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欢迎 Welcome
From CNTO, Sydney
From China Eastern Airlines
着夏季迅速临近,中国也开始热闹起来,让人们拥有了多种 选择。我们精心挑选了一些最好的自然景点,方便各位前往 户外探险。如果不喜欢户外活动,我们也可以为您提供不少选择。 中国最大的两座城市上海和北京有不少凉爽的度假胜地,既有豪 华酒店的泳池派对,也有异国情调的冰淇淋店,仍然对冬季恋恋不 舍的人甚至还可以在上海的梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心的溜冰场上 放飞自我。如果您热衷于享受艳阳满天的温暖日子,那么没有哪里 比阳朔更好的夏日旅游胜地了。阳朔是位于中国广西的一个县城 和度假小镇,以其壮观的喀斯特地貌闻名于世,自然原始的环境 中遍布着奢华的度假胜地。中国的夏天从来不会令人失望。
hings are heating up in China as summer is fast approaching and there’s plenty to do. In this issue, we’ve picked some of the best nature spots to head for an outdoor adventure. However, if you’re not one for the great outdoors, we still have you covered. China’s biggest cities, Shanghai and Beijing, are dotted with cool retreats. There are pool parties at luxury hotels, ice cream parlours and even ice skating. If you’re keen to spend the warmer days soaking up the sun, there’s no better summer getaway than Yangshuo. A county and resort town in southern China’s Guangxi region known for its dramatic karst mountain landscape, Yangshuo is populated with luxury resorts nestled amidst the nature. Summer in China does not disappoint.
Contributors Alicia Miller Dave Tacon Lisa Perkovic Noelle Faulkner Alex Carlton Coco Sandes
Sub Editor Adam Scroggy
Creative Director Stephanie Goh
Editorial Assistant Elyssa Kostopoulos
Graphic Designers Cynthia Lau Millie Jia
HIGHER VIEW ISSUE 30 Editor Constantina Demos
Production Manager Ian Scott Financial Controller Phung Vuong Publisher Jim Flynn (02) 8188 3671 jim@citrusmedia.com.au
航澳大利亚营销中心非常自豪地宣布—我们已经在悉尼 上海及墨尔本上海两条航线全面升级机型为A350-900与 B787-900。这两款机型都代表着东航机队中最年轻的成员,同时 也具备了全球顶尖的客舱配备。我们是首次在此澳大利亚-中国 航线上推出此豪华公务舱和特别的独立分舱的超级经济舱产品, 旨在为乘坐东航的广大旅客们带来卓越舒适的飞行体验。2019 年,我们殷切地期待并欢迎您继续选乘中国东方航空公司。
hina Eastern Airlines Oceania Marketing Centre is very proud to announce that the airplane models for both the Sydney-Shanghai and Melbourne-Shanghai routes have all been updated to A350-900 or B787-900. So your journey to and from China just became a whole lot more comfortable. Both models represent the youngest members of the China Eastern Airlines fleet and boast world-class cabin equipment. For the very first time, we have launched luxury business class seats and super economy class seats in a separate cabin on the Australia-China route, making your journey even more pleasant. Our aim is always to provide all passengers with a superior flight experience and our new models guarantee this. We welcome you to this China Eastern Airlines flight and we look forward to having you fly with us again in 2019.
Advertising Max La-Brooy (02) 8188 3664 max@citrusmedia.com.au
Danni Lin (02) 8188 3650
Higher View is produced for business-class passengers on China Eastern flights between China and Australia. It can also be found in select newsagents and hotels. An iPad edition is available via the App Store.
danni@citrusmedia.com.au Printed by Bluestar Web Citrus Media, PO Box 20154 World Square NSW 2002
Cover image Mandarin Oriental
© 2019 Citrus Media. All rights reserved. No article or images may be reproduced wholly or in part without prior written permission from the publisher. While every care was taken during the preparation of this magazine, Citrus Media cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information or any consequence arising from it. All views and opinions expressed herein are the personal views of the writer/photographer and do not necessarily reflect the views
or opinions of China National Tourism Office Sydney (CNTO) or any of its employees, affiliates or agencies. Higher View is an independent publication and is in no way endorsed by CNTO. The contents/photos do not necessarily represent the views of China Eastern Airlines.
MAGILL ESTATE Gateway to the Adelaide Hills Start or finish your journey at Magill Estate Nestled in the foothills of Adelaide, with spectacular views over the city, Penfolds Magill Estate is one of the worlds few urban single vineyards only 15 minutes drive from Adelaide city. Open 9am–6pm daily FOR BOOKINGS AND ENQUIRIES Phone + 61 (08) 8301 5569 or visit penfolds.com magill.cellardoor@penfolds.com 78 Penfolds Road, Magill, SA 5072 玛格尔庄园 奔富 Penfolds 玛格尔庄园地处阿德莱德山麓,俯瞰阿 德莱德市区,远眺海岸线,是全球离市中心最近的葡萄 酒庄园之一,从市中心出发只需15分钟车程即可到达。 在玛格尔庄园,宾客既可参加中英文讲解的游览,感受 奔富 Penfolds 的悠久历史,品鉴传世佳酿,也可在风 景优美的顶级餐厅品味当地佳肴。欢迎阁下莅临品鉴。 地址:78 Penfolds Road, Magill, SA 5072 营业时间:每周一到周日 9:00 - 18:00 预约与咨询:电话 +61 (08) 8301 5569 邮箱 magill.cellardoor@penfolds.com 网址 www.penfolds.com
Brisbane’s Greca serves up traditional Greek taverna food
48 New age 布里斯班的新时代
56 Relax river-side 阳朔奢华酒店
72 The great outdoors 中国十大夏季户外游玩胜地
78 Hidden gems 一种新的奢华理念
Luxury hotels and fine dining galore – welcome to Brisbane
Explore China’s landscape and latest hotel hot spot at Yangshuo
Discover the best way to spend a summer’s day out in China
We share with you all of Australia’s unknown luxury getaways
84 Beat the heat 大城市中的凉爽所在
96 Top down 露天魔术
106 Ahead of time 行业翘楚
112 Trend setter 重新启航的葆蝶家
The coolest places to be in China’s star cities this summer
Meet Lamborghini’s new Huracán Performante
We spill all the secrets to A. Lange & Söhne’s success
Bottega Veneta’s new collection is a twist on an old classic
Regulars 19 News 动态新闻 What’s going on and where in China and Australia
28 Mudgee in eight stops 玛吉(Mudgee)八大打卡地点 Eight must-see places when you visit Mudgee
34 Top 10 寒冷月份的十大活动 The top 10 things to do during the cooler months
42 Check-in 澳大利亚和中国新开业的酒店 Hotels in Australia and China that have just opened their doors
44 Restaurant news 餐厅指南 The latest restaurant news from Australia and China
46 各个季节的活动 探索冬天的澳大利亚
93 Higher Life 奢华生活 The latest in watches, auto, wine, fashion and jewels
Cosy interiors on Tasmania’s Satellite Island
130 My Higher Life 名人专访 We chat to Stuart Bishop about all things jewellery
Hardy Brothers CEO Stuart Bishop
Celebrate rubies in Van Cleef & Arpels’ Treasure of Rubies collection
Fashion’s greatest moments at NGV
For more exclusive content follow us on WeChat: Higher View
Light it up Sydney’s biggest event, Vivid, is back and brighter than ever. For more on this event, turn to page 30. 悉尼最大型的活动——缤纷悉尼灯光音乐节 (VIVID SYDNEY)重磅回归。更多活动详情 请翻阅第30页。
活动 Events COLES BAY
Buzz into Tasmania Saffire Freycinet Tasmania has launched its most unique and immersive guest experience yet, The Saffire Beekeeping Experience. Join Saffire horticulturalist and producer of Wild Hives honey, Rob Barker, in witnessing the breathtaking natural phenomenon of honey making in one of Tasmania’s most exclusive apiaries. saffire-freycinet.com.au/experiences
SAFFIRE FREYCINE T TASMANIA推 出 最 具 特 色 的 浸 入 式 客 户 体 验 —— SAFFIRE养蜂体验,将奢华提升到了一 个新的高度。与作为SAFFIRE园艺师和 WILD HIVES蜂蜜生产商的罗伯·巴克 (ROB BARKER)一起,在塔斯马尼亚最 独特的养蜂场之一来亲眼见证蜜蜂酿 蜜这一令人惊叹的自然现象。
Anywhere, anytime With a performance in every nook and cranny, Anywhere Festival is bringing theatre to the streets of Brisbane. Now in its ninth year, the festival encourages performers and producers to create for audiences outside of a traditional theatre in a space they wouldn’t expect. You never know what might be around the corner! May 9-26, anywhere.is
Fun in the sun The combination of gourmet delights, great entertainment and pure luxury makes the Airnorth Cable Beach Polo a bucket-list event you can tick off when visiting Western Australia this May. Held on one of Broome’s most iconic beaches, this luxurious sporting spectacular is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. May 16-17, cablebeachpolo.com.au
这 里 有美 味 佳 肴,也 有 精 彩 娱 乐,更 有 超 级 奢 华,澳 大利亚 北方航 空 凯布尔海 滩马 球赛 (AIRNORTH CABLE BEACH POLO)是今年5月 前往西澳大利亚不可错过的一项活动。这项奢华 的马球比赛在布鲁姆(BROOME)最具标志性 的海滩之一举行,定会给您带来终生难忘的体验。 活动时间:5月16日-17日。 20
每个角落都有表演,ANYWHERE FESTIVAL 将剧院带到布里斯班的每条街道。今年是 ANYWHERE FESTIVAL的第9个年头,鼓励表 演者和创作者在传统剧院之外为观众带来意 想不到的表演。您永远不知道哪个角落里会 有什么表演!活动时间:5月9日-26日。
完美协作 Perfect synergy In a showcase of the Queensland Ballet’s promising future, watch as their pre-professional dancers take to the stage in Synergy, an electrifying series of short contemporary and neoclassical works. June 28 – July 6, queenslandballet.com.au 昆士兰芭蕾舞团(QUEENSLAND BALLET)的准专业舞 者将带来一部充满激情的现代和新古典主义作品系列短 剧《SYNERGY》,向人们展示昆士兰芭蕾舞团充满希望的 未来。该系列短剧由成名和新兴舞蹈编导倾情合作,将在 朱迪丝·怀特现代艺术中心(JUDITH WRIGHT CENTRE OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS)精彩上演。活动日期: 6月28日-7月6日。
冬季仙境 Winter wonderland ADEL AIDE
Best in showbiz The world’s largest celebration of cabaret takes to the Australian stage for the 19th year of the Adelaide Cabaret Festival this June. Julia Zemiro is taking the reins as artistic director for this year’s festival. June 7-22, adelaidecabaretfestival.com.au 世界最盛大的歌舞庆典将于今年6月以第19届阿德 莱德歌舞节(ADELAIDE CABARET FESTIVAL)的形 式登上澳大利亚的舞台。本届歌舞节由茱莉亚·泽米 罗(JULIA ZEMIRO)担任艺术总监。活动时间:6月7 日-22日。
Take the family on a magical winter adventure in the city for Winter Arts Festival. Experience an impressive lineup of free entertainment and activities, wintry installations across the city, live performances and a variety of tasty food to satisfy everyone’s taste buds. So rug up and step out because there’s loads to explore! June 24 – July 21, visitperth.com.au 和家人一起参加冬季艺术节(WINTER ARTS FESTIVAL),开启一场神奇的冬季冒险。这 里有令人兴奋的免费娱乐和活动,整个城市 满是各种冬季活动和现场表演,当然还有各 色暖心美味的美食让您的味蕾尽情绽放。所 以赶紧穿上厚衣服到这里瞧瞧吧!活动日 期:6月24日-7月21日。
Conrad Hangzhou, Hangzhou
The Ritz-Carlton, Jiuzhaigou
50层楼高,设有324间房间的杭州康莱 德酒店拥有全杭州位置最高的餐厅,是 商务、休闲旅游的最佳之选。
九寨沟丽思卡尔顿酒店是丽思卡尔顿酒店集 团在国内的首家全别墅型度假酒店,设有奢 华水疗中心以及无敌景观。
The 50-storey, 324-room hotel features the tallest restaurant in Hangzhou – perfect for business and leisure.
The Ritz-Carlton, Jiuzhaigou is the hotel’s first all-villa resort, featuring a luxury spa and striking views. 21
Feature event
Regionally cultivated, expertly plated
A new four-day destination food festival is coming to the Sunshine Coast this winter and it’s sure to take your taste buds on a culinary journey. The Curated Plate will showcase the best chefs from Australia and around the world, bursting at the seams with unique culinary events that span the region and bring to life the unique local artisan culture. Take in the picturesque surrounds of a region famed for its vibrant produce, immerse yourself in flavours foraged from organic and sustainable 22
practices and celebrate the relationship between chef and producer in this unique dining experience. With guest chefs such as the legendary Peter Gilmore (Quay, Bennelong) and Japan’s Zaiyu Hasegawa (Den; voted best restaurant in Japan 2018), The Curated Plate will bring together some of Australia’s brightest young talent, trailblazing culinary masterminds and international heavyweights to work with the incredible local ingredients that grow on the Sunshine Coast’s rich, volcanic land.
今年冬天,阳光海岸(SUNSHINE COAST)将迎来一个为 期四天的全 新 美食节,定会 让 您 的味蕾开启一 趟美味之 旅。届时,来自澳大利亚和世界各地的最佳厨师将齐聚THE CURATED PLATE美食节,为熙熙攘攘的阳光海岸带来各种 各样的特色美食活动,为当地独特的工匠文化注入活力。 这里环境优美、风景如画,农产品非常出名。让自己沉浸 于这里的有机和可持续食材制作的美味中,获得一份独特 的用餐体验,作为对厨师与农产品出产者的致敬。 传奇人物彼得·吉尔默(PETER GILMORE,QUAY餐厅 和BENNELONG餐厅主厨)和日本的长谷川在佑(ZAIYU HASEGAWA,日本2018年最佳餐厅DEN主厨)等客座厨师 届时将现身THE CURATED PLATE美食节,同时澳大利亚最 具才华的一些年轻厨师也汇集一起,以开创性的思维和国 际视野,用阳光海岸当地食材制作令人垂涎的美食。
DFS旗下悉尼T广场于历史悠久的岩石区中心,是市中心内唯一一间免税奢侈品商店,毗邻著名的 悉尼歌剧院及港湾大桥。 占地超过70,000平方呎,DFS旗下悉尼T广场拥有超过150个全球最令人 向往的品牌,店内产品涵盖DFS五大奢侈品范畴:酒类、美妆及香水、腕表及珠宝、时装及配饰、 美食及礼品;此外亦有很多DFS旗下悉尼T广场独家发售的精品,是一站式的购物天堂。
澳大利亚悉尼市岩石区乔治街155号 营业时间: 11:00 – 19:00
Breakfast stop
With more than 450 different cuisines on offer, the NUO Hotel’s latest upgrade of the Sunday brunch is an essential stop when visiting Beijing. Whether you’re a lover of their sea urchin caviar and freshly sliced tuna sashimi or keen to try the signature Baba au Rhum for dessert, we can guarantee you will not leave disappointed. Until June 30, www.nuohotel.com/beijingjiangtai
Time warp With over 130 years of storied discovery, the National Geographic: A New Age of Exploration 2.0 has returned to the Beijing World Art Museum in celebration of the landmark magazine’s incredible history. Dive deep alongside scientists, adventurers and storytellers as you uncover the haunting, untold stories behind some of the world’s greatest discoveries. Until June 30, bit.ly/2NHOSqb
Dance in the clouds Dance the night away to some of the world’s greatest DJs on the historic and globally renowned Great Wall of China. Great Wall Festival is a two-day event that includes a five-kilometre fun run followed by a dance party with an impressive line-up of international and local acts taking to the stage. May 18-19, greatwallfestival.com
Harmonious melody Be mesmerised by the incredible mellifluous sound of two of the greatest orchestral talents of the 21st century, as Stefan Temmingh and I Musici take to the stage at the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing. Often compared to the legendary recorder player Frans Brüggen, Temmingh is teaming up with I Musici, the longest active chamber group, for this performance. May 16, en.chncpa.org 24
Art for thought Beijing’s Long March Space presents its first exhibition for 2019, Wu Shanzhuan’s Today Became a Holiday. The collection consists of over 200 paintings from Hamburg, Reykjavik and Shanghai and will be showing at the gallery in the 798 Arts District. Wu Shanzhuan is regarded as one of the most prominent figures of the 1980s. Until October 13, longmarchspace.com/en
布里斯班南岸诺富特酒店 这家引人注目的新开酒店坐落在美丽的布里斯班河畔, 地理位置优越,无论是商务出行还是休闲小憩,这里定 会为您的布里斯班之旅添光溢彩。除却短暂步行距离即 可抵达布里斯班会展中心外,您还可以享受到南岸公园 迷人的户外空间,美食街一流的用餐体验,精美的画廊 与博物馆,以及如一块璞玉般镶嵌在繁华都市中心的人 造街心沙滩。不论您对布里斯班的了解程度,布里斯 班南岸诺富特酒店都将成为您探索发现新纪元的双眼。 38 Cordelia St, South Brisbane, QLD 4101 AUSTRALIA
Shanghai DON’T MISS
Spa break
It’s a small world With 2019 already well underway, be sure to visit the third floor of the Shanghai Urban Planning Museum for a room-sized model of China’s most populated city in the year 2020. With every detail in the 100-square-metre space of both current and planned developments accounted for, capture Shanghai’s incredible views from the top down. shanghaihighlights.com
Relieve tense muscles after a morning spent indulging in the Spring Energy Package at The SPA – where wellness and well-being are top priority. Located on the sixth floor of The Shanghai Edition, this treatment includes a 60-minute customised personal training session, heat infusion and osteopathy massage that’s sure to leave you relaxed. Until May 30, editionhotels. com/shanghai
Black and white In An Exhibition of Monochrome, creative powerhouse duo Ma Desheng and Zhang Yi challenge our perception of colour as expressions of emotion. The exhibition, which is on show at The Long Museum, is an exploration of diversity in monochrome artworks, starting with black and white and ending in red. Until August 11, thelongmuseum.org/en
Blockbuster night
Through our eyes Renowned German artist Tobias Rehberger is bringing his solo exhibition, If you don’t use your eyes to see, you will use them to cry, to the Rockbund Art Museum. Rehberger’s multifaceted works are a showcase of newly commissioned pieces and site-specific installations that express the connection between how individuals choose to see the world and how this impacts our quality of engagement with it. Until May 26, rockbundartmuseum.org/en
Be sure not to miss the movies dubbed as this season’s greatest at one of Asia’s largest film festivals, Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF). With 468,000 audience tickets sold last year, SIFF is creating a platform for the growth of China’s film industry on an international scale. If you love movies, this is an event not to be missed. June 15-24, www.siff.com
Receiving over 30 tourism awards in 2018 alone, the Mudgee region is becoming recognised as a hero destination in New South Wales.
1. Capertee Valley Helicopters A helicopter ride above the largest enclosed canyon in the world is the only way to see the true beauty of the world heritage wonder that is Capertee Valley.
2. Gilbert Family Wines Spoiled for choice by Mudgee’s renowned wine region, we recommend taking a trip to Gilbert Family Wines for a Saturday Wine Masterclass led by one of their winemakers or sommelier.
3. High Valley: Mudgee Cheese Co Before you finish your day at Gilbert Family Wines, make sure you stop by The Cellar by Gilbert for an exclusive tasting of the award-winning High Valley Mudgee Cheese Co cheese.
4. Zoofari Lodge Get up close and personal with the great outdoors with an overnight wildlife experience at the Zoofari Lodge at Taronga Western Plains Zoo.
5. The Zin House With sweeping views of Tinja farm, classic Mudgee hillscapes and extensive kitchen gardens and orchards, The Zin House is a modern take on a classic farmhouse restaurant.
6. Mudgee Farmers Markets Looking for an authentic Mudgee experience? Look no further than the Farmers’ Markets, held on the third Saturday of each month and boasting the freshest locally grown produce in the region.
The Zin House
Tunes @ Burnbrae
7. Perry Street Hotel The Perry Street Hotel has the whole package. A luxury getaway and the perfect launch pad for discovering Mudgee, the hotel is a true testament to Victorian architecture reinvented in the 21st century.
8. Tunes @ Burnbrae
Zoofari Lodge
A Sunday spent like a local involves heading to Lazy Pizza Sundays at Burnbrae Wines for a relaxing evening of incredible musical talent. Held on the third Sunday of every month.
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悉尼 Sydney 童年记忆
Spend a chilly Sunday morning wandering the heritage-rich halls of the Rochfort Gallery. In his latest exhibition Land Rhythms, Australian artist Greg Mallyon’s thoughtful use of colour instantly transports you to the vibrant Queensland outback. May 9 – June 16, rochfortgallery.com
Night at the opera
Childhood memories
来到罗彻福特艺术馆(ROCHFORT G A L L E R Y )的 最 新 展 览中,澳 大 利亚艺 术家格雷格·莫伦(G R EG MALLYON)对色彩运用的深思熟虑 会立即将您带往充满活力的昆士兰内 陆地区,这是对他童年时代灵感的一 首颂歌。活动日期:5月9日-6月16日。
Opera Australia's first digital production, Madama Butterfly, is set to hit the stage. July 28 – August 10, opera.org.au 澳 大 利 亚 歌 剧 团 (OPERA AUSTRALIA)制 作的第一部数码歌剧《蝴 蝶夫人》即将上演。活动 日期:7月28日–8月10日。
Flower power
Surprise your senses with amazing aromas, tactile experiences and visually stunning plants on the new Royal Botanic Garden: Behind the Scenes Sensory Tour. Insta-worthy photos and views of the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House will make your visit extra memorable. Tuesdays and Fridays at 11am, rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au 全新的皇家植物园(ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN)里各 种花草争奇斗艳、芳香扑鼻,令人目不暇接,堪称一场视 觉盛宴。作为悉尼地标建筑的悉尼海港大桥和悉尼歌剧 院风景如画,非常适合拍照留念,定会让您的旅程更加 难忘。活动日期:星期二和星期五上午11点。
胆战心惊的故事 Chilling tale
Light up the sky Attracting more than 2.25 million attendees in 2018, Vivid Sydney is back this year to celebrate its 11th anniversary. Take in the picturesque and iconic landscape of Sydney Harbour as it transforms into a colourful creative canvas through light and sound. May 24 – June 15, vividsydney.com
2 018 年,缤 纷 悉尼灯光 音乐节( V I V I D SY D N E Y ) 的参与人数达到225万多人,而今年则将迎来其11周年 纪念。届时,风景如画的标志性景观悉尼海港将变身 色彩缤纷的创意画布,为您带来一场灯光音乐的盛宴! 活动日期:5月24日-6月15日。 30
A modern take on a 20th century masterpiece, make sure you catch Sydney Theatre Company’s rendition of William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. July 23 – August 24, sydneytheatre.com.au 威 廉·戈 尔 丁( W I L L I A M G O L D I N G )的《 蝇 王 》 (LORD OF THE FLIES)是20世 纪的一部经典杰作,经过悉尼 剧团的现代演绎,绝对值得 一看。让我们尽情欣赏这个令 人兴奋的剧团对这部经典小 说的全新演绎吧。活动日期: 7月23日-8月24日。
A N E W YO R K- I N S P I R E D O P E N -A I R B A R W I T H C L A S S I C W E E K E N D V I B E S , L E V E L S E V E N AT P R I M U S H O T E L S Y D N E Y, I S O N E O F SYDNEY’S MOST TRENDIEST ROOF TOP D E S T I N AT I O N S . The Veuve Clicquot styled flower wall, nautical themed deck décor complete with cabanas and cascading water features, create a resort style ambience perfect to escape to for quick lunches, after-work drinks and lazy weekend cocktails by the pool. Savour the warmer months in Sydney on our rooftop, with an all-new menu of vibrant house crafted cocktails inspired by tropical coastlines and the tantalising tastes of street food from around the world. 拥有纽约风情的开放式酒吧,位于铂瑞酒店顶层的 Level Seven, 是悉尼最时髦的周末畅饮休 闲好去处。 海滨小屋和层叠水景,配上凯歌香槟风格的花墙及航海主题的甲板装饰,为Level Seven 营造出浓浓的度假风格。非常适合午间简餐,下班后相聚小酌或周末泳池边的慵懒 鸡尾酒欢饮。
9 33
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欢迎阁下光临我们的顶层酒吧,感受悉尼的渐暖春意,享受热带活力自调 鸡尾酒以及充满街头风情的国际美食。
Proudly owned by
World Square has it all Step onto the world stage with a shopping experience like no other. 悉尼World Square为你带来与众不同的购物体验。 Quench your thirst for global experiences at World Square. Located in Sydney’s CBD, be a part of the hustle and bustle as you shop this dynamic mix of over 100 food, fashion, lifestyle, entertainment and essential services stores. You’ll find everything you need and more at this one-stop shop – the perfect place to spend a day with the kids, indulge in some retail therapy and grab a delicious bite to eat! Celebrate Lunar New Year and the Year of the Pig all year long at World Square, as you get up close and personal with the “Three (not so) Little Pigs”. Be sure to pay them a visit, pose alongside the fabulous sculptures and share your ultimate selfie with #WSqLNY19. Feeling a little peckish but can’t decide on what to eat? Luckily for you, a visit to World Square means you can have it all, at any time of day. Open around the 32
WORLD SQUARE,让你逛遍全球。WORLD SQUARE位于悉尼的中央商务区,这里拥有 100多家店铺,涉及美食、时装、时尚、娱乐 和基本服务等,人来人往,熙熙攘攘,好不热 闹!你可以在这个一站式商场中找到所需的 一切——可以在此与孩子们共度美好的一天, 可以在此尽情血拼,可以在此享用各色美食! WORLD SQUARE的春节及猪年庆祝活 动全年都在进行,更有“三只小猪”等待与你 来个亲密接触吧。赶紧来吧,摆好姿势与这 个维妙维肖的雕塑来张自拍,然后发到社交 媒体上和好友一起分享(#WSQLNY19)。这 还不够?通过增强现实技术体验异想天开的 跳舞猪吧!这项活动适合各个年龄段的孩子, 赶快随着节奏跳起来吧! 感觉有点饿了,但决 定不了吃些 什么?
