热门之选 盘点中国热门好去处
别样新春 见证中国新年的精彩时分
National Drift away treasure
热门之选 盘点中国热门好去处
Feb – Apr 2019
#25 #29
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Australian Argyle Pink Diamonds are amongst the most desired and precious diamonds in the world. Pink Kimberley is Australia’s largest creator of Argyle pink diamond jewellery and has one of the most extensive ranges of loose Argyle diamonds for investment. All Pink Kimberley jewellery is handcrafted with authentic pink diamonds from the Argyle diamond mine, located in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia. An official Argyle Pink Diamond Certificate comes with all Pink Kimberley jewellery pieces containing pink diamonds greater than 0.08cts. VIP Private viewings available on request. Please contact us to arrange chauffeur service to our showroom or a private viewing in your hotel suite.
Call 1800 228 668 to arrange an appointment.
粉紅金伯利 (Pink Kimberley) 是澳大利亞著名的粉紅鑽石珠寶品 牌,每一件首飾都價值連城,採用澳大利亞天然的粉紅鑽石和優質 的白鑽石,以18K金打造 。所有的粉紅鑽石出產於西澳大利亞金伯 利地區的阿蓋爾鑽石礦。其珍貴獨特,是大自然賜予人類的絕世瑰 寶,被譽為是奢華和與眾不同的終極象徵。每顆重量超過0.08克垃 以上的阿蓋爾鑽石均均附有阿蓋爾寶石鑑定證書。 我們位於悉尼市中心,設有私人展廳。為滿足每位貴賓,我們會提 供一連串服務 , 包括免費專車接送,或派人送到酒店進行挑選 。 期待您的蒞臨。
查詢及預約電話: 1800 228 668 瀏覽網址: PinkKimberley.com.au
This unique and special Chinese zodiac themed pendant is a perfect collector’s item and gift. Cast from precious 18ct rose gold and illuminated with extremely rare Australian Argyle pink diamonds, this fortunate pig pendant is bound to bring you luck and prosperity in the new year.
以中國吉祥生肖豬為主體,可愛造型萌度十足,嵌入罕見的澳大利亞 Argyle粉紅色鑽石,以18k玫瑰金打造,工藝精巧,姿態活靈活現。有 諸事吉祥,財源廣進的寓意,必將為您新一年帶來平安及好運。
欢迎 Welcome
From CNTO, Sydney
From China Southern Airlines
国即将迎来农历猪年,五彩缤纷的烟花、成千上万的红灯 笼、象征吉利的红包和令人垂涎的传统美食将纷纷亮相。 大多数在城市打拼的人们将返回故乡,与家人欢庆这个中国最长 的假期。作为世界唯一可以与中国的春节庆祝活动相媲美的国家, 澳大利亚也不甘示弱,庆祝规模仅次于中国,位居全球第二。悉 尼和墨尔本繁华热闹的的唐人街将为您呈献精彩的舞狮及大游 行表演。而我们也与澳大利亚的几位中国名人、厨师和设计师探 讨了澳大利亚地区的春节庆祝活动如此特别而不容错过的原因。 中国国家旅游局祝您猪年身体健康、万事如意、事业有成!
hina is set to ring in the Year of the Pig with colourful fireworks, hundreds and thousands of red lanterns and envelopes, and delicious spreads of traditional foods. Citysiders will return to their home towns to celebrate the country’s longest holiday with their families. Meanwhile, if there’s one country that celebrates Chinese New Year almost as much as China, it’s Australia. It holds the second largest Chinese New Year festival in the world (outside of China). Sydney and Melbourne’s Chinatowns are packed with people as lion dances and parades make their way through. To celebrate the festive season, we chatted to some of Australia’s leading Chinese personalities, chefs and designers about what makes the festivities Down Under so special. The China National Tourist Office would like to wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous Year of the Pig. SKYSCAPE ISSUE 25 Editor Constantina Demos constantina@citrusmedia.com.au
Sub Editor Adam Scroggy Editorial Assistants Winnie Liu Anastasia Barrat
Contributors Alex Mead Alicia Millier Anita Ao Dave Tacon Lisa Perkovic Noelle Faulkner Shaney Hudson Production Manager Ian Scott Creative Director Stephanie Goh
着许多中国人回乡过年,我们将全新的目光投向中国的部 分乡村景点。如果想要体验极致奢华的冒险之旅,不妨尝 试驾乘着挎斗摩托车在桂林尽情游览一番。风驰电掣地穿过郁 郁葱葱的乡村,前往只有当地人才知晓的佳处,一支香槟在手, 笑看山水甲天下。您也可以来到因好莱坞大片《阿凡达》而声 名大噪的中国最著名风景区之一——武陵源。在这片瑰丽的自 然公园中,拔地而起的群峰气势磅礴、巍峨高绝,于薄雾中若 隐若现,宛如一片仙境,绝对可以名列您2019年心愿清单上的 首位。中国南方航空公司感谢每位尊贵乘客在2018年的大力支 持,我们期待并欢迎您于2019年继续选乘中国南方航空。
s many Chinese locals travel back to their home towns, we take a fresh look at some of China’s rural attractions. For the ultimate luxury-meets-adventure trip, why not try discovering Guilin by sidecar? When you’re not whizzing through the lush countryside, you’ll be sipping champagne at lookouts only locals know exist. Or you could explore one of China’s most famous landscapes – thanks to Hollywood blockbuster, Avatar – Wulingyuan. The glorious nature park features mountains and giant rock formations protruding from the ground whose tops can’t be seen thanks to a thin veil of mist. It’s a magical scene that needs to go straight to the top of your bucket list in 2019. China Southern Airlines thanks all its valued passengers for their support in 2018. We look forward to welcoming you aboard in 2019.
Graphic Designers Cynthia Lau Millie Jia
Advertising Max La-Brooy (02) 8188 3664
Financial Controller Phuong Vuong
Publisher Jim Flynn (02) 8188 3671 jim@citrusmedia.com.au
Crystal Wong (02) 8188 3662 crystal@citrusmedia.com.au
SkyScape is produced for business-class passengers on China Southern flights between China and Australia. It can also be found in select newsagents and hotels. An iPad edition is available via the App Store Printed by Bluestar Web
Citrus Media, PO Box 20154 World Square NSW 2002
Cover image Dave Tacon
© 2019 Citrus Media. All rights reserved. No article or images may be reproduced wholly or in part without prior written permission from the publisher. While every care was taken during the preparation of this magazine, Citrus Media cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information or any consequence arising from it. All views and opinions expressed herein are the personal views of the writer/photographer and do not necessarily reflect the views
or opinions of China National Tourism Office Sydney (CNTO) or any of its employees, affiliates or agencies. SkyScape is an independent publication and is in no way endorsed by CNTO. The contents/photos do not necessarily represent the views of China Southern Airlines.
RUNABOUT AUTOMATIC Tribute to gentlemen’s wooden sports boats of the roaring 20s. Frederique Constant proudly supports the Riva Historical Society.
VIC 8th Avenue Watch Co., Emporium Melbourne, 03 9639 6175 | Garen Jewellery, Southland S/C, 03 9585 8600 | Monards, Melbourne, 03 9650 9288 NSW Atlas Jewellers, Wetherill Park, 02 9609 7766 | Heinemann Tax & Duty Free, Sydney Airport, 02 9667 6800 | Hennings Jewellers, Narellan, 02 4647 8555 | Linda Jewellers, Broadway, 02 9212 3633 | Linda Jewellers, North Ryde, 02 9889 0692 | Lucsong Jewellery, Bondi Junction | Nader, Bankstown, 02 9708 1086 | Nader, Burwood, 02 9715 7323 | Nader, Parramatta, 02 9893 8825 | Robert Cliff Jewelllers, Castle Hill, 02 8850 5400 | Wamada Jewellery, Haymarket, 02 9281 8182 QLD 8th Avenue Watch Co., Pacific Fair S/C, 07 5575 4883 | Vogel & Co, Toowong, 07 3870 2889 AUS Angus & Coote, selected stores, 02 9736 4111 | David Jones, selected stores, 1800 354 663
Swanky Brisbane restaurant Donna Chang
46 New moon 那年正月合家欢
54 Behind the scenes 不止于风景
62 The forgotten peninsula 被遗忘的半岛
70 Inside story 畅游桂林
Celebrate Chinese New Year in Sydney and Melbourne
Explore one of China’s most famous tourist sites: Wulingyuan
Discover the coastal retreat that is the Bellarine Peninsula
Buckle up for an exhilarating ride with Guilin Insiders
78 New kids on the block “新秀”登场
84 The hot list 热门榜单
92 High horse 康定跑马
120 Charmed life 多彩生活
Meet the new generation of Barossa locals
New openings across China that you’ll want to be seen at
There are plenty of wonders at Paoma Mountain in Kangding
Van Cleef & Arpels’ lucky charm is its iconic Alhambra motif
Regulars 19 News 动态新闻 What’s going on and where in China and Australia
28 Orange in eight stops 游奥兰芝(Orange) Eight must-see places when you visit Orange
34 Top 10 澳大利亚十大秋季活动 The top 10 things to do when the weather starts to cool down
40 Check-in 新酒店盘点 Hotels in Australia and China that have just opened their doors
42 Restaurant news 餐厅指南 The latest restaurant news from Australia and China
44 欢度中国新年 “猪”事顺利
101 Higher Life 奢华生活 The latest in watches, auto, wine, fashion and jewels
W Hotel Brisbane’s AWAY Spa is the perfect spot to escape the cooler weather
130 My Higher Life 名人专访 We chat to Iwan Sunito about all things architecture The history behind Van Cleef & Arpels’ iconic Alhambra motif
Barossa’s Seppeltsfield Road distillers mix it up
Crown Group’s Iwan Sunito
BLEACH* FESTIVAL Gold Coast 21 · EVAPORATE Shanghai 26 · 8 STOPS Orange 28 · MOOMBA FESTIVAL Melbourne 32
Best foot forward Watch Australia’s leading designers take over Sydney for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia. For more, flick to page 22. 欢迎前来悉尼欣赏澳大利亚梅赛德斯-奔驰 时装周(MERCEDES-BENZ FASHION WEEK AUSTRALIA)上顶尖设计师们的精彩作品。 更多信息请见第22页。 19
活动 Events ADEL AIDE
Paddock to plate
Be it a collaboration of world-class chefs, an inimitable tasting of beer, wine or spirits, or an evening soaking up the charred flavours and aromas of Town Square, Tasting Australia is an unmissable food and beverage experience. April 13-22, tastingaustralia.com.au 这 里 既 有 世 界 级 的 厨 师 、无 与 伦 比 啤酒、葡 萄酒 及 烈 酒,也有晚间城 市 广场(TOWN SQUARE)令人沉醉的 烤肉香,品味澳洲美食节(TASTI NG AUSTRALIA)是您不容错过的美食美酒 体验。活动日期:4月13日至22日。
风驰电掣 Need for speed Experience the thrill of exotic fast cars competing under the toughest racing conditions at Targa Tasmania. Marking the event’s 28th year running, local and international visitors will witness over six days of premium racing. The world’s finest touring, sports and GT vehicles will travel more than 2,000 kilometres to challenge the best in their category. April 16-21, targa.com.au 在充满异国情调的国度,体验各种类型的汽车在 TARGA TASMANIA汽车拉力赛最艰苦的赛道上 风驰电掣的快感。在为期6天多的比赛中,世界上 最好的房车、运动跑车和GT赛车将行驶2,000公 里以上,为争夺各自车型的桂冠而勇往无前。活 动日期:4月16日至21日。 20
经典之作 Class act This May, the Queensland Ballet will bring a breathtaking triple bill of masterpieces from ballet’s best to the stages of QPAC. The Masters Series is composed of acclaimed choreographers’ works, premiering and retrieving jewels of ballet repertoire. May 17-25, queenslandballet.com.au 今年5月,昆士兰芭蕾舞团将在昆士兰表演艺术中心奉上震 撼人心的经典芭蕾三合一。该经典系列芭蕾均为著名编舞家 作品,包括首演曲目和经典重温。活动日期:5月17至25日。
金色嘉年华 That’s gold Utilising the Gold Coast’s world-famous natural landscape for its unconventional venues, Bleach* Festival will once again bring incredible art and cultural experiences that challenge expectations, change perceptions and provide an authentic sense of place, inspiring both locals and visitors alike. The program features work across all genres including dance, music, circus and incredible theatre. March 28 – April 5, bleachfestival.com.au BLEACH*嘉年华(BLEACH* FESTIVAL)以 黄金海岸闻名世界的自然景观作为独具特色 的活动场地,将再次带来令人难以置信的艺 术和文化体验,以真实的地方风情改变人们 的传统观念,让当地人和游客为之震撼。各 种类型的作品将精彩亮相,包括舞蹈、音乐、 马戏、戏剧等。活动日期:3月28日至4月5日。
城市之光 New light
See Canberra in a different light as Enlighten Festival illuminates the city with creativity and culture. The Parliamentary Triangle is transformed into a vibrant arts precinct with free installations, live music and performances set against a backdrop of stunning architectural projections. March 1-10, enlightencanberra.com 堪培拉灯光节期间,富有创意和文化意蕴的灯光将照 亮这座城市,让您有机会以不同视角探索堪培拉。国 会三角区将摇身变为一个艺术区,您可以免费参观各 种艺术装置,欣赏现场音乐及表演,背景则是令人惊 叹的建筑投影。活动日期:3月1日至10日。
The Westbund Hotel, Shanghai
Radisson Ningbo Beilun, Ningbo
坐落于上海的罗克福特西岸酒店楼高52 层,拥有219间豪华宽敞的客房和套房。
21层高的宁波影秀城丽筠酒店拥有230间客 房和套房,配备高档设施和宽敞的工作空间。
The Westbund Hotel will hold 219 spacious rooms and suites over 52 luxurious floors. roccofortehotels.com
The 21-storey hotel will feature 230 guest rooms and suites with upscale amenities and ample work space. radisson.com 21
Feature event
Fashion forward Sydney once again plays host to the most coveted event on the calendar of fashionable Australians: Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week (MBFWA). 悉尼将再次举办令澳大利亚时尚人士期待万分的梅赛德斯奔驰时装周(Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week)。 MBFWA is Australia’s premier event for fashion lovers. It celebrates the very best of the nation’s distinctive style and creative talent. For six days, the focus of the fashion world turns Down Under as some of Sydney’s most iconic locations, like Bondi Beach and the Opera House, are transformed into unconventional runways for the week. The event is unique in that it’s the first destination for Resort collections in the Asia-Pacific region. Resort collections are the only offering where Northern and Southern Hemisphere buying calendars align. Grab your fashion-forward friends and get ready to drool over the latest trends brought to you by leading Australian designers, as well as emerging talents launching their collections for the very first time. May 12-17 (tickets available), mbfashionweek.com 22
作为时尚爱好者的首选活动,梅 赛德斯-奔驰时装周将澳大利亚 独一无二的风格和创意展露无 遗,将邦迪(BONDI)海滩和歌 剧院等悉尼最具代表性的地点 变成非传统T台,让时尚界的目光 再次聚焦澳大利亚。 梅赛德斯-奔驰时装周的独特 之处在于——它是亚太地区“度 假系列”时装秀的全球第一站, 此时南北两个半球的消费者有着 相同的购买需要。 那么不妨拉上时尚前卫的朋友, 为澳大利亚著名设计师的最新佳 作以及首次登台亮相的后起之秀 而欢呼雀跃吧!门票有售,活动 日期:5月12日至17日。
Beijing MUST SEE
Stylish scenes Philippe Parreno: Marilyn is a celebration of acclaimed French artist Philippe Parreno, exhibiting in the Louis Vuitton Cultural Space of Beijing. This is the fourth exhibition in China organised as part of the Louis Vuitton Foundation’s “Beyond the Walls” program, which promotes the works of contemporary artists. Until March 24, foundationlouisvuitton. fr/en.html
History through dance China Opera and Dance Drama Theatre will grace the stage of The National Centre for the Performing Arts to present the life story of Confucius – a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. February 28 – March 3, chncpa.org
Conscious art Held at the UCCA Dune Art Museum, After Nature presents the works of nine Chinese artists who span a range of generations and backgrounds. Artists are united through their powerful exploration of the romantic idea of nature as unspoiled wilderness in the era of the Anthropocene. Until April 4, ucca.org.cn
Rock on Arguably one of the most important and radical punk rock bands of the last 30 years, Gang of Four are heading out into the world again with a new album and tour. Coming to Beijing in March, this group of four are guaranteed to keep you entertained with their famous sounds. March 16, damai.cn 24
Back to basics East, South, West, North is the second solo exhibition of Timur Si-Qin at Magician Space, and explores secular spirituality in the 21st century. Spectators are forced to reconsider the materialistic norms inherent in contemporary society and be awakened by the beauty of some of the more simple things in life. March 2019, magician-space.com
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Shanghai DON’T MISS
Crystal clear
Double bill Liu Jianhua and Sun Xun have been invited to present their newly created glass artworks as part of the fifth Annealing Program at the Shanghai Museum of Glass. Their respective solo exhibitions, Frontier and Mirror Effect, are now open to the public. Until May 31, www.shmog.org
Liuli China Museum presents Juliette Leperlier: Poetry in Glass. Juliette is a French contemporary glass artist who’s redefining boundaries and taking the glass world by storm. Hailing from an impressive lineage of artists, she’s been called the de Beauvoir of her generation, bringing femininity to the complex science of glassmaking. Until March 31, www.liuli.com.cn
Fast cars The pinnacle of racing technology will hurtle around 5.5 kilometres of China’s finest track at breakneck speeds when the FIA Formula One World Championship makes its way to Shanghai this March. This is a not-to-be-missed event for race-lovers. March 12-14, damai.cn
Chart topper
Society reimagined Shanghai’s 166 Art Space presents Evaporate, a solo exhibition of Jin Shan’s recent sculpture and installation works that showcase his continued interest in the conflict between individual desire and communal destiny. Until March 20, 166artspace.com 26
Celebrate the colourful career of renowned Taiwanese songwriter Fei Yu-ching in his Final Concert Tour this March. After 46 years in show business, Chang has become known for his catchy hits and television theme songs. You’re guaranteed to be up and singing along at the Mercedes-Benz Arena as you bid farewell to this great artist and his incredible talent. March 30, damai.cn
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With its charming tree-lined streets and fair share of vineyards, Orange is fast becoming a go-to destination for foodies and city slickers looking for a weekend escape.
1. Orange Botanic Gardens Boasting an impressive display of autumn hued native and exotic plants, Orange Botanic Gardens is best admired during an early morning stroll or afternoon picnic.
2. de Russie Boutique Hotel Catering to business and pleasureseeking travellers alike, de Russie Boutique Hotel offers effortlessly luxurious accommodation in the leafy heart of Orange’s CBD.
3. Orange Regional Gallery Since opening in 1986, Orange Regional Gallery has established a reputation as one of the finest regional art museums in Australia, holding a sizeable 30 exhibitions annually that celebrate the very best of local and international works.
4. Good Eddy When hunting down the perfect morning coffee, the pro tip has long been to go where the locals go. In Orange’s case, that would be Good Eddy.
5. Duntryleague Golf Course Nestled on the picturesque grounds of a championship 18-hole course, Duntryleague is the premier venue for any avid golfer visiting the region.
6. Racine Restaurant With a distinctly Orange focus on locally sourced ingredients, Racine Restaurant celebrates its passion for fine food in a picturesque setting overlooking vineyards on the foothills of the famous Mount Canobolas.
Racine Restaurant
7. Percy’s Bar & Kitchen Showcasing an impressive selection of local wines, Australian craft beers, seasonal cocktails and worldwide artisanal spirits, it’s understandable why Percy’s Bar & Kitchen is the town’s watering hole of choice.
8. Orange Wine Tours
Racine Restaurant
Good Eddy
A trip to Orange isn’t complete without appreciating the distinguished coolclimate wines on offer. We recommend an Orange Wine Tour for a curated tasting of wines from a variety of the region’s best vineyards.
Artfully marrying China’s rich culinary heritage with Australia’s finest produce. Lotus Dining’s contemporary menus feature award winning dumplings, fresh seafood and local, native ingredients. For Australia’s finest Asian dining experience, join us at Lotus Dining.
