How To Start A Career In Protection - Simply find yourself the cheapest, local, training provider, who will guarantee you a pass grade inside of 10 days - easy right? If however, you actually want to work in this industry then read on, we’ve got some great advice on how to increase your chances of success. Also in issue 42, we go backstage to get the low down on Tour Security and we’ve got some great tips for Interfacing With The Venue Security. We’re delving into the Tactics For Counter-Ambush drills, refreshing ourselves on Kidnap and Ransom procedures, and we hear from the survivors of active shooter incidents on why Training For Survival is a must. In this issue we see the return of the Global Round-Up feature, keeping you up-to-date with all the major security incidents as well as bringing our FocusOn: Israel. We’re also talking Social Media & Social Management and we consider the role of The K9 in Protective Services.