clock to cater for those late-night munchies, you can indulge from morning to night and broaden your culinary horizons with over 40 bars, cafes and restaurants. A true crossroads of culture, be sure to make a trip to World Square’s Liverpool Lane. Whether you’re in the mood for seriously delicious, chilli-packed noodles at Dainty Sichuan Noodle Express, or craving the Mediterranean flavours of Gazzi Cafe & Restaurant, you will be spoilt for choice with a range of cuisines that are sure to satisfy your taste buds! If traditional Australian snacks are what you’re after, then don’t fret – you can find all these mouth-watering treats at Australian supermarket Coles, open till midnight every night. Have the full Australian experience and try all the most loved supermarket products – Tim Tams, Koala toothpaste, A2 Powdered Milk, and don’t forget the Kangaroo and Crocodile jerky! Pop in to pick up a range of Australian-made products to get you through a day of sightseeing, or stock up on your favourites to take back home to enjoy with family and friends. The best way to combat the winter chill is to indulge in a brand new wardrobe, of course! Make a statement this season with a range of leading fashion and accessories brands all available to shop at World Square. Shop the latest in rare and unique footwear and apparel at Sneaker Exchange, or spoil yourself with a gorgeous piece of jewellery from Pandora. The hardest decision will be picking which items to take home with you, especially after spending an afternoon perusing the endless rows of luxury pieces at Republic Boutique. Collating the most cutting-edge labels from around the globe in a truly unique shopping experience, you’ll find the latest collections from Y-3, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Rick Owens and more! No matter what you’re looking for, you’ll be sure to find it at World Square. worldsquare.com.au
Clockwise from far left: Spend a day exploring World Square; You’ll be spoilt for choice at the ultimate foodie destination, Liverpool Lane; Shop till you drop at luxury store Republic Boutique; Strike a pose with “The Three (not so little) Pigs”
幸运的是,来到WORLD SQUARE意味着 你 可以在一 天中的 任 何 时间 随 时 吃 到各 种美食。这里有40多家酒吧、咖啡馆和餐 厅,从早到晚全天候营业,即使在深夜,你 也可以在此大饱口福。WORLD SQUARE的 LIVERPOOL LANE堪称世界美食的大杂汇。 无论是想在世界知名的鼎泰丰品尝美味的 饺子,垂涎GAZZI CAFE&RESTAURANT和 BEKYA的地中海和中东风味,还是想在逛了 一天之后在THE BAVARIAN坐下来喝上一杯 冰镇啤酒,这里的各种美食定会令你应接不 暇,让你的味蕾收获大大的满足! 如果你想吃的是传统的澳大利亚小吃,也 不用担心。可以在WORLD SQUARE每晚 营业至午夜的COLES超市中找到令人垂涎 的各种口味的美味佳肴。到了澳大利亚,不 在超市买些澳大利亚的特产怎么行呢?!其 中最受欢 迎的产品有 T I M TA M 巧克力饼 干、KOALA牙膏、A2奶粉,当然不能少的还 有袋鼠和鳄鱼肉干!赶快到超市中选择各种 澳大利亚制造的产品,用一天的时间探索一 下悉尼这座城市,或者购买你喜欢的产品,带 回家与家人和朋友一起分享。 对抗寒冬的最好方法是什么?当然是给 你的衣橱添满新款冬装!本季推出的一系列 一 流 品 牌 的 时 装 和 配 饰,均 在 W O R L D SQUARE有售。在SNEAKER EXCHANGE购 买最新的稀有而独特的鞋子与服装,或者在 潘多拉购买一件华丽的珠宝扮靓自己。一切 的一切,尽在悉尼WORLD SQUARE。 33
墨尔本 Melbourne 前往仙境
Head to wonderland
Following sell-out seasons in 2017, the breathtaking and magical Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, performed by The Australian Ballet, is returning in 2019. Renowned choreographer Christopher Wheeldon has transformed Lewis Carroll’s story into a delightful dance, framed by extravagant sets. June 8-22, australianballet.com.au 经历了2 017年的一票难求,由澳大利亚 芭蕾舞团(THE AUSTRALIAN BALLET) 精 彩 呈 现 的 令人 叹 为 观 止 的 神 奇 故 事 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》将于2 019年重返墨 尔 本。著名编 舞家克里 斯托弗·特劳顿 (CHRISTOPHER WHEELDON)将刘易斯· 卡罗尔斯(LEWIS CARROLL)的故事变成了 令人愉悦的舞蹈,并饰以奢华的舞台、华丽 的服装和非凡的音乐。如此重要的日子,千 万不要迟到!活动日期:6月8日-22日。
从过去到现在 Past to present
Vibrant architectural design is at the heart of the National Gallery of Victoria’s latest contemporary design exhibition, SO-IL: Viewing China. Until August 4, ngv.vic.gov.au 充满活力的建筑设计是 维多利亚国家艺 术馆最 新 当代设计展“SO-IL中国展” 的核心主题。活动日期:现在 至8月4日。
Off the wall
Watch as the world’s most famous artworks come to life in this rarely performed operatic masterpiece, Il Viaggio a Reims (The Journey to Reims). Originally written by composer Gioachino Rossini for the crowning of Charles X, the exultant opera makes its Australian debut in this delightful, surprising and frivolous production. May 24 – June 1, opera.org.au 《兰斯之旅》(THE JOURNEY TO REIMS)是一部很少 演出的歌剧杰作,现在这部世界最著名的作品将重登 舞台。最初由作曲家焦阿基诺·罗西尼(GIOACHINO ROSSINI)为查理十世的加冕而写,他的这部精彩歌剧终 于以这种令人愉悦而惊讶的空灵形式首次来到澳大利亚。 活动日期:5月24日-6月1日。
The world’s greatest women Iconic Women is an exhibition of 50 candid photographs taken by renowned British photographer Terry O’Neill, featuring the world’s leading females. Until May 26, melbournecentral.com.au
《ICONIC WOMEN》展出了由英国著名摄影师特里·奥 尼尔(TERRY O’NEILL)拍摄的50张照片,展示了来自 各行各业的一流女性。本次展览以凯特·摩丝(K ATE MOSS)和伊丽莎白二世(QUEEN ELIZABETH II)等为 主题,堪称集创意、智慧、领导力和美感于一身的庆典。 活动日期:现在至5月26日。 34
Broadway Down Under
The Melbourne Theatre Company is bringing Simon Stephens’ latest Broadway and West End hit, Heisenberg, to the Australian stage. May 17 – June 29, mtc.com.au 墨 尔 本 剧 院 公 司 (MELBOURNE THE ATRE COMPANY)将西蒙·斯蒂 芬斯(SIMON STEPHENS) 最 新 的百老 汇和西区电 影 《海森堡》(HEISENBERG) 带到了澳大利亚的舞台,带 您拥抱未知的魔力。活动日 期:5月17日-6月29日。
发现更多 墨尔本公园铂尔曼酒店&度假村 立即尊享$ 25优惠,只须再加$ 1即可享受酒店早餐 五星级住宿 服务 行政总厨David Albert创新现代风格菜单 俯瞰风景如画的Fitzroy Gardens花园
雅高酒店体验 我们的世界是你 条款和条件:必须在2019年8月30日之前预订,并在2020年1月31日之前入住。视情况而定。限制日期适用。不得与任何其他优惠
Beat the winter chill Brave the cold this winter and explore Australia in style. From hot springs and private islands to heartwarming food, Elyssa Kostopoulos has all the activities that’ll keep you warm during these cooler months. 直面寒冷,在澳大利亚过个有型有 色的冬季。从温泉和私人岛屿到暖 心的美食,伊莉莎·科斯托普洛斯 (Elyssa Kostopoulos)推荐的所有 这些活动均可让您在寒冷的冬季获 得一份温暖。
Bath House at Lake House
#1 Dip in the hot springs, VIC Yes, we agree that the great outdoors and winter haven’t always been a match made in heaven, but a day spent at the Peninsula Hot Springs will definitely change your mind. Unwind and reconnect in Victoria’s first geothermal mineral springs and day spa, located only an hour south of Melbourne on the breathtaking Mornington Peninsula. There’s no place warmer to recharge this winter, with water running untouched from the spring to The Bath House between 37°C and 43°C. peninsulahotsprings.com 维多利亚州温泉 是的,我们同意,广袤的原野和寒冷的冬 季并不总是与人们想像的天堂一样,但在 PENINSULA HOT SPRINGS的一天肯定会改 变您的想法。PENINSULA HOT SPRINGS位 于景色壮丽的莫宁顿半岛(MORNINGTON PENINSULA),距离墨尔本以南仅一小时车 程,是维多利亚州首个地热矿泉和日间水疗 中心,游客可以在这里放松身心,养精蓄锐。 这里的水温在37-43°C之间,从温泉直接流 入浴室。今年冬天,没有比这里更适合给自己 的身体“充电”的地方了。
#2 Go on a nature escape, NSW Escape the ordinary and see Byron Bay from a new perspective with a stay at Blackbird Byron. Located in the breathtaking hinterland, the resort has been designed to bring its guests closer to nature with spectacular views of lush green rainforest, Cape Byron and the Pacific Ocean. Attention to detail has not gone astray at Blackbird; from the service to the interior design and magnificent facilities, this is the perfect place for an adults-only luxury experience. From $395 per night, blackbirdbyron.com.au 新南威尔士州自然之旅 在BLACKBIRD BYRON,不落俗套,从新的角度看看拜伦湾 (BYRON BAY)。该度假村位于景色令人叹为观止的澳大利 亚内陆地区,其设计旨在让客人更接近大自然,欣赏郁郁葱 葱的绿色雨林、拜伦角(CAPE BYRON)和太平洋的壮丽景 色。BLACKBIRD十分注重细节,从服务、室内设计到极佳的 设施,这里是“仅限成人”奢华体验的理想场所。每晚395澳 元起。
Blackbird Byron
#4 Experience Christmas in July, NSW The best way to push through the winter blues is to celebrate the most wonderful time of year – twice! Yulefest (or Christmas in July) has become an annual tradition celebrated in the Greater Blue Mountains. The only place to experience this spectacular Australian winter wonderland is at Emirates One&Only Resort Wolgan Valley. And if you’re worried about the cold, there’s no need to fret. You’ll feel right at home among the crackling bonfires, delicious treats and traditional Christmas feast! oneandonlyresorts.com
#3 Take cooking classes, VIC Are you a born Masterchef? Or a humble cook looking to perfect your skills? Book in for a winter cooking class at The Cooking School at Lake House, Daylesford, an exclusive “hands-on” masterclass with two of the resort’s top chefs. Connect with like-minded foodies as you work with the region’s best seasonal produce during this three-hour cooking session that’s sure to ignite your taste buds. June 2 and July 28, $395, lakehouse.com.au/the-cooking-school
新南威尔士州七月圣诞节 赶 走 冬 季 阴 霾 的 最 佳 方 式 是 庆 祝一 年当中最 美 好 的 时 光 —— 并且可 以 两 次!七 月圣 诞 节 已 成 为 大 蓝 山 区 (G RE ATE R BLUE MOUNTAI N S)一年一度的传统。而 唯一可以体验这处壮观的澳大利亚冬季仙境的所在则是 维多利亚州烹饪班 阿联酋ONE&ONLY 沃根谷唯逸度假酒店(EMIRATES 您是一位天生的大厨?还是一位想要提高烹 ONE&ONLY RESORT WOLGAN VALLEY)。担心感冒?完 饪技能的小厨师?预订位于戴尔斯福特LAKE 全没有必要。在噼啪作响的篝火、美味的食物和传统的圣诞 HOUSE烹饪学校的冬季烹饪课程吧。在度假 节盛宴中,尽情体验那份宾至如归的感觉吧! 村两位顶级厨师的大师班上,您可以亲自动 手体验一番。在为期3小时的烹饪课程中,使 One&Only Wolgan Valley 用当地最好的应季食材,与志同道合的美食 家合作,燃爆您的味蕾。活动日期:6月2日; 7月28日,价格:395澳元。
Lake House
#5 Indulge in the platinum experience, QLD There’s no better way to spend a cold winter’s night than watching a blockbuster film accompanied by some delicious snacks and treats, so you may as well head to Palace Cinemas and experience it in true luxury style. Palace Platinum has completely transformed the traditional cinema experience. Featuring an exclusive bar and lounge, intimate cinemas with fully reclining leather seats and personalised in-cinema wait service, you’ll never want to leave. palacecinemas.com.au 昆士兰州奢华电影院 没有什么比一 边 吃着 美味零 食 一 边 观 看 电影大片更令人惬意的了。您也可以前往 PALACE CINEMAS体验一下那里的奢华 电影院。PALACE PLATINUM完全改变了 传统的电影院体验,设有专属酒吧和休息 室以及真皮躺椅和专属侍者服务,幽静而 舒适,让您永远不想离开。
Palace Cinemas
#6 Dine like you’re in Tuscany, NSW
You don’t need to get on a flight this winter to experience the famous flavours of Tuscany’s T-bone steaks – just head to Bistecca. Located in a basement in Sydney’s CBD, at Bistecca, negroni is on tap and the steak is cut to order. If that’s not enticing enough, a wine selection of over 300 Italian and Italian varietals with an accompanying bottle shop might be more up your alley. bistecca.com.au 新南威尔士州餐厅用餐 今年冬天,不需要搭乘飞机前往意大利的托 斯卡纳(TUSCANY)去体验那里著名的T骨 牛排,只需前往BISTECCA即可。BISTECCA 位于悉尼中央商务区的一处地下室,这里有 尼格罗尼和上好的牛排。如果觉得这还不够 诱人的话,这里的300多款意大利葡萄酒可 能会更合您的胃口。
#7 Explore the private island, TAS As one of Australia’s best-kept travel secrets, a stay at Satellite Island is a truly unforgettable, magical and unique experience. In the heart of the D’Entrecasteaux Channel, the 34-hectare private island boasts unspoilt 360° views of Southern Hemisphere wilderness, including native bush, sheer sea cliffs and sunny coves. Dive for spiny sea urchin, gather oysters or go fishing right off the Boathouse jetty. Satellite Island is a secluded secret hideaway, and yours alone to explore. satelliteisland.com.au
Satellite Island
塔斯马尼亚州私人岛屿 作为澳大利亚保存最完好的旅行秘密之一, 入住卫星岛(SATELLITE ISLAND)是一次真 正令人难忘、神奇而独特的体验。这个占地 34公顷的私人岛屿位于当特尔卡斯托海峡 (D'ENTRECASTEAUX CHANNEL)的中心 地带,有原生的灌木、陡峭的海崖和阳光明 媚的海湾,一切都处于未受破坏的原始状 态,放眼望去,尽是广袤无垠的南半球荒野 景观。潜入海底,寻找多刺的海胆和牡蛎,或 在船屋码头钓鱼——卫星岛是一个隐蔽的世 外桃源,您可以静下心来独自探索。价格每 晚1,800澳元起。
Melanie Jame Wolf – Highness
#9 See the art exhibition, NSW Some of Australia’s best contemporary artworks will be celebrated this June and July at The National 2019 exhibition. Showcasing the incredible works of 70 artists from around the country, these new and commissioned pieces will challenge you to think deeper into the provocative, political and poetic observations they present. With different venues featuring sections of the exhibition, make sure you get to all three before you leave town. Until July 21, the-national.com.au
#8 Skate at the ice rink, NSW Move over Rockefeller Centre and Hyde Park – Sydney is bringing its own winter ice skating experience to the CBD. Set against the backdrop of St Mary’s Cathedral, the open-air ice-rink is the perfect place for wintery fun. Skate under the Sydney winter sunshine or keep warm with a decadent hot chocolate as the day turns into night and the snow begins to fall. June 29 – July 22, sydney.skatingat.com.au 新南威尔士州溜冰场滑冰 忘 记 洛 克 菲 勒 中 心( R O C K E F E L L E R CENTRE)和海德公园(HYDE PARK),到 悉尼的中央商务区感受一下冬季滑冰体验 吧。这个露天溜冰场以圣玛丽大教堂(ST MARY’S CATHEDRAL)为背景,是享受冬 日乐趣的理想场所。您可以在悉尼冬日的 阳光下放飞自我,或者在夜幕降临、雪花纷 飞之时,美美地来上一杯热巧克力。活动日 期:6月29日-7月22日。
St Mary’s Cathedral
新南威尔士州艺术展 澳大利亚一些最好的当代艺术作品将于今 年6月和7月在2019年澳大利亚展览会(THE NATIONAL 2019)上展出。来自澳大利亚全 国各地的70位艺术家,用他们令人难以置 信的作品(全新创作和委托创作)来挑战您, 让您更深入地思考他们所呈现的启示、政治 理念和诗意。展览会不同的场地有着不同的 特色,请确保离开之前不会错过三个场地中 的任何一个!活动日期:3月29日-7月21日。 Clare Peak – A Sorcerer's Dress
#10 Stay in a tiny home, NSW Follow Australia’s newest “staycation” trend this season and escape to a tiny home – cabins with a minimalist aesthetic that are small in size, but big on character. If unwinding away from the hustle and bustle of city life is your idea of luxury, then this unique getaway in regional NSW will give you the R&R you’ve been craving! With so many locations to choose from, you’ll be sure to get all the “winter feels” when holidaying at one of these cabins in the woods. tinyaway.com 新南威尔士州小屋体验 在这个季节,追随澳大利亚最新的“居家度假”趋势,前往 一间小小的、简约美学风格的家庭小屋,它们虽然面积不大, 但却很有特色。如果您对奢华的理解就是远离城市生活的 喧嚣,那么新南威尔士州的独特假期将让您获得一直渴望的 休息与放松!这里有许多地点可供选择。所以,当您在树林中 的一个小屋度假时,定会收获满满的“冬季感受”。
Adelaide’s city jewel Centrally located and overlooking the hustle and bustle of Victoria Square, Hilton Adelaide provides its guests with the best of both worlds – exclusive luxuries and the heart of the city’s business, entertainment, shopping and dining precincts at its doorstep. With delightful views of the Adelaide Hills or the city, the hotel offers a range of spacious and elegant rooms. The exclusive Executive Floor and Suites boast a dedicated lounge, reception area, continental buffet breakfast, evening drinks and canapés. The newly built 24-hour gym, outdoor heated swimming pool and full-size tennis court are the perfect places to start or finish your day, with state-of-the-art facilities that are sure to keep guests wanting more. Unsure where to grab a bite to eat? The Central Markets, Chinatown and Gouger Street, Adelaide’s most vibrant dining destinations, are right next door and are an
absolute must for all guests looking to explore the gastronomic delights of a city rich in fresh produce. If staying in is more your bag, Coal Cellar + Grill, located inside Hilton Adelaide, offers a comfortable, elegant yet informal dining experience showcasing South Australia’s finest produce and wines, including the signature 1.2-kilogram Tomahawk Steak. In a nod to the roaring bar scene of the 1920s, The Collins Bar invites its guests to step inside and imbibe a mix of handselected spirits from around the globe. For Chinese travellers, Hilton Adelaide offers Hilton Huanying, a tailored experience that extends authentic amenities, service standards and the assistance of dedicated Hilton team members for the comfort and familiarity of its guests. An unrivalled experience, it’s impossible to say no to a stay at Hilton Adelaide. From $189 twin share per night, bit.ly/2R4wIjm 阿德莱德希尔顿酒店位于阿德莱德市中心,俯瞰 着热闹的维多利亚广场(VICTORIA SQUARE), 可为入住的客人提供两全其美的住宿体验——既 可在此获得专属奢华体验,又可尽享商业、娱 乐、购物和餐饮中心之便利。酒店提供有各种 宽敞 典雅 的客房,从中可以看到 阿德 莱 德山 (ADELAIDE HILLS)或海岸的美景。专属行政楼 层和套房设有专门的休息室、前台区、欧陆式自 助早餐、晚间饮品和点心。 新建的24小时健身房、室外温水游泳池和全 尺寸网球场是开始或结束一天的理想场所,这里 最先进的设施一定会让客人留恋忘返。
Hotel check-in
不确定去哪里吃点东西?中央市场(CENTRAL MARKET)、唐人街和高齐街(GOUGER STREET) 是阿德莱德最火爆的餐饮场所,距离酒店咫尺之 遥,是所有希望品尝到使用阿德莱德新鲜优质 农产品烹饪美食的客人的必去之地。如果您更喜 欢在酒店内用餐,那么阿德莱德希尔顿酒店内的 COAL CELLAR + GRILL可为您带来舒适、优雅而 休闲的用餐体验。这里有南澳大利亚州最好的农 产品和葡萄酒,包括重达1.2公斤的招牌战斧牛排。 为了迎合20世纪20年代酒吧内喧嚣的氛围,THE COLLINS BAR酒吧邀请客人走进酒吧来品尝来自 世界各地的精选酒水。 阿德莱德希尔顿酒店还为中国游客提供量身 订制的“欢迎”项目,以贴心的便利设施和优质的 服务标准,在希尔顿专职团队的协助下,让客人获 得宾至如归的舒适体验。 阿德莱德希尔顿酒店可为您带来无与伦比的 体验,让人无法拒绝。双床房每晚189澳元起。
Home away from home The only way to experience Melbourne like a true local is by staying at the city’s newest boutique hotel, United Places. Located in South Yarra across from the Botanic Gardens and dubbed as the “home-hotel”, owner Darren Rubenstein wanted to replicate the feeling of intimacy and comfort that you experience in your own home, but with with a luxury spin. From $650 per night, unitedplaces.com.au 真 正像当地 人一样体 验墨尔 本的唯一方式 就 是 入住这 座城市最新开业的精品酒店—— U N I TE D PLACES。这家酒店位于南亚拉(SOUTH YARRA) 的植物园(B OTAN I C GAR D E N S)对面,被称 为“家庭酒店”。店主达伦·鲁宾斯坦(DARREN RUBENSTEIN)希望在此复制您在自己家中体验 到的亲密和舒适感,只不过是这里更为奢华而已。 价格每晚650澳元起。
Modern history
Located on the historic Macquarie Wharf in the Tasmanian capital of Hobart, MACq 01 is a sophisticated and luxurious exploration of the Australian island’s eclectic and colourful history. Designed by local architecture firm Circa Morris Nunn, the 114 guestrooms are each themed around infamous figures from Tasmania’s past with interiors to match. Whether you’re looking to ignite your senses with on-sight tastings and cocktail classes or indulge in a selection of local seafood at the hotel’s Old Wharf restaurant, the MACq 01 has something for everyone. From $270 per night, macq01.com.au
Make it your own Choice and flexibility are at the heart of The Collectionist, the inner-city Sydney hotel challenging cookie-cutter hotel design. With no two of the 39 rooms in the three-level boutique hotel designed the same, guests have the opportunity to peruse the available spaces and select the one that best matches their individual taste in style, design and experience. The process is simple: just select one of the four room categories when you book and prepare yourself for a hotel experience like nothing you’ve ever seen before! From $200 per night, collectionisthotel.com.au
M ACQ 01酒店位于塔斯马尼亚州首府霍巴特历史悠久的麦格理码头 (MACQUARIE WHARF),是对澳大利亚这座岛屿不拘一格和丰富多彩 历史的一种精致而豪华的探索。MACQ 01酒店由当地建筑公司CIRCA MORRIS NUNN设计,114间客房每间均以塔斯马尼亚过去的一位著名人 物为主题,采用与之匹配的内部装饰。无论是想通过品尝美食和鸡尾酒课 燃爆你的感官,还是在酒店的OLD WHARF餐厅尽情享用各种当地海鲜, 每个人的需求都能在MACQ 01得到满足。价格每晚270澳元起。
选择和灵活性是 THE COLLECTIONIST 酒店的核心,这家位于悉尼内城区 的酒店对传统酒店千篇一律的设计进行了挑战,三层共39间客房中没有 哪两间的设计是完全相同。客人可以在空余客房中仔细选择,找到最符合 其个人品味、风格、设计和体验的那一间。其实也很简单,只需在预订时从 四种房型中选择一个,就可以来此获得前所未有的酒店住宿体验!价格每 晚200澳元起。 43
Restaurant news
Cantonese is trending
It’s no secret that Australian diners have a strong love for Cantonese cuisine – you only have to head down the street for a flavoursome bite to eat, or jump on Uber Eats to order a dish of mouth-watering sweet and sour pork with a side of fried rice. Sarah Chan, executive head chef at Mya Tiger, located at the newly renovated St Kilda landmark, Hotel Esplanade, and executive head chef Jacky Chan of Sydney’s latest yum cha hot spot, Canton! Canton!, are two of the industry’s frontrunners in Cantonese cuisine. Both are inspired by fusing tradition with modern dining expectations. “The concept and menu for Mya Tiger was inspired by the Chinese cook shops that sprung up during Victoria’s 1850s gold rush era,” Sarah says. Similarly to Mya Tiger, Canton! Canton! is revolutionising the Australian yum cha experience by extending yum cha selection beyond the traditional lunch dining period. “I love the yum cha experience in Australia. It is an established part of the culture here, all year round, and we want to enhance that for our diners,” Jacky says.
众所周知,澳大利亚人对粤菜情有独钟,街上 到处都是粤餐厅。您也可以在UBER EATS点一 份令人垂涎的糖醋里脊,再加一碗米饭。 位于圣基尔达(ST KILDA)全新装修的地标 HOTEL ESPLANADE酒店的MYA TIGER餐厅行 政主厨莎拉(SARAH CHAN),以及悉尼最新 的广式早茶热门之地CANTON! CANTON!的 行政主厨杰基(JACKY CHAN)是粤菜创新的 两位领跑者,他们将传统和现代的用餐体验 很好地加以整合。
“MYA TIGER的概念和菜单的灵感来自于 维多利亚州19世纪50年代淘金热时期在整 个圣基尔达地区涌现的中餐厅。”莎拉说。 CANTON! CANTON!与MYA TIGER非常 相似。在CANTON! CANTON!您甚至可以在 传统的午餐时段之后继续享用广式早茶,这 正在彻底改变澳大利亚的广式早茶体验。 “我喜欢澳大利亚的广式早茶。它已经成为 这里文化的一部分,一年四季都是如此。我 们希望能够提升顾客的早茶体验。”杰基说。
Personal touch
Dan Hawkins
Scott Pickett has struck gold once again, with his latest coals-favouring venture, Matilda 159 Domain. Named after Pickett’s daughter, this personal touch is a testament to the more relaxed and rustic, yet still sophisticated, style of dining that the restaurant offers. Located inside the United Places Botanic Gardens Hotel in South Yarra, the kitchen at Matilda is solely fire-powered (with the exception of two small induction cooktops). There’s a smoker box, broiler, wood-fired oven, two fire pits and an eight-metre rotisserie that spans the length of the open kitchen. matilda159.com
Executive chef, Prince Dining Room
What do you love about Australia’s dining scene in winter? The slow cooking and heartiness of the food is special – and Australian agriculture thrives in winter.
斯 科 特·皮克特(SCOT T PI CK E T T )凭借 最 新开业的MATILDA 159 DOMAIN再次获得 了金牌,这是他的对烤制美食的一次尝试。餐 厅 以 皮 克 特 的 女儿命 名,极 具个人色 彩,有 着更为放 松质朴的氛围与依然 精致的餐饮 风格。餐厅位于南亚拉(SOUTH YARR A)的 UNITED PLACES BOTANIC GARDENS酒店内, 除了两个小型电磁灶外厨房全都用火,安有吸 烟箱、烤炉、燃木烤炉、两个火坑还有一个8米 长的烤肉架(与开放式厨房一样长)。
What makes Prince Dining Room stand out in Melbourne? We stand out through our dedication to working with local growers. Our cooking techniques also stand us apart; we use a lot of wood fire, smoking and cooking over coals. What is a must-try dish at Prince Dining Room? Flatbreads are particularly worth trying. We have our own Prince Dining Room unique flour blend and that cooked in the wood-fire over the red gum wood produces a fabulous texture and crumb of the bread. 您认为冬季给澳大利亚的餐饮行业带来 了什么? 冬季是我最喜爱的用餐季节之一。冬天 的美食制作时间长,十分丰盛。冬天,正 是澳大利亚农产品大丰收的季节,因为 口感很好,非常适应烹饪佳肴。
Open fire Opening late last year, Sydney restaurant Tayim is blending the rich culture of traditional and modern Middle Eastern cuisine with fresh and sustainable Australian produce, creating a unique dining experience for its guests. Located in a historic sandstone cavern within The Rocks, head chef Ran Kimelfeld’s signature cooking style focuses on bold, exotic dishes cooked on an open grill. Tayim is also home to sister-venue, Tayim Deli, adjacent to the restaurant and specialising in Middle Eastern-inspired street food. tayim.com.au
悉尼餐厅 TAY I M 是 去年 年底 开业 的,将 传 统 和 现 代 中 东 美 食 的 丰 富 文 化 与 新 鲜 可 持 续 的 澳 大 利 亚 食 材 相 融 合,为 客人营 造 出 独 特 的 用 餐 氛 围。餐 厅 位于 岩石区( T H E R O CK S)内一 个历史 悠 久 的 砂 岩 洞 穴 内,而 主 厨 兰·凯 姆 费 尔 德 (RAN KIMELFELD)的烹饪风格独具特色, 他在露天烤架上制作各种菜肴,想法大胆 而新颖。TAYI M的姐 妹餐厅TAYI M DE LI 与 其 紧 邻 ,主 要 是 主 打 打 中 东 风 味 的 街头美食。
是 什么让PR I N C E D I N I N G R O O M 在墨尔本的餐饮行业中脱颖而出? 我们努力与当地的种植者合作,这一点 让我们脱颖而出。我们的烹饪技术也与 众不同,我们使用大量木柴、木炭和烟 熏。这种烹饪技术并不常见,特别三者 兼而有之的情况。 PRINCE DINING ROOM有什么必尝美食? 扁面包特别值得尝试。我们的面团非常 独特并使用红桉木进行烘烤,面包的质 地和味道都令人叫绝。 45
希斯(BLACKHEATH)享受一次浪漫的烛光晚餐, 浓浓的圣诞节情调会让您永远怀念。 您还可以去堪培拉,每年8月都会举办充满召 唤力的炉边节(FIRESIDE FESTIVAL)。在通红的 炉火旁感受着暖意,享用包括美酒佳肴在内的各 种娱乐活动。炉火旁的乐趣还可以让您在布满 酒桶的酒窖里欣赏堪培拉交响乐团举行的 演出,聆听著名钢琴家的演奏,沉浸在午 后的爵士乐及技艺精湛的吉他音乐会中。 惬意地蜷卧在宽大的座椅中的您定会 在火焰旁兴致高昂,开怀畅饮波特或 皮诺阿葡萄酒,陶醉在浪漫冬日里 的音乐盛宴中。 澳洲盛产的宝石—澳宝 (OPAL),是集世界各种宝石色 彩于一身的最美变彩 石,被誉 为澳洲国家宝石,澳洲的澳宝 产量占全世界95%,其中8 0% 都来自南澳。由于澳宝多产于 内陆最炎热地区,夏季地表温 度总在50摄氏度以上,因此它 们也被称为“沙漠之火”。然而, 在冬季去澳宝的著名产地库伯 佩迪(COOBER PEDY)则是非 常好的选项。由于地表酷热,独 一无二的地下城就诞生了。当地居 民不仅把家建在地下,旅馆、酒吧、 餐厅、商店均在地下,连教堂也在地 下,是您在别的地方很难看到的奇观! 一个坑洞一个家。为了在地面上显露出 自家门口,以免陌生人不小心掉入民宅, 许多住家用废汽车残骸或者是其它一些东 西围在自家洞口,以示“私宅重地,非请莫入”。 找个地下旅馆住住,感受一下在地下生活的 乐趣是极好的体验。顺便还可以去古老的澳宝矿 区试试运气。库伯佩迪矿区出产全球大部分的白 澳宝,这是仅次于黑澳宝的优质澳宝,没准您还 能带回一颗品质很好的宝石呢。 辛普森沙漠(SIMPSON DESERT)面积约17.6 万平方公里,是世界上最大的平行沙丘沙漠。作 为四驱越野的朝圣之地,辛普森沙漠每年吸引 数千游客。由于夏季的炎热,沙漠只在冬季开放。 辛普森沙漠是澳洲五大沙漠(大维多利亚沙 漠、大沙沙漠、塔纳米沙漠、辛普森沙漠、吉布 森沙漠)之一,是澳洲最有名的沙漠。与别的沙 说到澳大利亚,总是让人想到炙热的 特的节日文化,在堪培拉炉边节上蜷伏在熊熊炉 漠不同,辛普森沙漠平均年降雨量约200毫米, 阳光,温暖的海滩,冲浪者的天堂,冒 火边松弛身心,或是在霍巴特铺满鹅卵石的街道 有丰富的植被和多种动物:沙漠蜥蜴、丁狗、老 险者的乐园,以及从XS到XL各种SIZE 上庆祝冬至的到来,都会让您尽心尽情地享受美 鹰、野骆驼,当然最多的是袋鼠。那里不仅有一 的比基尼美女等等。 轮美奂的澳大利亚冬季。 望无际的荒蛮粗犷,还有雨后遍地野花的妩媚柔 然而,冬天的澳大利亚丝毫不逊色于夏季, 如果您愿意体验独特的圣诞节狂欢,您可以 情,被称为“有生命的红土地”。 与夏天到处都是一片焦黄的情况相比,充沛的 在7月时随同成千上万的游客会聚到悉尼的蓝山 傍晚时兴致勃勃地搭个帐篷宿营,夜幕下毫 雨水和温暖的气候让澳大利亚的冬季呈现出一 过个“七月圣诞节”,这是南半球真正冬天意义 无尘埃的天空,绝对清晰的空气让您心旷神怡。 片类似北半球早春的景象,很多地方甚至只有 下的,也是世上独一无二的圣诞节。在零零星星 仰望着低垂的星空,似乎举手可及,寂静的四周 冬季才显现出她最妩媚最艳丽的一面。 的雪花中,感受浪漫和温馨的节日气氛,在巨大 仿佛还能听到月中嫦娥的歌声。人与宇宙相距那 澳洲的冬季从6月持续到8月。无论在维多 的卡通巴(KATOOMBA)餐馆享用一顿丰盛的 么近,天地间的亲密无隙又是如此的真实。 利亚州铺满粉雪的山坡上进行雪橇或雪板滑 圣诞大餐,品尝烧烤佳肴和美酒、纵情歌唱。您 途经著名的普拜尔角时,您必须留个影,因为 雪,或是到昆士兰大堡礁的温和水域中浮潜或 也可以在梦幻般的蓝山瀑布小镇鲁拉(LEURA) 这是所谓“三州交界点”:南澳大利亚州、北领 潜水,驾驶四驱车探索南澳州的辛普森沙漠, 的酒吧里围着钢琴齐唱圣诞颂歌,到维多利亚山 地和昆士兰州,在此处您可以实现“两大步跨越 或是去蓝山参加各式各样的圣诞庆祝活动,观 (MOUNT VICTORIA)与来自世界各地的游客聚 三个州”的伟大心愿,开心地完成探索澳大利亚 赏西澳野花路径上的美景,或是体验北领地独 坐在熊熊炉火旁和圣诞老人叙旧,或是在布莱克 冬天的壮举。
Illustration: Jessica Hu
Anania家族 悉尼珠宝3代传人 珠宝始于 1965
悉尼第三代家族珠宝设计及制造工坊, 为您提供最高品质钻石、纯天然澳大利亚澳宝、白色南洋珍珠及粉色钻石, 人手打造,独具匠心。 Anania家族50年以来致力为客户提供最顶级的品质及最优惠的价格,值得您的信赖。
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Level 1, 235 Clarence Street, SYDNEY 2000 anania.com.au | 9299 4251
布里斯班 的新时代
Brisbane’s New Age Hot new hotels, serious fine dining and high-end health and wellness – Queensland’s capital is almost unrecognisable from the sleepy riverside city that earned itself the tongue-in-cheek nickname Brisvegas. Lisa Perkovic spends a few days lapping up Brisbane’s very own brand of luxury. 全 新的热门酒店、一流的精 致餐厅和高端的养生保健体 验——作为昆士兰州首府的 布里 斯班,一座被 人 戏称为 “布里斯维加斯” (Brisvegas, 布里斯班 + 拉斯维加斯)的河 畔城市,变得几乎让人认不出 来了。丽莎·佩尔科维奇(Lisa Perkovic)用了几天的时间将 布里斯班的奢华场所一网打尽。 48
risvegas is finally starting to dazzle. The exact origins of the famous moniker are debatable, but it was often used ironically – for a long time, the “Brisvegas” we knew was a world away from its glitzy American namesake. Nightlife in Brisbane was minimal, dining options were limited and hotels just didn’t have any fun. The glamour of Las Vegas were nowhere to be seen. How things have changed.