Lotus The Galeries Level 1/500 George St, Sydney | P: 02 9267 3699
The Gardens by Lotus Cnr Harbour St, Darling Harbour P: 02 9240 8888
Lotus Barangaroo Wulugul Walk, Barangaroo, Sydney | P: 02 8318 3688
Madame Shanghai 18 College St, Darlinghurst, Sydney | P: 02 8318 8618
Lotus Dumpling Bar 3/16 Hickson Rd, Dawes Point P: 02 9251 8328
Fujisaki 2/100 Barangaroo Avenue, Barangaroo, Sydney P: 02 9052 9188
悉尼 Sydney 开怀一刻
Laugh out loud
The Sydney Comedy Festival is Sydney’s biggest annual comedy event. Hundreds of the world’s funniest comedians take to stages across Sydney to entertain audiences of more than 120,000 people. April 23 – May 20, sydneycomedyfest.com.au 悉尼最盛大的年度喜剧节——悉 尼喜剧节(SYD N E Y COM E DY FESTIVAL)即将重磅来袭。来自 世界各地的数百名最具才华的喜 剧演员将 在悉尼各地演出,为逾 12万名观众带来无穷欢笑。活动 日期:4月23日至5月20日。
Wilde imagination Oscar Wilde’s lyrical story of a statue who gives his all to help humanity is full of poetic beauty, heartbreak, sly humour and sharp social commentary. In 2019, The Australian Ballet’s Graeme Murphy turns his flair for transformative storytelling to Wilde’s moving tale in The Happy Prince. May 1-18, australianballet.com.au 奥斯卡·王尔德(OSCAR WILDE)讲述了富有同情心 的快乐王子和燕子牺牲自我帮助他人的动人故事,充 满着诗意之美、心碎、诡异的幽默和尖锐的社评。2019 年,来自澳大利亚芭蕾舞团(AUSTRALIAN BALLET)的 格雷姆·墨菲(GRAEME MURPHY)将王尔德的《快 乐王子》(THE HAPPY PRINCE)加以改编并搬上舞台。 活动日期:5月1日至18日。
Natural wonder
From March, one of Australia’s leading artists, Janet Laurence, will showcase a series of key works at the Museum of Contemporary Art. The Janet Laurence: After Nature exhibition features sculpture, installation, photography and video that highlights the natural world in all its beauty and complexity in the challenging era of the Anthropocene. March 1 – June 10, mca.com.au 3月,澳大利亚著名当代艺术家之一——珍妮特·劳伦斯 (JANET LAURENCE)将在当代艺术博物馆(MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART)展出一系列重要作品。 《JANET LAURENCE: AFTER NATURE》将以雕塑、装置、 摄影和视频为主,突出自然世界在充满挑战的人类世时 代的所有美好及复杂。活动日期:3月1日至6月10日。
Piano master
The most famous pianist in the world, Lang Lang, will return to Sydney to play Mozart’s dark and dazzling Piano Concerto No.24. June 27-29, sydneysymphony.com 世界上最著名的钢琴家朗朗 将重返悉尼,倾情奉上莫扎 特(MOZART)忧郁又令人印 象深刻的《第二十四钢琴协 奏曲》。活动日期:6月27日 至29日。
Time for church Following the success of the 2013 smash hit “Take Me to Church”, Irish singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Hozier is set to raise Sydney Opera House’s iconic roof. April 22-23, sydneyoperahouse.com 爱 尔 兰 歌 手 、词 曲 作 者 兼多乐器演奏家赫齐尔 ( H O Z I E R )红 极 一 时 的 成 名 曲《 T A K E M E T O CHURCH》自2013年火遍 全 球 以 来,将 再 次 在 标 志 性的悉尼歌剧院震撼唱响。 活动日期:4月22日至23日。
墨尔本 Melbourne 不容错过 DON’T MISS
Stand up
Melbourne International Comedy Festival is one of the world’s three largest comedy festivals alongside Edinburgh’s Fringe and Montreal’s Just for Laughs. The annual event features an enormous program of stand-up comedy, cabaret, theatre, street performance, film and visual arts. March 28 – April 22, comedyfestival.com.au
节日嘉年华 Carnival fun
Australia’s largest community festival, Moomba Festival, is back in full swing with a chock-a-block program of free events and activities. March 8-11, melbourne.vic.gov.au
墨尔 本国际 喜剧 节(M E L B O U R N E I NTE RNAT I O NAL COM E DY FESTIVAL)已被列为世界三大喜剧节 之一,与爱丁堡艺穗节(EDINBURGH FESTIVAL FRINGE)和蒙特利尔嬉笑节 (JUST FOR LAUGHS FESTIVAL)齐名。 在一年一度的墨尔本国际喜剧节上,您 将看到大量的的单口喜剧、歌舞表演、 戏剧、街头表演、电影和视觉艺术。活 动日期:3月28日至4月22日。
作为澳大利亚最盛大的免费 社区节日,墨尔本蒙巴节又 要亮相了,各种表演和活动 即将轮番轰炸您的眼球。活 动日期:3月8日至11日。
Track side
Foodie capital Established in 1993, Melbourne Food & Wine Festival is a celebration of what makes Victoria the food capital of Australia. This March, food lovers will flock to the city’s restaurants, laneways, basements and rooftops to indulge in the very best fresh seasonal produce, innovative chefs and award-winning wine. March 16-25, melbournefoodandwine.com.au
墨尔本美食美酒节(ME LBOURNE FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL)创立于1993年,旨在庆祝维多利亚州成为澳 大利亚的美食之都。今年3月,美食爱好者将涌向墨尔本 的餐厅、大街小巷、地下室和屋顶,尽情享用颇具创意 的大厨们奉上的新鲜应季美食和获奖无数的葡萄美酒。 活动日期:3月16日至25日。 32
At speeds of over 300 km/h, the world’s fastest cars and their drivers take on the exhilarating turns and straights of the Albert Park Circuit at the Formula 1 Rolex Australian Grand Prix 2019. It’s the nation’s second oldest surviving motor racing competition and one of the most anticipated events on sporting fans’ calendars. March 14-17, grandprix.com.au 2019一级方程式赛车劳力士澳大利亚大奖赛将在艾伯 特公园(ALBERT PARK)精彩呈现,在超过每小时300公 里的速度下,各位赛车手将驾驶着世界上最快的赛车,让 您尽情体验直道加速和弯道超车的激情四射和酣畅淋 漓。这是澳大利亚历史第二悠久的赛车赛事,也是诸多 体育迷最为期待的赛事之一。活动日期:3月14日至17日。
Wizardly good Based on a new story by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child comes to Melbourne’s Princess Theatre. Until December 1, harrypottertheplay.com 基 于 J . K . 罗 琳( J . K . ROWLI NG)、杰克·索恩 (JACK THORNE)和约翰· 蒂芙尼(JOHN TIFFANY) 的 新 故 事,《 哈 利 波 特 与 被 诅 咒 的 孩 子》即 将 在 墨 尔本公主剧院(PRINCESS THEATRE)精彩上演。活动日 期截至12月1日。
EXPLORE M RE 墨尔本公园铂尔曼酒店 五星级住宿 周五周六提供招牌海鲜自助餐 俯瞰风景如画的菲茨罗伊花园 PULLMANONTHEPARK.COM.AU
Spicers Sangoma Retreat
Autumn activities There’s so much to love about autumn: a spectacular assortment of colourful trees, an abundance of seasonal produce, and the magic of harvest at vineyards across Australia. Anastasia Barrat has some of the top activities you could “fall” for this season. 秋天有诸多美好之处——五彩斑斓的树 木,丰富的应季美食,而澳大利亚各地 的葡萄园也喜获丰收。下面是我们为您 整理的十项秋季活动,让您的清冷季节 变得精彩充实起来。
#1 The weekend getaway, NSW Waving goodbye to the carefree beach days and balmy nights of summer can often leave us feeling sluggish come autumn. But what if we were to tell you that combating those post-summer blues doesn’t have to involve packing your bags and fleeing to Europe? The solution is a mere hour’s drive from Sydney. Cocooned by the natural serenity of the Blue Mountains, Spicers Sangoma Retreat is the ultimate autumn weekend getaway. The all-inclusive getaway captures the very essence of luxury in its suites, spa experiences and gourmet meal offerings, guaranteed to have you feeling fresh and rejuvenated come Monday. From $1,299 per night, spicersretreats.com 周末度假 秋季来临,不得不告别海滩上无忧无虑的日 日夜夜,但却仍然会有一种慵懒之感。不过, 摆脱这些“夏后综合症”并不需要背包前往 欧洲,只需开车几小时离开悉尼。SPICERS SANGOMA RETREAT酒店坐拥蓝山的自然 宁静,是秋季周末度假的终极选择。一站全 包式度假酒店的套房、水疗和美食餐厅无不 体现着真正的奢华,让您朝气满满地迎接全 新周一的到来。每晚1,299澳元起。
Spicers Sangoma Retreat
Sloe Sour at Society Salamanca
#2 The bar, TAS Hobart’s award-winning bar Society Salamanca will assure your spirits won’t be dampened by the cooler months. Specialising in premium cocktails, gin and whisky sourced from the state’s great, homegrown drams and offshore favourites, the beverage list runs the gamut. And for those finding it difficult AWAY Spa, to decide on just one, curated gin and W Hotel Brisbane whisky tasting platters are available that showcase distilleries from all over the island. Whether it be a post-work tipple or Sunday afternoon drinks, settle into your bar stool #3 The festival, VIC and enjoy a hearty drop (or two) brought to you by the best in the business. societysalamanca.com Celebrate the finest gastronomic makers and producers of the Grampians region when you visit 酒吧 霍巴特屡获殊荣的酒吧SOCIETY SALAMANCA确保您在 the long-running autumn festival 清冷的秋季仍能意兴盎然。酒吧专门提供顶级鸡尾酒、杜 Grape Escape. Nestled in the foothills 松子酒和威士忌,既有原产自塔斯马尼亚的,也有来自海外 of magnificent Mount Williams is a 的,种类繁多,应有尽有。对于那些难以决定到底该品尝哪 weekend party where you can meet 款酒品的人来说,不妨来一份杜松子酒/威士忌汇拼,尝遍 the winemaker, learn from the producer, 来自全岛的美酒佳酿。无论是下班后还是周日的下午,尽管 support the owners and taste the best artisan wine and food on offer in 来此尽情享用一两杯极品美酒吧。 Western Victoria. With over 120 stalls to discover, the Grampians Grape Escape is the ultimate experience for any wine, food and music lover. May 4-5, grampiansgrapeescape.com.au 节日 格兰屏美食美酒节(GRAMPIANS GRAPE ESCAPE)有着悠久的历史,旨在向格兰屏地 区最佳的美食美酒制造商们致敬。在壮丽的 威廉姆斯山(MOUNT WILLIAMS)脚下放松 地度过一个美妙的周末,与酿酒师和生产商 畅意交谈,购买并品尝维多利亚州西部最好 的手工葡萄酒和美食。格兰屏美食美酒节期 间将有120多个摊位参展亮相,为您带来终 极的美酒、美食及音乐体验。活动日期:5月4 日至5日。
#4 The hotel spa, QLD Our skin is often the first sign of a change of season and can become particularly stressed during the cooler months, making autumn the perfect justification for a day of pampering. Situated on a quiet spot on level five of Brisbane’s W Hotel, AWAY Spa is the new lust-for-life spa destination designed for those wanting to look and feel good no matter the season. The spa offers six treatment suites, relaxation pods, a sauna, steam room, pool and bar, all of which ooze luxury. marriott.com 酒店水疗 我们的皮肤对季节变化通常比较敏感,在寒 冷月份会变得特别紧张,因此在秋季进行皮 肤护理就变得理所当然。AWAY SPA位于布 里斯班W酒店的五楼,环境静谧舒适,是您 日常水疗的全新选择,无论何时,都可保证 让您焕然一新。水疗中心拥有6间理疗室以 及休闲舱、桑拿浴室、蒸汽浴室、游泳池和 酒吧,让您尽享奢华体验。 AWAY Spa, W Hotel Brisbane
#5 The afternoon walk, NSW To make the most of the shortening hours of daylight, we recommend an afternoon walk around Sydney’s iconic Centennial Parklands. Bursting into a spectacular sight of red, yellow and orange, the southern section of the duck pond is locals’ favourite place to kick leaves. Post-walk, the park’s on-site multipurpose facility, Fearnley Grounds, offers everything you’ll need from a good cup of coffee to bike hires for those who want to discover more of the parklands. centennialparklands.com.au 午后散步 白天的时间逐渐变少,如果想要充分利用, 我们建议您在悉尼标志性的CENTENNIAL PARKLANDS周围走走。鸭子在池塘欢快 地嬉戏,池塘南侧是色彩斑斓的树林,红色、 黄色、橙色,颇为壮观,是当地人最喜欢的 散步场所。散步之后,公园内的FEARNLEY GROUNDS多功能区可为您提供所需的一切, 既可坐下来美美地喝上一杯咖啡,也可以租 辆自行车到更远的地方探索一番。
Centennial Parklands
Chicken with truffles at Lakehouse Daylesford
#6 The restaurant, VIC Lakehouse Daylesford
Situated just 80 minutes from Melbourne’s CBD, Lakehouse Daylesford makes the perfect place for a long Sunday lunch. With menus altered twice each season, your taste buds are guaranteed to enjoy the freshest of the region’s autumn produce. Think mouth-watering butter poached pheasant served with chestnuts and Farrow. Not to be ignored, the sunlit restaurant also offers picturesque views of the estate and its autumn happenings through large, wonderful windows. lakehouse.com.au 餐厅 LAKEHOUSE DAYLESFORD酒店距离墨尔 本中央商务区仅有80分钟路程,是您享用悠 长周日午餐的理想场所。菜单每季更换两次, 保证让您品尝到该地区秋季最新鲜的美食。 想想黄油水煮雉鸡配上栗子和法罗吧,是不 是已经流口水了。另外,值得一提的是,在充 满阳光的餐厅还可以欣赏到庄园的美景,透 过大大的窗户即可收获满眼秋色。
Soar high above the Hunter Valley with Balloon Aloft
#7 The hot air balloon ride, NSW Sometimes the best way to take in the seasonal surrounds is above ground – in a stylish hot-air balloon, to be precise. Making a booking with Balloon Aloft means you’ll be in the trusty hands of a local company that has been operating for over 35 years in Australia’s premier vineyard region, the Hunter Valley. The soaring planes of flourishing vineyards offer the perfect backdrop for the flight of a lifetime. balloonaloft.com 热气球 有时,如果想要真正感受季节的美好,实际上应 该远离陆地,准确地说,是体验酷酷的热气球。 通过BALLOON ALOFT预订您的热气球之旅, 由已有逾35年历史的一家本地公司带您在空中 畅游澳大利亚首屈一指的葡萄产地——猎人谷 (HUNTER VALLEY)。在郁郁葱葱的葡萄园上空 遨游,绝对会给您留下一生难忘的回忆。 37
Tour de Grand Gourmet
#9 The bike tour, VIC In an act of pure genius, Tour de Grand Gourmet has combined Victoria’s two great loves: cycling and food. Whether you’re a pro or the last time you rode your bike was when you were five years old, there’s a tour to suit your skills. You can taste the gourmet treats and seasonal produce of the Victoria region, as well as enjoy the incredible scenery on accessible and safe cycling paths. From one day to five days, starting at $99, tourdevines.com.au
Penfolds Magill Estate
Penfolds Magill Estate
#8 The winery, SA As the leaves turn red, so does the wine we tend to prefer. So what better way to satisfy your thirst than with a visit to one of Australia’s most famous and respected red-wine makers, Penfolds? Situated eight kilometres from Adelaide’s CBD, the Magill Estate cellar door, fine-dining restaurant and kitchen all offer serene views of one of the world’s few urban single vineyards. Expand your palate with celebrated wine and food, or explore the spiritual birthplace of Penfolds with tasting tours available in both English and Mandarin. penfolds.com 葡萄酒 随着树叶变红,我们更愿意品上一杯葡萄酒。 除了参观澳大利亚最著名、最有声誉的红酒 制造商之一——奔富酒庄之外,还有什么更 好的方式来满足您挑剔的味蕾呢?作为世界 为数不多的都市单一葡萄园,距离阿德莱德 中央商务区8公里处的MAGILL ESTATE拥有 完美酒窖、精致餐厅和厨房。用葡萄美酒和 美食犒赏味蕾,或在中英双语导游的带领下 踏上品鉴之旅,探索奔富的精神诞生地。
自行车之旅 TOUR DE GRAND GOURMET可谓天才之 作,结合了维多利亚人最爱的两项内容:骑自 行车和美食。无论您是职业骑手,还是在5岁 之后就再没有碰过自行车,总有一个适合您 的“技能”的旅行。您可以品尝维多利亚地 区的美食和时令鲜品,还可以在便利安全的 自行车道上欣赏令人难以置信的美景。
Tour de Grand Gourmet
#10 The brunch spot, WA Rest assured, that staple ingredient of every Australian brunch, the avocado, is back in season come autumn time. Enjoy a classic smashed avo on toast from the best in the game, Springs Kitchen, served on sourdough with sun-dried tomato, crumbled feta and poached eggs. Located inside Aloft Hotel, the kitchen’s stunning interiors, excellent service and drool-worthy menus that extend beyond the avo are just as popular with hotel guests as Perth locals. springskitchen.com.au 早午餐 每当秋季来临,鳄梨就会成为每一位澳大 利亚 人早午 餐中的必备 元素。S PR I NG S KITCHEN的鳄梨吐司堪称经典,再佐以酸面 包、番茄干、酥皮奶酪和荷包蛋,简直再美味 不过了。这间位于雅乐轩酒店内的餐厅拥有 让人震撼的内部装潢、优质的服务和令人垂 涎的菜单(远不止鳄梨一种),颇受珀斯当 地人及其他游客的欢迎。 39
Urban retreat
Hotel check-in
Understated elegance
Nestled in the lively inner Sydney suburb of Waterloo, Crown Group’s latest development, Mastery, is set to become the beating heart of the harbourside city. Designed by internationally renowned architects Kengo Kuma and Koichi Takada in partnership with Crown Group, the fivebuilding development is a collaboration of the highest order. Comprising 374 apartments and resort-style residents’ amenities – including an infinity-edge cantilevered rooftop pool, gym and a mix of restaurants, cafes and shops – it’s hard to believe the area was once known as the industrial pocket of Sydney. Kengo Kuma is the master behind the eye-catching focal point of the innovative 20-storey tower development. Featuring a striking plant-filled green exterior, the building has been purposefully designed to emulate a stacked forest. Drawing upon the idea of “green luxury”, Kuma and fellow architects sought for the precinct to be an extension of the environment while still offering the contemporary amenities that meet today’s global standard of luxury. Whether it be for a post-work tipple, a dose of retail therapy or a weekend getaway, Mastery is going to be the destination of choice for Sydneysiders and international visitors alike. 40
作为CROWN GROUP最新开发的项目之一,坐 落于悉尼繁华中心地带WATERLOO的MASTERY 注定将成为这座港口城市中令人追捧的对象。 该开发项目由国际知名建筑师隈研吾和高田 幸一携手CROWN GROUP共同打造,由五栋建 筑组成,堪称行业最高水准,共有374套公寓,度 假式生活便利设施齐全,包括无边际悬挑屋顶游 泳池、健身房以及各类餐厅、咖啡馆和商店,让人 很难相信这里曾经是悉尼的工业区。 其中最引人注目的一座极具创意的20层高塔 楼,隈研吾这位建筑设计大师可谓功不可没。整 座建筑外观采用茂密木质覆盖设计,搭建出一片 绿意盎然的“层叠森林”。隈研吾和其他建筑师 秉承“绿色奢华”的理念,让建筑在充分融入周 边环境的同时,依然拥有符合当今全球奢华标准 的现代化设施。 无 论 是 工作 之 余 畅 饮、购 物 还 是 周 末 度 假,MASTERY都将被列为悉尼游客和国际游客 的首选目的地。
Inspired by Wuzhen’s maze of quiet canals and ancient alleyways, Alila Wuzhen offers an extraordinarily peaceful escape. Be treated to a selection of 125 generously spacious suites, villas and pool villas, wrapped around private courtyards and intertwining waterways. Tranquility reigns in these closed quarters, capturing the essence of contemporary comfort with indulgent bathrooms, signature Alila amenities, and first-class technology. From $599 per night, alilahotels.com 阿丽拉乌镇从乌镇迷宫般的宁静运河和古老小巷 中汲取灵感,为那些想逃离城市喧嚣的人们提供了 一处极为宁静的所在。您可以在125间庭院环绕、 水道交织、宽敞舒适的套房、别墅和泳池别墅中自 由选择。宁静主宰着这里,您可以从舒适的浴室、 阿丽拉标志性的便利设施和一流的技术中体验现 代舒适的精髓。一夜好梦之后,不妨信步出行,徜 徉于文化遗产丰富的乌镇之中。每晚599澳元起。
City oasis
Nestled amid one of the world’s most significant historical areas – Beijing’s Forbidden City and Wangfujing – newly opened Puxuan Hotel & Spa is redefining luxury in the very nerve centre of the Chinese capital. Design-wise, the hotel doesn’t celebrate an aesthetic; rather, it celebrates the city out of which it was born. Spacious and luxuriously appointed guestrooms, many with uninterrupted views of the Forbidden City, as well as two specialty restaurants, a Lobby Lounge, Tea Room, and UR SPA, make this the new destination for business and pleasure seekers alike. From $610 per night, puxuan.com 北京故宫和王府井所在的位置堪称世界上最重要的历史文化区,而新开业 的璞瑄酒店即坐落于此,定义了中国首都的奢华新标准。酒店的设计不但追 求极致美学,同时也对它所诞生的这座城市致以敬意。酒店的客房宽敞而 豪华,其中许多可以尽览紫禁城的壮丽美景。此外,两间特色餐厅、大堂酒 廊、茶室和遥水疗也使其成为商务和休闲旅客的新宠。每晚610澳元起。
Your new neighbour Modern, innovative and with an appreciation for the arts, Bailey is setting a new standard for Cairns' accommodation scene. Oozing personality, all of the hotel’s 217 rooms have been designed with unparalleled attention to detail that goes above and beyond the definition of luxury. Arguably the most important feature is the selection of stunning on-site restaurants designed to cater to any mood or occasion. A culinary haven for locals and tourists alike, the world-class restaurants are guaranteed to gratify your hunger. Prices TBC, crystalbrookcollection.com 现代、创新、艺术水准——BAILEY正在为凯恩斯(CAIRNS)的酒店行业树 立新的标准。这间酒店拥有217间客房,个性十足,注重细节设计,甚至超 越了传统意义上的奢华。可以说,这里令人惊叹的用餐环境是其最重要的 特色,可以满足您在任何心境和场合下的用餐需求。这里世界级的餐厅对 当地人和游客而言,堪称美食爱好者的天堂,让您可以尽情享受。
Staycation From the moment you step into Mrs Banks Hotel you’ll be quick to forget you’re in the bustling inner-city suburb of Paddington. The hotel’s beautifully restored heritage building is positioned perfectly between the humming CBD and famous Bondi Beach. You’ll have a difficult time deciding whether to turn left or right when you set off for your day – that is, if you can pull yourself away from the charming tree-lined streets dotted with cafes and art galleries for which Paddington is known. From $249 per night, mrsbankshotel.com 从踏入MRS BANKS HOTEL的那一刻起,您将很快 忘记这里是帕丁顿繁华的内城郊区。酒店由一栋古 老建筑精心修复而成,位置绝佳,位于熙熙攘攘的 中央商务区和和世界著名的邦迪海滩之间。可以想 象,走出酒店的时候,向左还是向右的确是个问题。 也就是说,您不可能置令人向往、绿树成荫的街道、 点缀其中颇有诗情画意的咖啡馆和艺术馆于不顾, 这可是帕丁顿的一大特色。每晚249澳元起。 41
Old-world charm 餐厅指南
Bar and eatery Bopp & Tone is transporting Sydney’s city slickers back to the opulence and optimism of post-WWII Australia. Taking both its name and inspiration from the founders’ grandfathers Keith “Bopp” Evans and Anthony “Tone” Adams, the venue’s interiors nod stylishly to the past, combining marble, panelled timber and luxurious velvet booths. Marking the first CBD venture for Sydney hospitality group Applejack, the tastefully themed restaurant showcases a mouth-watering contemporary Australian menu, prepared by chef Sa Va’afusuaga with influences from across the Mediterranean. boppandtone.com.au
Restaurant news
酒吧餐厅BOPP&TONE让老悉尼人重新感受到了二战后 澳大利亚的富裕和乐观。这间酒吧餐厅的名字及其灵感均 源自创始人祖父的名字(分别为KEITH " BOPP " EVANS和 ANTHONY"TONE"ADAMS),内部装饰采用大理石、实木护 墙板和豪华天鹅绒雅座,旨在向远去的那个时代致敬。这间高 雅的主题餐厅是悉尼酒店集团APPLEJACK在悉尼中央商务区 的首次试水,由主厨SA VA'AFUSUAGA主理,打造的现代澳 大利亚菜品深受地中海各地美食的影响,色香俱全,令人垂涎。
Wild foods
Melbourne’s reputation for being a foodie haven makes it challenging for any restaurateur wanting to stand out. Chef Julian Hills is one of the enviously talented few with a vision destined to succeed in the city’s fine-dining scene. The chef’s first restaurant, Navi, showcases an unconventional pairing of European culinary techniques and native ingredients, to create a blissfully balanced eight-course tasting menu. With just 25 seats, there’s meticulous attention to detail in every element of the intimate experience. restaurantnavi.com.au
墨尔本一直有着美食家天堂的称号,任何想要在此脱颖而出 的餐厅老板都颇有压力。朱利安·希尔斯(JULIAN HILLS)就 是这样少数极具天赋、令人钦羡的厨师之一,其目标是在墨尔 本的餐饮行业占得一席之地。他的首家餐厅NAVI展示出欧洲 烹饪技术和原生食材的非传统混搭,搭配恰到好处的八道赏 味菜品。这里仅有25个座位,用餐氛围温馨,服务细致入微。 42
East meets Inner West
Andy Evans
Executive chef, Spice Temple
Barzaari is once again bringing the flavours of the eastern Mediterranean to the hip and happening Inner West of Sydney, choosing to open its second restaurant in Chippendale’s heritage-listed Old Clare Hotel. Founders Darryl Martin and Andrew Jordanou capture the taste, aromas and hospitable culture of Cyprus, Lebanon and surrounding countries and bring it to a chic suburban restaurant. Expect a menu designed to be shared, with a strong focus on authenticity and quality ingredients. barzaari.com.au
What do you love about Australia’s dining scene in autumn? While we lose beautiful stone fruits and berries, we gain so much awesome produce like mushrooms, persimmons and sensational seafood. The quality of seafood is off the charts at this time of year.
B A R Z A A R I 再 一次 将 东 地 中 海 的 风 味 带 到 了 时 尚 喧 嚣 的 悉 尼 内 西 区 ,在 齐 本 德 尔(CH I PPE N DA L E)列入 遗产名录的O L D CLARE HOTEL开设了第二间餐厅。创始人达里 尔(DARRYL MARTIN)和安德鲁(ANDREW JORDANOU)将塞浦路斯、黎巴嫩及周边国家美 食的口感、风味和待客文化带到了悉尼郊区一间 别致的餐厅。餐厅菜单将以小份菜为主,并十分 注重采用原汁原味的优质食材。
From where do you draw your inspiration when creating a menu? Our suppliers. It all comes down to the season and what’s available, the stewardship that has gone into the production of those ingredients and the quality of the produce. I’m looking for the very best, most pristine, flavourpacked produce I can get my hands on. Must-try dish at Spice Temple? It’s a three-way tie: our leatherjacket drowned in heaven facing chillies and Sichuan peppercorns, our gently spiced lamb and cumin pancakes, and our signature fried chicken wings with heaven facing chillies.
Artful drinking If you haven’t heard of the name Matthew Bax, you’ve certainly heard of his work. One of Melbourne’s most innovative bar owners, Bax brought you two of the city’s most iconic watering holes, Bar Americano and Der Raum. His latest venture, Grau Projekt, is a hybrid gallery and bar. The 1,000-square-metre warehouse in Clifton Hill with windows overlooking the city skyline is the scene for a seriously cool experience of drinking and art appreciation. Showcasing one artist every six weeks alongside a one-off cocktail created by his team in collaboration with the artist, each visit to Grau Projekt is unlike the last. Book your tickets – spaces fill fast. grauprojekt.com
如果您还没有听 说过马修·白克斯(M AT TH E W BAX)这个名字,那么您肯定听说过他的“作品”。 作为墨尔本最具创新意识的酒吧老板之一,白克斯 为我们带来了墨尔本最具代表性的两间酒吧:BAR A M E R I C A N O 和 D E R R AU M 。他 最 新 的杰作 GRAU PROJEKT是一个画廊与酒吧的混合体,其 位于克利夫顿山(CLIFTON HILL)一间占地1,000 平方米的仓库中,透过其中的窗户可以俯瞰墨尔本 的城市天际线,为人们打造了一种非常炫酷的饮酒 和艺术欣赏体验。每六周将有一位艺术家的作品在 此展出,他的团队还将与这位艺术家合作打造一款 独一无二的鸡尾酒,每次造访GRAU PROJEKT都 会给您带来与众不同的全新体验。机不可失,赶快 预订门票吧!
