The Internet Safety Issue

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CITIZENSHIP The Police Community Clubs

Internet Safety Issue

magazine for schools

CYBER BULLYING Tips for parents, children and teachers CELEBRITIES AND YOUTH CAMPAIGNS


Internet safety lesson plan PARENTS ON PSHE

Select Education Liverpool 0151 227 3725 / Preston 01772 259 966 Warrington 01925 575975 / Manchester 0161 839 5687

Small steps to help young people eat well, get active and feel good Teachers are being encouraged to get involved with SmallSteps4Life – an innovative programme that can be used in the classroom to motivate and support young people across the UK as they take small steps in improving their health and wellbeing. The first stage of the Food Standards Agency’s SmallSteps4Life interactive website is now live at: This provides schools with a preview of the website before the full version launches early next year. Teachers can register on the site and find advice to help them get started with the SmallSteps4Life programme. The aim of the scheme is for primary and secondary pupils to set themselves small, achievable lifestyle challenges, either as individuals or as groups, around three themes: Healthy eating - challenge examples include: eat a healthy breakfast every day, choose baked potatoes or rice instead of chips, fill a water bottle and drink it before going home. Getting active – walk to and from school with friends, create your own dance routine, go out on your bike. Feeling good – get more sleep, speak to your family about your experiences at school today, spend five minutes doing a new activity to keep your mind busy.

Through challenge tips, games, and classroom resources, the website will enable schools to promote what they are doing and share their experiences to inspire other schools across the UK. Teachers and young people have had an important role in helping to develop the website. Workshops held with young people across the UK have enabled them to provide their thoughts about how the site should look, and teachers have helped the Food Standards Agency to plan programme materials. Smallsteps4life aims to initiate and support long-term behaviour and attitude change amongst young people across the UK, to help them become happier, healthier individuals leading more fulfilled lives. It was young people, who took part in a health challenge pilot in Kent, who provided the inspiration to roll out SmallSteps4Life wider to the rest of the UK. The programme will also include out of school settings to ensure that the young people most in need of this kind of support are also able to access the programme. SmallSteps4Life supports the Change4Life movement, which aims to encourage the nation to eat well and move more, and the project is also leading the healthy and active lifestyles strand of Get Set – the London 2012 education programme and will help deliver the lasting legacy of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Do you need information, advice or guidance for your family but don’t know who to ask? Family life can provide many challenges for us all no matter what age our children, or how well prepared we are. Surveys show that 75% of parents and carers say they feel there are times in their lives, or the lives of their children, when they need access to additional information or support. As a consequence, parents are often unable to make informed choices on childcare and other services to suit their needs. Cheshire West and Chester’s Family Information Service (FIS) will support parents, prospective parents, carers, children and young people, aged 0 -19 years, living in Cheshire West and Chester to enable them to become informed consumers of services. The Family Information Service can help you or your family if you: • Are looking for childcare or want to know more about your childcare options • Have tried to find childcare, but due to working patterns, needs of your children, etc, you have been unable to secure childcare • Need support for children with additional needs and/or a disability • Need help or advice for your family

Need information on parenting support, babies to teens? And much more.... Call us on 0800 0852 863 and speak to one of the team, or email us at Alternatively, if you would like to access details about services which can provide information or support for your family on-line you can go to Cheshire West and Chester’s Family Service Directory at Our Family Service Directory provides details of local, regional and national organisations to support you and your family. Categories include: counselling substance mis-use bullying health parenting legal issues and much more.

• Want to know more about flexible working • Would like advice on how to access tax credits or childcare vouchers.

Searches for organisations can be carried out by distance from your home postcode or within particular areas of Cheshire West and Chester. The Citizenship Magazine for Schools 3




Welcome to our second issue of The Police Community Clubs Citizenship Magazine for Schools. Your feedback from the first issue has been constructive and largely positive with one point of view having been expressed by many; the importance of using PSHE to combat anti-social behaviour.


FEATURES PSHE Parent Interview


Cyber Bullying


CRB Update


Celebrity Youth Campaigns


REGULAR ITEMS Recipe – Macaroni Cheese Pupils’ Corner – Bullying

8 42

LESSON PLANS Barney - Cyber bullying


Using the Internet


It seems that anti-social behaviour in all of its forms is a real problem within the education system and, while some teachers call for stronger measures to protect themselves, there is a consensus that education is the long-term key to addressing the issue. Internet safety and cyber bullying are currently among the most pressing issue in schools and educationalists need to be informed about what the problem is and what information children need. Without this children will rely on the often confusing and contradictory messages that they receive from their peers and the media. Recent studies reveal that more children are accessing the internet at a younger age but often without supervision and without safety advice. As a result children are in real danger of cyber bullying and exploitation. In this issue we look closely at the extent of these problems and provide resources that will enable teachers to protect their pupils. We have provided a range of lesson plans that provide children with a general introduction to internet use as well as a special plan that will allow children to learn about the issues of safety and cyber bullying. We have also provided an in-depth examination of the problems and recent trends to help educate teachers and parents. Pupils’ corner focuses on what children currently know about bullying and an interview with parents examines their awareness of PSHE topics including internet safety. We also look at the use of celebrities in anti-bullying campaigns and clarify recent changes to the system of CRB checks required to work with children.

Pamela Kirk Christina Fenlon


Joanne Hewitt


Chris Parry Tel: 01244 316629


Special Thanks Teacher Support Network Reckless New Media Beatbullying Printed in the UK by Chapel Press Ltd



Community Initiatives Associates 0800 783 5805

The Citizenship Magazine for Schools







Luke Davis

Luke Davis, Editor




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We continue to welcome feedback and can be contacted by calling 01244 316629 or sending an email to



Police Community Clubs of Great Britain Barry Jones MBE PO BOX 715 Lightwater Surrey GU18 5HH Tel: 01276 489776 The Citizenship Magazine For Schools 2a High Street Bromborough Wirral CH62 7HA Tel: 01244 316629 © All rights reserved. No part of The Citizenship Magazine for Schools may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the editor. Copyright2009 ISSN Applied For.

The Citizenship Magazine for Schools 5

Spending on UK children not effective UK public spending on child welfare and education has failed to produce results, reveals a new report published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Compared with other OECD countries, figures for the UK reveal it has a high proportion of young people who are not in school, training or employment as well as the fourth highest teen pregnancy rate after Mexico, Turkey and the US. The Doing Better for Children report shows that no single OECD country performs well in all areas and that every OECD country can do more to improve children’s lives. The report recommends that to give every child the chance of a better future, the government should continue to spend more on younger children and target spending on older children more effectively. In spite of the recession the UK currently spends more on children than most OECD countries, at just over £90,000 per child from birth up to the age of 18. This is compared to an OECD average of just under £80,000. But OECD Secretary-General, Angel Gurría, warned of the detrimental affects that cuts to spending could have on improving children’s lives and future economic development. He said: “The crisis is putting pressure on

public budgets across the world. But any short-term savings on spending on children’s education and health would have major long-term costs for society. “Governments should instead seize this opportunity to get better value from their investment in children. And spending early, when the foundations for a child’s future are laid, is key, especially for disadvantaged children and can help them break out of a family cycle of poverty and social exclusion.” The proportion of UK youths not in school, training or in jobs in the UK remains high, at more than one in ten 15 to 19 year-olds. This is the fourth highest rate in the OECD, ahead of Italy, Turkey and Mexico. Education results are also low relative to spending levels. The UK comes out in the middle of OECD comparisons of how well 15-year-olds do at school and in terms of the gaps between high achieving and poorly performing pupils. Underage drinking and teenage pregnancy rates are high and drunkenness is the highest in the OECD, with one in three 13 and 15year-olds having been drunk at least twice. Co-author of the OECD report, Mr Dominic Richardson, said: “The UK stands out as increasing early investment in recent years but reinforcement of this trend for

Independent faith schools warned by Ofsted Ofsted has told independent faith schools to use accurate texts to teach children about the beliefs of others. Inspectors visited 51 schools attached to Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu religions and found that pupils gained a strong sense of personal worth and belonging. However, the report reveals that in eight of the schools there was material that was biased in favour of one group or lacked balance. And in a few cases published teaching materials contained incorrect information about the beliefs of others. The report gave the example of a description of the situation in Palestine, seen in a Muslim school, which used “inflammatory language”. Inspectors also found that, although some schools enjoyed links with neighbouring institutions of different faiths, many worked in isolation with few opportunities for staff to meet with teachers from other schools to develop teaching methods. The survey was conducted at the request of the Schools Secretary, Ed Balls, with the aim of investigating the standard of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and


The Citizenship Magazine for Schools

cultural development. Mr Balls said: “It is vital that all schools, including faith schools, continue to work hard to promote high standards and give all pupils the opportunity to learn about different cultures and faiths. “This report shows many good examples of schools using objective and accurate materials, but I urge all schools - faith or otherwise - to make sure the materials they use help pupils develop a good understanding of different faiths and cultures.”

disadvantaged older children is also needed”. In other areas, the UK performs well. Children in the UK are materially fairly well-off and average family income is higher and child poverty is lower than OECD averages. Children in the UK also enjoy a high quality of school life. The UK ranks fourth out of 25 countries for children’s school satisfaction and rates of bullying are relatively low. Children’s minister, Dawn Primarolo, said: “We created a new department for children, schools and families to make England the best place in the world for children to grow up. “Research tells us that the majority of children are happy, healthy and have the support and opportunity to achieve their potential. But we know childhood isn’t good for every child and we will continue to focus on the problems that exist for some, while celebrating the many. “It is disappointing to see the UK rated so low for risky behaviours. However, we have introduced a number of initiatives to help teenagers and their families make informed decisions about their behaviour, including the plans to introduce statutory personal, social and health education (PSHE) lessons.”