The Calile Hotel
The Calile is hotel brand TFE’s first foray into the realm of design hotels, but you’d think – from the gold faucets in the pink tiled bathrooms down to the linen bathrobes and matching slippers – that they’d been at it for decades. It bills itself as an “urban resort”, and this sleek and chic, yet also laid-back, luxury hotel really nails the brief. There’s the sprawling gym, library, 50
heavyweight restaurant, full-size day spa and immaculate service that all goes hand in hand with big-city hotels; but the long, rectangular pool – surrounded by cabanas, deck chairs and constant buzz of Brisbane’s beautiful people – are straight out of California or Miami. With just 175 rooms, the hotel has exclusivity in spades. Reservations at Hellenika, the first city outpost of the Gold Coast’s famous Greek restaurant, are some of the hottest tickets in town. The restaurant spreads out from the open-pass kitchen, past the bar and out into the pool area – the cluster of outdoor tables within the guest-only pool area mean if you’re staying at the hotel, you can wine and dine at Hellenika whenever you like. The zucchini fries already have a cult-like following, and the hearty 1.2-kilogram slow-cooked lamb designed for sharing sells out fast, so it’s a meal not to be missed. If you’re heading out to one of James Street’s other restaurants
里斯维加斯褪去了鲜 亮 的 外 衣,可 这 并 不 是说很多事情都要从 头开始。这个绰号的确切起源可商 讨,但在过去的几十年中,布里斯 班只是徒有其名而已—— 夜生活 很少,餐厅也只有几家,酒店更是 显得毫无乐趣可言,与维加斯这座 明亮的灯光城市有着天壤之别。那 么,现在的情况又如何呢?
住宿 Calile酒店 Calile酒店是TFE酒店集团首次涉 足设计酒店领域的尝试,从粉红色 瓷砖浴室的金色龙头到亚麻浴袍 和配套的拖 鞋,让人觉得这家酒 店仿佛已经有了几十年的历史。这 个 时尚雅 致、休 闲豪 华 的 酒店自 称“城市度假胜地”,可谓一语中 的。这里有宽敞的健身房、图书馆、 重量级餐厅、全尺寸日间水疗中心 和完美的服务,所有这些均可以媲 美许多大城市的酒店。长长的矩形 游泳池,周围是环绕着的小屋、躺 椅和熙熙攘攘的人群,让人仿佛置 身加利福尼亚或迈阿密一般。酒店 拥有175间客房,风格独特,堪称 极致——Hellenika餐厅,这个黄 金海岸著名的希腊餐厅在布里斯 班的首个分店成为这里最受欢迎 的餐厅之一。餐厅有一个开放式厨 房和 一 个酒吧,一直 延伸至 泳池
区——客人专属泳池区内设有室外 餐桌,这就意味着,如果入住酒店, 您可以随时在Hellenika餐厅享用 葡萄酒和用餐。这里的炸西葫芦条 已经有了一群忠实的拥趸,而重达 1.2公斤的慢炖羊肉也十分受欢迎, 适合和亲朋好友一起分享,是一道 不容错过的美食。如果您前往 詹 姆斯街(JamesStreet)的其他餐 厅或酒吧也不用担心,Hellenika 餐厅现在也可提供早餐,包括传统 的希腊糕点、哈罗米奶酪煎蛋以及 水果奶昔。
布里斯班威斯汀酒店 池畔酒吧过去往往是热带度假村 和度假岛屿的一大特色,而布里斯 班 威斯汀酒店正在做着不同的尝 试。酒店位于布里斯班中央商务区 的中心地带,距离罗马街(Roma Street)火车站仅步行5分钟,入住 的客人可以在商务会 议之间一边 畅游一边享用鸡尾酒。听上去也许 有点夸张,但酒店对这个位于露天 夹层中面积达300平方米的露天游 泳池的利用可谓达 到极 致。游泳 池与大型健身房在同一层,每天的 免费瑜伽和普拉提课程可帮助疲 惫的旅客彻底放松。这 里 还 有威 斯汀酒店在澳大利亚的第一个天 梦水疗中心,您可以在这里忘记尘 世追名逐利的喧嚣,在薰衣草助眠 精油和酒店招牌的天梦之床的 >
or bars, never fear; Hellenika is now also doing breakfast, with traditional Greek pastries, haloumi and eggs, and smoothies on offer.
The Westin Brisbane
Clockwise from top left: Urban chic describes Brisbane’s new Calile Hotel perfectly; Pink clad rooms are a signature of The Calile; Modern luxury takes priority at The Westin Brisbane; A dip in the pool is the best way to start your day when you stay at The Calile
Swim-up bars used to be reserved for tropical resorts and island getaways, but the Westin Brisbane is doing things a little differently. Located in the heart of the CBD, just five minutes walk from the Roma Street train station, The Westin’s guests are swimming and sipping cocktails in between business meetings. The hotel’s 300-square-metre open-air pool sprawls across an open-air mezzanine. The pool shares the floor with the sizeable gym, where daily, free-of-charge yoga and Pilates classes help weary travellers find their zen. There’s also Australia’s first Heavenly Spa by Westin where you can forget about the rat race for a few hours before drifting off to sleep with the help of the complimentary Sleep Well
lavender balm and the hotel’s signature Heavenly bed. Add in brand-new Dyson hair dryers, full-sized baths and Club Room access to a fully stocked Executive Lounge, and this is a hotel perfect for business travellers who prioritise health and wellness on the road.
W Brisbane
With the first W Hotel to return to Australia arriving in Brisbane, it’s a sign that things are certainly changing for the city. Perched almost on top of the Brisbane River, the W takes its design cues from the winding undulations of the water, paired with the international brand’s signature playful pops of colour and cheek. Expect to see solid-gold pineapples and cocktail shakers in the Living Room bar, iconic Australian food like Vegemite and Chiko Rolls recreated in plasticine and stuck to the walls outside the Three Blue Ducks restaurant, and neon pink and green crocodiles along the corridors. > 51
“Chandeliers, high ceilings, antique wall panelling, rose-coloured booths and a heritage building make up the dramatic setting” 这 里是 在布里 斯 班,所以有一些 非同寻常之处,例如餐厅的名字就 来自美国热播电视剧《Seinfeld》 中的一个人物,而真正让餐厅与众 不同的却是 主 厨杰 森·马加里蒂 斯(Jason Margaritis)。他来自 布里斯班W酒店 尼尔·佩里(Neil Perry)的Spice W酒店重返澳大利亚,第一家就座 Temple餐厅,他的长长的菜单包 落 在布里 斯 班,这表明这 座城市 括精致点心和传统中式烧烤,集中 的情况的确正在发生变 化。布里 使用该地区的特色食材,包括纳莫 斯班W酒店位置毗邻布里斯班河, 伊黑鸡肉、大白鹅、帕斯帕雷珍珠 酒店设计从河流蜿蜒起伏中汲取 肉和昆士兰州石斑鱼等。 灵感而且与W酒店这个国际品牌 标志性的俏丽色彩和外观相融合。 GRECA餐厅 在Living Room酒吧,可以品尝到 霍华德 史密斯 码头区(H owa rd 调制的各种鸡尾酒、特别使用橡皮 Smith Whar ves)的名气一直不 泥制作的维吉麦果酱和澳式春卷 如布里斯班著名的故事桥(Story 等澳大利亚特色食品则粘在Three Bridge),但其全新的Greca餐厅 Blue Duc ks餐厅外面的墙壁上, 已经成为布里斯班的一大亮点。作 走廊上还有霓虹粉色和绿色的鳄 为码头区复兴计划的一部分,作为 鱼。最令人印象深刻的莫过于WET 悉尼著名Apollo餐厅的姐妹餐厅 DECK池畔酒吧,其泳池的底部和 的G reca餐厅,采用抛光混 凝 土 酒吧区的天花板均是黑白相间的 地板、简单的餐桌布置和开放式厨 条纹,从那里可以直接看到河对岸 房,满满的工业风格令人神往。靠 的景色。热闹的周末也是W酒店的 近码头的餐桌总是很受欢迎,但如 特色之一——有音乐,有巨型菠萝 果是两个人的话,一定要坐到酒吧 鸡尾酒,甚至 还 有特别的泳池派 后面的位子——因为备餐工作一半 对。那些想要远离喧嚣的人,可以 在厨房里面,一半在厨房外面。所 前往AWAY水疗中心,在充满矿物 以,您会看到在上菜前几秒钟时乡 质的池水中,或者在仿照古老的澳 村风味的沙拉才开始调味,金黄色 大利亚内陆地区浴缸所制作的室 的烤鸡才从炭火上取下来,而烤羊 内浴池中恢复活力。 肩也是在装盘前才刚刚从骨头上 剔下来。上菜时依然在蜂蜜中滋滋 餐饮 作响的香煎脆皮奶酪是绝对不容 错过的。 Donna Chang餐厅 如果走进Donna Chang餐厅就 Little Valley餐厅 有恍如走进纽约的米其林星级餐 厅的感觉那是没什么可惊讶的。枝 佛 特谷(Fo r titu d e Va l l ey)在 形 吊灯、高 高 的天花 板、仿 古 墙 较长时期以来一直是中餐厅的所 板、玫瑰色的雅座和历史 悠久的 在地,但Lit t l e Va l l ey 餐厅却有 建筑,这就是Donna Chang餐 些与众不同。这间餐厅的厨师团 厅这个布里斯班客流如织的全新 队来自黄金海岸的招牌餐厅Rick 现代中餐厅给人的深刻印象。因为 Shores,主厨杰克·普雷格奈尔 >
帮助下悠然入梦,再加上全新的戴 森吹风机、全尺寸浴缸以及可以出 入酒水齐全的行政酒廊的俱乐部 客房,布里斯班威斯汀酒店非常适 合注重身心健康的商务旅客。
The piéce de résistance is the Wet Deck, where psychedelic black-and-white stripes line the ceiling of a pool and bar area that opens up to views straight out across the river. The buzz on weekends is classic W Hotel – music, cocktails in giant pineapples and, on special occasions, pool parties. Those wanting to escape the crowds can retreat to the Away Spa’s mineral vitality pools, or the in-room baths modelled off old Australian outback tubs.
WHERE TO EAT Donna Chang
You would be forgiven for walking into Donna Chang and thinking you’ve walked into a Michelin-starred restaurant in New York City. Chandeliers, high ceilings, antique wall panelling, rose-coloured booths and a heritage building make up the dramatic setting for the 52
city’s hottest new modern Chinese restaurant. This is Brisbane, so there are still a few quirks – the name itself is a nod to a gag in American hit TV show Seinfeld – but it’s all business in the kitchen where head chef Jason Margaritis is at the helm. Hailing from Neil Perry’s Spice Temple empire, Margaritis dishes out a large menu including delicate dim sum and traditional Chinese BBQ that focuses heavily on the region’s unique produce, including Black Namoi chickens, Embden geese, Paspaley pearl meat and Queensland grouper.
The Howard Smith Wharves precinct may sit in the shadow of Brisbane’s famous Story Bridge, but brand-new restaurant Greca has carved a bright spot on every hot list around town. >
Clockwise from top left: Scallops and dim sum are just some of the amazing dishes served at Little Valley; The luxurious dining room at Donna Chang will transport you to a Michelin-starred restaurant in New York; Take a seat at the bar at Little Valley; Pull up to the Nautilus Pool Bar at The Westin; You’ll want to have seconds of the pan-fried cumin lamb buns at Donna Chang
DETAILS The Calile Hotel 48 James Street, Fortitude Valley thecalilehotel.com The Westin Brisbane 111 Mary Street, Brisbane City marriott.com/hotels/ travel/bnewi-thewestin-brisbane/ W Brisbane 81 N Quay, Brisbane City marriott.com/hotels/ travel/bnewh-wbrisbane/ Donna Chang 171 George Street, Brisbane City donnachang.com.au Greca 3/5 Boundary Street, Brisbane greca.com.au Little Valley 6 Warner Street, Fortitude Valley little-valley.com.au Kailo Wellness Medispa 48 James Street, Fortitude Valley kailomedispa.com
Clockwise from top left: Enjoy an intimate lunch at Eden’s Table at The Westin; Swing by Little Valley for a Neo-Chinese meal; Check out Greca at Howard Smith Wharves; Order traditional Greek salad and pita from Greca; Colourful food on show at Little Valley
Part of the revitalisation of the wharves, Greca is the sister restaurant of famous Sydney venue The Apollo. With polished concrete floors, simple table settings and an open kitchen, it’s a study in industrial chic – and it works. Wharfside tables are in demand, but parties of two should try to grab a seat behind the bar – prep happens half inside the kitchen and half out, so you’ll watch rustic village salads dressed seconds before they arrive at the table, see golden chicken come hot off the charcoal and watch the baked lamb shoulder fall off the bone before it even hits the plate. The saganaki cheese – served sizzling in honey still in its skillet pan – is not to be missed.
Little Valley
Fortitude Valley has long been home to Chinese restaurants, but Little Valley is doing things
differently. The team behind iconic Gold Coast restaurant Rick Shores is at the helm, including head chef Jake Pregnell, who is elevating modern Chinese dining to “Neo-Chinese”. Regional Chinese cuisine from Hunan, Guangdong, Shandong and Yunnan is given a modern twist on a menu that includes a raw bar, dim sum, big and small plates, and weekend yum cha. Taking design cues from Hong Kong food halls within the confines of a heritage building, Little Valley is certainly a melting pot.
WHERE TO BE PAMPERED Kailo Wellness Medispa
Often, a hotel spa is a quiet space visited by guests looking to beat jet lag. The Kailo inside The Calile Hotel is the exact opposite. A study in pink chic, Kailo is the second venue for Brisbane spa veteran Meaghan South, and it
“Australia’s very first Heavenly Spa is, as the name suggests, utterly heavenly” appears her clientele from The Dome Retreat have embraced this new space with gusto. With 10 treatment rooms, resident Cosmetic Medicine specialist and dedicated “wellness pods” for IV vitamin therapy, the facilities are cutting-edge. Guests are greeted with welcome tea on a tray with crystals, raw almonds, a wet towel and a native Australian silver gum clipping before moving into treatment rooms for bespoke massages and body treatments using local Australian body products.
Heavenly Spa by Westin
Australia’s very first Heavenly Spa is, as the name suggests,
(Jake Pregnell)将中餐厅升华 utterly heavenly. The low-lit 为“新中式”,菜单上均为来自湖 relaxation area leads around to 南、广东、山东和云南的现代风格 five simple treatment rooms that 地方菜,包括生食酒吧、点心、大 let the massages do the talking. 份菜、小份菜和广式早茶。以香港 The Heavenly Spa Signature 一座历史悠久的建筑中的美食大厅 Massage begins with the 为设计灵感,Little Valley注定成 selection of an intention for the 为各种地方美食的大熔炉。 massage – guests are asked to choose a stone etched with the 养生护理 word Gratitude, Love or Hope, which is then placed underneath Kailo Wellness their massage table. After an Medispa hour of gentle Swedish massage, 酒店的水疗中心通常非常安静,方 soothing heated compresses 便客人倒时差,而Calile酒店中的 KAILO则恰恰相反。作为粉红色时 and uplifting meditation music, 尚的典范,KAILO是布里斯班老牌 it’s impossible to be anything 水疗中心Meaghan South的第 but grateful, hopeful and loving. 二大力作,Dome Retreat的顾客 The icing on the cake is a posttreatment tray of treats, including 已经对这里十分认可。KAILO拥有 先进的设施,包括10间理疗室和 handmade Matcha chocolates IV维生素治疗专用“美容太空舱”, and a trio of berries.
同时有美容医学专家常驻于此。我 们会给客人用托盘奉上一杯茶以 及水晶、生杏仁和湿毛巾,然后客 人就可前往理疗室,使用当地澳大 利亚身体护理产品进行定制按摩 和身体护理。
威斯汀酒店天梦水疗中心 顾名思义,澳 大利亚的第一个天 梦水疗中心让人有仿若置身天堂 的感觉——灯光暗暗的休闲区通 往5间提供按摩服务的理疗室。天 梦水疗特色按摩的第一道程序是 选择愿望,可选择刻有“感恩、爱 情 或 希 望 ”字 样 的 石 头 ,然 后 将其放在按摩桌下面。经过一小时 温和瑞典式按摩或舒缓热石按摩, 耳畔聆听优美的冥想音乐,心中除了 感恩、希望和爱情别无他想。护理后 奉上的一盘美味更是锦上添花,包 括手工抹茶巧克力和三色浆果。 55
Yangshuo, in southern China’s Guangxi province, has long been famous for its breathtaking karst mountain landscape. Far removed from the bustle of China’s megacities and blessed with a mild subtropical climate, this laid-back county on the Li River has become one of China’s hottest resort destinations. 阳朔位于中国南方的广西省,一直以其令人叹为观止的喀斯特地貌 景观而闻名于世。这个位于漓江沿岸的县城悠然自得,远离中国特 大城市的喧嚣,再加上温和的亚热带气候,已成为中国最热门的度 假胜地之一。 Words and photography: Dave Tacon
luxury 57
Boasting its own helipad, 142 rooms and villas, a private dock and even a pride of peacocks, Banyan Tree Yangshuo is one of the best appointed resorts in the Guangxi region. It’s designed in a classical Chinese style and is spread over almost 18 acres of landscaped gardens. Walled courtyard villas crowned with curved grey-tiled roofs line series of lanes. The traditional Chinese theme extends indoors with Ming and Qing dynasty-style furniture, latticed windows and ink wash paintings. The main building houses the lobby, two restaurants, spa, gym and function rooms. Meanwhile, two wings of suites, with either courtyards or balconies, face the resort’s lake, with a pagoda at its centre. The pick of the resort’s villas face the winding Li River on its southern edge, but as Banyan Tree Yangshuo is surrounded by dramatically steep karst mountains in all directions, stunning views abound. While it’s tempting to linger exclusively within the grounds of the resort, guests are encouraged to venture out into the countryside and explore the landscape. The quickest way is straight out the entrance gates on wide-wheeled mountain bikes from Giant, free for guests to use. Although rows of mountains zig-zag across the horizon, the land in between has a relatively gentle gradient and is ideal for leisurely cycling. Our local guide from Banyan Tree Yangshuo is Allen Liu, who leads us past abundant vines of passionfruit >
STAY Banyan Tree Yangshuo From RMB 2,144 per night, banyantree.com
Clockwise from top left: A mesmerising Chinese-style gate leads the way to rows of villas at Banyan Tree Yangshuo luxury hotel; Paddle along the Li River and take in the incredible view of the karst mountains; Spend an afternoon relaxing in the courtyard of your villa at Banyan Tree Yangshuo; Enjoy the perfect night’s sleep during your stay at Banyan Tree in the luxurious Pond View King Suite
阳朔悦榕庄拥有自己的直升机停机坪,有 142间客房和别墅、一个专属码头,甚至还有一 只高傲的孔雀,是这里最好的度假胜地之一。 阳朔悦榕庄是一个中国古典风格设计的园 景花园,占地近18英亩。庭院别墅四面高墙, 屋顶上是弧形灰瓦,外面四周则是条条小 巷。传统的中式主题延伸到了室内,体现在 明清风格的家具、花格窗和水墨画上。主楼 设有大堂、两间餐厅、水疗中心,健身房和多 功能厅,而两间带有庭院或阳台的套房正好 面对着度假村中的湖泊,湖心则是一座宝塔。 度假村中最好的别墅位于南端,面朝蜿蜒的 漓江,但由于阳朔悦榕庄四面八方都环绕着 陡峭的喀斯特地貌山脉,因此令人惊叹的景 色比比皆是。 虽然您可以一直逗留在度假村中,但我们 还是鼓励客人前去感受一下这里的乡村田园 风光。最快捷的方式就是直接去到度假村 的入口,骑上一辆供客人免费使用的宽轮胎 捷安特山地自行车。虽然群山在地平线上高 低起伏,但群山之间的平地坡度相对比较平 缓,非常适合骑行。 酒店的当地导游Allen Liu带着我们前往 当地农民的百香果园,沿途会看到在路边吃 草的水牛,当然还有秀丽的景色,最后我们 在经过漓江畔的一个小村庄时从一条狭窄 的小路上分开。 Allen在河对岸打着手势解释为什么白鹭 会栖息在河边吃草的水牛的背上: “水牛容 易受到昆虫的叮咬,而白鹭以这些昆虫为食, 它们互相帮助。” “那里也有很多鱼,”当他正指着渔人手里 的鱼竿说话时,突然一条鱼跳了起来。 “那 是一条黄色的鲤鱼。” > 59
在壮丽的景观中骑行会刺激人的食欲,而 景色更是秀色可餐。幸运的是,阳朔悦榕庄 的两间餐厅——明月西餐厅和白云中餐厅可 以满足每个人的不同口味需求。采用当地食 材来烹饪则是这两间餐厅的招牌。 度假村的全日餐厅明月西餐厅的行政总 厨Jerry Tang给这间休闲餐厅的招牌菜品 打上了自己的烙印。以竹炭鱼汉堡为例,在 面团中加入对心脏有益的竹粉使其变成黑 色。并且与传统的汉堡不同,将其中的肉片 换成了雪白嫩滑的淡水鱼片。餐厅新鲜制作 的鞑靼酱的味道也是令人叫绝的。 白云中餐厅由来自广州的行政总厨Jacky Chen主理,他在糖醋里脊中加入当地的百 香果,非常具有阳朔特色。 “当我第一次到 达阳朔时,我直奔当地市场采购原料。有许 多东西我以前从未见过。这里野生蘑菇数量 之多让人特别惊讶。” 阳朔当地的黑猪是在山上散养的,其肉 相当美味。这种猪只长到100公斤,大约是 圈养猪的四分之一。 “当地的猪肉更瘦,味 道更香。”
grown by local farmers, buffaloes grazing by the roadside and, of course, all that spectacular mountain scenery, until we diverge down a narrow path, past a small village and to the banks of the Li River. Gesturing across the water, Allen explains how little egrets perch on the backs of the water buffalo grazing by the river’s edge. “The buffalo attract insects, so they help each other out,” he says. “There’s a lot of fish too,” Allen continues, pointing to the fishermen with their rods in the water. Suddenly, a fish jumps. “That was a yellow carp,” he says. Cycling around the magnificent landscape is a great way to stimulate an appetite or work off a meal. Fortunately, Banyan Tree’s two restaurants, Ming Yue and Bai Yun, offer dishes to please any palate. Local ingredients are a signature of both restaurants. Jerry Tang, executive chef at Ming Yue, the resort’s all-day dining restaurant, puts his own touch on hotel casual dining favourites, such as his fish burger with bamboo charcoal. Bamboo powder, which is considered good for the heart, is added to bread dough to create a black bun. The tender white freshwater fish fillet is a lighter alternative to a traditional hamburger, while freshly made tartare sauce has a pleasant tang. At Bai Yun, which specialises in Cantonese cuisine, executive chef Jacky Chen from Guangzhou puts a Yangshuo twist on sweet and sour pork with the addition of local passionfruit. “When I first arrived > 60
正如阿丽拉酒店的口号“别具一格”一样, 阿丽拉阳朔糖舍位于两座陡峭的青峰之间, 其原址为一家糖厂。北京直向建筑设计事务 所的董功和深圳水平线空间设计的琚宾强 强联手,在传统建筑的基础上打造出一个独 特的现代度假村。 酒店将原来糖厂的核心建筑重新设计成 了公共区域,而度假村的糖舍餐厅位于糖 厂的精炼室,那里曾经是加工处理原糖的 地方。1969吧位于之前的压榨间,那里曾是 将甘蔗汁从甘蔗中提取出来的地方。那里以 糖为主题,因此酒吧相应地专门提供使用
Above: Enjoy a meal by executive chef Jacky Chen at Bai Yun, Banyan Tree Yangshuo’s Chinese restaurant – a native of Guangzhou, Chen specialises in Cantonese cooking inspired by local ingredients from Yangshuo
Clockwise from top left: A luxurious bath is a must in the Heritage Suite at Alila Yangshuo; Take in incredible aerial views of Banyan Tree Yangshuo by the Li River; Try the delicious fish burger at Ming Yue; Walk through the old sugar mill that is now Alila Yangshuo Hotel
朗姆酒调配的鸡尾酒。朗姆酒通常是从糖 蜜中提炼出来的,而糖蜜是糖生产过程的 副产品。 糖厂原来的锅炉房是焚烧甘蔗废料发电 的地方,现在则成了包括一个图书馆、一个 多功能空间和一个186平方米的“历史套房”, 是整个度假村中最宽敞的套房。虽然面临一 些激烈的竞争,但阿里拉阳朔糖舍公共区域 最具吸引力的仍然是25米长的游泳池。游 泳池位于漓江上方的一个小悬崖上,采用钢 混结构,以前那里曾是糖厂装载区的一部分, 自2017年中这家度假酒店开业以来,这个颇 上镜的泳池已成为社交媒体网红景点。 阿丽拉阳朔糖舍的客房和套房分别位于 两个独立的翼楼中,为现代简约的混凝土 建筑,带有格子墙和可以遮挡太阳和斑驳 光线的竹帘。室内设计非常现代——干净的 白色墙壁、浅色木质低矮皮革长凳和原始风 格的藤席。其中一个设计非常巧妙,黑白色 帆布画滑动开去,房间中的超大电视就会随 之现身。 度假村的地下水疗中心可通过螺旋楼梯 抵达。虽然有健身房和游泳池,但客人们也 可以在专家的指导下在阿丽拉阳朔糖舍天 然河畔的攀岩墙上试一下身手。 糖舍餐厅的行政主厨Owen Xu是土生土 长的广州人,但他却喜欢使用阳朔当地的 > 61
in Yangshuo I went straight to the local markets to source ingredients. There were many things I’d never seen before. I was especially surprised by the variety of wild mushrooms,” Jacky says. Pork is a Yangshuo delicacy, sourced from local black pigs that are free to roam the mountains to forage for food. These pigs only grow to 100 kilograms, around a quarter of the size of farmed pigs. “The local pork is leaner and yields a richer flavour,” Jacky says.
ALILA YANGSHUO Wedged between two steep green peaks on the site of a 1960s sugar mill, Alila Yangshuo is, as the hotel brand’s slogan says, “surprisingly different.” Dong Gong of Beijing studio Vector Architects, and Ju Bin of Horizontal Space Design in Shenzhen, have created a distinctly modern resort within a heritage setting. The property has repurposed the core buildings of the sugar mill as public areas. Sugar House, the resort’s restaurant, is located in the mill’s refining room, where raw sugar was once processed. 1969 Bar is found in the former pressing room, where sugar cane juice was extracted from sugar cane. True to the sugar theme, the bar specialises in cocktails based from rum, which is most commonly distilled from molasses, a by-product of sugar manufacture. The mill’s boiler room, where sugar cane waste was burned to power the mill, now houses a library, a function space and the 186-square-metre Heritage Suite, the resort’s most spacious. But although it faces some stiff competition, the most attractive of Alila Yangshuo’s public areas is the resort’s 25-metre swimming pool. Perched on a small cliff face above the Li River, the pool is framed with concrete and steel columns that were previously part of the sugar mill’s loading area. The photogenic pool has become something of a social media star since the resort opened its doors in mid-2017. Alila Yangshuo’s rooms and suites are in two separate wings built in modern and minimalist concrete with latticed walls and bamboo screens providing shade and dappled light. Interiors are distinctly contemporary with clean white walls, pale wooden timber, low-slung leather benches and rattan
Left: Be sure to order a dish of pork belly when dining at the “Refining Room” in Alila Yangshuo Above: Watch the sun go down on the karst mountains from your view at Alila Yangshuo
mats. One ingenious design touch is a black-andwhite canvas print that slides to reveal the room’s oversized television. The resort’s subterranean spa is reached via a spiral staircase, and although a gym as well as the swimming pool is offered, guests may try their hand at rock climbing under the supervision of experts on Alila Yangshuo’s natural riverside climbing wall. Sugar House boasts an eclectic menu by executive chef Owen Xu, a Guangzhou native with a penchant for local ingredients. “The first thing I did when I arrived in Yangshuo was to visit local restaurants to see how I could use Cantonese cooking techniques to make something new out of local ingredients,” he says. “I wanted to introduce different tastes and flavours to international dishes.” Two of the most unusual dishes on the menu are a chicken soup with condiments such as puffed rice, raw peanuts and spring onion; and a rustic Sicilian dish that features river snails. Xu’s chicken soup has a faintly bitter flavour, which is offset by the condiments. The dish is modelled on oil tea, a regional specialty particularly popular with the Yao ethnic minority, who fry tea leaves in oil with garlic, ginger, chilli, salt and other ingredients before brewing it in tea. It’s said to have warming medicinal qualities – perfect for the winter months. The chef also uses the area’s abundant passionfruit to create a winning dessert with a flavoursome tropical custard served within a trio of fresh passionfruit. The dish incorporates luo han guo, a natural sweetener used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. “It’s especially good if you have a sore throat,” he says. Perhaps the most romantic of all places at Alila Yangshuo is its Water Pump Room, a small round tower above the Li River accessible by an elevated walkway. An intimate setting with spellbinding views of the river and mountains, it’s no surprise that it’s a popular spot for marriage proposals. No matter where you stay and how you spend your time, Yangshuo is an escape you won’t soon forget.
