PRAYER DIARY January April 2016
WELCOME to the prayer diary “A prayer warrior is a person who is convinced that God is omnipotent – that God has the power to do anything, to change anyone and to intervene in any circumstance. A person who truly believes this refuses to doubt God.” (Bill Hybels) We long for this to be our belief, seen through a commitment to prayer across the work. Thank you so much for being a part of this wonderful privilege. We hope that these prayers encourage and excite you over the next few months, giving you a sense of what God is doing. We also hope that these prayers stir your hearts once again to see the world of sport reached for Christ. “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work in us…” (Ephesians 3v20) In Christ, Partner Relations Team
Our mission To reach the world of sport for Christ. Our passions Sport Matters. The ability to play sport is an aspect of God’s creation that can be enjoyed for his glory. God Speaks. The Bible is God’s word of truth for proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and for building up his followers. Church Trains. The local church is the primary community for making disciples of Jesus and training them in godliness. Leaders Serve. We recognise the importance of training leaders, those transformed by the gospel and living lives of sacrificial service, to multiply the work.
Students 3 - 16 Jan
Global Mission 17 - 30 Jan
Thanks Giving 31 Jan - 13 Feb
10-11 Elite Sport 14 - 27 Feb 12-13 Mission Weeks 28 Feb - 12 Mar 14-15 The Big Prayers 13 - 26 Mar 16-17 Youth 27 Mar - 9 Apr 18-19 The Local Church 10 - 23 Apr 20-21 Our Leaders 24 Apr - 7 May
Psalm 98:1 ‘Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvellous th
3 - 16 Jan
We begin the year by praising the Lord for the marvellous things He is doing amongst Christians in the world of university sport. Sun 3rd Clubhouse Xtra Northern Ireland, Belfast. Today is the second and last day of Clubhouse Xtra in Belfast, where students have been built up and equipped by God’s word through main meetings, seminars and conversations with other Christian sportspeople. Pray that they would go home feeling challenged and inspired to live for Jesus in their university sports clubs in 2016. Mon 4th Seeds planted. Praise God for bringing many sports students under the sound of his gospel during the Christmas period at carol services. Pray that his words would bear fruit in their hearts and that Christian students could build upon what their teammates heard and lead them to Christ this term. Today’s events: Clubhouse Xtra England (4 - 7th Jan) Tues 5th Final year students. Please pray for final year students as they decide on what they will do beyond university. Pray that any who are considering the Christians in Sport Internship would feel God’s guidance and peace as they decide either way. Wed 6th Injury. Please pray for students who have suffered serious injuries this season. Pray that the gospel will comfort them in their situations but continue to motivate them to stay committed to their university sports friends. Thurs 7th University Pray Play Say leaders. Praise God for the faithful service of the University Pray Play Say group leaders this year. Pray that they would all have grown in faith and witness as a result of their opportunity to lead. Pray that God would assign the right people to take over the leadership of the groups into next year. Fri 8th Clubhouse Xtra. Thank God for the fantastic time he gave students across the UK at Clubhouse Xtra. Pray that all the students who attended the conference will love Jesus more and live boldly for him in their sports clubs this term as a result of their time together at Clubhouse Xtra 2016. Today’s events: Workshop on sports leadership at SU Scotland Seminar (Kirsten Ross) (8 - 10th Jan)
us things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.’ Sat 9th Praying. Please pray that God continues to give all Christians in sport students a deep desire to be committed to their teammates in prayer. Pray that God would work powerfully through their prayers to reveal himself to sports students across the UK. Sun 10th Playing. Please pray that all Christians in sport students would shine brightly for Christ in the specific challenges they face as they train and compete in their sport. Pray that the way they play their sport bears testimony to God’s wonderful grace in Christ. Mon 11th Saying. Praise God for the opportunity He gave Tri student Craig last term when he was able to host a dialogue dinner and discuss the truth of Jesus with his entire triathlon club. Pray that God would continue to give other students the opportunity to do this with their sports friends this term. Tues 12th Students coming to Christ. Praise God for stories like Alex who came to Christ through the witness of his teammate. Pray that God would open the eyes of more sports students through the faithful witness of Christian students seeking to share God’s grace and mercy in their sports clubs. Wed 13th Partnerships with the local church. Pray that Christians in Sport would continue to serve the local church specifically in the area of evangelism to sport students. Pray for further partnerships with student churches in university cities. Today’s events: Aurora Youth Workers seminar, Rotherham (Tom Woodbridge) Thurs 14th Bold invitations. Praise God for stories like Moira who was able to take her sports friends to church last term. Pray that God would continue to give Christian students courage and boldness to invite sports friends to church this year. Fri 15th Exams. Pray for Christian students juggling exams with sporting commitments at this time of year. During this stressful period, pray that they will fix their eyes on the certain hope of heaven, and so work as if for the Lord and not for human masters. Sat 16th Academy 2016 arrival. Pray for the 10 gap year students (Alec, Callum, Clare, Estelle, Holly, Jake, James, Jonny, Peigi, Tash) who arrive today and begin the six-month Academy programme. Pray that God would use the teaching and the mission 5 experience to grow each one to maturity in Christ.