Teachers find answers to science question A teacher-led study has found new ways of getting children interested in science. The Research for Teachers project looked at how to improve inclusion in education by studying seven different schools. They found that pupil motivation in science classes could be improved by asking them for feedback on lessons and introducing a positive assessment scheme for marking. The action research study also looked into getting girls interested in history and improving boys’ engagement with maths. Among the suggestions were an increase in group and pair work and the introduction of portable whiteboards for pupil use. One group found that exclusive pursuit of academic achievement was “damaging to the experience of a large number of pupils and teachers” and discovered that a peer mentoring scheme could reduce feelings of disaffection. Teachers were supported by educational psychologists and canvassed the opinions of 647 pupils involved.


New grants to link UK schools to developing nations Partnerships with schools in developing countries will be funded with £250,000 worth of new government grants. The Global School Partnership programme aims to encourage links with schools from other countries and develop global education in the curriculum. Now the Minister for International Development, Mike Foster, hopes that 1,000 small grants can help thousands more children to get involved. The cash will pay for information workshops and in-school training to help teachers build the necessary expertise. Mike Foster launched the funding during a visit to a school in Rugby that had set up ties with a school in Ghana. He said: “Today’s visit has shown me the benefits that the DFID school partnership programme is bringing to UK school children. The partnership that Oakfield Primary School has with Aburaso Methodist primary school has really enriched their understanding of the experiences and challenges of people living in developing countries. “We are aiming to increase the number of partnerships from 1,970 to 5,000 over the next three years.” The programme also offers grants of up to

£26,400 per partnership over four years to fund visits between schools and develop joint curriculum projects. DFID aims to boost the number of schools involved from nearly 2,000 to 5,000 by March 2012 by targeting under-represented areas of the UK.

Mike Foster, International Development Minister visiting Oakfield Primary School and Nursery in Rugby. Picture courtesy of DFID

National launch for child database A child safety measure introduced in response to the death of Victoria Climbié is set for a national rollout. The ContactPoint online directory, designed to help child protection professionals share information about children, has completed a pilot phase in which 18 north-west authorities and two national organisations took part. Children’s Secretary, Ed Balls, said: “It is excellent news that frontline practitioners from all over England can start to use ContactPoint to quickly and easily see who else is working with a child. “No system can alone guarantee that all children will be safe, but we know from the support we have had from across the children’s workforce that ContactPoint is the right system to make a real difference for professionals and the children in their care.” ContactPoint holds basic contact information for all children and their parents and was developed to ensure that children requiring care or protection did not slip through the net. An evaluation report of the ContactPoint pilot, Lessons Learned from the Early Adopter Phase, states that 76 per cent of

authorised ContactPoint users who responded to a questionnaire said that they expect the tool to be helpful in their future work. However, there are fears surrounding the system’s security and the potential for abuse of information. Tim Loughton, the shadow children’s minister, said: “Every IT system the Government touches turns into a disaster – we cannot afford to let them mismanage the personal details of 11 million children. It would be irresponsible to implement something that is such a danger to our children. “ContactPoint is typical of the Government’s approach – they believe that by including the details of every child on a computer they automatically offer extra protection to a child. We think it is what people do with that information that counts. That is why we would free up professionals to concentrate on genuinely vulnerable children - those on the child protection register; children in care; children from households suffering domestic violence.” The early adopter phase started in January 2009 but the Government expects

ContactPoint to be rolled out to practitioners, including doctors, nurses, social workers, and police, for the next two years. The report suggests that the number of authorised users will eventually reach 390,000. Consultant Paediatrician at the Countess of Chester Hospital, Ravi Jayaram, said: “ContactPoint is a very easy tool to use. It allowed me to rapidly access relevant information about a child in who there was a suspected non-accidental injury. This information was invaluable in guiding further management and the whole process took less than five minutes whereas previously a lot of time would have been spent making phone calls and trying to track people down for information.”

“ContactPoint is the right system to make a real difference for professionals and the children in their care.”

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NEWS PSHE classes compulsory in schools Personal, social and health education is set to become a statutory part of the curriculum at primary and secondary level, the government has announced. From September 2011, the law will change to make it compulsory for schools to teach children from the age of five how to deal with the key issues that they face in childhood. Sex and relationship education forms part of PSHE and the new law will lower the age at which children can no longer be withdrawn from these classes from 19 to 15. Children of five years of age will be taught about relationships, emotions and the changes that occur to their bodies. The move is part of the Government’s bid to lower the rate of teenage pregnancy which, according to the latest figures, rose for the first time since 2002. England currently has the highest rates of teenage mothers in Western Europe. Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, made the announcement following a period of public consultation, launched in the wake of Sir Alasdair Macdonald’s governmentcommissioned review. The changes are set to be made in spite of the results of a Qualifications Curriculum and Development Agency survey that revealed

strong public opposition. The poll found that 68 per cent of respondents disagreed with PSHE education becoming a statutory part of the national curriculum while 79 per cent agreed that parents, carers and guardians should be allowed to maintain the right to withdraw their children from sex and relationships education. Faith groups were also consulted and the government will ensure that governing bodies will retain the right to determine their own approach to delivering PSHE classes in accordance with the “ethos” of their school. A spokesman for the Catholic Education Service for England and Wales said PSHE was “vital”. He said: “It enables factual information from reliable sources to be communicated and misinformation from peers or street culture or exploitation to be avoided. While disappointed that legal encumbrances mean that a blanket right of withdrawal can no longer apply, we are pleased that the government has recognised that the right of withdrawal in formative years is most critical and is therefore providing for the ability of parents to opt out of SRE up to the age of 15.” Ed Balls described PSHE as “central to children and young people’s well-being” and

said that reducing the age at which a child’s parents can withdraw them from RSE classes to 15 was the best way of reaching a “strong consensus” on the issue. He said: “After careful consideration I have concluded that parents’ right to withdraw their children from SRE should continue until their children reach the age of 15. I believe that proceeding on this basis is balanced, practically deliverable and legally enforceable, and maintains the right of withdrawal for the small number of parents who wish to exercise it.” Sir Alasdair Macdonald, headteacher of Morpeth School in east London, said: “I know first hand the vital role that PSHE plays in preparing young people to deal with real life issues. In my review I consulted widely - with schools, teachers, parents, faith groups and children and young people - among all of whom there was very strong support for making PSHE, including SRE, part of the National Curriculum. “I am pleased the government is taking forward my recommendations, including that schools should involve parents in developing their SRE policy. I support the government’s decision to limit the parental right of withdrawal, given the importance of SRE for all young people.”

New recommendations for schools with Gypsy children Gypsy children should be given support by specialist school staff, suggests a new government-funded report. It also recommends that more emphasis is placed on different cultures during initial teacher training and that children from travelling families could benefit from distance learning opportunities, and transport and uniform assistance. The three-year study was launched on behalf of the Department for Children, School and Families to investigate how Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children can benefit more from education. In 2003 Ofsted found that in national tests Gypsy children achieved the lowest results of any minority ethnic group and estimated that 12,000 children from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller families were not attending secondary school. The new report is based on research performed earlier this year at 20 schools attended by children from Traveller communities. They found that improving the links


The Citizenship Magazine for Schools

between the school and the children’s parents can have a positive impact on the child’s attendance and performance and suggest that senior members of school staff visit sites and attend community events and occasions. Having a flexible approach to the

curriculum and offering work-based opportunities was also found to have the effect of “challenging previously fixed parental attitudes about the value of secondary school.” To enhance Gypsy, Traveller and Roma pupils’ inclusion in school life the report suggested integrating culturally-specific programmes into wider curriculum areas. Some of the recommendations have met with strong opposition. Matthew Elliott, from the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said the Government had “more important things to invest taxpayers’ money in than gypsy liaison officers”. “This will amount to a lot of money spent on a very fringe group. It would be far better spent on teachers and text books that would benefit all pupils”, he said. The National Foundation for Educational Research is continuing its research in partnership with Brian Foster from the Inner London Traveller Education Consortium and Chris Derrington, an independent consultant. They plan to publish their final report in 2010.

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The Citizenship Magazine for Schools 9

During the cold winter months take comfort in a hearty but nutritious meal. As part of the Citizenship Magazine for Schools’ Healthy Eating programme we have put together a great recipe to ease those winter blues.

Ingredients 200g whole-wheat macaroni 350ml low-fat cottage cheese 200ml skimmed milk, divided 1 tablespoon flour 100g grated Cheddar cheese 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper Salt and freshly ground pepper 2 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons fine dry breadcrumbs

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Equipment Saucepan Wooden spoon Colander Food processor/blender Whisk Bowl Baking dish

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 375°F/190°C. 2. Cook macaroni in a large saucepan of boiling salted water until just tender, 8 to 10 minutes or according to package directions. 3. Drain in a colander and rinse with cold water. 4. Puree cottage cheese in a food processor or blender until smooth.

Skills Using the hob Using the oven Blending Whisking

5. Heat 150ml milk in a large heavy saucepan over medium heat until steaming. 6. Whisk together flour and the remaining 50ml milk in a small bowl until smooth. 7. Stir into the hot milk and cook, whisking, until the sauce is smooth and thick, about 2 minutes. 8. Remove from heat and stir in the pureed cottage cheese, Cheddar cheese, nutmeg, cayenne, salt and pepper, and the cooked macaroni. 9. Pour into a baking dish, sprinkle with Parmesan and breadcrumbs. 10. Bake until bubbling and brown, about 35 minutes.

