieved in person at the Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center, Colter Bay Visitor Center or Jenny Lake Ranger Station, cost $35, with an additional $10 fee for reservations. Permits are required for all overnight stays outside designated campgrounds.

Begin your trip into the park with a stop at the Moose Visitor Center. From interpretive exhibits to helpful park rangers to an incredible bookstore, this is the place to learn about the park and various activities.


Grand Teton National Park


This eco-conscious 1,106-acre preserve includes easy trails to and around Phelps Lake. The interpretive visitor center features unique sensory exhibits and various ranger-led hikes and programs.

Grand Teton National Park is a world-renowned fly fishing destination, especially for anglers hoping to land a Snake River fine-spotted cutthroat trout. Try a guided fishing trip down the Snake River or on Jackson Lake.

A 7-day pass is $35 for a private, non-commercial vehicle and $30 per motorcycle. The fee for those on foot or bicycle is $20 per person (age 16 and older). Annual passes cost $70.

WHERE TO FUEL UP After a day’s adventure, have a drink and a nibble on the deck at Dornans, Signal Mountain Lodge or Jackson Lake Lodge. Additional dining options exist at Leek’s Marina and Colter Bay. For more formal dining, try Jackson Lake Lodge’s Mural Room, Jenny Lake Lodge and Peaks Restaurant at Signal Mountain.

Visit Grand Teton National Park’s website (nps.gov/ grte) and download the official “NPS Grand Teton National Park” app.


Visit the 1890s barns and ranch structures of Mormon Row, the Murie Center, in Moose, and Menor’s Ferry Historic District, which includes the Chapel of the Transfiguration. All are intriguing historic sites.


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WALK THE SCULPTURE TRAIL AT THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WILDLIFE ART Complementing the museum’s inside offerings, the ¾-mile Sculpture Trail is an outdoor art venue that winds up and over the sage-covered hillside that overlooks the National Elk Refuge.

BOULDER AT THE BASE OF SNOW KING MOUNTAIN Open year-round, the Teton Boulder Park features three large boulders for climbers all ages and skill levels. The adjacent Phil Baux Park includes picnic tables, horseshoe pits and a playground.

Located on Moose-Wilson Road, this 1,106acre refuge within Grand Teton National Park features an 8-mile trail system and a LEEDcertified visitor center with unique, multisensory exhibits ranging from innovative videos and photography to a meditative soundscape room.

On Wednesdays during the summer, the Teton Raptor Center offers presentations at 5 p.m. on the Village Commons in Teton Village. Each week, avian educators from the center bring two birds of prey, such as great horned owls, eagles and hawks.



The park boasts an amazing collection of year-round programs, including hikes, campfire presentations and bear safety.

THE JACKSON HOLE AND GREATER YELLOWSTONE VISITOR CENTER, on the north end of the town of Jackson, offers exhibits, programs and activities for all ages. Kids can earn patches through the Jr. Blue Goose Ranger Program.

GAZE AT THE STARS Wyoming Stargazing offers free, year-round, public stargazing events on Thursdays in the northwest corner of the Stilson parking lot off Hwy. 390 and 22. Astronomy educators use one of their large aperture telescopes to show you planets, stars, planetary nebulae, galaxies and more. Come and go as you please.


JACKSON NATIONAL FISH HATCHERY, 4 miles north of Jackson, welcomes visitors daily (except on federal holidays) from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for a close-up view of Snake River cutthroat trout. Observe fish in several indoor tanks and view photographic displays of spawning and stocking.

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Here’s a sampling of fun, free things to do in the valley. jht.guide/free

10 Free Things to Doin Jackson Hole

PLAY DISC GOLF Jackson Hole Mountain Resort’s free 18-hole disc golf course starts uphill from the base of the Bridger Gondola.


Throughout summer you can hear tunes in Teton Village on Sundays. During the ski season, the Tram Jam band rocks out on weekends at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. Year-round, hear local musicians at the iconic Hootenanny at Dornans.

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Jackson Hole



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Male wolves are slightly heavier than females, weighing up to 130 pounds. Usually seen in packs of about 10, wolves are capable predators. Wolf reintroduction efforts in the ’90s released 66 wild wolves into the Greater Yellowstone area—now home to about 1,600 wolves. The best place to view wolves is the Willow Flats area, Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone.

PRONGHORN Black bears have tall, pointed ears, no distinctive shoulder hump, and weigh 200-plus pounds. Cubs, born mid-winter, weigh less than a pound. Black bears are great tree climbers. Bears don’t hibernate. They go into a deep sleep, called torpor, but their body temperature doesn’t drop as low as that of true hibernation. The best places to view black bears are Signal Mountain and Jenny Lake in summer.


Males weigh up to 140 pounds. Pronghorn are herbivores and prefer shrubs and forbs (wildflowers) to grasses. It’s thought that pronghorn evolved their quick speed when pursued by a now extinct North American cheetah. They have been recorded sprinting up to 60 mph, which is faster than any other mammal in the Western Hemisphere. The best places to view pronghorn are Elk Ranch Flats and Antelope Flats.

The moose is the largest antlered animal in the world. Bulls weigh up to 1,200 pounds. Most moose are solitary, but you may see them in small groups. Moose can eat up to 70 pounds of vegetation a day. Their main defense mechanisms are their hooves. The best places to view moose in summer are the Willow Flats and along river corridors and sagebrush flats in winter.




Male bighorn sheep are larger than females, weighing on average 250 pounds. Sheep are herbivores, browsing shrubs and grasses. Bighorn sheep’s hooves are able to cup around rocks for traction on sheer rocky faces.


Males establish a dominance hierarchy in by clashing their horns. The best places to view bighorn sheep are Miller Butte, the National Elk Refuge and at high elevations in the Teton and Gros Ventre ranges.

BISON The bison is the largest North American land mammal and weighs up to 2,000 pounds. These herbivores look docile, but they are not! Bison can jump a 6-foot fence and gallop up to 35 mph. Although the term “buffalo” is often used—inaccurately—to describe bison, these animals are not related to the “true” buffalo. The best places to view bison are Yellowstone, Kelly/Antelope Flats loop and Elk Ranch Flats. PROGRAMS time in Yellowstone and Grand Teton parks! Explore the wildlife hot spots on and off the beaten path while sharing the day with a fun and knowledgeable naturalist guide. most of time in the

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Grizzlies have a distinctive shoulder hump, and their ears are short and rounded. In the Greater Yellowstone area, males can weigh up to 600 pounds. Grizzly bears are omnivores, which means they’ll eat anything from berries, grasses and insects to fish and newborn animals. Sows (females) give birth to one to four cubs mid-winter while in their dens. The best places to view grizzly bears are Willow Flats and Oxbow Bend. Large bulls weigh up to 750 pounds. Predominantly grazers, elk eat grass most of the year. During the fall rut, dominant males collect harems of about 30 females, breeding with them and driving away other adult males by bugling (a loud vocalization) to show their strength. The best places to view elk are during mornings and evenings near Jenny Lake in summer and the National Elk Refuge in winter.

307-690-9533 | jhecotouradventures.com Maximize your

We will make the

The Gibbon River tumbles over 84 feet. Be sure to take the short path along the river; it’s handicap accessible and great for people of all ages.4:

3: MIDWAY GEYSER BASIN (8 miles from Old Faithful) A brief stop at Midway Geyser Basin, known as Hell’s Half Acre, is 100% worth it. The basin’s hot water gushes from geothermal pools to meet the aptly named Firehole River, while tendrils of the massive Grand Prismatic Spring, the largest hot spring in the United States, extend out from its deep turquoise center.

4: FIREHOLE LAKE DRIVE (5 miles from Midway Geyser Basin) Take this one-way drive past many geysers and springs. If you’re lucky you will witness the Great Fountain Geyser erupting—it shoots one of the tallest sprays in the park!


32 | jacksonholetraveler.com



Yellowstone is the world’s first national park—and there is no place on Earth quite like it. This year, 2022, marks the Grand Dame’s 150th anniversary. This model of conservation boasts approximately 10,000 active thermal features, the most famous of which is the Old Faithful geyser. Bison, bear and other fascinating

Get a new perspective of Yellowstone’s geothermal features in a dramatic winter landscape by taking a tour with one of the many local snowmobile or snowcoach companies. Guides will take you to Old Faithful, Upper Geyser Basin and West Thumb Geyser Basin.

2: OLD FAITHFUL (17 miles from West Thumb) Guaranteed to be a highlight of your day in Yellowstone, be sure to set aside a large chunk of time to explore the Old Faithful Inn, catch one of the famous geyser’s on-time eruptions and explore the wondrous Upper Geyser Basin. Inside the visitor center, you’ll find posted signs predicting the next Old Faithful eruption, so grab a seat and wait for the impressive sight of up to 8,400 gallons of scalding water reaching heights topping 184 feet. The monumental Old Faithful Inn, completed in 1904, is the largest log structure in the world. Its massive 65-foot ceiling, stone fireplace and gnarled railings made from local lodgepole pine ensure its stature as one of the most legendary buildings of the American frontier. The inn also features shops and restaurants. See more about Yellowstone jht.guide/yellowstone

(14 miles from Firehole Lake Drive)

7: GRAND CANYON OF YELLOWSTONE (13 miles from Norris)

Be sure to check out Traveler’s Yellowstone National Park One-Day Lower Loop Sightseeing Itinerary. jht.guide/ynp-oneday


Norris is one of the hottest and most acidic of Yellowstone’s thermal areas. There are quite a number of colorful thermals to check out via various boardwalks and trails.

Many Yellowstone visitors make the mistake of turning around after exploring Old Faithful and the geyser basins. Don’t be one of them! The awe-inspiring Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and its dramatic Upper and Lower Falls are well worth the extra driving time. Carved into soft rhyolite stone by the Yellowstone River, the canyon is where visitors can truly see how Yellowstone garnered its name, with a rainbow of colors (including yellow!) in the exposed rock descending to the canyon floor. The tumbling waters of Lower Falls spiral from a height twice that of Niagara Falls. This vista can be enjoyed from Lookout Point, Red Rock Point and Artist Point. Be sure to visit Canyon Village and check out the visitor education center, which includes interactive exhibits, animations and real-time scientific data.

wildlife abound within the park’s 3,500-square-mile boundary. Here is our recommended one-day lowerloop sightseeing itinerary; you can join in at any point. To avoid the crowds we recommend you get an early start—plan to set aside 10 to 12 hours of travel and sightseeing time.

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6: NORRIS GEYSER BASIN (9 miles from Gibbon Falls)

1: WEST THUMB GEYSER BASIN (22 miles from the South Entrance) This will be your introduction to a variety of geothermal features: bubbling springs of finely milled mud, multi-colored pools and steaming lakeside cones. Located right on the shore of vast Yellowstone Lake, this stop includes the Thumb Paint Pots, the deep, blue Abyss Pool and Fishing Cone, where early visitors joked one could catch a fish in the lake and then dunk it directly in boiling water to make dinner.

Your BASE CAMP for adventure rentals, provisions, and dining in Grand Teton National Park. DornansMoose,WY STOCK UP FOR YOUR ADVENTURE • DORNANS.COM • 307-733-2415 Pizza & Pasta Co. ChuCkWagon groCerY & DeliWine shoPPe aDventure sPorts

mad-river.com | 307-733-6203 1255 S Hwy 89, Jackson EXPERIENCE 8 MILES OF EXHILARATING WHITEWATER. Offers daily whitewater and scenic float trips on the Snake River. Mad River has the most highly certified and professional Snake River guides in the valley to put you at ease and make your river experience more comfortable. Book today and check rafting off your bucket list this summer. USE CODE “JHTRAVELER10” FOR 10% OFF ANY TOUR. MAD RIVER BOATING TRIPS Things to do

36 | jacksonholetraveler.comNomatterwhattheseason, we’ve got family fun! In fact, Travelocity has named Jackson Hole a Top 10 Family Destination. Many activities are suitable for kiddos of all ages and even the most senior member. Here are some ways to enjoy a family trip in the Tetons. jht.guide/family THINGS TO DO AS A FAMILYH T H T NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WILDLIFE ART SHARE THE WONDER OF INCREDIBLE ART with the whole family. The award-winning Children’s Discovery Gallery is sure to entertain kids, while fine art galleries and Palate restaurant provide a deeper experience. wildlifeart.org | 307-733-5771 2820 Rungius Rd, Jackson | 2.5 miles north of Jackson OBSIDIAN EXPEDITIONS ADVENTURERS, EXPLORERS, NEWLYWEDS, AND BUCKET-LISTERS OF ALL AGES WELCOME! Obsidian Expeditions offers customizable private tours in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. We help you see and experience the iconic wildlife, scenic landscapes, and cultural attractions the region offers. Specializing in Private tours for all ages. Multi-day, full-day, and halfday tours arranged daily. obsidianexpeditions.com | 855-360-3330 330 Glenwood St, Jackson

OFFERS KAYAKING, STAND-UP PADDLEBOARDING and rafting on the Snake and Hoback rivers and in Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks. Enjoy a personalized experience on a private half-, full- or multi-day water sports adventure. Trips for all ages and abilities. Rentals and retail sales of all paddle sports equipment available daily. jacksonholekayak.com | 307-733-2471 945 W Broadway, Jackson

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Let your child really channel his or her inner cowboy! Few activities offer as much insight into the traditions and textures of the West as horseback riding. Jackson Hole horseback trail rides range from one or two hours on up to a full day in the saddle. The well-mannered and mountain-trained horses make exploration easy. Try out a ride with a simpler excursion around the Snake River Ranch with Teton Village Trail Rides. For more options, Spring Creek Ranch frames most of its rides against the backdrop of the Tetons, while Mill Iron Ranch offers a wide variety of rides out into the mountain trails of the wilderness and fishing streams.

EXPERIENCE THE WILD like you never have before. Learn more about a variety of regional species, including bears, or get up-close-and-personal with our guided wildlife excursion tour. We also offer amusement park rides and a petting zoo. All experiences are unique to our park. Open seasonally mid-May through mid-October. yellowstonebearworld.com | 208-359-9688 6010 S Bear World, Rexburg, ID



TOUR GRAND TETON AND YELLOWSTONE Don’t forget to see Old Faithful!

RIDE THE TRAM OR GONDOLA Hop aboard the Aerial Tram at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort or jump on Snow King's new, high-speed Gondola in winter to ski down or in summer to take in the awesome spectacular views.


The Cache Creek Nature Trail is a short, accessible hike along a boardwalk to a Forest Service picnic area—dogfriendly and appropriate for even the littlest rugrats.

ADVENTURE FOR ALL Head over to Snow King Mountain and take a thrilling spin on the Cowboy Coaster. It’s a ride the family will never forget and is good for kids age 3 and older.

