Prayer Diary: April - July 2017

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PRAYER DIARY April July 2017

WELCOME to the prayer diary What hope, what comfort, what joy it is to know that our God is Lord of Heaven and Earth! He hears our prayers and knows our hearts, yet He is Lord of all! When we come to Him in prayer, we find that He “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” Ephesians 3 v 20-21 (NIV). In pursuing our vision to reach the world of sport for Christ, we are glad and rejoice that God’s ability and imagination are both infinitely better than our own. We are thankful that even though we don’t always see how purposeful and faithful prayer leads to sportspeople loving and glorifying God, our Lord is steadfast. “Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; And let them say among the nations, “The Lord reigns” 1 Chronicles 16 v 31 (NIV). We hope you will join with us in praying boldly that God’s love and mercy be known more and more in the world of sport and sportspeople everywhere will proclaim “the Lord reigns”. In Christ, Jen Warnock, Development Team

Our mission To reach the world of sport for Christ. Our visions Christians everywhere living out their faith in sports clubs and teams. Churches everywhere engaging with their local sports communities. Sportspeople everywhere having the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus.


Global Mission




Performance Sport




Big Prayers








Pray: He can do it


Global Mission


Performance Sport




Sports Plus


Pray for sport as a church


Pray for your sports friends



9 - 15 Apr

We are part of a global movement whose European arm is the European Christian Sports Union (ECSU). This week, please pray for all that is happening internationally through indigenous-led sports mission. Sun 9th ECSU. Give thanks that the ECSU were asked to speak at the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) conference in Germany over Easter, leading a ‘passion stream’ on sport. Give thanks for our partnership with IFES and pray that this seminar would have helped many students connect their faith and sport for the first time. Mon 10th European Sports Mission. Praise God for the fantastic opportunity we have to train young leaders from across Europe together this July at the second European Sports Mission. Last year 24 leaders from nine countries attended. Tue 11th Young leaders. Pray that God would bring the right young leaders together for the second European Sports Mission in July and that they will grow and have a mighty impact for the gospel. Wed 12th Key leaders. Give thanks for the chance to support key leaders who are pioneering sports mission in their cities and countries across Europe after attending the global and European ReadySetGO launches. Poland, Kosovo and Sweden are a few of the countries we will be investing in. Thu 13th Migrants. Pray for countries working with migrants through sport. Teams in Greece, Macedonia, Netherlands, Finland and Germany have been demonstrating God’s unconditional love to these marginalised people by using the Migrant Sports Toolkit to help engage and build friendships. Fri 14th Good Friday. As we remember Jesus’ death on the cross for us today, thank Him that He died to bring people from every nation into His family. Sat 15th Jersey. Praise God for Sports Plus Xtra which runs monthly in Jersey as an after-school club. Just under half who attend are non-Christians. Pray for the team who lead this and for the young people, that those who know Christ would grow and develop more in Him and that those who don’t yet would come to a saving knowledge of Him. 4


16 - 22 Apr

Let us pray with confidence for God’s will to be done amongst young Christians in sport within churches and schools, and for fruit from Sports Plus, our summer camps. Sun 16th Easter Sunday. Praise God that Jesus is alive! Pray that the truth of the resurrection might motivate young Christian sports players to be bold in living for Jesus in their clubs and teams. Mon 17th Young sportspeople. Pray that young sportspeople who don’t yet know Jesus would have opportunities during this Easter period to hear the gospel and that they would have a saving encounter with the risen Jesus. Tue 18th Sports Plus Xtra. Praise God for the Sports Plus Xtra training events for young sports players which took place last term. Pray for the ongoing preparations for Sports Plus Xtras happening in other cities and regions across the UK this coming term. Wed 19th A Year in the Life. Pray that many young Christian sports players would engage with the ‘A Year in the Life’ video resource and that it would be useful in helping them think through what it looks like to pray, play, say in the world of sport. Thu 20th Schools. Praise God for the many opportunities we have this term to share the good news of Jesus with young sportspeople in schools. Pray for wisdom, sensitivity and faithfulness as we seek to share the gospel. Fri 21st Schools resources. Praise God for the schools resources included in the Sports Mission Pack. Pray that they would be useful and help teachers or others working in schools to engage with sportspeople. Today’s events: Mount Kelly School mission. Sat 22nd Teachers. Praise God for the Christian teachers we know of in schools all over the UK. Pray for wisdom as they seek to support young Christian sportspeople in their school and for opportunities to shine for Jesus in their own witness amongst students and staff. 5