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PSHE: What do parents think? PSHE is becoming an increasingly important part of the curriculum and new methods of teaching are constantly being developed. But how much do parents know about the subject?


interviewed three parents whose children attend a school in Runcorn that Ofsted had recently classed as outstanding and asked them all the same question; what do you know about PSHE? Christine, who has an eight-year-old son and a five-year-old daughter, was able to tell me that PSHE stood for personal, social and health education. She believed that it was about children developing social skills, discovering how to deal with emotions, reactions and healthy eating. I had been impressed with her response and knowledge of the subject so asked her where she acquired the information. She had been on several adult courses and regularly talked to her children about their school day. I asked Christine what kind of work the children did while covering the topics that she had mentioned. She expressed concerns as to whether they were focusing enough on PSHE but thought that the relevant subject areas were being integrated into other lessons. She knew about the health week that the school holds every year and stated that her children are very knowledgeable about what should go into their lunch box and had also taken on board the knowledge of how to clean their teeth properly. I explained that the issue of internet safety and cyber bullying also comes under the umbrella of PSHE and asked for her thoughts on this subject. She told me that this was a topic that she addressed at home and that she had talked about the dangers with both of her children. She uses social networking sites herself, although never in front of her children as she doesn’t feel that this is appropriate. Her son, who is in year 5, had displayed an interest in joining a social networking site or

chat room, but after a school visit from the police community officer he had changed his mind. Although he is a sensible boy she strongly believes that the attitude of young people is “it’ll never happen to me” and, although the education is good and they are aware of the dangers, children will still go online with a carefree attitude. Her main concern was how confident her daughter had become. Although only in the first year of education she is already using YouTube to watch music videos and is comfortable using Google to search for information. Christine thought it important to ensure that she is always supervised. She also stated that she thought her daughter’s interest was linked to her gender and said that she thinks girls tend to access the internet and social networking sites more than boys. Another parent, Sarah, has a son in year 1 and a daughter in year 6. She was less confident in identifying what PSHE stands for but was aware that it involved children learning about morals, sex, social issues and welfare. She knew that the children learned about feelings and had been involved in access and health weeks but was unclear about which other activities the children had taken part in. Her son had told her how he had learned about being happy, sad and angry and her daughter had talked about how to be a good friend and had explained that the reason that some people are horrible to others is that they don’t have many friends and are lonely. I again mentioned the issue of bullying and cyber bullying. Sarah was supportive of the school’s initiatives in dealing with bullying but noted that the issue of cyber bullying concerned her. She did not feel confident in using computers herself and had little knowledge of social networking sites. Sarah

has a computer at home that is kept in the living room, but her daughter had asked for her own laptop for her birthday. Sarah was concerned that she would access the internet in her bedroom and that she would have little control over what her daughter was exposed to. She was aware that the school had offered an internet safety workshop for parents but was unable to attend. The final parent I spoke to, Rob, thought that PSHE was something that was taught primarily in secondary school. I asked if he was concerned about the issue of cyber bullying but he said that his seven-year-old son spends little time on the home computer as he prefers to play football or use his Playstation. I asked if he thought it was an issue in school, but Rob presumed that the teachers would monitor internet usage so it wouldn’t be a problem. I asked him if he was confident in using the computer himself but he said that he only uses it to send occasional emails and search for information. Just from speaking to these three individuals, it is clear that parents’ knowledge of PSHE can differ a great deal. While the school has tried to inform parents about the dangers of children using the internet, should more be done to educate them? The press does play some part in notifying parents of the dangers by reporting serious stories. Most recently there have been media reports of the abusive messages sent to young X Factor finalists and stories that detail the case of Ashleigh Hall, the 17-yearold girl suspected of being killed by a man she had met on Facebook. Cyber bullying and children’s safety is a growing problem and, as technology develops, so does the risk to young people. By Christina Fenlon

“it is clear that parents’ knowledge of PSHE can differ a great deal.”

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The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain NEWS Barry Jones MBE Founder of The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain

Educating children about cyber bullying To mark National Anti-Bullying Week, The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain has delivered around 2,700 educational books to schools across the north-west. Over a two-week period in November, primary schools ordered nearly 2,000 copies of the latest in the Barney & Echo series while more than 700 were donated by sponsors. Caught in the Web: Barney Says Let’s Talk About Keeping Safe on the Internet was produced on behalf of the PCCGB to tackle issues such as cyber bullying and online safety. Cyber bullying has become a well-documented problem for children in primary schools with the latest survey revealing that one in five year 6 pupils have been victims of threatening or taunting text or online messages.

“We feel the cyber bullying one is particularly relevant and for that reason the senior team is offering to take year 7 students to visit each primary school and launch the cyber bullying initiative.”

Defeating Weapon Crime A PCCGB project designed to tackle weapon crime in urban areas is set for expansion in 2010. The Stolen Lives project, which has already been delivered to ten London boroughs, will be taken to two more London boroughs and at least three other areas in the UK. The programme uses workshops with young people to help better understand the problem and identify the methods of communication which will best influence those affected.

It was chosen as the special theme of National Anti-Bullying Week in a bid to publicise the problem and encourage children to learn how to protect themselves and deal with problems.

It is funded by the police and Home Office and encourages those who have attended the workshops to work with the organisers to produce effective materials.

The latest Barney & Echo title was designed to help teachers deliver this information in a fun and interactive way.

Participants contribute towards the production of films and lesson plans, and an interactive game has also been made available.

Headteacher of Upton-by-Chester High School, Jane Holland, has purchased books to be distributed to ten feeder schools as part of a cyber bullying initiative. She said: “I think young people are facing increasing dangers from the technological advances made in recent years and the safety message needs to be embedded in the primary schools before children get to high school. We must educate children to be responsible users of the internet. “My view of the books as a series is that they raise important issues in accessible ways for younger students and Upton High School is more than happy to sponsor these messages for the primary schools and then build on it when the students come to the high school.

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Developments in Sports Coaching The PCCGB continues to offer boxing coaching to youngsters across the country through a core of twenty clubs. A programme of sports coaching in prisons has also been trialled and will be the subject of talks between the PCCGB, the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice. A pilot was launched at HMP Lowdham Grange, Nottinghamshire in September 2009. It was judged to be a success by those involved and the PCCGB anticipates that the project will be rolled out in 2010.

WaterAid’s vision is of a world in which everyone has access to safe water and sanitation. Since 1981 we have helped over 13 million people gain access to these life-changing human rights, but there is still much more to be done. One in eight people worldwide live without safe water. As a result communities are trapped in poverty as they spend up to six hours every day fetching water, leaving them no time to earn a living, or for children to go to school. Women and children in rural Africa commonly carry 20kg of water for up to 6 miles every day – this is the same weight as the average UK airport’s luggage allowance. Worse still, this water that takes so much time and effort to collect is often dirty and unsafe, leading to diseases which kill 4,000 children every day. You can help WaterAid change this by collecting buckets of pennies for buckets of safe water. Transforming lives doesn’t cost buckets of money – just £15 can help one person gain access to safe water, sanitation and improved hygiene. Muuze, pictured, used to collect buckets of dirty water from a river near to her home in Ethiopia. She says, “I used to have to make a hole, dig a pond then scoop out the water. I used to waste time at the river - it took so long.” Last year the community worked with WaterAid to find a solution to their water problems. Local people dug a well which was then fitted with a handpump. Easy access to safe water has not only improved people’s health, they also have time to work and study too. Muuze adds, “I like the pump, it’s like a game! Now all I have to do is pump the handle! I have time to collect wood for fuel and to study. I feel happy, there’s a change in health and I have time for my homework.” You can help us change the lives of more people like Muuze by collecting buckets of pennies for buckets of safe water.

Order your free fundraising pack today!

Email, call 020 7793 4594, or visit Picture Credit: WaterAid/Marco Betti

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POLICE COMM Barney & Echo Cyber Bullying Project

Caught in the Web, Barney Says Let’s Talk About How to Stay Safe on the Internet is the newest title in the range of Barney and Echo educational resources for schools. This book has been released to help meet demand for an educational programme surrounding cyber bullying and internet safety. It has already sold out of its first print run of 20,000 copies and is available for delivery now. The book was developed to support teachers and parents in addressing the important issues of internet safety and text bullying and sets out easy-to-follow rules for pupils and adults alike. The government resource,, has been heavily relied upon for sourcing content and helps make this book a comprehensive educational resource for any school or parent. The website and its resources have been developed by The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, an organisation dedicated to eradicating the sexual abuse of children. CEOP is part of UK policing and aims to track offenders and bring them to account either directly or in partnership with local and international forces. Within any one team at the CEOP Centre you will find police officers working with professionals from the wider child protection community and industry. You will find seconded staff from organisations such as the NSPCC, teams sponsored by the likes of VISA and SERCO and experts from government and corporations such as Microsoft offering specialist advice and guidance. That approach is dedicated to building up intelligence that in turn drives the business, informs their operational deployments, steers their CEOP Academy programmes to law enforcement, child protection and educational sectors and drives their dedicated thinkuknow programme for children and parents of all ages. Aimed at pupils in key stage 1-2, Caught in the Web is set in Treetop Forest and follows the adventures of Barney Eagle, Echo Squirrel and their friends Tom, Digsby, Spike and Dizzy. The friends get a valuable lesson from Barney and Tom Stoat about how to use the internet and the dangers that it can represent in the areas of identification, personal information and bullying. In addition to the resource itself, all schools will benefit from the Caught in the Web schools programme pack including four colourful and informative posters, sets of lapel stickers to be worn by pupils, a dramatisation of the book and extra lesson plans to be found online on our dedicated website 16 The Citizenship Magazine for Schools








