Wings Issue 2

Page 1


梦幻天堂 盘点新酒店

您不知道的事 澳洲豪华游的秘密

A day in Qingdao S P E N D A P E R F EC T 24 H O U R S E X P L O R I N G T H E C O A S TA L C I T Y

May – July 2018

WINGS # 02


# 02


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稀世珍寶 彰顯尊貴 唯獨粉紅金伯利 粉紅金伯利 (Pink Kimberley) 是澳大利亞著名的粉 紅鑽石珠寶品牌,每一件首飾都價值連城,採用澳 大利亞天然的粉紅鑽石和優質的白鑽石,以18K金 打造 。所有的粉紅鑽石出產於西澳大利亞金伯利 地區的阿蓋爾鑽石礦。其珍貴獨特,是大自然賜予 人類的絕世瑰寶,被譽為是奢華和與眾不同的終極 象徵。每顆重量超過0.08克垃以上的阿蓋爾鑽石均 均附有阿蓋爾寶石鑑定證書。

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欢迎 Welcome

From CNTO, Sydney

From Capital Airlines

里有千万种方法去体验中国无尽的美景。但如果您是一个历 史迷,那我们将为您提供一个终极清单,列出您梦寐以求之 地。从北京古老的紫禁城到上海欧式的法租界,我们带您游遍中 国,欣赏其各式建筑以追溯它丰富的历史。 从厦门出发,乘船很快便来到了鼓浪屿,岛上并没有任何其他 交通工具,只能徒步游览。这座岛屿讲述了曾经以及至今仍为该岛 做出贡献的一些杰出人物的详细故事。它就犹如一个被完好保存 的时光缩影。 如果您更热衷于追求奢华,那么今年在全国各地开设的新酒店 定能获取您的芳心。我们将为您盘点一流的酒店,准备好您的旅行 箱,出发吧!


here are so many different places and ways to experience China. But if you’re a history buff, then we have pulled together the ultimate list of places you’ll want to visit. From Beijing’s ancient Forbidden City to Shanghai’s Euro-inspired French Concession, we take you on a journey through China that traces its rich history through architecture. We also visit Gulangyu Island, a short ferry trip from Xiamen. This pedestrian-only island is a little time capsule that remains carefully preserved thanks to its UNESCO World Heritage status. If you’re more of a luxury seeker, look no further than the wave of hotels opening around the country this year. Get your overnight bag ready – we give you a peek into the best on offer. WINGS ISSUE 2

Editorial Assistant Winnie Liu Anastasia Barrat

Editor Constantina Demos

Contributors Anita Ao Dave Tacon Lisa Perkovic Nick Stock Sarah Nicholson Susannah Guthrie

Staff Writer/Photographer Trent van der Jagt Sub Editor Adam Scroggy


Production Manager Ian Scott

Creative Director Stephanie Goh Graphic Designers Millie Jia Cynthia Lau Financial Controller Stuart Harle Publisher Jim Flynn (02) 8188 3671

岛是中国境内一座与众不同的城市。作为一个沿海城市, 它设法留存过去的历史,同时也跟随现代的步伐,是一座 不断展望未来的现代化都市。它融合了租界时代的建筑,确保这 些金光闪闪的高楼大厦不会吞噬“绿岛”文化。在青岛,您可探 索蜿蜒的鹅卵石小道、历史悠久的德式建筑、山腰上的红顶别墅 以及城市多样化的美食、青岛啤酒厂和海滨壮丽景色。从悉尼前 往青岛,北京首都航空是您最好的选择。我们竭诚希望伴您领略 东方之旅。


ingdao is a city like no other in China. Sitting right on the coast of Shandong province, it has managed to preserve some of its past while also keeping up with the fast-moving pace of an expanding country. The city’s blend of concession-era buildings ensure the gleaming new skyscrapers don’t engulf the culture of the “Green Island.” Explore the winding cobbled streets, historic German architecture and red-capped hillside villas of Qingdao. And be sure not to miss the city’s diverse food scene, home-town brewery Tsingtao and the general seaside splendour on offer. The best way to get to Qingdao is to fly Beijing Capital Airlines direct from Sydney. We hope you enjoy your journey to the East with us. Thank you for choosing to flying Capital Airlines.

Advertising Max La-Brooy (02) 8188 3664

Crystal Wong (02) 8188 3662

Citrus Media PO Box 20154 World Square NSW 2002

Wings is produced for business-class passengers on Capital Airlines flights between China and Australia. It can also be found in select newsagents and hotels. An iPad edition is available via the App Store. Printed by Bluestar Web.

Cover image Shutterstock

© 2018 Citrus Media. All rights reserved. No article or images may be reproduced wholly or in part without prior written permission from the publisher. While every care was taken during the preparation of this magazine, Citrus Media cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information or any consequence arising from it. All views and opinions expressed herein are the personal views of the writer/photographer and do not necessarily reflect the views

or opinions of China National Tourism Office Sydney (CNTO) or any of its employees, affiliates or agencies. Wings is an independent publication and is in no way endorsed by CNTO. The contents/ photos do not necessarily represent the views of Capital Airlines.




W W W . M I D O WAT C H E S . C O M



China’s best hotels to open in 2018


48 Island escape 岛屿天堂

56 Best-kept secret 澳大利亚不为人知的秘密

64 Suite dreams 盘点新酒店

70 A new breed 悉尼尝鲜

A small paradise lies on the shore of Xiamen city

Uncover Australia’s hidden spots of luxury

Check in to China’s all-new luxury hotels set to impress

We chat to the Sydney chefs changing the city’s dining scene

78 Gold standard 北京热门

84 All hail McLaren Vale 为麦克拉伦谷尽情欢呼

102 Royal treatment 皇家体验

110 A perfect day in Qingdao 24小时游遍青岛

Next time you visit Beijing, make sure you do it in style

Discover South Australia’s up-andcoming food and wine region

Innovative chefs are the drawcards at the Royal Mail Hotel

Only have one day in Qingdao? Don’t miss an attraction with this guide



精彩歌剧 尽在悉尼歌剧院

如果不去参观悉尼最著名的建筑,那您的 悉尼之旅未免留有遗憾。而在参观悉尼歌 剧院时,最棒的体验莫过于进入其中,亲 自观看一场歌剧表演。

茶花女 (La Traviata)

这部歌剧就像你看过的那些电影一样,有着精致复古 的裙子,奢华的派对,以及一个悲伤的结局。 配有简体中文和英文字幕。

卡门 (Carmen)

这部生机勃勃,又令人无法抗拒的歌剧讲述了一个坚强勇敢 的巾帼英雄,一个骄傲自大的斗牛士和一个嫉妒心强的爱人 被命运捆绑在了一起的故事。 配有简体中文和英文字幕。




悉尼海港歌剧节 La Bohéme

悉尼最精彩的活动将携歌剧La Bohème 回归,它将在露天剧 院上演,并配有简体中文和英文的字幕。

3月23日—4月22日 PATRON-IN-CHIEF




来聆听一场由澳大利亚歌剧团的明星们演绎的最经典 的歌剧。 这些悠闲自在的音乐会将在日落时分的悉尼港拉开帷 幕,时长约90分钟。



在官网, 或在悉尼歌剧院购买, 也可咨询您的酒店服务台。


Regulars 21 News 动态新闻 What’s going on and where in China and Australia

30 Perth in eight stops 游珀斯 Eight must-see places when you visit Perth

36 Top 10 十大美食好去处 The top 10 food festivals to get a real taste of Australia

42 Check-in 新酒店盘点 Hotels in Australia and China that have just opened their doors

44 Restaurant news 菜馆指南 The latest restaurant news from Australia and China

46 独特体验


117 Higher life 奢华生活 The latest in watches, auto, wine, fashion and jewels

How to do Beijing in style


146 My higher life 名人专访 We chat to Graeme Goldman about all things timepieces

Check out the latest products to hit the shelves


Chef innovation at Royal Mail Hotel



Graeme Goldman


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DARK MOFO Hobart 23 · NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Beijing 28 · LUXURY STAY Guangdong 42 · BAR PATRÓN Sydney 45


Garden state Kick back in Sydney's newest outdoor dining space, West Hotel's Atrium. For more, turn to page 43. 来悉尼最新潮的室外用餐天地——希尔顿格芮精选 酒店(WEST HOTEL)露天花园小憩片刻吧! 更多精彩,请翻阅第43页。




Events PERTH


Born to be wild With more than 12,000 species blooming, Wildflowers in Bloom boasts the largest collection of wildflowers on earth. Over 60 per cent of flower species featured can only be found Down Under. June – November,

Image: Western Australia Tourism

布鲁姆小镇(BLOOM)拥有超过12,000种的野花, 是地球上野花品种最多的地区。这里超过60%的特 色花卉只在澳大利亚地区生长。日期:6月至11月。


美食狂欢 Gold plated Just three years young, the Gold Coast Food and Wine Festival has quickly become the city’s premier food event. Sample the very best the coast’s culinary landscape has to offer with over 30 events to take place from the north at Beenleigh to the south at Coolangatta. May 31 – June 3, 仅3年时间,黄金海岸美食美酒节(GOLD COAST FOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL)便 迅速成为这座城市最引人瞩目的美食大狂 欢。从北至南,超过30场美食美酒盛宴将 重磅登场,最精美的饕餮美食期待您来细 细品尝。日期:5月31日至6月3日。





Winter wonderland Dark Mofo is a winter festival created by Hobart’s MONA that delves into centuries-old winter solstice rituals. The quirky program covers all corners of culture, including music, art, food and fire shows. June 15-24, DARK MOFO是由霍巴特(HOBART)的 MONA古今艺术博物馆创建的冬季节日,深 入探索有着数百年历史的冬至仪式。稀奇古怪 的节目涵盖了文化的各个方面,包括音乐、艺 术、食物、火焰表演等。日期:6月15日至24日。 TOWNSVILLE