During the winter months, ice skating in the middle of Town Square is classic, family-friendly fun.


Rendezvous Park (“R Park”), on the banks of the Snake River in Wilson, boasts a swimming pond and trail system. Phil Baux Park, at the base of Snow King, is a great place for kids to try bouldering, while you picnic in the shade.



In the winter, enjoy viewing elk and other local wildlife on a horse-drawn sleigh ride on the National Elk Refuge ICE SKATE

38 |STEWARDEDjacksonholetraveler.comBYASTORIA PARK CONSERVANCY, Astoria Hot Springs features 5 soaking pools filled with natural thermal waters, open year-round. Situated within Astoria Park and along the banks of the Snake River, Astoria is one of Jackson Hole’s most unique experiences and event venues. astoriahotspringspark.org | 307-201-5925 25 Johnny Counts Road, Jackson EXUMHOTASTORIASPRINGSMOUNTAINGUIDESERVICE TAKE YOUR FAMILY ON A ROCK CLIMBING ADVENTURE. Exum Mountain Guides offers climbing adventures to families looking for their first climbing experience or to summit the Grand Teton. Customize your family’s Jackson Hole climbing adventure with a trusted guide. exumguides.com | 307-733-2297 Jenny Lake & Teton Village, Moose FAMILY-FRIENDLY EATS + TREATS YIPPY I-O CANDY CO. SWEET! We bring out the kid in everyone, no matter what your age! Don’t forget to stop at Yippy I-O Candy, a Jackson Hole favorite for 20 years and counting. We have barrels and barrels of yumminess. Come and discover a rainbow of flavors and find your new favorite! HAAGEN-DAZS IS THE PERFECT PLACE FOR A FAMILY TREAT! There is something for everyone. Including rainbow sprinkles and gummi bears for the kiddos! Serving all-natural ice cream, non-dairy sorbet, smoothies, sundaes, huckleberry shakes, and espresso drinks. In Jackson for someone’s birthday? We can also make an ice cream cake! Just give us 36 hours notice. 307-739-1880 | 90 E Broadway, Jackson HÄAGEN-DAZS yippyi-ocandy.com307-739-3020 84 E Broadway, Jackson



The eastern section of the valley is a great place to observe Plains species among the sagebrush, such as bison and pronghorn. Also keep an eye open for coyotes, northern harriers and sage grouse.

40 | jacksonholetraveler.com


One of the most scenic Grand Teton National Park vistas, this is also one of the richest for wildlife, with moose wading in the wetlands, river otters and hundreds of species of birds, from bald eagles to pelicans.

The wild things are all around you here, but you need to know what to look for and where to look. It’s all about being in the right place at the right time. Sunrise and sunset are prime viewing times. Here are a few other tips for spotting wildlife in Jackson Hole: to Do Year-Round






In winter the National Elk Refuge is home to some 7,300 elk. The best way to meet them is by taking a Double H Bar horse-driven sleigh ride around the refuge. Bison, coyotes, bald eagles and wolves can also be viewed on the refuge and bighorn sheep in winter.

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING ONE-OF-A-KIND? Our custom-designed expeditions are perfect for groups and families looking to share an unforgettable experience combining wildlife tours, activities, and safari-style meals served in the field. greatwesternexpeditions.com | 307-222-0412 Remember to tip your wildlife tour naturalist, whitewater, scenic float or fishing guide, wranglers for horseback trail rides, restaurant servers and more! TIP



Skirting the mountains between the Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center and the Granite Canyon entrance to Grand Teton National Park, look for beaver ponds, moose in the willows and bears in the bushes.

(summer only) 3: STEP

Trace remains of the valley’s original homesteaders can be seen on Mormon Row, home of the iconic Moulton Barn, or nearby at Menor’s Ferry Historic District in Grand Teton National Park’s Moose entrance.

offers historic, one-hour tours of

jacksonholehistory.org | 307-733-2414 225

a.m. The tours take place from



(year-round); 105 Glenwood,

JACKSON HOLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY JACKSON HOLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY downtown Jackson Fridays at 10:30 Memorial Day weekend September. at the history museum. N Cache, Jackson Jackson BACK IN TIME

jacksonholetraveler.com | 41 WILDLIFE EXPEDITIONS WILDLIFE WATCH. Experience the majesty of Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks with Wildlife Expeditions, Jackson Hole’s premier and only nonprofit tour provider. Our small groups are led by experienced, professional guides in comfortable, customized safaristyle vehicles. wildlifeexpeditions.org | 307-733-2623 700 Coyote Canyon, Jackson ECOTOUR ADVENTURES MAXIMIZE YOUR TIME IN YELLOWSTONE AND GRAND TETON PARKS! Explore the wildlife hotspots on and off the beaten path while sharing the day with a fun and knowledgeable naturalist guide. We will make the most of your time in the region. Book your tour today! jhecotouradventures.com | 307-690-9533 2: SEE THE STARS Wyoming’s extraordinary skies allow you to learn and discover galaxies far, far away. Experience astronomy from world-class speakers, planetarium programs and astronomy presentations with Wyoming Stargazing, a local nonprofit organization dedicated to education of the immense start systems. wyomingstargazing.org

Wednesdays through


IN MillionJACKSONDollar Cowboy Bar; Silver Dollar Showroom (inside the Wort Hotel)

IN TETON VILLAGE Grand Teton Music Festival world-class symphony orchestra; The Mangy Moose 7 days a week IN WILSON Every Sunday at the Stagecoach Bar (home of the Stagecoach Band, the longestrunning house band in the country)


YOU CAN’T VISIT JACKSON HOLE WITHOUT going to the iconic Million Dollar Cowboy Bar! Originally constructed in the late 1890s, this site was the town’s first bank before it became a café in the early 1900s. In 1937, it was renamed the Cowboy Bar and was granted Wyoming’s first official liquor license following the repeal of prohibition. Renamed the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar in 1940, it remains one of Jackson’s most popular tourist destinations, famous for its Western dancing, live music and saddles in place of bar stools.

You’ll find there is still a lot of action in Jackson Hole when the sun goes down. From music to theatrical productions, let us give you some ideas. Jackson Hole is teaming with local musicians, but also draws big-name minstrels who want to serenade in the Tetons.

Local Music


COME SEE PAINT YOUR WAGON. The Jackson Hole Playhouse is an intimate and charming theatre. Evening performances are available Monday—Saturday. Before the show, join us for dinner at the Saddle Rock Saloon and be served by a gun-slinging, singing waiter from the show. Seating at 6 p.m., pre-show in the lobby at 7:30 p.m., and performance at 8 p.m. jhplayhouse.com | 307-733-6994 145 W Deloney, Jackson

OTHER Hootenanny,OPTIONS 6 p.m. Mondays at Dornans in Moose Concerts on the Commons, Music Mondays and Music on Main (in Victor, Idaho)

42 | jacksonholetraveler.com 4: GET OUT ON THE TOWN

The Jackson Hole area hosts festivals year-round including: The Grand Teton Music Festival; Jackson Hole Food & Wine winter and summer festivals; Elkfest; Jackson Hole Writer’s Conference; Banff Film Fest; Fall Arts Festival; Teton Raptor Fest; Plein Air Fest at the National Museum of Wildlife Art; Jackson Hole Rendezvous Music Fest; Manhatten Short Film Festival; Old West Days; and more. WEEKS OF PERFORMANCES UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF MUSIC DIRECTOR SIR DONALD RUNNICLES, including Festival Orchestra concerts, a chamber music series, piano recitals, and the Gateway Series. Free community concerts are held throughout the summer, and the Festival also presents year-round chamber concerts and the Met Opera in HD series. gtmf.org | 307-733-1128 3330 Cody Lane, Teton Village


THE WILDLIFE AND LANDSCAPE photography of Henry H. Holdsworth, Wild by Nature gallery is located steps from the Town Square. The gallery was created to showcase the best of Henry’s limited-edition prints, notecards and books. wildbynatureshop.com | 307-733-8877 95 W Deloney, Jackson





FOUNDED BY PAINTER CARRIE WILD AND PHOTOGRAPHER JASON WILLIAMS, Gallery Wild features a working art studio and showcases works by established and emerging contemporary artists inspired by wildlife, conservation and open spaces. gallerywild.com | 307-203-2322 80 W Broadway, Jackson WILD BY NATURE


In the past decade, Jackson Hole has taken its place beside Scottsdale, Santa Fe, San Francisco and New York as a major destination for art lovers, becoming known as the Art Center of the Rockies. The National Center for Arts Research ranks Jackson as the most vibrant arts community among U.S. populations smaller than 1 million. Many famous artists and photographers have been inspired by the landscape and wildlife in Jackson Hole, including Ansel Adams, Thomas Moran, Charles Banks Wilson and Conrad Schwiering. Nearly 30 local galleries—including the National Museum of Wildlife Art—proudly present a broad range of work, from old masters like Frederic Remington to nationally and internationally known contemporary artists.

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44 | jacksonholetraveler.com MANGELSEN—IMAGESOFNATUREGALLERY VISIT THE MANGELSEN—IMAGES OF NATURE GALLERY to experience the wonder of nature through the lens of renowned photographer Thomas D. Mangelsen. The gallery features 200+ fine art photographs from all seven continents. mangelsen.com | 800-228-9686 x2 170 N Cache, Jackson NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WILDLIFE ART EXPLORE 14 GALLERIES OF FINE ART and renowned masterpieces from past and present at the National Museum of Wildlife Art. Stroll along the outdoor Sculpture Trail and enjoy gourmet dining at the fullservice restaurant, Palate. wildlifeart.org | 307-733-5771 2820 Rungius Rd, Jackson | 2.5 miles north of Jackson Jump into a private helicopter with an experienced pilot who will navigate the valley from the sky. Or, strap into a tandem paraglider with a pilot who will have you floating more than 3,200 feet above to the valley floor. 7: GET IN THE AIR WIND RIVER AIR, LLC EXPERIENCE JACKSON HOLE FROM THE SKY. Bring your family and experience Wyoming’s stunning mountain ranges and high-elevation lakes from a bird’s-eye view. WRA offers 30-, 45- or 60-minute, non-stop scenic flights starting at the Jackson Hole Airport. Schedule your flight today! windriverair.com | 307-360-8850 windriverair@gmail.com JACKSON PARAGLIDINGHOLE START YOUR DAY WITH A RUNNING LEAP. Let this be the highlight of your vacation in Jackson Hole. All JHPG tandem instructors are experienced mountain pilots with excellent safety records. A few running steps and you are airborne, seated in a comfortable chair harness, free to enjoy the awesome scenery. jacksonhole.com | 307-690-8726 (TRAM) 307-739-2626 for Jackson Hole Mountain Resort

jacksonholetraveler.com | 45 QUENTFINECORDAIRART JACKSON HOLE’S CONTEMPORARY ROMANTIC REALISM GALLERY. The gallery’s collection celebrates moments of happiness, joy, and success, in a quaint and luminous space just off Town Square. Internationally renown as well as emerging artists are represented. Commissioned art available. Worldwide shipping. cordair.com | 307-264-1964 164 E Deloney, Jackson JACKSON HOLE CONCIERGE DISCOVER THE WONDERS OF JACKSON HOLE with Jackson Hole Concierge—the human-powered, fully personalized, FREE planning and booking service that specializes in making your time here in Jackson Hole nothing short of amazing! From finding elusive wildlife and breathtaking views to adrenaline-filled adventures, we can plan your Jackson Hole adventure filled with the unexpected. Let us customize your stay and take the hassle and stress out of planning your perfect vacation. We make memories easy. jacksonholeconcierge.com | 307-264-2182 9: GET EXPERT ADVICE Use the down time from playing in Jackson Hole to treat yourself to a rejuvenating treatment at one of the many spas in the valley. For a unique experience try a therapeutic float at Healing Waters. 8: RELAX AND UNWIND HEALING WATERS HEALING WATERS offers the most luxurious way to relax, rejuvenate and reset your mind, body and spirit. Experience near-zero gravity floating in 200 gallons of skin-temperature water that is saturated with 900 pounds of Epsom salt! Our services include Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna, Cold Plunges, and Hydration Therapies. We promise, this is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. floatwyo.com | 307-922-4212 250 Scott Lane, Suite 105, Jackson John Wayne’s first speaking part was in The Big Trail, filmed in Jackson Hole in 1929. TRAVELER TIP

HOP ON A STAGECOACH on board a horse-drawn stagecoach modeled after the original 19th-century coaches that traversed the territories carrying mail, travelers and supplies. Rides depart from Town Square and last 10 minutes. SET, RODEO! anyone who’s cheered in the stands can attest, the Jackson Hole Rodeo is the real deal. Catch the excitement—and cowboy fever—on Wednesday and Saturday nights.



MILL IRON RANCH RIDE WITH REAL COWBOYS. For five generations the Mill Iron Ranch has been known for guiding guests through the breathtaking scenery of Jackson Hole. Our trail rides and pack trips accommodate all levels of riders. We offer two-hour, half-day and full-day trips. After a day of riding, a T-bone steak dinner at our ranch hits the spot. Other options also available. millironranch.net | 307-733-6390 888-808-6390 | 3495 E Horse Creek 10.5 miles south of Jackson Indulge your inner cowboy, connect to the spirit of Jackson Hole and forge your own frontier memories; there are plenty of opportunities!Bennett



SHOOT IT OUT At 6 p.m. daily on the Town Square, treat yourself to the Jackson Hole Shootout, the longest-running gunfight in the country. Don’t worry: They are shooting blanks.