There are three other books in the series. The Magic Mirror addresses the dangers of drugs, tobacco and alcohol in a fun but informative way by looking at how a group of friends cope with harmful substances. The second title, A Friendship Made, tackles issues relating to bullying and vandalism, and examines what life would be like in a society where people had no respect for each other or the environment. The third book, Echo’s New Watch, approaches the dangers of knife crime within the social environment of children. These stories are intended to not only warn children about the dangers that they might be confronted by in everyday life, but also to educate children and their carers on numerous subjects relating to the promotion of life skills. Included with each title is a play based upon the narrative of the book which pupils can use as part of their lesson plan, and posters which convey the message of each resource booklet. As part of promoting the citizenship programme, The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain and Community Initiatives Associates hold instructive conferences whereby schools and organisations involved in sponsorship and support of the programme











can come together and share ideas. The latest conferences, which were held at venues across the north-west including Chester’s Guildhall and Liverpool Football Club, were a huge success with guest speakers from the police, the ambulance service, fire service and interest groups, and a healthy schools co-ordinator. For more information please go to To see additional projects which The Police Community Clubs Great Britain are involved in visit

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“I gave a man I met in an online chatroom my mobile number and he texted me wanting to meet me in town.” Girl, aged 11 “They would email my friends and stir things up so people didn’t want to be my friend. I get emails from the kids in my school telling me they are going to get me if I go out.” Boy, aged 11

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BULLY B ullying is nothing new. But the fact that many children and young people now own a mobile phone and have access to the internet has given rise to a new form of bullying; one which can take place at any time and which can intrude into the victim’s home and personal space. It is called cyber bullying and it can go unnoticed and unheard.

Integrating Mobile Safety into the Primary Curriculum Developments in mobile technology have been rapid in recent years, meaning that mobile phones can now do much more than make voice calls. Integrated cameras, video messaging, mobile access to the internet, and location-based services are now commonplace, allowing more access to people around the world. Children and young people have always been keen to grasp the opportunities offered by new technology and, with increasing rates of ownership at an ever lower age, mobile phones are no exception. Technologies of all forms play a significant role in the lives of young people today. However, as with any technology, there are associated risks; children and young people need to understand the issues, and develop appropriate strategies and behaviours, for keeping themselves safe and protected. It is clear that schools have an important role to play in educating children about safety. In order to help teachers to include safety messages in their lessons, The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain has produced this guide to tackling bullying in the cyber world.

Emerging Trends

Internet While using social networking tools there is a risk that a child or young person may make inappropriate ‘friends’, perhaps providing information or arranging a meeting that could risk his or her safety or the safety of others. This is perhaps the most worrying and extreme risk associated with fixed internet use. With the mobile internet, these risks are potentially greater. As mobile phones are such personal and private devices it will be difficult for parents to supervise access and contacts in the same way as they would a PC in the home. Mobile phones are typically always on and hence a child is always contactable and, potentially, always vulnerable. Additionally, location-tracking services may mean that it is possible to pinpoint the exact location of a mobile phone. While this may be welcomed by parents keen to know where their child is at all times, it is not difficult to see how the technology can be misused. Mobile Phones Mobile phones are also used as a tool by bullies, using text messages as a way of tormenting their victims. The capability of camera phones has raised particular problems, with many reported instances of people being photographed without their consent or knowledge, possibly in an inappropriate situation. This is an invasion of privacy, and can be extremely distressing for the subject of the photograph. Acts of ‘happy slapping’ - an inappropriate term to describe a violent and disturbing form of bullying - have been well reported in the press. An assault on the victim

“She sent text messages to all of my friends. She has taken my friends away and I go home at night and cry.” Girl, aged 10 “Mondays were worst because I had to face the bully and I got so worried it made me ill. I would turn off my phone and hide it and pretend everything was OK when I was at home.” Girl, aged 14

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FEATURE is recorded using a camera phone, then shared between phones or posted online, so adding to the misery and ridicule of the victim. The ease with which photographs or videos can be distributed is of particular concern. Once released in this way, it is impossible to track down and permanently delete the images or files. Additionally, photographs could include clues as to the individual’s location, such as the school name in the background which, if distributed inappropriately, could lead to the risk of contact by strangers. Content As with the fixed internet, there is a risk that children and young people using mobile internet services may be exposed to material that is pornographic, hateful or violent in nature, or encourages activities that are dangerous or illegal. Equally so, content may simply be age inappropriate, inaccurate or misleading and, as outlined above, the scope for supervised access is obviously limited. Most network operators now offer filtering and blocking services, typically switched on by default for pay-as-you-go accounts. Different settings may apply for pay monthly accounts where the registration process assumes that the user is aged 18 or over. Further information about filtering options is available from the network operators direct. Such services will not, however, filter inappropriate content sent directly to the user, such as text or picture messages. Culture The widespread use of mobile phones has brought with it a cultural shift. Mobile phone users are typically contactable night and day which, although positive in many respects, can also mean that users never really ‘switch off’. Late-night texting by teenagers, for example, has been reported in the press, with the resulting impact on sleep impairing concentration, school work and general wellbeing. Who is vulnerable? Because of the anonymity that new communications technologies offer, anyone with a mobile phone or internet connection can be a target for cyber bullying. What’s more, bullies can reach much larger numbers within a peer group than they can with conventional bullying. Vindictive comments posted on a website, for instance, can be seen by a large audience, as can video clips sent by mobile phone. Most cyber bullying is done by students in the same class or year group. Although it leaves no visible scars, cyber bullying of all types can be extremely destructive.

What forms can cyber bullying take? The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain identifies seven categories of cyber bullying:

Text messages of a taunting or threatening nature can be sent to cause emotional harm. Picture/video-clip bullying via mobile phone cameras is often used to humiliate the victim, with images being sent to people other than the victim. ‘Happy slapping’ involves filming physical attacks. Telephone bullying can involve silent calls or abusive messages. Sometimes the bullied person’s phone is stolen and used to harass others, who then think the phone owner is responsible. As with all mobile phone bullying, the perpetrators often disguise their numbers, sometimes using someone else’s phone to avoid being identified. Email can be used to send bullying or threatening messages, often using a pseudonym for anonymity or using someone else’s identity. Chatroom bullying involves the sending of menacing or upsetting responses to children or young people when they are in a web-based chatroom. Bullying through instant messaging (IM) is an internet-based form of bullying where children and young people are sent unpleasant messages as they conduct real-time conversations online. Social networking sites for young people have also provided new opportunities for cyber bullying. What can you do about it? Cyber bullying is already a significant issue for many young people. School staff, parents and young people need to work together to prevent this and to tackle it whenever it occurs. If you are a school governor or headteacher Schools have a duty to ensure that: • Bullying via mobile phone or the internet is included in their mandatory anti-bullying policies, that these policies are regularly updated, and that teachers have sufficient knowledge to deal with cyber bullying in school. • The curriculum teaches pupils about the risks of new communications technologies, the consequences of their misuse, and how to use them safely. • All e-communications used on the school site or as part of school activities off-site are monitored. • Clear policies are set out for the use of mobile phones at school and at other times when young people are under the school’s authority.

• Internet blocking technologies are continually updated and harmful sites blocked. •They work with pupils and parents to make sure new communications technologies are used safely, taking account of local and national guidance and good practice. • Security systems are in place to prevent images and information about pupils and staff being accessed improperly from outside school. • Parents are kept informed of the school standards and policies so that they can be applied at home as well as at school. Ensure that parents know about schools’ rights to monitor their child’s e-communications. If you are a member of staff Ensure that you are familiar with your role and responsibilities in: • Teaching children safe internet etiquette. • Applying school policy in monitoring electronic messages and images. • Giving pupils key guidance on: - personal privacy rights - material posted on any electronic platform - photographic images • Taking action if a pupil is being cyber bullied or is bullying someone else. • Teaching pupils the value of e-communications and the risks and consequences of improper use, including the legal implications. • Keeping up a dialogue with parents about emerging technologies their child might be using. • Ensuring parents know what steps to take if they suspect that their child is being cyber bullied or is bullying someone else. If you are a parent • Don’t wait for something to happen before you act. Make sure your child understands how to use these technologies safely and knows about the risks and consequences of misusing them. • Make sure they know what to do if they or someone they know are being cyber bullied. • Encourage your child to talk to you if they have any problems with cyber bullying. If they do have a problem, contact the school, the mobile network or the internet service provider. • Parental control software can limit who your child sends emails to and who he or she receives them from. It can also block access to some chat rooms. By Pamela Kirk

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Barney’s Lesson Plan We have created a special lesson plan that addresses the problem of cyber bullying, teaches safety tips and encourages children to support each other and behave responsibly online. The following two 30 minute lesson plans are aimed at key stage 2, but can be adapted for younger or older pupils. They cover areas of the curriculum including citizenship and PSHE, as well as art and design, design technology, and information and communication technology. They are designed to enable schools to address cyber bullying and raise awareness of the issue. The first lesson should be spent exploring the issue of cyber bullying. The class will think about what cyber bullying means, how it happens, what the effects are and what they can do to fight it.