Matthew 28:19 ’Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing t
Christians in Sport is part of a global sports movement. Pray for all that is happening internationally through indigenous-led sports mission.
Sun 17th Jersey anniversary. Give thanks for
celebrations taking place in Jersey this weekend, one year on since Christians in Sport staff worker Nick Ferraby moved to the island. Give thanks for all those who have supported the work through prayer and finance and pray today as the vision is communicated in many churches. Mon 18th First year activity. Give thanks to God for all that has happened in Jersey over the past year. Since last January, Jersey has had an evangelistic volleyball tournament, three sports quizzes, two Clubhouse evenings and a Sports Plus camp. Tues 19th Jersey Sports Plus Xtra. Thank God for the monthly Sports Plus Xtra meetings taking place in Jersey off the back of Sports Plus. Pray for the young people attending, many whom do not follow Christ. Wed 20th Jersey Team. Pray for the team from Jersey who attended the global launch of ‘ReadySetGO’, new sports mission material designed to be easily understood and implemented. Pray for them as they deliver the plan they formed during the conference, seeking to multiply making disciples in sport in Jersey and across the Channel Islands. Today’s events: Campbell College CU (Rachel Young) Thurs 21st ‘ReadySetGO’ Global. Give thanks for the 19 European countries who attended the global launch of ‘ReadySetGO’ last November. All countries made an action plan for the coming year; pray that the implementation of these plans would run smoothly now teams have returned home. Fri 22nd ‘ReadySetGO’ Europe. Pray for the planning of the European launch of ‘ReadySetGO’ in May. We are working to get 50 teams (from the 24 European countries who could not attend the November conference) to the training to help them be equipped and resourced to start or develop sports mission in their cities. Today’s events: Sports Quiz (St Nicholas, Sevenoaks)
zing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ Sat 23rd Translation. Pray for European teams working on translation of the ‘ReadySetGO’ material. The curriculum is already available in French, German and Portuguese. Romanian and Dutch teams are currently working on translation. Sun 24th ‘ReadySetGO’ Countries. Give thanks for four ‘ReadySetGO’ country trainings which have already taken place since the launch of ‘ReadySetGO’ in November. Pray for those who attended the trainings in Germany, Moldova, Finland and Albania, that they would feel equipped to go and make disciples in sport in their cities. Mon 25th Moldova. Give thanks for a gathering of top-level young sports players which took place in Moldova earlier this month. Pray that it would have left Christians grasping the vision of sport and mission and for those who do not follow Christ, to see that faith and sport can go together. Today’s events: London city-wide mission week (25 - 29th Jan), talk today by Graham Daniels Tues 26th Moldova sports camp. Pray for the Moldovan team as they look to run their first ever sports camp this summer. 10 of them attended Repton Sports Plus 2015 to see a camp first-hand. Wed 27th Croatia. Pray for a strategy meeting taking place in Croatia in February. After attending the ECSU Gathering last May, two local leaders want to develop sports mission in a number of cities. Two members of the ECSU board are going out to help advise, envision and train them. Thurs 28th ECSU. Give thanks for the ECSU Facilitation Team who help drive through strategy for Europe. Two new members will be joining in April, pray that they would settle in well and would help strengthen our team to impact Europe further. Fri 29th Refugee Crisis. Pray for a special ECSU Task Force which has been set up to help countries accepting refugees. They are adapting the ‘ReadySetGO’ book in order for it to be a helpful resource for churches to engage with refugees. Sat 30th Leadership Training. Pray for a training of leaders and sportspeople taking place this week in a country we have not invested in before. Pray that this training would be a great stepping stone to action for the leaders attending. 7
Psalm 106:1 ‘Praise the LORD
