Circuit Magazine #59

Page 96


When Push Comes to Shove Combat Principles for Executive Protection The role of the protector is and has always been to prevent harm and the potential of it from affecting a protectee. Although prevention is the primary goal, there are times where proactive, effective physical intervention may be required. This is not to be confused with arrest and control techniques used in other related security fields. Those techniques have merit, but the goal of this article is to highlight combat principles agents can apply when cover and evacuation is not an option, and the threat is imminent. 1. At All Distance Do Damage In most self-defense communities, 96

the phrase “manage the distance, manage the damage” is used to explain the importance of range. Although this is true for most combat and even competition environments, as a close protection professional, the proximity between you and your principal is... well, close. So that means the threat has to get in close, and you may not be afforded the luxury of having venue staff or even another close protection agent to assist in meeting that threat before they breach the protective bubble.

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