Learning outcomes will include: • Understanding and respecting differences between people. • Understanding the effects of bullying. • Recognition of the influences and pressures on young people, and how to respond to them. • Using imagination to consider other people’s experiences and how to respond to them. • Active participation, communication and group discussion and teamwork. The second lesson is the exciting and creative part! Pupils will have discussed and understood the problem of cyber bullying. Now you can encourage them to show their creativity and design their own cyber hero – who gives advice and support to anyone

being bullied. The class, as individuals and a group, will also develop their own pieces of good advice which should be attached to your cyber hero painting, drawing or 3D model. Learning outcomes will include: • Exploration of visual, tactile and other sensory experiences to communicate ideas and meanings. • Using a variety of approaches and resources, including traditional art forms and new media, to experiment and develop their creativity. • Development of practical skills, confidence, competence, imagination and creativity.

Lesson 1 Requirements: classroom large enough for students to sit in a circle, whiteboard (or flip chart), marker pens. Step 1: Rules for lesson Start by drawing up an agreement on how the children should behave during the lesson (some classes will already have such an agreement in place, and so this step can be skipped). Everyone can participate in making suggestions. The group must agree each point before it is added to the final contract and stuck to a wall. Points that should always appear on the ground rules include: listening to each other, the right to question others and challenge things we disagree with, participation, to have fun and not to be aggressive. Step 2: Discussion on cyber bullying What is it and how does it happen? Divide the class into equal groups of approximately five. Give each group a sheet of flipchart paper and pens. Ask pupils to come up with their ideas of what cyber bullying is and list the ways it might happen. Perhaps encourage pupils to create a mind map of all the words they feel are relevant to bullying. Mind mapping is a brilliant way to cover definitions and gives everyone an opportunity to participate.

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Example definition: Cyber bullying is when someone uses technology, like the internet or a mobile phone, to deliberately hurt, humiliate, harass, or threaten someone else. Different ways in which people cyber bullying include: Sending nasty text messages, sending horrible emails, posting hurtful comments on social networking sites like Bebo or MySpace, prank calls, putting up bullying photos or videos on to the internet, spreading these photos or videos, hate sites, and bullying in blogs, chat rooms, virtual worlds, or on gaming sites. Each group can then present their ideas which can be discussed by the whole class. You might want to discuss what is and what is not bullying and why it is sometimes difficult to define.

Things to consider might include:

Step 3: The effects of cyber bullying Discuss with the group what some of the effects of cyber bullying are. These can include a lack of self confidence, low self-esteem, depression, not wanting to go on the internet, becoming upset or angry, not wanting to go to school. You may want to talk about why cyber bullying might be worse than other types of bullying.

Ideas might include:

• You can’t escape it – you can be cyber bullied at home, or anywhere you have your phone or computer. • You don’t always know who is bullying you. • It’s easier to type something nasty than say it to someone’s face. Note down all ideas on the flip chart/whiteboard. Step 4: What you can do to help? Divide the class into groups. Imagine a cyber bullying scenario and encourage your pupils to imagine what it feels like to be cyber bullied. Then think about what you could say or do to help make that person feel better.

• Asking them how they are. • Including them in playtime games. • Not joining in with the bullying. • Standing up to the bully and supporting the person being bullied. • Making friends with them and trying to talk to them more often. Again, write down ideas on flip chart paper or the whiteboard.

Lesson 2

The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain

CYBER BULLYING PULL OUT The Citizenship Magazine for Schools 25

The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain

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The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain

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The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain

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Barney Says: Recognise Cyber Bullying Taking Action Whether in school or in cyberspace, bullying should not be tolerated. Trust your feelings - if a message makes you upset or feel uncomfortable then something is wrong. Here is what to do about it. • Sign off the computer. • Leave the chat room or Web site. • Block the bully’s messages. • Save and print the bully’s e-mails or your message logs. • Never reply to a bully. • Talk to someone you trust. • Report your experience to a parent or teacher.

Barney’s Mobile Safety Tips • Only give out your mobile number to people you know and trust. Respect your friends’ privacy by not giving away their details without permission. • Don’t give your personal details to someone over the internet or through a text message. Personal details include your name, address, age and school. The person might not be who you think they are. • Always check with your parents before sending private information using your mobile phone. • Think before you send. The person who you send information, pictures or videos to may not be the only one who will see them. • If your phone is lost or stolen, ask your parents to notify your network and the police immediately. • Create a family email address. Children should be encouraged to sit with their family and agree an email address they can all use. This is really helpful when it comes to signing up for online games. • Don’t respond to unwanted messages or calls. Save the message and the time, date and number of the call or message and let your parents know immediately.

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Funshine Productions Children’s Theatre Company

The Magic of Teaching Creatively Targeting children from Nursery through to Keystage 1 PSHE Curriculum based innovative and original musical plays and cd’s Let’s Get Fit4Life focuses on 5 A Day/Healthy Eating & Exercise Gary’s Big Green Show focuses on Gardening, Recycling, Composting, the Environment Be Safe – Be Smart focuses on Safety and Anti Bullying Silly4Sports Olympigames programme focuses on team based games and exercise The Citizenship Magazine for Schools 31


Year 6 Internet Safety Lesson Plans LESSON 1 - Rules for using the internet

LESSON 3 – Trusting internet content



While using a computer, children select appropriate tools to confidently and safely collaborate and communicate with others within and beyond their school.

Children recognise that not all information on the internet is accurate or unbiased (advertising) and develop a range of strategies for identifying the origin of a website.



Show the children how to make a new folder and ensure that they know where the folder is located. They need know how to access their folder and how to save their work into it.

Split the children into four groups and give each group a different hoax website. Some examples are: And add in a real but hard to believe one. (BBC Also in the News has a good section) Ask the children to read the information and record anything that surprises them about what they have read. Review back to the class what they have found out.

Children are to explore the SORTED website Discuss with the children the safe use of the internet. Note down all the children’s suggestions and add to the list if necessary. Children should create their own class charter of rules for using the internet including social networking, blogs and email. Ensure that all of the children understand these terms. Ask the children to discuss how they use the internet currently. Tell the children that they will be using a range of tools, with a focus on email. Talk the children through how to send and receive emails.

Explain to the children that you have tricked them - only one of the websites was actually genuine. Can they work out which it was? The point of the exercise was that anyone can put things on the internet - just like they did with their glogs/class blogs during the previous lesson.

Children have three challenges: 1. They should be able to explain how to add an attachment 2. Demonstrate how they would send emails to many different people 3. Know when an email is safe to open

Relate this to social networking sites/chatrooms. Discuss what experiences the children have had of these. Focus on the importance of children not accepting friend requests from or chatting to people they don’t know.

LESSON 2 – Creating a Glog OBJECTIVE

LESSON 4 – Cyber bullying OBJECTIVE

Children confidently and efficiently use the internet as a tool for research and then critically evaluate websites.

Children consider cyber bullying and its effects and understand ways that young people can protect themselves and what they should do if they are affected.



Children should be confident at safely using the internet as a source of information. Set the children a challenge of finding information which could be related to another curriculum area, eg history.

Ask pupils to discuss, in small groups, what they understand by the term cyber bullying. Ask them to think about whether they or anyone they know have been involved in cyber bullying, such as arguments over MSN or Bebo.

Explain to them that they are going to be keeping their own online journal of what they find out. This is called a glog. Show them how to log into their own glog using and explain that this is going to be a space which they can update as they wish. Discuss how it doesn’t just have to be in lessons and that they can do it anytime they are online.

In the same small groups, ask pupils to come up with five tips for young people who use social network sites so that they can try to both avoid and deal with cyber bullying. Possible examples could be “don’t reply to messages from people you don’t know” or “only put information up that you are comfortable with other people seeing”. Give the groups a sheet of flipchart paper each to write the tips on.

Today their challenge is to use the internet as a tool to find out about their current topic. They are going to need to post links to at least three websites on their glog and critically evaluate them. They can then go on a friend’s glog and see what they think. Who has found the best website about their topic?

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Ask the groups to present their tips to the rest of the class and supplement their suggestions with your own. You could ask pupils to use these tips as the basis for a poster or an e-poster campaign to be displayed across the school or on some of the social networking sites.

SKILLS COURSES FOR SCHOOLS, INDIVIDUALS, AND GROUPS Hands on learning in the outdoors Back to Basics bushcraft courses are designed to educate, challenge and inspire young people to realise their potential

Activities include • Shelter building • • Lighting fire (fire by friction) • • Wild food & cooking on open fires • • Camp craft • Navigation • • Tree identification, etc • For available courses and dates in Penrith & Cumbria contact us on Tel: 01768 891945 Mob: 07738 460850

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Year 6 Internet Safety Lesson Plans LESSON 5 - Copyright

LESSON 6 – Communicating on the internet



Children understand the issues of plagiarism, copyright and data protection in relation to their work. They understand that the resources they find may be covered by copyright. They understand that not all information on the internet is legal to use or copy, even if sources are acknowledged.

Children exchange and share ideas with a wider audience and evaluate their use of tools such as email, social networking, online gaming and mobile phones and the way in which they present themselves online.

ACTIVITY Introduce the term copyright to the children. What do they understand it to mean? Show the advert for copyrighting DVDs that is at the beginning of every DVD. Explain to the children that it is the same for information and pictures on the internet. Someone else has taken the time and effort to write it and upload it. Children should discuss why it is wrong for people to claim that they have written/produced copyrighted material. Look through various websites to check for copyright - should be at the bottom of most (could use BBC for reliable examples). Show the children the website Explain that the children could use it as an alternative to Google Images. Allow the children to search for an image. Explain that the children need to be cautious of what they search for so that they can avoid adverts or inappropriate results. When they have found an image ask the children to check the copyright of it in the right hand column. Discuss with the children why it is wrong to download music illegally and what the implications are for the music industry. Share legal music download sites such as or or alternative streaming tools such as

ACTIVITY Review some of the websites that the children spoke about using in the first lesson and how they use them to communicate with other people. Which are more effective? Would they use some in different contexts? Recap and discuss why it is important to consider who they are ‘friends’ with online - only people they actually know – and how they should respect other people’s privacy. Set the children a challenge. Over the next two lessons they are going to improve their glog so that it contains even more information. FOCUS: They need to change their glog from a social use to a school use. They should know how to insert legal photos and search for legal videos online and know how to download, save and insert them into files, acknowledging their sources.