THANKS GIVING 31 Jan - 13 Feb
Since all our blessings flow from God, as we look back upon the year, we have much to be grateful for. This fortnight, let us praise and thank God for all he has been doing in the world of sport. Sun 31st Partnerships with UK sports ministries. Thank God for the partnerships we have with a number of other sports ministries in the UK. Praise him for the mutual encouragement this gives us to keep reaching the world of sport for Jesus Christ. Mon 1st Clubhouse 2015. 715 Christian sportspeople, church leaders and parents attended 26 Clubhouse city-gatherings between October - December. Thank God for the connections made between local sportspeople at these evening training events and for the encouraging reminder that the gospel is God’s power to save (Romans 1:16). This week’s events: Cambridge Inter-Collegiate CU’s mission week, University of Edinburgh CU’s mission week (1st - 5th Feb) Tues 2nd Guest events. Thank God for the 37,516 people that attended Christians in Sport guest events last year, including quizzes, tournaments and dinners where the Christian message was shared. Wed 3rd Online resources. Praise God for the wealth of bible studies, articles, videos and blogs specifically made for Christian sportspeople and those seeking to find out more about the Christian message. Pray that these would reach millions across the world. Thurs 4th Sport itself. The drama of competition, the camaraderie that exists within sports teams and clubs, the enjoyment that comes from exercising our minds and bodies. Even if you are not currently involved in sport, take some time to think about the reasons you enjoy sport and give thanks to the One who made it. Fri 5th Financial provision. As created, dependent beings, we rely on God our Creator for our every need. Give thanks to God for graciously providing finance for the work thus far, and for the faithfulness and generous stewardship of our regular donors. Today’s events: The Sports Quiz (Christ Church, Baldock)
LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.’ Sat 6th Freedom from persecution. In a world where many risk their lives by standing up for Jesus, we do not take for granted here in the UK the freedom that allows Christians in Sport to exist as an organised movement. Thank God for the countless opportunities this freedom has brought to proclaim Jesus to sportspeople. Sun 7th Professions of faith. Jesus tells us that ‘there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents’ Luke 15:10. Today, let us rejoice over the sportspeople who have recently professed faith in Jesus Christ. Mon 8th New contacts with Young Performance Athletes (YPAs). Give thanks for a number of new contacts made with young people competing at an elite level recently. Praise God for the parents of the 75 YPAs we are supporting as they seek to bring their children up in the knowledge and love of the Lord and to nurture their talents wisely. Tues 9th Advocates. Praise God for those in churches across the UK who have a passion for sport. Give thanks for their desire to find and help others like them in their churches to Pray Play Say. Wed 10th New staff. Give thanks that enough funds have been raised to employ two new members of staff (Laura Murdoch and Heather Lewis) to help support those in local churches cast vision and multiply the work across the UK. Thurs 11th Answered prayer. Exactly a year ago, we prayed that more young sportspeople might sign up to Sports Plus 2015. Looking back, we thank God for his answer to this prayer and praise him for the 632 young people who enjoyed a week of sport and Bible teaching at one of these camps last summer. Fri 12th Christian sportspeople. Thank God for the 10,000 Christians in sport we currently know of that are trying hard to represent Christ through Pray Play Say in their clubs and teams across the UK. Sat 13th Global Launch of ‘ReadySetGO’. Give thanks for the 628 people from 127 countries who received two weeks of training in ‘ReadySetGO’, the new global sports mission curriculum. Alongside the manual, 107 videos have been made along with powerpoints and handouts to accompany every strategy and training. This has all been translated into 15 languages which cover 5.3 billion native 9 speakers.
