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being early techies
This fall, the smell of burning campfires and the sound of river cane flutes signaled the return of Early Tech Week to its rightful place in November. An anxiouslyawaited rite of passage for 5th graders, the week transported students to a bygone era where they learned primitive technology skills that brought the curriculum to life.

packing the stands

Pep rallies returned and school spirit abounded. The Skyhawks took to the court, the field, the diamond, the mat, and the track. We celebrated alongside one another and cheered the teams to victory. The Varsity Football Team scored yet another ring after clinching the state title. We painted the town red. applauding the stars
Footlights replaced starlight as we once again returned to the theatre. The drama and choral departments filled the house, showcasing the talent within our student body. They wowed and bowed and we applauded.

Unfolding the
Hammond Experience
"The Hammond Experience can best be defined by teachers who give generously, students who avail themselves of a wide range of opportunities, a school community that embraces a shared mission and vision, and the unique programs that help prepare students for the next leg of the journey. Collectively, this is Hammond at its best."
Among the greatest lessons 2020 taught us were the importance of the student-teacher relationship, the value of togetherness, and the virtue of developing an appreciation for the things we take for granted ... more often than not, they are what we value most.
After a brief hiatus, this year found us unfolding components of what we have come to call the Hammond experience–those defining moments and programs that collectively differentiate us as a school.
We celebrated the return of parent volunteers on campus, school trips, plays and concerts in the theatre, and a packed gymnasium. We celebrated all that makes us Hammond.

traveling ahead
There may be no place like home, but we found leaving home was even better. Starting with the Freshman Trip and continuing through the spring, we landed in Williamsburg, the Barrier Islands, Tekoa, Costa Rica, and points in between. going the distance socially
The auction returned, much to the delight of over 600 attendees who took the distance out of social. The Icelandic-themed auction, Northern Exposure, was much hotter than it was cold. We were happy to be together for a great cause!

being the best
The year 2021-2022 was a study in contrasts when compared with the past two years. Much of what makes Hammond unique returned. It was the best ... and so were we!