CONTINUING WORK... Children are to continue working on their glog. Children could record their own voice recordings and upload them onto the internet, ensuring they are not giving away any information about themselves. These could then be uploaded on to their glogs. Email glog to teacher. These can then be uploaded to the school website.


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The charity Bullying UK helps more than 500,000 parents and children every year for just £50,000 (or 10p per person!) and we’d love your support to keep our vital award-winning service going. We don’t get any government funding and survive on donations from the public so even a small donation has a big impact on our work. Many families turn to us because their children are being badly bullied and they can’t find the advice they need elsewhere. Unlike traditional charities, parents don’t have to wait for a helpline to open, they can email us 24/7, 365 days a year... and they do so in their thousands.

Bullying UK

One of the biggest problems children are facing is cyber bullying and we are the only anti-bullying charity which gives detailed advice on our website about how to get abuse removed from internet websites, including Bebo, Facebook and YouTube.

helps more than 500,000 families a year

Have some fun while fundraising for us with your school, family and friends.

is the world’s number one anti-bullying resource

If you want to create a special Justgiving donation page to help with fundraising events, we would love to publicise it on the Bullying UK website at

gives practical advice and information helps 24/7, 365 days a year

Please help us to continue to be here to support these families, and to end the misery of school bullying which causes 16-20 children a year to kill themselves. Email: Bullying UK, 10c Mornington Terrace, Harrogate, North Yorks, HG1 5DH

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Shelter’s classroom kit Housing and homelessness charity Shelter has produced an online classroom kit that offers an interactive programme of themed work exploring the complex issues they deal with every day. Packed with exciting and stimulating free resources, including videos, drag and drop activities, games and information slides, the kit is designed to inspire students while meeting key curriculum objectives. Four key stage 2 lesson plans (for Geography, English, Citizenship, Design and Technology) explore what ‘home’ means to children in Britain and around the world. They consider what it means to be without a home, and encourage feelings of empathy with families who are homeless. Four key stage 3 lesson plans are designed to fit into the Citizenship curriculum. They encourage a deeper understanding of housing and homelessness issues, with lessons proving a starting point for debate around four questions: ‘What is homelessness?’, ‘Should we build more homes?’, ‘How can we create better neighbourhoods?’ and ‘What does Shelter do?’ The kit is one element of a new Teachers’ Centre on the Shelter website, where you will find links to housing advice for young people, background information on Shelter’s campaigns and other audio-visual and educational resources. The Teacher’s Centre also features information on Shelter’s upbeat day of fundraising action for schools, ‘Home Time!’, which makes a fun and fitting end to a programme of classroom work on housing and homelessness.

Visit to find out more

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Know the Rules: The Vetting and Barring Scheme


n the wake of the inquiry into the Soham murders the government has increased safeguards to protect children. The new Vetting and Barring Scheme, which came into force in October 2009, replaces the three previous barred lists used in England and Wales with two new lists administered by the Independent Safeguarding Authority in partnership with the Criminal Records Bureau. The new guidelines state that anyone that wants to volunteer for any activity of a specified nature that involves contact with children or vulnerable adults will be required to register with the ISA. But do people really understand the regulations and will these new measures impact the informal arrangements which busy parents rely on? We presented a group of parents with a scenario and asked for their thoughts.

Case Scenario: Two 12-year-old boys regularly attend a local youth club. The two sets of parents know each other well and have arranged to take it in turns to transport both boys to and from the club. Will the parents have to register with the Vetting and Barring Scheme and undergo CRB checks? Will, 35, Account Manager I don’t think you would have to register. My son has been given lifts home by the parents of his friends and, as long as you know them well, I don’t see why there would be any danger. Steve, 47, Company Director The answer to that question is a little cloudy. As I understand it, if the parents take the other child they will need a CRB check. The whole thing is unworkable and is another attempt by our government to interfere. Carole, 36, Administrator I thought that it was OK to look after someone else’s child for up to two hours, but for anything over that you would have to have a CRB check. It’s just so stupid; you’ll have to have one to look after your own children next. Selina, 19, Shop Assistant Personally, I don’t think I would like to get involved. The parents should each make sure they are there to pick up their own child. It might be legally OK, but in this day and age it is too risky. Andy, 34, Sales Executive Don’t you have to have the family’s permission and a full CRB check? And I’m sure there has to be more than one adult present in the car. Kevin, 35, Teacher From what I know from working in a school, the youth club should really have permission from the parents of both boys, saying it is OK for them to be picked up by someone who is isn’t a parent or guardian. Official Home Office response: “The Vetting and Barring Scheme does not cover personal or family relationships, so parents making informal arrangements to give lifts to children will not have to be vetted. “However, anyone working or volunteering on behalf of a third party organisation — for example a sports club or a charity — who has frequent or intensive access to children or vulnerable adults will have to be registered with the Scheme. For volunteers, registration is free. “We believe this is a common sense approach, and what parents would rightly expect.”

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RHINO MANIA STAMPEDES ITS WAY INTO CHESTER Chester is busy preparing itself for a stampede of Rhinos, which will form the biggest art event the city has seen for over 100 years. For 10 weeks during the summer of 2010, the city will be taken over by a herd of up to 70, 5ft high rhinos, each individually designed by local artists. Businesses, community groups, education establishments and individuals are invited to sponsor a rhino sculpture which will be decorated by them or their chosen artist. During the event, Rhino Mania will provide a trail through the city, from the river through to the city business park and out to the zoo, through Chester’s neighbourhoods, encouraging thousands of people to follow the colourful stampede. At the end of the event, each sculpture will be sold at auction and a proportion of the proceeds donated to local charities and the Chester Zoo Black Rhino Field Conservation Programme. Apart from being a project to unite Chester’s community and raise funds, the aim is to generate increased footfall to the city and raise awareness of the environment.

Rhinos have been chosen as the theme as the city wants to highlight the plight of one of the most endangered species in the world and one of the most loved residents of Chester Zoo. Complementary to the art, the programme will encourage residents and visitors to learn about rhino conservation in the form of workshops at the zoo and a proportion of the net profits from the Gala Auction will be donated to the Chester Zoo Black Rhino Field Conservation Programme. Rita Waters, Chief Executive of Chester Renaissance, says: “We are very excited to be staging such a large scale art event in Chester. It’s a fantastic opportunity to unite the community and to encourage education projects, highlighting climate change, environmental issues and animal extinction. Chester is already a popular destination city and we hope the event will also encourage those who live in Chester to become ‘tourists’ within their own city and enjoy and celebrate the place in which they live.” “Visitors to Chester tend to head straight for the centre as they come to shop and visit the historic walls and we have found that they may not always venture to all parts of the city

during their stay. Rhino Mania will encourage them to explore parts of Chester they may not have known about as they follow the Rhino herd on what will be a cultural discovery of the city. We are also pleased and honored that we have been able to link up with Chester Zoo to raise much needed awareness of such a wonderful animal that is in danger of becoming extinct.” As well as highlighting the world’s Rhinos, Rhino Mania in Chester aims to stimulate local economy as well as enhance the cultural strengths of the city. The ten week long event will begin in July 2010 and sponsorship of a Rhino, and the event, is available through Chester Renaissance now. For further information visit For further information contact either Katie Wild or Sally Williamson on 01244 402042 or uk sally.williamson@cheshirewestand

The Citizenship Magazine for Schools 41

Stolen Lives The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain believes that young people are the key to defeating the problem of weapons crime. The Stolen Lives project uses their experience and creativity to reach those who might turn to guns and knives.

Stage 1: Facilitated Workshops The workshops address personal experiences of weapon crime, reasons why young people carry weapons, implications for the wider community and the desire for change. The project aims to engage approximately 100 young people from each borough of London, aged 12-18. The research data will be used for three purposes: ●

To inform a composite research project representing the views of around 800 young people across London as part of Operation Blunt.

To inform the design of resource materials intended to address specific and generic issues relating to each borough.

To inform local policing and educational strategies for addressing weapon crime.

Stage 2: Resource Design We will work with some of the young people who attended the workshops to design a film that addresses the main discussion points. The film is backed by PHSE lesson plans that draw out further detailed discussion. A typical film will be based on six to 10 separate lesson plans and can then be delivered in modular format over a school term. The film is aimed at the 12-16 age group. A poster competition is developed once the film is complete. The posters highlight and reinforce the key messages from the films. All schools will be invited to take part in designing the posters, and prizes will then be given to individuals and schools according to the different entry categories. Primary school children will receive a children’s workbook that has a cartoon style story and lots of learning activities to help parents and teachers address the issues in an age-appropriate manner. Stage 3: Delivery Every secondary school will receive copies of the film, lesson plans and posters. A training session for teachers and other professionals involved in using the resource will be held in each borough. Every key stage 2 child in the borough will receive their own workbook.

42 The Citizenship Magazine for Schools

not to (because it makes them look weak and vulnerable) or they think it gives them status with their peers.

Picture: Philip Gabriel


he project aims to address the causes and consequences of weapon crime by working with young people able to identify key safety and prevention messages that THEY think will influence their peers. There are 3 stages to the project.

