Citel proudly introduces a new, cutting edge, innovative finish that is fluorine-free . Our new, proprietary finish offers many performance benefits including water repellency , stain resistance , enhanced durability and luxurious, soft hand . Specifiers, designers, retailers, and homeowners now have the opportunity to create a healthy and sustainable indoor and outdoor living space which remains durable and functional. BLISS Citel is one step closer to a more environmentally friendly and resilient, performance textile option.
The exclusion of PFAs, associated with many health concerns, from our fabrics is critical for safeguarding human health. As a persistent compound, PFAs can remain in the environment for extended periods, contaminating soil, water, and air, and accumulating in living organisms. This can cause damage to natural ecosystems. Therefore, avoiding its use in fabrics helps reduce environmental pollution and protect ecosystems.
Citel’s investment in R&D, our success in PFAS free manufacturing coupled with the inherent durability and performance of BLISS Citel’s fabrics make our brand the most sustainable option.
Named after the mythical land of gods according to Norse mythology, the Asgard collection conveys the power and beauty of nature. The textures and colors of Asgard fabrics are inspired by natural landscapes like forests, grass, rivers, and mountains, evoking the appearance and feel of natural materials such as cotton and linen. The railroaded herringbone is rich in color not only offering a wide array of neutrals but rich blues, greens, corals and terracotta influenced colors.
Roll length:
Abrasion resistance by the Martindale Method*
Fabric propensity to surface pilling (max5)
Colour fastness to artificial wheatering / to artificial light (max8)
Colour fastness to chlorinated water / to sea water (max5)
Spray Test (max.100)
Fire resistance certificates:
Cleaning instructions: 100% Solution Dyed Acrylic
50 m (55 yards)
140 cm (55”)
325 g/m² (9.58 oz/yd²) · UNE-EN ISO 40339
50.000 cycles · UNE EN ISO 12947-2
5 note · UNE-EN ISO 12945-2
> 7 blue scale · UNE-EN ISO 105-B04
> 7 blue scale · UNE-EN ISO 105-B02
5 · UNE-EN ISO 105-E03
5 · UNE-EN ISO 105-E02
100 · UNE-EN ISO 4920
Class 1 NFPA 260 · CA TB 117 Pass · BS 5852-1 Pass EN01021-1 Pass
5 years
Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner or pressurized air, without rubbing. Clean whit a sponge or a soft brush dampened with water and soap.
Do not use solvents or abrasive substances, as these are likely to damage the fabric. Rinse with clean water and dry with the panel completely unfolded. Reactivates finish with ironing.
Tolerance +/- 5% average values. Non-contractual information. The data are result of tests performed in our laboratories. * The results of this test may vary depending on the laboratory where the test was performed. For more technical information, please contact us at info@blisscitel.com .
BLISS CITEL cares about the environment and has developed a Fluor Free finish combined with Soft Touch to offer more pleasant and soft fabrics, free of PFA's according to current market demands.