Psalm 1
14 - 27 Feb
Heavy training and competitions take Christian athletes away from home for long periods of time, meaning regular church life is tough to maintain. Please join us in praying for Christian athletes and for sports where we know very few Christian athletes. Sun 14th Elite athlete gatherings. In December, elite athletes based in the London area from seven sports gathered together, in January elite footballers came together in Birmingham. Thank God for these times of encouragement for Christians and opportunities for those seeking to hear more about Jesus. Pray that these gatherings, more of which are coming up this year, would start to foster strong trust and relationships between the athletes. Mon 15th Athletics. As you will read in your back pages magazine, the Christian presence in athletics, both in the UK and worldwide, is stronger than it’s ever been. Praise God for this and ask that Christians would continue to encourage each other at major events and share their faith with others. Tues 16th Sport as an idol. With Rio in sight for many athletes, ‘selection’ can easily become their god. Pray that God would protect their hearts and mind and that Christian friends would remind them that they are first and foremost ‘children of God’. Wed 17th Gymnastics and golf. Last year we were praying for God to open door’s into the world of gymnastics and golf. Praise God that he graciously has. Thurs 18th Clubhouse. Between October - December 2015, we hosted 26 Clubhouse city-gatherings. Praise God for the handful of Christian elite athletes that attended who we were not aware of before. Pray for wisdom as we continue our search to find more athletes and coaches to support. Fri 19th Parents of Young Performance Athletes (YPAs). Pray for the parents of 75 Christian young people we know of competing in elite sport. Pray for them as they help their children deal with unique challenges such as a pressure to perform, that their local churches would be supportive and wise.
salm 121:2 ‘My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.’ Sat 20th Speed skating. Thank God for the Christians we have recently found within elite speed skating. Pray that they would foster healthy relationships whilst they compete against each other. Sun 21st Sportspeople seeking God’s word. Thank God for the elite athletes and players who are reading the Bible 121 with Christians in Sport staff workers, church leaders and friends. Pray that God would open their eyes to see the majesty of the gospel. Mon 22nd The support of the local church family. Pray for all Christian athletes, that they would feel well supported and cared for by their church families even though they may not be able to attend on a regular basis. Tues 23rd Football players. Thank God for the ability God has given Christian footballers playing in the top leagues across the UK. In a world of temptations and pitfalls, pray for them to stand firm in what they believe and know to be true and right. Wed 24th Christians in elite leadership roles. Pray for coaches, captains, CEOs and other leadership positions in elite sport. Pray that they would lead with a servant heart and that God would give them immeasurable wisdom and strength to deal with any situation they have to deal with. Thurs 25th Northern Ireland Football League. Praise God for the Christian players and coaches in the top leagues in Northern Ireland meeting up regularly to look at God’s word. Pray that they would foster deep friendships as they gather together and play against each other on a weekly basis. Fri 26th Transition out of sport. Pray for elite athletes who have recently retired or been forced out of their sport due to injury or de-selection. Pray that they would grow in knowledge and love of The Lord as they go through this hard time. Sat 27th Reengagement of former professionals. Praise God for former athletes and players that used to compete at an elite level who are Christians. Pray for wisdom as we work with them to decide how best to reach and support current elite athletes and players in their former sports.
Romans 1:16 ‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is
MISSION WEEKS 28 Feb - 12 Mar
These focused weeks of evangelism provide a unique opportunity for high-profile outreach on a campus or city. Throughout these weeks, please pray that many sportspeople would come to know Jesus. Sun 28th Manchester city-wide Christian Unions Mission Week (29th Feb - 4th March). A team from Christians in Sport will serve alongside the CUs based in Manchester, supporting individual sportspeople in their witness to their teammates. Pray for joy in gospel partnership as together we reach out across the city to students from many nations. Mon 29th Real Lives 2016, All Souls, Langham Place (29th Feb – 4th March). Tonight, Graham Daniels interviews Jonathan Webb (former England rugby player) at the first of a series of evening testimonies. Pray that all those interviewed would humbly direct the focus away from themselves to the grace of the Lord Jesus in their lives. Tues 1st Real Life Lates, All Souls, Langham Place. An informal Q&A session for those who wish to stay following tonight’s interview with Andrew White (Vicar of Baghdad) and talk by Graham Daniels. Pray that the relaxed setting and life stories would help listeners to engage personally with what they hear. Wed 2nd The University of Manchester Pray Play Say Group. Pray that the members of the group would use the Manchester mission week to invite their friends to lunch bars and evening themed events. Pray that these events would help their teammates to understand Christ’s love for them. Thurs 3rd Church partnerships. Pray that CUs and Pray Play Say groups would continue to foster partnerships with local churches through these mission weeks, as they work together to reach their student communities for Christ. Fri 4th Dialogue dinners. Give thanks for the boldness of university sportspeople who this week will invite their friends in sport for dinner, share their testimony or give a short gospel presentation, and open the floor for their friends to ask questions. Pray that conversations about Jesus would continue long into the night and in the weeks and months beyond.