Clockwise from top left: Contemporary interiors complement the historical characteristics of Alila Yangshuo; Dip your feet in the resort’s pool; Dine at chef Owen Xu’s “Refining Room” at Alila Yangshuo
食材。 “到阳朔后我做的第一件事就是去当 地的餐馆看看如何用粤菜的烹饪技术使用 当地食材制作新鲜的美食。我想为菜肴带来 不同的口味。” 他的菜单上有两道最具特色的菜肴:一 道 是 用 米 花 、生 花 生 和 青 葱 调 味 的 鸡 汤,另一道则是主打河螺的西西里农家美 食。Owen Xu的鸡汤的微苦口感被调味品 所中和。这道菜的灵感源自特别受当地瑶 族人喜爱的地方特产“油茶”,即将茶先用 油炒,然后在冲泡之前加入大蒜、生姜、辣 椒、盐等。据说可以暖身,适合在冬季饮用。 这位主厨还利阳朔大量出产的百香果制 作了一款获奖甜点——用三种新鲜的百香果 搭配美味的热带奶油冻。这道菜中还含有罗 汉果,这是一种传统中医使用了几个世纪的 天然甜味剂。 “这对治疗喉咙疼非常有效。” 阿丽拉阳朔糖舍里最浪漫的地方是水泵 房,那是有一个位于漓江上方的小圆塔,通 过一个悬空桥梁与江岸相接。温馨浪漫的 环境加上迷人的山川美景,让那里被捧为求 婚圣地也就不足为奇了。 63
From remote natural springs to inner-city distilleries, the Australian gin scene has exploded in all corners of the country. Lisa Perkovic rounds up some of the best spots to find world-class gin Down Under. 从遥远地区的天然泉水到内城区的 酿酒厂,澳大利亚的杜松子酒厂宛如 雨后春笋般地出现在全国各地。丽莎· 佩尔科维奇(Lisa Perkovic)为我们 收集了澳洲的一些世界级杜松子酒厂。 64
Archie Rose Distilling Co 新南威尔士州悉尼 A rc h i e Ro s e隐 身于悉尼罗斯 伯里 (Rosebery)内城区边缘的一个旧仓库中, ARCHIE ROSE DISTILLING CO 于2014年成立,是悉尼自19世纪50年代以 来的第一家酿酒厂。这是当时只有26岁的威 SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES 尔·爱德华兹(Will Edwards)的心血之作。 Tucked into an old warehouse on the edge of 如今,这里灯光幽暗的酒吧每天晚上都会挤 Sydney’s inner-city suburb of Rosebery, Archie 满人。酒吧旁边仓库内的酿酒厂之旅则往 Rose burst onto the scene in 2014, making it 往在几周前就预订一空,而两小时的定制 the city’s first distillery since the 1850s. It was the brain child of Will Edwards, who was just 26 “杜松子酒调制”课程甚至更早就已售罄。鉴 于世界级杜松子酒就是在这里酿制出来的, at the time. These days, the dark and moody bar 这一切也就没有什么令人感到惊讶的了。酿 is packed every night of the week. Distillery tours, in 酒师们每天都忙碌着分别使用13种不同植 the warehouse next to the bar, are booked out weeks in 物酿制招牌干杜松子酒——虽然具体配方一 advance. The two hour bespoke “gin blending” classes 直是个秘密,但在杜松子酒调制课程中你会 sell out even earlier. 得到一些提示。客人们被邀请进入仓库酒吧 None of this is surprising given the world-class gin 的阁楼,每个人都有自己酿酒用的几种植物, being produced on-site. The distillers keep busy by 如血柠檬、澳大利亚薄荷和柠檬香桃木等 individually distilling each of the 13 different botanicals 以及两瓶Archie Rose基酒和一支注射器滴 that make up the Signature Dry Gin – the exact 管。自己调制杜松子酒虽然非常有趣,但你 formulas are a well-kept secret, but you’ll get a hint at 会很容易开始责怪自己的笨手笨脚——幸 some of the possibilities during the gin blending class. 运的是,你可以订购楼下专家酿制和调配 Guests are invited into the loft of the warehouse bar 的一些杜松子酒和奎宁水。 and are each given their own distilled botanicals – the likes of Blood Lime, River Mint and Lemon Myrtle, to name a few – two bottles of the Archie Rose base spirit, and a syringe dropper. Have a bit of fun mixing up your own concoctions – it’s easy to be a bit heavy-handed, so luckily there’s plenty of opportunity to order a few gin and tonics by the experts downstairs while you blend. Left to right: Learn about gin blending at the on-site distillery; Enjoy a drink at the bar, where there’s plenty of gin on display
Clockwise from top left: Founders Matt, Cameron and Stuart of Four Pillars; Enjoy a delicious cocktail at the distillery door; Four Pillars’ industrial chic interior
You’d be hard-pressed to find a more impressive multi-million dollar gin distillery in the heart of a wine region. Just one hour north-east of Melbourne, on the cusp of the Yarra Valley’s picturesque rolling hills, step inside the Four Pillars distillery and expect to be impressed. The craft distiller implemented its fourth still mid last year, a 2,000-litre CARL named Wilma after distiller Cam’s late mother. Peer through porthole-sized windows from the industrial chic tasting room to behold the big copper stills in all their glory while working your way through a gin and tonic tasting paddle. For a bird’s-eye view, walk along the viewing platform that runs the length of the distillery and look down at the stills at work. The four workhorses and award-winners of the distillery are a rare dry gin, a Negroni spiced gin, a navy strength gin and a shiraz gin, but you’ll see plenty of special editions like the Christmas pudding inspired Christmas gin, which sells out each year. With plans to incorporate the block of land next door, keep an eye on this craft distillery for more big things in 2019. >
Four Pillars 维多利亚州亚拉山谷 你很难在葡萄酒产区的中心再找到一个给 人如此深刻印象、价值数百万澳元的杜松子 酒厂。距离墨尔本东北方向一小时车程,在 亚拉山谷(Yarra Valley)风景如画、连绵起 伏的丘陵山顶,坐落着令人印象深刻的Four Pillars酿酒厂。去年年中,这家手工精酿酒 厂安装了他们的第四台蒸馏设备——一台 2,000升的CARL蒸馏器。这台蒸馏器以他 们第一位全职员工的母亲命名。通过工业风 格品酒室舷窗大小的窗口,可以看到里面巨 大的蒸馏器,可以一边走一边品尝这里的杜 松子酒和奎宁水。如果想要鸟瞰整个酿酒厂, 可以沿着和酿酒厂一样长的观景平台一路走 去,俯视正在工作的蒸馏器。这家酿酒厂曾 获奖的四款招牌酒,包括一款珍藏干杜松子 酒、一款内格罗尼杜松子酒、一款高酒精度 杜松子酒和一款西拉杜松子酒。当然,其中 也不乏特别酒款,如受圣诞布丁启发的圣诞 杜松子酒,每年都销售一空。这家酿酒厂计 划收购隔壁的一块地,让我们在2019年持续 关注,看看有什么大事件发生。 > 67
Below: Take in the gorgeous surrounds of Adelaide Hills Distillery; Lot 100 is Adelaide Hills Distillery’s cellar door
Small batch spirits are the name of the game at Adelaide Hills Distillery. Winemaker Sacha La Forgia founded the distillery in 2014 after a stint working in overseas wine industries. A year later, he produced 78 Gin, and the awards have not stopped coming. In 2017, the vapourinfused, grape-based spirit was crowned the best gin in the world at the American Distilling Institute Awards. The top honour put the distillery on the map, and you’ll now find 78 in bars all over the world. La Forgia’s method of vapour infusing goes a little easier on the botanicals, many of which were originally sourced in his own backyard. With a grape rather than grain base, the gin is soft and smooth and has citrus and floral notes. Although well-stocked in all of Adelaide’s watering holes, it’s also worth popping out to Lot 100 to try this gin. The sprawling complex in the town of Nairne is just a half-hour’s drive south-east of Adelaide and brings together not only the production, but also the cellar doors for the distillery and several other local businesses – Mismatch Brewing Company, The Hills Cider Company, Vinteloper Wines and Ashton Valley Fresh. Overlooking the rolling Adelaide Hills, the cavernous space has its own restaurant and bar, with plenty of outdoor tables and chairs kept busy during the popular tasting festivals and Sunday sessions. Guests are encouraged to try local produce, local beer, local wine, and of course, local gin, right at the source. >
Home to more than 25 different distilleries producing some of the country’s top spirits, Tasmania is a gin lover’s paradise and a distiller’s dream. Here are three top-notch distilleries doing things differently.
HARTSHORN DISTILLERY GRANDVEWE, TASMANIA Microdistilleries have popped up all over Australia in the last decade, and Hartshorn is perhaps one of the most unique. Located in southern Tasmania, this family-run distillery is the first in the world to use sheep whey in the process. Yes, that’s right: sheep whey, straight from the family’s own farm. Head distiller and owner Ryan Hartshorn spent several years perfecting the process of turning the complex sugars of unused whey into a basic sugar that could be fermented into alcohol. From there, the team sticks to traditional distilling and ageing methods, a combined result that’s quickly winning world attention. The Hartshorn Vodka won World’s Best Vodka last year, and you’ll find the gin stocked in all of Hobart’s best bars. It’s hard to miss – each distinctive black bottle is hand-stencilled by Ryan himself.
Above: Drinks flow at Adelaide Hills Distillery’s cellar door, Lot 100
Adelaide Hills Distillery 南澳大利亚州阿德莱德山 Adelaide Hills Distillery是一家小批量生产 烈酒的酿酒厂。在国外的葡萄酒行业工作一 段时间后,酿酒师萨夏·拉·弗吉亚(Sacha La Forgia)于2014年创立了这家酿酒厂。一 年后,他酿制出78杜松子酒,拿奖拿到手 软。2017年,这款以葡萄为原料,使用蒸气 灌注法(vapour infused)酿制的杜松子 酒荣膺“美国蒸馏协会大奖” (American Distilling Institute Awards) “世界最佳杜 松子酒”称号。这项至高无上的荣誉使这家 酿酒厂迅速进入大众的视野,这款78杜松 子酒也出现在世界各地的酒吧中。萨夏·拉· 弗吉亚的蒸汽灌注法所用的植物原料,其 中许多均来自他自己的后院。由于杜松子酒 是用葡萄而非谷物酿制的,因此口感柔软 顺滑,带有柑橘和花草的清香。尽管在阿德 莱德的所有酒吧都有这款杜松子酒,但前 往Lot100体验一番绝对超值。这个位于拿仁 (Nairne)镇的庞大建筑位于阿德莱德东南 方向,仅半小时车程即可到达,不仅汇集许 多酿酒厂和酒窖,还带动了当地的其他企业, 如Mismatch Brewing Company、The Hills Cider Company、Vinteloper Wines 和Ashton Valley Fresh等。这个俯瞰着连 绵起伏的阿德莱德山(Adelaide Hills)的 巨大的酿酒厂拥有自己的餐厅和酒吧,在热 闹的品酒节和周日活动期间,户外餐位人满 为患。欢迎前来参观的客人品尝当地的特产、 啤酒、葡萄酒以及杜松子酒。 >
When you ask founder and distiller William McHenry why his Tasmanian gin is so good, he doesn’t like to take credit. Instead, he gives the fame and glory to his farm. McHenry Distillery sits perched on the edge of the southern continent on a property with five natural springs, whose fresh water goes straight into the still. The water is so pure that no filtration is needed, and it’s that to which he credits his award-winning gin’s success. There’s also the fact McHenry, a VP of a Sydney Biotech company in his former life, spent years perfecting his technique. Just five botanicals are used in the distilling process, sourced locally where possible. Head down to Port Arthur to try the gin at the distillery cellar door, or pop down to Hobart’s famous Salamanca Markets where the McHenry family have long manned a stall each Saturday.
SÜD POLAIRE HOBART, TASMANIA The name says it all. This small batch “Antarctic” gin literally translates from French as “South Polar” and captures the spirit of Tasmania’s cool-climate terroir. Back in 2012, Louise Radman and Nav Singh arrived in Tasmania to take advantage of that terroir. As master distiller, Radman has perfected her “Antarctic Dry Gin” with 10 botanicals and Tasmanian rainwater. It’s as smooth and sleek as the simple bottle, and recommended consumed as a martini. The perfect spot to do so is at the duo’s Institut Polaire, a “cold-climate bar” in the heart of Hobart’s historic harbourside precinct. Try local Bruny Island oysters and Huon salmon while sipping a martini freshly made in a Georg Jensen cocktail shaker. Now that’s smooth. 69
Subtropical rainforest in the Northern Rivers region of NSW is the setting for this unique distillery. Brothers Eddie and Will Brook brought on board world-class distiller Jim McEwan to help them create something truly special on the site of their family’s 96-acre macadamia farm in the Byron Bay hinterland. The Brookie’s Byron Bay Gin can now be found around the country, taking the local botanicals of this bountiful region well beyond the farm. McEwan uses more than 25 different botanicals in this subtle gin, which hits the palate with initial notes of aniseed, cinnamon myrtle and ginger before finishing with raspberry and macadamia. Distillery tours include not only a Brookie’s gin and tonic and a chance to see the still, but also a walk through the rainforest the family has painstakingly regenerated. Clockwise from bottom: Escape the city and head to Cape Byron Distillery in the Northern Rivers Region; Meet the custom-made copper pot still; Take a tour through the subtropical rainforest; Have a drink with friends at the cellar door
Cape Byron Distillery 新南威尔士州拜伦湾 这家酿酒厂坐落于新南威尔士州的北海 岸(Northern Rivers)地区的亚热带雨林中。 埃迪·布鲁克(Eddie Brook)和威尔·布鲁 克(Will Brook)两兄弟邀请了世界级酿酒师 吉姆·麦克尤恩(Jim McEwan)到他们家 族位于拜伦湾(Byron Bay)腹地占地96英 亩的马卡达姆(Macadamia)农场上,希 望他能帮助创造出一些真正特别的东西。布 鲁克的拜伦湾杜松子酒现已可以在澳大利 亚各地均可买到,从而使得这个以当地植物 物产丰富的地区声名远播。在精心酿制的杜 松子酒中,麦克尤恩使用了超过25种不同的 植物成分,入口带有茴香、肉桂、桃金娘和 生姜的味道,收口则是覆盆子和澳大利亚坚 果的味道。来到这家酿酒厂,不仅可以品尝 到布鲁克的杜松子酒和奎宁水,有机会参观 酿酒用的蒸馏器,还可以在他们精心重建的 热带雨林中漫步。
DETAILS Archie Rose Distilling Co 85 Dunning Avenue, Rosebery, NSW archierose.com.au
Four Pillars Gin 2A Lilydale Road, Healesville, VIC fourpillarsgin.com.au Adelaide Hills Distillery Lot 100, Chambers Road, Nairne, SA adelaidehills distillery.com.au Cape Byron Distillery 80 St Helena Road, McLeods Shoot, NSW capebyrondistillery.com Hartshorn Distillery 25-59 Devlyns Road, Birchs Bay, TAS grandvewe.com.au/ distillery McHenry Distillery 229 Radnor Road, Port Arthur, TAS mchenrydistillery. com.au Süd Polaire Institut Polaire, 1/7 Murray Street, Hobart, TAS sudpolaire.com
SUMMER LOVING Summer’s sultry days are here in China, so it’s time to get outdoors. Alicia Miller has the must-do moments, all around the country, to tick off your bucket list this season. 夏天闷热的日子就要来临,是时候到户外游玩一番了。下面列出的是中国各地的户 外游玩胜地,方便您在这个夏季一一体验。
Cruise the Li River
Zhujiang, Guilin
Soaring karst peaks, carpeted in green; sleepy villages, topped with tiled roofs; hefty water buffalo, roaming shallow banks; and bearded cormorant fishermen, drifting on rafts – a lazy, breeze-licked cruise along Guilin’s famed Li River is one of summer’s highlights. The 83-kilometre squiggly waterway can easily be tackled in a day when boarding one of the many boats at Zhujiang pier, an hour’s drive or coach trip from Guilin city. Spend the morning (usually around four hours) sailing past serene, clear blue-green vistas all the way to Yangshuo. Once there, hire a bike (try Bike Asia), and explore the dirt tracks running through limestone landscapes, far from the tourist crowds. > 郁郁葱葱的喀斯特山峰直入云霄;寂静的 村庄,屋顶上是一块块的瓦片;壮壮的水 牛在浅水中行走;一把胡子的渔夫撑着竹 筏,鸬鹚为他作伴——在这个夏天,不妨 乘船沿着桂林著名的漓江悠闲地游览一番, 体验微风拂面的惬意。竹江码头距离桂林 市有一小时的车程,这里有许多游船。您 可以登上其中一艘,一天即可轻松走完这 条长83公里的弯弯曲曲的水道。早上乘船 (通常是4个小时左右),沿着宁静清澈的 漓江一路来到阳朔。到了之后可租一辆自 行车(推荐Bike Asia),沿着两边都是石 灰岩景观的土路骑往远离人群的地方。 >
Left: The best way to enjoy a summer’s day out is with a cruise on the Li River surrounded by picture-perfect scenery
Lounge in tea plantation hills
Moganshan, Zhejiang
Just two-and-a-half hours’ drive from the clogged city heat of Shanghai, lush, mountainous Moganshan – famous for its delicate, aromatic teas and elegant 19th-century mansions – is a figurative, and literal, breath of fresh air. Even in peak summer its bamboocloaked hills are refreshingly cool, perfect for strolling rose gardens at glam Le Passage Mohkan Shan hotel (lepassagemoganshan.com.cn), horse riding, cycling – even rock climbing (try discoveryadventuresmoganshan.com). But the real draw of a day out here is lazily soaking up the scenery, preferably over a farm-fresh meal in a swanky dining room. Sign up for the panoramic views and Cantonese dishes at Pao Tai Lou, at Naked Castle Hotel (nakedretreats.cn), and round off your feast with a cup of fragrant local yellow bud tea. 距离热闹喧嚣的上海 仅两个半小时车 程 的地方,就是 郁郁葱葱的莫干山。莫干山以其精致芳香的香茗和19世 纪的典雅豪宅而闻名遐迩,让人耳目一新,心情无比舒 畅。即使在炎热的夏天,修竹满山的莫干山里仍然非常 凉快,会让人顿感神清气爽。宜人的气候非常适合人们 在莫干山里法国山居(lepassagemoganshan.com. c n)的玫瑰园中漫步、骑马、骑自行车甚至攀岩(推荐 discoveryadventuresmoganshan.com)。但是,这 里真正吸引人的是让您可以懒洋洋地沉浸其中的美丽风 景。如果还能在豪华的餐厅里享用一餐新鲜美食那就再 好不过了。您可以前往裸心堡(nakedretreats.cn)的 炮台楼,一边饱览周边景致,一边享用美味的粤菜。最后, 再来一杯芳香四溢的当地黄芽茶。 74
古都探秘 Discover imperial history
Nanjing, Jiangsu 江苏南京 Thanks to frequent, high-speed trains, you can get from Shanghai to Nanjing in as little as an hour – making this historic hub a no-brainer for a culture-packed day out. The once-capital of multiple Chinese imperial dynasties boasts historic goodies galore, most located blissfully outdoors around scenic Purple Mountain. Expect atmospheric, tree-lined old temples to wander past, imposing mausoleums to marvel at (the most famous, with an epic step-lined entrance, is Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s), and boating lakes, such as Xuanwu, to float over. Whizzed through the sights? Cap off your day with some edible delights – sesame pancakes or sweet red-bean soup – on buzzing Fuzi Miao dining street. 由于高铁车次越来越多,您可以在短短一 小时内从上海来到南京这个有着悠久历史 的城市,体 验一下文化一日游。这个曾经 作为中国多个封建王朝首都的城市有着
各式各样历史悠久的美食,大部分都位于 风景秀丽的紫金山周围。南京有气势磅礴、 绿树成荫的古庙以及令人叹为观止的陵墓, 其中最著名的当属中山陵,其入口的台阶 颇为壮观。当然,在玄武湖上泛舟也是个 不错的选择。景点都看完了,那就到热闹 的夫子庙美食街品尝一下这里的美食吧, 推荐芝麻烧饼或红豆甜汤。
冰镇啤酒 Down icy brews
Qingdao Beer Festival, Shandong
When mid-August’s heat waves are in full swing, sometimes all you need is a day in the shade, nursing frosty beers. And you’ll get your fill at two-week-long Qingdao Beer Festival, located in seaside Qingdao in Shandong Province – famed as the home of China’s most popular beer, Tsingtao. With over one million people attending this festival every year, this knees-up is basically China’s answer to Oktoberfest. But rather than just copious pours of the local favourite, you’ll get the chance to sip litre-sized beers made around the world, ranging from Australia to Germany. Sure, by late afternoon it can get a bit raucous – but all is in good fun, and there are light shows, carnivals and parades to break up the day-long drinking.
8月中旬是最热的时候,有时候您所需要的只是躲在阴凉处美美地喝着冰镇啤酒。 那么,赶快参加为期两周的青岛国际啤酒节吧。青岛是山东省的一座海淀城市,是 中国最受欢迎的啤酒——青岛啤酒的故乡。每年有超过一百万人参加青岛国际啤 酒节,这基本上相当于中国的慕尼黑啤酒节。除了大量当地最受欢迎的啤酒,您还 将有机会品尝到来自世界各地的啤酒,从澳大利亚到德国都应有尽有。当然,到了 傍晚时分,这里就会变得有点喧闹——但都很有意思,在结束一天的狂饮之后,可 以欣赏一下这里的灯光秀、狂欢节和花街游行。
精神归宿 Get spiritual
Mount Emei, Sichuan
Top-notch Dragon Boat Festival Wild, thousand-year-old forests, pairing subtropical foliage with rigid pines; russethued, precarious peaks; and some of the oldest Buddhist temples in all of China – Mount Emei, just a little over an hour’s train ride from Chengdu in Sichuan province, is famous for many reasons. There’s plenty here to fill a few days of walking, exploring and praying – especially if you want to try bedding down in one of its 76 monasteries. But, the area is also do-able in a day. Just make for the 8th-century, stone-carved Giant Buddha of Leshan – the largest in the world at 71 metres – which loftily overlooks the confluence of three rivers. You’ll tick it off in a few hours, but the memories will last a lifetime. > 这里有着千年历史的原始森林,亚热带植物与坚硬的松树 在此和谐共生;这里的山峰呈黄褐色,陡峭险峻;这里还 有中国最古老的一些佛教寺庙——峨眉山,从四川成都乘 火车至此只需一个多小时的时间,但它如此出名的原因却 非只此一个。您可以花上几天的时间,在这里徒步、探索, 甚至在山顶的76座寺庙中的一座中过夜。来这里一日游也 是个不错的选择,还可以去乐山看看世界上最大的、高达 71米的石雕乐山大佛。这尊大佛建造于8世纪,位于岷江、 青衣江和大渡河三江汇流处。虽然几个小时就可把所有景 点游览一遍,但绝对会带给您终生美好的回忆。 > Clockwise from top left: Find the ultimate dining spot at Naked Castle Hotel; Taste beers from all over the world at the Qingdao Beer Festival; Visit the largest stone-carved Buddha in the world at Mount Emei; Embrace Chinese history with a day at Nanjing
Stroll the streets of a water town
Zhujiajiao, Shanghai
Wander classical gardens
Suzhou, Jiangsu 江苏苏州
Nothing says summer like a gorgeous garden – but why settle for just one when you can head to the city of Suzhou, around 30 minutes from Shanghai, and discover more than 60? At their best in summer’s full verdant flush, nine of these landscaped patches are so classically perfect – and historic, dating from between the 11th and 19th centuries – that they’re recognised by UNESCO. Built by wealthy aristocrats and business owners for private use since the 6th century, Suzhou’s gardens are like the great outdoors recreated in miniature: expect water, stones, plants and artful buildings coexisting in harmony. Some open as early as 7am, so you can pack loads into one day; but if you prefer to stroll them at a leisurely pace, focus on the highlights – the Humble Administrator’s Garden, the Lingering Garden, the Master of Nets Garden and Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty.
没有什么比一个美丽的花园更能表达夏天了——但是如果花30分钟左 右就可以从上海来到苏州,找到60多座花园,我们为什么“单恋一枝花” 呢?夏季是苏州园林的“鼎盛时期”,其中有9个经典园林堪称完美,其 悠久的历史可以追溯到11世纪到19世纪之间,并得到了联合国教科文组 织的认可。苏州园林是6世纪以来的贵族和富商所建的私家园林,精巧细 致,其中假山怪石、奇花异草、亭台楼阁应有尽有,错落有致、和谐有序。 一些园林早上7点就开门,所以您可以在里面逛上一整天。但是,如果您 更喜欢慢悠悠地看,那么就关注一下最有特色的这几个吧——拙政园、 留园、网师园和环秀山庄。 76
Days out from Shanghai don’t get much easier – or romantic – than Zhujiajiao. A whopping 1,700 years old, the photogenic old town has earned the nickname of Shanghai’s Venice thanks to the myriad waterways that squiggle through its tileroofed old core. Stroll across dozens of vaulting Ming and Qing dynasty bridges (don’t miss 16th-century Fangsheng, the largest and longest with five openings and carved stone lions), wander past majestic willow trees and pop into quaint shops, housed in historic wood buildings with red paper lanterns. Feel like keeping it low-key? Hop on an atmospheric sightseeing boat along the waterway, then pootle through pretty Kezhi Garden, with its upturned-eave pavilions. 说到上海的一日游,没有哪里比朱家角更 方便、更浪漫的了。这座风景优美的古镇 有着1,70 0多年的历史,民居瓦屋鳞次栉 比,无数河道纵横交织,素有“上海威尼 斯”的称号。您可以走上明清时期的拱桥 (有数十座,其中始建于16世纪的放生桥 是上海地区最大、最长的五孔石拱桥,雕 刻有石狮子,绝对不容错过),徜徉于高大 的柳树之间,或者走进挂着大红灯笼的古 色古香的商店(由历史悠久的木建筑改造 而成)。感觉这样有点过于低调?那么就 跳上一艘别具情调的观光船,前往风光独 好的课植园,一睹那里飞檐翘角的亭台楼 榭的风采。
龙舟竞赛 See the Dragon Boat Festival races
Huangzhou, Hubei 浙江杭州
Catch mist at vast waterfalls
Huangguoshu National Park, Guizhou
Crashing down furiously over tree-lined cliffs, the towering waterfalls of Huangguoshu, just outside Guizhou’s Anshun city, are a marvellous sight to behold. There are about 18 waterfalls in total to soak up, but the crown jewel is Huangguoshu Falls itself – 67 metres high and 83 metres wide, it’s one of the largest waterfalls in the country. But what really makes a visit to Huangguoshu special is the ability to get up close and personal – a 134-metre-long natural water-curtain cave, Shuiliandong, allows you to walk right behind the rushing waters, feeling the cool mist safely without getting drenched. 黄果树瀑布位于贵州省安顺市。高高在上的瀑布从长满 树木的悬崖上汹涌直泻而下,形成一道壮丽无比的景观。 这里大大小小共有约18个瀑布,但最壮观的还是高67米、 宽83米的黄果树瀑布,这也是中国最大的瀑布之一。黄 果树瀑布之行的真正特别之处就在于您能够走进水帘洞。 这是一个134米长的天然洞穴,就在湍急的水帘之后,您 可以充分感受它的凉爽薄雾,却不会被淋湿。
Top-notch Dragon Boat Festival celebrations can be found all over China, but if you experience just one it should be in Huangzhou. In the city’s neighbouring Jiang village, on the lush Xixi wetland, the tradition of racing boats has existed for a thousand years – and once again on June 7, revellers will gather at tea pavilions and on the wetland banks to watch experts show off their boating prowess. Come noon, rippling crowds – sticky rice dumplings in tow – will wave flags to the booming beat of drums, cheering as boats coast skilfully through the water. Can’t make the races? Huangzhou’s mirror-like West Lake, with scenic walking trails, temples and boating trips, makes for a splendid day out any day of the summer. 中国各地都有许多不错的端午节庆祝活动,但如果非要选一个的话,那就应该是杭州。 在杭州近郊蒋村的地方,在郁郁葱葱的西溪湿地,赛龙舟的传统已经有1,0 0 0年的历 史。今年6月7日,热情的观众将再次聚集到湿地岸边或茶亭之中,期待龙舟选手在此 竟逐。中午时分,涌动的人群常常是吃着粽子,随着鼓点挥舞彩旗,欢呼雀跃地看着 龙舟在水面上飞快地划过。不想观看龙舟比赛?杭州平如镜的西湖、风景如画的步道、 随处可见的寺庙和游船,让您在夏天的任何一天都能过得十分美好。
Visit floating mountains
Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Hunan
Clockwise from top left: Wander classical gardens in Suzhou; Plan a trip to the waterfalls at Huangguoshu National Park; Experience the Chinese tradition of dragon boat racing at Huangzhou; Visit the mystical pinnacles at Zhangjiajie National Forest Park; Jump on Zhujiajiao’s iconic river cruise
Buried deep in Hunan province, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is a sight that can only be described as otherworldly. Covering more than 480,000 square metres and holding the esteemed title of being China’s first UNESCO World Heritage site, the park is known for its unique geological formations that rise skyward from the valley floor, some up to 200 metres
tall. Home to more than 3,000 distinct plant species as well as diverse fauna, spending a day at Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is the perfect way to enjoy the summer breeze while marvelling at one of the world’s most incredible natural wonders. Open from 7am to 6pm, with RMB 248 admission. 张家界国家森林公园地处湖南省西北部武 陵山脉腹地,这里的景观只能用“超凡脱 俗”来形容了。该公园占地面积超过48万平 方米,是中国第一个被联合国教科文组织 列入《世界遗产名录》的国家森林公园,以 其独特的地质构造而闻名。奇山异峰从谷 底拔地而起,直冲云霄,有的甚至高达200 米。张家界国家森林公园拥有3千多种不同 的植物和各种动物,您可以在这里待上一 天,享受这里的夏日微风,同时欣赏世界上 最令人赞叹的自然奇观。开放时间为早上7 点至下午6点,门票248元。 77
THE NEW Beyond Australia’s capital cities and brandname hotels are beautiful boutique stays that showcase the country’s extraordinary food, landscapes and wildlife, writes Alex Carlton. 除澳大利亚首府城市及其大品牌酒店外,还有一 种时尚精品酒店,在那里既可以品尝到澳大利亚 美食,又可以饱揽独具特色的风景和野生动物。
raditionally, the markers of luxury travel were as obvious as they were opulent; champagne and caviar, chauffeurs and concierges. And more often than not, luxury meant being cocooned inside a big-name hotel in a big-name city, away from the soul of a destination. Not anymore. Today, luxury travel in Australia is about a deeper, more immersive experience, often in destinations outside the major capital cities that allow travellers to be enriched in ways that nurture the spirit. “Modern luxury travellers want to take something home in their heart, not just in their carry-on luggage,” says Kylie Mansfield, general manager of The Louise, a 15-suite boutique hotel in South Australia’s wine capital, the Barossa Valley. “And they’re looking for experiences that are as unique as they are.” The Louise, a member of Luxury Lodges of Australia, puts great emphasis on these dual demands – their guests’ need for experiences that are both personalised and connected to the region they’re in. “The Louise is built on a foundation of community, so we’re able to create absolute tailor-made itineraries with attention to the finest details,” Mansfield says of the journeys she and her team curate for guests wanting to explore the surrounding vineyards and cellar doors. “It’s not enough for our guests to just buy a bottle of wine. They need to connect to the very characters who grow, press and blend it.” This focus on bringing together travellers with the region they’re visiting is something that’s also prized at Riley, a new five-star resort in Cairns in Far North Queensland. Staff, who call themselves “Collaborators” > 78
1. Explore the incredible 28-acre Willow Creek Vineyard at Jackalope 2. Enjoy a mix of classics and in-house creations at Flaggerdoot, Jackalope’s bar 3. Embrace the elegant dining experience delivered at Doot Doot Doot, Jackalope Hotel
传统来说,奢华旅行的标志就像 其奢华本质一样明显——香槟、 鱼子酱、专职司机和礼宾服务。而 且,奢华曾意味着安逸地躲在一个大名鼎鼎 的城市中的一个大名鼎鼎的酒店里,远离喧 嚣的人群。但这已经成为历史。现在,澳大 利亚的奢华旅行是一种更深入、更具沉浸感 的体验,目的地通常不在主要首府城市,旨 在让旅行者获得精神上的满足。 “现在的 奢华旅行人士希望回去之后,不仅让随身携 带的行李箱装得满满的,自己的内心也能 是充实满足的。”The Louise酒店总经理凯 莉·曼斯菲尔德(Kylie Mansfield)说。The Louise酒店是一家位于南澳大利亚州葡萄 酒乡芭萝莎谷的精品酒店,共有15间套房。 “他们希望寻找的是与他们的独特需求所匹 配的独特体验。” The Louise酒店是澳大利亚豪华酒店联 盟(Luxury Lodges of Australia)的成员, 对客人的个性化体验和地方特色体验这两 项需求非常重视。 “The Louise酒店扎根当 地社区,所以我们能够打造绝对个性化的行 程,同时对最小的细节也极为关注。”曼斯 菲尔德谈到她和她的团队为想要探索周围 葡萄园和酒庄的客人策划的旅程时这样说 道。 “仅仅是购买葡萄酒对我们的客人来说 是不够的,他们还想要与葡萄种植者、葡萄 酒的生产者和酿酒师进行深入的接触。” 让 旅行 者获 得浸入式的地方特 色体 验也是位于昆士兰州北部凯 恩斯的新五 星级度假酒店The Ri ley所重视的。“我 们鼓励把自己称为“合作者”和“体验规 划人”的员工与客人分享他们对当地活动 的个人 建 议。他 们 负 责为我 们 的客人 打 造 充 满乐趣的定制体 验,让他们真正活 在当下。”Crystalbrook Collection区 域总经理乔尔·戈登(Joel Gordon) > 79
and “Experience Curators”, are encouraged to share their personal recommendations for local activities with guests. “Their role is to create bespoke and interesting experiences for our guests so they can truly live in the moment,” says Joel Gordon, area general manager for Crystalbrook Collection, an independent hotel group that manages The Riley and its sister properties around Queensland and NSW. “We genuinely encourage our team to share their own list of must-dos with guests at every opportunity they have, whether it’s World Heritage rainforest and Great Barrier Reef experiences or truly inspiring Indigenous or heritage cultural experiences.” In Byron Bay on the NSW far north coast, another property is offering a new, entirely modern twist on luxury – one that encourages guests to connect wholly with the region’s natural beauty. Blackbird Byron, hidden in the rainforest hinterland of this popular surfside town, is packed with little details that make a stay extraordinary. Expect champagne on arrival, gourmet snacks in-room and artisanal local produce at breakfast as well as tailor-made suggestions from the resort’s concierge for things to do in the local area such as private hot air ballooning, a scenic helicopter ride or simply a hard-to-get restaurant reservation. But just as important is the way Blackbird is designed to anchor guests to the landscape, which is among the most spectacular in the country. “The connection to the land is essential in providing guests with a unique experience,” says James Hudson who, along with his wife Stella, opened Blackbird in 2018. To help facilitate this connection, guests are provided with binoculars in every room to observe the surrounding flora and fauna. Or they can breathe in the bushland from the property’s Magnesium Pool, which is filled with healing essential salts, sits at the edge of the rainforest and takes in views of the sweeping sapphire sea. Even the resort’s orientation has been designed to maximise its sense of place. “With the mountain behind us and the ocean in front we have very strong feng shui energy,” Hudson says. > 80
说道。Crystalbrook Collection是一家独 立的酒店集团,负责管理The Riley酒店及其 在昆士兰州和新南威尔士州的姐妹酒店。 “我们真诚地鼓励我们的团队都能与客人 分享他们自己认为不可错过的体验,无论是 列入世界遗产的雨林和大堡礁,还是能够真 正给人以启发的土著或遗产文化体验。” 在 新 南 威 尔士州 远 北 海 岸 的 拜 伦 湾 (Byron Bay),另一家酒店提供一种全新的 现代奢华体验,鼓励客人完全融入该地区 的自然美景之中。Blackbird Byron隐藏在 这个受欢迎的冲浪小镇的热带雨林腹地,一 些细节能让入住的客人获得非凡的体验。客 人可以在抵达时享用香槟,在客房内享用美 味小吃,在早餐时享用手工制作的当地美食, 度假村的礼宾部还可为客人提供量身定制 的建议,如私人热气球之旅、观光直升机之 旅或在餐厅预订座位享用美食。 拜伦湾有着澳大利亚最壮观的景观之一, 而Blackbird酒店让客人体验美景的方式同 样令人神往。 “我们与这片土地的联系对于为客人提 供独特的体验至关重要。”詹姆斯·哈德 森(James Hudson)和他的妻子斯泰 拉(Stella)在2018年开设了Blackbird酒 店。为了更好地建立起这种联系,客人可以 在每个房间内使用双筒望远镜观察周围的 动植物,也可以在酒店富含治疗性盐分的 Magnesium Pool泳池中呼吸丛林的清新 空气。泳池位于热带雨林的边缘,可将一望 无垠蓝色大海的波澜壮阔尽收眼底。即使 是度假村的朝向设计也充分体现了当地的 特色。 “酒店背靠群山,面朝大海,是块风 水宝地。”哈德森说。 >
4. Enjoy views of the Byron hinterland when you stay at Blackbird Byron 5. Indulge in delicious gourmet in-room treats 6. Experience the ultimate Bohemian luxury getaway at Blackbird 7. Go for a dip in the property’s magnesium pool
FIVE LUXURY STOPS Lindenderry at Red Hill, Mornington Peninsula, VIC From $370 per night lancemore.com.au/ lindenderry Piermont Retreat, Swansea, TAS From $295 per night piermont.com.au Elysian Retreat, Whitsundays, QLD From $1,400 per night elysianretreat.com.au Empire Retreat and Spa, Margaret River, WA From $295 per night empireretreat.com Halcyon House, Cabarita, NSW From $600 per night halcyonhouse.com.au
“GUESTS ARE INVESTED IN THEIR NATURAL SURROUNDINGS AND WANT TO KNOW EVERY DETAIL” Encouraging guests to celebrate and synergise with their surrounds is also an important part of a stay at any of Australia’s exclusive luxury wilderness lodges, such as Longitude 131 at Uluru in the Northern Territory, Cradle Mountain Lodge in the heart of Tasmania or the remote Berkeley River Lodge on the Kimberley Coast of Western Australia. “In a place as pristine as the Berkeley River, guests are invested in their natural surroundings and want to know every detail about the land, the area, the history and the wildlife,” says Berkeley River Lodge owner Chris Banson. He says watching his guests’ awestruck responses as they take in the wild beauty of the land around the resort is a “magical experience,” whether it’s a 4WD tour, a river cruise or interacting with the region’s astonishing wildlife, which includes rock wallabies and saltwater crocodiles. Of course, one ingredient that will always define luxury travel is food. However, the sprawling buffets and silver cloches of traditional big-city hotels are fast giving way to dining experiences that are more low-key and local – but still exquisitely luxurious. The restaurant attached to The Louise in the Barossa, Appellation, ensures food and wine pairing – almost always made up of entirely local and sustainable ingredients – is the focal point of every meal. A bespoke meal at Jackyak, the private dining room at Jackalope, an extraordinary boutique vineyard property in Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula, involves an eightcourse meal designed by executive chef Guy Stanaway and delivered by a personal waiter and sommelier. And at Saffire Freycinet on the east coast of Tasmania, guests eat stunning Pacific oysters straight from the island’s pristine waters. In 2019, luxury experiences in Australia aren’t about cookie-cutter box-ticking. They’re about allowing specialised experts, who know and love the area they’re in, to tailor your journey to your tastes, making sure you go home with a truly special sense of Australia. Kylie Mansfield, from The Louise, perhaps sums it up best. “Luxury,” she says, “is choice.” 82
STAY The Louise 375 Seppeltsfield Road, Marananga, SA thelouise.com.au Blackbird Byron 210 Frasers Road, Mullumbimby Creek, NSW blackbirdbyron.com.au Berkeley River Lodge Kimberley Coast Oombulgurri, WA berkeleyriverlodge. com.au
鼓励客人爱上并融入周边环境是澳大 利亚每一个独具特色的豪华野外度假酒店 体验的一个重要组成部分,例如北领地乌 鲁鲁的Longitude 31、塔斯马尼亚州腹地 的Cradle Mountain Lodge或西澳大利 亚州金伯利海岸(Kimberley Coast)偏远 的Berkeley River Lodge。Berkeley River Lodge老板克里斯·班森(Chris Banson) 说: “在像伯克利河(Berkeley River)一样 原始的地方,客人们对自然环境非常感兴趣, 并希望了解有关这片土地、这个地区、这里 的历史和野生动植物的所有信息。”他说, 看到客人们无论是在乘坐四驱车游览、泛舟 河上还是观看该地区的岩袋鼠和咸水鳄等 令人惊叹的野生动物时,他们那种被深深吸 引的惊叹表情是一种“神奇的体验”。 当然,美食永远是奢华旅行不可或缺的 一部分。现在,传统大城市酒店的自助餐和 高档餐厅正在快速让位于一种更低调、更有 本地特色又不失精致豪华的用餐体验。芭萝 莎Louise酒店的Appellation餐厅努力确保 每餐的食物和葡萄酒(主要是本地可持续 食材)都能够完美搭配。私人餐厅Jackyak 位于维多利亚州莫宁顿半岛的一座特别 的精品葡萄园Jackalope中,这里的定 制套餐是由行政主厨盖伊·斯坦威(Guy Stanaway)设计的一个八道菜套餐,并由 专属服务员和侍酒师为你服务。在塔斯马尼 亚州东海岸的Saffire Freycinet,客人还可 以直接吃到从岛上周边水域中捕捞的令人 垂涎的太平洋牡蛎。 2019年,澳大利亚的奢华体验不再千篇 一律。让那些了解并热爱他们所在地区的专 家根据你的口味对你的行程进行量身定制, 确保你在回家之前能够体验到真正的澳大 利亚特色。Louise酒店的凯莉·曼斯菲尔德对 此总结道: “奢华,就是一种选择。”
Cradle Mountain Lodge 4038 Cradle Mountain Road, Cradle Mountain, TAS cradlemountainlodge. com.au Longitude 131 Yulara Drive, Yulara, NT longitude131.com.au Riley 131-141 The Esplanade, Cairns, QLD crystalbrook collection.com/riley Jackalope 166 Balnarring Road, Merricks North, VIC jackalopehotels.com Saffire Freycinet 2352 Coles Bay Road, Coles Bay, Tasmania saffire-freycinet.com.au
8. Relax poolside among the palm trees at Riley 9. Have a drink at Cairns’ highest rooftop bar and restaurant, Rocco 10. For the ultimate private dining experience, book into Jackyak at Jackalope 11. Watch the sunset at Saffire Freycinet
大城市中的 凉爽所在
BIG CITY CHILLS 即使上海和北京的温度升高了,也 不用着急——下面为您列出的是 这两个明星城市中最凉爽的地方。 When the mercury rises in Shanghai and Beijing, there’s no need to sweat it out – Alicia Miller has the coolest places to be in China’s star cities.