Back to nature Tropical North Queensland will be the backdrop of the 28th Australian Festival of Chamber Music. More than 30 musicians from all around the world will descend upon Townsville to perform over 10 days, with concerts held on the beach of the magical Orpheus Island and Magnetic Island. July 27 – August 5,


Work of art Patricia Piccinini will hold her largest exhibition, Curious Affection, at Brisbane’s Gallery of Modern Art. Get up close to her life-like sculptures. Till August 5, 澳当代艺术家PATRICIA PICCININI将在布里斯班现代 艺术画廊(GALLERY OF MODERN ART)举办她最大 的《好奇心》(CURIOUS AFFECTION)展览。与那些 栩栩如生的雕塑来个亲密接触吧。展览日期至8月5日。

昆士兰 北部 热 带 地区将成为第 2 8届 澳 大利亚室内音乐节(AU S TR AL I AN FESTIVAL OF CHAMBER MUSIC)的 举办地。来自世界各地的30多名音乐家 将登陆汤斯维尔(TOWNSVILLE),进 行超过10天的演出。音乐会将在美丽的 奥费斯岛(ORPHEUS ISLAND)和磁岛 (MAGNETIC ISLAND)的海滩上举行。 日期:7月27日至8月5日。


Hilton Shenyang

Wanda Vista Beijing

沈阳新开业的希尔顿逸林酒店为客人提 供329间客房,其中包括16间套房。

坐落于中央商务区的中心,800平方米的总 统套房,尽在北京万达文华酒店。

Shenyang’s all-new Double Tree Hilton Shenyang offers guests 329 rooms, including 16 suites.

Located in the heart of the CBD, indulge in an 800sqm Presidential Suite at Wanda Vista Beijing. 23




Big city lights Every winter, Sydney shines thanks to its most electrifying festival, Vivid.

每年冬季,整个悉尼都会因之光 芒四射,它就是这座城市最前卫 大胆的节日:缤纷悉尼灯光音乐 节(VIVID SYDNEY)。


Feature event

Brighten up the winter season with one of 加入悉尼最前卫的娱乐活动之一,让您的冬 Sydney’s most avant-garde events, Vivid. In 季活力四射!2017年,这个充满灯光、音乐 2017 the festival of light, music and ideas made 和创意的灯光音乐节因其梦幻般的装置—— its way into the Guinness World Records 由124,128盏灯组成的世界上最大交互式照 with the Dreamscape installation. Made of 明显示屏而被载入吉尼斯世界纪录的史册。 124,128 lights, it became the world’s largest 该音乐节累计有270万人次参加,预计数量 interactive lighting display. The festival was 还将继续增长。今年,该活动将在悉尼歌剧 attended by 2.7 million visitors and numbers 院(SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE)、皇家植物 are expected to grow. This year, the event 园(ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN)、布朗 runs for 23 nights at iconic sites including the 格鲁(BARANGAROO)和塔龙加动物园 Sydney Opera House, Royal Botanic Garden, (TARONGA ZOO)等标志性场所连续举 Barangaroo and Taronga Zoo. Vivid Ideas 办23晚。缤纷艺术创意(VIVID IDEAS)将 hosts stimulating workshops with leading 汇聚多个领域的专家前来演讲。无论您是 industry practitioners. If you’re a fan, student 粉丝、学生还是创作者,都会在这里受到启 or creator, expect to be inspired. Vivid Music 发。缤纷音乐艺术(VIVID MUSIC)将在马 won’t disappoint, showcasing light and laser 车创意中心(CARRIAGE WORKS)、酒吧、 spectacles and live bands at Carriageworks, 俱乐部和酒店呈上精彩的灯光和激光展示, intimate bars, clubs and hotels around the 更有现场乐队倾情助阵。日期:5月25日至6 city. May 25 – June 16, 月16日。

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Great deal One of Beijing’s most thrilling outdoor festivals returns. The Great Wall Festival 2018 boasts a killer line-up including Nina Kraviz, Dixon and Recondite. For fitness fanatics, there is a 5km fun run before the festival kicks off. If you’re just there to see local and international music acts and to dance the night away then head in around 2pm. May 19-20,

Swan song Shanghai Ballet will be making its way to Beijing to grace the stage of the National Center for the Performing Arts. The dance troupe will perform the British version of Swan Lake choreographed by Derek Deane, a crowd favourite. The ballet tells the tale of Odette, a princess who has been turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer. June 17-18,

Having sold more than 30 million albums throughout his career, it’s fair to say Jay Chou is one of Asia’s most successful singers. He will be embarking on a worldwide tour titled The Invincible. In China, he’ll be performing at Zhengzhou’s Henan Sports Center. June 9, 26

Rock stars Fall Out Boy bring their world tour Mania to China and will take on one of the country’s biggest venues, Shanghai’s Mercedes-Benz Arena. The Grammy-nominated American punk-rock band rose to fame in the 2000s with hits like “Thnks fr th Mmrs” and “Dance, Dance”. The band will perform tracks from their seventh studio album and classics that put them on the charts. May 2,

Image: Paul Morigi/WireImage

Star power

Impression Monet: Time Art Exhibition brings Monet’s famous works to the 21st century. Audiences will be able to interact with the immersive experience thanks to 3D mapping technology and multiple music interaction at Shenyang Jiuwu Cultural City. Till June 24,

Image: VCG Wilson/Corbis via Getty Images

Image: VCG via Getty Images

Lasting impression

LEGENDS ARE FOREVER PILOT TYPE 20 I Chronograph Extra Special

SYDNEY Swiss Concept 02 9221 6288 â‹… Gregory Jewellers 02 9233 3510 GOLD COAST Hardy Brothers 07 5504 9090 BRISBANE The Hour Glass 07 3221 9133



Don’t miss Ji Wei is one of China’s leading guzheng musicians. The guzheng is also known as the Chinese zither and has a 2,500-year history. Ji Wei has travelled the world performing on the guzheng at the most prestigious venues including Sydney Opera House and Lincoln Center, and will be performing at Beijing’s National Centre for Performing Arts. June 22,

World class Beijing’s World Art Museum will bring a retrospective of National Geographic magazine’s greatest works for National Geographic: A New Age of Exploration Since 1888. Covering 130 years of the landmark magazine’s stunning history, this exhibition brings to life photos taken from all corners of the earth and elaborates on the often haunting stories behind them. Till June 24,

Fantastic four The award-winning Pavel Haas Quartet will be visiting Beijing’s National Centre for Performing Arts for a one-night-only performance. The program will feature Schubert’s String Quartet No. 12 in C minor and Smetana’s String Quartet No. 1 in E minor. June 9,

Local legend The Voice of China coach, Wang Feng, will be bringing his The Times Tour to Hangzhou’s Huanglong Sports Center. A Beijing local, Wang Feng is one of mainland China’s leading music composers and singers. The concert will cover the superstar’s 20-year career of number one hits. May 26, 28

Image: VCG/VCG via Getty Images

Feline good For 21 years, Cats has been taking the world by storm and will be touring China throughout 2018. Catch a performance of the Tony-award-winning musical at Guangzhou’s iconic Opera House. Based on the best-selling novel by T.S. Eliot, the musical follows the tale of a group of cats who decide to send one of their members to ascend to the Heaviside Layer and come back to a new life. From August 30,



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1 Cottesloe Beach More than a kilometre of pure white sand, Cottesloe Beach is iconic and only a 30-minute drive from the city centre. A day here is best spent swimming, snorkelling and surfing.

Western Australia’s capital city has recently undergone a makeover and is fast becoming a must-visit destination for those venturing Down Under.

2 Art Gallery of Western Australia Founded in 1895, the Art Gallery is one of Australia’s oldest. It is home to one of the finest collections of Indigenous art.

3 Rottnest Island Thanks to the quokka selfie going viral, Rottnest Island has become a must-do when in Perth. Sitting 18km off the coast of Western Australia, it’s only a cruisy 45-minute ferry ride from the city.

4 Kings Park Home to the Western Australian Botanic Gardens, here you’ll be able to see over 3,000 species of the state’s unique flora. There are also sweeping views of the Swan and Canning Rivers on offer.

5 Nobu There is a reason Nobu is the world’s most recognised Japanese restaurant. Esteemed Chef Nobu Matsuhisa brings his fusion of traditional Japanese cuisine with South American flavours to Perth.

6 Tribe Hotel Tribe

Australia’s first Tribe Hotel has opened in Perth. A local hotel brand designed with urban explorers and business travellers in mind, they are technologically savvy and conveniently located.

7 Henry Summer A popular watering hole for locals, Henry Summer is a lush cocktail and wine garden with its own natural wine on tap. The dining room is super opulent with marble table tops and velvet upholstery.

8 Swan Valley

Kings Park



Sample over 40 wineries at Swan Valley. Sitting on the city’s doorstep, you’re only a 25-minute drive away from some of Australia’s oldest vineyards.