Checks and Balances Stolen Lives is a peer education programme. The purpose is to tap into the information that young people think will influence their peers to help keep them safe and change behaviour. All the materials need to be signed off by a police representative, a PSHE lead for education and the young people themselves. London Borough (Example) Six workshops held with young people aged 12-18. These included: 2 x school sessions 1 x police cadets 1 x YOT 1 x victims group 1 x community project The workshops involved 106 young people. Personal experiences – The YOT group offered the most experiences but every session included at least one personal account. The account below provides an example of the type of thing young people have said: “This happened in school when I was in year 8. Two of my friends were arguing about postcodes and it turned from a sort of joke into a more serious thing. None of the rest of the class could believe that they were getting so heavy about it. It was the last period and straight after the class it carried on. When we got outside it was obvious that there was going to be a fight. It didn’t last long because one of them got a knife out and stabbed the other in the arse. He didn’t realise that he had been stabbed and thought that he’d been kicked. He tried to fight back but ended up falling down. I thought the other boy would stab him again, but he just walked off. I felt really scared after that because it was the first time I’d seen anything like that close up.” Reasons why – There were a wide range of responses but by far the most common were “respect” and “ self defence.” Hardly any young people made reference to wanting to harm anyone else. The vast majority seem to carry weapons because they are either afraid

Wider Community – There were some interesting findings. There was a very strong view that carrying weapons is no big deal and just an every day part of life. Some actually viewed a “shanking” as less of an offence than a bald tyre or a burglary. There is a moral code but it’s not necessarily the same as you would expect from an adult. For example, it was alright for two boys to fight using knives, or even one boy to assault another when one is armed and the other isn’t, but it’s not acceptable for boys to attack girls in any situation. Desire for change – There was a strong desire for positive change. Young people do not want to live in a society where they are threatened. But there was a strong feeling of resignation and that change is unlikely. They want change but they need to feel that it is possible and that people will listen to them. There was a lot more detail about the actual locality but the basic messages were that at least one person in each group had had a direct experience of knife crime (as a victim, perpetrator or witness) and virtually everyone knew of someone who had been a victim. Carrying weapons seems to be more about respect and fashion than wanting to hurt others. It is an every day part of life and not seen as particularly serious in itself. Young people want things to change but many hold little hope of the situation improving. The Film Script

The challenge to a group of 12 young people selected from the workshops was to develop a film that draws out discussion around the points outlined above. Film formats will vary from documentary to vox pop, but in this instance the young people wanted to produce a short fictional story based around two sets of brothers. There are four main characters: Vrai (19), Ben (14), Spica (19) and AJ (14). Vrai and Spica are gang “olders” and well respected in the “endz.” AJ and Ben are the younger brothers. In the film Vrai has been

PROJECT serving time in jail for possession of a firearm and is just about to be released. Vrai has found prison tough and after having time to reflect has decided that he wants to leave the manor taking his younger brother Ben with him. However, on his release he is immediately met by Spica, AJ and Ben who welcome him back as a hero. Spica is very much part of the gang scene and expects Vrai to just carry on where he left off. AJ (Spica’s younger brother) is desperate to gain his brother’s respect but has a more timid personality and is constantly being put down by Spica who holds him in poor regard. Ben (Vrai’s young brother) has a talent for film-making and has recently won a local competition. While Vrai has been in jail, Spica has taken care of Ben, introducing him more and more to the gang world which Ben has been filming. The story follows Spica tasking one of the “youngers” to carry out a revenge attack on a rival gang. After a few twists and turns AJ tries to step up and ends up “shanking” a youth in the arm. The youth and AJ are portrayed as being terrified by the situation both as the victim and the perpetrator. After the assault the youths run off in various directions, until Ben is caught and fatally stabbed. Vrai is distraught and left with three options; to seek revenge on the attacker and/or Spica for putting him in harms way, to leave the manor as he originally planned or to stay and try and change things. Vrai chooses to stay. In a previous sequence Vrai meets the mother of a murdered gang victim who aggressively blames Vrai and others like him for the waste of her son’s life. Vrai tries to apologise but she mocks him and says “ just words, don’t mean nothing.” The end of the film sees Vrai walking into a school where the mother is talking to the assembly about weapon crime and the waste of her son’s life. In the final emotional sequence Vrai joins the mother on stage to

support her plea for the violence to end. Although the film features two stabbings (one fatal), the images are implied rather than direct. There is no swearing and we will seek a film censor grading before we make the resource available to schools. Issues Addressed: The issue of “youngers” being influenced by “olders” is very important. The younger people feel that they have to earn the respect of older siblings and the rest of the gang. AJ is not naturally violent but gets involved in a violent situation through the desire to impress. The characters are shown to be scared by the situation. When the boy gets stabbed in the arm he shouts out in pain. The boy is frightened and the attacker can’t really believe he is holding a knife to someone - the reality of what carrying a weapon can lead to becomes apparent. Ben has talent as many young people do, but this talent ends up wasted. What could have happened to Ben if he’d gone to film school? The mother is portrayed as grieving but strong. Many victims’ mothers end up as campaigners and at the end of this film an actual victim’s mother will endorse the film and add her own real life story. Vrai has not enjoyed prison. His girlfriend has left him and he feels as if his life has been on hold. It’s been a boring, frustrating experience and he doesn’t want to go back. He’s also had time to think about the cycle of violence he has become involved in and wants to change. However, it’s not easy to leave – something many young people have said. The story has a positive ending. The contrast between the general lack of hope expressed by many young people and the many real life examples of positive action to tackle weapon crime almost demanded it. In the film there is a ‘sliding doors’ scenario where following his younger brother’s death, Vrai has the option to seek revenge, leave the neighbourhood or stay and try to support change. Vrai opts for change.

Lesson Plans Lesson plans will be developed at various key stages to focus on discussion points such as: Peer Pressure and Respect The pressures placed on each of the four main characters are different, as are their personalities, but all have been drawn into gang culture and carrying weapons. ●

Consequences AJ does not really want to carry a knife and Ben’s main interest is in making films. Through peer pressure and the need to gain respect both of these young boys have to face the consequences of an act they did not really want to take part in. Their lives are ruined and yet the instigator (Spica) suffers no consequences from the actions. ●

Cycle of Violence The violence in the film is portrayed as being motivated by a desire for revenge. A mother character is introduced to reinforce the point that one act of violence simply leads to another and that revenge attacks just perpetuate the cycle. Vrai’s final choice to stay and stand up against the violence is used to introduce the concept that if enough young people stand up against weapons crime then it can be beaten. ●

Personal Safety It is important to remember that most young people are not involved in gangs and do not carry weapons. However, they are still affected by weapon crime and are open to peer pressure. AJ and Ben’s stories both have cut-off points where, had they made a different choice, the outcome would have been different. ●

Films can be viewed at www.stolenlives. or at For further information and to find out how your school or borough could get involved call Barry Jones MBE, founder of The Police Community Clubs GB, on 01276 489776.

The Citizenship Magazine for Schools 43

’ s l i p r u e P n r Co

44 The Citizenship Magazine for Schools


How does bullying affect children? The internet has added a new dimension to the fight against bullying. To shed light on how bullying impacts children today, we asked two children to share their thoughts and experiences.


en and Jessica are pupils of a junior school in the north-west. They are both in year 6, have lots of friends and are members of their school council. I wondered what incite they could give me into the different forms that bullying can take and how equipped children are to deal with them. Throughout the interview, I was impressed by the children’s responses and the knowledge they had on the subject. Both children related their answers to their own experiences, those of their peers and information they had obtained from school, their parents and the media. I began by asking the children if they had ever been bullied. Before answering, Ben hesitated. He then explained what his understanding of bullying was and said that he had been hit in year 1, but that he thought it was an accident. Jessica immediately said that she hadn’t. I then asked the children what forms bullying could take. Ben was quick to answer with “hitting” and returned to this form of physical bullying throughout the interview. He also mentioned teasing and cyber bullying. Similarly, Jessica commented on cyber bullying, teasing and violence. I was interested in which type of bullying the children thought was most common. Their answers differed. Jessica identified the most common form as being verbal and said that it occurred most often in school. Ben stated that he believed hitting would be the worst type of bullying and this was something that worried him the most, although he had never witnessed it himself. He then said that cyber bullying was the type that occurred most often. This led me to ask him where he thought bullying would most often take place. I expected him to say school, but he said that it can happen anywhere: in school, home or in any place where people can access the internet. This was something that I had not considered. Children being cyber bullied can feel vulnerable wherever they are. I wondered if the children had different answers because of their gender. I was curious if it meant that Ben used the computer more often than Jessica. Was it a common trend that boys use computers more than girls of the same age? My further questioning suggested that this was not the case. It was clear that both children were aware

of cyber bullying, but I wanted to ask them further questions to see how much they really understood. I asked the children what types of cyber bullying they had heard of or encountered. Ben talked about text messaging and how people can send horrible, offensive messages to others. He also mentioned online messaging, but focused on others hacking in to people’s accounts. Ben seemed to think this was a bigger problem than people messaging each other. I believe that a recent talk about internet safety delivered by a visitor to the school may have had an impact on Ben’s thinking. Jessica drew upon her own experiences. She uses MSN as a way of communicating with her friends and was aware that unkind messages could be sent and knew of the safety risks involved in internet use. She told me that she often receives requests to chat from other users she doesn’t know. Someone had once asked her to add them as a friend because they were a “kind twenty-four year old”. Luckily, Jessica has a very mature attitude and said that she always blocks strangers. I asked the children if they were members of any other social networking sites and Ben replied that he had heard of some others on Newsround. Having looked at their website it is clear that they are trying to inform young people about the dangers of using the internet, social networking sites and cyber bullying. The recent Press Pack focused on asking their viewers whether they had ever been cyber bullied. This was supported by links to a guide to beating bullies, a related quiz and a poll that asked who you should tell if you become a victim. There was also a video highlighting what the experts say. Ben went on to say that he thought Facebook was bad. He explained that people can give away their passwords and that this can lead to hacking. He also told me that you should always use a nickname and never give away personal details. Finally, he said: “Anyway, I’m only nine and you have to be 13.”I was impressed by the amount of information he had retained and the awareness he displayed. Jessica explained that as well as MSN, she also used Facebook and that she gained access through her older sister’s account. She was aware of the age restriction but said she only used it occasionally to message one of

her friends. I wanted to know if the children would relate what they had told me about social networking sites to the internet in general. I asked them what the most important things to remember were when being on the internet. Ben gave a coherent list, including some valuable points: ●