Mandarin Oriental Wangfujing, Beijing For icy rooftop cocktails
If you want to catch even a waft of wind in Beijing’s steamy summer, best get up high – ideally to a super-slick rooftop bar. At the just-opened Mandarin Oriental Wangfujing, the rooftop – which overlooks icons such as The Forbidden City – has not only a stylish bar, but also two restaurants and a sprawling garden terrace to boot. Café Zi serves up pillowy dim sum by day and an array of zingy panAsian dishes by night, while the dark wood-lined Mandarin Grill + Bar majors in delicate grilled Dover sole or steaks. In either, you’ll get all the dreamy air-con you could ask for – or, just step outside into that landscaped greenery for nature’s own version. Even if the breeze is nowhere to be found, cooling relief swiftly arrives in the form of chilled margaritas or chunky-iced negronis from MO Bar, the adjoining bar-lounge, open until late. mandarinoriental.com 84
北京王府井文华东方酒店 顶楼冰镇鸡尾酒 如果想在北京炎热的夏天吹到一丝清风,那么就得到高 一点的地方了——最好是去一个超级豪华的屋顶酒吧。在 刚刚开业的王府井文华东方酒店的屋顶上,您可以俯瞰北 京的故宫等标志性建筑。这里不仅有一个时髦的酒吧,还 有两间餐厅和一个宽敞的花园露台。紫膳白天供应美味的 粤式点心,晚上则供应令人垂涎的亚洲美食,而采用深色 壁板装饰的文华扒房+酒吧则主要供应精致的香煎多佛 鳎鱼和鲜嫩可口的牛里脊等。无论哪里,都有您梦寐以求 的空调。或者,您也可以在酒店的景观花园中享受一份自 然的清凉。如果微风无迹可寻,MO Bar冰凉的玛格丽塔 鸡尾酒或加冰的内格罗尼鸡尾酒会立即给您带来无限凉 意。MO Bar是一个鸡尾酒酒吧与夜间酒廊,会一直营业 至深夜。
W Shanghai – The Bund, Shanghai For pool parties
There are Insta-worthy pools aplenty in Shanghai, but few are as cool as the one at W Shanghai – The Bund. Perched by the iconic stretch of 19th century real estate, it doubles as a sightseeing spot, as you can take in the vistas of neon Pudong while you’re having a splash. Of course, there are the de rigueur sun-kissed loungers for working on your tan; but what W Shanghai really majors in are slick pool parties, held regularly throughout the summer. Can’t make one? On a daily basis music pumps out from underwater speakers in the indoor pool, oversized whirlpools froth, and the adjoining WET Bar, punctuated with swirly white sofas and punchy red chairs, serves up chilly mojitos and charcuterie and cheese tapas – so you’re going to have fun no matter what. Don’t forget your camera: when night falls, the luminous blue surface of the pool becomes mirror-like, reflecting all the illuminated glory of the Oriental Pearl tower and its skyscraping neighbours on the horizon. Now that’s Insta-worthy. marriott.com >
上海外滩W酒店 泳池派对 在上海 有很多值得 拍照 炫 耀的游泳池,但 很少有像上海外滩W酒店那样酷的。上海外 滩W酒店坐落在一个19世纪的标志性 建筑 中,同时这里也是一个观光点,您可以一边畅 游其中,一边欣赏浦东霓虹闪烁的美景。当 然,您也可以在这里的躺椅上享受日光浴。上 海外滩W酒店的杀手锏是整个夏天定期举办 的泳池派对。不知道选哪一个?每天,室内 泳池和WET池畔酒吧的音乐都会嗨翻天,您 可以坐在白色沙发和红色椅子上,品尝着冰 爽的莫吉托鸡尾酒和各种开胃小吃——所以, 无论怎样,您在这里都能玩得非常开心。别 忘了带上相机:当夜幕降临时,明亮的蓝色泳 池变得一平如镜,可以从中看到东方明珠广 播电视塔及周边的摩天大楼的美丽倒影。没 错,就是这个时刻,赶紧抓住时机好好拍照 炫耀一番吧。 >
Clockwise from left: Enjoy a drink at the Mo Bar; Take in the city views when you stay in the “Wonderful Room” at the W Shanghai; Arrive in style as you pull up to the entrance at the W Hotel; Kick back and relax poolside at the W Shanghai
Huangpu River Cruise, Shanghai For refreshing waterside breezes
If the stifling heat in Shanghai just won’t shift, you need to make your own breeze – and where better than on the snaking Huangpu River? Simply hop on a cruise; there are endless options to choose from, but the ones that slink you through the skyscrapers as day fades into peachy-hued evening are especially magical. Most journeys depart from Shiliupu Wharf (you can book through your hotel) and last around an hour; in that time you’ll cruise past Pudong’s silvery Jinmao Tower, the mega-tall Shanghai Tower, and the bottleopener-shaped Shanghai World Financial Center. Carry on to loop around at Yangpu Bridge, and on the way back you’ll skirt close to The Bund, a glorious contrast with its creamy, gold-lit historical frontages. Any lingering summer fog just adds to the romance.
Jing-A Brewing Brewpub XFC, Beijing For frosty beers
The hotter it gets outside, the more we want to down frosty beers. So good thing Beijing is loaded with places to drink the finest in global craft brews – including Jing-A Brewing’s Brewpub on Xingfucun Zhong Lu. Started by two hop-loving North Americans, the brand’s quirky beers have gathered quite a following, thanks to the use of top-quality local ingredients, hybrid styles, and surprising seasonal specials. So depending on what best quenches your thirst, you can hop from hoppy Worker’s Pale Ale to citrusy Mandarin Wheat; from wasabi and gingerinfused Koji Red Ale (made with koji sake rice) to a tropical-fruity Dongbei IPA. The inside bar is plenty atmospheric, but we say go alfresco and take your cool pint, along with some slow-smoked beef brisket tacos, into the balmy outside air – it’s summer, after all. jingabrewing.com > Clockwise from above: Sink your teeth into the carnivore platter at Jing-A Brew House; Explore Shanghai city by boat on the Huangpu River cruise; Cool down after a long day of sightseeing at Jing-A Brew House; Meet owners Alex and Chris from Beijing’s Jing-A Brewpub; Before you leave, make sure you grab a selection of Jing-A beers
上海黄浦江游船 江上吹风 如果上海闷热不去,您需要自己找个地方去吹 吹风——哪里有比蜿蜒的黄浦江更好的选择呢? 登上一艘游船,让您在日落黄昏时分穿行于摩 天大楼之间,看着天空渐渐变成桃红色,这种 感觉尤其神奇。大多数游船都从十六铺码头出 发(可以通过酒店预订),游览时间在一小时左 右。在此期间,您可以看到浦东银光闪闪的金茂 大厦、直入云霄的上海中心大厦和像个开瓶器 的上海环球金融中心,再接着走还会看到杨浦 大桥。返程的路线靠近外滩,其临江一面色调柔 和而颇有历史感,与对岸的现代建筑形成鲜明 对比。在那一刻,即使有任何挥之不去的夏日暑 气也只会增添一份浪漫气息。
京A Brewpub(幸福村店) 冰镇啤酒 外面越热就越想喝冰爽的啤酒。北京有很 多地方可以买到全球最好喝的精酿啤酒, 包括京A位于幸福村中路上的Brewpub。 京A由两位喜欢喝啤酒的北美老友创建, 该品牌啤酒不断推陈出新,拥有众多拥趸, 这要归功于他们采用优质的当地食材,不 拘一格的搭配和令人惊喜的应季特色菜。 您可以根据自己的喜好,选择醇香的工人 淡色啤酒,或者带有柑橘香气的阿白小麦 啤酒,或者添加有山葵根、老姜的艺妓的 胭脂啤酒(使用酿制清酒常用的红色麴米 发酵而成),或者充满热带水果香气的飞 拳IPA。酒吧里面是很有气氛,但还是到外 面来吧,带上您的啤酒和烤肉,要露天才 够味儿——毕竟是夏天嘛。 >
Clockwise from far left: Test your skills at the Mercedes-Benz All Star Ice Skating Rink; Book in some R&R at the Four Seasons Hotel Spa; Wander the gardens of Shanghai’s Yuehu Sculpture Park; Take pictures with the behemoths at Yuehu Sculpture Park; Unwind with a massage at the Four Seasons
All Star Ice Skating Rink, Shanghai For ice skating
Nothing is cooler than ice – so if you’ve hit boiling point, take yourself to a skating rink. Shanghai has several excellent ones, though the biggest and swankiest option is the All Star Ice Skating Rink at the Mercedes-Benz Arena, on the banks of the Huangpu River. With 1,200 frosty square metres in the arena basement on which to practise your figure-skating twirls or ice-hockey saves, it’s the ideal place to keep cool while still getting a workout. Never skated? Sign up for a lesson: experts train beginners and advancedlevel skaters alike. Afterwards, treat yourself in one of the arena restaurants. Rakumachi serves up fresh sliced sashimi, while Tokyo Dessert offers ice cream – both perfect snacks on a hot day. mercedes-benzarena.com 88
上海全明星滑冰俱乐部 滑冰 没有什么比冰更让人感觉凉爽的了——所 以如果您已经热得受不了了,就到溜冰场 去吧。上海有几个不错的溜冰场,但最大、 最豪华的要属位于黄浦江畔梅赛德斯-奔 驰文化中心的全明星滑冰俱乐部。文化中 心地下室的面积有1,2 0 0平方米,您可以 在此练习您的花样旋转或冰球扑救。这里 是可以让您凉爽和锻炼两不误的理想场 所。从没有滑过冰?可以报名参加培训课 程,无论是初学者还是滑冰高手,总有适 合您的专业教练。滑完冰后,可以到文化 中心的餐厅享用美食。乐町日本料理铁板 烧有新鲜生鱼片,东京甜点则有美味的冰 淇淋——在炎热的夏天,无论哪款都堪称 完美。
Four Seasons Hotel, Beijing For a spa chill-out session
Get a cool-down and a first-class pampering session rolled into one at the Four Seasons Beijing. It might be located in the buzzing, core Chaoyang District – normally sweltering in summer – but the hotel’s spa is a vision of heat-busting serenity, with flickering candles, cool cream marble and slick dark wood. There’s a lengthy window-lined pool in which to plunge for instant refreshment, while the signature Power of Tea Ritual will do plenty to nourish any sundamaged or overheated skin. It starts with a gentle green tea and tea oil exfoliate to slough off dead or dry skin, followed by a cooling bamboo and aloe vera body mask to draw out impurities. It ends with a full body massage, which is guaranteed to whisk you away to properly chilled-out bliss. fourseasons.com
Yuehu Sculpture Park, Shanghai For shady outdoor sculpture (and a beach)
Maybe you want to keep cool, but you’re still desperate to be outside? In which case, make for the Yuehu Sculpture Park, which provides a brilliant day out with patches of shade at the ready. Spot abstract sculptures on the grass, by the water, under trees; stand under towering cut-outs of people, ogle enormous silver balls and stroke stone behemoths. Most summery of all are the sculptures of ladies in bikinis or lazing couples, perched on the sand of the small beach adjoining the park’s lake. Spread out a towel, yank off your shoes and dip your toes in the water – if there’s one way to cool off, it’s by joining them. >
上海月湖雕塑公园 阴凉的户外雕塑(和沙滩)
北京四季酒店 水疗休闲 在北京四季酒店,您可以享受凉爽的氛围 和一流的呵护体验。虽然酒店位于朝阳熙 熙攘攘的核心区,夏天通常很闷热,但酒 店的水疗中心却是一处凉爽宁静的所在, 闪烁的烛光映在凉爽的奶油色大理石和 光滑的深色木质装饰上。这里有一个长长 的带窗户的游泳池,跃入其中就立即享受 到凉爽,而招牌的Power of Tea Ritual 水疗则可以充分滋养任 何受到日晒伤害 的肌肤。首先,用温和的绿茶和茶油去除 死皮或干燥的皮肤,然后用凉爽的竹子和 芦 荟身 体面膜 吸出杂质,最 后以全身按 摩结束,为您带来舒适放松的极致体验。
也许您又想凉快又想待在外面?如果是这 样的话,那就去月湖雕塑公园吧,这里有 成片的阴凉让您凉爽一整天。草地上、湖 水边、大树下,到处都是抽象的雕塑,既有 高大的人物雕塑,也有许多的银球和石头 巨兽。最让人有夏天的感觉的是在公园中 湖边沙滩上穿着比基尼的美女或慵懒的 情侣的雕塑。拿出毛巾,脱掉鞋子,把脚 趾浸入水中——如果只有一种方法来保持 凉爽,那就是融入其中。 >
Ice Monster, Beijing For scoffable ice cream
When temperatures are peaking, throw that diet out the window – it’s time to tuck into an ultra-creamy, indulgent cone at one of Beijing’s many first-rate ice cream shops. Few places in the city make the cold stuff better – or more elaborate – than Ice Monster, a Taiwanese import that’s best-known for serving up heaping bowls of flavoured ice, fruit and ice cream. Go exotic, tucking into concoctions of peanut, almond, matcha, lychee and mango – topped with delicate iced ruffles – or stay classic with strawberry, melon or chocolate sorbet. Dessert soups, in flavours such as purple rice taro porridge, are on tap too, but we say take away frozen handmade sesame dumplings to enjoy later: they’re the perfect instant heat relief when you’re pounding along the hot pavement home. ice-monster.com
北京冰馆 可口冰淇淋 当夏天温度最高的时候,就不要考虑什么 减 肥了—— 是时候 在北京众多最受欢迎 的冰淇淋店中美美地来一份超级无敌 好 吃的冰淇淋。在北京,很少有比冰馆更好 或更精致的冰品店了。冰馆是一个来自台 湾的品牌,主打各种口味的霜淇淋、水果 冰沙和冰淇淋——可以来点有特色的,加 入花生、杏仁、抹茶、荔枝和芒果等,最后 加上精致的冰褶;或者就来点普通的,加 入草莓、甜瓜或巧克力冰沙。您也可以点一 份紫米芋头粥等口味的甜点汤。我们推荐 外带一份冷冻的手工芝麻饺子——当您走 在炎热的回家路上时,吃上几口立马让您 暑气全消。
The Westbund Hotel, Shanghai For the coolest new hotel opening
It’s not all about the temperature, you know. If you want to hang with the coolest crowd this summer, make your way to The Westbund Hotel, Shanghai’s swankiest new hotel opening. Perched on the riverfront, it has a slick all-glass facade befitting of the newly sexy neighbourhood of West Bund. Inside it’s even better, with marbled bathrooms and metallic hues; a swanky 25-metre-long tiled infinity pool lined with windows; and four different restaurants ranging from a modern Cantonese spot to a tea lounge modelled after London’s famous English Tea Room at Brown’s Hotel. To top it all off, there’s a spectacular Rocco Forte spa: within its 725 square metres, you’ll find a salt inhalation room, nail salon and spa bar dishing up vegan cuisine. roccofortehotels.com
上海罗克福特西岸酒店 新开业的最酷酒店 您知道,这不仅仅与夏天的温 度有关。 如果想在今年夏天与最酷的人们一起度 过,那么就请前往上海全新开业的、最 豪华的罗克福特西岸酒店吧。这家酒店 坐落于黄浦江畔充满活力的西岸地区, 有着全玻璃流线型外观。酒店内部更是 豪华,有大理石浴室,大量使用金属装 饰;一个25米长的时髦无边泳池,可以 透过池边的窗户远眺;还有四间不同风 格的餐厅,既有现代风格的粤式餐厅,也 有一间仿英式的风格茶室(仿伦敦著名 的布朗酒店)。最重要的是,这里有一个 令人惊叹的水疗中心,面积达725平米, 设有盐疗室、美甲沙龙和果汁吧等。
Clockwise from top left: Be amazed by the arrival lounge at the Westbund Hotel; Marbled bathrooms are a feature at The Westbund Hotel, Shanghai; Take a break from reality at the incredible Rocco Forte spa; Feel right at home at the Westbund Hotel; Make a quick trip to Ice Monster for the best shaved ice-cream
Power. Strength. Luck. Presenting The Jewelled Dragon Meticulously hand-set with spectacular pink diamonds, this exceptional 10oz pure gold coin showcases rare treasures from two Western Australian icons – Argyle Pink Diamonds and The Perth Mint. Resplendent in oriental symbolism, the glittering collectable is surmounted by a threedimensional portrayal of a dragon, the most revered creature in ancient Chinese mythology. Honouring traditional depictions of the legendary being and its ancient association with the auspicious number nine, the dragon is exquisitely hand-set with 117 rare Argyle pink diamonds representing its scales. To complete this precious masterpiece, The Jewelled Dragon features a beautiful Muzo emerald as its eye. Limited edition of nine | AUD $179,000 each Discover more at www.perthmint.com/Jewelled-Dragon or call +(61 8) 9421 7326
Higher Life
Perpetual motion
The Langematik Perpetual displays the correct date every day until the year 2100. A 100-watch limited special edition of the proven self-winding calibre with the Zero-Reset mechanism is now available with a case in honey gold. Used exclusively by A Lange & Söhne, the material is strictly reserved for selected models. It’s particularly hard and robust, and thus complements the lasting validity of the perpetual calendar. watchswiss.com/brands/a-lange-sohne L A N G E M AT I K P E R P E T UA L可每日显 示 正确 的日期, 直至210 0年才须校正。此款特别版腕表搭载久经考验的 自动上链机芯和专利归零装置,现备有限量100枚的蜂蜜 金表壳款。蜂蜜金是朗格的独家材质,专为精选表款而设, 格外坚固耐用,与万年历长久可靠的性能相辅相成。
Most wanted
Crowd favourite Patek Philippe has united two of their highly prized complications, the self-winding flyback chronograph and annual calendar, in the 5905R watch. A cut above the rest, this new version features a rose gold case and brown sunburst dial, which grades to black at the periphery. POA, patek.com/en 百达翡丽的5905R腕表备结合了备受 鉴赏家好评的自动上弦飞返计时和年 历两大复杂功能。作为百达翡丽的上 佳之作,现推出的为全新玫瑰金表壳 款,搭配棕色日辉纹表盘,边缘渐变 至黑色。价格请垂询。
A testament to Louis Vuitton’s craftsmanship, the Calligram mink scarf is the perfect accessory to take you from day to night. Each of the black letters of the Louis Vuitton signature are cut from the finest mink, and then inlaid in the beige background. A luxurious statement piece for the fashionista inside all of us. $7,300, au.louisvuitton.com
Spice up your outerwear with this daring coat from Mother of Pearl. The pearl details make this coat the perfect day-to-night accessory; worn tied up over jeans, or open with an evening gown underneath. Shop Mother of Pearl exclusively at Parlour X. $1,585, parlourx.com
尽显 路易威 登 之 工艺,此 款 C A L L I G R A M 水 貂 毛 围巾既 适合 特 殊 场 合 造 型,亦 可 在 日常生 活 中 佩 戴 。米 色 水 貂 毛中 镶 有黑色 LOUIS VUITTON字样,每一个字母均由上等水 貂毛裁制而成。你我都是时尚达人,这就是我 们的奢华宣言。售价7,300澳元。
ADD SOME SPARKLE Your outfit will always be complete when you’re donning this extraordinary 11 carat cushion cut sapphire from Hardy Brothers Jewellers. Handcrafted with exuberant detail, deep colour and a distinctive architectural silhouette, this piece reflects what the jeweller is known for: an ongoing commitment to creating the finest and most coveted objets d’art. POA, hardybrothers.com.au 当你戴上HARDY BROTHERS JEWELERS这款非凡的11克 拉垫形蓝宝石时,你的“装备”才算完整。这款宝石采用手 工制作,有着充满生气的细节、深沉的颜色和独特的建筑 轮廓,完美体现了这家珠宝商的追求——致力于打造最精 美、最值得入手 的艺术品。价格请垂询。
来自MOTHER OF PEARL的这款外套设计大 胆,是外套中的一抹靓丽色彩,其珍珠配饰更是 令其堪称百搭:可以系上扣子,搭配牛仔裤;或 者不系扣子,搭配晚礼服。MOTHER OF PEARL PARLOUR X专卖,售价1,585澳元。
New kid on the block
Gucci is making a case for the latest “it” bag. The Gucci Zumi is the perfect fusion of structured silhouette and refined hardware. Combining two House motifs, Alessandro Michele’s latest collection is one that will last the test of time. Small top handle bag, $4,210, gucci.com/au 古驰正在为其最新的“时尚手包”造势。突破传 统的造型与精致的五金配件在GUCCI ZUMI系 列中相得益彰,两种颇具辨识度的品牌元素合 二为一,亚历山德罗·米凯莱(ALESSANDRO MICHELE)的最新系列定能经得起时间的考验。 小号手提包,售价4,210澳元。
Pop of colour Be bold this winter and let your accessories speak for themselves by embracing Prada’s colourful collection. The Cahier leather shoulder bag is one of the brand’s most covetable bags, and it’s no secret why. With gold hardware and a selection of nine different colours, be prepared to give your outfit a lift with this sophisticated yet fun design. $4,050, prada.com.au 今年冬天,入手普拉达多彩单肩包系列,勇敢为自己代 言。CAHIER皮革单肩包是人们最渴望入手的普拉达包包 之一,这已不是什么秘密。该系列单肩包采用金色五金配件, 共有九种不同颜色可供选择,其精致而有趣的设计让你的 装束更上一层楼。售价4,050澳元。
Overnight boost Dryness and dehydration are the most dreaded consequences of the winter chill and Murad is changing that with its new Night Fix Enzyme Treatment. The overnight treatment supports natural skin repair to give you renewed and healthier-looking skin. $110, murad.com.au 干燥和脱水是寒冷的冬季带来的最可怕的 后果,而MURAD则正在以其全新夜间修复 肌底液改变这种状况。这款夜间修复肌底 液可对肌肤进行自然修复,让肌肤重新焕发 活力,闪耀健康光泽。售价110澳元。
Fit for royalty The best way to finish off an outfit is with the perfect fragrance, and you’ll find your new favourite in the Noble Collection by Clive Christian. The six new fragrances range from floral oriental to woody scents and are all topped with Christian’s iconic crown-shaped stoppers. 50mL $629, libertineparfumerie.com.au 打造完美衣着的最后一道程序就是洒上一款完美的香水,而 CLIV CHRISTIAN 的 NOBLE系列将成为你的新宠。该全新系列共 有六款香水,既有东方香调,也有木质香调,均采用CHRISTIAN 标志性的冠状瓶塞。50毫升装售价629澳元。
1. Chloé, $1,616, chloe.com/au 2. Saint Laurent, $1,745, farfetch.com/au 3. Mm6 Maison Margiela, $965, farfetch.com/au 4. Balenciaga, $2,085, parlourx.com 5. Givenchy, $1,950, givenchy.com/apac/en
H I G H E R L I F E // A U T O
Open air magic The Lamborghini Huracán Performante was already a special machine, but take the top away and you get a raging bull with a lot more drama, writes Noelle Faulkner.