您喜爱秋季澳大利亚餐饮的哪些方面? 虽然没有了核果和浆果,但却多了蘑菇、 柿子和海鲜等非常棒的食材。每年这个时 候,海鲜的品质出奇得好。 您打造菜单的灵感源自何处? 我们的供应商。正是在供应商的悉心管 理才确保了各种食材的供应和品质。但归 根到底,还是这个特别的季节及一切可 用的食材。我努力寻找一切能够找到的 最好、最原始、最有味道的食材,用我的 双手,让一切变得皆有可能。 SPICE TEMPLE有哪些必试的特色菜? 共有三道菜,分别是麻辣剥皮鱼(无辣不 欢者的最爱)、微辣小茴香羊肉煎饼及令 吮指一族欲罢不能的招牌香辣炸鸡翅。 43
年农历春节后就是猪年, 猪在十二生肖中居第十二 位,与十二地支配属为亥, 因而晚上九点至十一点为“亥”时。这时候猪 睡得最酣,鼾声最洪亮,全身肌肉抖动也最厉 害,长肉最快,于是亥时属猪。猪与牛、羊、马、 鸡、狗并列为生肖“六畜”。 猪在所有的生肖里,被认为是最笨又脏的 动物,一个人不聪明被讥为“猪脑子”。但是猪 的本性很爱干净,尤其是猪的智商在动物中是 很高的。据报道,经IQ测试表明,猪的智商达 到甚至超过了狗类的标准。全世界有10多万种 动物,猪的智商被排在第10位,不能低估猪的 能力!它既不像牛、马那样俯首贴耳,也不像山 羊那样蛮横无理;既不像猫那样忘恩负义,更 44
到澳洲,他们也把中国传统文化带进了澳洲。在 贫苦,劳累和孤单的生活中,过年就成为劳工们 思念和祭拜家人的最主要的方式。1851年在墨 尔本建造了澳洲最早的唐人街,中国新年期间的 唐人街倒处悬挂灯笼,张贴门联,燃放炮竹举行 一系列的庆祝活动。其后,在华人移居澳洲的 第二波第三波高潮时,大批的中国新移民来 到澳洲。过新年、庆春节的活动和影响越 来越大越来越广。中国的农历新年甚至 成为澳洲海外领地圣诞岛的法定节假 日。1996年,澳大利亚邮政总局首次 发行了中国农历新年鼠年的纪念邮 票,开创了澳洲主流社会庆祝中国 农历新年纪念活动的先河。2011 年9月澳大利亚皇家造币厂开始 发行首枚中国新年士二生肖的 龙年金币,把庆祝中国新年的活 动推向了一个新的高度。 农历新年在澳洲已经家喻 户晓,过年时,澳 人常常会风 趣地对你说: “恭喜发财,红包 拿来”,很多西人希望知道自己 的生肖属相。包括澳洲历届总 理在内的世界上一些大国政要 领袖,在中国新年时都要发表新 年贺辞,向全体华人祝贺新年。 澳大利亚最大城市悉尼,早在 1996年前,就有一些华人社团在唐人 街自发组织每年一度的庆祝春节游行 活动。 以后,悉尼市政厅开始主办以华人社 区为主的春节嘉年华活动,由于中国移民人 口快速增长,加上多年来悉尼华人社区,中国 政府,艺术表演团体,商界,及悉尼市政府为这 个庆典活动投入了大量的人力物力,使得中国新 年庆祝越来越引人注目。如今,中国新年庆典成 了悉尼市的一个著名文化品牌,每年吸引将近60 万人参与,成为每年一度最大的文化盛会。 近年来,悉尼市有关部门就是否将“中国农历 新年庆典活动”改为“农历新年庆典活动”展开 了激烈的争论。延续了22年的悉尼中国农历新年 庆典,终于从2019年起变身为悉尼农历节,悉尼 市政府认为,该活动会成为更具包容性的盛会。 2019年农历新年庆典将于2月1日至10日举行, 主要内容包括:农历花灯会,该灯会是对中华传 不像狗那样摇尾卖萌。猪给人一种善良、温顺、 统十二生肖作出的现代诠释;庆典开幕周的每晚 聪明、平和、自然的感觉。 都会在花灯周围安排南狮北舞,以及多民族社团 围绕着农历猪年的到来,澳大利亚的中国新 表演;龙舟竞赛是南半球规模最为庞大的水上竞 年庆祝活动也在如火如荼的筹备中。中国人过年 渡盛事,将吸引3000多名选手参赛。 的历史可追溯到大约5000年前的夏商,人们把 墨尔本的中国新年庆祝活动也将在市中心的 谷的生长周期称为“年”,以月亮圆缺的周期计 唐人街、博士山、利士门以及威吾耒举行,其中尤 为月,一年划分为十二个月,每月以不见月亮的那 以在唐人街的活动规模最大,除了有精彩的歌舞 天为朔,正月朔日的子时称为岁首,即一年的开 表演,各色美味地方小吃还有澳洲最长的金龙巡 始,也叫年。农历年的应用至西汉时正式固定下 游。参加新年庆祝活动的总人数高达50万人。 来,并一直延续到今天。 中国传统节日,包括中国农历新年在内、具有 1949年中国决定使用世界上通用的公历纪元 深涵中华文化意义的活动必将在全球范围内更 作为法定历法,把公历的元月一日定为元旦,俗 广泛的传播和发扬。当中国人民面带笑容向澳 称阳历年;农历正月初一通常都在立春前后,因 大利亚乃至世界人民拜年、恭祝大家“新年愉快, 而把农历正月初一定为“春节”,俗称阴历年。 猪事顺利”时,这无异是中国人民奉献给全世界 160多年以前,大批中国淘金工人从广东移居 人民最好的新年礼物。
Illustration: Jessica Hu
The Best of Australian Natural Health 百年经验草药世家 澳洲本土精研功效配方保健 草药世家 高端功能营养补充 Wealthy Health(富康)品牌创立于悉尼。身为百年經驗草药世家 的第三代传人的Laurence T. D.,为了让更多人享受到草本植物的 纯天然疗效,于1995年的创立了Wealthy Health品牌。Wealthy Health一直以自然理疗法为基础,萃取来自澳洲本土纯植物精华 ,致力于打造全球功能性营养补充剂高端品牌。 Wealthy Health一直以原料的天然纯正和产品的功效显著为宗旨 ,采用领先科技和一流设备,每年通过药品制造优良规范守则 (cGMP)的严格核查,力求为消费者提供最有效的营养补充。品牌 旗下所有产品都通过GMP国际认可优质生产标准,并经澳洲TGA( 药物管理局)严格检验,其高质量产品在澳洲享有很好的声誉,是 澳洲顶级的专供高端药房的营养保健品品牌之一。除此之外, Wealthy Health 富康还通过了澳大利亚最古老的补充治疗师专业 协会—NHAA的天然功能性营养补充剂认证。天然有机蜂蜜还被 澳洲国家农业可持续发展协会(NASAA)认证为国证有机产品。 热销全澳 Wealthy Health在全澳500多家知名连锁药房常年热销,很多产品都是深 受消费者信赖和喜爱的明星产品!多个功效性显著的保健产品更是众多药 房的销量冠军,深受知名药剂师和营养师争相力推!由于产品真实可靠的 优质品质,以及具有针对性的功效,Wealthy Health的产品历来都是专业 药剂师们的首推之选。 高级药剂师推荐
专业推荐 Wealthy Health的海报和广告牌是全澳各大机场的常年“座上客”,不仅 包括大篇幅的通道海报,还有全线航班信息栏下方的广告牌。校园、商场 以及公交站和火车站,所到之处都不难发现Wealthy Health的身影。在澳 洲电视台和杂志的健康栏目中,Wealthy Health的产品也作为保健品的代 表亮相其中,备受推崇!Wealthy Health的全系列产品在全澳国际机场的 药房一直以来都是作为主打品牌销售。不仅是机场,全澳的多家连锁药房 也将Wealthy Health作为力推的首选。
精准配方 非凡成份
PM-Lung Support
Dark Organic Propolis 2000
Wealthy Health(富康)清肺灵
Wealthy Health(富康)有机黑蜂胶
这是各大药房最热门的产品,含有天然草本成分 保护肺脏健康功能,抗雾霾,減少香烟和污染 的有害影响 。缓解呼吸道感染、鼻炎,祛痰止咳 特別适用于吸烟者或需要防范空气污染的人群。
Super Urinary Gout Support
Maxi Visual Guard
Wealthy Health(富康)痛风灵
Wealthy Health(富康)强力明目灵
独家缓解 痛风和降尿酸配方 ,含有天然成分如 芹菜子和蔓越莓。缓解痛风症状,全面帮助缓 解关节风湿症状,效果明显。
强力明目灵提供高品质的眼部结构护理保健配方 ,含有支持健康护眼功能的活性成分,包括欧洲 蓝莓,叶黄素和小米巴戟等。与其他眼部保健产 品相比,它是一种更全面有效的眼部护理配方。
Available at :
Priceline Pharmacy Town Hall Priceline Pharmacy George Street 54/2 Park St, Sydney NSW 2000 413 George St, Sydney NSW 2000
因为澳洲纯净、无污染的天然环境,蜂胶一直是澳 洲最热门的保健品。其中以Wealthy Health独有 的有机黑蜂胶最著名。澳洲药管局TGA的官方唯一 认证备案的“有机黑蜂胶”蜂胶有很多神奇的功效 ,如抗病原微生物、消炎、抗菌、抗疲劳、增加免 疫、抗流感等。
Glover Chemist
Pharmacy 4 Less Shop 438-441, Westfield Chatswood
Glover Chemist Shop Rg31, The Galleries, 500 George St Sydney 2000 Creelman’s Pharmacy 90 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Priceline Pharmacy World Square Ground Level , 644 George Street,Sydney NSW 2000
Pure Health Shop 66, 455 George St, QVB Sydney 2000 Great Earth Vitamins 90 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000
In the eye of the beholder
Lisa Perkovic chats to the country’s taste makers, leaders and community members to find out just what it means to celebrate Chinese New Year Down Under. 我们采访了澳大利亚的厨师、文化引 领者及社区民众,以了解中国新年在 澳大利亚的庆祝意义。
Jimmy Liu Chairman of the Chinese Cultural Centre, Sydney The Chinese Cultural Centre was established in Chatswood, Sydney in 1996, and since then has been charged with promoting and preserving Chinese culture in Australia through exhibitions, classes and seminars. This year will mark a decade of partnership between the Centre and Willoughby City Council to host the annual Chinese New Year celebrations. What is the significance of Chinese New Year? In China it’s a significant event marked by a long national holiday, splendid entertainment and sumptuous meals. Here in Australia, the scale is much smaller, but it’s still an opportunity to get together and enjoy the festivities, to celebrate the arrival of the new zodiac and to farewell the old zodiac. Some of the most common traditions are the dragon and lion dance, the New Year’s Eve dinner, and fireworks and firecrackers to ward away evil spirits.
Valerie Khoo Curator, Sydney Lunar Festival In its third decade, the City of Sydney’s 10day celebration is the largest Lunar New Year festival outside of Asia and brings more than 1.3 million people to the city in 2019. This year’s curator and local artist, Valerie Khoo, brings a unique creative outlook to the celebrations. How has the festival evolved? The festival has grown bigger and better every year. It started off as a small event for the Chinese community, and now it’s on the calendar for all Australians. There are activities all over city, on the harbour and down in Darling Harbour, including talks, performances and lots of food. You can join the celebrations regardless of the culture you’re from.
Jimmy Liu
悉尼中国文化中心主席 中国文化中心 于19 96 年 在 悉 尼 的 查茨伍德(Chatswood)成立,此 后一直致力于通过展览、讲座和研 讨会在澳大利亚推广和保护中国文 化。今年将是该中心和威洛比市政厅 (Willoughby City Council)合作举 办一年一度的春节庆祝活动的第十个 年头。 春节的意义何在? 在中国,这是一个重要的节日,标志着漫长 的法定假期、精彩的娱乐活动和丰盛的美 食。在澳大利亚,虽然庆祝的规模要小得多, 但它仍然是辞旧创新、聚会庆祝的绝佳机会。 春节期间,最常见的活动有舞龙舞狮、丰盛 的年夜饭及燃放烟花爆竹以驱邪辟害。
What makes the Sydney Lunar Festival so unique? This isn’t a replica of Lunar New Year in Asia. It’s a truly Sydney experience, spearheaded by Asian Australians who live in Sydney, who are taking wonderful bits of their cultural heritage and infusing it with incredible bits of this city. Personally, I think Sydney in summer is a pretty amazing backdrop – seeing the dragon boat races on one of the best harbours in the world is something else. And seeing the Lunar Lantern art installations lining Circular Quay that have been created and designed by some of Australia’s best artists, who understand the significance of the occasion, is very special. >
瓦莱丽·科(Valerie Khoo)
悉尼的春节庆祝活动已经走过了三个十年, 为期十天的春节庆祝活动号称除亚洲以外 最盛大的春节庆祝活动,2019年将有130多 万人来到悉尼。今年的策展人兼当地艺术家 瓦莱丽·科为庆祝活动带来了独特的创意。 春节有着怎样的发展演变? 春节的庆祝规模每年都在变大。起初,它只 是仅限于华人社区的一个小型活动,现在已 经成为所有澳大利亚人的节日。在整个悉尼、 海港以及达令港,亲朋好友欢聚一堂,肆意 谈笑,观看各种精彩表演,品尝各类饕餮美 食。无论您来自哪里,都可以加入到庆祝活 动的队伍当中。 是什么让悉尼的春节如此独特? 这不仅仅是亚洲春节的翻版,也是一个真正 的悉尼体验,由在悉尼的亚裔澳大利亚居民 带头,他们运用了自己文化遗产的精华,为 这座城市注入了不可思议、精彩纷呈的元 素。就我个人而言,我认为夏天的悉尼着实 惊艳,而在世界上最好的港口之一观赏龙舟 竞渡则别有一番风味。环形码头(Circular Quay)上的春节灯笼艺术展由一些了解春 节重要性的澳大利亚最佳艺术家创作和设 > 计,别具特色。
Clockwise from left: Chinese feast at Mama Mulan, Chatswood; Dragon and lion dancing is one of the key traditions of Chinese New Year; Neon lions at Sydney Lunar Festival; More great food at Chatswood Markets
Chris Ran Lin Designer, Melbourne Up-and-coming Melbourne designer Chris Ran Lin came to Melbourne from China at the age of 15. With his collection now stocked in Australia, Hong Kong and mainland China, he draws influence from the past and the present in his evocative pieces. What inspires your work? I’m inspired by people and the things around me, particularly architecture. I’m also influenced by my past. My mother was a dressmaker in China, so I spent my childhood helping her, working with fabric, learning about colour. What does it mean to you to be a Chinese-Australian designer? As a country, we’re so multicultural. People accept what they see, they try to understand others and they’re not afraid of new concepts. That gives me the opportunity to experiment
with my work. Outside of Australia, people look to our fashion because we offer that difference; we offer something really different and diverse compared to what’s in America, Europe and Asia. What does Chinese New Year mean to you? It’s a time for family, but in Melbourne it’s really interesting because it’s not just the Chinese celebrating. Vietnamese, South East Asian Australians – we all come together to celebrate the Lunar New Year. You can see all the different backgrounds celebrating together, and even though you’re not celebrating in China, it makes you feel part of something great.
This page: Melbourne designer Chris Ran Lin (above) draws influences from both the past and the present in his evocative pieces
林然 墨尔本设计师
冉冉升起的墨尔本设计师林然在15岁 时从中国来到墨尔本。他从过去和现 在的时光中汲取创作灵感,从而唤起 我们的美好回忆。他的作品现已风靡 澳大利亚、香港和中国大陆。 您作品的灵感源自何处? 我的灵感源自身边的人和事物,特别是建 筑。我也会从过去的时光中找寻灵感。以前 在中国的时候,我的母亲是一位裁缝。所以 在小的时候,我就帮着母亲裁剪面料,并开 始了解颜色。 成为一名华裔设计师对您来说意味着什么? 澳大利亚是一个有着多元文化的国家,人们 接受他们所看到的,试图了解他人,并不害 怕新的概念,这让我有机会做不同的尝试。 在澳大利亚以外的地区,人们关注我们的时 尚,因为我们能够呈现这种差异,并且所呈 现出来的内容与美国、欧洲和亚洲的所呈现 出来的截然不同。 春节对您来说意味着什么? 春节的美好时光是属于家庭的,但在墨尔本, 事情变得非常有趣,因为不仅仅是中国人在 庆祝,还有越南人和东南亚裔澳大利亚人, 大家都聚在一起庆祝春节。您可以看到有着 不同文化背景的人欢聚一堂,即使未置身中 国,却也感同身受。
Jason Margaritis Head chef, Donna Chang, Brisbane Hailing from Neil Perry’s prestigious Spice Temple kitchens, head chef Jason Margaritis is at the helm of Brisbane’s brand-new Donna Chang restaurant, transforming modern Chinese fare from the old-world glamour of a beautiful heritage-listed building. What's your favourite Chinese New Year dish? Longevity noodles. These uncut long-thread noodles symbolise a long and happy life. My close second would be steamed whole fish, which symbolises surplus and wealth. It’s a must-have for any Chinese New Year banquet. How do you think the Chinese food scene has changed in Australia? Chinese food has been a part of Australia's food culture since the ’70s, from the first big waves of Hong Kong migration. Many Australians recall their favourite suburban Chinese restaurant staples – usually battered, fried, overly sauced or heavily seasoned with MSG – but now, Chinese restaurants give the key elements of Chinese/Cantonese cooking using Australia’s best produce. The top Chinese restaurants in Australia promote authentic Chinese flavours while focusing on balanced and well-executed dishes.
“The top Chinese restaurants in Australia promote authentic Chinese flavours while focusing on balanced and well-executed dishes”
贾森·马格里提斯 (Jason Margaritis)
布里斯班Donna Chang主厨 曾在尼尔·佩里(Neil Perry)著名的 Spice Temple餐厅工作的贾森·马格 里提斯现在是布里斯班全新Donna Chang餐厅的主厨。在这样一座充满 古老魅力的历史建筑中,他将现代中 式美食之韵味发挥得淋漓尽致。 您最喜欢在春节吃什么? 长寿面。这些长长的面条象征着漫长而幸福 的生活。其次是象征着富裕和财富的清蒸全 鱼,这是春节期间任何中国人的饭桌上必不 可少的一道菜。 您如何看待澳大利亚的中餐文化? 自70年代以来大批移民从香港来到澳大利 亚开始,中餐已经融入到澳大利亚的饮食文 化当中。许多澳大利亚人记忆中最喜欢的郊 区中餐厅的主食通常是面糊或油炸食品,大 量加入各种调料,特别是味精。但现在,中 餐厅使用澳大利亚最好的食材来作为中餐/ 粤菜的主料。在提倡正宗中国风味的同时, 澳大利亚顶级的中餐厅还专注于菜肴的营 养均衡和精心烹制。
Clockwise from top left, this page: Dumplings at Donna Chang restaurant; Head chef Jason Margaritis; Interior at Donna Chang; Southern rock lobster with XO sauce at Donna Chang
Gail Giles-Gidney, Mayor, Willoughby City Council, Sydney In Sydney’s north, Willoughby City brings together a great mix of cultures. With 24 per cent of those residents of Chinese ancestry, Willoughby becomes a hub for local Chinese New Year celebrations. How does the community embrace Chinese New Year? There’s an excitement and optimism in the community. This year, alongside our annual day of celebrations, Willoughby City will be hosting a three-week-long cultural celebration for the Lunar New Year: the Chatswood Year of the Pig Festival. During Chinese New Year, Chatswood comes to life with terrific shopping and food destinations. It’s the perfect time to showcase all that is Chatswood.
Kay-Lene Tan Pastry chef, Melbourne Having perfected the art of pastry, Kay-Lene Tan holds the coveted position of pastry chef at two of Melbourne’s dining hot spots, Coda and Tonka. 50
Why is Chinese New Year such a special celebration to you? It’s one of my life mottos that you cannot know where you are going unless you appreciate where you came from. Celebrating Chinese New Year is a great reminder of that. It’s nice to set aside at least one day to have dinner with your family without any distractions from the outside world. How does your family and your Peranakan heritage influence your desserts? My earliest memories of my childhood were sitting in the kitchen rolling sweet glutinous rice dumpling with my mother and grandma. I like to create desserts that reflect those memories, and tell a story.
Casper Xu, Head chef, Madame Shanghai Sydney At the helm of one of Sydney’s most modern Chinese dining hot spots, Casper Xu brings the past into the present when celebrating Chinese New Year. What makes celebrating Chinese New Year in Sydney unique? Sydney is such an international city, with a large and diverse Chinese population living,
Clockwise from top left, this page: Carrot halwa at Tonka restaurant (photo by Tess Kelly); Kay-Lene Tan’s bombe Alaska dessert (photo by David Hyde); Kay-Lene Tan herself (photo by Liam Semini) Opposite, bottom: Casper Xu, head chef at Madame Shanghai Sydney
DETAILS Sydney Lunar Festival, City of Sydney whatson. cityofsydney.nsw. gov.au/major-events/ sydney-lunar-festival Chatswood Year of the Pig Festival visitchatswood.com. au/lny2019 Chris Ran Lin chrisranlin.com Tonka, Melbourne tonkarestaurant.com.au Donna Chang, Brisbane donnachang.com.au Madame Shanghai, Sydney lotusdining.com.au/ restaurant/madameshanghai/ Golden Century Sydney goldencentury.com.au
盖尔·吉尔斯-吉德尼 (Gail Giles-Gidney)市长
悉尼北部的威洛比是一个各种文化的 大熔炉,其中24%的居民拥有中国血 统,这里也成为当地春节庆祝活动的 中心。 普通民众怎样迎接春节? 整个社区呈现一派喜庆和乐的景象。今年, 除了我们每年的庆祝活动之外,威洛比市还 将举办为期三周的文化活动——查茨伍德 猪年春节庆祝活动。春节期间,查茨伍德将 成为绝佳的购物和美食目的地,利用这个机 会展示查茨伍德所拥有的一切。
Kay-Lene Tan
“It’s nice to set aside at least one day to have dinner with your family without any distractions from the outside world”
墨尔本糕点厨师 在其糕点艺术实现登峰造极之 后,Kay-Lene Tan在墨尔本的两个热 门餐厅Coda和Tonka担任令人钦慕 的糕点厨师一职。 春节对您而言为什么这么特别? 感恩过去,方知远方——这是我对生活的座 右铭。春节给我们一个很好的提醒——要 留出至少一天的时间在没有外界干扰的情 况下与家人共进晚餐。 您的家庭和中国渊源对您的甜点有何影响? 我童年时代的最早回忆是坐在厨房里,和妈 妈、奶奶一起作粢饭糕。制作甜点能勾起我 儿时的回忆和那个美好的故事,我喜欢这样 的感觉。 51
“It’s an opportunity to reflect on our busy lives, to remind ourselves of who we are and to be thankful for the past year”
working or studying here. We share our culture differences, share our love, share our happiness all together. That’s what makes celebrating in Sydney such a unique experience. What's your favourite Chinese New Year dish? My favourite has to be my mum’s home-made black fungi dumplings. It’s our tradition to have dumplings every Chinese New Year’s Eve. How will Madame Shanghai be celebrating? Madame Shanghai will celebrate over the month of February, most likely with a special banquet, Beijinginspired vegan dinners, dumpling masterclasses and potentially a calligraphy/watercolour painting class held on a Saturday lunch.
Billy Wong Golden Century, Sydney Above Golden Century’s Billy Wong with parents Eric and Linda, who opened the restaurant in 1989
The son of the duo behind Sydney’s famous Golden Century restaurant, Billy Wong also has plans to bring a brand-new Golden Century to Darling Park.
Casper Xu
悉尼Madame Shanghai主厨 作为悉尼最具现代风格的热门中餐厅 之一,Casper Xu的春节大餐让人们 仿佛回到了过去。 是什么让悉尼的春节庆祝活动如此独特? 悉尼是一个国际化的城市,许多有着不同背 景的中国人在这里生活、工作或学习。我们 分享我们的文化差异、分享我们的爱、分享 我们的幸福,这就是为什么悉尼的春节庆祝 活动如此独特的原因所在。 您最喜欢在春节吃什么? 我在春节最喜欢吃的美食必须是妈妈亲手 包的黑木耳馅饺子。年夜饭吃饺子是我们的 春节传统。 Madame Shanghai将举办什么庆祝活动? Madame Shanghai的春节庆祝活动将 在2月份亮相,很有可能举办一场特别宴会、 北京风格的素食晚宴和饺子大师班,也有可 能会在周六午餐时开办书法/水彩画课程。
What makes Chinese New Year so special to your family? Tradition. It’s an opportunity to reflect on our busy lives, to remind ourselves of who we are and to be thankful for the past year. We learn from challenges and welcome the year of opportunities ahead. And it’s about celebrating with extended family, friends and colleagues. How has Golden Century changed the Australian dining scene? Golden Century has been run by my family since 1989 and we’ve been constantly reminded that the consistency of Golden Century is what brings people back. The food and flavours bring back memories of meals people have had with their grandparents, or on their birthdays or graduations. What’s ahead for Golden Century in 2019? We’re expanding the original Golden Century in Chinatown, adding a third level to host additional private dining rooms with an emphasis on fine wine and refined Cantonese dining. We’re also opening a new venue mid-2019 at Darling Square inside The Exchange building. This public domain building, designed by renowned Kengo Kuma, will soon house the Sydney City Library and will be a central meeting place in the precinct. Our new restaurant, yet to be named, will be the next chapter in our family of restaurants, and I want it to be the beginning of another legacy, another long-standing restaurant. The concept will be a modern and different dining experience, yet relatable to feel familiar, comfortable and welcoming.