46 | jacksonholetraveler.com 1: COWBOY UP! ENJOY A CUSTOM HAT FITTING EXPERIENCE

Rooted in a Wyoming heritage and produced using traditional techniques, find the perfect fitting hat at JW Bennett’s flagship boutique. See where our hats are made and choose from a variety of accessories and finishes to create a hat that is uniquely yours—a contemporary style you can wear and take home with you. jwbennett.com 307-201-5669



What could be more perfect than eating dinner with a cowboy or two? Book an authentic chuck wagon dinner that comes with a ride in a covered wagon and Old West entertainment.

jacksonholetraveler.com | 47 JACKSON HOLE RODEO COWBOY TRADITION. With Jackson Hole roots stretching back to 1890, the Wilson family has kept the authentic Western tradition of rodeo alive across generations. JH Rodeo showcases a variety of daredevil events such as bareback bronc riding, bull riding and barrel racing. It’s a must-see show for all ages! Buy tickets online and save! jhrodeo.com | 307-733-7927 447 W Snow King, Jackson BAR T-5 COVERED WAGON COOKOUT MAKE LIKE THE ORIGINAL HOMESTEADERS and ride to dinner in a horse-drawn covered wagon. Then, disembark and gather ’round for an evening of delicious camp-style food and fun with the Bar T-5 Band. Bar T-5, Jackson Hole’s original chuck wagon, celebrates its 47th season this year. Real cowboys, real horses, and real fun for all! bart5.com | 307-733-5386 SPRING CREEK RANCH ENJOY A GUIDED HORSEBACK RIDE atop the East Gros Ventre Butte with Spring Creek Ranch’s Castagno Outfitters. Take in unique views of the Teton Range, the town of Jackson and the surrounding area from atop your well-trained steed. springcreekranch.com | 307-733-8833 1600 NE Butte, Jackson JACKSON HOLE SHOOTING EXPERIENCE RESERVE YOUR EXPERIENCE TODAY. Many families and groups are looking for unique outdoor activities in Jackson Hole. We offer safe, fun and educational multi-gun shooting experiences that will strengthen connections and build memories, making your vacation a huge success. shootinjh.com | 307-690-7921 info@shootinjh.com

Beyond catching fish, how do you know that your guests have had a successful trip with you? Sharing the Snake River and providing a unique, inspiring experience is the goal. Most days our native trout and whitefish will cooperate enough to challenge any expert or provide the novice angler with their first catch with a fly rod. The overall experience of fly fishing among the Tetons in Jackson Hole is incredible regardless of angling results.

JOIN ONE OF FISH THE FLY’S GOOD-NATURED GUIDES on a guided fishing trip to one of the region’s best rivers or remote backcountry creeks or lakes. Combine the serenity of the river with the thrill of the take for a vacation memory you will not soon forget! We package all of your fishing needs to get you more time on the water. fishthefly.com | 307-690-1139

2: GO FISH Ask a guide...


One of the quintessential activities to do in Jackson Hole is fly fishing with the impressive Teton Range as a backdrop. The legendary Snake River fine-spotted cutthroat trout draws anglers of all abilities from every corner of the world. Pursue these revered “cutties” and more with a guided trip from one of several local fly fishing outfitters. A fun and unique spot for children and first-time anglers to fish—via fly or worm—is the Jackson National Fish Hatchery, north of the town of Jackson off Hwy 191. A half-acre pond on the hatchery grounds is open daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

GRAND TETON FLY FISHING grandtetonflyfishing.com 307-690-0910 225 W Broadway, Jackson

48 | jacksonholetraveler.com TRIANGLE X RANCH OUR PROFESSIONAL GUIDES make you feel like family and share their passion for some of the finest trout fishing in the West—on the Snake River in Jackson Hole and Grand Teton National Park or Yellowstone’s spring creeks and mountain lakes. trianglex.com | 307-733-5500 Grand Teton National Park, Moose FISH THE FLY GUIDE SERVICE

Scott Smith Fishing Guide

jdhcoutfitters.com | 307-733-3270 50

The Mormon Row Historical District is home to the Moulton Barn, the most photographed barn in Wyoming. Drive north from Jackson past Moose Junction and turn right onto Antelope Flats Road.



DORNANS Whether you’re inside Dornans Pizza & Pasta Company, sitting on its upstairs deck or enjoying a chuck wagon meal on a picnic table, you’ll have a front-row seat to watch the beautiful sunset.

THE VALLEY’S MOST EXTENSIVE KNOWLEDGEABLE RESOURCE Stop in the store to pick up flies, grab supplies or talk to our expert staff members like Howard Cole and Scott Sanchez. E Broadway, TREETOP ADVENTURE

jacksonholetraveler.com | 49 JD HIGH OUTFITTERSCOUNTRY


Located close to the town of Jackson and reachable via the National Elk Refuge Road, this gem of a sunsetviewing spot is in Bridger-Teton National Forest.

12 TO 80 FEET OFF THE GROUND, you’ll quickly discover why this activity is called Treetop Adventure! Shimmy over suspended bridges, scramble up nets, cross swinging logs and even ride an aerial skateboard. Come experience this high-flying tour of the forest! snowkingmountain.com | 307-201-5666 FROM THE TREES


Two of the greatest places in the valley to catch a memorable sunset.

offers guided fishing trips and casting lessons.


When the sun sets in Jackson Hole, it’s a take-your-breathaway experience. Here are some of our favorite spots for watching it sink behind the dramatic Teton Range:




COME DOWN THE FACE OF SNOW KING MOUNTAIN with views of Jackson Hole and the Tetons. Start at the top with the beginner section to test your confidence. Then, take the plunge into the steepest span. Finally, at a 31-percent grade, ride down the final span over to the base of the mountain! snowkingmountain.com | 307-201-5666




VOTED BEST RAFTING COMPANY IN JACKSON HOLE by locals ten years in a row! Home of the 8-man raft, whitewater and scenic river trips. 50+ years of experience getting people soaked on the Snake River. What will your splash face be?! davehansenwhitewater.com 307-733-6295 | 225 W Broadway, Jackson Slather on that sunscreen and don’t forget to reapply, especially when you’re on the water! Our high elevation means that we’re closer to the sun.



50 | jacksonholetraveler.com JACKSONWHITEWATERHOLE THE COOLEST THING YOU’LL DO ALL SUMMER! Providing lifetime memories for more than 60 years, we are Jackson Hole’s original rafting company. Our river adventures include private wet and wild whitewater trips, beautiful scenic floats with homemade lunch at our riverside picnic site, or a combo trip. jhww.com | 800-700-7238 945 W Broadway, Jackson MAD RIVER BOAT TRIPS EXPERIENCE 8 MILES OF EXHILARATING WHITEWATER. Offers daily whitewater and scenic float trips on the Snake River. Mad River has the most highly certified and professional Snake River guides in the valley to put you at ease and make your river experience more comfortable. Book today and check rafting off your bucket list this summer. USE CODE “JHTRAVELER10” FOR 10% OFF ANY TOUR. mad-river.com | 307-733-6203 1255 S Hwy 89, Jackson You can’t go wrong with a rafting trip on the Snake River. Numerous companies guide trips through the Class I, II and III rapids that churn through the Snake River Canyon to the south of Jackson, and down the spectacularly scenic, calmer stretches of the Snake River that wind through Grand Teton National Park. If you want to brave the Snake River Canyon, expect a rock-and-roll thrill ride that will have you dripping wet and beaming from ear to ear. And, there’s no shortage of glorious views. During a mellower float trip in the park, you’ll only get soaked if you hop out of the boat and swim. The lazily flowing waters make these stretches of the Snake River ideal for wildlife viewing and catching unique, ever-shifting views of the Teton and Gros Ventre mountain ranges. 5: GET ON THE WATER


6: TEE


jacksonholetraveler.com | 51

THE NATURAL BEAUTY SEEN while on one of our float trips lets Grand Teton National Park visitors discover the magic of the Snake River from a very unique perspective. Get off the beaten path and discover the Snake River corridor, which is a lifeline to many of the animals and other natural resources of Grand Teton National Park. Sunrise, scenic and evening dinner floats available. nationalparkfloattrips.com | 307-733-5500

The Links at Teton Peaks in Driggs, Idaho: Book tee times at thelinksattetonpeaks.com or 208-456-2777. Add an extra 25 yards to your golf shot (at this high altitude, your drives go farther!) on one of Jackson Hole’s worldclass courses. Teton Pines Resort has been recognized as one of the 75 best courses in the country by Golf Digest and Condé Nast Traveler. UP


Aspen Hills and Cedar Creek golf courses at Star Valley Ranch are just one hour south of Jackson. To book tee times call 307-8832899 (Aspen Hills); 307-883-2230 (Cedar Creek); svrawy.com

JACKSON HOLE is by taking a scenic float trip down the Snake River. Our river trips cover 13 scenic miles of the Snake through the heart of the Jackson Hole, WY. Offering Sunrise, Lunch and Dinner Scenic Float Trips. You will stay dry, except if you don’t want to! 307-690-1139 | fishthefly.com

Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis offers a semi-private course with daily tee times available for members only. Book tee times at jhgtc.com or 307-733-3111.

Since 1994, Friends of Pathways has promoted a safe and sustainable pathways system for healthy recreation and transportation opportunities in Jackson Hole. The Friends of Pathways trail crew also maintains 130 miles of unpaved trails in the Greater Snow King Area, on Teton Pass and at Munger Mountain for hiking, horseback riding and mountain biking. Cache/GameGrandTrailOnPathwayRoadLoop Loop Phillips Ridge Trail Bike Shop Locations Friends of Pathways Promoting a complete pathways system, safer streets and great trails for Jackson Hole. For more info or to make a gift to support Friends of Pathways’ work, visit: friendsofpathways.org | 307-733-4534 LEGEND 321 Refer to Town map (inside cover) for START Bike locations.

BIKE SHOP: ADVENTURE SPORTS Roll into Grand Teton National Park on just the right bike. We have mountain bikes, skinny-tire road bicycles, hybrid electric bikes and trailers for kids. dornans.com | 307-733-3307 | 10 Moose, Moose


Pathway/road bike rentals can include a complimentary one-way bus pass for the START bus, and bike rentals can be returned in the town of Jackson at Hoback Sports or in Teton Village at Teton Village Sports. This bus pass will provide you the opportunity to ride wherever you’d like along the pathways.

Guided mountain bike and family tours for every ability level in and around Grand Teton National Park—even in the wintertime, on fat-tire bikes. We rent comfort, road, mountain and fat bikes, Trail-A-Bikes and kids trailers. tetonmtbike.com | 307-733-0712 545 N Cache, Jackson

Here are some fun ways to spend a day biking in Jackson Hole: jht.guide/bike





17 miles round trip. Total bike time: approx. 1½ hours. Total trip time: 3 to 5 hours

The locals’ favorite full-service bike retail, rental and repair shop, just two blocks from the Wilson Centennial Trail. Come demo a road bike, mountain bike, hybrid pathway or kids bike. wilsonbackcountry.com | 307-733-5228 1230 Ida, Wilson JACKSON TO MOOSE 26 miles round trip. Total bike time: approx. 3 hours. Total trip time: 5 to 7 hours

Start at Teton Mountain Bikes and head north on the pathway. Stop into the National Museum of Wildlife Art, then continue up to Moose. Visit the Craig Thomas Discovery Center and tour the Menor’s Ferry Historic District. Head over to Dornans for lunch.


15 miles round trip. Total bike time: approx. 1½ hours. Total trip time: 3 to 5 hours

From Wilson Backcountry Sports, follow the Wilson Centennial Pathway to the Moose-Wilson Pathway. Bike north to Teton Village, pausing along the way at the Aspens Market for coffee or a snack. Take the Aerial Tram or Bridger Gondola up the mountain, then have lunch at one of the Village restaurants before cycling back to Wilson.

BIKE SHOP: TETON VILLAGE SPORTS Adjacent to the Mangy Moose in Teton Village tetonvillagesports.com | 307-733-2181 Crystal Springs Building BIKE SHOP: HOBACK SPORTS hobacksports.com | 307-733-5335


TETON VILLAGE TO JACKSON / JACKSON TO TETON VILLAGE 12 miles one-way trip. Total bike time: approx. 1 hour


Head out on the pathway from Adventure Sports to the Grand Teton National Park entrance. Bike along the base of the Tetons up to Jenny Lake. Take the scenic boat cruise around Jenny Lake and have brunch at Jenny Lake Lodge before returning to Moose.

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The brand-new gondola at Snow King Mountain provides you a scenic, memorable ride to nearly unbeatable views up top.

CLIMB A MOUNTAIN Making it to the top of a mountain is a major triumph and can be one of the highlights of your trip. Exum Mountain Guides and Jackson Hole Mountain Guides both offer climbing classes and professionally guided trips. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort’s Via Ferrata is an assisted climbing activity. Or, take a virtual climb up the Grand instead. grandteton/eclimb.htmlnps.gov/features/grte/


Hiking in Jackson Hole runs the gamut from river walks to boulder scrambles to mountain panoramas and getting high—like thousands of feet high. Peak hiking season stretches from late June through the end of September. This is the golden time when days are longest, trails are driest and you’ll see a variety of plant life, including waving wildflower meadows in July and fiery aspens in theBeforefall. you head out, check the forecast on mountainweather.com. Be aware that afternoon thunderstorms are frequent. In addition, many trails are exposed and offer limited shade, so proper hydration and sun protection are crucial.

THE HOLE EXPERIENCEHIKING WE ARE JACKSON HOLE'S ORIGINAL NATURE TOUR COMPANY with the most trail and tour options to offer- naturalist-guided hiking, wildlife viewing, and backpacking in Jackson Hole and Grand Teton National Park. Nature awaits you! holehike.com | 307-690-4453 Things to know before your hike... What’s the driving time to the trailhead? What is the activity level of your group? Are you hiking with small children? What are the trail conditions? Verify at visitor centers or ranger stations. Do you have bear spray?


While we recommend taking at least one hike in Grand Teton National Park during your stay (see page 26), great hiking is also found throughout the rest of Jackson Hole in the Bridger-Teton National Forest. Near the town of Jackson, Goodwin Lake Trail and the Cache Creek trail system are popular, low-stress options. More challenging trails zigzag up Snow King Mountain. Halfway up Teton Pass, in Wilson, you’ll find the Phillips Canyon Road and the trailhead for a handful of trails accessing the southern end of the Tetons, including the Teton Crest Trail. Ski Lake is a favorite, moderate, 5-mile round-trip hike in this area. For more information on hiking in Jackson Hole, visit jht.guide/hike


Both Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and Snow King offer ropes course adventures. Aerial challenges include riding ziplines and walking over moving wooden pieces.


jacksonholetraveler.com | 55 Amazing wildlife abounds in Jackson Hole, and most visitors are fortunate enough to catch a glimpse or two of one of our most iconic animals while traveling through the valley. But if you want an absolute guarantee to see large, impressive animals up close, visit a nearby wildlife preserve. YELLOWSTONEBEARWORLD DON’T MISS GREATER YELLOWSTONE’S only drivethrough wildlife preserve! View grizzlies, black bears and many other species of wildlife in their natural habitat, all from the comfort and safety of your vehicle. On our wildlife excursion tour, experienced guides enlighten you with animal facts throughout your drive in the park. Open seasonally mid-May through mid-October. yellowstonebearworld.com | 208-359-9688 6010 S Bear World, Rexburg, ID 10: VISIT A WILDLIFE ATTRACTION BUFFALO ROAM TOURS GEYSERS, BISON AND BEARS—OH MY! Explore the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem with our fun, knowledgeable naturalists. Experience these wild places and leave with a deep, memorable connection. Small, private, guided tours in Grand Teton and Yellowstone parks. Come roam with us! buffaloroamtours.com | 307-413-0954 info@buffaloroamtours.com 11: TAKE A WILDLIFE TOUR SCENIC SAFARIS EXPERIENCE YOUR NEXT TRIP TO YELLOWSTONE AND GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARKS with a Scenic Safaris summer tour. Geysers, wildlife and amazing views await. You can explore the area by UTV, river float or luxury van with our trained guides. Interested in a non-guided rental? You can rent our side-by-sides for a couple of hours or for a full day. Join us and explore the most popular national parks in America! scenic-safaris.com | 307-734-8898 1255 S Hwy 89, Jackson


Jackson Hole Mountain Resort’s Sightseeing Pass allows unlimited, all-day access to the iconic Aerial Tram, Bridger Gondola and Sweetwater Gondola!

