Prayer Diary: October - December 2017

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PRAYER DIARY October December 2017

WELCOME to the prayer diary As we seek to do God’s work on earth, prayer is our greatest need. We stand no chance of making any progress without God’s help and guidance. Today, in a culture that encouarges self-reliance, this may sound strange but to God’s children it is wonderful news. Jeremiah writes “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you.” Jeremiah 29 v 12-14 (NIV). We delight in the truth that we can be reliant on Him and not on ourselves. We pray that we will continue to be countercultural and rely on our Heavenly Father, seeking Him in all that we do. Thank you for praying with us, your partnership in praying for the work is so important. It is truly amazing to look back over the last few months and years and see how God has answered prayer. We hope that this prayer diary gives you a sense of how you can pray for His will to be done in the world of sport. We hope you are as excited as we are at the prospect of looking back on these prayers in the future and seeing how God has answered them. Jen Warnock, Development Team Our mission To reach the world of sport for Christ. Our visions Christians everywhere living out their faith in sports clubs and teams. Churches everywhere engaging with their local sports communities. Sportspeople everywhere having the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus.


Global Mission




Performance Sport




Why is prayer so important?


Big prayers






Pray for your sports friends


Pray for sport as a church



1 - 14 Oct

We are part of a global movement whose European arm is the European Christian Sports Union (ECSU). Please join us in thanking God for July’s European Sports Mission and praying for the year ahead. Sun 1st Students. Give thanks for the 22 students from seven countries who took part in the European Sports Mission (ESM) this year. Praise God for the close friendships formed and the commitment to share Jesus throughout Europe that was birthed. Mon 2nd Boldness. Pray for those of the 22 returning to university, that the training would have given them confidence and boldness as they share Christ with their friends. Pray they would give a clear account of their time away and boldly point people to Jesus. Tue 3rd Friends. The students were challenged to text a friend asking them to read the Bible with them. Praise God for the positive responses and pray that these commitments would be honoured. For those who got negative replies, pray for ongoing relationships and soft hearts. Wed 4th Leaders. Pray for Manu (Romania), Slobodan (Serbia) and Igor’s (Macedonia) continued work with the young people the teams served on missions. Give thanks for these camps and pray for continued open doors for them to take place. Thu 5th Planning. The ESM ended with a chance for the students to consider what they would do with the training. Pray for these next actions and particularly for the Montenegro and Portuguese delegates who want to start sport camps next summer. Fri 6th New contacts. Praise God for new contacts in Montenegro (including sending a young leader to the ESM), Turkey and Kosovo. Pray as they consider the different strategies suitable for their environment and for the ECSU as we support them. Sat 7th Jersey guest events. Give thanks for this summer’s football and beach volleyball guest events. The football tournament was organised by Christians in the top league wanting to reach their friends. Thank God for those interviewed and speaking and pray their words would have fallen on soft hearts. 4

Sun 8th Jersey Internship. Give thanks Jack Newton’s Internship in Jersey. Praise God for the growth of Sports Plus Xtra, the start of Team Time (monthly Bible study) and the coaching he was able to do. Pray for Jack’s successor Vusa Mtunzi (started in September), that the work will continue to grow. Mon 9th Jersey Sports Plus. Give thanks for the third year of Jersey Sports Plus; praise God the camp was full this year. Pray for the ongoing relationships with the young people through schools work and monthly Sports Plus Xtra gatherings. Tue 10th Meetings. Pray for the ECSU Facilitation Team meeting in October to plan ahead for the next three years in the European movement. They will gather to write the first draft of the second strategic plan that will look to train 1000s of leaders and share the gospel with 10s of 1000s of people in the 53 countries of Europe. Pray that we seek God’s will and wisdom in it all. Wed 11th Partnership. 76 organisations and individuals from 33 countries feed into the quarterly prayer diary produced by the European Christian Sports Union. As we pray for things going on in the UK, let’s give thanks to our God with a global heart. Pray for all these individuals looking to share Christ through sport in a variety of circumstances and cultures. Thu 12th Links. Thank God for the opportunity we have to connect British performance athletes training or competing overseas with local partners throughout Europe; helping link them up with English-speaking churches and trusted partners to help support them when they are away from home. Fri 13th ReadySetGO. Pray ahead of global sports mission meetings in November looking at further developing the ReadySetGO material (a global curriculum on sports mission that is now used in 180 countries) and how sharing Christ can be multiplied by the 75,000+ leaders trained since November 2015. Our staff serve the global movement and will be involved in these meetings. Sat 14th The Gathering. The biennial European networking conference ‘The Gathering’ took place in June. Numbers doubled from previous years with 300 people from 42 countries meeting together in Vienna. Praise God for the encouragement and training this conference provided.