Billy Wong
作为悉尼著名的金唐海鲜酒家背后父 子二人组中的儿子,Billy Wong计划在 达令公园(Darling Park)开设一家全 新的金唐海鲜酒家。
金唐海鲜酒家2019年有什么规划? 我们正在扩建唐人街现有的金唐海鲜酒家, 新盖了第三层以添置更多的私人包间,同时 以精美葡萄酒及精致粤菜为重点。我们还将 于2019年中在达令广场皇家交易中心(The Exchange Building)开设一家新店。这个 春节对于您的家庭的特殊意义在于什么? 传统。这是一个在忙碌的生活中自我反思、 由日本著名建筑设计师隈研吾设计的公共 自我提醒,并对过去的一年表示感谢的绝佳 建筑很快将成为悉尼市图书馆的所在地,并 机会。我们在挑战中不断学习,并将信心满 将成为该区域的聚会中心。我们的新餐厅尚 满地迎接新的一年。新春佳节,最适合于与 未命名,但将为我们的家族餐厅开辟新的篇 章,我希望它能够成为另一个传奇、另一间 家人、亲朋好友及同事欢聚一堂。 经久不衰的餐厅。我们将尽力打造现代且与 金唐海鲜酒家如何改变了澳大利亚的餐饮 众不同的用餐体验,同时让顾客感受到亲切、 舒适和热情。 文化? 自1989年以来,金唐海鲜酒家一直由我们家 族来经营,我们时刻牢记着始终如一的风格 Clockwise from top left: Dumpling 才是金唐海鲜酒家招徕回头客的原因。始终 masterclasses at Madame Shanghai; 如一的菜肴和口味让食客在恍惚之中回忆起 Madame Shanghai will celebrate 与爷爷奶奶一起吃饭,亦或是生日、毕业典 Chinese New Year with a special banquet; 礼时的味道。 The famous tanks at Golden Century 53
Explore one of China’s most famous and compelling tourist drawcards: Wulingyuan.
探索中国最引人注目的终极旅游胜地——武陵源 Words and Photography: Dave Tacon
Clockwise from this page: View across a canyon to a glass elevator at Wulingyuan Scenic Area; The rock formations were formed by rain erosion; Qing dynasty-era rooftops at the Yuan Family Village; The landscape in Avatar was inspired by the karst mountains and rivers of Zhangjiajie
ith more than 3,000 towering quartzite sandstone pillars marooned over millennia by wind and water, Wulingyuan boasts an otherworldly and ancient landscape. Yet it’s only recently that it has been thrust into the international spotlight. To many visitors, the Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area is home to the “Avatar mountains” since it was this ethereal mountain range that inspired the topography of Hollywood director James Cameron’s science-fiction blockbuster. Located on the north-western edge of Hunan, a mountainous, landlocked province in China’s south, Wulingyuan’s scenery is among the most spectacular on earth, but also some of its most rugged. Jagged forested peaks, steep cliffs and deep canyons locked the region outside of public consciousness for centuries; however, its rapid rise as a tourist destination began in 1979, when Wu Guanzhong, one of China’s greatest contemporary painters, put its mysterious, often mist-shrouded landscape to canvas. After producing a series of masterworks commissioned by the Hunan government, the awestruck artist penned a travelogue, Unknown to the World, in which he claimed the region’s beauty surpassed any other in China. Wu singled out the wild terrain of Zhangjiajie on the western edge of Wulingyuan, comparing the area to a precious but lost pearl. “In order to pursue the beauty of painting, I have been to many famous mountains, but I feel that the unknown Zhangjiajie is much more beautiful than the Yandang Range [in Zhejiang province, south of Shanghai], the Wuyi Range [in the southern province of Fujian] and others. The fantastic landscape is as good as Guilin, but the mountains here are much more mysterious, centralised, splendid and untamed.” Wu’s words were heeded and, in 1982, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park was named China’s first national park, followed by Suoxi Valley Nature Reserve, Tianzi Mountain Nature Reserve and the Yangjiajie Scenic Area. In 1992, the Wulingyuan Scenic Area, which contains these four protected areas, was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. >
陵源拥有3,000余座高耸入云的 石英砂岩峰林,经过数千年的风 吹水蚀,呈现出超凡脱俗的远古 景观。然而,直到最近这里才引起国际社会 的关注。对于许多游客来说,武陵源风景名 胜区是“阿凡达山”的所在地。受这里空灵 毓秀的山脉的启发,好莱坞导演詹姆斯·卡 梅隆(James Cameron)把这里作为其 科幻大片的取景地。 湖南省是中国南部的一个多山的内陆省 份,武陵源即位于该省的西北部。这里的风 景堪称地球上最壮观、也是最崎岖的景观 之一。几个世纪以来,嶙峋葱翠的岩峰、壁 立千仞的悬崖和深邃幽密的峡谷使其一直 没有进入公众的视线。直到1979年,这里作 为一个旅游目的地才声名鹊起。当时中国 最伟大的当代画家吴冠中将这里云雾缭绕
的神秘景观呈现于画作当中。在受湖南省 政府委托创作了一系列作品之后,这位艺 术家怀着敬畏之心写下一篇名为《养在深 闺人未识》的旅行日记,并声称“武陵源之 美,中国无出其右者”。吴冠中特别提到武 陵源西侧的张家界,将这里比作“迷失的 珍宝”。“为了追求绘画之美,我去过许多 名山,但我觉得籍籍无名的张家界远比浙江 雁荡山和福建武夷山等为美。这里奇妙的 景观和桂林一样美,但这里的山脉更加神 秘而集中、壮观而原始。”吴冠中的话后来 得到印证。1982年,张家界国家森林公园成 为中国第一个国家公园,此后则是索溪峪 自然保护区、天子山自然保护区和杨家界风 景区。1992年,由这四大保护区组成的武 陵源风景区被联合国教科文组织列为世界 遗产地。 >
With 560 scenic sights from caves to lakes, natural bridges, plunging valleys, vertical cliffs and, of course, those signature sandstone pillars, it’s difficult to know where to begin a journey through Wulingyuan. While Zhangjiajie has some of the most famous landscapes, all four of the nature reserves that make up the UNESCO World Heritage Site are equally rewarding. Despite the extensive infrastructure projects that have made Wulingyuan accessible to tourists, luxury hotel chains have been unable to establish a significant foothold. The exceptions are the Pullman Zhangjiajie and Crowne Plaza Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan, both of which are popular with international tour groups and a short trip away from spectacular Baofeng Lake, a 75-metre deep body of water flanked by near-vertical cliffs. The only way to explore the lake is by tourist boats, which make two short stops during their 30-minute circuit for passengers to be serenaded with songs from the local Tujia minority. The limited high-end accommodation offerings have been a boon for enterprising locals. Homeward Mountain Hotel is a family-owned boutique hotel in a tranquil river valley on the western edge of the scenic area with an outdoor swimming pool and spacious rooms. It’s a great base to explore the western side of the scenic area. The entrance gate to Yangjiajie, named after the local Yang clan, is just a short drive away. A four-day pass to Wulingyuan Scenic Area costs RMB 248 (around $50) per person. Some shuttle buses are covered by this ticket, but not all. A visitor can also expect to pay for attractions such as the world’s longest (430-metre) and highest (300-metre) glass bridge across the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon (RMB 35 one-way) and the Bailong Elevator, which rises 335 metres in little more than a minute (RMB 72 one-way). Chairlifts and entry to historic villages are also extra. >
这里有洞穴、湖泊、天然桥梁、陡峭的山 谷、垂直的悬崖,当然还有那些标志性的砂 岩峰林,风景名胜多达560处,让人很难决 定从哪里开始游览。虽然张家界国家森林 公园拥有一些最著名的景点,但构成联合 国教科文组织世界遗产地的所有四个自然 保护区都同样值得一游。 尽管大规模的基础设施建设使很多游 客能 够 来 到 武 陵 源,但 这 里 的豪 华 连 锁 酒店却依然罕见。张家界京武铂尔曼酒店 和张家界 纳百利皇 冠假日酒店却是 个 例 外——这两家距离壮观的宝峰湖仅一小段 路程的酒店深受国际旅游团的欢迎。宝峰 湖深75米,湖边悬崖壁立。浏览宝峰湖的 唯一方式就是乘坐游船,30分钟的环湖游 中间将短暂停靠两处,可以欣赏到当地少 数民族土家族的歌舞表演。 高端住宿酒店的缺乏对于颇有胆识的当 地人来说是一个福音。回家孩子野奢度假 屋是一家家庭经营的精品酒店,位于张家 界风景区西侧宁静的河谷中,除了宽敞的客 房,这里还有一个室外游泳池。这里是探 索张家界风景区西侧的一个理想基地,以 当地的杨氏家族命名的杨家界门票站距离 这家酒店仅有很短的车程。
武陵源风景区四日通票价格为每人248 元(约合50澳元),购票后可以乘坐部分穿 梭巴士。其他需要额外付费的景点包括张 家界大峡谷玻璃桥——世界最长(430米) 最高(30 0米)的玻璃桥,单程35元)以及 百龙电梯(可在不到一分钟的时间内上升 335米的高度,单程72元)。乘坐缆车和参 观古村落也需要额外付费。 穿过杨家界门票站,穿梭巴士将蜿蜒曲 折地带您前往景区,共45分钟的车程,但 乘坐缆车则会更加快捷,景色也更为壮观, 单程100元,不到十分钟即可抵达。通往武 陵的索道在树顶之上滑行,穿过狭窄的沟 渠、经过狭窄的石头,每块石头上都不可思 议地有小树紧紧攀附其上。 迷魂台是一条横跨于狭窄峡谷的天然 桥梁,前往这里的话,乘坐当地特色的滑杆 是感觉非常气派,单程400元。当地的食物 有臭豆腐(一种老远就可以闻到的炭黑 >
Clockwise from top left: Yuan Family Village; Tourist boat on Baofeng Lake; Yuan Family Village was known for its skilled silversmiths; Tea-Tray Pagoda on a 1,200-metre peak of Tianzi Mountain; Aerial View of Baofeng Lake; Qingfeng Valley in Zhangjiajie; Red chillis dry in the sun at a village within Wulingyuan Scenic Area; Prayer ribbons placed in the hope of good luck near The First Bridge to Ecstasy Terrace
Entering via the Yangjiajie gate, shuttle buses deliver you to the scenic area with a winding 45-minute journey, but the cableway is a much swifter and spectacular route to the same destination at RMB 100 each way. In less than 10 minutes, the cableway to Wuling Village glides over treetops, through narrow gullies and past stone formations with small trees clinging to them in improbable fashion. Upon arrival, local sedan chairs are on offer as a regal mode of transport to Ecstasy Terrace, a natural bridge across a narrow canyon, at RMB 400 each way. Local food options include stinky tofu (a coal-black Hunan specialty that can be smelled long before it’s seen), diverse grilled skewers and spicy cold noodles, while less adventurous diners can enjoy KFC. Across from the cableway, restaurants and bus station is Yuan Family Village. After paying the RMB 98 entrance, visitors can admire ancient traditional architecture, learn about the village’s silversmiths, and even practise a little archery for RMB 3 per arrow. Guided tours (in Mandarin only) are included in the entry fee and conclude with an ethnic song and dance show. The shuttle bus journey to Tianzi Mountain in Zhangjiajie takes 40 minutes through hairpin bends and more majestic views. From the edge of the plateau one can get a sense of the sheer scale of this landscape formed by sedimentary rocks more than 300 million years ago. Over time, quartzite proved a far sturdier material than limestone, which was eroded away to leave rows upon rows of narrow stone pillars. The highest of these natural skyscrapers reaches a height of 1,262 metres – well over twice the height of the world’s second tallest building, the Shanghai Tower. This breathtaking view is more than worth the journey, although visitors may have to wait their turn to enjoy an uninterrupted view of the magnificent expanse. >
色湖南特产),各种烤串和辛辣的冷面,而 不那么热衷于冒险的食客则可以选择肯德 基。位于缆车、餐馆和公交车站对面的是袁 家村。支付98元的门票后,游客可以欣赏到 这里古老的传统建筑,了解村里的银匠,甚 至还可以练习射箭,每箭3元。门票中含导 游(仅限普通话)费,游览的最后则是民族 特色的歌舞表演。 乘 坐穿 梭巴士穿越张家界到天子山需 要40分钟,一路上各种急转弯,当然景色也 更为壮观。站在风景区的峰巅之上,人们可 以亲身感受到3亿多年前沉积岩形成的地 貌规模之宏大。随着时间的推移,石英岩 被证明比石灰石更具有研究性,它在侵蚀 之后会留下一排排狭窄的石柱。这些天然 的“摩天大楼”中最高的可达到1,262米的 高度——远远高于世界第二高楼上海中心 大厦的两倍。这里令人叹为观止的景观非常 值得一游,尽管游客可能不得不排队等待 才能欣赏到一览无余的壮丽景色。 >
Clockwise from left: Viewing platforms in Yuanjiajie; Boat on Baofeng Lake; Prayer ribbons are said to bring good luck to those who tie them; A local teenager at Yuan Family Village; Poolside at Homeward Mountain Hotel, a locally owned boutique hotel just outside Wulingyuan Scenic Area
STAY Crowne Plaza Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan From $135 per night ihg.com
Homeward Mountain Hotel From $122 per night, Yang Jia Jie Men Piao Zhan Ye Ji Pu, Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie Pullman Zhangjiajie From $96 per night, accorhotels.com
Tourists flock to Wulingyuan throughout the year, with the October national holidays the peak season. Just as the magnificent landscape has inspired world-renowned artists, the same can be said for the legions of amateur photographers drawn to it. Gates open at 7:30am. Early birds are rewarded with short queues and the best light for photography, but as gates close at 6pm, those hoping to capture the sunset may be disappointed in the warmer months. Arrive late and expect to be jostled on narrow tracks by waves of tour groups mainly consisting of Chinese retirees. For a more intimate encounter with the landscape, guests at Homeward Mountain Hotel can venture into Qifeng Valley, just a short walk down an unmade road by a rushing stream. This valley, which you’re unlikely to find in any guide book, lies outside the bounds of the national park, but still has the same signature narrow jagged peaks. The perspective from the valley floor is entirely different from what’s seen from the plateaus of the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. Visit in the early evening and walk up the narrowing valley to the sound of cascading water and birdsong. A stone path leads to two small twin waterfalls. As night begins to fall, fireflies appear. The serenity is a welcome contrast to the tourist hustle of the still more spectacular national park. Sometimes, the ultimate luxury is having such natural beauty entirely to oneself, even for just a moment. 60
Clockwise from top left: Terrace fields at Wulingyuan Scenic Area; An installation of cow skulls near the entrance of Yuan Family Village; Tianzi Mountain; Pool at Pullman Wulingyuan; Dusk at Homeward Mountain Hotel
一年四季,这里到处人头攒动,十月的国 庆节期间则达到最高峰。正如壮丽的景观 能够激发世界知名艺术家的灵感,对于蜂 拥到此的大批业余摄影爱好者来说,也是 如此。景区大门于上午7:30开放。来得早排 队时间就短,也能够在摄影时获得最佳的 光线,但是景区大门在下午6点就关闭,那 些希望在温暖月份捕捉到日落美景的人可 能会感到一丝失望。如果来得晚的话,就要 做好与大批主要由中国退休的老年人组成 的旅游团在狭窄的通道上摩肩接踵的准备。 入住回家孩子野奢度假屋的宾客可以选 择前往奇峰谷,沿着奔流的小溪边上简陋 的小道漫步,与这里的景观进行更亲密的 接触。在任何旅游指南中都不太可能发现 奇峰谷的身影,因其并不在张家界国家公 园内,但在这里仍然可以见到张家界标志 性嶙峋瘦削的山峰。从谷底看到的景色与 从武陵源风景区的峰巅之上看到的景色截 然不同。傍晚,信步走入狭窄的山谷,耳边 伴着淙淙的流水声和悠扬的鸟鸣声,沿着 石头小路前往两个小型的双子瀑布。 夜幕降临,萤火虫也悄然出现。这里的 宁静氛围与更为令人瞩目的国家公园的喧 嚣形成鲜明对比。有的时候,最奢侈的事情 莫过于一个人完全拥有这般自然之美,哪 怕只是短短的一瞬。
“最奢侈的事情莫过于一个人完全拥有 这般自然之美,哪怕只是短短的一瞬”
The forgotten peninsula The Bellarine Peninsula south-west of Melbourne is made up of chilled-out coastal towns and reinvented urban retreats, as Shaney Hudson discovers.
Images: Nikole Ramsay Photography
位于墨尔本西南部的贝拉林半岛(Bellarine Peninsula) 拥有休闲舒适的海滨城镇及重新改建的城市度假场所。
Left and above: Luxurious amenities at Lon Retreat, located at Point Lonsdale on the Bellarine Peninsula
t was the 1940s when the Bay Steamers ceased, the once crucial passenger ferries linking Melbourne to the Bellarine Peninsula giving way to rail and road. Once out of sight for travellers, the destination was out of mind too: everyone can tell you about the Mornington Peninsula, but not so many can tell you about the Bellarine. However, 80 years later, the Bellarine has a fresh beginning. A new ferry service connects visitors from Melbourne’s Docklands to Portarlington in 75 minutes – and the Bellarine is ready with a number of new hotel and restaurant openings for the luxury market. “The Bellarine is a hidden gem. It’s relaxed and friendly with little coastal villages surrounded by farmland, world-class beaches and golf courses, and rolling hills filled with wineries, farm gates and producers – all within a 90-minute drive of Melbourne,” says Claire Gemes, manager of Lon Retreat, located in Lonsdale. Lon is just one of the many new luxury accommodation options to open in 2018, including Campbell Point House on the edge of Lake Connewarre, the striking accommodation pods at The Nest, and 15 new glamping tents established at Terindah Estate. However, none have quite the enviable magic of Lon. It’s located on a 200-acre property owned by seven generations of Gemes’ family at Port Lonsdale. The >
世 纪4 0 年代,往 本不到90分钟车 程,”Lon Retreat经理克莱尔·吉姆斯 返于墨尔本 和贝 拉林半岛之间的 (Claire Gemes)说道。 Lo n Ret re at仅仅 是 蒸汽船停止运营,一度举足轻 2 018 年新 开业的豪华酒店 重的客运渡轮让位于铁路和 公路。一旦远离旅行者的视线, 之一,此外还有位于科瓦勒 最终将被抛诸脑后。莫宁顿半 湖(Lake Connewa r re) 岛(Mornington Peninsula) 畔 的 C a m p b e l l P o i n t House、The Nest令人大开眼 远近闻名,但很少有人知道 界的太空舱式酒店,以及位于 贝拉林半岛在哪里。 然而,80年后的今天,贝拉 Terindah Wine Estate的15 林有了一个全新的开始,仅仅 顶全新豪华帐篷。 然而,说到Lon Retreat, 需要75分钟的时间,往返于 墨尔本达克兰(Docklands) 这个位于隆斯代尔港(Port 和波塔灵顿(Portarlington) Lonsdale)吉姆斯家族传承 之间的全新渡轮即可将游客 七代的20 0英亩土地上的酒 迎来送往——贝拉林涌现出 店,没有哪一家的魔力能与 大量的全新酒店和餐厅,已经 其媲美。Lon Retreat坐落在 小山之上,可以360度无死角 做好提供豪华体验的准备。 地尽揽南大洋、维多利亚湖 “贝 拉 林是 一 颗 隐 藏 的宝 石。这里有着悠闲友好的氛 (Lake Victoria)和周围农田 的无边景色。 围——沿海小村星罗棋布,周 “Lon Retreat圆了我20年来 围环绕着农田、世界级的海 的一个梦想。我一直认为这 滩和高尔夫球场,连绵起伏 块土地是非常独特的,”老板 的 丘 陵 遍 布 酒 庄、农 场 和 农田。而这一切均距离墨尔 克莱尔·吉姆斯说道。 > 63
Left to right: The Nimbus suite at Lon Retreat; Lon Spa; Claire Gemes, Lon Retreat manager
retreat rests on a hill offering 360-degree views to the Southern Ocean, Lake Victoria and surrounding farmland. “Lon was a 20-year vision for me – I’ve always seen the property as a really unique and special place,” Gemes says. The adults-only retreat offers seven suites, and includes a spa with three treatment rooms and which is open to the public. Natural mineral springs also run in subterranean limestone caves beneath the property. One hundred years ago, Gemes’ ancestors dug by hand to source the waters, installing a windmill to pipe the mineral water to troughs across the property. “Today, we pipe these mineral springs into our heated mineral pool, the stone baths in our Lon Spa and also directly into the baths of our two premium suites, Alto and Cumulus.”
WHISK YOURSELF AWAY Lon is just one of many new businesses to test the waters in the area. “Because we’re out on the end of the peninsula, people have failed to come out here – so we’ve stayed a nice little quiet pocket,” says local Russ Watson, who established Bellarine Distillery in 2015. “But people are starting to find their way back down here.” The seven-and-a-half-acre distillery is located along an old Cobb & Co route at the foot of three valleys. >
该度假酒店仅限成人入住, 共有7间套房,包括一个开放 的水疗中心和3间理疗室。天 然矿泉也从酒店地下的石灰 岩洞穴中汩汩涌出。 100年前,吉姆斯的祖先用 手挖掘水源,然后安装风车将 矿泉水输送到整片土地。 “今天,我们将这些矿泉水 通过管道输送到我们的温水 矿物泳池和Lon Spa的石质 浴缸,并直接输送至我们两间 高级套房Alto&Cumulus的 浴缸中。” Lon Retreat只是该地区试 水的众多新产业之一。 “我们地处半岛尽头,这里 人迹罕至,所以我们一直过得 非常平静,”当地人拉斯·沃 森(Russ Watson)这样说 道。他于2015年的时候建立了 Bellarine Distillery。 “但现在人们开始重新关注 这里。”
占地7英亩半的酿酒厂位于 三个山谷脚下Cobb & Co旧 马车线路沿线。除酿酒厂外, 沃森还修建了The Whiskery, 这是由一座棚式建筑翻新而 成的时尚酒吧,已经成为贝拉 林最受欢迎的景点。 除了供 应 当 地 啤 酒 和 葡 萄酒外,酒吧还展示有酿酒 厂酿造的第一瓶酒,即名为 Teddy & The Fox的澳大利 亚当代杜松子酒。但是,要喝 上威士忌还是需要点耐心的。 第一批威士忌将于2020年面 世,目前正陈酿于购买自隔壁 Scotchmans Hill酒庄后改造 的黑比诺酒桶之中。 “我们想要的威士忌是轻盈、 辛辣且芬芳的,所以我们决定 在当地采购木桶,以便使其 具有北贝拉林的真正风味。” 这种创造力和与其他生产 者合作的意愿正在成为贝拉 林地区的标志。 >
images: Nikole Ramsay Photography
Images: Nikole Ramsay Photography
Clockwise from left: Expect to get Bellarine beaches all to yourself much of the time; The Whiskery interior; The Whiskery was built in a refurbished shed; Teddy & The Fox gin with pizza at the distillery
Along with the distillery, Watson built The Whiskery, a sleek refurbished shed and cellar door that has emerged as a favourite Bellarine attraction. Along with serving local beer and wine, the cellar door showcases the distillery’s first drop: a contemporary Australian gin called Teddy & The Fox. However, whisky requires patience. The first batch will be ready in 2020, and is currently ageing in repurposed pinot noir wine barrels sourced from his next-door neighbour at Scotchmans Hill wines. “We wanted something that was going to be light and salty and a lot of floral, so we decided to source our casks locally, because we wanted to give it that real terroir, that real provenance of Scotchmans Road and Northern Bellarine,” Watson says.
TRAIL BLAZING It’s this creativity and willingness to work with other producers that’s becoming the hallmark of the Bellarine community. Recognising the growing momentum around the artisanal food scene, the Bellarine Taste Trail was developed to highlight the best of the region’s produce to visitors, showcasing over 50 food and wine destinations from farm gates selling fresh mussels (a local specialty) to cellar doors featuring cool-climate wines.