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The Bridger Gondola offers a wide range of hiking and dining activities from where it tops out at 9,095 feet. Take the 12-minute ride to explore the expansive network of hiking trails. Then treat yourself to a cold drink before the ride or hike down. Down at the base of the resort, the Sweetwater Gondola accesses several family-friendly hiking trails as well as the upper part of the downhill mountain bike park. No downhill bike? No problem. You can rent bikes and gear at JH Sports.

Jackson Hole

whisks passengers an amazing 4,139 vertical feet up for unbeatable, 360-degree views of the Tetons and the surrounding national park. Sightseers often spot a variety of wildlife during the ride!

Teton Village, located just 12 miles from downtown Jackson, is home to the world-famous Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, known to many ski and snowboard aficionados as The Big One. It is also located just 1 mile from Grand Teton National Park’s southern entrance. One of the premier destination resorts in the country, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort is an outdoor enthusiast’s playground, offering endless possibilities for adventure. Shopping, dining, free concerts, kids camps, mountain biking, hiking and paragliding are just the beginning of the offerings at this family-friendly destination. There really is something for everyone!


*Bike park lift ticket sold separately


888-DEEP-SNOW | jacksonhole.com @jacksonhole #jacksonhole

Hikers and sightseers can explore the mountains in whatever way suits them best: riding up and hiking down, riding the whole way or creating a combination that caters best to the group. Ride the world-famous 100-passenger Jackson Hole Aerial Tram from Teton Village to the summit of Rendezvous Mountain, at 10,450 feet, and stand on the crest of the Teton Range. This unforgettable ride

Led by Executive Chef Michael Britton, Piste Mountain Bistro offers an exciting menu of locally sourced dishes that you can savor yourself or share with the table. The Deck at Piste offers casual dining, shared plates, tasty brews and creative cocktails along with its breathtaking view of the valley from a 9,095-foot perch. Evening gondola access is included with your full-day sightseeing ticket, Summer Sightseeing Pass, 2023 winter Full-Season Pass or Piste Mountain Bistro reservation. A separate evening-only (after 5 p.m.) gondola ticket can be purchased for $15.


There is a splendid variety of dining opportunities in Teton Village, from delicious pizzas to gourmet dinners with a view. Stop by RPK3, Teton Village’s newest slopeside establishment with a modern bar. For an unparalleled evening experience, take a ride to the top of the Bridger Gondola and try our top-rated restaurants overlooking the greater Teton valley.

If you prefer to explore the mountains by foot, you’ll be delighted to learn that Jackson Hole Mountain Resort offers an extensive hiking trail system. Beautiful hiking trails connect at the top of Bridger Gondola through Tensleep Bowl. The trails link from the bottom of the mountain all the way up to the summit. Great views of the valley, the Aerial Tram, Bridger Gondola and wildflowers can be soaked in, to the fullest, as the trails boast benches at several scenic points. There is even a picnic table that offers shade and one of the best views around. You can choose hikes lasting anywhere from 20 minutes to more than three hours round trip The Kids Ranch is the ideal place for children to grow, explore and learn about Jackson Hole, with great day camp and bike-clinic programs—Grand Adventure Camp and JH Sports Youth Bike Camp. Hiking and a variety of other fun outdoor adventures keep kids energized, while a science project or ride on the Aerial Tram and Bridger Gondola can add wonder into the day. Arts and crafts, water play in the pop-jet fountain, or mountain bike riding round out the experience. A summer favorite is bike camps for all ages, where young rippers can learn fun and safe mountain biking skills. The well-trained and fun-loving staff at the Kids Ranch will have your children demanding a return trip!

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In 2020, the famous, 24-year-old grizzly bear No. 399 emerged from hibernation in Grand Teton National Park with a record-breaking four cubs! jht.guide/bears TRAVELER TIP




Beginning at 2 p.m., families can enjoy discounted downhill mountain biking, sightseeing and drink specials at RPK3, followed by live music. Concerts on the Commons, a free outdoor concert series, happens Sunday evenings in July and August at 5 p.m. It’s a great chance to experience a variety of local and national musical performances in a truly memorable setting. Embrace the serenity of your surroundings with elevated Yoga on the Deck at the top of the Bridger Gondola. Sign up online, then visit the Mountain Sports School sales desk in the Bridger Building to pick up your ticket to ride up the gondola for class.



58 | jacksonholetraveler.com



DOWNHILL BIKE PARK park or downhill biking expedition. They also host JH Sports Youth Bike Camp. If you are hitting the trails or cruising along the scenic bike path north into Grand Teton National Park or south into Wilson and need road bikes, pathway bikes, e-bikes and kids bikes—Teton Village Sports has you covered. Teton Village Sports is also home to Grand Fishing Adventures, which is the only fly fishing shop in Teton Village with all the supplies you need for a day on the river.

Teton Village has a central commons area and a fantastic amphitheater that provides a gorgeous setting for evening entertainment for the whole family.

Playing music with Tram Jam at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort Concert on the Commons in summer Listening to polka at the Alpenhof

There are multiple trails of varying ability providing plenty of fun and challenge for everyone, from new bikers to the seasoned rider. The trails have a progressive rating system, just like the ski trails. Wide, smooth “green” trails cater to the largest number of riders, but you can work your way up in difficulty to the “blue” trails with their banked turns, or the “dark blue” and “black” trails, which provide tight turns, drop features and big jumps. Ride the Sweetwater Gondola up 1,276 vertical feet with your bike to ride down on one of our three newest trails. Options abound for every level including novice trails for the uninitiated as well as eye-opening advanced trails and jump tracks. Sail over tabletops, flow around corners and then catch the Teewinot lift or Sweetwater Gondola for a 5-minute ride back to the top. Should you need to rent a bike or bike gear, JH Sports in Teton Village has an expert staff that can outfit you and your family for any bike

Jackson Hole Mountain Resort’s downhill mountain bike park is accessed via the Teewinot chairlift and Sweetwater Gondola. Built by Gravity Logic, the world’s premier mountain bike park developer, this park represents the finest in trail design and construction.

Famous for world-class skiing, breathtaking scenery and a truly Western spirit, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort (JHMR) extends a world of wonder to new and returning visitors alike. No other resort in North America offers such a completely authentic ski vacation.

WINTER jacksonholetraveler.com | 59

Rendezvous and Après Vous mountains can accommodate beginners through experts, and every adventurer in between. Situated in the heart of the Tetons and home to North America’s most iconic lift, the Aerial Tram, JHMR has the country’s longest vertical rise served by a single lift. As a counterpoint to the vast, yet challenging terrain accessed via the tram, the high-speed Bridger Gondola provides acres of moderate, groomed slopes for the intermediate skier. The Sweetwater Gondola, located between the Bridger Gondola and Teewinot High Speed Quad, has a mid-station approximately a third of the way up the mountain, in the Solitude area. It then proceeds upward to its termination just uphill of the Casper Restaurant. This gondola provides access to terrain perfect for beginners and intermediates. Families and individuals will enjoy exploring the mountain with our Mountain Sports School instructors and unique Backcountry Guide program. Improved grooming and snowmaking across the mountain continue to be a priority at the resort as well.

Forgot your goggles? Need to rent skis? The friendly and professional staff at JH Sports and Teton Village Sports, are prepared to get you on the mountain quickly. Have kids? Make a stop at the Kids Ranch facilities, where children learn to ski and so much more. With reliable snow, friendly staff and great terrain for all abilities, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort is a memorable vacation destination for all types of skiers and riders. Come experience Western hospitality at its finest this winter in Teton Village. For the latest mountain information and daily condition updates, visit jacksonhole.com or download our free app, JH Tapped (available on Android and iPhone).

Best of all, you can now enjoy a highspeed, scenic ride on the ski area’s Hill” KING

The Snow King Gondola is a must do for any visit to Jackson Hole to see the best views around of the Tetons, Town of Jackson, and Elk Refuge.

eet Snow King Mountain—the “Town Hill” and oldest ski area in Wyoming—not to mention a fun-filled, family destination for a multitude of adventures.SnowKing first established Jackson’s reputation as a ski town in the 1930s. With 400 skiable acres, a terrain park, four lifts, 32 runs, magic carpets and the only night skiing around, Snow King is a world-class ski resort right in the heart of Jackson. Acting as both the winter and summer sports hub in town, The King is home to activities like snow tubing, year-round mountain roller-coaster riding, an alpine slide, Treetop Adventure ropes course, a miniature golf course, paragliding, hiking, biking, bungee trampolines, an interactive maze, and a bouldering park.




“Jackson’s Town


307-201-KING | 402 E Snow King Ave, Jackson snowkingmountain.com | @snowkingmountain | #snowkingmountain brand new 8-person gondola and marvel at the unprecedented, 360-degree views of Jackson Hole and the Teton Range—and on a clear day, you can even see all the way to Yellowstone National Park. The gondi ride is not to be missed!

The King’s Grill is an All-American restaurant in the Rafferty Center, steps away from the Cowboy Coaster. It is open daily for lunch or dinner, and frequently has specials on food and/or adult beverages. The Snow King Cafe is located in the Lodge Room, adjacent to the Snow King Sports & Events Center, and finally, the Panorama House at the summit of the mountain offers a bar, outdoor BBQ in the summer months, crepes, and snacks year round.

Skiing & Snowboarding



Adding a full day or afternoon at Snow King to your summer vacation itinerary is a must for both the young and the young-at-heart. It’s a mecca of fun and adventure. Hike or bike up on the 1,500-vertical extensive trail network or reach the top by the gondola. Get your adrenaline pumping on the Treetop Adventure Course. Clip-in and ride zip lines, shimmy over suspended bridges, scramble up nets, cross swinging logs and even ride an aerial skateboard. This adventure is essentially a high-flying tour of the forest!

The Winter Big King Pass includes unlimited rides on all open winter activities including the Cowboy Coaster, King Tubes and skiing or snowboarding during the day and night. The Triple Play Winter Pass throws relentless winter fun at you with the most popular nonskiing winter action. You get one round-trip scenic gondola ride, an hour on the Cowboy Coaster and an hour of tubing.

• Alpine Slide

TreeTop Adventure Park

Cowboy Coaster

Kids under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult. The Flying Squirrel Course is designed for kids ages 7 to 12. The Cowboy Coaster and alpine slide will also provide a jolt of excitement. Get the best value in Jackson Hole with unlimited all-day, all-mountain access to visitors’ favorite things to do in Jackson Hole with the Big King Pass


Extreme Zipline

In winter, Snow King Mountain Resort is the place for uncrowded skiing and snowboarding day or night, snow tubing and ski instruction. Snow King has the steepest ski racing course in the lower 48 states, which draws U.S. Ski Team members to train. On the other hand, there’s a whole separate side of the mountain with blues and greens for beginners and a new “sunny side” boasting its own chairlift and intermediate terrain (the Sun Bowl). Two new magic carpets can be found at the summit of the mountain for beginners providing the most picturesque spot to learn to ski in the country.


Miniature Golf • Amaze’n Maze

Tubing • Ice skating


Scenic Gondola

• Rock Climbing

The Big King Pass Lite includes all the Big King Pass has to offer except the ropes course fun at Treetop Adventure.

Located on the western slopes of the Tetons, Grand Targhee Resort is an adventure-lovers paradise. Enjoy the quiet side of the range and experience world-class trail systems, legendary alpine views, and the laid-back western feel.

Alta, Wyoming grandtarghee.com | 307-353-2300 800-TARGHEE (827-4433) | 3300 Ski Hill, Alta, WY

Time to Chow You’ll work up an appetite. Munching at the Trap Bar and Grill is a no-brainer when recreating at Targhee. Have a cold beer, a tasty burger, or Wydaho Nachos while enjoying the sunny deck. The Branding Iron Restaurant is also located in the main plaza and is home to some of the best food in the area. The menu features in-house specials, including fresh local ingredients and Wyoming-raised beef.

Located on the snowier side of the Tetons, Grand Targhee Resort combines a laid-back vibe with over 500 inches of powder each year. Next season, the new Colter Lift on Peaked Mountain will open over 600 pristine acres of skiable terrain giving skiers and riders access to more fall lines, open glades, world-class side-country, and extraordinary views.


Here’s how families and adrenaline junkies alike can experience all that Grand Targhee has to offer. Get settled in one of several lodges at the base of the Ghee and prepare to unplug. The quaint mountain village is the perfect place to get away from it all.


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A Scenic Chair Lift Ride Start the morning by jumping on the Dreamcatcher chair for a ride to the top of Fred’s Mountain. Words and pictures simply do not do the views justice.



It’s a mountain biker and adventure-lovers paradise. The mountain serves up over 70 miles of biking, including 18+ miles of lift-served downhill trails and 50+ miles of flowing cross-country trails. Even if you are not a savant on two wheels, there are trails built for riders of all levels. You can rent bikes and all the gear at Teton Mountain Outfitters. Hiking Anyone? Whether you are looking for a quiet stroll through the aspens or trying to reach serious summits, we’ve got it all with over 50 miles of hiking trails. If you are interested in getting the inside scoop, our on-mountain naturalist offers guided hikes based out of our nature center. Even if you only want to learn about the area’s plants and animals, it’s worth a stop.

So Much More If you’ve got young ones in tow, Targhee’s got you covered with the Kid’s Adventure Zone which includes a climbing wall, bungee trampoline, and a mining company. Really want to deep dive into that western culture? Enjoy Targhee via horseback with guided rides from a local cowboy. There’s so much to do that you’ll be planning another visit in no time.

1964: A Californian named Paul McCollister purchases 166 acres at the base of Rendezvous Mountain and forms the Jackson Hole Ski Corporation, the precursor to Jackson Hole Mountain Resort.

1965: Jackson Hole Ski Corporation opens Après Vous Mountain to the public.

1966: The Jackson Hole Aerial Tram starts taking skiers to the top of Rendezvous, solidifying Jackson Hole as an international ski destination.

1939: Snow King opens, becoming Wyoming’s first ski area.


1946: Neil Rafferty installs the first chairlift in Wyoming on Snow King, driven by the wheels of an Army pickup truck.