23 - 29 Apr

Heavy training and competitions take professional and elite Christian athletes away from home for long periods of time, meaning regular church life is tough to maintain. Please join us in praying for them. Sun 23th International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) World Relays. Thank God for the many Christian athletes who are competing at the relays this weekend. Pray that this growing community would encourage each other in Christ. Mon 24th Belfast football gathering. Thank God for the 20 elite players and coaches in Northern Ireland’s top divisions who came together in November to meet and read the Bible. Pray they would find more players and coaches in their clubs who want to explore the Christian faith with them. Tue 25th Cricket. Pray for Andrew Wingfield Digby as he re-engages with the elite cricket world. Thank God for the doors He has already opened for Andrew to meet with and support players, coaches and chaplains. Wed 26th Football. Praise God for the regular gatherings of professional footballers that have started in Cambridge, London, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Watford and on the south coast. Pray these gatherings would foster growing communities as they encourage one another as brothers in Christ. Thu 27th Para-Swimming. As the British international meet takes place from today until Sunday, pray for the few Christians we know of in the world of elite para-swimming and ask God to raise up more. Fri 28th Young Performance Athletes (YPAs). Thank God for the opportunities YPAs have had to meet this year already; at All Souls Christmas Carols in December, at Clubhouse Xtra in January and at a regional gathering in the Midlands in February. Sat 29th Irish senior women’s squads. Thank God for the witness of Christians in the senior Ireland rugby, hockey and cricket squads. Pray that they would have a positive influence on the atmosphere in their many training camps and competitions away. 6


30 Apr - 6 May

The local church is the primary community for making disciples of Jesus and training sportspeople in godliness. Pray for churches as they disciple and reach out to sportspeople. Sun 30th Sunday sport. With much sport now being played on Sundays, pray that churches would be able to work with sportspeople and parents to help them to be active members of both their local sports clubs and their churches. Mon 1st Ivy Church, Manchester. Thank God for the Sports Quiz that took place in March and for the church’s desire to share Jesus with sportspeople. Pray for them as they seek to continue to equip themselves as a church to share Jesus faithfully. Tue 2nd Jersey. Thank God for the Christians in Sport beach volleyball competition being held today, and for all the churches involved. Pray that those attending will listen closely to the gospel talk. Wed 3rd Church groups. Thank God for those churches who gather together their sportspeople throughout the year to pray and equip one another. Pray that more would do this where appropriate. Thu 4th Deeside Christian Fellowship. Thank God for the church’s heart for their world of sport. Pray for them as they think through their sports mission strategy. Pray they would impact the local sports communities and share Jesus faithfully. Fri 5th Churches in Maidenhead. Thank God for the many sportspeople in churches across Maidenhead, and for their passion to reach the world of sport for Christ. Today’s events: Dean Close School chapel, Cheltenham (Nathan Elliott speaking). Sat 6th Kingsland Community Church, Colchester. Praise God for the faithful support of churches like Kingsland, and pray for Colchester Churches Together as they consider local sports ministry. Today’s events: Kingsland Community Church, Colchester men’s breakfast (Jos Herbert and Dave Lawther speaking). 7