意识到手工食品日益受欢 迎的势头,Bellarine Taste Trail的开发是为了向游客展示 该地区最好的食材,以及50多 家出售新鲜贻贝(当地特产) 的农场和生产凉爽气候葡萄 酒的酒庄。 “我认为这些商贩真正可爱 的地方在于他们意识到我们 每个人的成功取决于我们所 有人的成功,”沃森说。 Jack Rabbit餐厅行政主 厨德怀恩·伯克(Dwayne Bourke)对此表示赞同。 “我们在吉朗(Geelong) 有一个很棒的蘑菇 供应商, 他实际上用我们用过的咖啡 渣来种植蘑菇,这样种出来 的平菇非常美味。” 这间现代的高级餐厅位于 葡萄园内,可以一览无余的将 葡萄园至海岸的景致尽收眼 底,此外还有一间酒吧咖啡厅 和一个直升机停机坪,满足不 同游客的需求。 伯克说: “目前贝拉林着实
令人兴奋,因为我们拥有一系 列的绝佳食材,并一直保持着 手工制作美食的传统。” “我们尝试利用面前的海湾 中能找到的一切——鲬、贻 贝、牡蛎、鲷鱼。但我们还是 尽可能多地利用餐厅10-15公 里半径范围内的当地生产者 供应的食材。” Jack Rabbit餐厅的菜品包 括当地屠户养殖的贝拉林牛 肉和餐厅所在马路一头养殖 的德拉斯黛山羊奶制作的奶 酪。葡萄园自己也养殖有羊 群,在葡萄藤之间悠然地吃 着青草。 “这对于这里的餐饮业来说 是一种很好的助力,”伯克说 该地区日益强烈的自豪感是 最为引人注目的。 “这里的酿酒厂和供应商非 常不错,不过他们已经不仅仅 满足于此。他们说贝拉林不应 该仅是游客前往冲浪海岸的 途经之所,它本身就是一个目 的地,”伯克说道。 67
DETAILS Bellarine Distillery 2102-2120 Portarlington Road, Drysdale bellarinedistillery.com.au Jack Rabbit Vineyard 5 McAdams Lane, Bellarine jackrabbitvineyard.com.au Lon Retreat 25 Gill Road, Point Lonsdale lonretreat.com.au Port Phillip Ferries portphillipferries.com.au
“I think what’s really lovely among the traders is that they realise the success of each of us is really dependent on the success of all of us,” Watson says. Executive chef Dwayne Bourke of Jack Rabbit Vineyard restaurant agrees. “We’ve got a beautiful mushroom supplier out in Geelong now, and he actually uses our used coffee grounds to grow his mushrooms in. We’ve been able to then have some fantastic oyster mushrooms,” Bourke says. Jack Rabbit features a contemporary fine-dining restaurant with sweeping views across the vines to the coast, a cellar door and cafe – and for those who like to arrive in style, its own helipad. “It’s really exciting on the Bellarine at the moment with the array of produce and the real artisan approach to food that we’re getting down there,” Bourke says. “We try to utilise what we can out of the bay in front of us – flathead, mussels, oysters, snapper – but our primary focus is using local producers, getting as much from within a 10-15 kilometre radius of the restaurant as we can.”
Jack Rabbit’s menu includes Bellarine beef farmed by a local butcher and Drysdale goat cheese produced just down the road. It also includes the vineyard’s own herd of lamb, which graze between the vines. “It’s just a good energy around the food scene down here,” Bourke says, adding that what’s most remarkable, for him, is the growing sense of pride in the area. “The wineries and producers have always been very good, but lately they’ve lifted their game. They’re getting the word out that the Bellarine isn’t just somewhere you drive through on the way to the surf coast; instead, it’s a destination in itself. I’m really excited to be a part of it.”
Below: Views of the Bellarine coastline and modern Australian cuisine at Jack Rabbit Vineyard Opposite: Guests enjoy the outdoor ambience on the Jack Rabbit Vineyard balcony
Buckle up for an exhilarating ride with Guilin Insiders. 我们与您一起在本地通的带领下 畅游桂林。 Words and photography: Dave Tacon
ice fields race by as the sun sets over Guilin’s jagged green karst mountains. With the wind in your face, the roar of a vintage motorcycle engine and a front row seat from the comfortable leather interior of a sidecar, what better way could there be to enjoy one of China’s most famous landscapes? For those who like a touch of Indiana Jones with their luxury holiday, Guilin Insiders offers on and off-road thrills in two kinds of iconic vehicles, each with a unique place in Chinese history: the 1950s Chang Jiang (Yangtze) motorcycle sidecar, one of the first mass-produced vehicles in the People’s Republic of China, and the 1960s Beijing Jeep, a hardy military and civilian four-wheel drive that has been in production for more than half a century. “These Chang Jiang sidecars are perfect for Guilin,” says Gerard Chin, an “Insider” who conducts tours with both vehicles. “They’re small enough for the narrow alleys in the old mountain villages, way better at off-roading than other two-wheelers and, of course, they look very cool.” >
“这些 长江挎斗摩托车 水甲天下的桂林 和桂林很搭。”杰拉德·钦 有着典型的喀斯 特地貌,群山苍 (Gerard Chin)表示,他在 翠、怪石嶙峋。日 Guilin Insiders工作,可提 落时分,跨上有着舒适皮革 供以上两种车辆供人民游 “它们够小,可以在古老 内饰的老式挎斗摩托车,在 览。 发动机的轰鸣声中,任由风 山村的狭窄小巷中来去自如, 拂过脸庞,看着两旁稻田飞 而与其他两轮摩托车相比, 越野性能更好,当然看起来 驰而去,还有比这更令人惬 也非常酷。” 意的揽胜方式么? Guilin Insiders有7辆长 对于那些喜欢印第安纳 琼 斯 式 豪 华 假 期 的 人 来 江 挎斗摩托 车,这是一种 拥 有复杂“血 统”的摩 托 说,Guilin Insiders可让您 驾乘两种特色车辆体验越 车。长江挎斗摩托车与1938 野的惊险刺激。这两种车均 年产的德国宝马R71十分相 在中国历史上有着独特的地 似。当时,苏联大规模生产 这种十分耐用的摩托车,以 位,其中一种是20世纪50年 代的长江挎斗摩托车,这是 帮助苏联红军抵抗纳粹迫 中国首批大规模生产的车 在眉睫的入侵。这款摩托车 辆之一;另一种则是20世纪 于1957年通过中苏技术交 流进入中国,然后在南昌开 60年代的北京吉普车,一款 耐用的军用和民用四轮驱 始大规模生产,长江系列由 动车,已经有半个多世纪的 此诞生。尽管该系列摩托车 在中国于1997年停产,但 > 历史。
Left: A motorcycle sidecar tour with Guilin Insiders, which arranges unique adventures throughout China
Guilin Insiders has seven Chang Jiang sidecar motorcycles, a vehicle with a complicated pedigree. The Chang Jiang is close copy of a 1938 German BMW R71. Its journey to China began when the Soviet Union reverse engineered and mass-produced the sturdy machine to help its Red Army counter the impending Nazi invasion. The vehicle found its way to China in 1957 in a Sino-Soviet exchange of technology. Mass production commenced in Nanchang and the Chang Jiang was born. Although Chinese manufacture ceased in 1997, its Russian relative, the Ural, is still assembled in Siberia. On a sunny late summer afternoon, we arrive at the Insiders garage near the Club Med Guilin resort. Gerard, a Malaysian, and his Chinese counterpart Xiong Yi wheel out two gleaming sidecar motorcycles, one white, the other metallic blue. We slide into the surprisingly comfortable leather interiors of our sidecars and we’re off and away. We zoom up the steep but smooth roads, stopping once to wait for a wandering herd of cattle to clear our path. Other times, we halt to admire views of Guilin’s world-famous zigzagging sandstone peaks, formed over millennia. Our motorbikes climb the hills until we reach Lie Dan, a village with stone buildings dating from the end of the Qing dynasty more than 100 years ago. >
它的俄罗斯“亲戚”乌拉尔 挎斗摩托车仍然在西伯利 亚生产。 在一个阳光明媚的夏 末 下 午,我 们 来 到 C l u b M e d 桂 林 度假 村 附 近 的 Gulin Insiders车库。马来西 亚人杰拉德和他的中国同行 熊毅(Xiong Yi,音译)推出了 两辆闪亮的挎斗摩托车,其 中一辆为白色,另一辆是金 属蓝色。皮革内饰的舒适程 度令人惊讶,我们跳上摩托 车,绝尘而去。 我们迅速冲上陡峭但平 整的道路,中间停下来一次 等待一群牛为我们让路。其 他 时候,我们也会 停车 驻 足,欣赏桂林几千年来形成 的、赖以成名的崎岖嶙峋的 砂岩峰。 我们驾驶着摩托车在山 中一路前行,直到来到一个 名叫Lie Dan的村庄,这里 的石头建筑可以追溯到100 多年前的清朝末期。当地人 说,这个村庄的历史可以追
溯到3 0 0多年前——比桂 林市还要古老。杰拉德介绍 道: “你可以通过他们家的 石砖的大小来判断一个家 庭的富裕程度。”每个庭院 都有一个长方形的墙,直接 挡在进门处,寓意把坏运气 和鬼怪阻挡在门外。 当我们走在一条狭窄的 小 巷里 时,一 位 老婆 婆正 在从井里打水。水来自地下 河——桂林有无数的地下洞 穴和水道,纯净而凉爽。熊 毅丢下我们,帮着老婆婆打 好水,然后把桶提到她在附 近的家中。 “这就是这里真实的生活,” 他回来时说道。 “我在北京 有生意,但每当有机会,我 都会回桂林。这是一个我总 能找到安宁的地方。” 当太阳开始向着周围的山 峰倾斜时,我们离开村庄下 山。当我们蜿蜒穿过一个个 村庄时,我们经常受到兴高 彩烈的孩子们的欢迎,他们 在我们经过时欢快地 跳 >
Opposite: Tourists look out over the panorama of the Li River from Xianggong Mountain Above: A farmer with his buffalo seen from a motorcycle sidecar on a tour with Guilin Insiders
Clockwise from left: Ride in a motorcycle sidecar during a tour with Guilin Insiders as they take you from destination to destination; Swimming pool at Club Med Guilin; Champagne picnic by the panorama of the Li River lookout at Xianggong Mountain; Guest room at Li River Resort, a boutique resort on the edge of the town
The village itself dates back to more than 300 跃并挥动双手。笔直的水泥 路两侧都是片片稻田,夕阳 years – older than Guilin city, the locals say. “You can 西下,农民牵着水牛缓步而 tell how wealthy a family was by the size of the stone 行,映入眼帘的是一派纯正 blocks of their house,” Gerard says. Each courtyard home has an oblong-shaped wall directly in front of the 的田园风光,就像《国家地 理杂志》中双页插图描绘地 entrance to block bad luck and evil spirits. 那样美好安详。 As we walk down a narrow lane, an elderly woman is 第二天,在Club Med桂 pumping water from a well. The water comes from an underground river – Guilin has countless subterranean 林度假村好好休整一番之后, 我们很晚才起来悠闲地吃过 caves and waterways – and is pure and cold. Xiong Yi 早餐,然后决定换一辆敞篷 leaves us to help her at the pump and carry a bucket 北京吉普车再转转。虽然仍 back to her home nearby. “It’s real life out here,” he 然保留着老式的设计和自20 says when he returns. “I have a business in Beijing, but 世纪60年代以来就一直保持 whenever I get a chance, I return to Guilin. It’s a place 不变的底盘,但这款BJ2020 where I can always find peace.” 吉普车却配备了令人颇为放 We descend from the village as the sun begins to 心的丰田HiLux 2.0升发动机 dip towards the surrounding peaks. As we meander (于20世纪80年代首次生产), through villages, we’re often greeted by excited 还有一个MP3播放器伪装成 children who jump and wave as we pass. Back out on 的卡式录音机。 gun-barrel-straight concrete roads flanked with rice 在山中蜿蜒而行时,杰拉 fields, farmers lead their water buffalo as the sun sets 德一路上都在唱皇后乐队的 over the mountains in a bucolic scene straight out of a 《Greatest Hits》,而且唱 National Geographic double page spread. 74
得相当不错。我们的目的地 是相公山。在爬山的过程中, 我们看到十几位业余摄影爱 好者在这里拍摄,可见这里 是多么地受欢迎。现在是下 午,但是热情的摄影爱好者 已经为广阔的洪泛平原上远 处的连绵群山占据了最佳的 拍摄位置。 但是,最美丽的风景还在 后头。直到一位当地摄影师 在阳朔漓江西岸的高山之上 拍摄的美丽风景在一次国际 摄影比赛中获得铜奖,有着 典型卡斯特地貌的相公山才 最终被世人所熟知。从停车 场踏上陡峭的台阶,经过15 分钟后达到山顶。捕捉壮观 全景的理想时间是在黎明 时分,但从三层观景平台可 以在一天当中随时欣赏这里 的壮丽景观。再加上Guilin Insiders提供的香槟美酒 >
The next day, after a long rest, a sleep-in and a leisurely late breakfast at Club Med Guilin, we’re ready to see more of the countryside, this time from an open-top Beijing Jeep. While the design is certainly vintage with a chassis that has remained unchanged since the 1960s, this BJ2020 is equipped with a reliable Toyota HiLux 2.0L engine first produced in the 1980s, and an MP3 player disguised as a cassette deck. Gerard proves himself to be an excellent singer as we weave up the hills to Queen’s Greatest Hits. Our destination is Xianggong Mountain. A row of more than a dozen tripods on the way up gives a clue as to just how popular this area is with amateur photographers. It’s mid-afternoon, but ardent snappers have already reserved their pole positions for the sunset over rows of distant mountains across a wide floodplain. And we’re not even at the most scenic view yet. Xianggong was a mostly unknown karst hill until a local photographer took
out a bronze award at an international photography competition with a view from high above the west bank of the Li River in Yangshuo County. The peak is reached after a 15-minute hike up steep steps that lead from a car park. The ideal time to capture the panoramic view is at dawn, but the view across the stunning landscape can be enjoyed throughout the day from a three-tiered viewing platform. It’s even more enjoyable with a glass of champagne, which Guilin Insiders can provide along with a picnic hamper. Insiders don’t just offer these unique tours in Guilin, but also in Shanghai, Sanya, Xi’an, eastern Guizhou, and even Marrakesh in Morocco. Founded 10 years ago by Thomas Chabrieres, the Insiders Experience’s bespoke tours and expeditions range from one-hour jaunts to extended expeditions of up to 10 days. The sidecar motorcycles have also proven popular with luxury brands looking to give events some >
DETAILS Guilin Insiders rides are all-inclusive, so forget about logistics or unexpected situations. Vehicle rental (driven by an Insider), helmets for adults and for kids, personal injury insurance, entrance tickets, sun screen and bottles of water are all included. For the Wild Combo and Vista rides, a traditional lunch is also included. Rides start from $370, insidersexperience.com
vintage flair. “I started Insiders to combine my three passions: travel, meeting people and vintage vehicles,” Chabrieres says. Guilin Insiders tours and excursions can be arranged directly through Insiders Experience or via local hotels such as Club Med Guilin or Li River Resort, an Australian-operated boutique resort in Yangshuo overlooking the famous waterway. If racing through the countryside on a motorcycle sidecar or exploring the landscape in an open-top jeep doesn’t sound exciting enough, Guilin Insiders has also helped Club Med Guilin set up an adrenalinefuelled way to explore the resort’s more than 100 sculptures set over 46 hectares of lush scenery: tours by dune buggy. According to Oli Clark, originally from England and general manager of Guilin Insiders, the resort’s six speedy buggies are what you get when you cross a 250cc motor with the weight of a “toaster oven.” Not to be confused with a quad bike, the buggies are almost impossible to flip and are also equipped with roll bars. “We like to say our motorcycle sidecar tours show the cultural side of Guilin and our Jeep tours show the scenic side. Riding in these buggies is like letting the scenery hit you in the face,” Clark jokes. As the vehicles have neither doors nor roofs, it’s up to the driver as to whether to avoid puddles – or speed right through them. “You can stay dry and clean, but it’s more fun if you don’t!”
和野餐,着实令人畅快不已。 这些独具特色的旅行服 务不仅仅在桂林,Insiders 的服务范围也包括上海、三 亚、西安、黔东,甚至摩洛 哥的马拉喀什。I n s i d e r s E x p e r i e n c e 由托 马 斯· 查 布 里 莱 斯( T h o m a s Chabrieres)于10年前创立, 其定制旅行和探险活动从1 小时的短途旅行到长达10 天的长途探险不等。挎斗摩 托车也非常受欢迎,为游览 之旅平添了一些复古风味。 “Insiders的创立综合了我 的三种激情:旅行、与人接 触和老式机车。” Guilin Insiders的旅游和 短途旅行可以通过Insiders Experience或当地酒店直 接安排,如Club Med桂林 度假村或Club Med漓江度 假村(一家位于阳朔的澳大 利亚精品度假酒店,可以俯 览著名的漓江)。 如果乘坐挎斗摩托车穿 越乡村或者驾驶敞篷吉普 车探索一番还不能让您动 心的话,Guilin Insiders和
Club Med桂林度假村联手 打造的沙滩车之旅,让您在 46公顷画卷般的山水美景 中探索100余座大自然鬼斧 神工的杰作,体验肾上腺素 飙升的快感。 来自英 格兰 的G u i l i n Insiders总经理奥利·克拉 克(Oli Clark)表示,这6辆 排量达到250cc、但重量却 轻如“烤箱”的沙滩车定会 让您获得风驰电掣的极速 体验。不要与四轮摩托车相 混淆,这种沙滩车几乎不可 能翻转并且还配备了翻车保 护杆。 “我们喜欢说挎斗摩托车 之旅显示了桂林的文化气息, 吉普车之旅则突出了桂林的 风景之美,而驾驶这些沙滩 车才能真正体验到什么叫 做扑面而来的美景。”他开 玩笑说。由于这些车既没有 车门也没有车顶,因此在遇 到水坑时,驾驶员需要考虑 是避开还是加速通过。 “当 然,您可以选择避开水坑, 但如果加速通过则会更加 刺激!”
Clockwise from left: Dune buggy tour at Club Med Guilin, a resort set inside a sculpture park; Lie Dan, a village with stone buildings dating from the end of the Qing dynasty more than 100 years ago; A Guilin Insider ready to take you on an adventure; The view out over the panorama of the Li River from Xianggong Mountain
STAY Club Med Guilin From $1,390 per person all-inclusive, clubmed.com Li River Resort From $120 per night, li-river-resort.com
N EW K I DS ON T H E B LOCK “新秀”登场
Anastasia Barrat meets some of the new generation of Barossa Valley producers – and discovers that they’re keeping things fresh in more ways than one. 阿纳斯塔西娅·巴拉特(Anastasia Barrat)采访了一些 芭萝莎谷(Barossa Valley)的生产商“新秀”,了解他 们多种多样的“保鲜”秘诀。
ust a scenic hour-and-a-half drive from Adelaide’s CBD you’ll find yourself in the heartland of Australia’s wine country, the Barossa Valley. Steeped in history, the region is home to more than 550 grape-growing families, many with the sixth generation still working the same plot of land. But it’s a new wave of establishments that are redefining South Australia’s wine-country flavour, streamlining access to premium produce and experiences with their unique Barossa charm.
When police officer turned classical musician Nicole and corporate finance husband Jon Durdin packed away their lives in the UK and returned home to the Barossa to start a gin distillery, they had no idea their career shift would be the best decision they’d ever made. 78
While Nicole had some familiarity with the wine industry – her parents owned their very own winery – the same can’t be said for her insight into gin. “I didn’t even know there were juniper berries in gin before all of this!” she laughs. Undeterred, the couple set out with a thirst for knowledge and learned all they could about distilling. They attended expos and seminars, and even completed a course at London’s prestigious Institute of Brewing and Distilling before heading back Down Under. “We saw an opportunity to bring back craft distilling to the Barossa and reinvigorate this tradition,” Nicole continues. “There are some amazing wineries in the Barossa. We wanted to develop a business and products that could sit alongside these, complement the current offerings, and provide a different opportunity and experience for visitors to the region.” And with that, the Durdins’ master plan came to fruition as they opened Seppeltsfield Road Distillers in 2017. Creating small-batch Barossa gin in their purpose-built distillery, the couple’s focus remains making the bestquality beverages using the best of the region’s ingredients. It’s this focus on sourcing local botanicals that has been largely responsible for the new establishment’s success. “We hand-harvest pink peppercorns from heritage wines near the distillery, source local lavender from a grower just across the road and are planting a distillery garden so we can grow some of our own botanicals,” Nicole says. >
路风景如画,从阿德莱德中央商 务区驱车一个小时,即可置身于 澳大利亚葡萄酒之乡芭萝莎谷的 中心地带。该地区有着悠久的历史,共拥有 逾550个葡萄种植家族,其中许多已经传承 了六代之多。但一波新的浪潮正在重新定义 南澳大利亚人的口味,让人们可以更轻松地 享用芭萝莎优质的食材并收获独具特色的 体验。
醇美杜松子酒 当曾身为警员的古典音乐家妮可(Nicole) 和在公司财务部门工作的丈夫乔恩·杜尔丁 (Jon Durdin)离开英国,回到他们芭萝莎 的家乡开办杜松子酒酿酒厂时,他们尚不知 道这次令人颇为不解的职业转变将成为他 们最好的决定。 虽然妮可的父母拥有自己的酒庄,她对 葡萄酒行业算是略有了解,但对杜松子酒却 是闻所未闻。
“在此之前,我甚至都不知道杜松子酒 中有杜松子!”她笑道。 这对夫妇并没有选择退缩,他们渴望学 习所有关于酿酒的知识,参加博览会及研讨 会,甚至在著名的伦敦酿酒和蒸馏研究所完 成课程后才回到澳大利亚。 “我们看到了让手工蒸馏工艺重返芭萝 莎并重现辉煌的机会。芭萝莎有着令人惊叹 的葡萄酒厂,而我们则希望建立的企业和开 发的产品能够与现有的共存并形成互补,为 芭萝莎地区的游客提供多种多样的选择和 体验。” 于是,杜尔丁的整体规划于2017年开花 结果,Seppeltsfield Road Distillers应运而 生。这对夫妇在他们专门建造的酿酒厂中小 批量制作芭萝莎杜松子酒,重点使用该地 区最好的原料来生产最优质的酒水。这家 新企业的成功,在很大程度上要归功于对于 当地植物的选购。 “我们从酿酒厂附近的传 统葡萄园中亲手采摘粉红胡椒,从马路对面 的农庄采购当地的薰衣草,并打造自己的花 园,这样我们就可以自己种植一些植物,” 妮可说道。 >
Top of page: Nicole and Jon Durdin (centre) with members of the Seppeltsfield Road Distillers team
A five-minute drive from Seppeltsfield Road Distillers you’ll find Rosenvale Vineyards. The cellar door pays homage to the vineyards’ rich history, its warehouse exterior sitting comfortably in its lush vineyard surrounds. “As custodians of Barossa soils since 1858, we wanted this chapter of our family story to be a reflection of what we do with a timeless connection and sense of grandeur on an industrial level,” cellar-door manager Joanne Shaw says. This is no cookie-cutter cellar-door experience. As you step inside the warehouse, you’ll be greeted by music and people flowing in and out of the outdoor space, couples resting on luxe ottomans with glasses of wine in hand, and large groups laughing and enjoying their Sunday in the private tasting area. There’s a lively buzz in the air and an atmosphere that oozes modern sophistication.
As Shaw notes, there’s a fine line between dancing to the beat of your own drum and respecting the family legacy – a juggling act many of the region’s next-generation owners are facing. But the Barossa seems to have balanced its complexities just like a good wine should. “The Barossa has been blessed with a desire by the next generations to make their mark, whether it be by building on great Barossa family wine legacies or creating their own path. Both of these show the diverse nature of Barossa vineyards,” Shaw says. And rest assured, the food hasn’t been forgotten at Rosenvale Vineyards. Their refined menu lets the Barossa’s produce shine. “Our grazing boards are the highlight on our menu. We source all the food from as many local producers and suppliers from in and around the Barossa as possible to complement the stunning wine we produce.” >
Clockwise from far left: Rosenvale Vineyards interior; Vineyards stretch for miles across the Barossa Valley; The warehouse exterior of Rosenvale Vineyards cellar door; Grazing boards are the highlight of the Rosenvale menu
恒联系和显赫地位,”酒吧经理乔安妮·肖 (Joanne Shaw)说道。 这可不是一家千篇一律的传统酒吧。走 进这座仓库式建筑中,音乐扑面而来,熙来 攘往的人群中,有的手里拿着一杯葡萄酒, 坐在豪华的沙发上休息;有的则在私人品酒 区谈笑,享受星期天的乐趣。整座建筑中充 满了生动、现代的精致感。 肖表示,创新和传承之间的界限极其微 妙,这也是该地区的许多下一代酒庄所有者 需要小心处理的问题。但就像一瓶好酒一 样,芭萝莎似乎已经找到了一种平衡。 “看,芭萝莎葡萄酒一直得到下一代的 祝福,无论是家族传承,还是自创品牌,都 充分展示了芭萝莎葡萄园的多样性,”肖这 样说道。 请放心,美食也没有被遗忘,这里打造的 精致菜单将让芭萝莎的美食大放异彩。 “我们的菜单以农场直供食材为一大特 色。我们从芭萝莎及其周围的众多当地生产 商和供应商处采购所有食材,与我们令人惊 叹的葡萄酒形成互补。” >
旧貌焕新颜 当您看到Rosenvale Vineyards酒庄的酒 吧时,肯定会很快同意这座建筑其实是这个 声名远扬的芭萝莎家族的一种历史传承,而 非一个全新的冒险。 这间酒吧的外形像一座仓库,坐落于郁 郁葱葱的葡萄园中,旨在向葡萄园丰富的历 史致以敬意。 “自1858年以来,作为芭萝莎这块土 地的监护人,我们希望我们家族故事的这 一章节能够反映出我们在工业层面的永
Clockwise from top: Grape pickers in the Barossa’s vineyards; Members of the team at Vino Lokal; Customers enjoy the views – and the wonderful food and wine – at Vino Lokal
The phrase “the more, the merrier” certainly rings true for winemaking group Artisans of Barossa. Established in 2005, the group is composed of five wineries, which together aim to encourage and promote individual expression in Barossa winemaking through projects that build connections throughout the local wine community. The group’s new wine bar, Vino Lokal, opened its doors on January 4 this year, and is redefining the tasting experience. “Being completely different to a traditional tasting room when you walk in, stand there and go through everything they have on offer, Vino Lokal provides customers with a brand-new approach to wine enjoyment,” business development manager Cho Sun says. “We focus on the overall experience as much as the wines themselves.” Both interactive and educational, guests can expect to settle into their bar stools and learn about the region’s unique growing conditions while nibbling and sipping on perfectly paired food and wines. “We’re not here to help you pick one standout bottle from the styles you’ve been enjoying in the past, but rather to introduce new varieties, wine styles and individual winemaking expressions to you,” Cho says. Artisans of Barossa isn’t resting on its recent success. It’s already working on the next project – a new culinary and wine centre to open by early 2020. The centre will include a wine lounge and restaurant and offers an expansive range of local artisan wine and food for tasting and purchase. Keep watch. There’s no denying ambition runs through Barossa locals’ veins, and the next generation is set to reshape the region as more than merely a haven for wine lovers. Whether it be for a G&T or a hearty meal, the Barossa is well worth the drive.
