Margarita Karabasili - CV

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Margarita Karavasili (Ms.)

Ms. Margarita Karavasili holds a degree in Architecture (Superior National Fines Arts School - ENSBA - of Paris) and a M.Sc. in Physical and Urban Planning & Economy (University Paris IV, Sorbonne) as well as a M. Sc. in Social Psychology (EHESS, Paris). Ms. Karavasili was employed by the Hellenic Ministry of Environment (1979-2007), Physical Planning and Public Works, where she was involved in environmental affairs, regional, urban and housing policies. Her areas of focus included sustainable development, climate change, national energy policies, and energy efficiency in buildings, bioclimatic architecture and sustainable construction. In 2001 Ms. Karavasili was appointed Environmental Attaché to the country's Permanent Representation in the European Union. Moreover, she served as President of the Council Working Group for the Environment during Greece's Presidency (2003). She was also appointed as the founder General Inspector for the Hellenic Environmental Inspectorate (Oct 2003 - Jul 2005). In parallel to her work at the ministry, Ms. Karavasili has been an active member of scientific and professional associations and non-governmental organizations that relate to the environment and to political ecology. Ms. Karavasili has also been appointed as: 

National Committee Vice President in the European Architectural Competitions EUROPAN, (1995-2001), as well as an active member of EUROPAN Management Board.

Scientific advisor to the International Work Program for Architecture and Renewable Energy Sources of the International Architects Union (UIA-ARES) (2006- )

Member of the «Evonymos Ecological Library» Management Board (1994- ).

Ms. Karavasili was appointed by the Greek Government as a Special Secretary for the Environment and Energy Inspectorate, which operates under the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (Oct 2009 – Sep 2012).

Margarita Karavasili brief CV


Since October 1st 2012 she is the first elected President of the Board of Directors of "Citizens' Inspectorate for Sustainable Development1 - CISD", a Non-Profit Organization. Besides her organizational and managerial tasks, Ms. Karavasili has to raise new targets, give priorities, stimulate members and followers as well as represent CISD to all governmental and non-governmental authorities and activities promoting creative cooperation, as well as to supervise the CISD scientific committees of all levels. Ms. Karavasili main principles can be summarized as follows: "In partnership with the citizens, I strive to promote sustainable development as it adheres to the principles of political ecology, viewing the concept of environmental protection as a major driving force for the economy and for social cohesion". Furthermore, Ms. Karavasili has elaborated and published a number of studies and has participated in the elaboration and publishing of a number of books, articles in scientific, technical and ecological reviews as well as to the daily press, such as: Action Plan "Energy 2001": A National Energy Policy for the Built Environment, research. Greek Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning & Public Works (MEPLPW) & Center of Renewable Energy Sources (CRES), 1996. Scientific responsible person. The Hellenic National Report for Climate Change, MEPLPW, 1995: Collaborator Annual National Reports evaluating progress made in the fields of environment, physical planning, energy, international cooperation, etc.: MEPLPW. Reports to inform OECD. Collaborator

CISD shares common goals for a better world, for sustainable production and consumption patterns to achieve sustainability, seeking Active Citizens' contribution to empower CISD move forward. 1

CISD supports government, local authorities, enterprises, local associations, and citizens in better understanding sustainable development challenges for a viable economic development, social cohesion and environmental protection, through scientific advices, expertise, studies, research and inspections. CISD actual efforts are addressing at: (a) Assessing administrative acts & practices, (b) Recognizing & enhancing best local authorities' practices, towards zero CO2 emissions & zero waste, (c) Supporting local society organizations to protect natural environment, through information events, open public debates & concrete administrative actions (e.g. environmental damage remediation, caused by illegal waste disposal, etc.) (d) Developing proposals on critical policies concerning the three pillars of sustainable development, (e) Elaborating information campaigns & training courses on sustainable production and consumption patterns, (f) Negotiating critical investments, etc. CISD activity is supported by in-house Scientific Committee, Thematic Committees and Working Groups. CISD presently totals 90 active members, 3.500 followers & 280.000 friends.

Margarita Karavasili brief CV


"Green Buildings for Green Cities" : Bioclimatic Architecture, Ecological Construction, book edited by π-Systems & Ecological Evonymos Library, 1999, author "Constructions & Environment", university documentation, Educational Institute, 2000, co-author "The sustainable city", 2002, book, co-author "Political Ecology", 2001, co-author "Workshops preparing Local Agenda 21", MEPLPW (1996-2000). Coordinator Habitat Agenda for Greek local Authorities, MEPLPW (1996-2000). Co-author Ecological construction, book, 2001, coordinator Energy Production and Use, seminars documentation, author Buildings Energy Efficiency and Real Estate in Greece. Athens Economic University. Author Implementing the Environmental Liability Directive in Greece: Obligatory Financial Security, Interamerican, 2004, author Bioclimatic Architecture and RES to shelter natural disasters victims, guidelines for an international architectural competition launched by UIA-RES & the Technical Chamber of Greece, 2006, author

Margarita Karavasili brief CV


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