10 THINGS TO DO in Winter W

Snow King Mountain Resort, known as the “Town Hill,” boasts one of the steepest sustained pitches, topto-bottom, of any area in the lower 48 states. A favorite lunchtime destination for locals, it hosts many national ski teams during the early season and local, state and regional alpine races throughout the winter. The King also offers night skiing under the lights until 7 p.m. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort was named the No. 1 Ski Resort in North America by Forbes magazine eight years in a row when the magazine used to publish that list. Considered the closest to a European ski experience within the U.S., JHMR provides acres of expert terrain and out-of-bound skiing, plus the longest continuous vertical drop of any ski area in the country: 4,139 feet. Grand Targhee Resort is located on the typically snowier west side of the Tetons in Alta, Wyoming, and is known for the most powder days of any ski area in the country. With a vertical drop of 2,270 feet, it offers a mellower atmosphere with excellent skiing for all abilities.

jacksonholetraveler.com | 63 ith an average annual snowfall ranging from 450 inches to more than 500, skiing in and around Jackson Hole is world-class.

1925: Early valley skiers transition from using a single pole, placed between the legs to slow down, to using two poles and making turns.

1930s: Local skiers install rope tows on various mountains around Jackson Hole. Olympic ski team member Betty Woolsey arrives in the valley to train. Paul and Curly Petzoldt and Fred Brown ski the first-known descent of Rendezvous Mountain, the future home of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort.


EXPERIENCE TRUE WINTER EXCITEMENT! Join our knowledgeable and experienced guides via snowmobile or snowcoach on a tour of Yellowstone National Park’s sights, such as Old Faithful and the Grand Canyon, or on a custom multi-day trip. Backcountry snowmobile tours also available in the Gros Ventre and Togwotee, or to Granite Hot Springs. scenic-safaris.com | 307-734-8898 1255 S Hwy 89, Jackson

JACKSON HOLE’S LEADING “DO-IT-YOURSELF” RENTAL AND RETAIL OUTDOOR STORE SINCE 1986. Rent the latest Ski-Doo snowmobiles and SUVs to pull them. Enjoy many of the local hot spots like Granite Creek Hot Springs and Togwotee Pass. We rent adventure. jacksonholefun.com | 307-733-3040 1075 S Hwy 89, Jackson With hundreds of miles of trails and some of the most beautiful winter terrain in the country to explore, a snowmobile trip in Jackson Hole is a day you won’t soon forget. Rent a snowmobile or join an outfitter for a guided half- or full-day tour. The latter excursions are generally early wake-up affairs that make the most of an entire day of snowmobiling.

GO COACH! Experience the snow-covered roads of Yellowstone National Park in a snowcoach—one of the only ways to access Old Faithful in the winter. Snowcoach tours provide a warmer, more social and relaxing alternative to snowmobiling. Also offered are guided interpretations of the wildlife, history and geological features of the world’s first national park.

3: PLAY IN THE SNOW Old Pass Road, Cache Creek Trail, R Park and Rangeview Park are popular places to sled and play in the snow. You can buy sleds, tubes and saucers at Headwall Sports. King Tubes (Snow King). Anyone taller than 42 inches can snow tube. $20/hour. Buy an extra hour for $10. Grand Targhee Resort Tubing Park. A magic carpet whisks you up the hill for each tube run. $15.

64 | jacksonholetraveler.com




WHERE TO YellowstoneGONational Park is closed to regular vehicular traffic in winter, making a snowmobile tour on the park’s snow-covered roads a special, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Zoom along the Continental Divide trail system on the No. 1-ranked snowmobile terrain in the country, Togwotee Pass. Cruise out to Granite Hot Springs and then hop into the welcoming thermal pool.

365 DAYS A YEAR! Explore the wildlife hotspots on and off the beaten path while sharing the day with a fun and knowledgeable naturalist guide. We will make the most of your time in the region. Book your tour today! jhecotouradventures.com | 307-690-9533

FOR MORE THAN 100 YEARS, thousands of elk have wintered in Jackson Hole. Learn about the herd and refuge from your guide as you view them up close. Elk aren’t the only wildlife you’ll see, either! Trips depart from the North Cache Visitor Center. bart5.com | 307-733-0277 Riding on a horse-drawn sleigh is one of the most unique ways to enjoy the winter landscape and to get up close to wild animals.



Imagine silently gliding through the snow on a sled powered by an experienced team of Alaskan huskies. Dog-sledding tours have a variety of prices, as they are very customizable, from half days to multiple overnights.



Held during Jackson Hole’s annual WinterFest in late January/early February, the Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race is the only race of its kind. Similar to the Tour de France, it travels through seven different Wyoming towns (and one in Idaho) starting and finishing in Jackson Hole. Watch a Dog Sled Race

SNOWCAPPED OLD-GROWTH GROVES, PRISTINE TETON VIEWS, and one wild ride through the BridgerTeton and Shoshone national forests. Come join us for a genuine dog-mushing experience! Travel at the speed of dog on our half-day, full-day and overnight trips and explore the backcountry like never before! dogsledadventures.com | 307-851-6539




Take in Jackson Hole’s amazing wilderness on crosscountry skis, snowshoes—or a “fat bike.” With most of the roads in Grand Teton National Park closed in the winter, a half- or full-day tour with an outfitter such as Hole Hiking Experience or Teton Mountain Bike Tours offers a truly unique glimpse into the park’s winter habitat. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort also offers guided tours, classes and rental gear. Day passes are available to groomed trail systems at Teton Pines Cross Country Ski Center, Grand Targhee Nordic Ski Area and Trail Creek Nordic Center. Looking for an all-inclusive experience? Stay in a cozy cabin at Triangle X Guest Ranch, the only concession open in Grand Teton National Park in the winter, which offers cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and wildlife viewing right outside your front door. Or go to Brooks Lake Lodge & Spa, on the eastern edge of Jackson Hole, where you can enjoy miles of Nordic trails, plus ice fishing, snowmobiling and more. For do-it-yourselfers, multiple options are available throughout the valley. Teton County grooms many of its pathways in the wintertime. Popular destinations include the Cache Creek and Game Creek trails near the town of Jackson, the Snake River levee at Emily Stevens Park and the Wilson Centennial Pathway. In Grand Teton National Park, skiers and snowshoers enjoy the trails to Bradley and Taggart lakes and the Phelps Lake overlook.

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THE HOLE EXPERIENCEHIKING SNOWSHOE AND CROSS-COUNTRY SKI TOURS. Jackson’s original nature company—since 1989. Get off the beaten track and explore Jackson Hole and Grand Teton National Park with a naturalist guide. Our tours are fun, informative and catered to your activity level and interests. All ages and abilities welcome. holehike.com | 307-690-4453


JACKSON HOLE NORDIC LOCAL, TRUSTED SOURCE FOR NORDIC SKI TRAILS for skate and cross-country skiing, fat-biking, and snowshoeing in and around Jackson Hole, Grand Teton National Park and Teton Valley, Idaho. Jackson Hole Nordic provides  100+ GPS trail maps, events, lessons, rentals, grooming and daily trail reports. jhnordic.com


JD HIGH COUNTRY CARRIES A LARGE SELECTION OF XC SKIS and snowshoes for sale, as well as offering daily rentals. Plus advice and expertise from our staff members to help you have a great day! jdhcoutfitters.com | 307-733-3270 50 E Broadway, Jackson


Jackson Hole is internationally renowned for its backcountry skiing and snowboarding. With access available from the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, Teton Pass and Grand Teton National Park, getting into the backcountry is easier than ever. But be warned: It’s also easier than ever to find yourself in trouble. Teton County Search and Rescue volunteers and Grand Teton park rangers are dispatched several times a year to extract the unaware or unprepared from the Teton backcountry. Injuries and fatalities caused by avalanches and falls off of cliffs also occur far too frequently, even with the most experienced skiers and snowboarders. All backcountry users, regardless of their chosen mode of travel—alpine or Nordic skis, snowboard, snowshoes or ice axe and crampons (for ice climbers)— need to be prepared for and educated about every possible condition and scenario. An avalanche course is highly recommended. Start at a local shop like Teton Mountaineering or Wilson Backcountry Sports to find out what information and gear is required for a successful backcountry experience. Or contact a local guide company, such as Exum Mountain Guides or Jackson Hole Mountain Guides, about available courses and trips. Whether you head into the backcountry with or without a guide, always check the avalanche conditions first at jhavalanche.org.

| 67 Talk

Teton Village Ice Rink at the base of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. Open daily from 3 to 9 p.m. Skate rentals ($15) are available in the warming hut next to the rink.


Winter Wonderland on the Town Square Free hot chocolate and skate rentals ($15) are available in the Stage Stop building from 4:30 to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday and noon to 9 p.m. on weekends.

HIGHHELI-SKIINGMOUNTAIN UNTRACKED, UNTOUCHED, UNBELIEVABLE! Since 1974, High Mountain Heli-Skiing has been offering our guests the ultimate deep-powder heli-skiing experience in Jackson Hole. Vast open bowls, steep chutes, enchanted forests and glades can all be yours to explore. Let the guides with 50 years of experience show you the adventure. heliskijackson.com | 307-733-3274


jacksonholetraveler.com about once-in-a-lifetime experiences! There is no better way to fill your day with run after run of untouched powder than heli-skiing. Your flight will take you deep into the mountains around Jackson Hole, where a guide will point out the best bowls, chutes and glades so you can make turns of a lifetime.

Rodeo Grounds Rink Family skate time: 2 to 4 p.m. daily

Owen Bircher Park Rink Family skate time: noon to 2 p.m. daily

Public ice skating Monday to Friday, noon to 2 p.m. Adults: $8; kids: $6; rentals: $5. Jackson Hole Moose Hockey: 30-game home schedule at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights throughout the winter. Adults: $10; kids: $5 snowkingsec.com | 307-201-1633

Powderhorn Park Rink Family skate time: noon to 8:30 p.m. daily



Corner of Broadway & King Street JACKSON HOLE, WY FineIndianArt.com 307-733-2677 Fine Indian Art p Since 1976 o

YIPPY I-O CANDY CO. FIND HAPPINESS AT YIPPY-I-O. Our Candy Shop has been a tradition in the valley since 1993. Yippy I-O is the perfect spot to stock up on huckleberry gift items & locally made treats to take home with you. We have over a thousand different kinds of candy to choose from. Come check out our best sellers including our fresh homemade fudge, salt water taffy and Jelly Belly products. You are sure to find something you’ll love. yippyi-ocandy.com | 307-739-3020 84 E Broadway, Jackson Where to Shop

70 | jacksonholetraveler.com NEW WEST KNIFEWORKS KNIFE ART MADE IN THE TETONS. The ultimate locally made take-home from Jackson Hole is a chef’s knife from New West KnifeWorks. 100% American made. Lifetime guarantee and sharpening. “As beautiful as it is useful”—New York Times “Our favorite knives”—Saveur “Knife art”—Fine Cooking newwestknifeworks.com | 307-733-4193 98 Center, Jackson NE corner of Town Square ... or a friend or family member back home to a unique, one-of-a-kind Jackson Hole item. From Teton-inspired jewelry to customizable, hand-branded gloves, there’s a perfect gift for each special person in your life. UNIQUE LOCAL FINDS JW BENNETT DISCOVER THE SHAPE OF WESTERN STYLE. Founded on a proud Wyoming heritage that embraces the people, integrity and lasting values of the West, JW Bennett hats are handcrafted using refined skill, attention to detail and traditional techniques. Our style is modern, sophisticated, gritty and beautiful. Visit our store for a personal experience with founder Sarah Kjorstad and leave with a memory of the Mountain West that is uniquely yours. jwbennett.com | 307-201-5669 55 N Glenwood, Jackson WORKSHOP HAND. MADE. THINGS. Workshop is a boutique specializing in contemporary crafts by local and national artists and home to Susan Fleming’s jewelry studio. We offer a unique mix of locally handcrafted ceramics and jewelry, home goods and gifts and apparel. workshopjh.com | 307-203-7856 180 E Deloney, Jackson Off the Town Square Treat Yourself

jacksonholetraveler.com | 71 MOUNTAIN MAN TOY SHOP DANGEROUS TOYS FOR BIG BOYS. Show the folks at home how they field-dress speed goats in these parts. Locally forged, custom Damascus knives, USA-made pocket knives and tomahawks line the walls of this shop. Try on the sustainable bison-fur coats to answer the call of the mountain man or woman in you. mtnmengifts.com | 307-733-4193 98 Center, Jackson | NE corner of Town Square MADE WYOMING FLAG GLASS BELT BUCKLE. MADE and Mountain Dandy are a pair of shops in downtown Jackson Hole focused on the American maker and all things handmade, with a vintage twist. MADE is home to this unique Wyoming flag glass belt buckle made by a local artist. madejacksonhole.com | 307-690-7957 Gaslight Alley, 125 N Cache St, Jackson SCHUSS FINE KNITWEAR 100% MERINO LAMBSWOOL SWEATERS ARE KNIT IN A SMALL VILLAGE IN BAVARIA. The old-school style, warmth, and outstanding performance are the perfect compliment to our cool Wyoming summer nights! schussfineknitwear.com At Teton Village Sports and Bella Cose on King St LEATHERCOPPERDOTGOODS HANDMADE BAGS BUILT TO OUTLIVE YOU. Inspired by the rugged unencumbered Wyoming terrain, each Copperdot bag is hand constructed in Jackson Hole. The exquisite leather, solid hardware, and hand hammered copper rivets yield a distinctive look that is a blend of fine equestrian tack and luxury handbag. copperdotleather.com | 307-690-4564


Embodying the

design, a single vibrant Akoya, Golden South Sea, or Tahitian Pearl adorns a faceted 18 karat gold bangle. Simple yet eye-catching, these bracelets add a captivating sparkle to every occasion. Stack one of each together for a striking combination. pearlsbyshari.com | 307-734-0553 90 E Broadway, Jackson | 513 Main, Park City, UT

PEARL SPARKLE BANGLES. essence minimalist

72 | jacksonholetraveler.com JACKSON JEWELERYHOLECO. VOTED BEST OF JACKSON HOLE 2020, Jackson Hole Jewelry Co. has become the preeminent jeweler for locals and world travelers alike. Specializing in the curation of unique jewelry, the jeweler is widely known for the iconic Teton Stacking Rings™, featuring rings made of gold, diamonds and naturally-colored gemstones. You won’t want to miss these bespoke crafted jewels of the West. jacksonholejewelry.com | 307-201-1722 60 E Broadway, Jackson DANSHELLEY JEWELERS REFLECTING OUR BEAUTIFUL ENVIRONMENT is definitely what you will experience at this gallery. Extensive collections of wildlife, scenic, and native gemstones. Experience unique one of a kind designs for lasting memories. danshelley.com | 307-733-2259 125 N Cache, Jackson SHOPPING in Jackson Hole From Western to contemporary, homewares to hats, jewelry to art—whatever your taste, you’ll find an incredible selection of shops and boutiques in Jackson. There are also a number in Wilson, Moose and Teton Village. Traveler’s FREE Wi-Fi on the Town Square: Join FREE-JacksonHoleTraveler Wi-Fi and utilize the Local Specials for shopping and dining.