7 - 13 May

As we look further ahead into 2017, please join us in praying for the long-term aims of different areas of the work. Sun 7th Guest events. Pray that churches would seek to put on guest events for sportspeople to come under the sound of the good news of Jesus and that these would lead to new life in Him. Mon 8th Jersey. As we thank God for how He is working on the island of Jersey, pray that He will raise up a Christian in each of its 167 sports clubs. Tue 9th Elite athletes. Pray for elite athletes across the UK, that they would feel well supported and cared for by their church families even if they cannot attend regularly. Thank God for churches who go out of their way to disciple elite athletes. Wed 10th Universities. Pray that God would save lives and raise up more gospel workers at Northumbria University, Nottingham Trent University and Sheffield Hallam University, where sport is a huge mission field, yet we currently know of few Christian students playing sport in these universities. Thu 11th Sports Plus. Pray that the gospel would make a lasting impact on all the young people who attend Sports Plus 2017. Pray that those who don’t yet know Jesus would have a saving encounter with Him and that the Christian sports players would grow in their love for Jesus and leave with a passion to live for Him in the world of sport. Today’s events: Kingsway Christian Fellowship Sports Quiz. Fri 12th Christians in elite leadership roles. Pray for Christians who hold positions of authority within elite sport, that they would lead with a servant heart and that God would give them great wisdom and strength. Sat 13th Champions Cup Final Day. As Christian rugby players and their teammates gather today to play a match, hear a gospel talk and watch the European Champions Cup final at Murrayfield, pray for God to be at work in everything that is said and done. 8


14 - 20 May

This week’s prayers are those of the leaders of some of our University Groups. These groups meet weekly during term time to encourage and equip each other. Sun 14th Ben Nixon, Stirling. “Thank God that He has clearly been working in the midst of the darkness, with increasing numbers of non-Christians showing interest in Christianity. Pray that Christians are able to take advantage when such opportunities arise.” Mon 15th Peter Sands, Newcastle. “Please pray for a number of Dialogue Dinners scheduled to go ahead this term. Pray that we would support each other in helping to organise those events and that our teammates would be willing and open to come.” Tue 16th Louise Johnson, Leeds. “Thank God for the events and gospel conversations that are happening across Leeds University sports teams. Pray for boldness and distinctiveness for Christians as they plan their next steps to reach out to their teams.” Wed 17th Dom Potter, Birmingham. “Praise God for the boldness of Jess, who invited the entire second team football squad to a Sports Quiz. Thank God also for the energy and enthusiasm of freshers Cameron and Victoria, who are witnessing in the ultimate frisbee and athletics clubs respectively.” Thu 18th Hannah Smith, Bristol. “Thank God for the witness of each group member and the opportunities they have had to share Jesus. Pray that we will be proactive in sharing our lives and faith with our teammates as fixtures come to an end.” Today’s events: Ministry of Sport Sports Quiz, Hucknell. Fri 19th Beth Jenkins, Cardiff. “Pray for the witness of those who find themselves in difficult teams, where they are isolated for being a Christian. Pray they stand firm and live lives worthy of the gospel.” Today’s events: St Leonard’s, Exeter Sports Quiz. Sat 20th Student leaders. Pray that students who take on leadership roles within their sports clubs will be distinct and godly in the way they lead. Pray that this will enable them to have gospel conversations and lead many of their friends to Christ. 9


21 - 27 May

Since all our blessings flow from God, we have much to be grateful for. This week, let us praise and thank God for all He has been doing in the world of sport. Sun 21st Loughborough University events week. Give glory to God for His grace and mercy shown at Loughborough Christian Union’s events week in February where Christians in Sport staff could help proclaim the gospel each day and students gave their lives to Jesus. Pray that the gospel will continue to bear much fruit there. Mon 22nd Elite sportspeople seeking God’s Word. Thank God for elite athletes who are actively exploring God’s word with Christians in their squads, Christians in Sport staff and church leaders. Pray that God would show them the majesty of the gospel. Tue 23rd Partnerships. Give thanks for partnerships with other pan-European networks, particularly with Mission Net and IFES. Mission Net is a predominately student-focused ministry helping link students up with mission opportunities. IFES is the global equivalent of UCCF, a network supporting students to witness to their friends whilst at university. Wed 24th Key leaders. Praise God for those in churches across the UK with a passion for sport. Give thanks for their desire to find and help others like them in their churches to pray, play, say. Thu 25th Tennis, golf, cricket and rugby. We have been praying passionately and persistently for God to raise up followers of Jesus Christ in the elite worlds of tennis, golf, cricket and rugby over the last year. Praise God that through His grace He has opened doors and helped us identify Christians in these sports where previously we knew few. Fri 26th Sports Plus Xtra. Thank God for the young people who attended these events last term (21 in Wales and 23 in Northern Ireland) and for the energy, enthusiasm and servant-heartedness of the local leaders who made them happen. Sat 27th Church partnerships. Thank God for the strong links we have with many churches across the UK who recognise the value of sport and the urgent need to reach out to their local sports communities. 10