悉尼 Sydney 敬请期待 MUST SEE


Art and the city

The first Biennale of Sydney started with a modest trial at the Sydney Opera House Exhibition Hall in 1973. In 2018, the 21st Biennale of Sydney sees the works of 70 domestic and international artists displayed across seven of the city’s most respected museums, galleries and non-traditional exhibition spaces. Till June 11,

澳洲容颜 Face of Australia The AGNSW hosts one of the oldest and most prestigious art awards, the annual Archibald Prize, given to the best portrait painting. May 12 – September 9,

1973年,悉尼歌剧院展览厅(SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE EXHIBITION HALL) 的一个小型试演拉开了首届悉尼双年展 (BIENNALE OF SYDNEY)的序幕。2018 年,第21届悉尼双年展汇聚了由70个国内 外艺术家的作品,在悉尼7家最知名的博 物馆、美术馆和非传统展览厅内与大家见 面。展览日期至6月11日。

新 南 威 尔 士 美 术 馆 (AGNSW)将举办年度阿奇 博奖(ARCHIBALD PRIZE) 的 颁 奖仪 式。此 奖 项 为 最 古老、最 著名的艺 术奖项, 将颁发给最佳的肖像画作。 日期:5月12日至9月9日。


Boy band

The true-life origin story of one the most successful bands in pop music history takes place on-stage Down Under. Jersey Boys tells the tale through song and dance of how a group of blue-collar boys ended up selling 175 million records worldwide. Get your tickets early. August – December, 流行音乐史上最成功乐队之一的真实故事将被搬上澳 洲舞台。通过歌舞表演,音乐剧《泽西男孩》(JERSEY BOYS)将讲述一群蓝领男孩在全世界销售1.75亿张唱片 的故事。门票先到先得。日期:8月至12月。

中西交汇 East meets West


Have a laugh

Hundreds of the world's funniest comedians take to city stages for the annual Sydney Comedy Festival. With acts by Lawrence Leung, Stephen K Amos and Shawn Wayans, belly laughs are a guarantee. Till May 20, 成百上千名世界最幽默的喜剧演员在一年一度的悉尼 喜剧节(SYD N E Y COM E DY FE ST IVAL)上亮相。梁 元 安( L A W R E N C E   L E U N G )、史 蒂 芬·K·阿 莫斯(STEPHEN K AMOS)和肖恩·韦恩斯(SHAWN W A Y A N S )的 精 彩 演 出 保 证 让 您 捧 腹 大 笑 。 演出日期至5月20日。 32

One of China’s most exciting young artists, Sun Xun’s first Australian solo exhibition is at the MCA. Expect to see the artist’s most important animated works. July 9 – October 14, 孙逊作为最令人期待的中国 青年艺术家之一,他将在悉 尼当代艺术馆(MCA)举办 他的首届澳大利亚个人作品 展,向观众呈上他最精彩的 动画作品,值得期待。 日期:7月9日至10月14日。


每日饮茶精选、鲜美海鲜、VIP私人用餐厅、备受广泛赞誉的酒品和酒窖 Dine at one of Sydney’s iconic Cantonese restaurants, at The Star Sydney. Daily yumcha ∙ Fresh seafood from the tank ∙ VIP Private Dining Rooms • Extensive, award-winning wine list and cellar

每日营业,提供午餐及晚餐。网上预订请登陆 午餐用餐时间:每日11.30am至5pm 晚餐用餐时间:周日至周四5.30pm至11pm;周五及周六5.30pm至午夜

Open daily for lunch and dinner. Reservations available online at













The Star Sydney, 80 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont NSW 2009 Ph: (02) 9566 2328 Email:







Lunch: Daily 11.30am – 5pm Dinner: Sun to Thu 5:30pm – 11pm; Fri to Sat 5:30pm – 12 midnight



393 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: (02) 9212 3901 Email:


墨尔本 Melbourne 畅饮一刻

正在热 播 ON STAGE

If you’re a beer drinker and would like to try a selection of some of the country’s best brews, then Good Beer Week is the event for you. Depending on how deep your love for beer runs, the program has been split into four streams: Foodie, Beer Lover, Beer Geek, and Good Times. May 11-20,


Golden goodness

Office drama

Set to be the new play everyone is talking about, Gloria is set in a fancy Manhattan office where an ordinary day takes an extraordinary turn. June 16 – July 21,

如果您是一名啤酒爱好者,想品尝全国最 好的啤酒,那么最佳啤酒节(GOOD BEER WEEK)绝对是您的不二之选。根据参加者 对啤酒的热爱程度不同,这个活动分为四 个部分:美食家(FOODIE)、啤酒爱好者 (BEER LOVER)、啤酒极客(BEER GEEK) 和好时光(GOOD TIMES)。日期:5月11日 至20日。


戏 剧 《 格 洛 丽 亚 》 (G LO R I A)发生在曼哈顿 的 一 个 豪 华 办 公室 里,本 应平 平 常 常 的 一 天,却 迎 来它非凡的转机,一部注定 会引发热议 的新剧 就 此 诞 生。日期:6月16日至21日。

First love

Created especially for The Australian Ballet, The Merry Widow is a sweet tale of the unexpected twists of fate life dishes out and why love is never without complications. Catch this charming ballet at the Sydney Opera House. June 7-16,


Jazz it up

The Melbourne International Jazz Festival is the Victorian capital’s hottest winter event. The festival celebrates jazz as a constantly evolving art form ranging from the golden-age icons to the genrebending innovators. June 1-10, 墨 尔 本 国 际 爵 士 音 乐 节( M E L B O U R N E INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL)是维州首府最热门 的冬季活动。无论是黄金时代的偶像,还是风格迥异的 创新者,都将汇集于此,同庆这个不断演变和发展的艺 术文化。日期:6月1日至10日。 34

“THE MERRY WIDOW”是专为澳大利亚国家芭蕾舞团 (THE AUSTRALIAN BALLET)创作的。生命将赐予人们 怎样意想不到的甜蜜境遇?爱情又为什么永远充斥着复 杂?走进悉尼歌剧院(SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE),让 这部迷人的芭蕾舞剧告诉你答案。日期:6月7日至16日。

从银屏到舞台 Screen to stage

Lars von Trier’s epic cinematic masterpiece Melancholia is reimagined for the stage by groundbreaking playwright Declan Greene. July 13 – August 12, 史 诗 电 影 杰 作《 忧 郁 症 》(M E L A N C H O L I A) 由 剧 作 家 迪 克·兰 格 林 (DECLAN GREENE)进行 了极具突破性的改编,敬请 期待。日期:7月13日至8月 12日。


Feeding frenzy 为食疯狂

Australians will take any excuse to celebrate, and when we do, it usually involves food and wine. From slurping noodles in the park to barbecues on the beach, we list our top 10 favourite food festivals. 澳大利亚常会借助各种理由举办庆祝 活动,而庆祝往往与美食、美酒密不可 分。从公园吃面条到沙滩烧烤趴,我们 为您列出了十大最受欢迎的节日美食。


#1 Taste of Melbourne, VIC The biggest and tastiest festival to hit Melbourne is back this year with four food-fuelled days to indulge in. It features a marketplace with pop-up restaurants from across the city, masterclasses with some of Victoria’s top chefs, gin and booze workshops, and plenty of after-dark parties and dinners. Whether you’re one to sit quietly taking notes in a cooking class or happy to bustle your way through the markets in search of the best dumplings the city has to offer, Taste will always deliver. November 30 – December 3,

墨尔本美食节 今年墨尔本又将举办当地最盛大、最引人瞩 目的美食节。节日为期四天,不仅有琳琅满目 的游击餐厅,更有各种美食美酒工作坊以及 数不完的晚间派对和晚宴。不管您是安静地 在烹饪课上做做笔记,还是穿梭于集市中寻 找市里最美味的饺子,您都会感受到浓浓的 墨尔本风情。日期:11月30日至12月3日。


#2 Territory Taste Festival, NT Spanning the Darwin Convention Centre and the Darwin Waterfront precinct, the Territory Taste Festival collects all the unique flavours of the region under one roof. Food and wine stalls show off local and regional wine and produce while restaurants whip up some of their best nibblies. A super-sized beer and cider garden is definitely a highlight, but for those looking for a more low-key weekend, the private wine and champagne bar or the cooking masterclasses will be more up your alley. June 2-3, 领地美食节 领地美食节横跨达尔文会议中心(DARWIN CONVENTION CENTRE)和达尔文海滨地 区,将所有地区独特美食集于一地。您不仅 可以了解到更多的当地美酒和农产品,还将 有机会品尝到餐厅带来的最棒的食物。超大 型的啤酒和苹果酒庄园绝对不容错过,不过 如果您想要低调过周末,私人葡萄酒和香槟 酒吧或烹饪工作坊也是不错的选择。日期:6 月2日至3日。

Truffle is the highlight of most dishes at Truffle Kerfuffle

#3 Truffle Kerfuffle, WA

#4 Southern Highlands Food and Wine Festival, NSW

In June, these cherished aromatic morsels fill the thoughts of chefs and truffle fans alike. If a weekend rustling through the forest floor searching for earthy, musky gems sounds like a great time, Truffle Kerfuffle should be at the top of your list. The third most expensive food in the world, there’s no wonder people get excited to hunt them down in the Southern Forests region, the largest producer of black truffle in the Southern Hemisphere. This winter festival has a hands-on and adventurous atmosphere, with diehard truffle hunters in search of prized truffles, truffle dog demonstrations, local markets and masterclasses with locally and nationally celebrated chefs. June 22-24,

The major cities might have access to the biggest chefs and names in the culinary world, but it’s at the smaller regional festivals where you’ll find some of the best and freshest produce from right around the corner. Bowral’s famous tulip garden is transformed into a melting pot of wine, honey, beer, meat and cheese as all the best local producers get a chance to show off their range. At just one hour from Sydney, this regional festival is perfect for a day trip to sample first-hand some of the produce that makes its way into some of Sydney’s biggest restaurants. September 29-30,

松露盛会 每到六月,厨师和松露迷们的脑子里便全是 这些珍贵的芳香颗粒。如果您认为周末去森 林里寻找麝香珍品是一种非常棒的体验,那 么就千万不要错过这场云集各地顶尖厨师 的松露盛会。松露是世界上第三昂贵的食物, 难怪人们会在南方森林地区(即南半球最大 的黑松露产地)疯狂地寻找松露。松露盛会 自带冒险气息,松露寻者们执着地找寻珍贵 松露,寻露犬当然也不甘示弱。日期:6月22 日至24日。