15 - 28 Oct

Please join us in giving thanks for the work being done amongst young Christians in sport. Pray on for God’s will to be done within clubs and teams, churches and schools, as well as for ongoing fruit from our summer Sports Plus camps. Sun 15th Sports Plus young people. Thank God for the 692 young people who attended Sports Plus this summer. Pray that Christians would have been strengthened in their faith and equipped to represent Jesus in their sport. Pray that many who heard the gospel would trust in it for their forgiveness and salvation. Mon 16th Sports Plus Bursary Fund. The fund enabled more than 150 young people to attend Sports Plus this summer who would otherwise be unable to. Thank God for all those who have donated to the fund. Tue 17th Sports Plus Trainees. Thank God for the opportunity we had to invest in the lives of 82 Trainees at Sports Plus this summer. Pray that the training and experience they received would equip them for future roles within Sports Plus, university and the local church. Wed 18th Sports Plus Leaders. Praise our Heavenly Father for the 373 Team Leaders, Coaches and Support Staff who served at Sports Plus this summer. Pray that they were encouraged as they served the young people and the gospel. Pray they would return to their clubs and teams seeking to share Jesus with their teammates. Thu 19th Sports Plus teaching. Thank God for the opportunity to teach the Bible through talks, Bible studies and water breaks. Pray that the teaching from Matthew’s gospel under the theme ‘Make way for the King’ would encourage the young people to submit their lives to King Jesus. Fri 20th Sports Plus venues. Praise our Heavenly Father for providing the following school venues which hosted Sports Plus this summer; Repton School (Repton), Christ College (Brecon), Campbell College (Belfast), Glenalmond College (Perth), Beaulieu School (Jersey). Pray for the ongoing relationships with these schools and that our witness with school staff would bear gospel fruit. 6

Sat 21st Sports Plus parents. Thank God for the hundreds of parents and guardians who sent their young people to Sports Plus this summer. Pray that they too would be moved and inspired by their children’s experience of the camps. Sun 22nd Young Christians in sport. Praise our Heavenly Father for the many young people seeking to represent Jesus in their world of sport. Pray they would be dependent on God in prayer, empowered by the Holy Spirit to live and play distinctively and be courageous in sharing the gospel. Mon 23rd Youth resources. Thank God for the wealth of resources that have been created for young Christian sports players including Bible studies, videos and blogs. Pray that these resources would continue to equip and inspire young Christian sports players to represent Jesus in their clubs and teams. Tue 24th Churches and youth leaders. Praise our Heavenly Father for the many churches and church youth leaders who are supporting young people to represent Jesus in the world of sport. Pray that more would grasp the mission of reaching the world of sport for Christ. Wed 25th Schools. Thank God for the opportunities to send teams into schools to share the good news of Jesus with young sportspeople. Pray that the school resources included in the Sports Mission Pack would help engage sportspeople with the gospel. Thu 26th Teachers. Praise our Heavenly Father for the many teachers we know seeking to represent Jesus in their schools. Pray for wisdom as they seek to support the young Christian sportspeople in their school and for opportunities to shine for Jesus in their own witness amongst students and staff. Fri 27th Youth coaches. Thank God for the Christian coaches we know who are serving in the world of youth sport. Pray that they would be distinctive in the way they coach and that they would have opportunities to share Jesus with the young people, as well as their parents and other coaching staff. Sat 28th Young sportspeople. Pray that young sportspeople all over the UK who don’t yet know Jesus would have the opportunity to hear the gospel and see it lived out through the witness of Christian friends or teammates. Pray God that would bring many to a saving faith in His Son. 7