jacksonholetraveler.com | 73 KISMET FINE RUGS AS THE ONLY LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED RUG GALLERY IN JACKSON FOR OVER 30 YEARS, Kismet is the leader in exquisite, fine rugs. Our collection includes modern, contemporary, tribal, antique and traditional designs. kismetrugs.com | 307-739-8984 150 E Broadway, Jackson JH SPORTS THE VILLAGE HUB FOR BIKE, SKI AND SNOWBOARD RENTALS, outerwear and accessories, as well as boot fitting, ski repairs and tuning. The largest retailer of outdoor lifestyle apparel in the valley, we offer bicycle rentals, biking equipment and more during the summer. jacksonhole.com | 307-739-2687 Bridger Center, Teton Village HOBACK SPORTS HOBACK SPORTS IS YOUR ONE-STOP specialty bike, ski and snowboard shop. Whether your passion is powder, steep singletrack or logging miles on the pavement, Hoback Sports will outfit you with the best equipment and outdoor apparel to suit your needs. hobacksports.com | 307-733-5335 520 W Broadway, #3, Jackson Where to Shop TWO GREY HILLS SINCE 1976, TWO GREY HILLS INDIAN ARTS & JEWELRY has specialized in exceptional Navajo rugs, award-winning Pueblo pottery and the finest Native American jewelry. Our family takes pride in offering you a wonderful selection with knowledgeable and friendly service. Take home a memorable piece of the West with a multi-stone inlay bear or buffalo pendant. fineindianart.com | 307-733-2677 Corner of Broadway and King, Jackson

74 | jacksonholetraveler.com TETON VILLAGE SPORTS TETON VILLAGE SPORTS IS THE OLDEST SPECIALTY RETAILER AND SKI SHOP IN JACKSON HOLE. TVS offers a premier selection of hard and soft goods from top brands, ski and bike rentals, repairs and professional boot fitting, plus full-service guided fishing trips with Grand Fishing Adventures. tetonvillagesports.com | 307-733-2181 3285 W McCollister, Teton Village LEE’S TEES THE PERFECT SOUVENIR. Lee’s Tees designs with various artists and tee-shirt companies to create custom Jackson Hole tees, sweatshirts and hats for all ages. Come in and check out our new colors and designs for summer! leestees.com | 307-733-6671 10 E Broadway, Jackson Where to Shop TETON TOYS ATTENTION KIDS!  Come enjoy serving your family from our play diner and conducting trains on our train tables. When you’re done playing, check out our amazing selection of toys, games and puzzles for all ages. Located on the Town Square, INSIDE of Lee’s Tees and Starbucks. tetontoys.com | 307-200-6066 10 E Broadway, Jackson JACKSONPENDLETONHOLE BEAUTIFUL + COZY BLANKETS. Beautiful blanket selection of both traditional and Native American designs. Home accessories, clothing and accessories for men and women. Personal service and custom designs. jacksonholependleton.com | 307-733-1040 30 N Center, Jackson

76 | jacksonholetraveler.com Welcome Home YOUR GATEWAY TO GRAND TETON AND YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARKS And ... enjoy a BREAKFASTexperience.wonderfuldiningORDINNER AT THE WHISTLING GRIZZLY! 930 W. BROADWAY • JACKSON HOLE • THEWYOMINGINN.COM • (307) 734-0035

jhgtc.com | 307-733-7788 5000 Spring Gulch Rd, Jackson UNMATCHED VIEWS AND CLASSIC COUNTRY CLUB FARE await you at the North Grille restaurant at Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis Club. Relax on the fireside patio or in the casual restaurant and bar, and enjoy this spectacular backdrop. NORTH GRILLE JACKSON HOLE GOLF & TENNIS CLUB Where to Eat

78 | jacksonholetraveler.com ALPENHOF NUTELLA CRÊPES. Treat yourself to a hearty European breakfast from our full buffet or choose from one of our irresistible indulgences like rich Swedish pancakes or a Tram croissant with eggs, bacon and cheese—the perfect fuel for an adventure-filled day. Circle back for a delicious lunch including flavorful sandwiches, salads, strudels and a special Bavarian platter. alpenhoflodge.com | 307-733-3242 3255 W Village, Teton Village Indulge your taste buds at some of the locals’ favorite haunts for breaking bread. LOCAL FAVORITES Jackson Hole Traveler PEARL STREET BAGELS BEST BREWED. PEARL STREET BAGELS brews locally roasted, organic Bolivian house coffee, as well as a rotating special coffee, handpicked from our favorite small roasters around the country. We are passionate about staying on top of trends in the coffee world and serving amazing drinks from our full espresso bar. pearlstreetbagels.com 307-739-1218 | 145 W Pearl, Jackson 307-739-1261 | 5674 Hwy 22, Wilson MIAZGA’S COMFORT FOOD! We’re serving up the homestyle comfort food and simple, classic dishes we grew up eating and loving at mom-and-pop shops back East. This Polish platter sampler includes our family’s top-secret recipe for pierogis, housemade sauerkraut and kielbasa. Our menu is guaranteed to fill your belly and warm your heart. miazgas.com | 307-733-2784 399 W Broadway, Jackson

palatejh.com |

THE BUNNERY ALL-NATURAL GRANOLAS. The Bunnery offers a selection of unique granola, oatmeal and pancake and waffle mixes at the counter and online. Oats, sunflower seeds and millet (O.S.M.) are the foundation for these delicious high-fiber, nutrient-rich blends—a perfect breakfast or snack!  bunnery.com 307-733-5474 N Cache, Jackson PALATE, OVERLOOKING THE ELK REFUGE AND SNOW KING, is a food experience unparalleled in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Find inventive dishes presented in a creative way, like our Bison Gyro—housemade pita, zucchini babaganoush, yogurt feta, pickled onion, and cucumber. Sip a glass of rosé on the patio, linger over your meal and peruse the museum’s world-class art collection. 307-201-5208 Rungius, Jackson the National Museum of Wildlife Art

SUDA IZAKAYA SUSHI, RAMEN, YAKIMONO ... YOU DECIDE! SUDA Izakaya’s menu highlights include sushi and sashimi (raw fish), ramen (noodle bowls), katsu (breaded, fried items), kushi-yaki (skewered meats and veggies) and Yakimono (grilled meats). Plates are small and intended to be shared, so try them all! 307-201-1616 N Cache, Jackson


sudajh.com |






jacksonholetraveler.com | 79 CAFÉ GENEVIEVE PIG CANDY. It’s the item you must try at Café Genevieve, whether as an appetizer, in a salad or topping your bloody mary. Expertly made in-house daily. We coat thick, applewoodsmoked bacon with a blend of dried sugars and spices, then bake it low-and-slow for the perfect bite. Also ... a perfect gift! genevievejh.com | 307-732-1910 135 E Broadway, Jackson



SADDLE UP WITH THE BEST OF THE WEST and taste a true local spirit. Non-GMO corn, wheat and barley, all grown in Wyoming, combined with ancient limestone water, make for an impressive whiskey. Swing by any local tavern, restaurant or liquor store and discover for yourself. wyomingwhiskey.com 307-864-2116 100 S Nelson, Kirby, WY

80 | jacksonholetraveler.com

WINNER OF 2015 BEST SMALL BREW PUB and 2017 Best Brewing Group at the Great American Beer Festival. Melvin Brewing got its start brewing in the Kloset of Thai Me Up back in 2010 and still brews small-batch, specialty beers on-site just for the pub, which offers spicy Thai food, local burgers, fusion pub fare and award-winning IPAs, pouring Melvin beer and serving food until 11 p.m. It’s hard not to see us while you’re in town. Located one block from the Town Square, across from the fire department. melvinbrewing.com 307-733-0005 75 E Pearl, Jackson | Just off the Town Square

BREWINGROADHOUSECO. ROADHOUSE BREWING CO. IS A MODERN BREWERY THAT EMBODIES THE AUTHENTIC SPIRIT OF THE WEST. Founded on a passion for craft beer, craft cuisine and a reverence for the natural world, Roadhouse beers both challenge the status quo and lean into the simple pleasures of life. Try them for yourself at the brewery’s Pub and Eatery located on Town Square, with 30 taps and a seasonally rotating food menu. roadhousebrewery.com | 307-264-1900 20 E Broadway,SavorJacksonandthen stock your bar with some of Jackson Hole’s home-grown libations, which are as heady, wild and glacially pure as Wyoming itself.


LOCAL LIBATIONS Jackson Hole TravelerWhere to Buy Beer, Wine + Spirits Creekside Market 545 N Cache, Jackson Plaza Liquors 832 W Broadway, Jackson Bin22 200 W Broadway, Jackson Mangy Moose 3295 Village Dr, Teton Village Bodega 3200 W McCollister, Teton Village


citrusy hop flavor that




THIS YEAR WHEN THE SNOW MELTS, JACKSON’S TOP APRÈS SKI BAR is keeping the party going with the release of its new signature canned Mangy Moose Spicy Marg in a convenient four-pack, in addition to its signature Vodka. Crack a chilled Mangy Moose Spicy Marg and drink straight from the can or pour over ice. No matter where it’s enjoyed this summer or winter, the Mangy Moose Spicy Marg has just the right spice and delicious citrusy flavor with a splash of sweetness that’s made it a (secret) saloon staple for years. mangymoose.com | 307-733-4913 | 3295 Village, Teton Village


A AMONG Snake River Pale Ale an American pale brewed with domestic plenty of Golden in it has a is followed by a slightly dollar case of Snake River donated to the Snake River National Tip: Be sure to peel the label of SRB cans to reveal a hidden surprise! snakeriverbrewing.com 307-739-BEER (2337) 265 S Millward, Jackson

Park Foundation.*Drink responsibly and feel great!



malt and

Cascade hops.

Pale Ale is being

jacksonholetraveler.com | 81 JACKSON HOLE WINERY LOCAL, FAMILY-OWNED WINERY with wines made in Jackson Hole. We grow and source our grapes in primarily the Sonoma/Napa regions and then crush, produce, age and bottle all of our wine in Jackson Hole. Tastings in Jackson Hole by appointment. jacksonholewinery.com | 307-201-1057 | 2800 Boyles Hill, Jackson Gallery on Main | Hwy 41, Dayton, WY Sidekicks Book Bar | 507 Broadway, Rock Springs, WY GRAND TETON DISTILLERY TAKE THE SCENIC ROUTE OVER TETON PASS to our award-winning craft distillery in Driggs, Idaho. We specialize in Idaho Potato Vodka, Bourbon Whiskey, Huckleberry Vodka and American Single Malt spirits. Cheers! tetondistillery.com | (208) 354-7263 1755 N Hwy 33, Driggs, ID | Free Tours & Tastings Daily SNAKE RIVER BREWING

bitter finish. *One


Fund campaign with the Grand Teton




JACKSON HOLE’S BURGERS WITH A VIEW! Welcome to King’s Grill! Located at Snow King Mountain, KG is a fantastic spot to enjoy great burgers and casual fare while playing outdoor games or riding the SK coaster overlooking the valley from the mountain. snowkingmountain.com | 307-201-KING Jackson

TETON THAI OFFERS SPACIOUS SUMMER patio seating with heat lamps, a fireplace and expansive views of the valley. With a menu ranging from appetizers like tom kha gai soup to curries and pad see ew noodles, all your favorites are right here. Take in the Teton Village breeze and toast a day well spent. tetonthaivillage.com | 307-733-0022 7342 Granite Loop, Teton Village KING’S GRILL

FOOD WITH A VIEW Head to these restaurants for delicious food and drinks with even better views.

82 | jacksonholetraveler.com

*Evening gondola access is included with your full-day sightseeing ticket, Summer Sightseeing Pass, 2023 winter Full-Season Pass or Piste Mountain Bistro reservation. A separate evening-only (after 5 p.m.) gondola ticket can be purchased for $15. jacksonhole.com | 307-732-3177 Bridger Gondola, Teton Village

PALATE PALATE, OVERLOOKING THE ELK REFUGE AND SNOW KING, is a dining atmosphere unparalleled in the valley. Enjoy a creative lunch to match the world-renowned art and the view, daily 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Huge patio with outdoor seating, beer, wine and cocktails. Kids menu. Exceptional private dining and event space. Join us for live music outside on the Palate deck every Thursday during the summer. palatejh.com | 307-201-5208 2820 Rungius, Jackson Inside the National Museum of Wildlife Art

MOUNTAIN BISTRO delivers a lively dining experience. A cheery fireplace burns in the entryway, which opens into a friendly bar scene with floor-to-ceiling windows offering incredible views. The outstanding food and ambiance is further elevated by the excellent service.

OUR COVERED PATIO OFFERS YOU SOME OF THE BEST VIEWS in Jackson. Located just across the street from Snow King Mountain, StillWest is the perfect place to grab a bite and a drink with your friends. Serving artfully crafted beers to menus made from scratch and sourced from local purveyors, and a warm welcome atmosphere. stillwestbreweryandgrill.com | 307-201-5955 45 E Snow King, Jackson

SERVING HOMEMADE SOUPS, fresh pastas, crisp salads, gourmet pizzas and hot sandwiches on our bakery-fresh breads. Located within the Spur Bar, with one of the valley’s best views of the Tetons. The Moose Chuckwagon also offers breakfast, BBQ and hearty burgers for lunch and dinner. Swing by the ice cream cart for dessert. dornans.com | 307-733-2415 | Moose

ORSETTO’S PATIO, LOCATED STEPS FROM JACKSON HOLE’S HISTORIC TOWN SQUARE, serves Italian-American classics. Enjoy year-round scenic views of Snow King Mountain. An all-Italian wine list and full bar round out the dining experience. orsettojh.com | 307-203-2664 161 Center, Jackson DORNANS


jacksonholetraveler.com | 83 THE HANDLE BAR THE HANDLE BAR IS AN AMERICAN PUB BY CELEBRITY CHEF MICHAEL MINA. Its slopeside dining makes it the ideal spot for hungry skiers, hikers, bikers or those looking to take in the views. The menu offers a diverse selection of classic pub fare with a modern twist alongside an extensive beer and cocktail selection. fourseasons.com/jacksonhole | 307-732-5157 7680 Granite Loop, Teton Village





Kate’s Real Food Tram Bars are organic, on-the-go energy for foodies, athletes, kids and everyone in between. Find them at any of the local grocery stores.


