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Message from The Bishop Strachan School
from INCITE 2012
by CIS Ontario
THANK YOU, ENGLISH TEACHERS at our member schools, for inspiring your students through the exhortation, “Make it new!” and for guiding them as they completed their submissions for this year’s InCITE writing competition. Thanks especially to Claire Pacaud for her dedication to the task of soliciting, gathering, and formatting our students’ writing.
We are indebted to Betsy Warland who reframed Ezra Pound’s slogan for this generation of digital natives and to Richard Scrimger for his patient and thoughtful adjudication of the entries selected by each school for publication in the anthology.
And finally, to Friesens, which generously supports our writing collective, we thank you for printing the InCITE publication and for providing free copies to our writers.
Chris Atkinson Andrea Mozarowski
2012 CITE Conference Planners
CITE Executive
Chair: Ellen Palmer, Appleby College
Administrator: Gregory Dominato, MacLachlan College
Treasurer: Carlos Heleno, Appleby College
Communications: Claire Pacaud, St. Clement’s School
Professional Development: Chris Atkinson, The Bishop Strachan School