Inside the Informal- Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship Proposal

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inside informal the


Informal settlements within buildings in large urbanized areas are a global phenomenon. The issues that arise from those cases stem from the interior organization of dwelling to the position relating to the scale of urban systems and they can temporarily stretch from weeks until years. What is architecture’s


The aim of this work is to propose guidelines for the approach of such settlement by professionals and institutions. To gather and to organize information with the purpose of guaranteeing the basic rights of these communities and the reach towards satisfactory urban solutions.

The lack of adequate housing in some of the world’s largest cities has led entire communities to resort to squatting. In the Global South, this persistent phenomenon has reached the brinks of a humanitarian crisis due to the recent pandemic. A critical look at their issues must not be postponed.


The means to acess the state of settlements as well as the quality of long term solutions will come from on site experience and will resort to:


Being born into the first generation that does not have to struggle with home-ownership in my family, and living in the poorer region of Brazil, the pandemic has been a revealing time as to how the basic human right to dwell is a crutial factor, specially in large urbanizations.


The largest city in South America is the birthplace of one of the longer lasting traditions of squatters movements for dwelling.

The groups that manage these movements not only offer a high comparative stardart for the installations, but also represent a model for the relashionships with local and international enetities when it comes to-

Despite the known case of Torre de David, squatting in the capital of Venezuela is rapidly increasing with 53 new squatted buildings just in 2020 alone .

There, even with general consent from the local government, squatters communities are dangerously unprotected In this scenario a lot can be learnt about imediate-


squatted 432 buildings

An outstanding number of buildings squatted within the inner city was a major factor in the development of a intervention plan by the Johannesburg municipality

As promising as it may sound, removal operations are a key moment , where usually squatting communities are dismantled to no satisfactory solution. This is very important moment for following up on the process of -

squatted 983 settlements

Rooftop settlements, the major type of informal occupation in this territory , often evolves into squatters occurrencies.

In this case, the shortage of available land represents a limitation in the most common housing policy models.

Because of that, the city faces the necessity to address the problem resorting to-


07/09/21 22/09/21 06/10/21 18/10/21
500 residents Hotel occupancyCambdrige 400 residents Jeovah Jireh occupancy 184 residents Kiribily Building 89 units Nam Cheong 220 - Interviews - Photography - Video-recording
Elaboration of illustrated report
206 buildings
155 buildings
04/11/21 06/09/21

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