DETAILS Seppeltsfield Road Distillers 436 Seppeltsfield Road, Marananga seppeltsfieldroad distillers.com.au Rosenvale Vineyards and Cellar Door 467 Research Road, Nuriootpa rosenvale.com.au Vino Lokal 64 Murray Street, Tanunda artisansofbarossa.com
独特经营理念 对葡萄酒酿造集团Artisans of Barossa来 说, “越多越好”这一理念颇符合其经营哲 学。该集团成立于2005年,共由5个葡萄酒 厂组成,旨在通过与当地葡萄酒社区建立联 系来鼓励和促进芭萝莎酿酒业的特色发展。 该集团于今年1月4日刚刚开业的全新酒 吧Vino Lokal正在对“品酒体验”进行重新 定义。 “Vino Lokal与传统品酒室完全不同,您 可以走进去品鉴他们所提供的一切,以一种 全新的方式来享用葡萄酒。我们对顾客体 验和葡萄酒本身同样重视,”业务开发经理 Cho Sun解释说。 无论是交谈还是聆听,顾客都可以舒适 地坐在吧凳上了解该地区独特的生长条件, 同时品尝完美搭配的美酒美食。 “我们不是 来帮助您从以往几种风格的优质葡萄酒中 随便挑选一款,而是向您推荐新的品种、葡 萄酒风格和不同的酿酒理念,”Cho说道。 然而,Artisans of Barossa并没有躺在 功绩簿上裹足不前,而是正在计划于2020 年初建立一个新的美食美酒中心。该中心将 包括一间品酒室及一间餐厅,并将提供大量 当地手工制作的葡萄酒和美食供顾客品尝 和购买。让我们一同持续关注。 芭萝莎人有着与生俱来的高瞻远瞩的视 野及远见,下一代芭萝莎人也注定将这里重 新打造,使其不仅仅是葡萄酒爱好者的天 堂。无论是杜松子酒,还是丰盛的秋季大餐, 芭萝莎绝对值得一游。 83
THE HOT LIST From slick new hotel openings to sizzling sights, on-trend museums and freshly launched tours, Alicia Miller has 10 items that should be on your China must-do list this year. 从全新开业的奢华酒店到炙手可热的景 点,从人潮涌动的博物馆到新潮的骑行 之旅, 下面为您奉上中国十大热门去处。
上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店 As you’d expect with an iconic Sin City brand, the newly opened Bellagio Shanghai boasts plenty of Las Vegas flair – from its palatial exterior to the fluffy faux-fur throws on beds. But the real show is in the spa: here, instead of claustrophobic cupboard-like treatment rooms, your massage suite comes with theatrical Huangpu river views, gazing across to neon-laced Pudong. Meanwhile the gym, sauna, steam room and pool stretch over nearly 2,000 metres of open-plan space – breaststroke in the latter while staring out at the iconic, incandescent Oriental Pearl Tower. 正如您对来自“罪恶之城”品牌酒店的期待,新开业的上海 苏宁宝丽嘉酒店从富丽堂皇的外观到床上蓬松的人造毛皮 床罩,无不流露出浓郁的拉斯维加斯风情。但是,真正的亮 点却位于水疗中心——在这里,按摩套房不再是幽闭恐怖的 橱柜式理疗室,反而可以欣赏黄浦江的壮丽景观,眺望浦东 辉煌的灯火霓虹。与此同时,在近2,000米的开放式空间中, 健身房、桑拿浴室、蒸汽浴室和游泳池不一而足,可以一边 游泳,一边欣赏东方明珠广播电视塔在夜空中的迷人身姿。 > dytmgm.com
Palatial interiors: The exquisite hotel lobby at the Bellagio Shanghai
新荣记上海南阳路店 When the 2019 issue of the Shanghai Michelin guide hit shelves this past autumn, there was a bundle of freshly awarded one-star restaurants – but only one brand-spankingnew two-star. Xin Rong Ji, on Nanyang Road in Shanghai’s buzzing Jing’an district, has become one of the city’s hottest eateries overnight, serving up best-ever versions of Cantonese classics and seasonal Taizhou favourites – the latter of which are heavy on fish and seafood. But if a sublime yellow croaker isn’t enough to make your night out complete, consider this: it’s set in an atmosphere-laden, cream-fronted 1930s building, and there’s an antique-filled hotel attached. 在秋季发布的《2019年上海米其林指南》中,有一批新近获 奖的一星餐厅,但仅有一个品牌荣膺二星餐厅。位于静安区 南阳路的新荣记一夜之间成为上海最热门的餐厅之一,供 应有史以来最好的经典粤菜和以鱼类及海鲜为主的台州应 季特色菜。味道极佳的小黄鱼搭配上始建于20世纪30年代、 充满怀旧基调的餐厅建筑,再加上附近一座古色古香的酒店, 您定将会在这里度过完美的一夜。 www.xinrongji.cc
3 BED DOWN IN AN ARCHITECTURAL WONDER INTERCONTINENTAL SHANGHAI WONDERLAND, SONGJIANG 上海佘山世茂洲际酒店 New hotels in Shanghai can feel a bit dime-a-dozen, but 50 kilometres from the city centre, at scenic Sheshan Mountain Range, one has just opened that will knock your socks off. The InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland in Songjiang is built straight into the chiseled open rock face of an abandoned quarry; of 17 floors in total, most plunge down 88 metres underground – with two actually underwater. Many spacious bedrooms gaze gloriously out over the jagged cliffs and rushing waterfalls of the quarry, though those that are subH2O envelop you in schools of shimmering fish. It’s an Instadream, but you’re not here just to ogle: this is a hotel for active types, with hiking, rock climbing and bungee jumping on tap.
From elaborate calligraphy to detailed stone sculpture, luminous jade to delicate porcelain, the National Museum 在上海,新酒店多得数不胜数,但在距离市中心50公里 of China, towering just off Tiananmen Square, is known 风景秀丽的佘山,一座刚开业的酒店将会令您眼前一亮。 for its outstanding collection of ancient and Qing dynasty 位于松江区的上海佘山世茂洲际酒店修建于一个废弃采 treasures. It’s the second most visited museum on the 石场的岩石空地上,共17层,深入地下88米,其中两层实 planet after Paris’s Louvre, and 2019 marks its 60th 际上位于水下。许多宽敞的卧室在高低起伏的悬崖和采石 anniversary. Which means now is the time to go, to soak 场的湍急瀑布上熠熠生辉,而水下套房更让您仿若和闪 up the classics (such as Houmuwu Ding, the heaviest 闪发光的鱼群一起畅游一般。这里是一处绝佳的拍照地 piece of ancient bronzeware in the world) or to marvel at special celebratory exhibits; for example, an Edvard 点,同时还可以获得更多体验,如徒步、攀岩和蹦极。 Munch painting and printwork exhibition that’s rumoured ihg.com; doubles from about RMB 3,568 to be scheduled for the second half of this year. 从优雅的书法到精雕细刻的石雕、熠熠生辉的玉石,再 到精致的瓷器,高耸于天安门广场上的中国国家博物馆 以其收藏的古代和清代珍品而闻名于世。中国国家博物 馆是全球范围内继巴黎卢浮宫之后访问量第二大的博物 馆,并将于2019年迎来其60周年庆。现在是时候去欣赏 里面的经典收藏,如世界上最重的古代青铜器司母戊鼎, 或者前去欣赏传闻将于今年下半年举办的爱德华·蒙克 (Edvard Munch)的作品展。 en.chnmuseum.cn; free entry >
Clockwise from top left: The classy dining setting of Shanghai’s Xin Rong Ji; The astonishing architecture of the InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland; Cliffside walks at the InterContinental; Antiques adorn the walls of Xin Rong Ji
广州香岚王子明时酒店 Carved by the snaking waterways of the Pearl River, burgeoning port city Guangzhou is known for its envelope-pushing architecture – from Zaha Hadid’s geometric “double pebble” opera house to the elegant hourglass of the Canton Tower. But from this year, there will be another eye-catching build decorating the horizon: the swish Prince Akatoki hotel, the first Chinese outpost of a new five-star concept by Japan’s Prince Hotels group. From a distance, the riverside hotel on Bio-Island glimmers like a wavy, step-laddered silvery monolith, a rooftop pool – with serious city views – crowning its apex. Step inside, however, and the look is modern Japanese glam, with cappuccino tones, pearly walls and mid-century-inspired furniture. 广州由蜿蜒曲折的珠江冲积而成,这座发展迅猛的港口 城市以其突破创新的建筑设计而闻名世界——从扎哈· 哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)酷似两块卵石设计的广州歌剧院 到有着扭曲沙漏状外形的广州新电视塔,不一而足。但从 今年开始,将会有另一个引人注目的建筑走进入我们的视 野——奢华的香岚王子酒店,这是日本王子酒店集团在 中国推出的首家五星级酒店。从远处看,这个位于广州国 际生物岛河畔的酒店就像一个波浪形的阶梯式银色巨石, 而可以尽览广州无边风景的屋顶游泳池则是锦上添花之 作。然而,走进其中却是现代日本风格,采用卡布奇诺色 调,珠色墙面和中世纪风格的家具。 princehotels.com; price and opening date TBC
6 CYCLE THROUGH SPECTACULAR SCENERY GRASSHOPPER ADVENTURES SPIRITUAL SHANGRI-LA BIKE TOUR 香格里拉旅行之旅 Is 2019 the year you “get in shape”? If so, join the newest tour from Thai cycling operator Grasshopper Adventures – a thigh-burning adventure through mountain-studded Yunnan province. On two wheels you’ll take in some of the country’s most iconic scenery, from river-carved Tiger Leaping Gorge to atmospheric, tiled-roof Lijiang, full of narrow, cobbled backstreets. It’s not easy to make it all the way from the glistening gold of the world’s largest prayer wheel in Shangri-La, your starting point, to Ming dynasty old town Dali – you can count on about 510 kilometres of wheeling in total over two weeks. But just think of the bragging rights…
Top to bottom, this page: See Yunnan via bicycle with Grasshopper Adventures; Spectacular scenery on the Shangri-La bike tour; The spectacular architecture of Prince Akatoki on Guangzhou’s Pearl River; Prince Akatoki interiors
您是否希望在2019年“保持好身材”呢?如果是的话,不 妨加入泰国自行车运营商Grasshopper Adventures最 新的旅行之旅,穿越山多林茂的云南,燃烧大腿脂肪吧! 踏上单车,即可让您欣赏到中国最具特色的风景,从鬼斧 神工的虎跳峡到拥有特色瓦屋顶和狭窄鹅卵石小巷星罗 棋布的丽江古城,不一而足。从世界最大的香格里拉时轮 金刚立体坛城出发,在2周的时间里骑行约510公里的路 程,一路前往明代古城大理,绝非易事。但想想看,这是 多么值得您大肆炫耀一番的机会... grasshopperadventures.com/en/scheduled-tours/ spiritual-shangri-la.html; RMB 33,875
Top and bottom: Beijing’s most famous attraction, the Forbidden City
北京故宫 Think you’ve seen the Forbidden City? Think again. New swathes have recently been opened to the public – specifically, the majority of the 3,400-metre perimeter walls, the best preserved of any of China’s royal structures. From these newly unveiled vantage points, you can peer down inside the courtyards and across roofs – taking in previously unseen details and getting a whole new perspective on the vastness of this 15th-century masterpiece. Crucially, the extra space means you’ll have a serene place to escape crowds during busy periods; around 16 million people visit the palace annually, a number that only seems to be growing. 您真的领略过故宫吗?截至去年秋季,故宫许多新的区域 已向公众开放,特别是3,400米长的大部分城墙,这在中 国任何皇家建筑中是保存得最为完好的。在这些新开放 的区域,您可以俯瞰故宫的深深庭院和层层屋顶,发现前 所未有的细节,重新认识这个15世纪的建筑杰作。更为重 要的是,在有了更多开放的空间后,您便可以在人潮涌动 的故宫中找到一处宁静的所在。值得一提的是,每年约有 1,600万人参观故宫,并且这个数字似乎只增不减。 Entry from RMB 40 > 89
For many centuries a tea culture, coffee in China right now has never been hotter. And you’ll see why when you visit the new branch of Akimbo Cafe Lab in stylish Jing’an. Forget a simple run-of-the-mill latte; here the focus is on artisan coffee preparations, from hand-drips to cold brews, and single origin sips with real character. The bright, upbeat space is fronted by the grey exterior of a 90-year-old heritage building; you’ll spot cool kids coming and going as they sample their way through the quirkier menu items, which can range from iced grapefruit coffee to seaweed lattes. 在中国,几个世纪以来一直是茶叶文化盛行,咖啡从没有 像现在这样受到热捧。在时尚的静安区参观完Akimbo 咖啡实验室新店之后,您就会明白背后的原因了。忘了简 单的普通拿铁,这里讲究的是咖啡的手工制作,从手冲咖 啡到滴漏咖啡以及具有真正特色的单品咖啡,不一而足。 明亮欢快色调的的咖啡店与其所处的拥有90年历史古老 建筑的的灰色外墙形成鲜明对比。一些很酷的孩子们来 来往往,品尝着自己喜欢的特色咖啡,包括冰葡萄柚咖啡 和海藻拿铁。 1018 Yuyuan Lu
周庄悦云庄酒店 One of China’s most photogenic towns – lined with sparkling waterways, glowing red lanterns, half-moon bridges, and aged stone and tiled-roof structures – it’s little wonder Zhouzhuang gained the nickname of the Venice of the East. And as an easy, two-and-a-half-hour drive from central Shanghai, it has long been a popular day trip with visitors to the city. But now there’s a reason to stay longer: Dusit Heritage Villas Zhouzhuang. Within walking distance of the town’s most scenic spots, the Thai hotel brand’s newest opening features swish modern style, with natural wood in rooms, splashes of watery blue, and family-friendly activities like mini-golf and canoeing. Clockwise from top left: Akimbo Cafe Lab is leading the charge in China’s growing coffee culture; The Grand Room at PuXuan Luxury Hotel & Spa; Staff at your service at Heritage Villas Dusit, Zhouzhuang; Wander through the tastefully designed common areas to your own personal villa
周庄是中国最美丽的古镇之一,这里有着波光粼粼的水 道、闪闪发光的红灯笼、半月形的拱桥以及古老的石砖瓦 建筑构,为其赢得了“东方威尼斯”的称号。周庄距离上 海市中心只有两个半小时的车程,一直是前往上海的游 客的热门一日游地点。但现在,周庄悦云庄酒店让您有理 由在此停留更长的时间了。从酒店步行即可抵达周庄最漂 亮的景点,这家新开业的泰国品牌酒店采用现代风格设 计,客房内采用天然木材,以水蓝色调为主,提供迷你高 尔夫和独木舟等适合家庭的活动。 dusit.com; doubles from about RMB 398
北京璞瑄酒店 Thanks to last year’s lavish opening by Mandarin Oriental, shopping hub Wangfujing has swiftly become one of Beijing’s most stylish spots to stay. And it’s about to get more action – in the form of The PuXuan. Throwing open its doors in 2019, from the outside it’s a charcoal-hued black monolith. The interior is equally broody with dark, polished floors, dim lighting and black geometric detailing. The rooms – in contrast to the public spaces, dressed in airy white tones with big windows – and the Hutong-inspired Cantonese restaurant have us intrigued. But what really gets us excited is the PuXuan Club – a reinvented, stylish executive floor that’s more like your own personal townhouse, with sexy lounges, outdoor spaces, 24-hour dining and a library complete with toasty roaring fire. 由于去年文华东方酒店的盛大开业,王府井购物中心已迅 速成为北京最时尚的住宿之地,而璞瑄酒店的出现更是 锦上添花。北京璞瑄酒店于1月份正式营业,从外面看像 是一块炭黑色的黑色巨石。内部也同样非常宽敞,采用深 色抛光地板,昏暗的灯光和黑色几何设计。酒店房间则与 公共空间形成对比,以轻盈的白色和大窗户为特色,而其 胡同风格的粤餐厅更让我们颇感兴趣。但真正令我们兴 奋的要属璞瑄汇——有别于传统意义上的行政酒廊,璞 瑄汇更像是居家舒适的私人市内宅邸,拥有奢华的休息 区、室外空间、24小时餐饮服务和温暖舒适的图书馆。 thepuxuan.com; price TBC 91
Jixiang Temple
Horse racing while shooting arrows, five-colour lakes, pagodas among the clouds – there are plenty of wonders, natural or otherwise, to be witnessed at Paoma Mountain in Kangding.
康定跑马山为世人呈现了众多自然和人文景观—— 从马背骑射到迷人的五色海及云塔,不一而足。 Words: Alex Mead Photography: Anita Ao
mid the occasionally ear-splitting renditions of Taylor Swift, Elvis Presley and Grease classics in the world of karaoke, there are often a few unheralded gems. Head to karaoke bars in China, for instance, and you may hear an enthusiastic wannabe singer mimicking a classic of a different nature: “Kangding Love Song”. Based on the old folk song “Pao Ma Liu Liu De Shan Shang” (which translates to “On the Running Horse Mountain”), it was reworked and released under a new title. Not only did it gain nationwide popularity, but its fame even reached an American mainstream TV series. In Marvel’s Daredevil, it was sung by a blind man as a taxi cab fight scene ensued, thus cementing its place as a legend of the Chinese karaoke scene. Not content with breaking America, the song has even been acknowledged by the safeguarders of all things special, UNESCO, with the original recognised as one of the world’s top 10 folk songs. It’s fitting, because both Kangding and Paoma Mountain (aka Running Horse Mountain) are truly worthy of having their praises sung – ideally in tune. The town of Kangding is a place many have visited en route to exploring the west, but every traveller should spend at least a day or two to enjoy everything it has to offer. >
了 泰 勒·斯 威 夫特、猫王和 G re a s e乐队 等的经典传唱 歌曲,经常会有一些无人知 晓的“宝藏”令人耳目一新。 例如,前往中国的卡拉OK 厅,您可能会听到梦想成为 歌星的人热情洋溢、维纱维 肖地演唱着各种版本的《康 定情歌》。 《跑马溜溜的山上》这首 古老的民歌经过重新演绎, 以全新歌名再次发行,不仅 在全国范围内大受欢迎,声 名更是直达彼岸的美国。 漫威的《夜魔侠》系列, 在一场出租车打斗的场景中, 有一位盲人哼唱的就是这 首歌,从而巩固了《康定情 歌》作为中国卡拉OK主打 歌曲的地位。这首歌不仅受 到美国人的欢迎,甚至还得 到了联合国教科文组织特 色保护者的认可,被认为是 世界十大民歌之一。
康定风光 康定和跑马山都非常值得 赞美一番,歌曲当然是一个 理想的形式。首先,康定是 许多人前往西部旅游的途经 之地,但无论如何,都至少 应该在此停留一两天的时间 来享受它所提供的一切。 康定位于四川省会成都 市西南几百公里处,居住着 大约10万人,所以一开始就 可以知道这里一定有一些不 错的川菜馆。 康定坐落于藏汉交汇之 处,一条“茶马古道”从中 经过,这里因此成为著名的 茶叶及羊毛的主要交易地 点——来自两边的商贩在此 交换由马作为运输工具从邻 近山区运来的货物,包括砖 茶。交易仍然很重要,但却 是以交易会的形式,但真正 吸引游客不是讨价还价的交 易,而是这里令人惊叹的风 景、空灵平静的氛围和别具 特色的山地活动。 > 93
Home to around 100,000 people, Kangding is located a couple of hundred kilometres south-west of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, so right from the start you know it has some excellent restaurants serving that deliciously fiery Sichuan cuisine. Kangding sits on what was once the border of mainland China. It ran through the “Tea Road”, which made it a major trading stop for both the famous leaves and also wool. Traders from both sides would swap their goods, and the “bricks” of tea would arrive on horseback via the neighbouring mountains.
RIVER DEEP, MOUNTAIN HIGH While trade is still important in Kangding, what really brings the visitors requires no haggling at all: it’s the stunning scenery, the sense of calm and the completely unique mountain-based activities. Based in a steep river valley with the fearsome Zheduo river rushing through – and providing a natural soundtrack in doing so – Kangding is the kind of peaceful town where churches, monasteries and mosques can share the same postcode. Ngachu Monastery, one of four monasteries in town, dates >
山高水长 康定位于陡峭的河谷之上, 湍急的折多河由此奔腾而过, 为康定带来了大自然的声音。 康定是一个宁静的小镇,教 堂、寺院、清真寺在此和睦 共 处。安觉寺是 镇上的四 座寺院之一,其历史可以追 溯至17世纪。如果时间很短, 也许您应该去参观一下,但 最好能够有充足的时间去 好好探索一番,这样才能真 正地了解康定。 若俯瞰康定,便会发现 这座小城被壮美的群山所 环绕。您需要乘车才能来到 此处,路途中将经历各种百 转千回,虽然期间偶尔会遇 到令人胆战心惊的瞬间,不 过好在一路上始终风景如 画 。然而,一旦 到 达 海 拔 5,500米的跑马山之巅,这 里便将成为主宰。无论身在
城中何处,都可以看到跑马 山的身影,任何方向都没有 遮挡。当这首古老民歌改 名为《康定情歌》时,跑马 山的风头被康定抢去,但它 并没有感到痛苦,因为跑马 山仍然是这座小城和当地 社区的中心,在每位游客离 开几个月后仍然会是他们的 谈资。 跑马山是当地人和游客 们在节庆期间都很喜欢去 的热门胜地,可以徒步或乘 坐缆车前往。如果沿着东侧 徒步而上,您可以看到五色 海——一个海拔4,100米的 纯净冰川湖,因为阳光的照 射,不同时间湖面会呈现不 同的颜色。湖被陡峭的悬崖 和被游客描述为“万千奔腾 咆哮”的瀑布所环绕,这样 的第一站着实令人惊叹,并 且符合任何人的标准。 >
STAY To reach many of the scenic spots around Kangding you’ll have to stay in the city. Considering it’s a county-level city, you’ll struggle to find somewhere opulent to stay. While you may be missing all your mod-cons, you’ll be rewarded with stunning day trips and the smiles of the friendly locals.
“PAOMA MOUNTAIN MIGHT HAVE HAD ITS THUNDER STOLEN WHEN ITS FOLK SONG WAS RENAMED, BUT IT’S NOT BITTER – IT’S STILL THE HUB OF THE TOWN AND COMMUNITY” back to the 1600s and is worth a visit even if your stay is short – though, ideally, you’d give yourself plenty of time to explore. Overlooking the town, meanwhile, is a wondrous mountainous landscape. Getting there requires a drive that twists, turns and occasionally terrifies, but it’s nothing if not picturesque. However, once you’ve made it, Paoma Mountain, at 5,500 metres, dominates. It’s visible wherever you are in town and unavoidable in every way. It might have had its thunder stolen by the town when its folk song was renamed, but it’s not bitter – it’s still the hub of the town and the community, and it’s also what every visitor will still be talking about months after they leave. You can hike or take a cable car while you’re there. If you hike from the east, you can see the Five-Colour Sea, a glacial lake some 4,100 metres above sea level, gin-clear and showcasing all the lights and reflections the sun can muster as it alters its rays throughout the day. Surrounded by sheer cliffs and with a waterfall described by one visitor as “like thousands of pearls,” it’s a stunning first stop by anyone’s standards. > 96
如果 选 择 从南侧开始, 您 便会 遇 到吉 祥寺,很 有 特色的玉石台阶一直延伸 到耸 立于碧空、经常云雾 缭 绕 的宝塔。这 座寺庙周 围布满了各种各样的动植 物,可谓是 最 具神圣氛围 的一处壮观景点——跑马 山在许多人心中是一座神 圣的山峰,单是如此,就非 常值得您徒步一番。
尽情狂欢 当 然了,考虑 到 这 座 山 的 名字,您会因为欣 赏 不 到 某种马上活动而感到失 望 —— 要 知 道,这可是 其 名气 的由来 啊。追 溯 到清 朝 时期,赛 马一直 是山区 的“ 标 配 活 动 ”,在 山 顶 平坦 的草 地 上举 行,前五 名会获 得 奖品,其中当然
少不了茶叶。20世纪8 0年 代,中国政府实施“退牧还 草”的政策,把这里恢复为 原 始草 地,以便 举办更多 的活动,包括音乐、舞蹈和 戏剧。四月,这里举办了最 著名的“转山会”,以纪念 佛 祖释 迦牟尼的诞 辰。在 这 天,当地 人 穿 着各式 服 装 参加各种活 动,从随 意 的转山(转山会名字的由 来)到马背骑射,以及戏剧、 野 餐、民歌和其他一切您 可以在中国传 统节日上 见 到的活 动。这是 一 个与众 不同的舞台,在青山密林环 绕 之中,让 人不知 道 是 欣 赏舞台上的精彩表演,还 是欣赏这壮观美丽的景色。 毫无疑问,跑马山肯定 是最能给您带来灵感和感 悟的山峰之一。
On another slope (the south), you’ll find Jixiang Temple, set atop jade stone steps and complete with a pagoda that reaches for the sky and often finds itself shrouded in cloud. Surrounded by flora and fauna, the temple is a spectacular site in the most spiritual of settings – Paoma Mountain is considered a holy mountain by many – and it’s worth the hike alone.