Never give away your password

Never give your school or home details

When on a webcam, never wear clothes that people can link to your school, eg uniform Use a cartoon picture of yourself and nickname, instead of a photograph

Ben went on to explain that his mum had told him about paedophiles - someone who hurts children, like Baby P. Jessica simply said that if someone sends you a message you don’t like or you get into trouble then you should always go to an adult you trust. Both children had obtained their information from school, while Ben had also discussed internet safety with his family. While the children had gathered a lot of information about tying to stay safe online, did they know what to do if they or someone they knew was being cyber bullied? Both Ben and Jessica said they would tell an adult that they trusted. Ben said that if he was concerned, or if a friend had a problem, he would speak to his family, his friend’s family or a teacher. He mentioned that if a friend didn’t want anyone to know he might also use the school’s anonymous worry box. He made another valid point by saying that you wouldn’t know if someone was being cyber bullied unless they told you because you wouldn’t be able to access their messages. While the children displayed a lot of knowledge about internet safety and bullying, their answers reinforced my belief that it is the responsibility of teachers and parents to increase their own awareness of this issue. They will then be better placed to recognise when children are being bullied, or bullying others, and have the knowledge required to offer help and support and remedy the situation. By Christina Fenlon

The Citizenship Magazine for Schools 45


for the

46 The Citizenship Magazine for Schools

FEATURE As youth charities turn to celebrities to promote their campaigns we look at how a marketing technique became a tool for education.


Factor finalists JLS and urban music sensation N-Dubz are two of the biggest acts in British music. In 2009 both groups recorded number one singles and both took to the stage at the MOBOs to collect coveted awards. But in November 2009, with the launch of National Anti-Bullying Week, the two groups shared the spotlight in a quite different setting. They are among a legion of familiar faces used to promote campaigns aimed at the UK’s youth. Sportswear brands and cosmetics companies have cleverly used the endorsements of popular entertainers for years. The brand gets to borrow from the star’s image and gain greater appeal among

fans while, in return, the musicians, actors and athletes gain status, exposure and handsome remuneration. It is known as brand cross-pollination and is one of the sharpest weapons in the marketing industry’s armoury. But over the last few years UK antibullying campaigners have realised the potential benefits of this paradigm and have used what was a money-making technique for far more edifying ends. In 2004, when the first National AntiBullying Week was launched, Rio Ferdinand, Sharon Osbourne and members of Sugababes, Busted and Franz Ferdinand were all among the stars who took the time to appear in the promotional video. In 2009 former world champion boxer Joe Calzaghe and Britain’s Got Talent winner George Sampson have turned out to back the message, while other celebrities have helped by volunteering stories of their own experiences and providing advice and hope for those affected. Clifford Bloxham, Vice President of Octagon, one of the world’s leading sports marketing and management companies, has worked to secure celebrity ambassadors for many major charity campaigns. He understands why charities are so enthusiastic to recruit high profile individuals to the cause. “Celebrity endorsements are used to help bring a programme to life and to provide an attraction on the day of the event. With a very strong ambassador a charity event is going to get 300-400 per cent more coverage. Someone who is less established would be less effective as they do any interview that comes along, but with the right ambassador you can target the media you want to reach as they can’t get to the personality any other way.” It is clear how the campaign can benefit from the involvement of a celebrity supporter, but how does the artist benefit from the partnership? In some instances, where a commercial sponsor is also involved, the celebrity can expect to receive some form of payment. As Clifford pointed out, the profit-making company will receive valuable publicity and so should be expected to pay for it. But, in most instances the star provides their services for free. Clifford said: “There can be an element of helping to build their brand by being associated with something positive or good. But the most important thing should be that they are giving back and doing something that interests them. “For some causes it comes down to whoever they can get, but charities should

Fazer signing t-shirt Picture courtesy of Beatbullying

target someone with similar brand qualities and someone who genuinely cares about the charity. They have to be interested and knowledgeable about the campaign. Otherwise it can look hollow.” Lead singer of JLS, Aston Merrygold, explained that he joined the Beatbullying campaign after having experienced bullying himself. He said, “I can imagine that when I was being I bullied would really welcome the support of someone who’s been there themselves. We all have a lot to do to speak up and stop bullying.” Similarly, N-Dubz band member Tulisa has talked publicly about her experiences of childhood bullying and revealed that, just like those being cyber bullied, the band receive abusive and hurtful messages on the internet. By finding stars whose fan bases match the campaign’s target market, who clearly believe in the cause and who are currently in demand by the press, Beatbullying has followed the rules for success. And, with developments in technology, ambassadors are doing more than simply arriving at photo calls and launch events. N-Dubz have contributed an official Cybermentors anthem entitled ‘R U Cybersafe?’ and two ringtones, while Radio 1 and 1Xtra have streamed videos of musicians giving tips on how to be “bullyproof” as part of their campaign. All of the celebrity-based content is free to access or download and designed to generate traffic to the sites where the information is held. Unlike the businesses that pioneered the celebrity endorsements, charities are happy for children to download tracks and ringtones for free, just as long as they buy into the message. By Luke Davis

The Citizenship Magazine for Schools 47

Barney & Echo Website Launch The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain will offer a new level of support to teachers with the launch of its new Barney & Echo website at The site will contain various resources designed to help teachers prepare PSHE classes for children at key stage 1-2 including a range of lesson plans available for download and a ďŹ lm based on Barney and the Magic Mirror. Teachers will be able to view examples of books in the Barney & Echo series and use the simple online ordering tool to purchase three Barney & Echo books and get two copies free. As part of the offer schools will also receive a range of free support materials including posters, masks, stickers and lesson plans as well as play books that will allow children to act out the stories. The Barney & Echo project has been designed to support teachers and parents in addressing various issues that form part of the PSHE subject area. Drugs, alcohol and tobacco are tackled in Barney and the Magic Mirror, the issues of bullying and vandalism are addressed in A Friendship Made and Echo’s New Watch can be used to educate children about the dangers of gangs and knife crime. The latest in the series is Caught in the Web; a fun and informative look at internet safety and the problem of cyber bullying. The story is punctuated by numerous activities designed to get children thinking about the issues and help them retain the valuable lessons.












The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain hopes the easy-to-use website and range of materials will help teachers to continue providing children with valuable citizenship lessons.


I Developed by Reckless New Media

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and ask for Chris Parry who will be happyLiverpool to help.

L14 7NJ The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain0151 228 3970 2A High Street, Bromborough, Wirral CH62 7HA Charity Telephone: 01244 316629 Facsimile 01244 314054 Reg 232842

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“I want to congratulate you on an excellent first issue. It was super and I enjoyed reading it. I think the revised school inspection framework will get school leaders to be more active on the ECM agenda. Well done.” Rita Every Child Matters


Responses to our first issue AT BR



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Issue 1 September - November 2009




UNIT PLANS AND RESOURCES for the forthcoming term


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“Thanks for sending through copies of your Citizenship Magazine. It’s informative and deals with PSHE issues very well. We especially liked the suggested lesson plans and will use them through the next few weeks.” Peter Edwards Headteacher “I thought the magazine was brilliant! Thanks!” Susan Nelson Liverpool College

INSIDE! Create your own walking bus


PSHE the


“I write to thank you for the Citizenship Magazine delivered to the school. Citizenship features highly within our curriculum and underpins the ethos of the school.” Mrs Wadsworth Maindee Primary School “This Citizenship Magazine looks superb. If schools and teachers put into practice some of the advice and articles that it contains, the magazine will prove very useful as a tool to communicate the message that citizenship is a vital part of school life. We should all appreciate the framework that schools now provide in helping to reduce bullying and instances of racial abuse. Internet safety and cyber bullying are relatively new dangers that have been highlighted as another key area where schools can get involved and I hope that your Citizenship Magazine can continue to help inform teachers as to the latest news and information.” Inspector G Valentine Child Protection

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50 The Citizenship Magazine for Schools

CITIZENSHIP The Police Community Clubs

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Distribution The Police Community Clubs Citizenship Magazine for Schools will become a vital link for teachers, parents, school governors and politicians throughout the north-west as an informative and entertaining way of keeping abreast of the latest news surrounding citizenship and the PSHE curriculum in key stages 1, 2 & 3 in schools. We feel passionate about citizenship and see the PSHE curriculum as a vital link in helping our children understand their role in society, the dangers that they themselves can pose and the dangers that they can be exposed to. Each primary, junior and senior school across the north-west will receive The Citizenship Magazine for Schools free of charge and we expect the magazine to continue as a complimentary item for the foreseable future. If your school would like to receive extra copies or you are a school governor, a member of the school PTA, a parent, a member of the local authority or just someone who values citizenship please complete the slip below and send it to the address shown or alternatively, email a request including your full name, address and postal code to

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