南部高地美食美酒节 大城市可能有机会接触到烹饪界名厨和大咖, 但在较小的地方节日里,您会邂逅一些最好 最新鲜的美食。鲍勒尔(BOWRAL)著名郁 金香花园摇身一变成为了一个集葡萄酒、蜂 蜜、啤酒、肉类和奶酪为一体的大熔炉,供当 地最佳的食品生产者们在这里炫耀一番。节 日举办地距离悉尼只有一个小时的车程,非 常适合一日游。想要直接品尝到悉尼一些最 大餐厅的经典美食?尽在南部高地美食美酒 节。日期:9月29日至30日。 37


#5 Sydney Night Noodle Markets, NSW The Night Noodle Markets are a headline act in Sydney. The two week market, a favourite among Sydneysiders, overtakes Hyde Park with all the colour, sounds and, most importantly, smells of a hawker market mixed with the excitement of a massive outdoor festival. With no particular cuisine taking the limelight, every dish can be the hero of the night, creating a menu worth exploring. Whether you’re knocking back braised pork belly gua bao from Bao Stop, sampling yakitori from Toko Sydney or downing a few Singhas at one of the many bars, a celebration of Asian street food remains at its core. October, 悉尼面食夜市 面食夜市当属悉尼美食届的头条新闻。这个 为期两周的集市运用各种颜色和声音元素占 据了海德公园(HYDE PARK),是悉尼人心 目的最爱。大型户外节庆的兴奋氛围与小贩 市场的气息交汇融合在一起,虽然菜肴看似 没什么特别亮眼的特点,但每一道菜又都能 成为当晚的主角,值得吃货们一探究竟。亚 洲街头食品仍然是整场夜市的核心所在,红 烧五花肉刈包、烤鸡肉串等诱人小吃应有尽 有,再配上几口辛加酒,注定是绝对完美的 体验。日期:10月。 38

#6 Hunter Valley Food and Wine Festival, NSW We all know the Hunter Valley is home to some of the country’s best wine, but it’s always nice when a festival is organised to help showcase the best of the best. With wine tasting trails, long lunches in the vineyards and dinners at the best restaurants in the region, the Hunter Valley pulls out all the stops to bring you the best of the region. Winemaking courses, hands-on cooking classes and cosy evenings beside an open fire with friends will fill your week. May – June, 猎人谷美食美酒节 众所周知,猎人谷是澳大利亚的名酒产地, 而在这里举办的美食美酒节也绝对值得前 来一试。猎人谷将竭尽所能把最好的呈现给 您——在葡萄园品尝美酒、享受午餐。不仅 如此,该地最好的餐厅还为您提供了丰盛晚 餐。节日一周精彩不断,比如参加葡萄酒制 作课和自己动手的烹饪课,或者在篝火旁与 朋友度过美丽舒适的夜晚。日期:5月至6月。


#7 Noosa International Food and Wine Festival, QLD When you combine Australia’s top chefs with one of the country's most beautiful beach towns, you’ve got yourself a food festival worth talking about. The Noosa International Food and Wine Festival has a line-up of over 200 international and Australia chefs, winemakers and restaurants all converging in the seaside holiday town of Noosa to spend four days indulging in all things food, seafood and wine. Beachside seafood lunches, wine masterclasses, food trails to the hinterland, guest chef meals and celebrity chef demonstrations will fill your long weekend. There are few events in Australia where such a diverse mix of key players in the industry come together to showcase their skill in one small town. May 17-20,

“努沙国际美食美酒节为期4天,各色餐 馆遍及整个海滨小镇,美食佳酿应有尽 有,供您尽情享受。”

努沙国际美食美酒节 如果把澳大利亚顶级厨师和这个国家最美丽 的海滨小镇之一结合起来,那么您就拥有一 个非凡的国际美食节。努沙国际美食美酒节 为期4天,邀请了200多名国内外名厨和酿酒 师,各色餐馆遍及整个海滨小镇,美食佳酿 应有尽有,供您尽情享受充实的周末时光。机 会难得,不容错过。日期:5月17日至20日。

#8 Good Food and Wine Show Brisbane, QLD The Noosa International Food and Wine Festival always draws a crowd

While Sydney and Melbourne usually get all the credit for their top chefs and restaurants, Brisbane has quietly been gathering its own collective of notable restaurants worth getting excited about. This long weekend brings hundreds of the best chefs, winemakers and producers in the city out to showcase their skills and delectable goodies. From masterclasses and wine tastings to hours of eating cheese and mixologists showing off their talent, Brissy will transform into a foodie haven. October 26-28, 布里斯班美食美酒展 尽管悉尼和墨尔本都因其顶级厨师和餐厅大 获嘉奖,但布里斯班却悄无声息地汇聚了一 大批令人为之兴奋的知名餐厅。这场美食美 食展吸引了数百名顶尖厨师、酿酒师和生产 商前来展示他们的技能和美味佳肴,布里斯 班届时将变成美食家的天堂。日期:10月26 日至28日。 39

#9 Margaret River Gourmet Escape, WA

Margaret River Gourmet Escape is a lavish event

The Margaret River Gourmet Escape has quickly earned its place at the top of the festival list. Held in the beautiful coastal town of Margaret River, this four-day feast attracts some of the best homegrown talent as well as some major international names. Drawing chefs such as Marco Pierre White, George Calombaris and Rick Stein, expect a full-on weekend of eating, drinking, cooking and exploring the region’s local and seasonal produce. Not to be missed is the stunning gourmet beach BBQ on Castle Bay Beach as well as the Feast in the Forest and a dinner on the famous Busselton Jetty. November, 玛格丽特河美食节 作为节日排行榜的首位,玛格丽特河美食节 将在美丽的海滨城市玛格丽特河举行,为 期4天,汇集最佳国内外知名人士。与名厨 们——马可·皮埃尔·怀特(MARCO PIERRE WHITE)、乔治·卡尔曼巴利斯(GEORGE CALOMBARIS)、里克·斯坦(RICK STEIN) 来一起度过一个充实的周末:享受美食美酒、 尽情展示厨艺、探索当地季节性农产品。城堡 湾海滩(CASTLE BAY BEACH)的海滩烧烤、 森林盛宴也是不容错过的活动。日期:11月。

Shop local produce at Barossa Gourmet Weekend


#10 Barossa Gourmet Weekend , SA Major food festivals can become a day spent lining up and pushing through crowds, but sometimes it’s worth just slowing down. When all you want is some good cheese, meat and a bottle of shiraz, a country escape in the Barossa is a feast for the senses. The Barossa Gourmet Weekend may not have all the flair of Sydney and Melbourne’s larger festivals, but it makes up for it with intimate dining and first-hand insights into the produce that makes the Barossa one of Australia’s great food destinations. Cooking classes, special dining events in the vineyards and produce tours fill the program, showcasing this incredibly diverse region and its gourmet flavours. August 31 – September 2, 芭萝莎美食周 排队等候、在熙攘人群中你推我搡成了体验 重大美食节的两大元素,但有时放慢脚步也 是值得的。若您想要品尝优质奶酪、好肉美 酒,那芭萝莎(BAROSSA)美食周定会带给 您极佳的感官盛宴。或许,芭萝莎美食周没有 悉尼和墨尔本大型节日的隆重气场,但它通 过餐饮的温馨气息和对农产品的领悟,使芭 萝莎荣升成为澳大利亚美食圣地之一。想要 了解该地区的多样性以及食物的美味,不妨 来参加烹饪课程、葡萄园特殊餐饮活动和农 产品游览吧。






Sky high


Hotel check-in

The main drawcard of an airport hotel is its location. In close proximity to the runway, it’s the best option if you’re in transit and need a plush bed to get some decent shut-eye. But there’s a new breed of airport hotels attracting people based on their luxe accommodations and food and beverage options. Cue Felix Hotel, Sydney Airport’s latest hotel gem. A sophisticated and savvy take on what an airport hotel should be, the 150-room property features a penthouse sky lounge, rain showers, black-out curtains, a rooftop cinema, lush king beds and a 24-hour food shop where you can choose from a range of locally sourced gourmet dine and drink options. Relish your next long layover at Sydney Airport. From $155 per night, 绝佳的地理位置是机场酒店的王牌。假如您在中转 途中需要一张舒适的床来好好睡一觉,那么跑道近 处的酒店即为最佳选择。但现在另有全新的一类机 场酒店,以奢侈的住宿条件和多样的餐饮选择来吸 引顾客。CUE FELIX酒店——悉尼机场最新的一颗 酒店明珠,精美而通悟,实乃机场酒店的典范。这座 拥有150个房间的大楼配备顶层豪华空中走 廊、飘 雨花洒、全遮光窗帘、屋顶电影院、豪华特大床和一 家您可品尝到当地美食美酒的24小时食品商店。尽 情享受您下次在悉尼机场长时间的停留时光吧。每 晚155澳元起。 42


Coast along

Move over Sanya, hello Phoenix Bay. Hidden in Zhuhai, on the Guangdong coast – slated as the next summer hot spot – the all-new Angsana will include ocean view rooms, suites with balconies and gardens, two new restaurants and a lounge. Price TBC,

跨过三亚湾,遇见凤凰湾。坐落在广东省 海岸线上,隐于珠海身后,凤 凰湾即将跻 身成为下一个避暑圣地。全新的悦椿度假 村(ANGSANA)拥有一系列带阳台和花 园的海景房和套房、两间新餐厅和一间休 息室。每晚价格待定。



Tristan Carey

City Host, Veriu Central, Sydney

Where would you take friends for dinner? Chin Chin has just opened and is a two-minute walk from Veriu Central.