Provisions JH’s made-from-scratch, gourmet and decadent donuts are available at Brewhouse Coffee (45 E Snow King, below StillWest Brewery) and the General Store in Teton Village.

Jackson Hole goes huckleberry happy in late summer every year when residents scurry to their secret spots to pick these tart cousins to the wild blueberry. Morel mushrooms also have their own “hunting season” here. For just a few fleeting weeks in May, Jacksonites forage for these tasty morsels in the forests and near water.


Get a taste of the Tetons during your visit to Jackson Hole. Here’s a guide to the best locally made food and fare. jht.guide/edible

84 | jacksonholetraveler.com

HAND-CRAFTED IN JACKSON HOLE, BOVINE + SWINE’S diverse lineup of craft meats showcases both classic and inventive flavors. Bovine + Swine’s approach to creating sausages is reminiscent of the butchers of the past, the foundations of which are traditional techniques and high-quality ingredients. Attention has been paid to every aspect of the product, from the way the ingredients are broken down to the “snap” experienced when biting into a sausage. Bovine + Swine products are available in grocery stores throughout Jackson Hole, the Mountain West region and online for nationwide shipping via Goldbelly.

The Bunnery’s O.S.M. Granola. Pick up a bag or two of the eatery’s trademarked O.S.M. (Oats, Sunflower seeds, Millet) granola, pancake and waffle mix or oatmeal.

Persephone Bakery + Picnic is the home of artisanal, rustic breads and pastries, created using the highestquality ingredients and traditional processes. You have to try their cinnamon brioche—it makes for a decadent breakfast treat or an amazing midday snack.

Cafékatesrealfood.comGenevieve’sPig Candy. Your taste buds won’t know what hit them when you try this otherworldly concoction of sugar-coated bacon goodness.

During summer, explore the variety of fresh produce available at Jackson Hole Farmers Market on Town Square every Saturday morning, or the Jackson Hole People’s Market from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the Center for the Arts.


Satisfy your craving for something sweet or savory with one of these downtown delights.

BANANA SPLIT DAZZLER. There is no better way to end a day of family fun than with a yummy ice cream treat. Häagen-Dazs features a special confection called the Banana Split Dazzler: vanilla ice cream layered with bananas, strawberries, pineapple and hot fudge, whipped cream and a cherry. Served in a cup for delicious eating. 307-739-1880 | 90 E Broadway, Jackson CREAM + SUGAR

| 85 Where to Eat WILD

For ready-to-drink cold coffee, stop by one of Jackson’s local markets to grab a can of delicious HumbleOverviewBrew.


JACKSON HOLE’S CREAM + SUGAR ARTISAN ICE CREAM is hand-spun and hand-packed. With signature presentations like Huckleberry and Cookies and Cream, Cream + Sugar’s fanciful creations (including pints, individual cups and ice cream sandwiches) are available in grocery stores throughout Jackson Hole and the Mountain West region, as well as in select stores in Texas and California and online via Goldbelly. creamandsugaricecream.com@creamandsugar

Coffee, also a locally brewed coffee and sourced exclusively from farms that prioritize environmental stewardship, is available at Persephone Bakery and Base Camp.

Keep an eye out for Huidekoper Ranch produce on the menus of many restaurants around Jackson Hole. Huidekoper is a small-scale, bio-intensive farm in Wilson growing healthy food for the community.

Snake River Roasting’s most recent brew is locally roasted and infused of local favorite, Wyoming Whiskey. Many of SRR’s hand-crafted coffees can be found in and around Jackson Hole, including Snake River Roasting Café, just off of the Town Square.

Vertical Harvest is a three-story hydroponic farm located in downtown Jackson. The greenhouse grows fresh produce year-round, allowing local restaurants and grocery stores to offer the fruits of its bounty to customers. Visit Vertical Harvest’s retail store for locally sourced food and regionally crafted products. verticalharvestjackson.com

jacksonholetraveler.com WEST CAFFEINE


Teton Treats

Eat Jackson Hole

3200 W McCollister, Teton Village



AN INTIMATE WINE/TAPAS BAR AND BOTTLE SHOP, Bin22 pairs excellent wines from around the world with a well-rounded, smallplate menu of house-pulled mozzarellas, imported meats and cheeses, seasonal salads and more. Perch yourself inside the comfortable dining room or outside to enjoy a European-inspired experience.

jacksonholetraveler.com | 87

3255 W Village, Teton Village

BODEGA STOP BY TETON VILLAGE’S QUAINT GROCERY STORE, bottle shop and seasonal food truck for high-quality groceries and provisions, grab-and-go eats and more. A butcher area, prepared foods section and thoughtfully curated bottle shop, all in an existing gas station, make Bodega a unique culinary destination no matter the season.


bodegajacksonhole.com 307-200-4666


ALPENHOF CLASSIC EUROPEAN CUISINE at our historic Alpine-style lodge—the ideal spot to linger over delectable dishes paired with our imported wine and beer selection or to cozy up fireside après ski. Enjoy indulgent hors d’oeuvres and wine flights on our private deck prior to attending the Grand Teton Music Festival summer concerts.

THE BISTRO THE NEWEST RESTAURANT BY FINE DINING RESTAURANT GROUP, The Bistro brings casual, yet refined French-American bistro cuisine and an expansive raw bar to the Jackson Hole Town Square. Cozy up inside in comfortable elegance or enjoy Europeanstyle outdoor dining amidst the area’s iconic mountain surroundings. thebistrojacksonhole.com | 307-739-1100 112 Center St, Jackson

alpenhoflodge.com 307-733-3242

88 | jacksonholetraveler.com

A LOCAL FAVORITE SINCE 1975, The Bunnery’s breakfast and lunch menus offer an extensive selection of hearty, delicious classics as well as original recipes you’ll find nowhere else. Fresh-brewed bottomless coffee, espresso, wines, craft beers and cocktails round out the bill of fare. The bakery counter features the freshest pies, cakes and baked goods, as well as Bunnery Natural Foods’ signature O.S.M. products, based on oats, sunflower seeds and millet, available to stay or to go. bunnery.com | 307-733-5474 | 130 N Cache, Jackson



GATHER SAVOR MODERN AMERICAN FOOD with a creative twist in the heart of downtown Jackson. Enjoy outdoor and indoor seating with big views of Snow King Mountain. Local beers, great wine list and craft cocktails. A half block from Town Square and the parking garage. gatherjh.com | 307-264-1820 72 S Glenwood, Jackson

CAFÉ GENEVIEVE’S HISTORIC LOG CABIN welcomes diners with inspired home cooking. Enjoy eggs Benedict while peoplewatching from the deck. Serving brunch daily, open 8-3pm featuring a full bar and specialty Brunch cocktails. Café Genevieve serves seasonal and local dishes for breakfast and lunch, and you can be certain that everything is homemade. genevievejh.com | 307-732-1910 135 E Broadway, Jackson

jacksonholetraveler.com | 89 GUN BARREL STEAK & GAME HOUSE COME VISIT JACKSON HOLE’S LEGENDARY DINING EXPERIENCE! Take in the Old West in our rustic lodge atmosphere while indulging in the valley’s finest steak and game, all slowcooked over an open, river-rock mesquite grill. Open daily at 5 p.m. gunbarrel.com | 307-733-3287 862 W Broadway, Jackson THE HANDLE BAR AT FOUR SEASONS THE SLOPESIDE LOCATION, EXTENSIVE BEER LIST and classic pub fare make this restaurant one of the most popular dining locations in Teton Village. The Handle Bar is an American pub by celebrity chef Michael Mina. This summer be sure to stop in for a special sloshie flavor or experience Bourbon, Barbecue and Bluegrass nights. fourseasons.com/jacksonhole | 307-732-5157 7680 Granite Loop, Teton Village HAYDEN’S POST ENJOY SWEEPING MOUNTAIN and valley views, an expansive deck and wood fireplaces—all within walking distance of Snow King Mountain activities. The perfect restaurant for a delicious way to fuel your Jackson Hole adventures for breakfast, lunch and dinner. snowking.com | 307-733-5200 400 E Snow King, Jackson KAMPAI IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN JACKSON HOLE, Kampai pays homage to Japanese culture through its intentionally curated menu and top-tier service. Kampai’s contemporary atmosphere provides you with the intimate dining experience you’ve been looking for. kampaijh.com | 307-201-5329 175 Center Street, Jackson


ORSETTO ORSETTO SERVES ITALIAN-AMERICAN CLASSICS in a contemporary setting on Jackson Hole’s historic Town Square. Offering dishes from richly flavored Bolognese to Veal Chop Marsala to homemade pastas! Outdoor seating, an all-Italian wine list and full bar round out the experience. Dine in and takeout available. orsettojh.com | 307-203-2664 161 Center, Jackson

MIAZGA’S (PRONOUNCED “MIZ-GA’S”) SERVES UP THE HOME-STYLE COMFORT FOOD and simple, classic dishes we grew up eating back East. Enjoy our homemade pierogi dishes, famous Reuben, house-made desserts and a full bar with views of Snow King—just a few blocks from the Town Square. Open for Lunch and Dinner, with outdoor seating and a great family atmosphere! miazgas.com | 307-733-2784 399 W Broadway, Jackson

THE KITCHEN THE KITCHEN BLENDS CULINARY ARTISTRY AND INVENTIVE FLAVORS, just steps away from Town Square. Favorites include fresh seafood crudo and seasonal meat and game. The modern American cuisine with Asian influences is complemented by a fantastic artisanal cocktail program, diverse wine list, contemporary atmosphere and outdoor deck. thekitchenjacksonhole.com 307-734-1633 | 155 N Glenwood, Jackson

90 | jacksonholetraveler.com

FOR MORE THAN 50 YEARS, the iconic Mangy Moose is one of Jackson Hole’s most popular restaurants with locals and visitors alike. Offering regionally sourced food, signature drinks, (try a Spicy!), local brews, live music and a great waitstaff to serve you. Join us for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or order pizza to go from our downstairs café (RMO). mangymoose.com | 307-733-4913 3295 Village, Teton Village MIAZGA’S

jacksonholetraveler.com | 91 PEARLBAGELSSTREET SAMPLE PEARL STREET BAGELS’ 14 varieties of authentic bagels, boiled and baked in the East Coast tradition. We make our dough onsite, and our bagels are baked and served fresh throughout the day, never toasted. Visit one of our two locations—off Town Square and in Wilson—to find your favorite today! pearlstreetbagels.com 307-739-1218 | 145 W Pearl, Jackson 307-739-1261 | 5674 Hwy 22, Wilson PINKY G’S PINKY G’S PIZZERIA HAS BEEN VOTED BEST PIZZA IN THE VALLEY since opening in 2011 and featured on the Food Network’s hit show “Diners, Drive-ins & Dives” on three separate occasions. Located just steps from the historic Town Square. Be sure to stop in for a quick slice of New York-style hand-tossed pizza. Full bar, open late and family-friendly. pinkygs.com | 307-734-PINK (7465) 50 W Broadway, Jackson PALATE PALATE, OVERLOOKING THE ELK REFUGE AND SNOW KING, is a dining atmosphere unparalleled in the valley. Enjoy a creative lunch to match the world-renowned art and the view, daily 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Huge patio with outdoor seating, beer, wine and cocktails. Kids menu. Exceptional Private dining and event space. Join us for Live Music outside on the Palate deck every Thursday during the summer. palatejh.com | 307-201-5208 2820 Rungius, Jackson Inside the National Museum of Wildlife Art IL OSTERIAVILLAGGIO DELIGHT IN OSTERIA’S ENTRÉES of housemade pasta, oven-fired pizza and other authentic, rustic Italian dishes. This little piece of Italy in western Wyoming presents an unparalleled dining experience—all slopeside in Teton Village. jhosteria.com | 307-739-4100 3335 W Village, Teton Village Inside Hotel Terra


worthotel.com/silver-dollar-bar/307-732-3939 50

THERE’S NO BETTER PLACE TO DINE AND MINGLE than at the Silver Dollar Bar & Grill. Located inside the historic Wort Hotel, the Silver Dollar offers an extensive wine list, elevated mountain cuisine, happy hour specials and live music. Glenwood, Jackson




PISTE MOUNTAIN BISTRO—AT THE TOP OF THE GONDOLA. Piste offers an assorted menu of savory, locally sourced dishes. The outdoor deck at Piste features shared plates and signature cocktails, all enhanced by breathtaking views. Reservations recommended. gondola access is included with your full-day sightseeing ticket, Summer Sightseeing Pass, 2023 winter Full-Season Pass or Piste Mountain Bistro reservation. A separate evening-only (after 5 p.m.) gondola ticket can be purchased for $15. jacksonhole.com 307-732-3177 Gondola, Teton Village

CELEBRATING OVER 25 YEARS ON THE TOWN SQUARE. The Grill offers mountain dining in a rustic, elegant setting. Our modern American menu features organic produce, prime steak, wild game and jet-fresh seafood. Our chef is a three-time nominee for James Beard’s “Best Chef Northwest.” Dinner nightly from 5:30 p.m. snakerivergrill.com 307-733-0557 E Broadway, Jackson


KNOWN BY LOCALS AS “THE BREWPUB,” Snake River Brewing is a laid-back destination for any time of day or season. Check out SRB’s outdoor biergarten-type space and feast on their newest culinary endeavor, Live Fire BBQ to-go. Summer 2022 marks SRB new restaurant space—where all the standard specialties, burgers, artisanal pizzas, salads and 10 tap flagship beers will flow once again. snakeriverbrewing.com 307-739-BEER (2337) S Millward, Jackson




92 | jacksonholetraveler.com





jacksonholetraveler.com | 93 SUDA IZAKAYA SUDA EMBODIES OUR LOVE for Japanese cuisine, specifically the Izakaya atmosphere. An interactive, lively, Japanese-style bistro offering small plates and shareable dishes. Highlights include katsu (breaded, fried items), kushi-yaki (skewered meats and veggies), Yakimono (grilled meats), ramen (noodle bowls) and sushi & sashimi (raw fish). sudajh.com | 307-201-1616 140 N Cache, Jackson BREWERYSTILLWEST+GRILL SEASONALLY INSPIRED FOOD. Ten beers brewed in-house, a perfectly curated wine list and specialty cocktails paired with stunning views of Snow King Mountain from Jackson’s best patio. Lunch, dinner and Sunday Southern brunch. stillwestbreweryandgrill.com 307-201-5955 45 E Snow King, Jackson SNAKE RIVER ROASTING CO. CAFE COMING THIS SUMMER! ENJOY THE COFFEE OF JACKSON HOLE AT THE SNAKE RIVER ROASTING CO. CAFE just off of Town Square. Open from 6:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, come in for your morning cup of joe, breakfast, lunch, and even mimosas! Our coffee blends are handcrafted and roasted to order and food is provided by another local favorite, Provisions catering. Use code: CAFE10 for 10% off of your first order. snakeriverroastingco.com | 307-312-2382 50 W Broadway, Jackson THAI ME UP WINNER OF 2015 BEST SMALL BREW PUB and 2017 Best Brewing Group at the Great American Beer Festival. Spicy Thai food, local burgers, fusion pub fare and award-winning IPAs. Pouring Melvin beer and serving food until 11 p.m. with garden-side seating. Located one block from the Town Square. melvinbrewing.com/locate/ 307-733-0005 | 75 E Pearl, Jackson Just off the Town Square