29 Oct - 11 Nov

Heavy training and competition schedules take elite athletes and coaches away from home for long periods of time, meaning regular church life is tough to maintain. Please join us in praying for the world of performance sport and all those within it. Sun 29th Tennis. As the WTA Finals finish today in Singapore, thank God for Christians on the women’s pro tour. With long periods away from church, pray that they would be an encouragement to one another as they seek to represent Christ. Mon 30th World Para Athletics Championships, London 2017. Thank God for the opportunity Debbie Flood had to serve on the chaplaincy team and for all those she met. Pray for wisdom as we look to grow a deeper work within para athletics. Tue 31st GB Rowing. As rowers return to training from a short break after the World Championships, thank God for the strong Christian presence across the squads. Pray that they would point others to Jesus though their words and actions. Wed 1st Nov Commonwealth Games, Gold Coast. At the time of writing, it was not confirmed if there will be a chaplaincy team at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Please pray for open doors for a team to serve and a quick decision so plans can be made. Thu 2nd Golf. On 1st June, we took over leadership of LOGOS Golf Ministries. Pray for Ken Revie (European Tour), Alison Nicholas (Ladies European Tour) and Vincent Brown (Tartan Tour), who are leading Bible studies and supporting Christian golfers and those looking into faith. Fri 3rd Vitality Netball Superleague. Thank God for the Christians we know of playing in the UK’s top netball league and in the England junior teams. Pray for an opportunity to gather the players ahead of the start of the league in February. Sat 4th Wimbledon. Praise God for the small group of Christians involved at July’s championships who met to explore God’s word and pray together. Pray that this first gathering would have been a helpful step in fostering Christian community on the tours. 8

Sun 5th Christmas Carols. Pray for those planning and inviting athletes and coaches to All Souls, Langham Place’s Christmas carols and to a drinks reception afterwards. Pray that Christian athletes and coaches will take the opportunity to boldly invite those they train and compete with. Mon 6th Young Performance Athletes (YPAs). Pray for the parents of the 85 Christian young people we know of competing in elite sport, that God would guide their decisions as they look to raise young athletes who know and love the Lord. Pray too for Nathan Elliott, who joins the YPA team to help walk alongside young male elite athletes. Tue 7th Cricket. Praise God for how He has been using Andrew Wingfield Digby since he started to work within cricket again in January 2017. Thank God for the open doors for the gospel he has found and the players, coaches and chaplains he has been able to meet. Pray for continued opportunities to get the Bible open with players and coaches. Wed 8th IAAF Diamond League series. Thank God for the IAAF Diamond League series and for the athletes and coaches from many nations who have gathered at Bible studies hosted by Jules Wilkinson and Stuart Weir (Verite Sport) over the 2017 season. Pray that this growing community would be an encouragement to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. Thu 9th Hockey. Pray for Christian players and coaches involved in the international squads and Premier Leagues, that they would enjoy the gifts they have been given and glorify God as they share life and the gospel with their teammates on and off the field this season. Fri 10th Professional footballers. As the world watches their performance and judges them by it, pray that they may know they are God’s children - may their worth be in that and not in their performance. Sat 11th Rugby Union. As England take on Argentina today at Twickenham, thank God for the many players who are professing faith. Pray for open doors to meet with and support these players as we look to reach the world of rugby union for Christ.