28 May - 3 Jun

Please join us in praying for the student work this week and praise the Lord for the marvellous things He has done in the world of university sport. Sun 28th Bible reading. Praise God that many students are reading the Bible with their teammates. Pray that God will save lives through examples like a lacrosse player at Oxford University who is meeting a teammate to examine the life of Jesus. Mon 29th Events weeks. Pray that any students who have attended events weeks at their universities will have heard the gospel clearly and God continues to work in their hearts causing them to turn to Him. Tue 30th Church. Thank God for the opportunity He is giving students to bring teammates along to church with them for the first time. Pray that the gospel is proclaimed faithfully and that students will turn to Jesus. Today’s events: One-day Sports Plus Jersey; Sports Plus Xtra Newcastle. Wed 31st Boldness. Thank God for Peter, who held his own dialogue dinner with 20 friends from Newcastle University Swimming Club. Praise God that they had honest gospel conversations and one of them has gone to church with Peter. Thu 1st Jun Evangelistic events. Praise the Lord for the many sport-specific evangelistic events that have taken place at universities across the UK. Pray that the gospel will bear much fruit in people’s hearts and we will see many students turning to Christ. Fri 2nd New life. Praise God for a footballer who was able to declare her faith in Christ at her baptism to her entire team, family and friends. Pray that her stand, along with other students who have been baptised this year, will have caused all who attended to consider Jesus genuinely for themselves. Sat 3rd Summer. Please pray that students can use their summers to serve God on camps and mission trips. Pray that many can attend the European Sports Mission and serve at our Sports Plus camps. Pray that these experiences will strengthen their relationship with Christ. 11

PRAY: HE C Thanks so much for partnering with us in prayer as we lift the world of sport to our Heavenly Father. We hope this centrespread, which is taken from our Pray Play Say Bible study book series, will encourage you to keep on doing just that. This study looks at Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Here are three ways we can pray to Him who is faithful: 1. Thank and praise God Our prayers so often quickly focus on us, but it is important to first lift our eyes from ourselves and our needs and rest them on Jesus Christ, who He is and what He has done. To help you do this, look at the prayer written by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 2 v 1-10. Take time to reflect and meditate on what is being said and then pray, giving thanks and praise to God for what He has revealed about Himself and what He has done and continues to do for us through Christ. 2. Say sorry to God Having lifted our eyes to Jesus Christ, we often become acutely aware of how sinful we are. Therefore, the second section of prayer is a time to acknowledge and confess the ways we’ve not honoured God; especially in and through our sport, asking for forgiveness, knowing that He alone can forgive because of what Jesus has done for us on the cross.

CAN DO IT! Take time to reflect and meditate on what is being said about our sin in Ephesians 2 v 1-10 and praise God for what He has done and continues to do for us through Christ. 3. Commit to God Here are some specific areas of our lives we can commit to God: 1. Ourselves and other Christian sportspeople: Read Ephesians 3v 14-21. Echo Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian Christians as you pray for yourself and other Christian sportspeople. 2. Our sports friends, coach or manager: Pray that God would shine His light into their hearts and bring them to know Him as their Lord and Saviour. 3. Sports clubs in your area: We know the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few as Jesus teaches us in Matthew 9 v 38; so pray and ask the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into those clubs and teams in your area where you don’t know of any Christians. 4. Reaching the world of sport for Christ: Are there others in your church or club you could share this prayer diary with and team up with to bring the sporting world before our Heavenly Father?