RUN WILD Of course, given the mountain’s name, you’d be disappointed to not find some kind of equine activity, as this is what it’s truly famous for. Dating back to the Qing dynasty, horse racing has always been a regular fixture of the mountain, taking place on the flat grassland at the top. The prizes, naturally, include tea for the top five horsemen. In the 1980s, the government cultivated the grassland to make it a pristine lawn, enabling it to host even more events including music, dance and theatre. In April, it hosts its most famed event, the Mountain Strolling Fair, which celebrates the birth of Buddhist master Sakyamuni. Locals dress in costume to partake in everything from a bit of casual mountain strolling (hence the name) to shooting arrows from horseback. There’s also opera, picnics, folk singing and everything else you’d expect from a traditional Chinese festival. It’s a stage like no other, to be sure. Surrounded by verdant forest, and with the neighbouring mountains on hand as regular attendees, your only problem is focusing on what’s happening on stage and not simply admiring the breathtaking set. 99
Power. Strength. Luck. Presenting The Jewelled Dragon Meticulously hand-set with spectacular pink diamonds, this exceptional 10oz pure gold coin showcases rare treasures from two Western Australian icons – Argyle Pink Diamonds and The Perth Mint. Resplendent in oriental symbolism, the glittering collectable is surmounted by a threedimensional portrayal of a dragon, the most revered creature in ancient Chinese mythology. Honouring traditional depictions of the legendary being and its ancient association with the auspicious number nine, the dragon is exquisitely hand-set with 117 rare Argyle pink diamonds representing its scales. To complete this precious masterpiece, The Jewelled Dragon features a beautiful Muzo emerald as its eye. Limited edition of nine | AUD $179,000 each Discover more at www.perthmint.com/Jewelled-Dragon or call +(61 8) 9421 7326
Higher Life
Time to celebrate Chopard has embraced the ancestral Japanese art of urushi for its L.U.C XP Urushi Year of the Pig limited edition of 88 pieces. The varnish used in this art of lacquering comes from the sap of the urushi tree, which grows in Japan and China. Its resin is only harvested once a year in extremely small quantities. Three to five years later, the resin is ready to be treated and applied. POA, exclusively available in Chopard boutiques. chopard.com 萧邦采用日本古老的莳绘工艺打造了88支限量版L.U.C XP URUSHI猪年莳绘腕表。这种漆绘工艺中使用的清漆来自生长 于日本和中国的漆树的汁液,每年仅可收集极少量,需要三 到五年的时间方能集够。价格请垂询,仅萧邦专卖店有售。
Most wanted
Three’s a charm Inspired by the innocent aesthetics of vintage children’s books, the image of the piglet has been repurposed by Gucci to pay homage to the Chinese calendar’s Year of the Pig. Wallet, $625; Card case, $675; Wallet, $1,075. All items available from gucci.com/au 受古老儿童文学书籍的启发,古驰在设计中 融入了小猪的可爱形象,以庆祝中国猪年春节的到来。
Looking for something special for your SO this Chinese New Year? Look no further than Chaumet’s Hortensia Carnelian Ring. The 18-carat pink gold ring is adorned with brilliant-cut diamond and carnelian. $15,705, chaumet.com
Ring in the new year in style with Bottega Veneta’s festive pumps. The new version of the Cherbourg is crafted from shiny metallic nappa leather and a block heel detailed with the brand’s iconic intrecciato motif. $1,070, bottegaveneta.com/au
想要在春节期间为爱人奉上一份特别的礼 物?那么尚美巴黎HORTENSIA绣球花系列 红玉髓戒指便再合适不过了。这款18K玫瑰 金戒指饰有明亮式切割钻石和红玉髓。
FESTIVE FUN Furla is one for its playful pops of colours, so it comes as no surprise its 2019 Year of the Pig Metropolis Bag is a fun take on the zodiac. The Chinese New Year special edition is created from red textured leather with bright pink illustrations and finished with gold hardware. POA, furla.com/au 芙拉一直崇尚俏皮流行的色调,因此他们在2019年推 出的METROPOLIS手袋猪年特别版也就不足为奇了。 这款春节特别版手袋由红色纹理皮革制成,以亮粉色 图案为搭配,并饰有金色的金属配件。
1 02
穿上BOTTEGA VENETA的精美鞋子,开启 新的一年。新款CHERBOURG由闪亮的 金属质感纳帕皮制成,块状鞋跟饰有该品 牌标志性的编织图案。
East meets West
Blancpain spent five years in research and development to create the Traditional Chinese Calendar timepiece. Mechanically, the wristwatch combines two different interpretations of time, the Chinese and Gregorian calendar, and is limited to 50 pieces. POA, blancpain.com 宝珀利用五年的时间,倾心打造了传统中华 年历腕表。该款腕表将农历与阳历时间进行 完美融合,限量发行50枚。
Neck stars If you’re spending Chinese New Year in China, you’ll be in need of accessories to keep you warm. Louis Vuitton has you covered with a practical and festive addition to its holiday collection. Superstition Classic Bandeau, POA, louisvuitton.com 如果要 在中国欢 度春 节,那 么 您 需 要 些 配 饰以便在寒冷的冬 季 里 保 持 温 暖 。路 易威 登早就 预 料 到 这一点,因此特地推 出一款非常实用且 颇具节日气 息的产 品:SUPERSTITION CLASSIC束发带。
Red hot Inspired by its iconic trench, Burberry has chosen to celebrate Chinese New Year by combining a knitted two-tone link pattern with supple leather, creating a bag sure to complete your holiday look. $2,890, au.burberry.com 灵感源自其经典的TRENCH风衣,博柏利 将针织双色链环图案和柔软皮革结合 在一起,打造出一款适合假日出行的包包, 让您度过一个愉快的春节。
Let’s face it After the copious eating and drinking over the festive season our skin can always do with some TLC, and Sisley Paris has you covered with its limited edition Chinese New Year Ecological Compound Gift Set. The formula restores skin function to regain its natural balance. $280, sisley-paris.com/en-au 节日期间的暴食暴饮后,我们的皮肤 需要一些温 柔的呵护。希思黎 春节 限量版生态复合礼品套装可为您解 决一切烦恼,恢复肌肤功能,重塑自 然平衡。
1. Prada, $2,400, store.prada.com/en 2. Gucci, $1,390, gucci.com/au 3. Balenciaga, $2,650, balenciaga.com/au 4. Saint Laurent, $1,435, ysl.com/au 5. See by Chloé, $540, net-a-porter.com
H I G H E R L I F E // A U T O
Driving force
Stealth meets style and speed with Aston Martin’s DB11 AMR, writes Noelle Faulkner.
SPECS There really is something special about an Aston Martin. It possesses an aura of sophistication that makes for whiplash-inducing double-takes; and yet it also flies under the radar compared to other marques of the same price. The DB11 AMR, in particular, is a sexy, stealthy and stunning beast of a grand tourer. On arrival, it announces itself with a roar, its long and lean lines, beautiful backside, sculpted wheel arches and clamshell front instantly recognisable as the timelessly stylish shape the world has come to lust over. The DB11 AMR heralds a new chapter in the make’s story, which was first launched in 2016. AMR stands for Aston Martin Racing, the British icon’s endurance racing program from which this new GT was inspired and to which the optional lime green brake callipers and AMR interior detailing on our test model nod. The AMR is replacing the outgoing V12-engine DB11, with more power, dynamics, noise and connectivity, powered by the easy-to-use Mercedes-Benz-sourced infotainment system, which includes a high-res 360-degree camera and automatic parking function, making it arguably the most driver-centric model yet. The 5.2L V12 twin-turbo engine has been upped with an extra 23kW (which is 95kW more than its little V8 sister), and the arrival of more carbon fibre detailing and a chic sports exhaust give the AMR a lascivious edge, without being vulgar. On top of that, the slightly tweaked steering and dampers have made for some razor-sharp steering and brilliant power-toweight balance. And with torque aplenty, not only is this an absolute dream when cruising at 80km/h on a highway (the ride is almost as silky as its shape), but it’s also a hoot around twisty roads and sings if you get a
chance to push it even further. Be warned, however: that 100km/h to 200km/h jump is almost too effortless... The DB11 AMR gets even better with separate dials for the three drive modes and three suspension modes (GT, Sport and Sport+), which mean you can personalise the ride and responsiveness to your own liking. So often, sports coupes mean sacrificing space and function, particularly as a daily driver. However, the Brits have done a superb job when it comes to the design, materials and space of the DB11. For starters, you can actually fit a suitcase in the boot, and the cabin itself is bright with incredible vision, fine stitching, supremely plush leathers and optional carbon fibre detailing that oozes opulence. If anything, this is a reminder that Aston Martin is a marque that refuses to sacrifice quality, appealing to even the most discerning luxury customer.
Engine: 5.2L, V12 twin-turbo petrol Max power: 470kW @ 6500rpm Max torque: 700Nm @ 1500-5000rpm Transmission: Eightspeed automatic, RWD Weight: 1,870kg 0-100: 3.7 seconds Fuel economy: 11.4L/100km Seats: 4 Price: $428,000* (as tested: $481,280) * Plus on-road costs
H I G H E R L I F E // A U T O
火力全开 低调奢华的极速性能猛兽:阿斯顿·马丁(ASTON MARTIN)DB11 AMR。
阿斯顿·马丁确有其独领风骚之处。与同等 价位的其他品牌车款相比,阿斯顿·马丁显 露出一种练达成熟的气场,足以吸引路人猛 然回首寻找它飞驰而过的低调身影。阿斯 顿·马丁旗下的DB11 AMR是一款性感、神 秘、惊艳四座的豪华跑车。轰鸣而来的声浪、 细长流畅的线条、美艳饱满的尾部、如刀刻 般的轮拱以及蛤壳式的前验,无一不体现出 阿斯顿·马丁经久不衰、让全世界为之倾倒 的家族式设计。 DB11 AMR标志着阿斯顿·马丁于2016 年首次推出的该系列车型的一个全新里程 碑。AMR(ASTON MARTIN RACING)代 表着阿斯顿·马丁的耐力锦标赛车队,也就 是我们所试驾的这款搭配了橙绿色制动卡 钳(选配)以及AMR内饰的GT跑车的设计 灵感来源。 作为即将退市的、配备V12引擎的DB11 的改款车型,DB11 AMR被阿斯顿·马丁赋 予了更强的动力、更好的爆发力、更优的噪 音控制以及易于使用的“梅赛德斯-奔驰” 信息娱乐系统所带来的卓越连接性。该套系 统包含了高清360度全景摄像头以及自动驻 车功能,令其成为了一款可以说是最以驾驶 员为中心的车型。 5.2升V12双涡轮增压发动机增加了额 外23千瓦的功率(比它的V8姊妹引擎高出
95千瓦),更多的碳纤维内饰以及时髦的 SPORT模式排气系统为AMR赋予了一种媚 而不俗的气质。最重要的是,精心调校的转 向系统和减震器带来了精准的转向表现以 及出色的动力-重量平衡。劲道十足的扭矩 输出不仅让您可以在高速公路上以80公里/ 时的速度巡航时游刃有余(驾驶体验几乎 和它的外形一样如丝般顺滑),并且如果您 有机会将油门深踩下去的话,这头猛兽将会 爆发出阵阵低吼,在蜿蜒曲折的公路上充分 施展出它的潜力。请注意,从100公里/时加 速到200公里/时几乎就是一瞬间的事情...... DB11 AMR提供了三种驾驶模式以及三 种悬挂模式(GT、SPORT和SPORT+),这意 味着您完全可以根据自己的喜好来设定驾 驶模式和悬挂响应。 跑车往往意味着需要牺牲空间和功能性, 尤其不适用于日常出行。但是,在DB11的设 计、选材和空间方面,英国人可谓是拿出了 压轴之作。对于初入此道者而言,它的后备 厢内完全可以放得下一个行李箱,并且车厢 内亦十分明亮,提供了良好的视野。细密的 缝线、奢华的真皮座椅以及可以选配的碳纤 维内饰无一不显露出雍容华贵的气质。需要 提醒您的是,阿斯顿·马丁可谓是一个拒绝 牺牲品质的品牌,哪怕是最为挑剔的奢侈品 消费者都能被它所折服。
H I G H E R L I F E // W I N E
Autumn’s finest drops We farewell summer and welcome winter with a collection of wines that will have you covered throughout the trans-seasonal weather. 当我们挥手告别炎炎夏日,即将迎来寒冷冬季之时,不妨选择各种葡萄 美酒来陪我们度过这样一个过渡性的季节。
Autumn Down Under is hard to predict, a mix of the fleeting days of summer and a preview of the cooler days to come. However, no matter what the weather has lined up, Handpicked Wines has you covered for the transitional season. For the warmer, sun-kissed autumn days, Handpicked Wines’ limitededition Handpicked Wines x Romance Was Born Yarra Valley Rosé is the perfect drop. The clear, light-salmonpink coloured wine’s nose has vibrant red fruit and spice aromas and the 106
palate is packed with juicy fruit flavours and a savoury complexity. While usually reserved for summer, we make the case that rosé is also the perfect trans-seasonal wine. For the days when it’s not quite warm enough for a summer wine but not quite cold enough for a red, we suggest going for a full-bodied white like the Handpicked Wines 2015 Chardonnay Single Vineyard Highbow Hill, Yarra Valley. Handpicked and whole bunch pressed, this chardonnay delivers vibrant citrus
H I G H E R L I F E // W I N E
“No matter what the weather has lined up, Handpicked Wines has you covered for the transitional season” and stone fruit flavours and has the added complexity of barrel fermentation and maturation. It was fermented in French oak barriques, about one-third new, and was aged for 10 months in the same barrels. For the cooler days, you can’t go past Handpicked Wines 2017 Pinot Noir Collection Mornington Peninsula. Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula is famous for its pinot noirs – it’s now devoted solely to pinot noir and chardonnay – and this bottle is a fine example from a great vintage: deep colour, spicy berry aromas, a silky smooth palate and fine tannin to finish. When the nights start getting too cool to venture out, Handpicked Wines 2017 Pinot Noir will match perfectly with roasted Peking duck or a charcuterie selection by the fire. Whatever autumn surprises are thrown your way, you can be sure Handpicked Wines will remain a constant companion throughout.
澳大利亚的秋季总是令人琢磨不透,让人在叹息夏日已 逝之时,又不得不为即将来临的寒冬做好准备。但无论 天气如何,首彩葡萄酒都是您在这样一个过渡性季节 的绝佳伴侣。在天气温暖、阳光明媚的秋日,一瓶首彩 与ROMANCE WAS BORN合作的限量版亚拉山谷桃 红葡萄酒绝对是您的不二之选。这款桃红葡萄酒呈清 澈的浅橙红色,有着充满活力的红色水果和香料的香气, 有着多汁水果的口感,质地丰富,辛辣而复杂。虽然桃 红葡萄酒通常适合夏季饮用,但我们认为在秋季这样的 过渡性季节,桃红葡萄酒也可以与其完美匹配。而在不 冷不热的日子,我们建议选择一款酒体丰厚的白葡萄 酒,如首彩2015年份亚拉山谷HIGHBOW HILL单一葡 萄园霞多丽。这款霞多丽所使用的葡萄经过精心挑选 后整串压榨,具有充满活力的柑橘和核果口味,经橡木 桶发酵成熟后,极具复杂风味。这款葡萄酒在法国橡木 桶中发酵,其中约三分之一为新酒,然后在相同的酒桶 中陈酿10个月的时间。而在凉爽的时节里,不妨来一瓶 首彩2017年份莫宁顿半岛珍藏黑比诺。维多利亚州的 莫宁顿半岛以其黑比诺葡萄酒而闻名,现在绝大多数 以黑比诺和霞多丽为主。这款葡萄酒是一个很好的代 表——色泽深沉,有着辛辣的浆果香气,口感如丝顺滑, 单宁细腻,收口精致。当天气变冷,不适合夜间外出时, 首彩2017年份黑比诺搭配北京烤鸭或其它烤肉便再完 美不过了。因此,无论秋季有什么惊喜在等待着您,首 彩葡萄酒都将是您永恒的最佳选择。
1. 2018 Romance Was Born Yarra Valley Rose, $28.99 Colour: Clear light salmon Bouquet: Vibrant red fruit and spice aromas Palate: Surprisingly weighty with juicy fruit flavours and savoury complexity enhanced by great texture. Pair with: Range of foods – pan fried rainbow trout with new potatoes, smoked salmon and cucumber sandwiches, sushi. 色泽:清澈的浅橙红色 气味:充满活力的红色水果和香 料的香气 口感:酒体较重,有着多汁水果 的口感,质地丰富,辛辣而复杂。 搭配:可搭配各种食物——新土 豆煎虹鳟、烟熏三文鱼、黄瓜三 明治、寿司。 2. 2015 Chardonnay Single Vineyard Highbow Hill, Yarra Valley, $59.99 Colour: TBC Bouquet: Complex nose of ripe pear, spice and oak Palate: White nectarine, tightly wound oak, a touch of minerality and a clean crisp finish Pair with: Oven roasted quail, duck confit, creamy brie 色泽:待定 气味:成熟梨子、香料和橡木的 复杂味道 口感:以白桃及橡木香为主,略 带一丝淡淡的矿物质味道,收口 干净清爽 搭配:烤鹌鹑、鸭肉酱、奶油干酪 3. 2017 Pinot Noir Collection Mornington Peninsula, $59.99 Colour: Deep red Bouquet: Spicy berry aromas Palate: Silky smooth and fine tannin to finish Pair with: Peking duck, charcuterie selection 色泽:深红色 气味:辛辣的浆果香气 口感:如丝顺滑,单宁细腻,收 口精致 搭配:北京烤鸭、烤肉等
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H I G H E R L I F E // B E A U T Y
Beauty Buzz The latest beauty products you’ll want to get your hands on. 新款化妆品火热上市,让您爱不释手。
Power couple 强效组合 Heading into the cooler seasons can be tough for those who suffer from dry skin, but Dermalogica has you covered with its Intensive Moisture Balance Moisturiser and Cleanser. Powered by the BioReplenish Complex, the duo works at revitalising your skin’s lipid barrier, which locks in moisture and keeps irritants out. $75 for 50ml, $60.50 for 150ml, dermalogica.com.au 对于那些干性 皮肤 的人 来说,进 入较凉 爽的季节可能比较 难受。而 现在我们拥 有了德卡的强 效保 湿平衡保湿霜和洁 面乳。这两款产品均 含有BIOREPLENISH COMPLEX成分,可恢 复皮肤 脂质屏障,锁 住水分,防止刺激。50 毫升装:75澳元,150 毫升装:60.50澳元。
Go platinum
Continuing to use the world’s most precious ingredients to create its unique range of skincare products, La Prairie has introduced Platinum Rare Cellular Life-Lotion to its collection. Infused with platinum, the essence-inlotion helps boost the skin’s appearance by supporting key cellular detoxification processes and is the first step in kick-starting your skin’s rejuvenation. $895, laprairie.com.au 莱珀妮一直在使用世界上最 珍贵的成分来打造独特的护肤 产品系列,最新加入这一系列 的则是臻爱铂金尊宠细胞再生 精华液。这款精华液含有铂金 成分,支持关键细胞的排毒 过程,可改善肌肤质感,开启 恢复肌肤活力第一步。 售价:895澳元。
H I G H E R L I F E // B E A U T Y
Mask off
Full bloom
如花盛艳 Sisley’s all-new 2-in-1 L’Orchidée Highlighting Blush is your new everyday essential. The lightweight powder, shaped like an orchid, is packed with micronised pigments and pearls to provide an immediate glow. The formula is enriched with White Lily, which protects the softness of your skin’s epidermis. Your skin will look and feel amazing. $125, sisley-paris.com.au 希思黎全新2合1晶彩馨兰修颜腮红是您日常必备的新 品。轻盈粉末状若兰花,加入微粉化颜料和珍珠,即刻 光芒闪耀。配方中含有白百合成分,可有效保护肌肤柔软 表皮,令肌肤拥有迷人质感与观感。售价:125澳元。
Heart notes 心之音符
Amouage’s new Love Tuberose is a floral fragrance that will have hopeless romantics falling head over heels for it. The fragrance is composed to tell a story of unrequited love. It opens with a floral bouquet of tuberose, gardenia and jasmine before transcending into a sweet heart of Chantilly cream and fresh vanilla. It signs off with a neutralising duo of cedarwood and sandalwood. $499, libertineparfumerie.com.au 爱慕推出新款LOVE TUBEROSE花香香水,即使最不懂 浪漫的人也将为之倾倒。这款香水讲述了一个浪漫的单恋 故事,以浓郁醉人的晚香玉、栀子花和茉莉花香为前调; 中调以香缇鲜奶油和新鲜香草进行升华,带来 天堂般的甜蜜;尾调则以雪松和檀香进行中和。 售价:499澳元。
Fresh start
全新开始 You won’t have to pay a visit to the hairdresser to say goodbye to greys thanks to Christophe Robin’s one-of-a-kind Temporary Color Gel. You can cover the first greys, coming through at the roots, from the comfort of your home with this 92 per cent natural-origin ingredient formula. The colour will hold for five to seven washes. $51, sephora.com.au 有了CHRISTOPHE ROBIN独家呈现的短效染发啫喱, 不用劳烦美发师,自己动手即可告别白发。这款 产品富含92%天然成分,可以自己舒适地在 家中动手染发,颜色可保持5-7次之久。 售价:51澳元。
1. Fresh, $36, sephora.com.au 2. Summer Fridays, $70, mecca.com.au 3. Herbivore, $68, sephora.com.au 4. Elemis, $115, mecca.com.au 5. GlamGlow, $86, mecca.com.au
Church of fashion
Eva Galambos, through her unique, church-based boutique, Parlour X, showcases timeless pieces from the world’s leading fashion names. She shares with us her love of fashion, tips for buying, and the inspiration behind her Parlour X concept. 在伊娃·加兰博斯(Eva Galambos)独一无二的教堂风格精 品店Parlour X中,陈列着世界顶级时尚品牌的经典作品。她与 我们分享了自己对于时尚的热爱、购物时的秘诀以及Parlour X概念背后的灵感源泉。 110
How did you get your start in the fashion industry? Having studied fine arts in Sydney, I always envisioned becoming a curator. After several years in London, working with the formidable Giorgio Armani and later Nicole Farhi luxury houses, my experiences led me to return home to establish the concept of Parlour X in 2001. I saw it as an opportunity to curate a new kind of multi-brand boutique experience, one that represented interesting international designers and emerging brands as works of art, in a gallery-style aesthetic. At the time in Sydney, international designers and emerging talent were only accessible if you were travelling overseas. After 14 years on Glenmore Road, Paddington, I made the landmark move to St Johns Church in 2015, on Oxford Street in Paddington.
