The Titanic is coming back to Cherbourg 100 years after her maiden voyage
We are organising a wide variety of events to suit all tastes. They will be taking place in and around Cherbourg throughout the year.
The new Titanic and Emigration Area in La Cité de la Mer An exceptional permanent exhibition bringing back to life the Titanic’s 5 days on the Atlantic and the history of European emigration. In La Cité de la Mer Admission charge (free for children under five) www.citedelamer.com
Jazz sur les quais A jazz concert with a 15-strong big band, the ‘‘Paris Swing Orchestra’’, including the music of jazz legends such as Count Basie and Glenn Miller. Cherbourg-Octeville theatre, 8 p.m. Admission charge (free for children under twelve).
Concert - The Wreck of The Titanic The history of the Titanic through David Bedford’s work for choir and orchestra, with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and the Cherbourg Conservatoire. Cherbourg-Octeville theatre, 8 p.m. No admission charge, but booking required
4 to 26 July
Exhibition ‘‘Passenger’’
A guided tour of the Cherbourg roadstead on board the Adele in the role of the Nomadic, the famous tender that took passengers out to the Titanic. Leaving at 7 p.m. (lasts 1½ hours) Rates: Adults: €E15, Children (4 to 11 years) : E10 (tickets can be purchased from the Cherbourg-Cotentin Tourist Information Centre - 14 Quai Alexandre III).*
Different points of view from people from the world of the arts (plastic artists, photographers, authors) talking on subjects such as emigration, transatlantic voyages, the sea as a predator... Salle des fêtes - Place Centrale - Cherbourg-Octeville. Every day except Monday, 2 to 6 p.m.* No admission charge
Every Friday
20, 21 and 22 July
In the steps of the Titanic’s passengers Talk and walk tours of the streets of Cherbourg trodden by emigrants on their way to the new world. Leaving from the Tourist Information Centre Quai Alexandre III. 2.30 to 4 p.m. * Free of charge.
Spectacle Gratuit
Titanic Nights
An evocation of the Titanic’s visit to Cherbourg and the 1910s, by the Pandora firework company. Curtain of water, giant fountains, fireworks and music: for two evenings the Bassin du Commerce in the harbour will be taken over by one of Europe’s best-known specialists in open air shows, with a reconstitution of some of the greatest moments of the epic age of transatlantic liners. A spectacular yet lyrical show, devised for the hundredth anniversary of the Titanic’s arrival in Cherbourg. This event will be the culmination of the programme of commemorations for 2012. Quai Alexandre III - Cherbourg-Octeville - 23h (lasts 45 minutes) No admission charge
15 April
5, 6 and 7 June
20th Manche School Choir Festival
In the steps of the Titanic’s passengers Talk and walk tours of the streets of Cherbourg trodden by emigrants on their way to the new world. Leaving from the Tourist Information Centre - Quai Alexandre III. 2.30 to 4 p.m. Free of charge 21 to 29 April
Transatlantic mail An exhibition of stamps and postcards, by the Cotentin Philately Circle. Cercle naval - Place Napoléon - Cherbourg-Octeville Free of charge
Exhibition - ‘‘Passenger’’ Different points of view from people from the world of the arts (plastic artists, photographers, authors) talking on subjects such as emigration, transatlantic voyages, the sea as a predator... Espace culturel Hippolyte-Mars - Equeurdreville-Hainneville – Mondays to Fridays - 9 a.m. to 12 midday and 2 to 5.30 p.m. No admission charge
The story of a gipsy girl going through Cherbourg on her way to America. * Théâtre des Miroirs - La Glacerie – 8.30 p.m Rates: Adults: €E5, Under 16s: €E2, free for children under 6. 16 and 17 June
A Concert on the theme of the Titanic
25 May
The enchantment of the Western Pass by night
The Cherbourg wind orchestra will be giving three concerts of music from the age of the Titanic. La Cité de la Mer - 16 June at 5 and 8.30 p.m. and 17 June at 5.30 p.m. Free concert
Dancing water and light for the official opening of the “Grand Départ” coastal walk. Parc de la Saline - Équeurdreville-Hainneville - 11 p.m. (lasts 30 minutes) Free show
The Cotentaine Choir in concert The Cotentaine in a special programme of music which will take you back to the atmosphere of the time. The Cité de la Mer - CherbourgOcteville - 3 p.m. No admission charge
26 May
Jumping around the Titanic
An exhibition of calligraphy on the theme of departure, travel and new lands. Espace culturel Hippolyte-Mars Équeurdreville-Hainneville - Mondays to Fridays - 9 a.m. to 12 midday and 2 to 5.30 p.m No admission charge
The actor Richard Bohringer will be coming to take part in the ‘‘Passeurs de mots’’ Festival and devoting two evenings to reading moving accounts by emigrants and passengers on the Titanic. * La Cité de la Mer – 8.45 p.m. Rates: Adults: €7.40 E, reduced rate and 12 to 18 year olds: €3.70 E
8 to 26 October
Transatlantic liners
Exhibition of photographs by the Nord Cotentin Photography Club on the theme of cruise ships and liners in Cherbourg-Octeville. University campus - Rue Max-Pol Fouchet - Cherbourg-Octeville Mondays to Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. No admission charge
18 October
Emigration and mobility in Europe A whole day devoted to themed workshops and mini-lectures that have been prepared throughout this year in local schools. At 8 p.m., lecture on European and overseas emigration. La Cité de la Mer No admission charge
17 to 20 October
The Transatlantic adventure Films and documentaries about the Titanic, and emigrants of yesteryear and today. * Palace Cinema in Équeurdreville-Hainneville Ticket prices as usually charged by the cinema.