94 | jacksonholetraveler.com WESTBANK GRILL AT FOUR SEASONS

yeahbuddypizza.com |


whitebuffaloclub.com |

MAKE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE BALCONY AT YEAH BUDDY PIZZA RIGHT ON TOWN SQUARE for Neapolitan thin crust pizza with a fresh fun vibe. The cool little upstairs pizza spot is worth the climb for the good pizza, pasta and salads with great outdoor seating with an elevated view. Dinein, take out or delivery. 307-201-1472 20 W Broadway (upstairs), Jackson

READY TO BE WOWED? Invigorate your palate with savory USDA Prime steaks, market-fresh seafood and an extensive wine and spirits list. Our menu highlights seasonal selections using locally sourced ingredients. From intimate dinners to festive events, a night at the White Buffalo Club is guaranteed to be memorable. 307-734-4900 160 W Gill, Jackson

THE WHISTLING GRIZZLY THE WYOMING INN’S THE WHISTLING GRIZZLY RESTAURANT. A western bistro inspired menu specializing in wild game, local beef and fresh fish. The full bar offers signature cocktails, local beers and a thoughtfully curated wine list. Breakfast features hearty classics like the Hoback Biscuits and Gravy and our orange custard infused Mount Moran French Toast. Open daily for breakfast and dinner. wyominginn.com 307-699-7227 930 West Broadway, Jackson Inside Wyoming Inn

SWEEPING MOUNTAIN VIEWS AND A DYNAMIC OPEN KITCHEN this modern American steakhouse inspired by indigenous flavors and local traditions. From house-made bread, charcuterie and desserts to locally sourced meats and vegetables, this upscale restaurant is a must try. Open daily, complimentary valet. fourseasons.com 307-732-5620 Granite Loop, Teton Village

As Snow King Mountain’s first and only slopeside lodging, Snow King Resort is the ideal location for you to stay, play and relax in during your Jackson Hole vacation. Luxury Spa Opening Fall 2022 Lodging Oasis on the Mountain 400 East Snow King Ave | Jackson, Wyoming | (307) 733-5200 | snowking.com

Where to Stay


WHERE IS THE BEST PLACE to hang your hat?

Teton Village West Bank/Mid Valley Town of Jackson Grand Teton National Park jacksonholetraveler.com 97

Your other major lodging choice is Teton Village, the home of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. “The Village” is the happening place to be during the ski season, with its own enviable roster of shopping and restaurant options. In the winter you have instant access to the ski resort without the hassle of parking—simply carry your skis to the base lift of your choice and off you go into the powder! During the summer months a stay in The Village is quieter, but imbued with expansive views and a mountain feel. Teton Village is pedestrian-friendly, so you don’t need a car to go anywhere within it. The START bus provides regular service to and from the town of Jackson. And the southwestern entrance to Grand Teton National Park is only minutes away. Anywhere—you’re in Jackson Hole! That being said, it really depends on what you’re looking for and what regions of the valley you’d like to call your temporary home! jht.guide/stay

Some of the advantages of choosing lodging in the town of Jackson include easy access to restaurants— from casual eateries to decidedly upscale dining establishments—and a multitude of shops. Other perks include the rodeo grounds, museums and art galleries. Snow King Mountain, which offers both day and night skiing in the winter and numerous activities and events throughout the year, is located on the southern edge of town. Jackson is also a short drive from Jackson Hole Airport and Grand Teton National Park. The widest range of accommodations is found in town, too, from charming B&Bs to budget motels.



To experience Grand Teton National Park to its fullest, many people choose to stay within its boundaries in the summer. This offers you the opportunity to be close to what the park has to offer while still being able to travel back and forth to Jackson for other activities and in-town dining. There are a number of lodging options, from camper cabins in Colter Bay and historic cottages at Jenny Lake Lodge to a full-service resort at Jackson Lake Lodge and an honest-to-goodness dude ranch, the Triangle X, which is the only lodging open in the park in the wintertime! No matter where you choose to stay while on vacation in Jackson Hole, the Teton Range watches over you. So any choice is the right choice.


Condominiums and overnight suites are available in the Aspens/Teton Pines area 4 miles south of Teton Village. Spring Creek Resort, which sits atop East Gros Ventre Butte, is 3 miles west of the town of Jackson and offers a range of overnight and weekly accommodations. Its next-door neighbor, Amangani, caters to the even more luxury-minded. Scattered throughout the valley are B&Bs, guest ranches, cabins and private homes to rent. Check out vrbo.com and Airbnb.com for the latter option or go to jacksonholetraveler.com for more suggestions.



For more details and contact info, go to jacksonholetraveler.com


There are two trailer/RV-specific campgrounds located in Colter Bay and at Flagg Ranch. Three other campgrounds have electric hookups available.


Near entrance to Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks; full hookups, pull-throughs, dump station, laundry and showers.

Campgrounds normally open in late May and close early September. Camping in these developed sites is available for $10 to $15 per night for a maximum of 16 days. Dispersed camping is available into October, depending upon the location, and there is a 5-day stay limit.


YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Daily camping fees range from $15 for basic sites to more than $45 in campgrounds with improved facilities for RVs. Reservations are required.

The following is a brief overview of your options.




There are seven campgrounds throughout the park. Camping fees range from $30 to $40 per night for tent sites and can be more than $60 for some RV campsites.



Some—but certainly not all—campgrounds in the national parks and surrounding Jackson Hole area are first-come, first-served. In Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks, however, reservations are required in advance. All campgrounds will give you incredible views, mountain air and memories to last a lifetime.


98 | jacksonholetraveler.com

THE VIRGINIAN Open May 1st through October 15th; 104 sites, full hookups, water, dump station, electricity, pull-through sites, swimming pool, laundry and showers.

The Jackson Hole area’s newest RV resort is located in Alpine, Wyoming. Paved pull-through and back-in, full hookup sites; up to 75 feet. Sites have fire pits, Wi-Fi and 50-amp service. Pets allowed on leash at park. Book online now!

For those seeking a true wilderness experience, the Gros Ventre Wilderness Area east of Jackson offers free camping in primitive sites with spectacular views of the Tetons.

Open April 15th through October 15th; full hookups with Wi-Fi; pets allowed.

Full hookups, pull-throughs at sites and dump station.







rmrentals.com 307-739-9050 or

WALKING DISTANCE FROM THE HISTORIC TOWN SQUARE in Jackson, The Lexington at Jackson Hole is a unique family-owned hotel with deep roots in Jackson’s historic Western community. Finely appointed and known for its outstanding amenities and customer service. Travelers enjoy comfort and Western hospitality at its finest. N Cache,

jacksonholetraveler.com | 99 FLAT CREEK RANCH A PREMIER JACKSON HOLE DUDE RANCH. Hike the mountains. Ride the wilderness. Fish a legendary trout stream. Dine outrageously. Nearest neighbor—10 miles away. Built by a countess and a cowboy in the 1920s. Elegantly appointed, lovingly restored. One of Jackson Hole’s most luxurious and historic guest ranches—for couples, families, fly fishing parties, hiking clubs and once-in-alifetime gatherings. flatcreekranch.com | 307-733-0603 1 Upper Flat Creek, Jackson DARWIN RANCH MOST REMOTE GUEST RANCH in the lower 48 states offering unique, week-long luxury wilderness experiences. Family-owned and operated, Darwin Ranch is located in the remote Gros Ventre Wilderness. Their commitment to sustainable farming and conservation makes this guest ranch experience unparalleled. Booking June 26 to Sept 13, 2022. darwinranch.com | 307-203-3040 1 Kinky Creek Rd, Jackson

WITH OVER 25 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS, Rendezvous Mountain Rentals’ portfolio features over 140 vacation rentals located in the Town of Jackson, Teton Village and Wilson. With properties to fit every budget, from one bedroom condos to six bedroom luxury retreats, offer something for everyone. invite to ‘live like a local’ and experience the best of the west. 888-739-2565 Moose-Wilson,


3610 N

lexingtonhoteljacksonhole.com 307-733-2648 285

100 | jacksonholetraveler.com SNOW KING RESORT RETIRE TO THE SERENE ACCOMMODATIONS IN THE TOWN OF JACKSON’S ONLY RESORT PROPERTY. Spacious, quiet and stylish, each guest room boasts the finest mix of traditional Western ambiance next door to all of Snow King Mountain Resort’s attractions. Luxury day spa opening Fall 2022. snowking.com | 307-733-5200 400 E Snow King, Jackson SPRINGRANCHCREEK LOOKING FOR AN ALL-INCLUSIVE GUEST RANCH EXPERIENCE? We offer trail riding, private wildlife tours, luxurious spa treatments and wintertime dinner sleigh rides. Enjoy the rustic elegance of our lodge and deluxe cabins. springcreekranch.com 307-733-8833 | 800-443-6139 1800 Spirit Dance, Jackson TRIANGLE X RANCH HAVE THE PARK TO YOURSELF AT TRIANGLE X RANCH, the only guest ranch located entirely within Grand Teton National Park and the only lodge open there during the winter! Comfy cabins, fine dining and activities—all at a family-owned guest ranch established in 1926. trianglex.com | 307-733-2183 2 Triangle X Ranch, Moose RIVERLODGERETREAT A TRUE RETREAT. This historic and tranquil lodge located 55 miles south of Jackson Hole provides the perfect home away from home, after your day of adventure in the mountains. Relax and enjoy a three-course, seasonally-inspired dining experience from breakfast to dinner. riverretreatlodge.com | 307-248-3864 1591 Old Irwin Rd, Irwin, ID


entertainment. virginianlodge.com | 307-733-2792 750 W Broadway,Jackson

jacksonholetraveler.com | 101 WHITE BUFFALO CLUB LOCATED IN THE HEART OF JACKSON, our luxury boutique property boasts one of the most premium locations among all Jackson Hole properties. Numerous amenities and excellent guest services make The White Buffalo Club truly one of the best lodging options Jackson has to offer. whitebuffaloclub.com | 307-734-4900 160 W Gill, Jackson THE WORT HOTEL SINCE 1941, THE WORT HOTEL has combined the charm of a Western lodge with the exceptional service of a grand hotel. The hotel is steps from all the action, including its own Silver Dollar Bar. worthotel.com | 307-733-2190 50 N Glenwood, Jackson WYOMING INN

relaxing stay. Guests

hotels. Our


THE WYOMING INN OF JACKSON HOLE is one of Jackson’s top-rated hotel is minutes from downtown Jackson’s vibrant shops and nightlife, but far enough away that guests can enjoy a quieter night’s sleep and who wish to explore downtown Teton Village can ride the complimentary shuttle bus that stops LODGEVIRGINIAN renovated century inspired feature a retro vibe, Western touches tubs, courtyard, and

right outside our hotel. wyominginn.com | 307-734-0035 930 W Broadway, Jackson THE

saloon, dining



rooms and suites that

and elevated experience: all season pool, hot


This area offers a wide variety of unique property options. Discover a Western version of classic family neighborhood life—playgrounds, paths, open spaces and convenient access to multiple schools. The area also includes exclusive properties at luxury clubs offering private fly fishing, golf, pools, restaurants, and more. If horse ownership is part of your Western vision, you’re likely to find an equine-friendly property in this part of the valley.


Ideally situated to offer equally easy access to downtown and the West Bank, this area encompasses distinctive ridgetop subdivisions with stunning views. Multiple gated neighborhoods boast ultimate exclusivity, large lots, spectacular views and an ambiance of Western seclusion, while still within minutes’ drive of Jackson.

This area enjoys easy access to hiking, biking, fly fishing, the airport and more. It’s only 10 minutes to downtown amenities and hosts some of the most expansive, exclusive, wilderness-immersed properties along the Snake River. A thoroughfare for a diversity of wildlife, it’s as close as you can get to living in the pristine landscape of Grand Teton National Park.


CLICHÉ AS IT SOUNDS, IT’S TRUE: THERE IS NO PLACE ON EARTH LIKE JACKSON HOLE. Less than 3% of the county’s land is privately owned, and it is adjacent to over 22 million protected acres of pristine nature. Add that to one of the lowest tax rates in the nation, world-class culinary and cultural resources, and excellent educational resources—it’s no wonder so many of us are thrilled to call this place home.

102 | jacksonholetraveler.com102 | jacksonholetraveler.com Welcome to the neighborhood ...

This part of the valley offers subdivisions and single-family homes that are situated near the vibrant cultural center of the community. These properties range in age and size, and all enjoy convenient access to bike paths, public transportation, schools, parks, restaurants, shopping, the Town Square, nightlife and more.



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SOUTH OF WILSON WESTBANK SOUTH Just south of the small town of Wilson, these neighborhoods offer access to fly fishing, hiking, skiing and mountain biking, as well as the amenities of the West Bank. Some subdivisions are tucked into the hills above the river, offering an ambiance of seclusion, while others sprawl into the river meadows among the pristine waters of private spring creeks. Though these properties feel remote, they’re only a short drive to the heart of Jackson Hole or to world-class skiing.


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NORTH OF WILSON WESTBANK NORTH Large homesites in private luxury neighborhoods provide unique opportunities for expansive homes with custom water features and lush, mature native vegetation; some offer private river access. The Aspens neighborhood offers a mix of single-family homes and condominiums as well as a cluster of excellent restaurants and boutique shops. Only a few minutes’ drive north, residents have access to Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and the westernmost entrance to Grand Teton National Park.

Situated at the base of one of the world’s best ski resorts, Teton Village offers a wide variety of real estate opportunities within a stone’s throw of the neighborhood’s abundant amenities. From the valley’s most luxurious condominiums with ski-in/ ski-out convenience, to one-of-a-kind singlefamily homes along the base of the mountain, the options are diverse. In addition to winter sports, the area also offers an abundance of summertime activities.


There are many reasons to consider a home in Jackson Hole—from the stunning location to the laid-back lifestyle to the financial benefits of living in an income tax-free state. Latham offers expertise in all three areas—real estate services, local lifestyle insight and relationships with financial advisors who can offer in-depth guidance as you search for more than just a home.

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