Special Edition - Free issue

Page 8



By: Joseph M. LaSorsa

For a number of reasons, the most difficult thing to instil in a student during training is the proper mindset. Every student has bias from his or her experiences and the appropriate mindset for any professional must be ingrained through operational experience, not simply embedded through osmosis from instruction alone. In this article I’ll explain the mindset that I have developed which is largely responsible for the effectiveness and success in the way I work a detail. If you’ve been following my articles, posts, or been to a course with me you’ve

undoubtedly heard me reference ‘adapt it to your task, threat and environment.’ This is a mindset that goes beyond situational awareness, knowledge, or even foresight but rather a collection of them all into a cycle which must be constantly in rotation. The items listed are the most paramount on the task list of a security professional engaged in protective services. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and must constantly be added to or modified based on circumstance.


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