12 - 25 Nov

This fortnight we are praying for the student work and praising the Lord for all the marvellous things He has done in the world of university sport. Please join us in laying all our plans and desires at the foot of the cross and ask for God’s will to be done and His kingdom to come in university sports clubs across the UK. Sun 12th Freshers. Pray for Christian students who have started at university or college this autumn. Pray that God has enabled them to be unashamed of the gospel and their faith in Jesus is evident in all areas of their life, including their sport. Mon 13th Churches. Pray that all student Christians in sport will be fully involved in a church whilst at university. Pray particularly that the freshers will quickly become part of a church family where, under God’s word, they can mature in their faith and be spurred on in mission to their sports club. Tue 14th Initiations/welcome drinks. Praise God that He promises to be with us to the very end of the age and His presence can enable Christians to powerfully stand tall for Him. Pray that many freshers have been able to do this during their sports club initiations and, in doing so, have honoured Christ and shone brightly for Him. Wed 15th Reading the Bible. Praise God that salvation came to a female cricketer in Bath University last year after reading the Bible with her Christian teammate. Pray for more opportunities for students to do this and for God to continue to be gracious in saving many people through the reading of His word. Thu 16th Sharing life. Pray that students would be proactive in sharing their lives with friends from their sports clubs. Pray that this will deepen friendships and build trust which will lead to genuine discussions about the need that everyone has to follow Jesus. Fri 17th University Group leaders. Praise our Heavenly Father for the 50 University Group leaders who have committed to serve the mission of Christ in their universities this year. Pray that theses students would lead by example and inspire their fellow group members to make bold steps in their personal evangelism. 10

Sat 18th Clubhouse Xtra. Pray for our student training conferences in January. Ask that God will free up diaries and provide funds so that many students will sign up and therefore be equipped to make disciples in the world of university sport. Sun 19th Bath University events week. Praise God for the open door the staff of Christians in Sport have to proclaim the mystery of Christ to students at Bath University this coming week. Pray that sportspeople will attend the events, hear the gospel and turn to Jesus as their Lord and saviour. Mon 20th Partnerships with the local church. Pray that Christians in Sport would continue to serve the local church specifically in the area of evangelism to sport students. Pray for further partnerships to be developed with churches in university cities and that, as a result, more sportspeople will hear of Christ. Tue 21st Injury. Please pray for students who have suffered serious injuries this season. Pray that the gospel will comfort them in their situations but continue to motivate them to stay committed to their sports friends even when they are unable to train, play or compete alongside them. Wed 22nd Christmas events. Pray that student Christians in sport can invite their whole clubs to carol services and Christmas events. Pray also that conversations will be had about the wonder of God coming down to rescue His people and this will cause many students to explore Christianity further. Thu 20th European Sports Mission. Praise God that students from across the continent were able to attend the European Sports Mission in July. Pray that God would use them to make a huge impact in the world of university sport following the training and experience they received in the summer. Fri 21st Dialogue Dinners. Praise God for students like Peter from Newcastle University, who hosted a Dialogue Dinner where he shared his testimony with his whole swimming club. Pray that Christians can boldly invite their teammates to enjoy food together, hear the gospel and ask questions to find out more. Sat 22nd Evangelistic sports events. Pray that God will work powerfully through His word at events across the UK this term. Pray that the University Groups will faithfully invite all their friends from their sports clubs to hear the gospel and enjoy playing dodgeball or entering a sports quiz.


WHY IS PRAYER Thanks so much for partnering with us in prayer as we lift the world of sport to our Heavenly Father. We hope this Bible study will encourage you to keep on doing just that. 1. Aim of the study - To understand the importance of prayer when trying to represent Jesus to our friends. - To help us commit to praying for our friends who are involved in sport. 2. Get ready Write down what you think prayer is. Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 6 v 6 (‘…and pray to your Father, who is unseen’) give us a backdrop to understanding the heart of what prayer is, and it’s no more complicated than this: PRAYER IS TALKING TO GOD. Why is it that we seem to struggle in the area of prayer so much? It seems boring, predictable and at times irrelevant. But as the Pray, Play, Say model shows, it is hugely important. So why should we pray? As we play our sport in a way that honours God, we really want to pray for our friends to become Christians. As we go through this study keep in mind three friends you play sport with that you want to tell about Jesus. Write them down. 3. Get Set Let’s look at Colossians 4 v 2-4 (NIV). ‘Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it as clearly, as I should.’ The first thing to note is that your prayers are important.