West world Hilton’s newest addition to its Sydney portfolio is West Hotel. The stylish property is part of the westward pivot of the CBD thanks to the development of Barangaroo. Aiming to be a sanctuary from the city, the 182-room hotel boasts an open-air garden Atrium covered with lush green foliage. Here you’ll find Solander Dining Bar with cocktails inspired by local botany. From $214 per night, 希尔顿(HILTON)连锁酒店在悉尼的最新成员便是格 芮精选酒店(WEST HOTEL)。这一时尚酒店得益于布 朗格鲁(BARANGAROO)的发展,是其中央商务区 西扩的一部分。以打造 远离城市的港湾为目标,这一 配有182个房间的酒店坐拥一个名为ATRIUM的露天 花园,里面植物郁郁葱葱,还有一家SOLANDER餐吧, 其鸡尾酒的灵感源于当地草本植物。每晚214澳元起 。


Bubble up In the middle of Central Tablelands in NSW is Capertee Valley, the perfect spot for stargazing. Capitalising on the prime location, Bubble Tent Australia have set up three unique, luxury offerings. You can star gaze all night thanks to the clear bubble walls. From $310 per night,

What is your favourite museum to visit? The Museum of Sydney. Standing on the site of the original government house celebrates the people and events that helped shape the city. How does Veriu Central go above and beyond for its guests? We want a seamless experience for our guests, from the moment they book. For that reason, Veriu Central offers the WeChat payment gateway – the first hotel in Australia to do so. 您会邀请朋友去什么地方用餐?CHIN CHIN餐厅刚刚在悉尼新开了一家分店, 从维如中心酒店(VERIU CENTRAL) 步行两分钟就到了。 您最喜欢去的博物馆是哪一家?悉尼博 物馆坐落在悉尼市政府办公大楼旧址 内,这里曾经对塑造悉尼做出了不可磨 灭的贡献。 维如中心酒店如何为客人提供出类拔 萃的服务? 从客人们预订酒店那一刻开 始到入住酒店,我们努力为他们营造堪 称完美的体验。正因如此,维如中心酒 店为客人开通了微信支付渠道——我们 是澳大利亚第一家这样做的酒店。每晚 159澳元起。

From $159 per night,

在中央高地(CE NTR AL TAB LE L AN D S)中 部,坐落着夜晚 观星的绝佳场所 ——喀帕特 河谷(CAPERTEE VALLEY)。BUBBLETENT AUSTRALIA酒店充分利用其黄金地段,打造 3个独一无二的观星场地,清晰透明的泡泡墙 壁让您梦幻观星一整夜。每晚310澳元起 。 43



Old meets new

For the first time in 30 years, the Terminus Hotel is open for business. The heritage pub has been given a makeover while still maintaining its vintage feel with ornate ceilings remaining untouched. The menu will feature roasts, but not the old-schoolpub kind. They will be cooked over charcoal and Turkish in style. 3 0年来,TE RM I NUS酒店第一次正式开业。 传 统酒店早已改头 换面,但华丽的天花板依 然保 持老样子,整个酒店还散发着以往传 统 的气息。菜单上有烤肉供应,但已不再是旧式 酒店提供的那种,取而代之的是在木炭上烤 制的土耳其烧烤。



Restaurant news

Going green One of America’s rising stars in the culinary 美 国 烹 饪 界 后 起 之 秀 马 修·肯 尼 scene is moving to Sydney to open a plant-based (MATTHEW KENNEY)将在悉尼乌鲁姆鲁 restaurant. Matthew Kenney will move into Ovolo (WOOLLOOMOOLOO)OVOLO酒店开 Woolloomooloo’s dining space, which will be called 设一家以植物为基础的餐厅,名为ALIBI。招 Alibi. It has been confirmed the menu will feature 牌菜包括芝麻姜末泡菜饺子、杏仁干酪甘蓝 香蒜沙司、酸橙草莓芝士蛋糕。在这家植物 his kimchi dumplings. Expect a dining experience 美食+葡萄酒餐馆,您将拥有一次难忘的用 along the lines of his flagship Plant Food + Wine 餐体验。想知道更多详情,请继续关注我们。 restaurant. Stay tuned for more.


Taste of Italy South Yarra’s Bar Carolina is a little slice of Venice. Joe Mammone imported a woodfire Josper from Spain where head chef Paolo Masciopinto blasts wild barramundi encrusted in salt and herbs. 在 南 雅 拉( S O U T H   Y A R R A ),从 前 的 C A R O U S E L 冰 淇 淋 店 ,如 今 的 BAR CAROLINA酒吧。用炭烧烤箱烹制裹以 盐和香草的野生肺鱼,保准让您眼前一亮。




Ryan Gavin Rockpool Dining Group National Bar Manager, Sydney

What inspired the creation of your new cocktails? A trip to Mexico, when I visited Hacienda Patrón. A team of very talented mixologists at the Hacienda draw on their immediate environment for inspiration.


Worlds apart Gogyo has hit Sydney! There are already three branches in Japan and one in Hong Kong. For Australia’s first, the ramen franchise has landed at a Surry Hills spot where they’ll be ladling up their famous ramen as well as a la carte dishes, sake and cocktails made with Japanese spirits. 52-54 Albion Street, Surry Hills

在日本已有三家分店、在香港也有一家分 店的日本拉面店GOGYO终于登陆悉尼! 这是他们澳大利亚的第一家拉面连锁店, 位于萨利山(SURRY HILLS)。在那里他们 将为顾客 提供著名拉面、美食、清酒以及 用日本烈酒调制的鸡尾酒。


Turning Japanese

The menu at Cho Cho San is far from straight Japanese cuisine. The Potts Point izakaya-style restaurant features a long dining bar, a great cocktail list and food that blends both traditional and ultra-modern Japanese cooking techniques. A standout dish is raw scallops, with corn, nori puree and house-cured smoked bonito.

What does Bar Patrón offer that no one else does? We have two ultrapremium exclusive tequilas – Patrón en Lalique Serie 1 and Serie 2. Only 500 bottles of Serie 1 and 299 bottles of Serie 2 were made, and Bar Patrón by Rockpool is the only place in Australia to have them. How do you drink your tequila? Neat, in order to savour all the elements. 是什么激发了您创作新款鸡尾酒的灵 感?在墨西哥中,我参观了HACIENDA 非常优秀的调酒师团队,可以就地取材, 随时随地迸发出奇妙的灵感。 PATRON酒吧有哪些与众不同之处?我 们提供两款优质且独一无二的龙舌兰 酒——PATRON EN LALIQUE系列1与 2,分别仅有500和299瓶。这是全澳唯 一可以品尝到这两款酒品的酒吧。 您品尝龙舌兰酒的方式是?我品酒时不 会搀其它的成分,因为这样才可以体验 到其中所有美妙的组成。

2 Phillip Street Circular Quay,

CHO CHO SAN菜单上的菜品远非单纯 的日本料理。位于伯茨点(POTTS POINT) 居 酒 屋 式 的 餐厅 拥 有长 长 的 餐 桌 、极 棒 的鸡尾酒单,以及融合了传统烹饪和超现 代日本烹饪技术的美食。招牌菜是生扇贝, 内配玉米、紫菜酱以及烟熏鲣鱼。 45



闻名遐迩的考拉是男女老少必亲的宠物,澳 大利亚各州都可见到,但在维多利亚州观看考拉 别有一番情趣。 沿着维多利亚州著名的大洋路前行,海岸线 曲折蜿蜒,途经悬崖、热带雨林、险弯和海 滨城镇。路上常常可以看到成群的灰考拉 藏身于高高的树顶上。但是最佳观赏地 是奧特威岬的灯塔路一带。这里的一 大片桉树林栖息着无数的考拉,你可 以观赏到形态各异的考拉。 塔斯马尼亚摇篮山袋獾保护区 是首屈一指的荒野生态基地,也 是世界级的野生动物保护区。袋 獾是世界上现存体型最大的肉 食性有袋哺乳动物,皮毛为黑 色,因为叫声刺耳而被当成是 恶魔的化身。目前只有在塔斯 马尼亚才能看到这种奇特的生 物。在这里您可以享受前所未 有的用餐体验,在日落时分的 摇篮山,与神秘的“塔州恶魔” 一同享用丰盛美味的晚餐。一边 欣赏摇篮山壮美的自然风光,一 边享用美味的三文鱼、奶酪和美 酒,或是在沼泽和湿地旁燃起篝火, 在塔州恶魔此起彼伏的尖叫声中烧 烤美食。 观赏新南威尔士南部海岸上生活的 灰袋鼠是一种特别的体验,喜欢休憩和沐 浴阳光的袋鼠成群结队地出现在海滩边的 草地和沙地上。在广受喜爱的冲浪和丛林步行 地,很多袋鼠毫不介意地在那里嬉戏和打闹,甚 至下海游水,成为您的拍照模特。与沙滩袋鼠接 触的景象非同一般,一定会让你喜欢。 海龟岛和凯恩斯隔海相望,拥有大堡礁海洋 公园的天然庇护,是热带雨林和海滩的天堂。长 久以来,海龟岛都是全世界游客挚爱的岛屿。 岛上生活着大量的绿海龟,绿海龟因其软骨 和脂肪的颜色而得名。海龟在岛上沙滨纷纷跃入 碧绿的海中,四肢在碧海中有力地划动,憨厚可 爱。浮潜者会在多条泳道里与它们相遇,打个招 游客可以根据各自不同的喜好选择自己的住 呼互相致意,也是澳洲游的一大乐事。 房。长颈鹿树屋:你将有机会在阳台給长颈鹿喂 喜欢寻找惊险刺激的游客可以安排与凶猛的 食,感受友好无间的气氛。鲨鱼小屋:不仅可以 大白鲨接触的机会。在南澳艾尔半岛的林肯港东 全景观赏生活在236立方米的玻璃缸中的鲨鱼, 侧有很多小岛,有上万只海狮在那里生活。不幸 还能接触到屋顶阳台上的猴子,欣赏周边美丽的 的是海狮是大白鲨最最喜欢的食物,于是大白鲨 湖景。丛林平房:这里的每个套间都有超薄的玻 慕名而来也成为这个区域的常客。在那里你不仅 璃墙,在确保安全的同时,拉近人与猛兽动物的 可以与海狮近距离见面,同时也有与大白鲨虎视 距离,你可以与非洲狮、猎豹甚至罕见的马来熊 眈眈面对面的场面。 亲近接触。在JAMALA WILDLIFE LODGE惬意 大白鲨极其凶残,冒险者必须躲藏在铁笼子 和欢愉时光以及惊险的体验会让你终身难忘。 里,笼子沉入水下,这才有机会亲眼目睹大白鲨 位于西澳海岸中部的宁加洛海洋公园,是全 捕食诱鲨肉块的惊险镜头,它们在你的面前霸气 世界已知的唯一的鲸鲨定期靠岸地。你可以在 地来回穿梭,青灰色的身子发出恐怖的鳞光。时 度假小镇埃克斯茅斯或珊瑚湾参加为期一天的 而咬着浮球下的肉块剧烈地翻滚,时而张着大口 海游运动,尽情地在这些长14米,不伤人的素食 冲你而来,让你不寒而栗。 大鱼身旁浮潜。伴随你的除了鲸鲨外还有热带鱼、 欣赏澳大利亚野生动物原生状态的自然栖 蝠鲼、海龟、海豚和鲸鱼等其他动物,还有机会 息状态并与之亲密接触,一定会让你感到不虚 在宁加洛珊瑚礁与迁徙的座头鲸群同游。 此行。