H I G H E R L I F E // PA R L O U R X
What were your first impressions of St Johns Church? I was familiar with St Johns Church being the oldest in the area, however it hadn’t been in use for over 30 years. On the pursuit of finding a truly magnificent and inspirational space, the opportunity presented itself with divine timing. At first, there was a level of uncertainty and risk, but as I began to visualise the space and possibilities, I fast realised how extraordinary the space was and is. Can you tell us a bit about the history of the building? St Johns Church is a piece of Paddington’s history. Almost 175 years old – it was built in 1845 – it’s one of the oldest and grandest churches built by Australia’s earliest settlers and convicts. Throughout the design process, we needed to respect and retain the legacy of the past. We preserved the original structure and exposed beam ceiling of the church with its original sandstone walls. It has stained-glass windows that feature the Ten Commandments and emblems of Australian native flora and fauna and heritage inscriptions. And there are more beautiful, unique features that are a feast for the eyes. >
您是如何开始在时尚界的职业生涯的? 在悉尼完成美术学习后,我一直想成为一名策 展人。而在伦敦工作的几年中,与令人钦佩的 Giorgio Armani和Nicole Farhi等奢侈品牌 的合作经历促使我在回到家乡后于2 0 01年建 立了Parlour X。我把这看作是一种展示新型多 品牌精品体验的机会,以一种画廊风格的美学, 将国际设计师和新兴品牌的作品以艺术品的 形式呈现在公众面前。那时的悉尼,只有在海 外旅行时才有机会遇到国际知名和刚刚崭露头 角的设计师。在帕丁顿(Paddington)格伦莫 尔路(Glenmore Road)经营了14年之后,我 于2015年将店面迁至帕丁顿牛津街(Oxford Street)的圣约翰教堂(St Johns Church), 这一搬迁具有里程碑意义。
Above: Eva Galambos, founder of Parlour X
您对圣约翰教堂的第一印象是什么? 我对圣约翰教堂很熟悉,它是该地区最古老的 教堂,但已经荒废了30多年。在寻求真正宏伟 和鼓舞人心的空间的过程中,绝佳的机会不期 而遇。虽然最初存在一定程度的不确定性和风 险,但随着空间设计的进展,我很快意识到这 里是多么与众不同。 您能向我们讲述一下这座建筑的历史吗? 圣约 翰 教 堂是帕丁顿历史的一 部分,有着 逾 175年的历史,是1845年澳大利亚最早的定居 者和囚犯建造的最古老、最宏伟的教堂之一。 在整个设计过程中,我们需要尊重并保留过去 的遗产。我们保留了教堂原有的结构、裸露的 天花板及以圣经十诫和澳大利亚本土动植物为 特色的原有砂岩墙和彩色玻璃窗。除此之外还 有一些铭文和更多美丽、独特的亮点,颇为赏 心悦目。 > 111
H I G H E R L I F E // PA R L O U R X
What inspired you to convert the space into a luxury retail store? As the luxury portfolio grew, I felt the growing demand of expanding into a physically larger space to accommodate more luxury collections and categories like eyewear, leather goods and footwear. I also wanted to develop the in-house team and optimise the increasing online business of parlourx.com by incorporating an in-house photographic studio and sizeable warehousing. The space was three times the size of our previous location. In terms of the aesthetic and design, luxury shoppers are drawn to unique experiences and love being in a beautiful environment. The heritage elements contrasted with our modern and progressive designer edit and finishes enlists Parlour X as one of the most unique boutique spaces in the world. In fact, Parlour X could very well be the only boutique fitted out in a church! Do you find the space inspires you? Yes, every day. The brick-and-mortar boutique is where creativity, fashion and cultural experiences unite, as we host many creative collaborations through our windows and constantly transform the space through events. Also, being located in Paddington is part of the allure – this area is extremely close to my heart and part of my own personal history.
是什么原因促使您将这座教堂改造成奢侈品零 售店? 随着奢侈品牌越来越多,我越来越感觉到扩大 空间以容纳更多的奢侈品系列及类别的需要, 如眼镜、皮革制品和鞋类。我还想通过整合内 部摄影工作室和大规模仓库来开发内部团队并 优化parlourx.com以满足不断增长的线上业 务,现在的面积是之前店面的三倍。在审美和设 计方面,独特的体验和优美的环境能够吸引奢 侈品购买者。店面建筑的悠久历史以及我们现 代前卫的设计使得Parlour X成为世界上最独 特的精品店之一。事实上,Parlour X很可能是 唯一一家设立在教堂中的精品店! 您觉得这里能激发您的灵感吗? 是的,无时无刻。实体店是创意、时尚和文化体 验的结合点,因为我们在这里举办许多创意活 动,使其不断得以升华。此外,帕丁顿本身就很 具有吸引力——这里非常接近我的故乡,也对 我个人有着深远的影响。 作为时尚买家,您对购买经典的奢侈品有什么 建议? 旅行、策划和凭直觉定购是我作为买家的全部 角色。重要的是要保持个人风格和审美,而不是 随波逐流。购买经典的奢侈品时,一定要考虑 112
H I G H E R L I F E // PA R L O U R X
E V A’ S M U S T - H A V E S
As a fashion buyer, what are your top tips for those who want to purchase timeless items? Travelling, curating and editing with instinct is all part of my role as a buyer. It’s important you remain true to your personal style and aesthetic in place of jumping on trends. To invest in timeless styles, consider the fabric, quality and craftsmanship of a piece. This could be through structured and tailored shapes, bespoke fabric details that are unique to a brand and can’t be replicated, or signature design hallmarks from a historic house like Chloe, Emilio Pucci, Valentino or Balenciaga.
Apart from selling amazing pieces of clothing and accessories, how does Parlour X contribute to the Australian fashion industry? An essential component to any fashion capital is a destination retail space. I’m immensely proud that as the ultimate destination in Australia, Parlour X represents the most influential and coveted luxury brands in the world. Through the boutique, we frequently host fashion, lifestyle and cultural experiences for our clients and industry peers. Through parlourx.com we develop original content for our online fans, via our social channels and the X-FILES – an online insider’s guide to travel, fashion and career.
“IT’S IMPORTANT YOU REMAIN TRUE TO YOUR PERSONAL STYLE” Left: St Johns Church, Paddington Above: Parlour X’s unique boutique location – inside a church – is part of the design house’s allure
其面料、品质和工艺方面,要着眼于品牌独有 且无法复制的结构化和定制造型、独特的面料 细节等,或来自蔻伊(Chloe)、璞琪(Emilio Pucci)、华伦天奴(Valentino)或巴黎世家 (Balenciaga)等历史悠久的奢侈品牌的标志 性设计。 除了销售令人惊叹的服装和配饰外,Parlour X 对于澳大利亚时尚界有何贡献? 零售店是每个时尚之都的一个重要组成部分。 作为澳大利亚的终极购物目的地,Parlour X代 表了世界上最具影响力和最令人垂涎 的奢侈品 牌,我对此感到非常自豪。通过精品店,我们经 常为客户和行业同行提供时尚、生活方式和文化 体验。在parlourx.com上,我们通过社交渠道 和X-FILES(一个关于旅游、时尚和职业的线上 内部人士指南)为我们的粉丝开发原创内容。
1. Fendi scarf, $235 2. Balenciaga blazer, $3,025 3. Isabel Marant pant, $1,075 4. Saint Laurent wallet, $1,625 5. Valentino pouch, $1,365 6. Loewe bag, $3,185 7. Fendi bag, $1,585 s8. Balenciaga trainer $1,125 All items available at parlourx.com
天 然 元 素
Salvatore Ferragamo explores the essential elements of the brand – craft, innovation, ingenuity and passion – in its Pre-Fall 2019 collection.
菲拉格慕探索其品牌的核心 要素——工艺、革新、独创性与 激情。这些元素在其2019早秋 系列新品中体现得淋漓尽致。
All looks available from Salvatore Ferragamo ferragamo.com/shop/aus/en
All looks available from Salvatore Ferragamo ferragamo.com/shop/aus/en
All looks available from Salvatore Ferragamo ferragamo.com/shop/aus/en
H I G H E R L I F E // A L H A M B R A
Charmed 多 彩 生 活
正值梵克雅宝标志性的Alhambra四叶幸运系列50周年之际, 我们采访了这家奢侈珠宝商的复古作品专家兼梵克雅宝亚太地区总裁 尼古拉斯·吕歇森格尔(Nicolas Luchsinger),对其创作灵感进行追根溯源。 As Van Cleef & Arpels celebrates 50 years of its iconic Alhambra design, we spoke to the luxury jeweller’s expert in vintage pieces, Nicolas Luchsinger, president of Van Cleef & Arpels, Asia Pacific, about when it all began…
an Cleef & Arpels is a brand steeped in history – mainly because it has a lot of it. It was founded in Paris in 1906 by Alfred Van Cleef and his uncle, Salomon Arpels. Fast forward 113 years and you can still find the luxury boutique at the location it first opened its doors, 22 Place Vendôme. Over a century, the luxury jeweller has created unique pieces for some of high society’s most recognised names, such as Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor; actress and singer Marlene Dietrich; and Grace Kelly, the Princess of Monaco, to name just a few. However, while Van Cleef & Arpels’ list of royal clients is impressive, what’s more impressive is one of its lasting design legacies: the Alhambra. >
克 雅宝这一品牌可谓 源 远 流长,有着悠久的历史。该 品 牌 由 阿 尔 弗 莱 德·梵 克(A l f red Va n Cl e ef) 和 他 的 叔 叔 所罗门·雅 宝 (Salomon Arpels)于1906年在巴黎成立。时 光荏苒,113年如白驹过隙,直到如今,您仍然 可以在它首次开业的地方——芳登广场22号找 到这家奢侈精品店。一个多世纪以来,这家奢 侈珠宝商为上流社会最知名的一些家族成员 打造了独特的作品,如华里丝·辛普森(Wallis S i m p s o n)、温 莎公爵 夫 人(D u c h e s s o f Windsor)、女演员兼歌手玛莲娜·迪特里茜 (Marlene Dietrich)及摩纳哥王妃格蕾丝·凯 利(Grace Kelly)等,不胜枚举。虽然梵克雅 宝的皇室客户令人印象深刻,但更令人印象深 刻的则是其持久的遗产之一——Alhambra四 叶幸运系列。 >
H I G H E R L I F E // A L H A M B R A
H I G H E R L I F E // A L H A M B R A
“To understand the Alhambra, you have to understand the time it was created in,” says Nicolas Luchsinger, President of Van Cleef & Arpels, Asia Pacific, who also happens to be a bit of an expert in vintage pieces. Luchsinger founded Van Cleef & Arpels Heritage Collection, which scours the world for historic pieces of the brand, buys them back, and displays them in its boutiques. Anyone interested in the brand’s history will be treated to a gallery-like display at Van Cleef & Arpels’ boutiques around the world. You may even be able to catch a glimpse of the historic Alhambra design. “The inspiration wasn’t specifically about jewellery, but to find something that was really wearable and versatile,” says Luchsinger of the Alhambra’s origin. “In 1968, there were riots in Paris, which caused a huge transformation and revolution on the financial side.” The riots, often referred to as May 68, saw 11 million workers strike and almost brought the economy of France to a complete halt. For two weeks, more than 22 per cent of France’s workforce was on strike. The riots went on to affect French society for decades afterwards. Today, May 68 is still considered a cultural, moral and social turning point in France. “Before 1968, an elegant lady had jewellery for lunch, for cocktails, for evenings, and so on,” explains Luchsinger on society’s change of perspective. “She was a great Van Cleef & Arpels client because she would change her jewellery two or three times a day. But that stopped. So, Van Cleef & Arpels needed to adapt itself once
时光变迁 梵克雅宝亚太地区总裁尼古拉斯·吕歇森 格尔表示: “想要了解Alhambra四叶幸 运系列,您必须了解它的创立时间。”而 他也恰好是复古作品的专家。吕歇森格尔 创立了梵克雅宝的传承系列,在世界各地 搜寻该品牌以往的作品,并将其收回,在 精品店中进行展示。任何对该品牌历史感 兴趣的人都可以在世界 各地的梵克雅宝
精品店中看到像在画廊中一样展示出的各 种作品。您甚至还有机会一睹历史悠久的 Alhambra四叶幸运系列。 “该系列的设计灵感并非专门针对珠宝, 而是为了找寻真正适合在多种场合佩戴的 设计,”吕歇森格尔在谈到Alhambra四 叶幸运系列的起源说道。 “1968年,巴黎 发生了骚乱,导致了金融领域的巨大变革 和革命。” 这次骚乱通常被称为“五月风暴”,其 中有1,100万工人罢工,几乎使法国经济完 全停摆。在两周的时间里,超过22%的法 国劳动力处于罢工状态。此次骚乱对法国 社会的影响持续了长达几十年的时间。直 至今日,五月风暴仍被视为法国文化、道 德标准和社会的转折点。 “在1968年之前,一位优雅的女士在参 加午餐会、鸡尾酒会、晚会等都会佩戴不 同的珠宝首饰,”吕歇森格尔在解释这场 社会变革时表示。 “她是梵克雅宝的忠实 客户,每天要佩戴两到三种不同的珠宝。 但这一切戛然而止。因此,梵克雅宝需要 再次适应这种形式。我们开始使用半宝石 制作更适合佩戴的珠宝,而当时想到的就 是花之力量。”
自然力量 Alhambra四叶幸运系列的图案灵感源自 四叶草。四叶草被普遍认为会给人带来好 运,而自该系列创立以来,梵克雅宝一直 好运连连。Alhambra四叶幸运系列的魅 力在于其可在多种场合佩戴,日间佩戴的 珠宝也可以在晚间佩戴。您可以将长长的 122
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Alhambra四叶幸运系列项链缠绕几圈当 成贴颈项链,或者随意松散自在地佩戴于 脖颈之上。 “ 该 系 列 素 净 而 优 雅 ,”吕 歇 森 格 尔 介 绍 。“无 论 您 正 值 豆 蔻,亦 或 年 华 垂 暮,均可信手拈来,可谓非常百搭。虽然 Alhambra四叶幸运系列已成经典,但由 于颜色的缘故,看起来仍然十分前卫。” Alhambra四叶幸运系列五彩斑斓的 半宝石采用玛瑙、孔雀石、红玉髓和玉髓 制成,为其添加一些活泼的元素。而对于 那些想要更加炫目的Alhambra四叶幸 运系列的人士来说,也有钻石可供选择。
Opposite: Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco, loved the Alhambra Right: European film actress Romy Schneider also wore the piece
more. We began to make jewellery that was much more wearable, using a mix of semiprecious stones. The spirit of the day was flower power.”
The Alhambra motif itself was inspired by the four-leaf clover, a universal symbol for luck, and it has continued to bring good fortune to the Maison since its creation. The beauty of the Alhambra lies in its wearability – day jewellery that can transcend into night. You can wrap the longer Alhambra necklace around your neck multiple times to create a choker style necklace, or casually drape it over your neck to wear loosely. “It is discrete and elegant,” Luchsinger says. “It is something you can easily wear when you are young or in your late eighties. It is transgenerational. While it is classic, it is still edgy because of the colours.” The mix of colourful semi-precious stones from which the Alhambra designs is created – like, onyx, letterwood, malachite, carnelian and chalcedony – add a playful element to pieces. And for those who would like
a more glitzy version of the Alhambra, it also comes in diamonds.
那么,自Alhambra四叶幸运系列推出以 来,最近50年内发生了哪些变化? “我们今天推出的系列总是受到过去的 启发,”吕歇森格尔解释。 “我们对于自己 的历史 遗 产心 怀 感 激,制 作工艺一直保 持 不变。现在工匠们使用的工具 与梵克 雅宝创立时使用的工具完全相同,对 细 节的关注也一直没有改变,一切都没有改 变。Alhambra四叶幸运系列的变化更像 是我们客户个性变化的一个象征。所使用 的材料正是为了适应我们的客户而作出的 改变 ,如半宝石。” 其余的则基本上没有改变。如果有什么 能够成为永恒的象征,那必是Alhambra 四叶幸运系列无疑。
So what’s changed in the last 50 years since Alhambra was launched? “The collections we launch today are always inspired by the past,” Luchsinger says. “We are thankful for our roots. The craftsmanship remains the same. The tools the artisans are using are exactly the same tools they had when Van Cleef & Arpels was created. The attention to detail remains the same. There is no change. The Alhambra is more a symbol of a change in our client’s personality. The materials used, such as a semi-precious stone, is what changes to suit our customers.” Remaining, basically, unchanged – if there ever were a symbol of for timelessness, the Alhambra motif would be it.
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Festive fun
Holiday season is upon us. We have your Chinese New Year outfit sorted with these festive looks. 佳节即将来临之际,我们 为您精选出完美搭配中国 新年氛围的服装及饰品。
Elie Saab Spring 2019 RTW
1. Mounser, $285, net-a-porter.com/au 2. Ralph & Russo, $7,587, net-a-porter.com/au 3. Gucci, $1,540, gucci.com/au 4. Diane Von Furstenberg, $415, world.dvf.com 5. Bella Freud, $1,248, net-a-porter.com/au 6. Nanushka, $748, nanushka.com 7. Sara Battaglia, $1,265, net-a-porter.com/au 8. Rupert Sanderson, $603, rupertsanderson.com 9. Saint Laurent, $2,610, ysl.com/au 10. Oscar de la Renta, $577, oscardelarenta.com 11. Peter Pilotto, $1,580, net-a-porter.com/au 12. Valentino, $1,310, valentino.com/en-au 13. Caroline Constas, $1,530, net-a-porter.com/au 14. Chloe, $1,583, chloe.com/au 15. Ariana Boussard-Reifel, $516, net-a-porter.com/au 16. Cushnie, $2,646, net-a-porter.com/au 17. Peter Pilotto, $2,646, net-a-porter.com/au
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Versace Fall 2019 Menswear
Red alert
Prada Fall 2019 Menswear
Ring in the Year of the Pig in style by adding a pop of red to your wardrobe. 在您的衣橱中添置些红色 元素,以格调十足的方式 欢庆猪年的到来。
1. Balenciaga, $2,415, balenciaga.com/au 2. Versace, $310, mrporter.com/en-au 3. Alexander McQueen, $1,675, alexandermcqueen.com/au 4. Paul Smith, $1,852, mrporter.com/en-au 5. Versace, $199, matchesfashion.com/au 6. Gucci, $505, matchesfashion.com/au 7. Gucci, $645, gucci.com/au 8. Bottega Veneta, $730, bottegaveneta.com/au 9. Christian Louboutin, $4,275, matchesfashion.com/au 10. Gucci, $1,415, matchesfashion.com/au 11. Gucci, $1,105, matchesfashion.com/au 12. Gucci, $500 mrporter.com/en-au 13. Burberry, $550, au.burberry.com 14. Loro Piana, $682, mrporter.com.au/en-au
H I G H E R L I F E / / FA S H I O N
H I G H E R L I F E / / FA S H I O N
Family first Burberry celebrates the traditions and togetherness of family during Chinese New Year with a special holiday campaign. 博柏利(Burberry)在中国新年 期间推出一项特别活动,以此 庆祝这一古老的传统节日及 阖家团圆的美好时光。
s there any better way to spend Chinese New Year than with your family? We think not, and it seems loads of people agree. Over 80 million Chinese locals travel to their home town from capital cities across the country to spend the national holiday with their nearest and dearest. Burberry has recognised the significance of family and the holiday in its Chinese New Year campaign, which celebrates family traditions and togetherness during the festive season. Shot and directed by photographer Ethan James Green, the campaign was inspired by the classic family portrait – where all generations are represented – but reimagined in an informal urban environment. The shoot stars Chinese actresses and Burberry brand ambassadors Zhao Wei and Zhou Dongyu, the latter of whom also recognises the significance of family during the holiday period. “For me, being able to go home once a year to spend quality time with my family is something I value above all else,” Zhou says. “I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” The campaign features pieces including archive-print scarves, the classic trench coat and tailored suiting, which contrast with urban staples like hoodies, T-shirts and joggers.
H I G H E R L I F E / / FA S H I O N
H I G H E R L I F E / / FA S H I O N
没 有 比 和 家 人一 起欢度春节更好 的 选 择 ?我 们 认 为没有,而且似乎大家都这 样认为。8,000余万中国人 将从中国各大城市返回他们 的家乡,与最亲近的人一起 欢度春节。博柏利在春节期 间推出的这个特别活动旨在 庆祝这一古老的传统节日和 阖家团圆的美好时光,充分 表达于对家庭和传统节日的 尊重。该活动由摄影师伊桑· 詹 姆 斯·格 林( E t h a n James Green)拍摄和执 导,其灵感源自中国人在春
节时拍摄的传统全家福,只 是地点换成了城市的高楼大 厦。参与拍摄的明星有中国 著名女演员兼博柏利品牌 大使赵薇和周冬雨。周冬雨 对于节日期间家庭的重要性 非常认可,她表示: “每年能 够回家一次,和家人快快乐 乐地在一起,这是我最看重 的。这样的机会,我不会拿 任何东西来换。”此次活动 以博柏利经典作品为特色, 涵盖印花围巾、风衣和时装, 而与之形成鲜明对比的则有 都市风格的连帽衫、T恤和 运动短裤等。
This page: Zhou Dongyu wears a vintage check wool jacket with palladium plated link drop earrings; Zhao Wei wears a sleeveless keyhole detail top with a round buckle leather belt, a reissued society-print silk. All looks available from Burberry, au.burberry.com
Iwan Sunito
We chat to Crown Group co-founder and CEO Iwan Sunito about career highlights, plans for 2019 and how travel has long been a major source of design inspiration. CROWN GROUP联合创始人兼首席执行官伊万·萨尼托向 我们讲述了其职业生涯中的重要时刻、2019年的规划以及 旅行是如何成为其一直以来主要的设计灵感源泉。 Did you always dream of a career in architectural design? Not really. I’ve always loved drawing, particularly things to do with innovation. Whether it be buildings, planes, comics or futuristic objects, I’d always make time to draw when I was young and continue to do so today. When I was about to graduate from university I had to make a decision whether I’d become an aeronautical engineer designing planes, or an architect. I chose architecture because it was a career you could really grow in.
他总是会问“为什么”。我 对他总是这样刨根问底而 感到非常沮丧,但最终了解 到提问的重要性,因为它 们迫使你对你的核心价值进行思考。 您在整个职业生涯中曾参与过许多获奖项目,那
In what ways does travel inspire 么哪一个项目特别令您感到自豪? your designs? 有 很 多项目 都 让 我 感 到 非 常自豪。绿 色 广 场 Travel allows me to see how great buildings of (GREEN SQUARE)的未来主义建筑INFINITY the world stand the test of time. It reminds me BY CROWN G ROUP无疑是悉尼最受关注的 that a great building lasts longer than 50 years; 建 筑。每当我 向 世界 各地 的 人们 展 示 这 座 建 it becomes a legacy. The two places that 筑 的图片时,他们 都会 惊得下巴都 掉了。我 对 inspire me most would be Japan and Northern CROWN GROUP在滑铁卢(WATERLOO)推 Europe. Japan is the master of simplicity and 您是否一直梦想着把建筑设计当作职业? 出的MASTERY也充满期待,这将是一座20层高 并非如此。我一直很喜欢绘画,特别是与创新有 I’m always amazed by their ability to meld the 的绿意盎然的“层叠森林”。最重要、也是最令 关的创作。无论是建筑、 飞机、漫画还是未来主义, natural and built environment. Scandinavian 我感到自豪的是——CROWN GROUP的设计 我小时候经常抽出时间画画,现在也如此。即将从 design is fantastic in terms of its use of 绝非哗众取宠,都有特定的渊源和意义。 大学毕业时,我不得不决定是否要当一名设计飞机 materials and sleek design. 的航空工程师或建筑师。最终,我选择成为一名建 What’s planned for Crown Group in 2019? We have a very busy year ahead with six 筑师,因为这是一个能让人真正成长的职业。 旅行如何激发您的设计灵感? 旅行让我有机会看到世界上伟大的建筑如何经受 projects – two jobs in Sydney, along with What’s the best piece of advice you’ve 时间的考验。它让我知道,如果一座伟大建筑的存 one in Melbourne, Brisbane, Jakarta and ever received? 续时间超过50年,就会成为一种遗产。最能激发 Los Angeles. As a company, we’re taking things to the next level. I have two, both from my university lecturers. 我的灵感的两个国家是日本和北欧——日本是简 The first was Russell Jack, who always told 约主义的大师,他们融合自然和建筑环境的能力 me I could do better. It continues to stick with 总是让我感到非常惊讶;而斯堪的纳维亚的设计 CROWN GROUP在2019年有什么规划? me today, because things can always get 在材料使用和时尚设计方面则非常出色。 2019年将是非常忙碌的一年,共将开展6个项目, better. I apply this to Crown Group; I want us 其中悉尼2个,墨尔本、布里斯班、雅加达和洛杉矶 to constantly learn and build from challenging You’ve worked on numerous award-winning 各有1个。作为一家公司,我们将在新的一年实现 times and successes. The second was from projects throughout your career. Is there 更上一层楼的目标。 John Campbell, who’d always ask, “Why?” one of which you’re particularly proud? I’d get so frustrated with him always probing, I have many projects I’ve been proud of. Any tips for fighting jet lag? but eventually learned the importance of The very futurist building Infinity by Crown Before your flight you should always rest as these “why” questions, because they force Group in Green Square is undoubtedly much as possible, exercise, and don’t leave you to consider your core values. the most talked about building in Sydney. packing to the last minute! I also like to break Every time I show people around the world long-haul flights up where possible. Eat less images of the building, their jaw drops. when on the flight and stick to drinking water. 您得到的最好的建议是什么? 有两个,均来自我的大学老师。第一个来自拉塞尔· I’m also looking forward to Crown Group’s Mastery in Waterloo, which will feature 杰克(RUSSELL JACK),他始终告诉我,我可以做 您在对抗时差方面有什么好的建议? 得更好。至今我还一直奉若圭臬,因为一切总能变 a forest rising up a 20-storey building. 在航班起飞之前,应该尽可能多地休息和锻炼,并 得更好。在CROWN GROUP,我也一直坚持这项 Above all, what I’m most proud of is the 且要提前把行李准备好!在可能的情况下,我会把 原则,希望我们从挑战和成功中不断成长与成熟。 fact Crown buildings aren’t gimmicky; they 长途航班分成几个短途航班。在飞机上少吃东西, 另一个来自约翰·坎贝尔(JOHN CAMPBELL), have an intentional story and meaning. 多喝水。 130
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