4 - 10 Jun

We are part of a global sports movement. This week, pray for all that is happening internationally through indigenous-led sports mission. Sun 4th European Christian Sports Union (ECSU). Give thanks for the nine-member ECSU Facilitation Team who give their time voluntarily to help co-ordinate and support the work of those doing sports mission across Europe. Mon 5th Jersey. ‘Team Time’ has started in Jersey, a monthly Bible study group for young Christian sportspeople which Jack Newton, our Intern on the island, leads. Pray this group would be a great support to young people and families. Today’s events: Gosforth School mission (Nathan Elliott speaking). Tue 6th Translation. Give thanks for the team in Latvia who have offered to translate ReadySetGO into Latvian. Pray for patience and wisdom for them as they approach this mammoth task. Wed 7th Romania. Praise God for the growth of sports mission in Romania as they look to run two sports camps this year for the first time, having run one for the past four years. Thu 8th ECSU Gathering. Today sees the start of the biennial European networking conference in Austria - The ECSU Gathering. It enables those involved in sports mission across Europe to share ideas, experiences, challenges and network. Fri 9th Austria. Pray for the Austrian ReadySetGO team who are in the early stages of formation. Due to mountain regions, networking as a team is hard but the ECSU Gathering helps give them ownership and a chance to really engage with the ECSU. Today’s events: ESCU Gathering (8-11). Sat 10th European Sports Mission (ESM). Pray for the 18-25 year olds from across Europe attending next month’s second ESM, that they will form friendships quickly, come ready to learn and have their eyes and hearts opened to wider sports mission. 14


11 - 17 Jun

Heavy training and competitions take professional and elite Christian athletes away from home for long periods of time, meaning regular church life is tough to maintain. Please join us in praying for them. Sun 11th Vitality Netball Superleague Grand Final. As the grand final takes place today, thank God for the clusters of Christian players and staff emerging in a few of the teams. Pray that they would encourage each other and be a strong witness for Christ as they share life and the gospel with their teammates. Mon 12th Young elite footballers. Thank God for young Christian footballers emerging in academy teams across the UK. As their every move is assessed each day, pray that their identity would be firmly rooted in Christ. Tue 13th Tennis. Over the last year we have been passionately praying for God to raise up Christians on the ATP and WTA tours. Praise God for the Christians we have identified on the two tours and pray for opportunities to engage and support them. Wed 14th Men’s Hockey World League, London (1525). As teams from across the world head to London this week, pray for the Christians we know are playing, that they would be salt and light in a world where we know few Christians at the elite level. Thu 15th Diamond League, Oslo. As the world’s best track and field athletes compete in Oslo today, praise God for the growing Christian community among them. Pray that they would be an encouragement to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ today. Fri 16th Parents of Young Performance Athletes (YPAs). Thank God for the opportunities parents of YPAs have had to meet each other recently at their children’s competitions. Pray that this would start to foster a growing community amongst YPAs parents. Sat 17th World Rowing Cup II, Poland (15-18). Thank God for Christians in the men’s and women’s senior GB rowing squads competing in Poland. Pray that those that know Christ would continue to walk closely with Him and draw others towards Him too. 15


18 - 24 Jun

Working closely with the local church is key to our vision. Let’s commit churches we partner with and their leaders to God as we share the gospel together. Sun 18th Bristol. Pray for churches around Bristol who are keen to reach the many local sports clubs and teams for Christ. Pray too for Mike Harris, our Staff Worker based in the city, as he supports them. Today’s events: St Paul’s Howell Hill service (Mike Harris speaking). Mon 19th Glenabbey Church, Belfast. Thank God for our ongoing partnership with Glenabbey Church. Pray for the 70+ church members engaged in the world of sport, that they’d be wise and faithful stewards of their gifts and opportunities. Tue 20th Ministry to local sportspeople. Pray for those churches who hold services and groups specifically to cater for sportspeople and their families. Pray that the times when they meet would be an encouragement and a time of equipping. Wed 21st North East. Give thanks for churches in Newcastle and Middlesbrough who are seeking to identify and support sports players in their congregations. Pray many in the region’s clubs and teams will be reached with the gospel as a result. Thu 22nd Church guest events. Thank God for the many opportunities that the summer brings to share life and the gospel through sport. Pray for sportspeople to be bold in inviting their teammates to events. Fri 23rd Churches supporting elite athletes. Thank God for churches we have heard of recently who have gone out of their way to look after elite athletes in their congregations, praying for them and including them in church family life. Sat 24th Revive Co-Mission Conference. Pray for Graham Daniels as he delivers a seminar today on what it means to be ‘created for sport’ at the Revive Co-Mission church conference at the University of Kent in Canterbury. Pray that church leaders will be excited to help members use their sporting talents and friendships to glorify God. 16


