2 minute read
Commencement Address Excerpts
What do I hope you’ll take away from this today? I leave you with three things:
1) Be a lifelong learner. Hammond does an excellent job of this. You have more information at your fingertips than any generation in history. Continue to be curious about the world and the people around you, but also learn from your mistakes. My grandfather, who taught me to build, was a quiet man who didn’t say much. He told me many times, “Son, there’s nothing wrong with making a mistake. Just don’t make the same one twice.” Continue to learn. Continue to improve each day.
2) Attitude. Only you can decide how you will attack each day. If you get up each day and decide I’m going to make the world a better place today, and you do it again tomorrow, you will soon learn that little things mean a ton. It will become a habit and part of your daily ritual. You, and only you, should control your attitude each day. Do not give up control of that to others. You will also pull others down with a bad attitude.
3) Effort. In all my years of running a business, coaching, and giving advice, I’ve never heard anyone say, “I wish I had not done my best.” I’ve had many come who have said they wish they’d given more effort. Do not have regrets about your effort. You’ll be surprised how often doing your best will get you across the finish line.
Continuous learning, a positive attitude, and your best effort will take you a long, long way.
I challenge each of you to start writing your own story today. No two of you will have the same story, but they will all be interesting. As you write this story, I will encourage you, as you have been encouraged by Hammond, to get out of your comfort zones, challenge yourselves, and do not be afraid of failure. The only failure is in not trying. When you fail, get back up and try again.
Do not be afraid of changes you cannot control. You will be surprised at how often you will succeed. I challenge you today to make the world a better place with your continuous learning, your positive attitude, and your best effort. I am confident you will ... as you move out of the safety of Hammond School. I wish you the best and I will be on the sidelines cheering for you, waiting to see the stories you’re about to write.
Make us proud. Go Skyhawks! God Bless.

"Mark and his wife, Susan, have demonstrated a deep and unwavering commitment to Hammond. As many of you know, we experienced a fire in one of the lower school buildings on the evening of February 16th this year. After Andy North arrived on campus that evening, he turned around and standing right behind him was Mark Hood…hardhat on, wearing a neon yellow construction vest, and ready to assist in any way possible. This is just one of many examples that demonstrate the importance of Hammond in the life of their family. Words simply cannot convey how deep the relationship runs with Hammond and the Hood family."