The actor Jacques Perrin, who directed the film “Oceans”, some of whose scenes were shot in the Cité de la Mer, is coming back to the Transatlantic Terminal for an evening of readings, with descriptions written by passengers and first-hand accounts of Titanic’s visit to Cherbourg. * La Cité de la Mer No admission charge (subject to availability)
Children’s book Fair with the Titanic
La Cité de la Mer’s tenth anniversary
An Evening with Richard Bohringer
Readings by Jacques Perrin
31 May to 3 June
29 April
9 and 10 October
29 June
Travel through time with a bouncy village from the 1910s. Parc de la Saline - Équeurdreville-Hainneville - 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Appearances by authors and illustrators, and an interactive exhibition about the Titanic. On the Plage Verte in Cherbourg-Octeville. 31 May and 1 June - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2 and 3 June - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. No admission charge.
La Cité de la Mer celebrates its tenth anniversary, displaying the epic experiences of those who go under the sea. With something for all the family, come and discover the fabulous adventure of deep-sea exploration and visit the area dedicated to emigration and the Titanic.. www.citedelamer.com
Concerts and films in the open air on the theme of freedom. On the Plage Verte in Cherbourg-Octeville. Concerts at 9 p.m., films at 11 p.m.* No admission charge
3 & 4 August
Nuits Titanic
4 to 26 October
27 April to 22 June
July & August
22 April
14 April
On course for the Titanic
Quai alexandre iii - cHe
12 April
www.cuc-cherbourg.fr titaniccities.org.uk www.citedelamer.com www.cherbourgtourisme.com
Every Friday
Demonstrations and workshops on the Morse code by the Nord Cotentin Radio Club. * In La Cité de la Mer media library in Cherbourg-Octeville. 10 a.m. to 12.30 and 2 to 6 p.m. No admission charge
A guided tour of the Cherbourg roadstead on board the Adele in the role of the Nomadic, the famous tender that took passengers out to the Titanic. Leaving at 7 p.m. (lasts 1½ hours) * Rates: Adults: €E15, Children (4 to 11 years): €E10. Tickets on sale from the Cherbourg-Cotentin Tourist Information Centre - 14 Quai Alexandre III.
27 October to 10 November
Exhibition and auction Exhibition and auction of objects and furniture from liners. The exhibition will be a homage to the foreign shipping lines whose ships have called at Cherbourg. * Exhibition in the Transatlantic Terminal Concourse (Salle des Pas Perdus) - Open every day from 1.30 to 6 p.m. Rates: Adults: €E3.00, Children: €E1.50, free for children under 5 and La Cité de la Mer ticketholders. Auction held on Saturday 10 November 2012
9 and 10 November
9 to 13 November
Bound for America
Literary events
A dance and drama event about migrants and the Titanic by the Éphata dance company, with 10 members of the Flora Tristan Centre, 10 pupils from the Plurielle Dance school, and 5 actors. * Théâtre de la Butte – 8.30 p.m. Rates: €E10, free for members of “Espaces Solidaires”. To book, phone +33 (0)6 25 33 04 69
Literary events for school children but open to the public, with novelists and illustrators who have written about the Titanic.* La Cité de la Mer No admission charge
December 31 December
New Year’s Eve 2012 ‘‘On board the Titanic’’
We are preparing an unforgettable evening on the theme of the Titanic. Have dinner in a room decorated in the style of a liner, with music from the time adding to the ambiance. Salle André Picquenot, rue Henri Cornat - La Glacerie - Starting at 8.30 in the evening until 4 o’clock in the morning. Booking from 5 November until 1 December. Phone +33 (0)2 33 88 53 29.
Crédits : Cin’étoiles & rencontres littéraires : photos JM Enault Festival Livre Jeunesse : affiche Philippe-Henri Turin Soirée lecture avec R.Bohringer : photo Bruce Pierson Union lyrique : photo Samuel Dufour - Les Nuits Titanic : photo Pandora - Exposition «Passager» : oeuvre Patrick Serc - The Wreck of the Titanic : photo Rui Pinheiro Droits réservés
Amateur radio
On course for the Titanic
Conception-réalisation : service communication Cuc.
7 to 21 April
14 April
* These events will be taking place in French only