Nobody drives Lamborghinis to be quiet. The raging bull brand in itself is theatrical, powerful and fun; Lamborghinis must be fun too. So what happens when you take the Italian super sports car maker’s clever, Nüburgring-record-smashing Huracán Performante coupe and chop the roof off? A whole lot of noise and laugh-out-loud, feelit-in-your-blood fun. The Performante is arguably Lamborghini’s smartest currently available road car, not to mention a huge step up from the original Huracán. It’s more direct, has less understeer and possesses a better, seemingly more stable 4-wheel-drive system. But there’s also a lot of wizardry going on under its toughlooking shell. Some of this might include the optional active geared steering, which, when in the dynamic Sport and Corsa modes, means you don’t have to move the wheel as far. It might also look to Lamborghini’s new-generation magnetic active dampers, which seem to have psychic powers in themselves. But the real magic is in this little beast’s active aerodynamics. From the outside, all those deep-cut angles, geometric lines and the tall, carbon fibre wing make for a mean, aggressive stance. But they’re there for a scientific reason. Lamborghini’s “Aerodynamica Lamborghini Attiva” (or ALA, as it’s stamped on the car) is highly technical, though it can be explained simply as a family of motorised flaps that allow air to pass through parts of the car to reduce drag or increase downforce. Impressively, this means air can pass through the front and up and out of the hollow rear wing. The flaps can even work independently, should you need more downforce on one side, like when cornering. All this makes for not only an incredibly thrilling and capable drive, but also a sprint of 0 to 100km/h in 3.2 seconds. The Spyder is stiffer and heavier than its hard-top sibling – that electronic soft top has to go somewhere – but it’s also packed with much more drama, and to be fair, drama that can be created at low speeds on public roads. On the coupe, you can see the thirsty, naturally aspirated 5.2L V10 engine through a window on the outside, but on the Spyder – you feel it. Every growl and pop and surge of combustion is funnelled audibly through the cabin to the delight of anyone inside. So when pooled with the vision that a Spyder allows, the 470kW (640HP)/600Nm of power, torque and the sharp 7-speed dual clutch performance of this highly proficient car, you’ve got a perfect storm for what is arguably the most sensory experience one can have in a readily available road car. Some might even call it witchcraft. 96
H I G H E R L I F E // A U T O
露天魔术 兰博基尼HURACÁN PERFORMANTE超跑已属非凡,敞篷版 更能让您体会到这头狂暴公牛的另一种激情,诺艾尔·福克纳 (NOELLE FAULKNER)如是说道。
SPECS Engine: 5.7-litre naturally aspirated V10 Max power: 470kW @ 8,000rpm Max torque: 600Nm @ 6,500rpm Transmission: Eightspeed automatic, RWD Kerb weight: 1,507kg 0-100: 3.2 seconds Fuel economy: 14.1L/100km Price: From $532,635 ($634,695 as tested)
开兰博基尼的人绝对不是为了享受一份安静。这个以 狂暴公牛为形象的品牌本身就是气势十足、强悍而充 满乐趣,所以兰博基尼的驾乘体验必然趣味多多。那 么,HURACÁN PERFORMANTE这款把纽伯格林赛 道纪录粉碎的意大利双门超跑的敞篷版又如何呢? 你可以在一波波的声浪中恣意畅笑、驰骋开怀,全身 心地感受那份油然而生的乐趣。 可以说,PERFORMANTE是兰博基尼目前最智能 的公路车,更不用说这款车型还是原来HURACÁN车 型的升级版。它更直接,转向响应更为灵敏,拥有更好、 更稳定的四轮驱动系统。在它看起来十分坚实的外 壳下还隐藏着很多魔法,其中包括可加装的主动转向 系统——当处于运动和赛道模式时,您不必大幅转动 方向盘即可轻松转向。此外,还有兰博基尼新一代磁 性有源阻尼器,其本身似乎就有通灵能力。但是真正 的魔力还是这台小野兽的主动空气动力学系统。其棱 角分明的外观、犀利的车身线条和高大的碳纤维尾翼, 无不透露着睥睨一切、志在必得的一种姿态,但这样 的设计是有科学根据的。兰博基尼的“主动空气动力 学系统” (车上印有的“ALA”字样)堪称秘密武器,可
以简单 地解释为 一系列电动副翼,允 许空气穿过汽车的某些 部分以减少阻力或增加下压力。这着实令人印象深刻, 因为这意味着空气可以穿过前进气口,最终从空心后 翼中流出。如果在转弯时需要更多的下压力,副翼甚 至可以独立工作。所有这一切不仅能够让您体验极为 刺激的驾乘快感,并且能够在3.2秒内就可以达到100 公里的时速。 敞篷版SPYDER比硬顶版价格更高,并且由于增加 了电子液压软质顶篷质量也更重,也更有激情,即使 低速开在公路上依然令人兴奋不已。您可以通过车身 的窗口看到硬顶版的5.2升自然吸气V10发动机,但如 果置身敞篷版SPYDER中,您还可以真实地感觉到发 机的震撼。发动机的每一次咆哮、轰鸣和燃烧都能清 晰地传到车内,让人血脉偾张。技术纯熟的敞篷版 SPYDER采用高性能7速双离合,最高功率达470千瓦 (640马力),最大扭矩达600牛米,让您在风驰电掣之 间获得无与伦比的完美感官体验,以至于有人称之为 兰博基尼的“魔力之作”。
H I G H E R L I F E // W I N E
Winter essential
Celebrate one of Australia’s most revered wineries this cool season with its exclusive vintage collection. Elyssa Kostopoulos sits down with Penfolds senior winemaker, Emma Wood.
“There is undoubtedly a bottle to suit everyone’s taste buds, and trust us: you will want to try them all” As the winter season begins to settle in, is there anything more comforting than sitting around a warm fire with an exceptional glass of red wine in hand? Luckily for you, Australia is home to one of the most celebrated winemakers in the world: Penfolds. It’s a company grounded in experimentation, curiosity and uncompromising quality. This foundation has been the driving force behind Penfolds becoming an Australian staple. 98
Now commemorating its 175-year milestone and recently being awarded “world’s most admired wine brand” by Drinks International for the second time, Penfolds is paying homage to its greatest innovators with the limited-edition Tribute Range. Featuring four South Australian wines from the 2016 and 2017 vintages, each bottle celebrates the continued legacy that Ray Beckwith, Max Schubert and founders Mary and Christopher Penfold have created.
This is the first collection from Penfolds that has been created and named after a winemaker. Designed with its iconic black bottle and striking red top, Tribute recognises the pioneers that changed the course of direction of the company and pushed liquid development to new heights. The Esteemed Creator – a wine dedicated to Max Schubert, the first chief winemaker at Penfolds and the creator of Australia’s most iconic red, Penfolds Grange – is a celebration of the quintessential Australian blend. The most expensive wine in the collection, this particular drop is one that will stand the test of time. “This wine had to exude Penfolds’ house style, so we selected fruit from the Barossa Valley and Coonawarra regions,” says Emma Wood, Penfolds senior winemaker. “The 2016 vintage was particularly strong in the Barossa and Coonawarra, and at classification the parcels were recognised as being worthy of the namesake wine.” Other wines in the collection include The Noble Explorer, a full-bodied 2017 Shiraz tributed to Dr Christopher Penfold, the founding father of Penfolds who planted the first vines in Magill Estate back in 1844. The Commander In Chief, meanwhile, recognises Mary Penfold, the original leading lady of Penfolds, who assumed complete responsibility for the winery in 1870. The wine, which champions opulent red shiraz fruits and cabernet sauvignon tannins, is a testament to her progressive and determined nature. Lastly, The Creative Genius, dedicated to Dr Ray Beckwith, is a classic 2017 South Australian cabernet sauvignon. As one of the founding fathers of the modern Australian wine industry, Ray discovered the use of pH in preventing wine spoilage. With flavours that range from fruity aromas to classic savoury notes with hints of oak, there’s undoubtedly a bottle to suit everyone’s taste buds. And trust us: you will want to try them all.
H I G H E R L I F E // W I N E
冬季必备佳酿 正值澳大利亚最具声望的酒庄175周年庆典之际,他们 在这个冰爽季节推出专属年份系列葡萄酒。
WINE NOTES 1. The Esteemed Creator shiraz cabernet 2016, $500 2016年份The Esteemed Creator设 拉子赤霞珠干红葡萄酒,建议零售价 500.00澳元 2. The Noble Explorer shiraz 2017, $40 2017年份创始臻选设拉子干红葡萄 酒,建议零售价40.00澳元 3. The Commander In Chief shiraz cabernet 2017, $40 2017年隽英臻酿设拉子赤霞珠干红葡 萄酒,建议零售价40.00澳元 4. The Creative Genius cabernet sauvignon 2017, $40 2017年份集智臻享赤霞珠干红葡萄 酒,建议零售价40.00澳元
随着冬季的到来,还有什么比坐在温暖的火炉边, 一杯美酒在手更令人惬意的呢?幸运的是,澳大利亚 是世界上最著名的酒庄之一——奔富酒庄的所在地。 奔富酒庄一直不断尝试,不断创新,对品质毫不妥 协,这也是奔富酒庄能够成为澳大利亚最著名的酒 庄的推动力。 今年正值酒庄成立175周年,加之最近奔富酒 庄也第二次被《DRINKS INTERNATIONAL》评为 “全 球 最受推崇葡萄酒品牌”,为此,奔富酒庄推 出限量版礼赞系列,向酒庄历史上最伟大的创新 者致敬。该系列包括2016年份和2017年份的四款 南澳大利亚州葡萄酒,旨在颂扬雷·贝维茨(RAY BECKWITH)、麦克斯·舒伯特(MAX SCHUBERT) 和酒庄创始人玛丽·奔富(MARY PENFOLD)及克 里斯托弗·奔富(CHRISTOPHER PENFOLD)创造 的不变传统。 礼赞系列是奔富酒庄首个以酿酒师的名字命名 的系列,采用标志性的黑色瓶身和引人注目的红色 瓶盖设计,旨在对改变公司发展方向并将葡萄酒酿 制推向新高度的先驱者表达赞颂。 “THE ESTEEMED CREATOR”是专为麦克斯·舒 伯特而打造。麦克斯·舒伯特是奔富首任首席酿酒 师,也是澳大利亚最具标志性的红葡萄酒葛兰许 的创造者, “THE ESTEEMED CREATOR”就是专
门写给这款澳大利亚典型葡萄酒混酿的一首赞歌。 作为礼赞系列中最昂贵的葡萄酒,THE ESTEEMED CREATOR定能经得起时间的考验。 “ 这 款 葡 萄 酒 必 须 要 充 分 体 现 奔 富 的“ 酒 庄 风 格 ”,所 以 我 们 选 用了 芭 萝 莎 谷 和 库 纳 瓦 拉 地区的葡萄。”奔富酒庄高级酿 酒师艾玛·伍德 (EMMA WOOD)说。 “芭萝莎谷和库纳瓦拉地区 2016年份的葡萄酒成色极佳,不负其产区的盛名。” 该系列中的其他葡萄酒包括“创始臻选”,这是 一款饱满酒体的2017年份设拉子干红葡萄酒,旨在 向奔富酒庄创始人克里斯托弗·奔富博士致敬,他 于1844年在MAGILL ESTATE种下了第一批葡萄藤。 “隽英臻酿”则是向奔富酒庄原女主人玛丽·奔 富的致敬之作,她于1870年接管了整个酒店。赤霞 珠单宁的美好构架感支撑着红色设拉子丰富的果 香,是对她积极进取的态度和对酿酒事业的决心的 最佳褒奖。 最后一款“集智臻享”则是一款经典的2017年 份南澳大利亚州赤霞珠,专为雷·贝克维兹博士而 酿制。作为现代澳大利亚葡萄酒行业的创始人之一, 他发现了可以利用PH技术防止葡萄酒变质。 从浓郁的果香到带有橡木气味的经典甜美香气, 毫无疑问总有一款能够适合您的口味。相信我们, 所有这四款葡萄酒均值得品鉴。 99
H I G H E R L I F E // S I H H S P E C I A L
高级腕表是瑞士最大的出口 产品之一,而1月份在日内瓦举 办的日内瓦国际高级钟表展则 是一年当中钟表行业最重要 的盛会之一。腕表成为了人们 讨论的主题。 Fine watches are one of Switzerland’s biggest exports, and the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie, held in January in Geneva, is one of the most important industry events of the year. Here are the watches that had people talking.
Vacheron Constantin Drops the Beat
The Stylish Santos
CARTIER’S SANTOS DUMONT IS AS SLIM AS IT IS STYLISH Cartier’s revamped Santos was one of last year’s hottest watches. This year the maison doubled down with the addition of the slender Santos Dumont. A restrained tribute to the original watch made for the pioneering aviator, the design has barely changed in the last century. Except for the addition of the high autonomy, highly accurate quartz movement, that is.
Vacheron Constantin Traditionnelle Twin Beat Perpetual Calendar True Beat, POA 江诗丹顿Traditionnelle传承 系列双重芯率万年历腕表 真秒腕表,价格请垂询
卡地亚Santos Dumont腕表 即时尚又纤薄
精心改 进 后的 Sa nto s系列是 去年最 热门 的 腕 表 之一。今年,卡 地 亚再 接 再励,新 添纤薄款Santos D umont 腕表。Santos D umont系列腕表最 初是为纪念桑托斯·达蒙特(Santos Dumont)这位先锋飞行员,其设计在 过去一个世纪几乎没有变化。这款腕 表除了具有较长的上链续航时间外,还 采用了高精度的石英机芯。 100
Yes, it’s a perpetual calendar, but that’s not even close to the coolest thing about Vacheron Constantin’s Traditionnelle Twin Beat Perpetual Calendar. No, the real star of the show is the Twin Beat. This innovative system is a dual oscillator balance system, one with a rate of 5Hz, and the other 1.2Hz, and the wearer is easily able to select which one is in use – the higher rate on the wrist and the lower at rest. The result? A watch with up to a whopping 65 days of power reserve. Handy if you don’t fancy resetting that complicated calendar.
Cartier Santos Dumont, $7,850 卡地亚Santos Dumont系 列腕表,售价7,850澳元
是的,这是一款万年历腕表,但这与江 诗丹顿Traditionnelle传袭系列双重芯 率万年历腕表最惊艳之处还相去甚远, 双重芯率才是其真正的亮点。这种创新 系统采用双重振荡器平衡设计,一个芯 率为5Hz,另一个为1.2Hz,而且佩戴者 可以轻松知道现在是哪种芯率—— 佩 戴时为高芯率,不戴时为低芯率。结果 如何呢?这款腕表的动力储备达到惊 人的65天。如果不想重新设置那个复 杂的万年历,这个功能太方便实用了。
H I G H E R L I F E // S I H H S P E C I A L
Old World Charms
Piaget Possession, $49,400
伯爵Possession腕表, 售价49,400澳元
Baume & Mercier impressed last year with its first foray into the world of in-house in the form of the Baumatic movement, which boasts a very impressive five days of power reserve. This year saw the base calibre receive an upgrade in the form of a perpetual calendar. And while the insides are impressive, the exterior measures up too, with its historically inspired red gold case and a rich white lacquer dial – crisp, clean, and a joy to look at.
Positively Possessed
PIAGET’S POPULAR WOMEN’S WATCH GETS ICY Piaget’s Possession, with its partytrick freely rotating outer bezel, is already an attractive watch. Case it in a 34mm white gold case – packed with 181 brilliant-cut diamonds on the case and a further 239 stones on the fully pavé-set dial for a total weight of 3.33 carats – on an opulent pink alligator strap and you’ve got a piece that’s as stunning as it is radiant.
伯爵 颇受欢 迎 的 女 性 手表更加高贵
去年,名士首次推出搭载Baumatic机 芯的腕表就令人印象深刻,其动力储备 长达5天。今年,在这款机芯的基础上, 又升级新加了万年历功能。这款腕表不 但机芯令人印象深刻,表壳也是如此。复 古风格的红金表壳搭配亮白色漆面表盘, 清爽而干净,观感令人十分愉悦。 Baume & Mercier Clifton Baumatic Perpetual Calendar, $34,800 名士克里顿系列Baumatic万年历腕 表,售价34,800澳元
仅仅 是可自由旋转的 表 圈 ,就 已 经 让 伯 爵 Possession腕表极具 吸引力。这款腕表采用 34毫米白金表壳,上面 镶嵌着181颗明亮式切 割钻石,另外还有239 颗宝石镶嵌在全密镶表 盘 上,总 重 达3. 3 3克拉, 搭 配 华丽的粉红色 鳄鱼 皮 表带,闪耀出彩,让您成为众人 眼中的焦点。
The Sweet Escape
HIGH SUGAR HOROLOGY FROM RICHARD MILLE Richard Mille is known for its astonishing (and astonishingly complex) racing machines for the wrist. Incredible tourbillons, feather light cases made from space age materials; nothing is out of the question. Which is what made this year’s candy-themed collection so surprising. All the highend hallmarks are there, but there are also some really real-looking miniature sculptures of liquorice and fruit lollies. And that’s pretty sweet.
理查德·米勒令人惊艳的复杂功能赛车 腕表早已闻名遐迩。令人难以置信的陀 飞轮、太空时代材料制成的轻如羽毛的 表壳,在理查德·米勒,没有什么是不 可能的。于是,今年推出的糖果主题系 列腕表同样令人叫绝。除了所有的高科 技元素,也有一些非常真实的微雕甘草 糖和水果冰棒,甜蜜之意不言而喻。 101
H I G H E R L I F E // S I H H S P E C I A L
Montblanc Goes Green
LAST YEAR’S POPULAR TWOTIMER GETS A MAKEOVER The 1858 collection is, according to Montblanc, all about the spirit of exploration and adventure. This ethos is neatly summed up in the 1858 Geosphere, a novel take on a favourite travel complication – the GMT. This version shows both hemispheres on the dial, and features a striking ceramic compass bezel. And on this year’s version, all these details are in glorious green. It’s the perfect counterpoint for the bronze case.
据万宝龙所述,其1858系列旨在弘扬 探索和冒险的精神。万宝龙1858系列 Geosphere世界时腕表集中体现了这 一宗旨,将这款最受欢迎的旅行复杂功 能款腕表之一再次升华。这款腕表的 表盘上显示有两个半球,采用陶瓷指 南针表圈,非常夺人眼球。在今年的表 款中,所有上述细节均采用光彩夺目的 绿色设计,与青铜表壳形成完美搭配。
Cut ting Edge Ceratanium
IWC’S PILOT’S WATCH TAKES OFF WITH A BRAND NEW MATERIAL IWC is flying high this year with a collection dedicated entirely to its popular series of Pilot’s watches. And while there’s something for all tastes, one of the hottest releases has to be the blacked-out Top Gun Double Chronograph. This stealthy style hasn’t been achieved by coating a base metal, or even black ceramic, but rather by using a proprietary material called Ceratanium, which is a ceramic titanium mix that offers the best of both worlds: lightweight and tough like titanium, hard and scratch-resistant like ceramic.
万国表今年出了“大招”,其备受欢迎的飞行员系列腕表 再添新成员。虽然所有全新表款让人爱不释手,但其中 最惊艳的非TOP GUN双秒追针计时腕表莫属。这是因为 其镀层采用的不是基础金属,不是黑色陶瓷,而是一种 名为瓷化钛金属的专利材料。瓷化钛金属是陶瓷和钛的 混合物,集两者的优点于一身:同钛金属一样质量轻盈 且不易损坏,同时又如陶瓷一样坚硬、耐刮。 1 02
IWC Pilot’s Watch Double Chronograph Top Gun Ceratanium, $19,000 (indicative) 万国表飞行员系列Top Gun瓷化钛金 属双秒追针计时腕表, 售价19,000澳元(指导价)
Dazzling Rendez-Vous Night & Day, POA 约会系列日夜显示珠宝腕表, 价格请垂询
Shine On
THIS DAZZLING JAEGERLECOULTRE LIVES UP TO ITS NAME There’s a popular phrase that expresses a sentiment of fully committing to something: go big or go home. It’s a lesson Jaeger-LeCoultre has taken to heart with the Dazzling Rendez-Vous Night & Day. We’ve seen most of the elements of this chic women’s watch before – the timeless shape, the complicated dial and that romantic day-night indicator. But what’s completely new are the 126 diamonds on the bezel of the watch, in a completely new prong setting, which allows for more of the stone to be seen, equalling maximum dazzle.
人们习惯说, “全身心投入”的结果只有 两个——功成名就,或者一败涂地。积 家对此有深刻体会,其约会系列日夜显 示珠宝腕表就是很好的证明。这款时尚 女性腕表的大部分特色我们都均已熟 知——永恒的造型、复杂的表盘和浪漫 的昼夜显示指针。全新系列表款表圈镶 有126颗钻石,采用全新的插却设计,可 以最大限度地展示钻石的炫目光彩。
It 's a Date
JUMPING HOURS, MINUTES AND A DATE. WHAT NEXT!? The Glashütte-based brand A. Lange & Söhne is one of Germany’s most famous watchmakers, and its mighty Zeitwerk is one of its most famous watches, thanks in no small part to the combination of peerless finishing and a bold design that displays the hours and minutes in a digital (but still purely analogue) manner. The Zeitwerk also turned 10 this year, and to celebrate, the brand added a stylish date display in the form of a translucent outer ring, where the current date is highlighted in red. Classy stuff.
跳时、跳分和跳日, 下一个会是什么!
源自德国格拉苏蒂镇(Glashütte)的朗 格是德国最著名的制表商之一,而优雅 的Zeitwerk系列则是他们最著名的腕表 之一,这在很大程度上归功于其无与伦 比的精加工工艺和以数字方式显示时间 的大胆设计(但仍然是纯粹的指针式)。 Zeitwerk系列面世至今已有10年,为了 纪念这一重要时刻,该系列新添半透明 日期显示环设计,以红色突出显示当前日 期。正所谓 “不优雅,不朗格”。
A. Lange & Söhne Zeitwerk Date, POA, 朗格ZeitwerkDate腕表, 价格请垂询
watchswiss.com/ brands/a-lange-sohne
H I G H E R L I F E // S I H H S P E C I A L
Panerai's Deep Dive
A CLASSIC DIVE WATCH IN A CONTEMPORARY CASE The Submersible is the star of Panerai’s 2019 line-up, and there’s a host of new models on offer. One of the most interesting is the PAM00960. It has all the key Submersible details – that unidirectional rotating bezel and the famous crown guard. It’s also smaller than you might expect from Panerai – at 42mm, it makes it a good option for both men and women. It’s made from Carbotech, a high-tech material that also looks quite cool.
沛纳海Deep Dive系列
一款采用现代风格表壳设计的 经典潜水腕表
Submersible系列是沛纳海2019年产 品系列中的明星,推出了许多新款,其 中最有 趣 的 是 PA M 0 0 96 0 。它 拥 有 Submersible系列的所有关键细节—— 单向旋转表圈和沛纳海著名的表冠护 罩。同时,它比您预期的沛纳海尺寸要 小,仅有42毫米,对男士和女士而言均 是不错的选择。这款腕表使用高科技的 Carbotech材料制成,看起来非常酷。
Panerai Submersible Carbotech – 42mm – PAM00960, $25,100 沛纳海Submersible Carbotech系列 42毫米PAM00960腕表, 售价25,100澳元
Full Moon Rising
DOUBLE MOONS, DOUBLE HAPPINESS In 2019, Hermès looks to the skies for inspiration. But it eschewed the bright lights of our celestial sun, preferring instead the cool, mysterious moon. Rather than show us a single, pleasantly smiling man in the moon, Hermès decided on two moons, one for each hemisphere, on the dial at once. But more than that, instead of having the moons rotate around the dial, the Parisian powerhouse decided to create two subdials, for time and date that revolve gracefully around the dial, slowly hiding the moons on the dial. Poetic, as only Hermès can be.
2019年,爱马仕从天空中寻找到灵感。但是,他们有 意地避开光芒闪耀的太阳,最终选择了沉静神秘的 月亮。不同于一般的月相腕表只是让月亮盈亏显露一 角,Arceau L’Heure de La Lune月读时光腕表大方地 让双月相盘展现于表盘之上,能同时显示北半球和南半 球的月相盈亏。更令人叹为观止的是,这家巴黎制表商没 有采用让月亮围绕表盘旋转的设计,而是决定把时间和 日期显示分别放在两个小表盘上。这样,表盘转动时就 会慢慢地挡住月亮,代表着月相的状态,充分展示了爱马 仕的诗意设计。
Hermès Arceau L’Heure de la Lune, POA 爱马仕Arceau L’Heure de La Lune月读时光腕表, 价格请垂询
H I G H E R L I F E // S I H H S P E C I A L
SIHH isn’t the only show in Geneva in January; several other Swiss brands use the time to release some key pieces. For LVMH group brands, this is known as Geneva Days. 日内瓦国际高级钟表展不是1月份在日内瓦举办的唯一展会,其他几个瑞士品牌也会利用这段时间发布一些重磅产品, 对于路威酩轩集团的品牌而言,这就是日内瓦钟表展(Geneva Days)。
TAG Heuer's Technical Tourbillon
TAG Heuer Carrera Calibre Heuer 02T Tourbillon Nanograph, $33,450
The balance spring is the beating heart for a mechanical watch; it regulates the watch and is critical in maintaining accuracy. It’s also – in its traditional metal form – vulnerable to outside factors like gravity and magnetism. The tourbillon, that constantly rotating metal cage, does a lot to counteract the effects of gravity, but is no match for magnetism. Which is where TAG Heuer’s latest innovation – a grown carbon composite spring – comes in. This proprietary process takes silicon technology to the next level, and, in the avant-garde case with its hexagonal dial pattern, looks great while it does so.
Heuer 02T陀飞轮自动计时码表, 售价33,450澳元
摆轮游丝是机械腕表的心脏,对于时间校准及保持精度至 关重要。而传统金属形式的摆轮游丝则容易受重力和磁力 等外部因素的影响。陀飞轮是一个不断旋转的金属笼,可以 很好地抵消重力的影响,但对磁力影响却无能无力。于是, 泰格豪雅就有了采用碳基复合材料这样的全新创意。这种 专有工艺将制表技术提升到了一个新的水平,而且陀飞轮在 设计前卫的六角形表壳中旋转时更是赏心悦目。
The Spirit of Fusion
THE BIG BANG’S CURVY COUSIN NOW COMES IN YELLOW The increasing popularity of Hublot’s tonneau-cased Spirit of Big Bang means that the barrel-shaped model is receiving a range of new case treatments. One of the more striking recent examples is this bold yellow chronograph. Not only is the 42mm case glowing, but it’s also made of sapphire, which gives it a unique appeal – especially when combined with the highly contrasting black dial details.
宇舶表Big Bang系列推出黄色表款
桶状表壳设计的宇舶Spirit of Big Bang腕表采用全新的设 计风格,受到越来越多的人的欢迎。最近最引人注目的例子 之一是这款醒目的黄色计时腕表。42毫米的表壳十分炫酷, 以蓝宝石为材料,搭配黑色的表盘,对比鲜明,非常吸引人 的眼球。
Hublot Spirit of Big Bang Yellow Sapphire, $136,000 宇舶Spirit of Big Bang黄色蓝宝 石腕表,售价136,000澳元
H I G H E R L I F E // W AT C H E S
Watch this space Only 25 years since its re-establishment as a brand, A. Lange & Söhne is an internationally recognised name and is redefining watchmaking the best way it knows how: by never standing still. Elyssa Kostopoulos sits down with managing director, Anne Schaal. 自1994年朗格品牌重新成立以来,这家德国公司仅用25年的时间就已家喻户晓,得到了国 际社会的认可,并且正以不断创新这种他们认为最明智的方式对腕表制作进行重新定义。
In one of its biggest years yet, A. Lange & Söhne is celebrating more than just the beginning of the new horological year. A testament to Walter Lange’s vision, the 2019 Novelties collection is a commemoration of the many milestones achieved, and features a jubilee edition of the brand’s most recognisable watch, the Lange 1. We sat down with A. Lange & Söhne’s managing director, Anne Schaal, to discuss tradition, the 2019 collection and what we can
expect from the brand in the future. “This year it’s all about marrying tradition with the new elements of the brand,” Schaal says. “People always think everything has already been invented in watchmaking, but that’s not the case, and at A. Lange & Söhne we seem to prove them wrong every single time.”
History repeating
On October 24, 1994, Walter Lange and watch manager Günter Blümlein relaunched A. Lange & Söhne with the now iconic Lange 1 watch as the face of the brand. A huge risk at the time, the watch challenged all other designs in the market. Despite the off-centre dial, and a
如今,瓦尔特·朗格(Walter Lange)愿景 已经成为现实。朗格2019年Novelties系列 旨在致敬其发展历程中的重要里程碑,其 中包括朗格最知名的腕表Lange 1的25周 年纪念款。伊莉莎·科斯托普洛斯(Elyssa Kostopoulos)与朗格董事总经理安妮·沙 尔(Anne Schaal)就朗格的传统、2019年 全新系列以及朗格品牌未来的发展进行了 对话。 “今年,朗格的重心是实现传统与创新的 完美结合。人们总是认为制表行业已经不需 要什么创新了,但事实并非如此,因为朗格 似乎每次都能证明他们是错的。”沙尔说。
历史重演 1994年10月24日,瓦尔特·朗格和钟表管理 人君特·布吕莱恩(Günter Blümlein)推 出现在已经成为朗格经典之作的LANGE 1 腕表,使朗格再次回到人们的视野中。当时, 这款腕表在推出时面临着巨大的风险,因 为它是对市面上所有其他表款设计的一大 挑战。尽管偏心表盘和日期显示比其他任 何一款腕表都要大20%,但“非主流”的 Lange 1很快就受到了收藏者的青睐。 “今年(2019年)每个月的24日,我们都 将推出一款新的特别版Lange 1腕表,一直 到10月。最终,我们将总共推出10款精美的 Lange 1腕表,全部采用白色K金揭盖搭配 深蓝色手工缝线鳄鱼皮表带的设计。当然, 每款均略有不同。” 今年日内瓦国际高级钟表展上特别值得 一提的一款是Zeitwerk Date,这是第一款 具有日期功能的数字机械腕表。Zeitwerk 是朗格历史上的另一个颠覆性设计。10年 后,Zeitwerk已被证明是朗格产品开发人员 和制表师面临的最大挑战和机遇。 “想到Zeitwerk的最初设计,将日期显 示整合进去是一个相当大的挑战,但安东 尼·德·哈斯(Anthony de Haas)和他的 团队直面挑战并成功实现这一功能,于是
H I G H E R L I F E // W AT C H E S
date indication that was 20 per cent larger than any other, the unconventional Lange 1 quickly became a collector’s item. “On the 24th of every month up until October, we will present a new variant of the Lange 1. At the end, we will have showcased 10 beautiful Lange 1s, all in white gold with dark blue, hand成功之钥 朗格在这样一个“年轻的年纪”就已奠定了 stitched alligator leather straps. But each of them, 在制表领域的超高地位并没有秘密可言。最 of course, is a little bit different,” Schaal says. Also receiving a special mention at this 近,朗格被评为澳大利亚第三大最受认可的 腕表品牌,有三大特色支柱使其从众多竞争 year’s SIHH was the Zeitwerk Date – the first 对手中脱颖而出。 mechanical wristwatch with a digital indicator. 朗格十分注重传统,其生产的碗表至今 Another disruptive design in the brand’s history, 仍然保留着朗格创始人费尔迪南多·阿道夫· 10 years on the Zeitwerk has proven to be the 朗格(Ferdinand Adolph Lange)于1864 greatest challenge, and opportunity, for A. Lange 年获得专利的元素。你只需转动手表即可看 & Söhne’s product developers and watchmakers. 到朗格计时的典型标志——3/4夹板(由未 “When you think about the original design 经处理的德国银制成,这是一种具有高稳 of the Zeitwerk, it’s quite a challenge to integrate 定性和耐腐蚀性的材料)。 a date indication, but Anthony de Haas “我认为,朗格所达到的高度毫无疑问取 challenged his team to make it happen, and now 决于我们的工艺。我们的制表师将每一支腕 we have this iconic model with the ring-shaped 表组装两次,只有在第二次组装时,我们才 date display,” Schaal says. 能使用抛光黄金套筒、蓝色螺丝以及在3/4 “I believe this collection, and the Zeitwerk 夹板上可以看到的华丽罗纹等。”安妮说道。 Date in particular, encapsulates exactly what we 朗格坚持以独创为核心,在过去25年中 stand for as watchmakers: sticking to the DNA of 共研发出63款自制机芯。除此之外,朗格自 the watch while still pushing ahead, going one 2003年开始生产自己的游丝,并一直是唯一 step further.” 一家在腕表中使用独特的蜂蜜金的制表商。 那么,朗格未来有什么规划呢?虽然安 Keys to success 妮对朗格的未来不愿多谈,但有一点是肯 It’s no secret how at such a young age, A. Lange & 定的,朗格总会给我们带来意外惊喜。所以, Söhne has secured a top-tier position in the world 请持续关注。 of watchmaking. Recently being ranked as the Watches of Switzerland专卖系列。 third most recognised watch brand in Australia, 现在我们就拥有这款带环形日期显示的 经典款式。” “我认为该系列,特别是Zeitwerk Date, 准确概括了我们作为钟表制造商所代表的 理念——不忘初心、勇于创新、继续前进。”
there are three distinct pillars that continue to set the brand apart from its competitors. Heavily focused on maintaining tradition, the watches A. Lange & Söhne produces today retain elements patented from the company’s founder, Ferdinand Adolph Lange, back in 1864. You only need to turn the watches around to see the threequarter plate, a typical hallmark of A. Lange & Söhne timepieces, made of untreated German silver – a material characterised by high stability and resistance to corrosion. “I think, undoubtedly, we are defined by our craftsmanship. Our watchmakers assemble every watch twice, and it’s only during that second assembly that we apply finishes such as the polished gold chatons, the blue screws and that gorgeous deglassed ribbing you can see on the three-quarter plate,” Schaal says. With ingenuity at its core, A. Lange & Söhne has created 63 calibres in the last 25 years, which are all developed and produced in-house. Alongside this, the brand has manufactured its own balance springs since 2003, and continues to be the only watchmaker to use the unique gold alloy, honey gold, in its watches. So where to next? Although Schaal remains relatively tight-lipped about the brand’s future, one thing is for sure: A. Lange & Söhne has always been known for a good surprise. So stay tuned. Want to see more? You can shop the range exclusively at Watches of Switzerland: watchswiss.com/brands/a-lange-sohne
Clockwise from far left: The Langematik Perpetual in honey gold; Details of the Richard Lange Jumping Seconds; The first Datograph Perpetual Tourbillon in rose gold; The Little Lange 1 model
1 07
H I G H E R L I F E // B E A U T Y
Beauty buzz The latest beauty products you’ll want to get your hands on.