e it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes...’ Sat 5th Speakers. Pray for all those speaking at mission weeks to be faithfully proclaiming the good news so that many might acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Sun 6th Those dealing with disappointment. Pray for Christians discouraged by a lack of interest in the events this week amongst their friends. Ask that they would take comfort in knowing that God often works in unseen ways. Mon 7th Leeds Beckett University mission starting today. Christians in Sport will lead the week, delivering a programme of sports quizzes, tournaments, lunch bars and more across campus. Praise God for the opportunity to spend a whole week talking about Jesus in one of the best sporting universities in the UK. Tues 8th Leeds Beckett University Pray Play Say Group. Currently there is no group meeting at Leeds Beckett University. Pray that God would raise up a leader from amongst those we meet who can bring together and galvanise Christian sportspeople for mission on campus. Wed 9th Energy. Mission weeks can be draining for those involved in planning and running events. Pray that they would find time to draw upon a God who gives strength to the weary. Thurs 10th Dodgeball tournaments and sports quizzes. As the Christian message is shared at half-time of sports guest events this week, pray that seeds would be planted in the hearts of many guests. Today’s events: Trinity Academy, Doncaster, Night of Champions sports tournament Fri 11th Ongoing witness. As a week of focused evangelism comes to an end, please pray for Christians at Leeds Beckett University to continue to tell others about the Lord Jesus and to live lives that glorify the Lord. Sat 12th Follow-up courses. Pray for those reading the Bible 121 with friends or those attending followup courses run by local churches. Ask that the Spirit would speak to them through his word and that they would fall in love with Jesus as they examine his words and actions. 13
Ephesians 3:20-21 ‘Now to him who is able to do immeasurably mor within us, to him be glory in the church and i
God, being the God of Ephesians 3, can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. So why not pray big? Please join us in praying for the long-term aims of different areas of the work. Sun 13th Every sports club. We currently know of 10,000 Christians in sports clubs and teams in the UK. Our dream is to see a Christian witness in every single one of the 150,000 registered sports clubs across the UK. Pray that this vision might one day become a reality. Mon 14th The local church. Last year we worked in partnership with 1,239 churches to help them reach and disciple sportspeople. By 2018 we would love to be working with 3,000. Please pray for open doors. Tues 15th Godly leaders. Pray for all those who have been through our full time training programmes (Academy and Internship), that they would be walking faithfully with the Lord and humbly serving the gospel and sportspeople in their local churches. Wed 16th European Sports Mission. The European plan for the next three years launched in January. By the end of 2018, we look to have held a ‘ReadySetGO’ training in every big city in Europe. This will mean 6,900 leaders will have been trained and 108,000 people will have been impacted by the 720 GO strategies taking place. Thurs 17th Enabling the work through our partners. We long for the work to grow and be enabled through the support of our partners. Pray that more and more individuals will be supported to Pray Play Say and would multiply the work within their church in a way that impact sportspeople for eternity. Fri 18th Heart for prayer. Pray that churches everywhere would be moved to pray for their local sports communities; from five minute slots in monthly prayer meetings, to running a sports prayer evening or a few lines in weekly intercessions. Today’s events: The Sports Quiz (Plymouth Churches)
y more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.’
