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U.S. Government Interagency Partner: Humanitarian Demining Research and Development Program
Initiated in 1994, the Humanitarian Demining Research and Development (HD R&D) program develops the latest technology solutions to the most challenging landmine and UXO detection and clearance efforts. The HD R&D program is overseen by the Department of Defense Deputy Assistant Secretary for Stability and Humanitarian Affairs. The program coordinates with interagency partners including the Humanitarian Mine Action staffs within the U.S. DoD Geographical Combatant Commands, and the U.S. Department of State’s PM/WRA. The HD R&D program provides demining technologies to international demining partners for evaluation during use in live mine and UXO clearance operations. The program’s low-cost and highlyeffective technologies bolster mine action capacity and reduce the landmine and UXO threat to the local population. Feedback from these deployments in the form of test data and performance analysis is used by the HD R&D program to continuously improve demining technologies.
New technology requirements and areas of emphasis are identified and validated by stakeholders. In 2018 the HD R&D program conducted a UXO Working Group meeting in Thailand to identify technology gaps in detection and clearance technologies. Over 60 participants representing 19 organizations from 10 countries provided the HD R&D program the information it needed to prepare its near term FY19–20 program plan. The program aims to improve existing technologies for mine and UXO detection, hazardous area confirmation, mechanical-mine and UXO clearance, vegetation clearance, mechanical-mine neutralization, and post-clearance quality control.
In 2018, HD R&D performed testing and operational field evaluations in Afghanistan, Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Iraq, Kosovo, Laos, Lebanon, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, the West Bank and Zimbabwe. Since 1995, HD R&D technologies have cleared 61.5 million square meters and removed or destroyed approximately 201,800 mines and UXO. The program has fielded technologies in support of 223 operational field evaluations in 40 countries. http://humanitarian-demining.org

Field testing of the Rex, a versatile, lightweight armored excavator, working in Angola.
Photo courtesy of HALO.