The One Percent By: Jeffery Mayger
The cyber ecosystem is under relentless attack with increasing intensity, volume, severity, and sophistication. Corporations have sophisticated firewalls and other countermeasures; individuals are largely helpless. Some think they have a plan against this threat, but the reality is that security is never 100 percent, and attackers, the one percent, always have the advantage. But there is a path forward – by unifying security, political, social, and economic measures The One Percent Cybersecurity provider NTT Security reports that five countries are the
most common sources to 50 percent of global cyberattacks (Figure 2). Akamai states that twothirds of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) cyberattacks originate in ten countries. Symantec, another provider, adds 13 more countries for a total of 23 countries, which are homes to the worst cyber offenders and who are responsible for two-thirds of all malicious internet activity (Figure 3).