Sat 19th Financial support. Thank God for the generosity of our donors. Pray that God would provide further for the work so that we may be able to support more churches and reach more sportspeople. Sun 20th Presence at top sporting universities and colleges. Pray that there would be a strong Christian presence at the top 50 ranked BUCS universities and colleges, being better supported through weekly groups, leadership training and partnerships with churches. Mon 21st The local church. Pray that every church in the UK would have a member passionate to reach their local world of sport for Christ and would be keen and able to cast that vision within their church. Today’s events: Ballard School Mission Tues 22nd More, more, more. Last year we found 848 new Christians involved in sport. Pray that God would open doors to help us find and support more Christians in the world of sport. Wed 23rd Building a deep work in elite sports. As you will read in your back pages magazine, the Christian presence in athletics, both in the UK and worldwide, is stronger than it’s ever been. Christians are starting to know and encourage each other at major events, many are sharing life and their faith with their training partners. Pray that we would see this growth of Christian presence in many other sports. Thurs 24th Tennis, Formula One, swimming and cycling. Pray that God would raise up Christians to witness in these elite worlds of sport, where we currently know few who are competing. Today’s events: Charlotte Chapel Easter Mission (Graham Daniels) (24 - 27th March) Fri 25th All to hear. Pray that this weekend, every sports person in the UK would have a chance to hear the Christian message through a friend, church service or online. Sat 26th Rio 2016. Pray that there would be a Christian witness in every Olympic and Paralympic squad preparing for Rio this summer.
1 John 5:14 ‘This is the confidence we have in approac
YOUTH 27 Mar - 9 Apr
Let us pray with confidence for God’s will to be done amongst young Christians in sport within churches and schools, as well as on our summer camps Sports Plus. Sun 27th Easter Sunday. Praise God that Jesus is alive! Pray that the truth of the resurrection might motivate young Christian sports players to be bold in living for Jesus in their clubs and teams. Mon 28th Sports Plus Xtra. Praise God for the Sports Plus Xtra training events for young Christian sports players that took place this term. Pray that those present may be excited to go back into their clubs and teams to Pray Play Say. Tues 29th School missions. Praise God for the opportunities to go into Strathallan School, Perth and Llandovery College, Carmarthenshire last term and share the gospel with sports players. Pray that these young sports players may have an opportunity to follow up on what they heard. Wed 30th Young Christian sportspeople. Pray that young Christians in sport may have opportunities to spend time with teammates during their Easter holidays. Thurs 31st Pray Play Say support. Praise God for the churches supporting young Christian sports players in their youth groups to Pray Play Say in their teams. Pray that more churches would be actively seeking to support their young sports players. Fri 1st Christian teachers. Praise God for the Christian teachers we know of across the UK. Pray specifically for those in Northern Ireland meeting regularly with Christian pupils to support them as they represent Jesus in their school teams. Sat 2nd Youth resources. Praise God for wealth of resources created for young Christian sports players. Pray that these would continue to equip and inspire young Christian sports players to Pray Play Say.
roaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.’ Sun 3rd Sports Plus 2015. Praise God for the 632 young sportspeople across the UK who were challenged by Jesus’ question, ‘Who do you say I am?’, the 287 leaders who gave of their time to serve them and the 76 Trainees who were equipped as future leaders at Sports Plus last summer. Mon 4th Sports Plus 2016 Leaders. Each summer we need over 300 Team Leaders, Coaches and Support Staff to make Sports Plus happen. Thank God for those who have applied already and pray that God would raise up the leaders needed for each role across the six Sports Plus camps in summer 2016. Tues 5th Young People at Sports Plus. Pray for each young person who attends Sports Plus 2016. Pray that those who are Christians would be strengthened in their faith by the gospel and leave better equipped to represent Jesus in their sport. Pray for those who don’t yet trust in Jesus, that as they hear the good news they would trust in it. Wed 6th Sports Plus schools. Praise God for the provision of schools to hold Sports Plus each summer. Pray for the ongoing witness as we interact with school staff both prior to Sports Plus and when on site each week. Thurs 7th Sports Plus Trainees. Thank God for the opportunities to invest in the lives of Trainees at Sports Plus. Pray that the training and experience they receive will equip them for future roles both within Christians in Sport and their local church. Fri 8th Sports Plus Bursary Fund. Thank God that the Sports Plus Bursary Fund enabled 144 young people to attend Sports Plus 2015 who without this assistance would have been unable to attend. Pray that people would continue to donate to the Bursary Fund, enabling even more young people who are financially restricted to attend Sports Plus in 2016. Sat 9th Sports Plus teaching. Pray for all those who will open the Bible with the young people at Sports Plus. Pray that they would be faithful to God’s Word in preparation and relevant in the delivery of talks, Bible studies and water-breaks.