大利亚野生动物的种类异常独特,很 多物种在全世界都是绝无仅有的,与 这些动物的近距离接触是游澳项目 中不可或缺的内容。 值得推荐的一个去处是离堪培拉不远的 JAMALA WILDLIFE LODGE。由于其新奇的人 与动物亲密接触的设计和构思,吸引了各国大 量的游客,荣获了几十个奖项,2017年又获得 澳大利亚酒店协会颁发的杰出贡献奖。 在那里可以近距离接触到孟加拉虎、欧洲 棕熊、马来熊、狮子、美洲豹、长颈鹿、黑白疣 猴、环尾狐猴、土狼和雪豹等多种猛禽野兽。 为您提供体验与世界上一些最危险和濒危动 物亲密接触的快感的机会。 你甚至可以在熊身边洗澡,与狮子共进晚 餐,在阳台上喂长颈鹿。一切都是那么刺激, 那么惊险,随时让你达到从未有过的兴奋。 46

Illustration: Jessica Hu



Shuzhang Garden is always a standout for tourists


Island 岛屿 天堂 Paradise


Just a stone’s throw away from Xiamen sits a hidden oasis, as Constantina Demos discovers. Photography: Anita Ao


ho knew travelling into the past took nothing more than a simple five-minute ferry ride across the Lu River? Gulangyu Island, which sits 600 metres way from Xiamen, is a perfectly preserved time capsule of Fujian province’s yesteryear. To ensure the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site island remains intact, no cars, bikes or buses are allowed onto the island. It’s pedestrians only, and the only way to get to the historic site is by a short ferry ride, which is usually a hive of activity. Gulangyu Island is one of the capital city’s standout tourist attractions and draws approximately 10 million visitors a year. Considering the Forbidden City in Beijing attracts 14 million tourists per year, for an island that is a mere 1.88 square kilometres in size the numbers are staggering. “It’s busy here on the ferry because of all the tourists,” our guide Sophie says. “If you live on the island then you’d catch a private boat and it’d be a much more peaceful journey to the city.” Only minutes into the ferry ride, you’ll quickly find the buzz of Xiamen city slowly drift away. Gone are the sounds of cars honking or bikes whizzing past. You won’t even hear a tour guide on a megaphone. Local “islanders” – as Sophie calls them – still live here, and to have megaphone-equipped guides competing with each other to be heard would be worse than having noisy cars on the island, she says. >

康斯坦丁娜·迪摩斯(Constantina Demos)带领我们前往探索距离厦门 仅一箭之遥的神秘绿洲。

谁会 知 道 从鲁河渡 船 5 分钟 便能穿越回到过 去?鼓浪屿离厦门仅600米,是个把福建省的历 史完好保存的时间胶囊。 鼓浪屿被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。 为了让它保持原有风貌,不受破坏,汽车、自行车或公共 汽车一律不能进入该岛,只有行人才能在岛上自由活动。 这就意味着——乘短程轮渡是进入该岛的唯一途径。渡 轮每日来来往往,呈现一片繁忙景象。 鼓浪屿地处福建省厦门市,是该地知名的旅游景点之 一,每年吸引游客约一千万人次。北京紫禁城每年吸引游 客人数为一千四百万,如此说来,对于一个面积仅有1.88 平方公里的岛屿来说,一千万着实是个令人震惊的数字。 “所有游客都要渡船去岛上,所以轮渡来来往往非常 繁忙,”索菲(Sophie)说道, “如果您居住在岛上,可搭 乘私人船只进城,那么这段旅程会比较清静舒适。” > 49


Once you’re on the island, it’s easy to understand the fascination. It’s especially green here, with bougainvillea, Xiamen’s city flower, and papaya trees surrounding cobbled stoned walkways. Buildings poke up from the lush green flora, pastel in colour and colonial in appearance. Just over 20,000 people call this tiny island home and live in houses built centuries ago. It was after the Opium War in 1842 that over 13 countries, including Great Britain, the USA, France and Japan, established consulates, churches and hospitals on Gulangyu, some of which are still standing today. The Former US Consulate building, which is now privately owned and can’t be entered but can be viewed from the gate, looks like a sprawling mansion that would easily blend into the upmarket Hamptons of New York. Red brick is paired with towering white columns at the entrance and homely panelled windows. As you weave your way through the island – if you’re not keen on walking you can buy a ticket for the mini battery-operated shuttles that run on a timetable – you’ll be able to trace architectural styles that have been adopted from around the world. You’ll even find contrasting styles from two different continents in the one building. Hai Tian Tang Gou Mansion is a perfect example of this. The building is a marriage of Eastern and Western architecture. Its structure brings to mind a European coastal mansion, while the roof is typically Oriental in style with ornate dragons sitting on the turned-up curved corners. “The island is very international,” Sophie says. “People from all around the world have called this little island home throughout history and left their mark. It’s very rare to find that anywhere else in the world.”

SOUND OF MUSIC Another rarity on Gulangyu Island is its Piano Museum. Music is a big part of the island’s history, and many international pianists live or train on Gulangyu. The origin of the island’s name also has musical connotations. It comes from the natural sounds the ocean makes when the waves crash on the shore. “When it’s high tide, you can hear this repetitive ‘dum, dum, dum,’” Sophie says. “It sounds like the beating of a drum. ‘Gu’ means drum and ‘lang’ means waves.” The Piano Museum is home to the world’s largest collection of pianos. More than 84 pianos were donated to the island, a lot of which came from the personal collection of Chinese pianist Hu Youyi. The oldest is square in shape and dates back to 1801. >

Clockwise from top left Shuzhang Garden is Oriental in style, standing out from the concession buildings; Forty Four Bridge with Xiamen city as a backdrop; Snack on local fruit like mango and passionfruit; Tourists take a break in Shuzhang Garden



“PEOPLE FROM ALL AROUND THE WORLD HAVE CALLED THIS LITTLE ISLAND HOME THROUGHOUT HISTORY AND LEFT THEIR MARK” 上船几分钟后,您会很快发现自己在渐渐地远离城市 喧嚣,摆脱了汽车嘀嘀的鸣笛声,不再有自行车从身边呼 啸而过,也不会听到游客用扩音器讲话。我们的导游苏菲 称呼那些仍然居住在岛上的人为“岛民”。让导游配带扩 音器,互相嚷嚷,大声讲话,比让那些吵闹的汽车在岛上 通行更为糟糕。

迷恋过去 来到岛上,您便会感受到人们对它的深情迷恋。岛上一片 绿色,厦门的市花——叶子花郁郁葱葱,番木瓜树围绕在 鹅卵石小道的两旁。在葱翠的绿色植物间,高楼大厦拔地 而起,色彩柔和,看上去颇有殖民时期的建筑风范。 小 岛 仅有14 , 0 0 0 多人,住 在 几百年 前 建 造 的房屋 中。1842年鸦片战争后,英国、美国、法国和日本等13个国 家在此建立了领事馆、教堂和医院,其中一些仍留存至今。 前美国领事馆大楼现为私人所有,不可入内,但可从门 外窥探一二。这是一座看上去犹如与美国高档住宅区汉普 顿融为一体的庞大豪宅,入口矗立着高耸的圆柱,镶框式 窗户简约大方,红砖与之完美搭配。 在岛上游览,如果您不喜欢步行,便可以买票乘坐电 动观光车,欣赏岛上来自世界各地的建筑风格。您甚至可 以在一栋建筑中找到来自两地的不同建筑元素。 海天堂构别墅就是一个很好的例子。它是东西方建筑 风格交融的结晶,其结构看起来像欧式沿海豪宅,而屋顶 弯角处饰有龙身,拥有典型的东方之美。 索菲说, “这是一座非常国际化的小岛,有史以来,世 界各地人民称这座小岛为家,并留下了他们的足迹。在世 界其它地方很少能找到这种绝佳之地。”

