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Mine Action Support Group
The Mine Action Support Group (MASG), established in 1998, endeavors to coordinate humanitarian mine action programs funded by the world’s major donor states, harmonize the prioritization of their respective mine action programs, and increase donor support for mine action where it is most needed. The United States is currently serving as the Chair of the MASG for2018–2019. Chairmanship of the MASG rotates every two years.
The MASG is composed of over 30 donor states and a few observer organizations, which include members of the UnitedNations Inter-Agency Coordination Group for Mine Action, GICHD, OAS, ITF, and JMU/CISR.
The MASG serves as an independent forum for the exchange of information and coordination of financial support and resources. PM/WRA funds a small Secretariat that collects information, provides reports, organizes meetings, and facilitates visits to certain mine-affected countries as agreed to by the MASG members. The MASG meets twice a year and adheres to the Chatham House Rules.
In this informal setting donor states engage in frank exchanges aimed at effectively and efficiently supporting humanitarian mine action amidst shrinking resources, increased demand generated by recent and on-going conflicts, and varying national priorities. “One of the reasons the United States wanted to chair the MASG is that the global need for humanitarian mine action programs continues to outstrip available resources,” PM/WRA Director and current MASGChair Stanley L. Brown said. “Therefore, our effort over the past year has been to deepen understanding of each other’s priorities and better identify funding sources in an effort to maximize their impact.” Speaking at the opening of the third meeting under U.S. Chairmanship on February 6, 2019, Ambassador Robert A. Wood, U.S. Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament and U.S. Special Representative for Biological and Toxin Weapons ConventionIssues, described the effort as “a model for how different actors, whether governmental or non-governmental, can work together toward a common end.”
The UN Mine Action Gateway website posts MASG notices, minutes, and presentations at https://www.mineaction.org/en/mine-action-support-group-masg.

PM/WRA Director and MASG Chair Stan Brown opens the MASG meeting in February 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Photos courtesy of U.S. Department of State.