25 Jun - 1 Jul

Our Sports Plus camps for young people kick off in Perth on 9th July and run through until Repton, which ends on 18th August. Please join us in praying for all aspects of these camps. Sun 25th Young people. Pray for each young person who will attend Sports Plus 2017. Pray that those who are Christians would leave better equipped to represent Jesus in their sport. Pray that those who don’t yet trust in Jesus would turn to Him. Today’s events: Salvation Army Sports and Christianity Conference (Graham Daniels speaking). Mon 26th Team Leaders. Give thanks for all the leaders who serve at Sports Plus. Pray for those who will be leading Bible studies, that they will prepare well and enjoy their time in God’s word. Tue 27th Coaches. Thank God for the coaches at Sports Plus. Pray that they may build good relationships with the young people they are coaching and may be good witnesses for the Lord Jesus during their coaching sessions. Wed 28th Support staff. Praise God for the teams of support staff at each Sports Plus. Thank God for their servant hearts and all they do behind the scenes to enable Sports Plus to run smoothly. Today’s events: Cranleigh School football tournament (Nathan Elliott speaking). Thur 29th Trainees. Thank God for the opportunities to invest in the lives of trainees. Pray that the training they receive will equip them for future roles both with Christians in Sport and also their local church. Fri 30th Sports Plus Bursary Fund. Over the last six years the fund has enabled more than 1,000 young people to attend Sports Plus who without this assistance would have been unable to come. Thank God for all those who have donated to the fund. Sat 1st Jul Teaching. Pray for all those who will open the Bible with the young people over the coming months at Sports Plus. Pray that they would be faithful to God’s word in preparation and relevant in the delivery of talks, Bible studies and water breaks. 17

PRAY FO AS A CH When could we pray for sport at our church? This totally depends on your church, but here are just a few ideas: 1.

Ask to use a slot in one of your monthly prayer meetings.


Run a sports prayer evening.


Include a few lines in your weekly intercession prayers.


Feature a sports prayer in your church's prayer diary.

What could we pray for? 1. Sportspeople in your congregation Find out who plays sport in your congregation and which clubs/teams they play for. Pray that God would help them to play in a way that honours God and to give them opportunities to speak about God with their friends. 2. Local sports clubs in your community Do some research to find out who your local sports clubs are. Here are two websites that may help and which include lots of stats and figures on who is playing sport in your area. Pray that God would raise up Christians in these clubs to represent Him and that people that don’t know Him would come to explore Christianity for themselves.


OR SPORT HURCH 3. Sports activities to engage with your community Maybe you’re planning to run an event to invite sportspeople to? If so, pray that God would use it mightily. Maybe you don’t know where to start with engaging with your local sports community? Pray for ideas and wisdom. There is loads of information and advice on running events in our Sports Mission Pack including tips on hosting a prayer gathering and some great Bible verses to look at. Download the pack for free at 4. Pray for sports events coming up Head to the BBC’s Sports Calendar to find out what major events are coming up. Pray for the event, for the Christians competing, for safety, for opportunities for churches to engage with it and anything else you think needs prayer. 5. Pray for sports ministries There are lots of organisations who are reaching and serving the world of sport. Pick a few to pray for from the Sports Ministry UK website or share this prayer diary.


YOUR SPORTS FRIENDS Why don’t you write down the name of three of your sports friends who you can commit to praying for in the next few months? Use this as a prompt in your daily prayers.



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For the most recent news and storiesvisit the Christians in Sport website or find us on the following social media channels: @CIS_UK Christians in Sport ChristiansinSportUK Christians_in_Sport

CONTACT DETAILS Christians in Sport Frampton House Unit D1 Telford Road Industrial Estate Bicester Oxfordshire OX26 4LD 01869 255 630 Registered Charity number for England and Wales 1086570 Registered Charity number for Scotland SC045299 Registered Company number 4146081

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