音乐之声 鼓浪屿上的另一珍品便是钢琴博物馆。音乐是岛屿历史 的重要组成部分,许多国际钢琴家曾在鼓浪屿生活或练习 音乐。 “鼓浪屿”这个名字的起源也与音乐有关——它来 源于海浪撞击海岸时海洋发出的自然之声。 索 菲 说 ,“ 潮 涨 水 涌 , 浪 击 礁 石 , 可 听 到‘dum,dum,dum’的声音,听起来酷似鼓声。 ‘鼓’ 代表鼓声, ‘浪’代表海浪。” 钢琴博物馆是世界上最大的钢琴藏地。这座小岛收到 超过84架钢琴的捐赠,其中很多都来自中国钢琴家胡友义 的个人收藏。最古老的钢琴呈方形,可追溯到1801年。克 莱门蒂(Clementi)是第一位制造钢琴以供个人使用的音 乐家。他在伦敦制造了Clementi & Co钢琴,对音乐做出 了巨大贡献。克莱门蒂后被埋葬在西敏寺(Westminster > Abbey),常被世人誉为“钢琴之父”。 51


Gulangyu Island BY NUMBERS 10 million


1.88 square kilometres IN SIZE











在这里,您也会看到史上第一架来到中国的施坦威钢 琴以及二十世纪初从墨尔本而来的钢琴。如果您对古典 音乐充满激情,那么就必须把钢琴博物馆列入您在中国 的必到之地。如果对音乐没有那么热忱,那么下一个去 处——菽庄花园或许会让您大饱眼福。

神秘花园 菽庄花园建于1913年,曾是台湾名商林尔嘉的私人花园, 宁静且安逸。今天,它成为了岛上的一大亮点。从外向里 望去,看不到任何花园、湖泊或亭子的影子。只有走进园 内,才能真正欣赏到这座精心建造的花园之美。 花园有两大主要部分:面向大海的藏海园以及面向山 峰的补山园。藏海园内有四十四桥,这座桥是为庆祝林尔 嘉四十四岁生日而建。该桥探头入海,形成一个U形,然 后回归至花园的另一边。在这里,您可以听到海浪的撞击 声,也就是鼓浪屿的名字由来。 如果您能把目光从眼前那令人惊叹的汹涌大海上移 开,回头看一看这座小岛,便会发现它宛如一座世外桃 源,郁郁葱葱,富有自然之美。很难相信,在短短5分钟 内,您又能回到一个金光闪闪、车水马龙的城市里。为了 生 活 在自己 的天 堂 里,花 5 分 钟 乘 轮 渡 上下 班 也 心甘 情愿。

Clockwise from top left As an island city, Xiamen is famous for its plethora of fresh seafood; Laneways double as marketplaces on Gulangyu; The island is also a popular spot for wedding photos; European architecture can be found throughout the island



A Clementi & Co piano, it was crafted in London by Muzio Clementi, the first musician who made a piano for personal use. For his great contribution to music, he was buried in Westminster Abbey and is often considered the “Father of the Pianoforte.” You’ll also come across the first ever Steinway to make its way to China, and even an early 20th century piano from Melbourne. If you’re passionate about classical music, this has to be added to the bucket list of places to see in China.

SECRET GARDEN On the other hand, if your tastes are more for the outdoors, then Shuzhang Garden is definitely for you. Once privately owned, Shuzhang Garden was constructed in 1913 by a Taiwanese merchant called Lin Erjia as a tranquil oasis. Today, it is an island highlight. From the outside, you can’t see any of the gardens lakes or pavilions. It is only when you enter that you can truly appreciate the beauty of the carefully constructed garden. There are two main parts to the garden: Changhai, which faces the sea, and Bushan, which faces the hill. Within Changhai is Forty Four Bridge, built in celebration of Lin Erija’s 44th birthday. It extends all the way out to the ocean, making a U shape and coming back to another side of the garden. From here you can hear the crashing waves that give Gulangyu its name. If you can tear your gaze away from the stunning, raging sea in front of you and have a look back at the island, it looks like a lost paradise, wildly green and untouched. It’s hard to believe that in a matter of just five minutes you could be back in a shiny, whirring city. A five-minute ferry commute to work is a small price to pay to live in your own slice of paradise.

Clockwise from top left Pavilions in Shuzhang Garden are used as resting spots for those who want to kick back and relish the gardens’ tranquility; A tourist tries to capture the perfect shot; Statue of Lin Erjia, who built Shuzhang Garden as part of his home on the island




AUSTRALIA’S BEST-KEPT SECRETS 澳大利亚的标志性景点都看过了吗? 现在,是时候去探索澳大利亚那些不为人知 的秘密了。该从哪开始呢?莎拉·尼科尔森 (Sarah Nicholson)将给您一些建议。 Seen Australia’s icons? Then now’s the time to seek out the country’s best-kept secrets. Sarah Nicholson has a few suggestions on where to start. 56



he Sydney Opera House, the Phillip Island penguins, Kakadu National Park, Uluru and the Great Barrier Reef are the stars of Australia’s tourism show, but when you’re done with the famous places, it’s time to flee the tourist trail and see some of the hidden gems.

尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)、菲 利普企鹅岛(Phillip Island)、卡卡杜国家 公园(Kakadu National Park)、乌鲁鲁 (Uluru)和大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)是澳大利 亚旅游景点之星。但当您游遍名胜,是时候告别这些 常规游览路线,开始去探索神秘的宝地了。


Shoes are optional on lazy Magnetic Island. This jewel in the Coral Sea – a 20-minute ferry ride from Townsville – is home to 28 empty beaches perfect for swimming and strolling, protected coral reefs, and northern Australia’s largest community of koalas. Join Aquascene to swim with tropical fish, enjoy sunset sailing on the elegant yacht Pilgrim, hike the Forts Walk to spy koalas, hand-feed Bremner Point’s rock wallabies, follow the Geoffrey Bay snorkel trail, or simply lounge on the balcony of a Peppers Blue on Blue Resort apartment to watch the sun sweep across the flawless Queensland sky. 珊瑚海上有一宝物——磁岛(Magnetic Island),在 这座岛上,您可以脱掉鞋子,尽情放松。该岛距离汤 斯维尔(Townsville)仅有20分钟的渡轮船程。岛上 有28个空旷海滩,非常适合游泳和散步。这里是珊瑚 礁保护区,也是北澳大利亚最大的考拉群落栖息地。 在 磁岛,您 可 在 水 族 馆中与 热 带 鱼畅 游,在 华 丽的游艇上享受日落航行,沿着弗特斯步道(Forts Wa l k)徒 步 去看考拉,喂养布雷默角(B re m n e r Point)的岩袋鼠,沿着杰弗里湾(Geoffrey Bay)浮 潜,或者就简单地在Peppers Blue on Blue度假酒 店的阳台上休息,看阳光扫过无暇的昆士兰天空。



Left to right: Enjoy a private picnic over the Flinders Ranges; Cockatoo Island is a city escape just off its shore; Contained interiors


The northern end of South Australia’s Flinders Ranges – the dusty triangle between Hawker, Blinman and Parachilna – is Australia’s most accessible patch of outback. Jagged peaks, hidden billabongs, shady gorges and parched paddocks define the ochre landscape, an easy four-hour drive from Adelaide. Rawnsley Park Station, the working sheep farm beside Wilpena Pound, makes a comfortable base with smart eco-villas positioned to gaze over the Elder and Chase Ranges. Early morning and late afternoon are ideal times to perch on the verandah and glimpse the golden light on the scorched terrain. The Rawnsley Park team offer guided outings by foot, four-wheel drive and helicopter with hosts taking visitors deep into the national park to see prehistoric fossils, sleep under the stars in a swag after flying to a lofty perch in the Chase Ranges, and explore pioneering history in Blinman. 弗林德斯山脉(Flinders Ranges)位于南澳大利亚 北部,在霍克小镇(Hawker)、布林曼(Blinman) 和帕拉齐尔纳(Parachilna)形成的三角区中间,是 澳大利亚最易到达的内陆地带,从阿德莱德出发驾车 4个小时便能抵达。这里有绵延起伏的山峰、神秘隐 蔽的水潭、阴凉峡谷和炎热围场,它们共同形成了这 一山脉地带。 罗恩斯利公园站(Rawnsley Park Station)位 于凭拿庞(Wilpena Pound)边,是一个牧羊场, 舒适宜人。这里建造了很多智能生态别墅,可眺望 埃尔德山脉(Elder Ranges)和蔡斯山脉(Chase Ranges)。清晨和傍晚时分,您可在阳台上休息,也 可欣赏峡谷的壮丽景色。 罗恩斯利公园提供三种探索方式:步行、四轮车和 直升机,均由导游带领。游客们进入国家公园参观史 前化石,飞向蔡斯山脉的高点,在繁星下的摇床里慢 慢进入梦乡,或去探索布林曼精彩的拓荒史。




Cockatoo Island, in the middle of Sydney Harbour, tells stories that stretch from the days before white settlement, through convict times, to World War II when the plot was home to the south-west Pacific’s largest shipyard. Catch the ferry from Circular Quay to wander the abandoned buildings on a self-guided tour, or hear stories sightseeing with a guide, then settle at a cafe or bar to appreciate scenes stretching back to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and city skyline. While those staying overnight have long been able to glamp in permanent tents or occupy an historic cottage, the newest addition to the Cockatoo Island accommodation offering are a cluster of retired shipping containers converted to boutique hotel suites now sitting on Bolt Wharf. 鹦鹉岛(Cockatoo Island)位于悉尼港中央,向人 们讲述了从白人定居前,再经历犯罪时代,一直到二 战时期的那段历史。该岛是二战时期西南太平洋最大 的造船厂。 在这里,您可从环形码头搭乘渡船在这些废弃的 建筑间来一场自由行,或与导游一起边听故事边观 光,然后在咖啡馆或酒吧坐下,欣赏从悉尼海港大桥 一直延伸到城市地平线的壮观景象。 一直以来,在这里过夜的人要么住在固定帐篷中, 要么住在具有历史意义的小别墅里。但如今,鹦鹉岛 为游客增添了新住处——坐落在伯尔特(Bolt)码头 边、由废弃集装箱改装而成的精品酒店套房。 59