1 Peter 2:4-5: ‘As you come to him, the living Stone – rejected by h stones, are being built up as a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, o
10 - 23 Apr
The local church is the primary community for making disciples of Jesus and training sportspeople in godliness. Pray for churches as they disciple and reach out to sportspeople. Sun 10th The Easter period. Thank God for all the sportspeople who heard the message of Easter through friends, church services and online. Pray for churches as they follow up with those seeking to find out more about who Jesus is. Mon 11th Bishop Hannington, Hove. Thank God for the sports quiz that took place late last year and for the church’s desire to share Jesus with sportspeople. Pray for them as they seek to continue to equip themselves as a church to share Jesus faithfully in their local sports community. Tues 12th Academy Church Placements. The 10 gap year students on the six-month programme with us will each complete a youth work placement in one of five churches across Oxfordshire. Thank God for these five churches; Magdalen Road, Orchard Baptist, St. Andrew’s Oxford, Long Crendon Baptist, The Source, and pray that Academy students would not only serve well, but would appreciate the value of the local church in strengthening their own faith. Wed 13th Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh. Thank God for their heart for the world of sport. Pray for them as they think through their sports mission strategy and implement it. Pray they would impact the local sports communities and share Jesus faithfully. Thurs 14th Church leaders. Pray that God would raise up a generation of church leaders across the UK with a heart for sportspeople. Pray that God would help us find more church leaders already with this passion so that we can walk alongside them as they each out to their local sports communities. Fri 15th St Botolph’s, Kettering. Give thanks for the many guests who came along to their rugby-themed quiz and took Luke’s Gospels. Pray for follow up and that the quiz was seen as more than just a good night out. Pray also for their ‘More than Gold’ meetings (made up of a group of people passionate about sport within the congregation) as they pray big prayers for the year ahead.
by humans but chosen by God and precious to him - you also, like living ood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.’
Sat 16th Christ Church Fulwood, Sheffield. Thank God for the many sportspeople at Christ Church, and for their passion in reaching the world of sport for Christ. Pray that God would use the church tonight as they host a sports quiz for church members in invite their sports friends to. Sun 17th Ministry to local sportspeople. Pray for those churches who hold services and groups specifically to cater for sportspeople and their families. Pray the times when they meet would be an encouragement and a time of equipping for their lives and also a catalyst for Pray Play Say. Mon 18th Ballymena Baptist Church. Thank God for our ongoing partnership with the church. Pray for the congregation engaged in the world of sport, that they’d be wise and faithful stewards of their gifts and opportunities in their clubs and teams across Ballymena. Tues 19th Church of England. Thank God for opening doors in the Church of England. Pray for Rt. Rev. Tony Porter, the Archbishops’ Sports Ambassador, as he seeks to help churches across England engage with their sports communities. Today’s events: Fulham Boys’ School Mission Wed 20th Follow up after the Rugby World Cup 2015. Thank God for the 1,600 churches across the UK that engaged with the world cup last year. Pray that all these activities would help build trust with their communities and that the fruit of that would be seen now as they seek to keep engaging. Thurs 21st Praying for sport. Pray that churches everywhere would be moved to pray for their local sports communities; from five minute slots in monthly prayer meetings, to running a sports prayer evening or a few lines in weekly intercessions. Fri 22nd Woodlands Evangelical Church, Derby. Pray for a women’s event happening this evening, that as the message of Jesus is shared in light of the Rio Olympics, it would be received well and make an impact in lives for eternity. Sat 23rd Elite sportspeople. Pray for all Christian athletes, that they would feel well supported and cared for by their churches, even though they may not be able to attend on a regular basis.