Skin food 营养肌肤
Coming into winter, when your skin is feeling super sensitive, dehydrated and maybe even a little red, turn to Votary Super Seed Nutrient Cream for help. The fragrance-free oil cream will soothe, nourish and protect your skin using 21 nutrient-rich super seed oils including chia, rosehip and calendula. $130, sephora.com.au 进入冬季,如果肌肤感觉到超级敏感、干燥甚至可能有 点泛红,那么就是入手VOTARY超级种子营养霜的时候 了。这款不含香料的精油霜含有21种营养丰富的超级种 子油,包括鼠尾草、玫瑰果和金盏花等,可舒缓、滋养 和保护肌肤。售价130澳元。
Platinum treatment 铂金护理
Clean beauty 洁净之美 This all-natural Caudalie Vinopure Natural Salicylic Acid Pore Minimizing Serum is formulated with the highest concentration of natural salicylic acid. The lightweight gel serum works at purifying pores, zapping blemishes and purging excess oil from the skin. The addition of rosewater works to enhance glow and hydrate the skin. $65, sephora.com.au 这款全天然欧缇丽VINOPURE天然水杨酸毛孔紧致精华 采用最高浓度的天然水杨酸配制而成,质地轻盈,可净化 毛孔,消除瑕疵,清除皮肤多余的油脂。而添加的玫瑰水则 有助于增强肌肤的光泽和水分。售价65澳元。 108
Joining La Prairie’s Platinum Rare family is Cellular LifeLotion. Your first step in your skincare ritual, this essence-inlotion helps boost skin renewal from within by supporting three key detoxification processes by breaking down damaged proteins that impede function, improving the skin’s energy production system and helping the skin fight external stress factors. $895, laprairie.com.au 莱珀妮臻爱铂金系列是护肤新 首选——净莹焕生乳液。这款精 华乳液可分解阻碍肌肤功能的 受损蛋白质,改善肌肤能量生成 系统,帮助肌肤抵抗外部压力因 素,从而对三种关键的排毒过程 形成有力支持,促进肌肤实现由 内而外的新生。售价895澳元。
H I G H E R L I F E // B E A U T Y
Blazing star 闪耀之星 What doesn’t Arcona’s Celestial Activating Essence do? Pure D-Ribose energises the skin, improving the appearance of elasticity and complexion; peptidebased SensAmone helps calm irritated skin; daylight-activated Luminescine blurs fine lines, wrinkles and imperfections; potent antioxidants rose, chamomile and green tea defend against environmental impurities; and Sodium PCS hydrates. A true miracle worker. $78, sephora.com.au 还 有什么是 A R C O N A太 空 焕 活 精 华 不 能 做 的 ?纯 D - 核 糖 为 肌 肤 提 供 能量,改善 弹性 和 肤色;基 于肽 的 SENSAMONE有助于镇静受刺激的皮肤;日光激活 LUMINESCINE可抚平细纹、皱纹和暗纹;强效抗氧 化剂玫瑰、洋甘菊和绿茶,防止环境杂质;碳酸钠水 合物可补水。这是一款真正的全效产品。售价78澳元。
On cloud nine 清爽欣快
Get the most out of your primer by using one that not only helps your make-up stay in place, but also simultaneously works at protecting your skin. Cover FX Water Cloud Primer is a cooling mousse primer that refreshes and defends the skin against pollution and blue light – the light that comes from your desktop, TV and mobile phone screens. $60, sephora.com.au 妆前乳的作用很 大,不仅有助于定妆, 还可以保 护肌 肤。COVE R F X 新水云 妆 前乳是 一 种清爽 型慕 斯 妆 前乳,能 够唤醒和保护肌肤免受污染和蓝光 (即来自电脑、电视和手机屏幕的光线) 损伤。售价60澳元。
Come up roses
Lip service 精致唇妆
Givenchy Le Rouge Perfecto Beautifying Lip Balm is a three-in-one balm that plumps, moisturises and colour boosts. The formula naturally reacts with the pH of your lips for a natural made-to-measure result. Givenchy adds a touch of fashion to this beauty product by encasing the balm in pink genuine leather. $59, sephora.com.au 纪梵希香吻诱惑润色修护美唇膏集丰盈、保湿和增色 三重功效于一身。其配方会与你的嘴唇PH值自然 反应,获得量身定制的天然效果。这款产品 使用粉红色真皮包装,平添一分时 尚气息。售价59澳元。
We’ve all heard of the term flower power, and it’s realised in Peter Thomas Roth Rose Stem Cell Bio-Repair Gel Mask. It uses cutting-edge plant biotechnology to isolate and replicate the perfect rose stem cell of five plants – rose commiphora, desert rose, damas rose, pale rose and white rose – which help diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dehydration and dullness. $73, sephora.com.au 我们都听说过“花之力量”,这在PETER THOMAS ROTH的玫瑰 干细胞生物修复啫喱 面膜中得到了很好的 体现。这款面膜使用 尖端 的植物生物 技 术分离并完美复制五 种玫 瑰(没 药 玫 瑰、 沙漠玫瑰、花缎玫瑰、 洋玫瑰和白玫瑰)的 干细 胞,有助于减 少 肌肤细纹和皱纹以 及脱 水 和黯哑问题。 售价73澳元。
H I G H E R L I F E // S K I N C A R E
Restore, refresh and unwind 我们向Aesop首席客户官苏珊妮·桑托斯(Suzanne Santos)询问了该品牌全新Departure 套装的信息、她有关旅行的绝佳建议,以及如何在下次旅行中进行完美的肌肤护理。 We quizzed Suzanne Santos, chief customer officer at Aesop, about the brand’s new Departure kit, her top travel tips, and how to get the most out of your skincare routine on your next adventure.
Long-haul travel can get the better of us, and the effects it can have on our skin are often not noticeable until, well, they are. We’ve all thought about it, but when we’re about to step onto that 24-hour flight, the last thing we seem to remember to bring onboard is our skincare routine. With air humidity dropping from 40-70 per cent to 20 per cent in cabin, it takes more than your everyday moisturiser to ensure you land looking, and feeling, your best. Thankfully, luxury skincare brand Aesop has come to the rescue with its latest travelfocused collection, Departure. The sevenpiece kit focuses on restoring skin hydration and hygiene during journeys near and far.
Above: The Departure kit includes Blue Chamomile Facial Hydrating Masque, Immediate Moisture Facial Hydrosol, Rosehip Seed Lip Cream, toothpaste, mouthwash, rinse-free hand wash and hand-balm
What types of products do you recommend using during travel, and why? Travel is undoubtedly hard on the skin. Whether I’m on my morning commute or on a long-haul flight, I don’t intend to compromise on hygiene. In a world that demands you keep clean, Resurrection Rinse-Free Hand Wash wards off contagion where there’s no running water – or whenever there’s a five-minute wait to get to a sink. When I finally settle into my seat, one of the first things I do is reach for my Blue Chamomile Facial Hydrating Masque. Its pump dispenser is utterly convenient for application in cramped quarters and should be left on for the duration of the flight, during which it will work silently to replenish moisture. And for those who don’t like the idea of leaving a masque on for hours on end, Immediate Moisture Facial Hydrosol is a godsend to the skin. It can be spritzed on as often as desired to help contend with excessive air conditioning. It does just what the name implies: refresh, revive and soothe parched skin instantly. How do you recommend tending to the body and soothing travel-tired muscles? A tube of nourishing hand balm can be used for onboard massages. You’ve got nowhere to go, so don’t stop at the base
of the hands, but rather take your time to work it into your wrists and forearms. And you don’t need to stretch a great deal to attend to your neck and upper shoulders. Moving your neck side-to-side while massaging with hand balm beats staring stiffly at the onboard entertainment. Any suggestions to make the journey more enjoyable? While onboard, try to keep your laptop in your carry-on if you can, and get lost in a book. I find that when I’m travelling, I tend to enjoy books I wouldn’t normally spend time on when I’m at home. Alternatively, I find it most relaxing to drift off listening to a podcast – BBC’s Desert Island Discs series is fantastic. How do you best ease comfortably into a new locale? Upon arrival, the first thing I do is step into a reviving shower to cleanse the hair and scalp, washing away both grime and fatigue. After that, a neck-to-toe massage is in order with my favourite body balm. Then I set off on foot to explore my new surroundings. It’s a time to stretch your legs, take in the sights and clear the mind. And when evening rolls along, I ease into it by enjoying a nourishing meal alongside a glass of red wine – outside if possible. What better way to enjoy a city?
H I G H E R L I F E // S K I N C A R E
有时候,我们不得不选择长途旅行,而它们对 肌肤的影响在问题出现之前往往不是那么明 显。这个问题我们都考虑过,但是当我们即将 踏上长达24小时的飞行旅程时,似乎我们最容 易忘记的就是我们的日常护肤习惯。当客舱内 空气湿度从40 -70%下降到20%时,日常保湿 产品已经不能确保你在下飞机后会仍然感觉良 好,风采依旧。 值得庆幸的是,奢侈品护肤品牌Aesop最 近推出了其旅行系列Departure。Departure 旅行套装共有七件产品,专注于为长/短途旅行 人士的肌肤保湿和保持肌肤卫生。 你 建 议在 旅 行期 间 使 用哪些类 型 的产品? 原因是什么? 旅行对肌肤而言无疑是个大麻烦。无论是早晨 上班,还是长途飞行,我决不会对肌肤卫生有任 何妥协。现代社会对对清洁有较高的要求,赋 活手部干洗清洁露可以防止没有清水导致的接 触传染,也免去排队等待洁手的烦恼。 当我终于坐到我的座位上时,我做的第一件 事就是拿出我的蓝甘菊保湿面膜。它的按压泵 头非常适合在狭窄空间内使用,并且可以在飞 行期间保持开启,安静地为您补充水分。 对于那些不喜欢长时间敷面膜的人来说,瞬 时保湿喷雾对肌肤来说简直是天赐之物。它可 以根据需要随时喷洒,以应对长时间吹空调对 肌肤的影响。正所谓“物如其名”,这款喷雾可
Below: Head in to your nearest Aesop store to trial Departure and stock up on all-time favourites
你对身 体护理和舒缓因旅行而疲乏的肌肉有 何建议? 可使用尊尚芳香护手霜在旅行中进行按摩。反 正在飞机上无处可去,所以按摩就不要仅仅停 留在手部,花点时间把手腕和前臂也按摩一下。 而且不用费多大劲儿也可以把脖子和肩上部顺 便也按摩了。在用手掌按摩时将颈部左右运动, 避免因一直盯着机载娱乐系统而一动不动。
Bottom: The perfect size for travelling, you can take your Departure kit everywhere you go
你有什么建议能让旅程变得更愉快吗? 如果可以的话,上飞机时尽量随身携带笔记本 电脑,或者带上一本书。我发现在旅行时更喜 欢读在家通常不会读的一些书,而且我发现听 着播客慢慢进入梦乡是最令人放松的。BBC的 《荒岛唱片》(Desert Island Discs)的系列就 非常不错。 如何更好、更舒服地融入新的环境? 抵达后,我做的第一件事就是通过沐浴来恢复 精力,同时清洁头发和头皮,洗去尘垢和疲劳。 之后,用我最喜欢的身体乳霜来个从头到脚的 全身按摩。然后,出发探索新的环境,迈开双腿 四处游览一番,让头脑清静一下。当夜幕降临, 如果可能的话,我会在户外享用一顿丰盛的美 食,外加一杯红葡萄酒——还有什么比这样感 受一座城市更好的方式呢。
Bottega Veneta reboot With a new creative director, Daniel Lee, at the helm of Bottega Veneta, we take a closer look at his first collection: Pre-Fall 2019. 葆蝶家创意总监丹尼尔·李(Daniel Lee) 新官上任,发布了他的第一个系列: Pre-Fall 2019,让我们好好欣赏一下。
aniel Lee is young. At 33, the British designer has a CV that is similar to that of someone who has been in the industry for decades. Lee has previously worked in various roles with design powerhouses like Maison Margiela, Donna Karan, Balenciaga and, most recently, Celine (prior to the arrival of Hedi Slimane). But his biggest role to date is being appointed creative director of luxury Italian fashion house, Bottega Veneta. For his first collection, Pre-Fall 2019, Lee marked his arrival by introducing new styles to the accessories range that echo Bottega Veneta’s 52-year history, but with a modern twist. The signature Bottega Veneta intrecciato leather weave has been blown to macro-size on one of the most exciting bags from the collection, The Arco Bag. The new take on the weave also appeared in pumps and sandals, which already stood out for their square toe. The focus of the collection is the wearability of the pieces. Lee’s
vision for the brand is to create items that focus on an elevated reality of dressing and are made for life. He has combined craftsmanship, modernity and luxurious wearability, which can be seen through the clothes’ generosity. There’s no rigidity to the shapes and silhouettes. The softness is applied to the entire collection. The line between womenswear and menswear is blurred as both play with looser, louche proportions, with some accessories being unisex. The structure in the accessories has also been pared back, taking a minimal and purely architectural approach, using the natural qualities of material to achieve certain effects. Lee has created a Bottega Veneta collection that is for dressing today.
尼 尔·李 很 年 轻 ,只 有 3 3 岁,但 从 这 位 英 国 设 计 师 的 简 历 看 起 来,他 好 像 在 这个 行 业 已 经 待了几十 年 的 时 间 。李 此 前 曾 在 M A I S O N MARGIELA、DONNA KARAN、BALENCIAGA以及最近的 CELINE(艾迪·斯理曼(HEDI SLIMANE)到来之前)等设计 巨头担任过各种职务。但他迄今为止最重要的角色还是意大 利奢侈品时装品牌葆蝶家的创意总监。在他发布的首个系列 PRE-FALL 2019中,李对葆蝶家的配饰系列设计引入了新的风 格,这与葆蝶家52年的历史彼此呼应,但同时又颇具现代特 色,以此作为他到来的标志。 葆蝶家标志性的编织皮革设计在该系列最令人兴奋的一 款手包ARCO BAG中采用超大尺寸设计,这种新的编织方 式也出现在以方尖为特色的浅口鞋和凉鞋上。该系列的重点 放在耐穿性上。李希望为葆蝶家打造出能够提高穿着品味并 且具有实用性的设计,将制作工艺、现代性、奢华感和耐用性 集于一身,这在其慷慨用料上就已充分体现出来。整个系列 的形状和轮廓没有采用僵硬的设计,满满都是一种柔软感。 女装和男装之间的界限很模糊,因为两者都很宽松,比例异 乎寻常,一些配饰甚至男女皆宜。配饰也采用最小化的纯粹 结构方式进行匹配,使用材料的自然特性来实现某些效果。 李为葆蝶家打造的这一系列非常贴近生活。
New classic Say hello to the Marie, your new “every day” bag. An elegantly modern shoulder bag with a precise squared silhouette, the Marie is like many of Lee’s bags this season, featuring hardware that’s unique to the style and inspired by decorative brass elements found in Milanese palazzi of centuries past. Not only is The Marie stylish, but it’s also practical. On the shoulder strap are two engraved gilded casings, which snap open and allow the length of the strap to be adjusted. The Marie’s closure, set on a leather band that encircles the bag, features the same ridged-in engraving – the result of a technique called guilloche, often
found in luxury watchmaking. It involves a very precise, intricate and repetitive pattern being mechanically engraved into a material. The clasp itself opens with push-buttons on either side, an element also borrowed from the world of haute horlogerie. Composed of 19 pieces, each clasp is hand-assembled by skilled artisans over the span of two days. Available in Cachemire Calf suede or soft nappa, the Marie has a bonded nappa interior for a clean and refined finish. Staying true to Bottega Veneta’s intention to create pieces that are made for life, The Marie is the perfect addition to any woman’s wardrobe and is sure to remain a timeless staple.
1. Nappa Bordeaux, $5,130 2. Cachemire Calf Emerald Green, $5,130 3. Cachemire Calf Midnight Blue $5,130. All available from bottegaveneta.com/au
看看 你的新 款“日 用”包MARIE吧。 这款优雅时尚的单 肩包采用精确的方 形 款 式 设 计。与本 季李的许多包包一 样,采用独 特风 格 的五金 配 件( 其 灵 感来自于几个 世 纪 以来米兰宫殿中的装饰性黄铜元素)。MARIE不仅时尚, 而且实用。肩带上有两个刻有图案的镀金外壳,可以啪的 一声打开调整肩带的长度。MARIE的封扣设置在绕包一 周的皮带上,刻有相同的脊状结构,这是一种称为扭索饰 纹的技术,经常出现在奢华制表工艺中。这种技术需要将 一种非常精确、复杂和重复的图案使用机械雕刻到一种材 料上。按下两侧的按钮,搭扣就会自动打开,这种设计的 灵感也是源自高级钟表的设计。每个搭扣包括19个组件, 由熟练的工匠经过两天的时间手工组装而成。MARIE采用 CACHEMIRE CALF绒面革或柔软纳帕皮制成,采用粘合 纳帕皮内胆,显得干净而精致。MARIE与葆蝶家打造终生 可用设计的理念完美契合,是任何女士衣橱的完美补充, 定会成为一款永恒的常用包。 113
Square up Keeping in theme with the square silhouette, the new shoe collection is defined by a square closed toe with sculptural rounded edges. Made in various styles of shoes and boots, the style brings a sophisticated masculine spirit to the season, complementing the lifted and essential nature of the ready-to-wear collection. These are the kinds of pieces that can seamlessly go from the office to dinner. The pump, mule and other styles are made in Laville Calf, a soft leather with a subtly crackled texture that lends itself to a vintage effect with wear. The mid-calf boot, in the distinctive shade of Sky Blue, is crafted from Nappa Dream, an extremely supple leather that moulds around the foot like a second skin. The pump is also constructed in the new Stuoia craftsmanship, a sinuous, more horizontal approach to Bottega Veneta’s iconic intrecciato. Woven by hand in nappa leather directly onto the squared last, the Stuoia craftsmanship results in subtle irregularities as the woven leather is shaped. The result is that no pair is exactly like another. The pair you own is uniquely yours.
新 款 鞋 子系 列 以 方 形 轮 廓 为 主 题 ,采 用不露脚趾的方形 鞋 头 设 计,配 以 雕 1 刻 风 格 的 圆 边 。新 款 系 列 有各种 风 格 的鞋子和靴子,呈现 出精致的男性气质,与能够提升质感的必备成衣系列相得 益彰。其中一些款式无论是在办公室,还是参加晚宴,都 可以完美搭配。高跟无带女鞋、拖鞋式女鞋和其他款式采 用LAVILLE CALF制成,这是一种带有微妙裂纹纹理的柔 软皮革,很有复古效果。靴子采用天蓝色的独特色调,采 用NAPPA DREAM中层小牛皮精制而成,这是一款非常柔 软的皮革,可以像第二层皮肤一样裹在脚部。高跟无带女 鞋采用新的STUOIA工艺制造,继承了葆蝶家标志性的编 织方式,但更为灵活,走向更加水平。由于STUOIA工艺中 手工编织纳帕皮革直接放在方形鞋楦上,在编织皮革成型 时会导致细微的不规则性,因此,没有哪一双鞋子与另外 一双是完全一样的。换言之,你拥有的那双是独一无二的。
1. Pumps in Nappa Mesh, $1,230 2. Pumps in Nappa Dream, $1,060 3. Boots in Nappa Dream, $1,410. All available from bottegaveneta.com/au
Shop the latest collection QLD Gold Coast David Jones Pacific Fair 07 5562 7764 3
VIC Melbourne Collins Street 03 9654 8138 Chadstone Shopping Centre 03 9568 2941 Melbourne David Jones Bourke Street 03 9643 2272 NSW Sydney The Star Sydney 02 9692 0881 Sydney Westfield 02 9239 0188
Intrecciato revamped
If you know Bottega Veneta, you know how important the intrecciato weave is to the brand. For Pre-Fall, the signature intrecciato weave has been reimagined by Daniel Lee and takes a new form in The Arco Bag. A deconstructed, orthogonal weave that brings a looser and more modern sensibility to the iconic craftsmanship, the bag is a new generation for the brand. In contrast to the classic intrecciato with its uniform strips, called fettucce, the width of the fettucce used in the bag is proportional to the size of the bag. The bag is constructed with a new variety of French Calf that has a silky texture, sturdy structure and natural look, which is a set of qualities that are difficult to achieve in a single skin. True to Lee’s style of androgyny, the larger six of The Arco Bags is also available for men and alternates French Calf and suede, creating a play with different textures. The dome-shaped flap of the bag is accentuated by the curve of its long tubular handles. The French Calf fettucce are bonded with natural-hued suede, leaving an unlined interior revealing its precise construction, including the flat screws used to affix the bag’s handles and metal legs. The exterior is finished with delicate saddle-stitch in cream-coloured thread. In total, the bag is made from over 100 pieces. No matter how easy to wear Bottega Veneta’s bags are, they’re never a simple feat to make.
如果你了解葆蝶家,那么你就会了解编织技术对这个品牌的 重要性。在PRE-FALL 2019系列中,丹尼尔·李对其标志性的 编织图案进行了重新设计,并在ARCO BAG中采用了新的形 式。ARCO BAG采用经过解构的正交编织,为其标志性的工 艺带来更宽松、更现代的感觉,是该品牌新一代设计的代表。 与具有统一条带的经典编织(称为FETTUCCE)相比,ARCO BAG中使用的FE T TUCCE的宽度与包包的尺寸成比例。 ARCO BAG采用新型法国小牛皮制成,具有丝滑的质地、坚 固的结构和自然的外观,这三种品质很难在一种皮革中集中 体现。正如李的双性恋风格一样,ARCO BAG较大的六款也 同样适用于男士,交替使用法国小牛皮和绒面革,实现了不同 质地的灵活运用。包包的圆顶形袋盖在长管状手柄曲线的衬 托下显得非常突出。法国小牛皮编织图案采用自然色调绒面 革制成,无衬里内胆,包括用于固定包包提手和金属腿的扁平 螺丝,无不透露着精致的感觉。而包包外袋则使用精致的奶 油色马鞍缝缝制。ARCO BAG总共由100多个部分组成。无论 葆蝶家的包包多么“脆弱”,但它从来都不是一件简单的工程。
1. Intrecciato Nappa Crossbody Bag, $2,570 2. The Arco Bag in French Calf, $4,620 3. Acetate Sunglasses, $520 4. The Arco Bag in French Calf and Suede, $ 9,780. All available from bottegaveneta.com/au
Bucket list bag The Drop is Bottega Veneta’s sophisticated take on the bucket bag. It takes the casual style and adds a new-found sense of elegance with hardware that’s unique to the style. The bag’s closure is modelled after a single link of a gourmette chain – an iconic element of jewellery used in Lee’s designs for the season cast in an oversize proportion. To close the bag, 116
the slim, elongated strap is inserted through the link. The Drop is equal in style and practicality. The strap’s length allows it to be worn on the shoulder or wrapped around the wrist, making it versatile for day or night events. Available in silky hair calf and supple matte nappa, its exterior skin is bonded with suede for a clean and refined finish that seems unlined.
1. Gold necklace, $8,520 2. Acetate Sunglasses, $550 3. Ring, $650 4. The Drop in Pony Hair Midnight Blue, $3,030 5. The Drop in Pony Hair Bordeaux, $3,030. All available from bottegaveneta.com/au
DROP包是葆蝶家一款精致的水桶包。这款包采用休闲 风格设计,并通 过风格独特的五金件为其平添一种全新 的优雅感。这款包的封口以一种单链环的辫状包链为蓝 本—— 这 是李 发 布 的 超 大比例 设 计中的 标 志性 珠 宝 元 素。为了使包包 封闭,采用了细 长 的带 子穿过 链 环 插入 的设计。DROP包时尚性和实用性兼具,因为带子长度可 调,既可以背在肩上,也可以缠绕在手腕上,参加白天和夜 晚的活动都很方便。这款包有丝质小牛皮和柔软哑光纳帕 皮两种材料,外皮与绒面革粘合后呈现出干净精致的效果, 仿佛没有衬里一般。
Soft touch
Lee has introduced a new material to the Bottega Veneta portfolio. The bags that make up the Paper Touch Nylon family are primarily made from paper nylon, a lightweight, water-resistant fabric with a crinkled texture that’s borrowed from the world of technical outdoor gear. The complex construction of each bag requires nine distinct materials. Among these are ripstop nylon, used for bright contrast linings; elastic mesh for pockets; and spinnaker canvas for trims and straps. The Paper Touch Nylon craftsmanship is employed across three highly detailed, softly structured styles, among others: a backpack, belt bag and bucket bag. The roll-top backpack is fitted with a myriad of pockets both inside and out – some visible, others hidden away. Both the backpack and the roll-top belt bag feature ergonomic padded mesh back, and are stitched with an intrecciato pattern, maintaining its Bottega Veneta DNA. The unisex bucket bag consists of two pieces: a semi-rigid cylindrical outer shell and soft inner pouch made from mesh and ripstop nylon that can be removed to use independently. A modern take on luxury bags, the Paper Touch Nylon family taps into Bottega Veneta’s heritage of craftsmanship and sophisticated functionality.