SO IMPORTANT? - How seriously do you think Paul takes prayer? - What word at the beginning of verse 2 does Paul use in advising how these Christians should pray? - In real life what does this look like for you? - What should this look like for you? Paul then directs them in what they should pray for by using himself as the example. - What should we pray for here alongside the Colossian Christians (verse 3)? - Why do you think Paul uses the word ‘mystery’? - What is God’s role in prayer from this verse? - Read verse 4 again. What else does Paul encourage us to pray for? - How should this teaching effect the way you pray? Do you see your prayers as this important? Paul says we must start with prayer when trying to represent Jesus amongst others. We must start by asking God to do his work before we can even begin to think about doing ours. - From verse 3 how much do we know about Paul’s dedication to making the good news of Jesus known? Paul is not only interested in proclaiming the good news of Jesus, but he wants to proclaim it clearly. It means everything to Paul – even his life. We know that he is in prison (chains) when writing this letter because of what he believes in. 4. Go, go, go! Pray for the three friends you are playing sport with. Write a prayer asking God for Him to play His part and to help you to play your part.


26 Nov - 9 Dec

This autumn, we have launched Game Plan 4 - our strategy for reaching the world of sport for Christ over the next four years. As we look ahead to 2018, please join us in praying for the long-term aims of different areas of the work Sun 26th Game Plan 4. This is our strategic plan that runs from 1st September 2017 to 31st August 2020. Please join us in praying that as it is implemented, God’s kingdom would grow in the world of sport. Mon 27th Recently retired athletes. Ask that the many former athletes who know Christ would be aware of His ‘everlasting arms’ upholding them through what can be a painful and confusing transition. Pray that our new podcast series will help those in this position. Tue 28th Budget. This year, under God, we wish to see the work grow throughout the UK, internationally and within a number of sports at the performance level. We have increased our budget by £250k to £1.6m. Pray that God would raise up partners to meet this need. Wed 29th Young leaders. Pray for the ongoing investment in the 45 young leaders from the past two European Sports Mission schools. We want to continue to support and train young leaders to ensure future generations of leaders are engaged in sport as a way to reach Europe for Christ. Thu 30th Evangelism training. Give thanks for the 32 evangelism training sessions hosted by churches across the UK last year. Pray that more churches would think through how best they can be training sportspeople to share Jesus in their clubs and teams.


Fri 1st Dec Sports Plus. Pray that the gospel would have made a lasting impact on all the 692 young people who attended Sports Plus 2017. Pray that the Christian sports players would have left with a passion to live for Jesus and share Him in their world of sport.

Sat 2nd Workers. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send more workers into the harvest field of university sport. Pray that there will be a Christian in every single university sports club or team who is committed to making disciples of Jesus with those they train and compete alongside. Sun 3rd Tennis. Pray for a regular Bible study of players and coaches to be established on both the WTA and ATP tours and for God to raise up the right men and women to lead them. Mon 4th Clubs and teams. We want to see Christians involved in sport flourishing in faith and seeking to share the good news of Jesus in their teams and clubs. Pray that followers of Jesus would make choices to engage in sport. Tue 5th Translation. Pray for the ongoing translation of the ReadySetGO material (a global curriculum on sports mission that is now used in 180 countries). Having resources in a native language has made a tremendous difference to the spread of the gospel and we want to continue to equip people with the resources they need. Wed 6th Churches. Pray that all Christians in sport would be rooted in a local church. Pray too that more churches would be encouraging people to get stuck into local clubs as a place to worship God with their sporting ability and witness to friends who don’t know Jesus. Thu 7th Churches and youth leaders. Ask God that every church in the UK would grasp the mission of reaching the world of sport for Christ and that every youth leader would be equipped to support young sportspeople to represent Him. Fri 8th Vision. Pray that God will give hundreds of Christian sport students a vision to reach the world of sport both at university and for the rest of their lives. Pray that their student years will be a valuable time of training and encouragement which will spur them onto a life time of mission. Sat 9th Regional workers. As Christians in Sport staff and Interns are increasingly based in different locations across the British Isles, pray this will enable our vision to be shared more widely and for God’s glory.



