okay pay attention we need to work on our demands collectively and present a united front. click on the demands overleaf to access the voting page for each demand. vote for what our response should be. remember, you can vote anonymously. there are more detailed instructions on the 3rd page
for the tate to be open 24 hoursยง
for the tate to make a manifesto which tells us why the Tate matters to Liverpool make a plan to show us how Tate will support art practice in Liverpool
to learn from art and artists places to take naps to hear applause every time we walk in
1. this is our demand
2.this is the voting score from sunday’s session
3. this is tatE’s reply
4.this column is the headline response, you can vote for it here 5. this column gives practical suggestions AND MORE DETAIL for the response, you can like it here
6.You can add a new response to tate by pressing here
7. and add practical suggestions and details by pressing here
we’ll count up all of the responses and practical suggestions once the deadline has passed and issue the most popular demands, so it is important that you vote!