1. Sneakers, $1,340 2. Messenger, $1,720 3. Belt bag, $1,600. All available from bottegaveneta.com/au
李为葆蝶家的产品系列引入 了一种新型材料。纸感系列尼 龙(PAPER TOUCH NYLON) 系列包包主要由纸尼龙制成, 这是一种轻质防水面料,从 技 术户 外 装 备中汲取 灵 感, 采用有褶痕的纹理设 计。每 款包的结构都很复杂,需要 9种不同的材料。其中衬里使 用防撕裂尼龙,对比鲜明;口 袋采用弹性网布;而装饰和 带子则使三角帆帆布。纸感 尼龙工艺用于三种结构非常精细柔软的款式中,即 背包、腰带包和水桶包。这款卷式背包内外都配有 无数口袋——有些可见,有些则隐藏起来。背包和 卷式皮带包均采用符合人体工程学的衬垫网眼背 面,并采用编织图案缝制,使得葆蝶家的DNA得以 保留。男女通用水桶包由两部分组成:半刚性圆柱 形外袋和网状防撕裂尼龙制成的柔软内袋(可以 拆下来独立使用)。纸感尼龙系列使奢华包包呈现 出现代风格,同时继承了葆蝶家的精致工艺和复杂 功能的传统。 117
Out of the blue
One of the first designs Daniel Lee introduced to Bottega Veneta’s accessories line-up was The Pouch, which has fast become every it-girl’s favourite accessory. Pouch手拿袋是丹尼尔·李为葆蝶家推出的首批配饰系列之一, 已经迅速成为每个时尚女性的最爱。
For those of us who like a bag that can hold all our daily essentials and then some, The Pouch is a practical and stylish accessory. The softness of the bag is thanks to its material. Crafted with the soft folds of smooth butter calf leather that envelope the bag’s frame, The Pouch has a voluminous rounded shape. Bottega Veneta’s rich heritage of leather craftsmanship meets a modern sensibility with this style. In Sky Blue it is the perfect statement bag to make any outfit pop. 对于那些喜欢将所有日常必需品等放进一个手袋中的人来说,Pouch手拿袋不但造型时尚,而且非常实用。得益于使用 的特殊材质,即柔软光滑的亮色小牛皮,这款手拿袋手感非常柔软,整体外观呈宽松的圆形。在这款手拿袋中,葆蝶家悠 久的皮革工艺传统与这种符合现代审美的风格相得益彰。天蓝色的手拿袋更是彰显个性的完美之选,可搭配任何服饰。
The Pouch in Butter Calf Sky Blue, $3,380, bottegaveneta.com/au 118
101 The Star Issue 05
The stars align It takes a lot of elements to come together in the right order and at the right time to make great wine. Our wines are created from premium fruit from the Hunter, Orange and Mudgee regions and have helped us win more than 300 medals and 19 trophies. When the stars align something special happens. Available exclusively at our Cellar Door in Lovedale and online at gartleman.com.au
红 宝 石
Red Van Cleef & Arpels has created a one-of-a-kind high jewellery collection dedicated to one of the world’s rarest stones, the ruby. 梵克雅宝创立了一种非凡的方法,将世界 上罕有红宝石打造成高级收藏珠宝系列。 120
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n Sanskrit, the ruby was called ratnaraj, meaning the king of gems. And in Van Cleef & Arpels’ new high jewellery collection, Treasure of Rubies, the ruby reigns supreme. Historically, due to the gemstone’s rarity, not even royal families have been able to get their hands on rubies to decorate their crown jewels. “If you look also at the important royal collections in the world, there aren’t many rubies,” says Nicolas Luchsinger, president of Van Cleef & Arpels, AsiaPacific. “For example, take the Queen of England’s collection. You will see she has lots of sapphires, but not so many rubies. They’re very rare.” The rarity of rubies is what drives their value. A ruby can command the highest per-carat price of any coloured stone. Yes, more than diamonds. But a good ruby isn’t determined only by its rarity. It’s not as simple as just finding a ruby; you then have to look at the quality. According to Luchsinger, there are certain boxes that need to be ticked for a ruby to qualify as meeting Van Cleef & Arpels’ standards. Colour is the first. Rubies should be deep red in colour; it’s what adds to their mystery. Secondly, it should sparkle. And lastly, it should have a level of transparency that gives the stone its depth and character. Coming across one ruby that has all these characteristics is no easy feat, let alone coming across multiple. >
梵语中,红宝石译为“ratnaraj”, 意思是“宝石之王”。梵克雅宝新 一季高级珠宝系列【Treasure of Rubies】是一个以红宝石为主题的系列。 历史上,由于红宝石的稀有性,甚至皇 室家族 都没有能够用红宝石来装饰他们 的皇冠。 “如果你再看看世界上重要的皇家收藏 品,红宝石并不多。”梵克雅宝公司亚太 地区总裁尼古拉斯·卢奇辛(N ic holas Luchsinger)说。 “例如,以英国女王收藏 的珠宝为例。她有很多蓝宝石,但红宝石却 寥寥无几,由此可见红宝石是非常罕见的。” 正所谓“物以稀为贵”,红宝石的价值 也在节节高升。如果按每克拉的价格计算, 红宝石的价格是任何彩色宝石中最高的。 是的,价格比钻石还高。一颗好的红宝石 价值并不仅仅取决于它的稀有性,并不是 单单找到一颗独一无二的红宝石那么简单, 更重要的是品质。卢奇辛说,要达到梵克 雅宝的标准,要过好几关。第一关是颜色。 红宝石应该是深红色的,这也是他们的神 秘之处;第二关则是光泽度;最后一关则 是红宝石的透明度(会使红宝石具有一定 的色彩浓度和个性)。拥有一颗集所有这 些特征于一身红宝石已非易事,更不用说 那么多颗了。 >
Clockwise from top left: Founders of Van Cleef & Arpels, Claude, Jacques and Pierre Arpels; Illustration of a ruby necklace and bracelet by René-Sim Lacaze; Original product card for the ruby and diamond bracelet; The Paisley Précieux necklace from the Treasure of Rubies collection; Illustrations from Van Cleef & Arpels’ latest collection; An archived drawing depicting the double Peony clip from 1937
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Clockwise from this page: Wear the Étoffe Mystérieuse ring and the Chemin de Rubis bracelets in white gold, rubies and diamonds together; Intricate illustrations of the Treasure of Rubies collection; Elevate your outfit with statement earrings and a brooch; The Elsa necklace features an oval-cut ruby of 5.05 carats at its centre
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Another hurdle the French maison has to overcome when picking which rubies to use to create a piece is to find exceptional stones that match. If you’re creating a singular piece of jewellery, you need the quality and colour of the rubies to be similar. While no two are ever going to be identical, the stone experts try their best to select rubies that are extremely similar, which makes the Treasure of Rubies collection so significant. The maison has managed to bring together more than 3,000 carats of certified rubies for the first time, in an ensemble of 60 unique creations that has been years in the making. Van Cleef & Arpels’ tradition of curating collections dedicated to a single exceptional stone began in 2016 with Émeraude en Majesté, in which emeralds were front and centre. Rubies seemed like a natural option for Van Cleef & Arpels’ next collection as the brand has a long history of association with exotic rubies. “You can see in the design of some of these pieces that there’s a lot of exotic Indian influence,” Luchsinger says. “This is the DNA of the maison coming through. There have been three waves of Indian influence throughout Van Cleef & Arpels’ history. “The first was when the Maharaja was still very powerful and came to Paris with a trunk of coloured >
梵克雅宝在挑选用于珠宝设计的红宝 石时必须克服的另一个障碍是找到与之 匹配的特殊宝石。如果制作的是单件首饰, 则需要红宝石具有相似的质量和颜色。虽 然没有两颗宝石是完全相同的,但梵克雅 宝的宝石专家会尽力选择极其相似的红宝 石,这也是【Treasure of Rubies】系列如 此特殊的原因所在。 梵克雅宝首次成功将超过3,0 0 0克拉 的认证红宝石汇集在一起,耗费数年时间 创作了60件独特的作品。梵克雅宝推出以 一种特殊宝石为主题的珠宝系列的传统始 于2016年的【Émeraude en Majesté】 祖母绿传奇系列,整个系列均以祖母绿为 主题和中心。 对于下一个系列而言,红宝石似乎是梵 克雅宝的天然选择,因为梵克雅宝这个品 牌悠久的历史一直与有着异国情调的红宝 石联系在一起。 >
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stones and pearls. There was a mountain of them. It was something new for a French jeweller to be presented with these colours, especially rubies. It influenced the maison to create more singular pieces for a continental taste. “The second wave was in the 50s and 60s. The Maharajas lost a lot of power after India’s independence from the United Kingdom and needed money to fund their lavish lifestyle, so they sold a lot of their stones. The Van Cleef & Arpels buyer went back to India and brought all these exotic stones back, which heavily influenced the design of pieces during this time. One of the other influences was from Claude Arpels, who has spent his entire career heading the American operation of the maison, and married an Indian woman.” Another signature Van Cleef & Arpels design that has a close association with rubies and can be seen throughout the Treasure of Rubies collection is the Mystery Set. Rubies were used for the first Mystery Set piece ever created in 1937. The double Peony clip was made of two separate clips each depicting a peony. Once the property of Princess Faiza of Egypt, one of these peonies, adorned with 700 rubies, is now among the most exquisite jewels in the Van Cleef & Arpels collection. Today’s Treasure of Rubies collection uses rubies and the Mystery Set throughout pieces like the Amour sacré clip. The Maison also draws on other signature historical designs – like its iconic Zip necklace and ensuring select pieces are transformable – for inspiration. “The real beauty in rubies is that you can have 10 different colours with 10 different characteristics,” Luchsinger says. “I think this is what makes it magic, to find one you like, and that depends on your personal taste. Some like them a little more red or pinkish.” Looking at the Treasure of Rubies collection, we had no trouble finding more than one that we liked. “你可以在其中一些作品的设计中看到 浓郁的印度风格。”卢奇辛说。“这也是 梵克雅宝的DNA。在梵克雅宝历史上,曾 经三次受到过印度的影响。第一次 是当 印度大君势力仍然非常强大时,带着一箱 子的彩 色宝石和 珍珠 来到巴黎,简直堆 成了山。对于梵克雅宝来说,这些彩色宝 石,特别是红宝石是一种全新的尝试。这 对梵克雅宝为迎合印度大君的品味而打 造 更为独 特的珠 宝产生了影响。第二 次 则是在50和60年代。当时印度从英国独 立后印度大君失去了很多权力,需要资金 来继续 维持 他们奢 侈的生活方式,所以 他们卖掉了很多宝石。梵克雅宝买手来到 印度,将所有这些异国情调的宝石带回法 国,这在很大程度上影响了这一时期的珠 宝设计。另外一次影响则来自克劳德·雅宝 (Claude Arpels),他把整个生命都奉献 给了梵克雅宝的美国市场,而他的夫人也 是一位来自印度的女士。 梵克雅宝另一个与红宝石有着密切联 系的标志性设计是隐密式镶嵌工艺,这在 1 24
整个【Treasure of Rubies】系列中均有 体现。1937年第一件使用隐密式镶嵌工艺 的珠宝就使用了红宝石。 这枚双牡丹胸针由两个独立胸针组成, 每个胸针均设计成牡丹花的样式。这枚胸 针曾为埃及公主法伊莎(Faiza)所有,其 中一朵牡丹装饰着700颗红宝石,现在是 梵克雅宝系列中最精美的珠宝之一。 如今的【Treasure of Rubies】系列的 所有珠宝均使用了红宝石和隐密式镶嵌工 艺,如Amour sacré胸针。梵克雅宝还从 其他标志性的传统设计中汲取灵感,如其 标志性的拉链项链,可以变化成多种形式。 “红宝石真正的美丽之处在于你可以拥 有代表10种不同特性的10种不同颜色。” 卢奇辛说。 “我认为这就是红宝石的神奇 之处,因为总有一款与你的个人品味相符 合。有些人喜欢红色多一点,有些人则喜 欢粉色多一点。” 在【Treasure of Rubies】系列中,我 们可以毫不费力地找到多款会令自己中意 的珠宝。
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Little Treasures
Here is our selection of standout pieces from the Treasure of Rubies collection.
RUBIS FLAMBOYANT TRANSFORMABLE NECKLACE Within a halo of diamonds shines a ruby of extraordinary quality, weighing more than 25 carats. This one-of-a-kind ruby is perfectly matched with 18 oval cut rubies and is illuminated by diamonds of various cuts. A ring accompanies the necklace where a three-carat DFL diamond at the centre can trade places with the necklace’s ruby.
翘楚之作 下面是【Trea s u re of Ru b i es】系列的 翘楚之作...
RUBIS FLAMBOYANT白金项链 一圈光芒闪耀的钻石环绕着一颗品质非凡 的红宝石,其重量超过25克拉。这颗独一 无二的红宝石与18颗椭圆形切割红宝石 完美搭配,并由各种切割形状的钻石作为 衬托。项链上有一枚戒指,其中间的3克拉 DFL钻石可以与项链的红宝石交换位置。
这件作品旨在向印度大君的珍贵项链致敬, 由9排重达1,000克拉的红宝石珠子组成, 用了几个月的时间才制作完成。这款项链 设计有两个镶嵌宝石的扣环,可以变形为 4排、5排或9排。
In homage to the precious necklaces of the Maharajas, this piece is made up of nine rows of ruby beads weighing over 1,000 carats, which took months to bring together. Thanks to its two jewel-encrusted clasps the necklace can metamorphose into four, five or nine rows.
受到20世纪3 0年代jarretière手镯的启 发,Éventail Souverain手镯延续了这 种传统。一个立体蝴蝶结上展示有一组特 殊 的 1 3 颗 完 美 匹 配 的 红 宝 石 ,重 达 35.05克拉。
采用可拆卸吊坠设计的 DUO DE DIAMANTS耳环
Inspired by the jarretière bracelets of the 1930s, the Éventail souverain bracelet continues this tradition. On a three-dimensional bow, it showcases an exceptional set of 13 perfectly matched rubies, weighing a total of 35.05 carats.
DUO DE DIAMANTS EARRINGS WITH DETACHABLE PENDANTS In keeping with Van Cleef & Arpels’ cherished tradition of Pierres de Caractère, two impressive pear-shaped diamonds weighing 21.26 and 20.37 carats reveal their exceptional purity and whiteness – contrasted by the deep coloured rubies – on these earrings, whose pendants are detachable.
为了 延 续 梵 克 雅 宝 所 珍 视 的 个 性 宝 石 (Pierres de Caractère)传统,两颗具 有独特的净度和白度、分别重达21.26克 拉 和 2 0. 37克 拉 的 梨 形 钻 石,与深色 的 红 宝 石 相 映 成 趣 ,其 中 耳 环 的 吊 坠 是 可拆卸的。
BERUNDA手镯 3.23克拉的红宝石和3.99克拉的D I F钻 石采用中心反演 对 称设 计,彼 此 相互响 应,明亮而和谐,以印度神话中的双头鸟 Berunda为灵感。钻石突出了红宝石色泽 的深度,而一排排的红宝石则让钻石的光 芒格外闪耀。
Left to right: The traditional Van Cleef & Arpels ballerina; 377 ruby beads feature on the Esma necklace; Choose how you wear the versatile Priya necklace and transform the piece from a long necklace into a detachable bracelet and short necklace
A 3.23-carat ruby and a DIF diamond of 3.99 carats respond to one another in this bracelet’s inverted symmetry. Their luminous harmony symbolises the Berunda – the two-headed bird of Indian mythology. While diamonds highlight the depth of the ruby, rows of rubies show off the brilliance of the diamond. Right: The symbolic two-headed Berunda bird of Indian mythology is the inspiration behind the breathtaking bracelet featured in the Treasure of Rubies collection
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A pretty sight Spurred on by her passion for fashion, a Melbourne philanthropist has helped curate a must-see collection of haute couture at the National Gallery of Victoria. Coco Sandes pays a visit. 墨尔 本的一 位 慈善家 对 时尚一直 满 怀 热 情,她帮助策划了维多利亚州国立美术馆 (National Gallery of Victoria)的高级定制 时装系列展览,绝对值得一看。可可·桑德斯 (Coco Sandes)也来到这里参观了一番。
ith a storied reputation for showcasing global fashion, the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) is already one of Australia’s eminent textiles museums. However, its new exhibition, titled The Krystyna CampbellPretty Fashion Gift, sees it standing head and shoulders above the rest. From Chanel to Lanvin and Christian Dior, the NGV is now home to rare works by some of the fashion world’s most iconic names. With more than 150 stunning pieces on display, the collection is a major coup for the museum and a must-visit for
locals and tourists alike. Spanning over 200 years of fashion design, the exhibition is a fashion lover’s dream, with both couture garments and an array of rare archive materials on show. The base of the collection was donated in early 2016 by Krystyna Campbell-Pretty, a Melbourne-based philanthropist. Originally called the Dominique Sirop Collection, Campbell-Pretty purchased the $1.4 milliondollar collection at auction before gifting it in its entirety to the National Gallery of Victoria. The donation took place in memory of her late husband, Harold. “It would have pleased him greatly to know that such an important collection and archive are now with us,” Krystyna says. Evidence of the Campbell-Prettys’ dedication to the arts is woven throughout their lives. “Harold was a committed supporter of the NGV,” Krystyna says, and she too remains an active member on the gallery’s foundation board. This passion is at the forefront of their philanthropy; the couple sought out initiatives that aimed to make art more accessible to all Victorians. Campbell-Pretty’s ongoing support has allowed the NGV to tick off some wishlist items, including an iconic Elsa Schiaparelli evening ensemble from 1938. “What is so striking about what Krystyna is doing is
多利亚 州国家美术馆以 其全 球 时 尚 展 览 而 闻 名 遐 迩 ,已 成 为 澳 大 利 亚 最 有 声 望 的 时 装 博 物 馆 之一, 而 一 场 名为“ 克 里 斯 蒂 娜·坎 贝 尔 - 普 瑞 蒂 时尚赠品展”(Th e K r yst yn a Ca m pbe l l Pretty Fashion Gift)的全新展览,更是让其他 博物馆望尘莫及。 从香奈儿到朗雯再到迪奥,维多利亚州国立 美术馆现在拥有时尚界一些最具标志性品牌的 珍贵作品。此次展览共展出150多件精美作品, 堪称维多利亚州国立美术馆的一大亮点,这里 同时也是当地人和游客的必游之地。展示的时 尚设计的创作时间绵延20 0多年,有些是时尚 爱好者做梦都想看到的高级定制服装,还包括 一系列罕见的档案材料。 此次展览的展品最初由墨尔本慈善家 克 里 斯 蒂 娜·坎 贝 尔 - 普 瑞 蒂( K r y s t y n a Campbell -Pretty)于2016年初捐赠。该系 列最初被称为Dominique Sirop Collection, 克里斯蒂娜在拍卖会上以140万澳元拍下所有 的收藏品,然后全部赠送给维多利亚州国立美 术馆,作为对她已故丈夫哈罗德(Harold)的 纪念。克里斯蒂娜说: “我很高兴知道这样一个 重要的收藏和档案现在还和我们在一起。” 坎贝尔-普瑞蒂夫妇对艺术的奉献贯穿了他 们的整个生活。 “哈罗德是维多利亚州国立美
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that none of these things are from her own archive or wardrobe,” says the NGV’s senior fashion curator, Katie Somerville. She isn’t alone in her praise of CampbellPretty – the gallery has also been vocal in its gratitude. “The Krystyna CampbellPretty Fashion Gift is a testament to how a dedicated supporter can transform a gallery’s collection,” says an NGV spokesperson. In Campbell-Pretty’s eyes, however, the work is just beginning. Since the acquisition of the Sirop Collection, she has been working tirelessly alongside Somerville to strengthen the museum’s holdings. For the NGV, this has meant some designers are now so well-represented within its walls
ago,” Somerville says. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Campbell-Pretty remains highly hands-on: in the instance of the Schiaparelli piece, it was she who bid at auction to acquire it for the gallery. Campbell-Pretty’s benefaction has afforded the gallery a wider range of offerings than ever before, so it’s hardly surprising the NGV has been able to snag rare works by key designers. Since working with the philanthropist, the gallery has acquired four pieces by Christian Lacroix – a designer who made an incredible impact on fashion in the 1980s with his opulent, bold designs. In addition, its collection of Chanel has jumped from one piece
术馆的坚 定支持者。”克里斯蒂娜如此表示, 她本人也仍然是美术馆基金会的活跃成员。这 对夫妇一直热情地走在慈善事业的最前沿,尽 最大努力让所有维多利亚州的人都能够更容易 地接近艺术。 克里斯蒂娜的持续支持使得维多利亚州国 立美术馆的藏品不断丰富,包括193 8 年艾尔 萨·夏帕瑞丽(Elsa Schiaparelli)设计的标志 性晚礼服套装。维多利亚州国立美术馆高级时 尚策展人凯蒂·萨默维尔(Katie Somerville) 说:“克里斯蒂娜所做的一切令人震撼之处在 于这些藏品都不是她自己收藏或拥有的。”她 并不是唯一一个赞美坎贝尔-普瑞蒂的人,整个
“IT’S IMPORTANT YOU REMAIN TRUE TO YOUR PERSONAL STYLE” that solo exhibitions are a possibility. Even alone, however, the Sirop Collection proved so significant that it has now formed the basis of an entirely new research library for the NGV: the Campbell-Pretty Fashion Research Collection. The process of increasing the collection is ongoing. “It’s a true collaboration,” Somerville says – one that allows the NGV freedom to search for the right pieces to tell a designer’s story. In her view, it’s hard to overstate the impact Campbell-Pretty has had on the gallery. “Krystyna has transformed areas within the gallery in ways we would have only dreamed of a few years
Clockwise from bottom left: See some of fashion’s greatest moments; Krystyna Campbell-Pretty admiring the collection; Explore fashion through the ages; Immerse yourself in fashion’s history
to a jaw-dropping 12, including pivotal works such as Gabrielle Chanel’s little black dresses. Though fashion has traditionally been viewed as separate from art, the NGV is seeking to break down this barrier. The pieces displayed in Fashion Gift are housed among the permanent collection; French couturier masterpieces sit shoulder to shoulder with 19th century sculptures. “It’s a lovely juxtaposition,” Somerville says, noting that the method of display encourages audiences to consider what the pieces say in relation to each other. Campbell-Pretty is a firm believer in fashion’s artistic worth. Speaking earlier this year, she described fashion as “a form of visual and social history, reflecting the role… of women in society.” Key pieces in the gallery’s holdings exemplify fashion’s social impact, such as Yves Saint Laurent’s iconic Le Smoking dinner suit – the designer’s 1960s play on a women’s variant of a male suit. The Le Smoking suit was “really radical for its time,” Somerville says – particularly in an age when women rarely wore trousers in a formal setting. Due to fashion’s cultural cache, influential designers could push social boundaries and “shake up what had become normal practice.” Other designers, such as the late Alexander McQueen, saw fashion as >
美术馆都对克里斯蒂娜充满感激之情。“‘克 里斯蒂娜·坎贝尔-普瑞蒂时尚赠品展’很好地 证明了一位热忱的支持者对一座美术馆的收藏 品是如何产生决定性影响的。”维多利亚州国 立美术馆表示。然而,在克里斯蒂娜看来,这项 工作才刚刚开始。 自收购Si rop Collection以来,她一直与 萨 默维 尔一起 不懈努力,以 加强 美术馆的馆 藏。就维多利亚州国立美术馆来说,这里收藏 的一些设计师的作品如此之多,以至于都可以 为他们举办个展。单单Sirop Collection一个 系列的藏品数量就已经相当庞大,现在它已成 为维多利亚州国立美术馆全新收藏研究系列“ 坎贝尔-普瑞蒂时尚研究系列” (Campbell- > 127
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“‘克里斯蒂娜·坎贝尔-普瑞蒂时尚赠品展’ 很好证明了一位热忱的支持者对一座美 术馆的收藏品是如何产生决定性影响。” something bigger than simply creating beautiful dresses. One of the world’s most provocative designers, McQueen often used the medium as a vehicle for social or political messaging. In his famed Widows of Culloden collection, he sought to explore his Scottish ancestry, featuring tartan patterning and clever plays on traditional Scottish dress. However, such ideological exploration is not only found in the finished garment. Of the 11 Alexander McQueen pieces the NGV has acquired, two toiles are included. Traditionally designed from a simple fabric such as calico, toiles are the working models of a fashion piece, used while designers are in the process of bringing their ideas to life. In these, gallery-goers can see pins, tacking stitches and raw seams – all placed by McQueen himself. The irrefutable importance of some pieces in the exhibition is clear from first blush.
Pretty Fashion Research Collection)的 基础,并且系列藏品一直在不断增加。 “这是一 次真正的合作。”萨默维尔说道,这让维多利 亚州国立美术馆可以自由地寻找合适的作品来 讲述设计师的故事。在她看来,再怎么夸赞坎 贝尔-普瑞蒂对美术馆的影响都不为过。萨默维 尔说:“克里斯蒂娜已经把整个美术馆变成了 我们几年前梦寐以求的样子。”在幕后,克里斯 蒂娜仍然亲力亲为——以夏帕瑞丽的作品为例, 她就是自己前往拍卖会竞标的。 随着克里斯蒂娜的不断捐赠,维多利亚州 国立美术馆的藏品之丰富达到前所未有的水平, 因此能够在这里看到许多著名设计师的稀有作 品也就不足为奇了。自从与克里斯蒂娜这位慈 善家合作以来,维多利亚州国立美术馆已经收 购了克里斯汀·拉克鲁瓦(Christian Lacroix) 的4件作品——这位设计师凭借其华丽、大胆的 设计在20世纪8 0年代对时尚产生了不可思议 的影响。此外,他们收藏的香奈儿系列已从最 初的1件增加到令人震惊的12件——包括嘉布 丽叶儿·香奈尔(Gabrielle Chanel)的小黑
裙等经典作品。 虽然传统上时尚与艺术是分离的,但维多利 亚州国立美术馆正在试图打破这一局面。“时 尚赠品展”中展出的作品属于永久性收藏品,一 位法国女装设计师的杰作与19世纪的雕塑并肩 而立。 “这种反差并置颇有韵味。”萨默维尔说, 并指出这种展示方法旨在鼓励观众能够了解不 同展品之间可能存在的关系。 克里斯蒂娜·坎贝尔-普瑞蒂本身就是时尚 艺术价值的坚定信徒。今年早些时候,她将时 尚描述为“视觉和社会历史的一种形式,反映 了女性在社会中的角色”。美术馆的一些经典藏 品体现了时尚对社会的影响,例如伊夫·圣洛朗 (Yves Saint Laurent)标志性的吸烟装晚宴套 装——20世纪60年代男性套装的女装款式。 萨默维尔指出,吸烟装“在当时来说非常激 进”,特别是在那样一个女性很少会在正式场 合穿裤装的时代。由于时尚是文化的一个载体, 有影响力的设计师可以“打破常规”并推动社 会的发展。 其 他 设 计 师 ,如 已 故 的 亚 历 山 大·麦 昆 (Alexander McQueen),认为时尚不仅仅 是“打造漂亮的连衣裙”。作为世界上设计最 具 挑 逗性 的设 计师之一,麦昆 经常用媒 体传 达社会或 政治 信息。在他著名的克洛登寡妇 (Widows of Culloden)系列中,麦昆将格子 Clockwise from bottom left: Elegant gowns designed by Madame Gres; Katie Somerville stands with a Madame Gres piece; Bold designs from Parisian designer Christian Lacroix; Be mesmerised by the craftmanship throughout the collection
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An opulent Yves Saint Laurent jacket, adorned with jewels and crystals, is a striking reimagining of Versailles’ Hall of Mirrors. Named Homage to my House, the jacket is one of only two in the world; the other is housed in the Yves Saint Laurent museum. Also on display is a piece from Dior’s first collection in 1947 – a designer renowned for ushering in ultrafeminine fashions, whose work stands in contrast to Chanel’s practical, purposeful garments. The artistry and care on display at Fashion Gift are truly incredible – and yet, the exhibition has more to offer than just the clothes. A selection of rare and beautiful archive materials are presented in complement to the couture, including sketches by iconic designers, embroidery samples, and back issues of transformative fashion magazines such as Vogue and L’Officiel. Whether you’re a lover of fashion, art, or history, the Krystyna Campbell-Pretty Fashion Gift has something for everyone. Ranging from the 1800s to the present day, gallery-goers will be awestruck by fashion’s glitz and glamour. And while couture may be costly, visiting the gallery isn’t – in keeping with Campbell-Pretty’s passion for accessible art, the NGV has made the exhibition free of charge. The exhibition runs until July – but if you miss out, don’t fret. Somerville says the Fashion Research Collection will be permanently open by appointment to those who wish to come and view the 9,000 items housed within the NGV’s permanent collection. “We’ll look after them forever and ever,” she says.
图案和传统苏格兰服饰巧妙结合,向其苏格兰 的先辈致敬。 然而,这种意识形态探索不仅存在于成品服 装中。维多利亚州国立美术馆收购了亚历山大· 麦昆的11件作品,其中包括两件印花布。这种印 花布使用白布等传统简单面料制成,是时尚创 作的原型,设计师可以将自己的想法在这上面 付诸实践。前往维多利亚州国立美术馆参观的 人们可以从这些印花布中看到麦昆自己动手加 工的针脚、针迹和毛缝。 展出的一些作品的重要性显而易见并且无 可辩驳。一款华丽的华丽伊夫·圣洛朗夹克,装 饰 有珠宝和水晶,是 对凡 尔赛宫镜厅的完美 再现。这件夹克被命名为“Homage to my House”,是世界上仅有的两件夹克之一——另 一件在伊夫·圣洛朗博物馆内。同时展出的还有 迪奥1947年的首个系列。迪奥是一位以超女性
时尚为主题的设计师,其作品与香奈儿的实用、 明确的服装风格形成鲜明对比。 “时尚赠品展”的艺术性和关注度的确令人 难 以 置 信 —— 然而,展 览 所展出的不仅仅 是 服装本身。作为补充,这里还展出了稀有而美 丽的精 选档案材 料,包括 标志性设 计师的素 描、刺绣样品以及《时尚》(Vogue)和《时装》 (L’Officiel)等变革性时尚杂志的早期版本。 无论爱好时尚、艺术还是历史,克里斯蒂娜· 坎贝尔-普瑞蒂时尚赠品展均能满足每个人的需 求。展品的历史最早可追溯至19世纪,前往美 术馆的观众定会被时尚的奢华和魅力所震撼。 虽然收集这些时装可能成本很高,但参观美术 馆却并非如此——我们秉承克里斯蒂娜对“无 障碍”艺术的热情追求,维多利亚州国立美术 馆的展览现已免费向公众开放。 此次展览将一直持续到7月——万一错过了 也不用担心。萨默维尔表示,时尚研究系列将 永久性开放,如希望前来观看维多利亚州国立 美术馆永久收藏中的9,000件物品仅需提前预 约即可。 “我们将会永远关照你们。”萨默维尔 开心地说。
NGV Exhibition The Krystyna Campbell-Pretty Fashion Gift is showing until July 14 at the National Gallery of Victoria. Daily visiting hours are 10am – 5pm, with guided tours on Wednesday and Sunday. For more information, visit: ngv.vic.gov.au
Stuart Bishop We sit down with Hardy Brothers CEO Stuart Bishop to chat all things design inspiration, Royal Warrants and the best tips for sourcing unique jewellery overseas. 我们与HARDY BROTHERS首席执行官斯图亚特·毕舍 普坐下来聊了聊设计灵感、皇家认证以及在海外购买独 特珠宝的诀窍。
What is it about designing and remodelling jewellery that brings you the most joy? Hardy Brothers is built around relationships. I aspire to understand and work around every aspect of this, and as a result learn more about the client. Jewellery can hold fascinating stories, and to see a piece mean so much to someone is a great experience.
What advice do you have for sourcing unique jewellery pieces when travelling overseas? Authenticity and quality should be at the forefront of purchasing any luxury jewellery piece. Ensuring a relationship can be built and maintained no matter the distance is also important. Hardy Brothers holds in 为什么说 珠 宝的 设 计 和 改 造能为你 带来 最 大 trust the dreams and aspirations of those who seek out the world’s most coveted 的快乐? jewellery and timepieces. This is testament HARDY BROTHERS的成功是以客户为基础,我渴 望了解并发扬这种理念,并由此更深入地了解客户。 to our 165-year history. 珠宝讲述的故事可能非常迷人,有时一件珠宝对一 个人的意义可能十分重大,这是一种很棒的体验。
What new opportunities did you have as a jeweller when the Wallace Bishop family took over Hardy Brothers in 1997? Hardy Brothers allowed me a new landscape to learn from and create designs beyond the norm. It also came with a lot of responsibility. As holders of the Royal Warrant, we have a commitment to the sustainability of not only our business, but also the environment in which we operate. We are committed to ensuring future generations will benefit by motivating sustainable behaviour within the jewellery industry. 当华莱士·比舍普(WALLACE BISHOP)家族在 1997年接管HARDY BROTHERS时,作为珠宝商你 发现了什么新的机遇? HARDY BROTHERS对我而言就是一个实现飞越的 平台,我可以从中学习和创造超越常规的设计。当 然,这也让我感到肩上担子的沉重。作为皇家认证 持有者,我们不仅致力于业务的可持续性,更致力 于我们所处环境的可持续性——我们致力于通过 激励珠宝行业的可持续行为来确保后代受益。 130
解并予以充分的信任。购买珠宝时可能会面临很 大的压力,因此我们努力经营与客户的关系,让他 们获得持久、积极的体验。
How do you source new and original inspiration for your collections and pieces? My inspiration always starts with the gem. Sometimes it comes very easily; others need to be a little more considered. Of course there is always the outside influence of 在海外旅行时,你对购买独特的珠宝首饰有什么 trends and popular designs, and we like to embrace the future while celebrating 建议? 正品和质量应该是购买任何奢侈珠宝首饰的前提。 the heritage and craftsmanship for which 应确保无论距离远近,都可以很好地建立和维护 Hardy Brothers is famous.
一种关系。HARDY BROTHERS是那些寻求世界上 最令人垂涎 的珠宝的人的梦想和愿望的寄托。这 也是我们长达165年历史的一个见证。
Why is it important to retain the traditional craftsmanship of jewellery in your current designs? There are many reasons traditional values and craftsmanship are at the core of not only Hardy Brothers, but also our family. We have a responsibility as jewellers to be knowledgeable and trusting. There can be a lot of pressure when it comes to buying jewellery, so we aim to build our own relationships and provide a long-lasting and positive experience.
你如何为相关系列和作品寻找新奇、原创的灵感? 我的灵感总是从宝石开始。有时,灵感如泉涌一 般;有时,却千呼万唤始出来。当然,设计的灵感 总会受到趋势和流行设计等外部因素影响,我 们喜欢 拥 抱 未 来,但同时也十分珍 视 H AR DY BROTHERS的传统和工艺。
What tips do you have for packing your jewellery pieces when travelling? Each piece you travel with should be individually packaged, or in an individual compartment to ensure maximum protection of the metals and gems. Always use a small travel case that can be close to you when travelling, or locked away safely.
为什么你很看重在目前的设计中保留传统珠宝工艺? 旅行时,你对包装珠宝首饰有什么好的建议? 不仅HARDY BROTHERS,我们的家族对传统价值 旅行的每件珠宝首饰都应单独包装或放单独的格 观和工艺都非常重视,这里面有许多的原因。作为 内,以确保最大程度地保护金属和宝石。在旅行时 珠宝商,我们有责任对传统价值观和工艺进行了 一定要使用便携或可以安全锁上的小旅行箱。
VERMILION ART 朱雀艺术 澳⼤利亚第⼀间中国当代艺术画廊
A A Sydney-based gallery focusing on contemporary Chinese art
5/16 Hickson Rd Walsh Bay Sydney Wed - Sat 11am - 7pm (02) 9241 3323 info@vermilionart.com.au
Fang Lijun, '2016', 2016, woodblock print on silk