10 - 23 Dec

It is a joy for us to partner with hundreds of churches who encourage sportspeople through faithful gospel-centred teaching and equip them to share this good news with teammates. This fortnight, please join us in committing all these churches and their leaders to God, and in praying specifically for a handful of these churches as they disciple and reach out to sportspeople. Sun 10th Sunday sport. With much sport now being played on Sundays, pray for churches as they respond to this trend in culture. Pray that they would be able to work with sportspeople and parents of young sportspeople to find workable solutions for them to be active members of both their local sports clubs and their churches. Mon 11th Guest events. Thank God for all the churches who used the Sports Mission Pack to run a guest event last term. Pray that those sportspeople who invited teammates would be faithful in following them up as they share life and continue to speak of Jesus. Tue 12th Church leaders. Thank God for those church leaders who play sport. Pray they would be faithful in the world of sport where God has placed them and have time to train and play. Wed 13th Christmas invites. Give thanks for the annual opportunity to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus at carol services and other church events. Pray that sportspeople would be making the most of the opportunities that Christmas provides to introduce their teammates to Jesus. Thu 14th Donor churches. Give thanks for those churches who support the work of Christians in Sport out of their home mission budget. Pray that we might be wise stewards of the resources we receive. Fri 15th Granshaw Family Church, Belfast. Pray that evangelism training ran in the autumn term will have given sportspeople confidence in their God-given role as workers in the harvest field of sport. Pray that this will lead to great boldness in invites for a guest event in the New Year, and to lost teammates being found. 16

Sat 16th Southampton. Pray for Andy and Anna Gordon as they take a lead role in envisioning Christian sportspeople across churches in Southampton to get stuck into local clubs and teams and share Christ there. Sun 17th North West Gospel Partnership. Give thanks for a recent meeting between 12 pastors from churches across Manchester involved in the Northwest Gospel Partnership. Pray that each pastor might find the right person to lead the charge in their church to reach the world of sport for Christ. Mon 18th Deeside Christian Fellowship, Aberdeen. Pray that students planning to read John’s gospel with teammates next term would be courageous, convicted, and clear. Pray too for snow! There are four people involved in snowsports and they need it to compete/train/be amongst their teammates. Tue 19th Loughborough. Give thanks for emerging interest from several Loughborough churches in partnering together to share the gospel with clubs and teams. Pray for the pioneers of this vision in each church as they seek to co-ordinate the work. Wed 20th Christ Church, Balham. Give thanks for the small group of sportspeople who have recently started gathering to pray together. Pray that these times of mutual encouragement and honest accountability would help keep them patient and persistent in their prayers for teammates. Thu 21st Cardiff. Please pray for those who attended the Cardiff city wide quiz in November, invited by Christians in sport from different South Wales churches. Pray that they would still be thinking about what they heard, especially in the light of Christmas, and that the friends who invited them would be faithful in sharing life and asking questions. Fri 22nd Woodlands Church, Bristol. Pray that the Christians in clubs and teams in the congregation would love Jesus in such a way that they can’t help but share His good news. Sat 23rd Glenabbey Church, Newtownabbey. Give thanks for a training event that took place in September and for two evangelistic events that followed. As those inviting seek opportunities to follow up with guests at Christmas, pray that God would open doors and soften hearts to the message they bring. 17