Hebrews 13:7 ’Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the w
OUR LEADERS 24 Apr - 7 May
From our Sports Plus leaders to the Board of Trustees, from Pray Play Say leaders to church leaders passionate about sport; thank God for all the leaders helping to reach the world of sport for Christ. Sun 24th Pray for the following leaders of our university groups based in Wales and Northern Ireland: Jason Mantel and Beth Tracey (Cardiff Met University) Harry Thick and Rebecca Kerr (Cardiff University) Dewi Brady (Swansea University) Peter Ferguson (Queen’s University Belfast)
Today’s events: Graham Daniels preaching at Christchurch, Harpenden Mon 25th Church Leaders. Pray that God would raise up a generation of church leaders that are passionate about sport and see the urgent need to reach out to their local sports communities. Tues 26th Pray for the following leaders of our university groups based in southern England: Ruth Troughton and Will Ward (University of Southampton) David Weir and Sam Crocker (Brunel University) Bertie Kennedy and Misha Blair (University of Bath) Tom Hanks and Sune van der Westhuizen (University of Exeter) Will Gardner and Dan Viner (University of Bristol) Lizzie Phillips (Canterbury Christchurch)
Wed 27th Board of Trustees. Thank God for their guidance and expertise. Pray for godly wisdom and unity as they make decisions and consult the staff. Thurs 28th Moldovan Leaders. Pray for the eight Moldovan leaders who came to observe Repton Sports Plus last summer as they make preparations to run their own camp in Moldova in early June. Fri 29th Romanian Leaders. Praise God for the growing team of Romanian leaders who lead a summer sports camp. A Christians in Sport team went out three years ago to help support it, but it now runs independently by local leaders. Sat 30th Leaders of young sportspeople. Thank God for all the leaders that support young Christian sports players across the UK, in churches, cities and at Sports Plus. Pray that more and more churches may identify the young sports players in their youth groups and seek to support them to represent Jesus in their team.
the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.’ Sun 1st Interns. Becki, Jonno, Jenny, Lloyd and Sarah are eight months into their Christians in Sport Internship. Pray for each one of them, that God would continue to mould them into Godly leaders. Mon 2nd One Life. One Life is a charity which seeks to grow godly young leaders in every sphere of society. Pray that their School of Leadership conference this summer might inspire and support young leaders with the potential to reach the lost world of sport. Tues 3rd Pray for the following leaders of our university groups based in Scotland: Jen Harris and Sean Brennan (University of Edinburgh) Craig Bathgate (University of Stirling) Moira Watkins (Glasgow Universities) Luke Pollock and Rob Sellar (University of St. Andrew’s) Rhys McAuley and Hannah Dunbar (University of Dundee and University of Abertae Dundee) Robin Kee (Heriot Watt University)
Wed 4th Sports Plus. Thank God for the over 300 leaders, trainees, coaches and support staff that serve each summer at Sports Plus – our camps for young sportspeople. Pray that many more would apply this year so that even more young people to attend this summer. Thurs 5th Pray for the following leaders of our university groups based in northern England: Hatty Haines and Anna Skinner (University of Leeds) Jos Herbert and Nick Harrison (Newcastle University) Ben Marsden and Katrina Bass (Durham University) Amelia Norman and Ross Findlay (University of Sheffield) Jos Edwards (University of Manchester)
Fri 6th Passionate Leaders. Pray that God would raise up future leaders of the work, who are passionate about reaching the world of sport for Christ and for whom the passions of Christians in Sport ring true (Sport Matters, God Speaks, Church Trains, Leaders Serve). Sat 7th Pray for the following leaders of our university groups based in the midlands: Alex Gray and Andreas Adams (Loughborough University) Charlotte Sadler and Jonny Moon (University of Nottingham) Dan Henery (University of Leicester) James Coney (Nottingham Trent University) Dom Potter, Alex Black and Jess Cutting (University of Birmingham) Rob Stileman (University of Warwick) Jen Ehr and Heli Copley (University of Oxford) Pat Tice and Toni Oki (University of Cambridge) Jacob Grimes (Oxford Brookes University)
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