24 - 30 Dec

As we celebrate God’s gift of His Son at Christmas, let us praise and thank our Father for all He has been doing in the world of sport during 2017. Sun 24th Answered prayers. Over the last two years we have been praying for God to raise up Christians in the worlds of elite tennis, golf, cricket, rugby and Formula 1. Thank God for how we have seen Him gloriously answer these prayers over the last year. Mon 25th Happy Christmas. Thank God for His amazing rescue plan in sending Jesus to die for us. Give thanks too for His financial provision this year as He has moved individuals and trusts to cover our budget. Tue 26th Growth. Give thanks for the growth of the work of the European Christian Sports Union. Since the ReadySetGo launch in May 2016, it has been a joy to watch the work multiply. More than 5,000 local leaders are now confident in the material and using it to share Christ; as well as sending young leaders for further training at the European Sports Mission. They are now reaching more people than ever imagined Wed 27th Training. Pray for elite sportspeople trying to balance family, training and playing or competing commitments over the festive period. Pray that they keep the gospel in focus at all times. Thu 28th Key leaders in churches. Praise God for those in churches across the UK who have a passion for sport. Give thanks for their desire to find and help others like them in their churches to pray, play, say. Fri 29th Young Christian sportspeople. Thank God for the many young Christian sportspeople around the UK who are depending on God in prayer, being distinctive on and off the field and being intentional in saying something of the gospel to those in their world of sport. Sat 30th Events weeks. We are so thankful to God for the opportunity we have to proclaim the gospel to 1000s of students at the Bath and Edinburgh university events weeks this academic year. Thank God for the Christians in sport in those universities who are excited to see how God will work through His gospel in the lives of their friends. 18

YOUR SPORTS FRIENDS Why don’t you write down the name of three of your sports friends who you can commit to praying for in the next few months? Use this as a prompt in your daily prayers.


PRAY FO AS A CH When could we pray for sport at our church? This will depend on your church, but here are just a few ideas: 1.

Ask to use a slot in one of your monthly prayer meetings.


Run a sports prayer evening.


Include a few lines in your weekly intercession prayers.


Feature a sports prayer in your church's prayer diary.

What could we pray for? 1. Sportspeople in your congregation Find out who plays sport in your congregation and which clubs/teams they play for. Pray that God would help them to play in a way that honours God and to give them opportunities to speak about God with their friends. 2. Local sports clubs in your community Do some research to find out who your local sports clubs are. Here are two websites that may help and - which include stats and figures on who is playing sport in your area. Pray that God would raise up Christians in these clubs to represent Him and that people that don’t know Him would come to explore Christianity for themselves.

OR SPORT HURCH 3. Sports activities to engage with your community Maybe you’re planning to run an event to invite sportspeople to? If so, pray that God would use it mightily. Maybe you don’t know where to start with engaging with your local sports community? Pray for ideas and wisdom. There is lots of information and advice on running events in our Sports Mission Pack including tips on hosting a prayer gathering and some great Bible verses to look at. Download the pack for free at 4. Pray for sports events coming up Head to the BBC’s Sports Calendar to find out what major events are coming up. Pray for the event, for the Christians competing, for safety, for opportunities for churches to engage with it and anything else you think needs prayer. 5. Pray for sports ministries There are lots of organisations who are reaching and serving the world of sport. Pick a few to pray for from the Sports Ministry UK website or share this prayer diary.


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For the most recent news and stories visit the Christians in Sport website or find us on the following social media channels: @CIS_UK Christians in Sport ChristiansinSportUK Christians_in_Sport

CONTACT DETAILS Christians in Sport Frampton House Unit D1 Telford Road Industrial Estate Bicester Oxfordshire OX26 4LD 01869 255 630 Registered Charity number for England and Wales 1086570 Registered Charity number for Scotland SC045299 Registered Company number 4146081

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