A remote stretch of sunbaked land on Western Australia’s north coast is home to Berkeley River Lodge. Villas, each boasting a shady verandah and alfresco ensuite to shower under the stars, are perched on a coastal plateau above the winding waterway to watch across the Kimberley’s red dirt and the blue of Joseph Bonaparte Gulf. The property is inaccessible by land; guests arrive by air and the light-plane ride from Kununurra takes an hour. Barramundi fishing, exploring the Berkeley River by boat, guided hikes, swimming in waterholes, exploring from above during helicopter tours, beach safaris to picnic on the sand, and stargazing – these are just some of the encounters on offer. 伯克利河滨度假村(Berkeley River Lodge)位于西 澳大利亚北海岸一片遥远的土地上,那里阳光充裕、 别墅四起。每栋别墅均配有一个乘凉阳台和露天浴 室,您可在点点星光下尽享沐浴之乐。别墅建在蜿蜒 水道上方的沿海平原上,可俯瞰金伯利(Kimberley) 红土以及蔚蓝的波拿巴湾(Bonaparte Gulf)。 仅飞机才能到达此处,从库努纳拉(Kununurra) 出发只需一小时。这里欢乐多多,捕捉澳洲肺鱼、乘船 游览伯克利河、远足、水中畅游、直升机高空观览、沙 滩狩猎及野炊、夜空观星等,精彩节目不一而足。


Clockwise from top: Aerial view of Berkeley River Lodge; Ocean House at night; Plush interiors at Ocean House; Cool off with a swim in the Berkeley RIver


Tasmania’s Derwent Valley meanders from the edge of Lake St Clair, through mountains home to hydro-hamlets like Tarraleah and Maydena, past fertile farmland and vineyards, to the villages hiding in the hills to Hobart’s north. Truffle Lodge, near Gretna, invites travellers to indulge in riparian glamping with new safari-style tents – each a cosy sanctuary with wooden tub in the ensuite and rocking chairs on the deck – placed below the riverbank’s eucalypts to take in views of the surrounding summits. Guests can use bicycles to explore on two wheels, embark on canoe and rafting tours, visit farm gates and cellar doors, taste local craft beers in historic pubs, motor into mountains to see

pristine forests, join hikes and fourwheel drive treks, and learn to fly fish. 塔斯曼尼亚美丽的德温特山谷(Derwent Va l l ey)蜿 蜒 始于圣克莱尔湖(La ke St Clair)边沿,途径塔勒利亚(Tarraleah)、 梅迪纳(Maydena)等水乡小镇,穿越肥 沃农田和葡萄园,止于霍巴特(Hobart)北 部山间隐秘的小村落。 格雷特纳(G retna)附近的松露酒店 (Truffle Lodge)吸引了无数游客,他们 深深爱上这里豪华的露营体验。每个新狩 猎式帐篷舒适无比,配有木制浴缸和摇椅。 摇椅放置在河岸边的桉树下,以供游客观 赏周围的山峰美景。 游客可骑自行车、划轻舟和竹筏观游, 参观农场和酒庄,在历史悠久的酒吧里品 尝当地精酿啤酒,乘车上山欣赏原始森林, 参加徒步和四轮车旅行或学习飞钓等。


Beach-house holidays are as Australian as Vegemite and Victoria’s Great Ocean Road – the iconic stretch of asphalt winding along the south-west coast from Anglesea to Port Campbell – is the place to find Ocean House, which is one of the country’s best sand-side addresses designed by Melbourne architect Rob Mills. The four-level address in Lorne is nestled into the Otway Ranges. While the scenic third floor features open-plan living with sliding doors that let the sounds drift through – there’s bush packed with chortling birds on one side and pounding Bass Strait breakers on the other – there’s a bathtub on the panoramic top-floor lookout. 如同维吉麦(Vegemite)和维多利亚大洋路(从安 格尔西小镇到坎贝尔港沿西南海岸蜿蜒而成的标志 性沥青路)一样,海滨度假也独具澳大利亚特色。在 坎贝尔港,您便可以发现海洋之家的身影——由墨尔 本建筑师罗布·米尔斯(Rob Mills)设计而成、堪称 这个国家最佳的沙边住所。 这座位于罗恩(Lorne)的四层建筑就依偎在奥特 威山脉(Otway Ranges)旁。该建筑的第三层可谓 风景秀美,采用开放式设计,配有滑动推拉门,各种 声音从中穿过——一边是灌木丛中的鸟叫声,另一边 是巴斯海峡(Bass Strait)的浪击声。在全景式顶楼 的观景台上配备的精美浴缸更是锦上添花。




The past decade has seen Australia’s capital go from bland to bling. The addition of urbane hotels like QT Canberra, Hotel Hotel, East Hotel, Little National Hotel, Jamala Wildlife Lodge, and Vibe Canberra Airport have contributed considerable cool. The city is home to premier art galleries hosting world-class retrospectives in 2018 including Cartier: The Exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia until July 22; the Australian War Memorial will mark the centenary of The Great War armistice with five weeks of happenings from October 5; and Floriade returns for a month from September 15. The nearby Yass Valley is an emerging wine region complete with a fabulous food trail and wintertime truffle hunting, while Canberra nurtures a buzzing culinary culture with Pollen, Penny University, The Cupping Room, Agostini’s, Akiba,


Lucky’s Speakeasy, and Bar Rockford trendy locations to drink and dine. 过去十年里,澳大利亚首都新增了一些都市 酒店,如QT Canberra、Hotel Hotel、East Hotel、Little National Hotel、Jamala Wildlife Lodge以及Vibe Canberra Airport,让堪培拉从曾经的平淡无奇发展到 现在的华丽无比。 这座城市拥有一流的艺术美术馆,于 2018年举办世界级回顾展,其中包括在澳 大利亚国家美术馆(National Gallery of Australia)展出至7月22日的《卡地亚品 牌展》(Cartier: The Exhibition)。为了庆 祝一战停战一百年,澳大利亚战争纪念馆 (Australian War Memorial)从10月5日起 对外开放5周。另外,花展(Floriade)也从9 月15日开始连续举办一个月。 附近的亚斯谷(Yass Valley)是新兴 的葡萄酒产区,拥有一条美食小街,冬季 可在此找寻松露。堪培拉培养了一系列的 饮食文化,在Pollen、Penny University 咖 啡 馆 、T h e   C u p p i n g   R o o m 、 Agostini’s、Akiba、Lucky’s Speakeasy 和Rockford酒吧等可尽情享受美食佳肴。


Those eager to explore the Northern Territory’s secret side should join a tour that delves into Arnhem Land, which is the restricted wilderness on the Top End coast offering more than 50,000 years of Indigenous history as well as abundant wildlife and spectacular scenery. Saltwater crocodiles, buffalo, dugong, turtles and migratory birds are some species on the wildlife register, and the Indigenous population maintains a traditional lifestyle with art, culture and ritual playing an important role in daily life. Davidson’s Arnhem Safaris is based at Mount Borradaile, a registered Indigenous sacred site in the shadows of the Arnhem Land escarpment. Guests stay in an eco-lodge and can join spontaneous excursions, while Venture North Safaris hosts multi-day itineraries with travellers residing at Coburg Coastal Camp at Port Essington. 想要发掘北领地的秘密,就应该加入探索阿纳姆地 (Arnhem Land)之旅。阿纳姆地是最北部海岸的 荒野禁区,有着50,000多年的土著历史,野生动物种 类繁多,自然风光壮丽奇特。 咸水鳄、野牛、儒艮、海龟、候鸟是载入野生动物 名录中的一部分物种,土著居民保持着传统的生活方 式,艺术、文化和礼制在他们生活中扮演重要角色。 戴维森阿纳姆地探险活动设在博拉戴勒山(Mt Borradaile),那里是阿纳姆地悬崖下的一片土著 圣地。游客可以住在生态小屋里,参加自发的远足活 动,而北部探险团队Venture North Safaris则为栖 身埃辛顿港(Port Essington)的游客准备了精彩的 科堡(Coburg)海岸多日露营游活动。 Left to right: View of Canberra from above; The Australian Army Memorial; While the saltwater rivers are enticing, they’re home to some native, dangerous wildlife; Northern Territory coast; It’s camping, but upgraded





China’s booming cities have long hosted the creme de la creme of international hotel brands. But in 2018, things are dialling up a notch, with a fresh flush of stylish new openings in Shanghai, Beijing and beyond. These are the ones we’re most excited about, with Alicia Miller…

随着中国城市的飞速发展,世界顶级豪华酒店入驻 早已不是什么新鲜事了。但在刚刚到来的2018年, 这股浪潮来势将更加强劲。在上海、北京及其他诸 多城市,世界顶级品牌酒店的大动作让人拭目以待。 艾丽西亚·米勒(Alicia Miller)带您一睹为快。

Clockwise from left: Cafe Gray Deluxe at Shanghai's Middle House; A very impressive staircase at The Shanghai Edition




If we had to choose a standout, homegrown hotel brand that’s impressed in the last decade, it’d be the House Collective. Beijing’s Opposite House was first to bring its unique, boutique style to mainland China, with yawning, green-tinted glass windows, pristine white rooms contrasting with earthy wood floors, and textured slate accent walls. Next came Chengdu’s Temple House, making a Qing dynasty courtyard seem sexy with moodily lit bars and lattice-screen detailing. Now Shanghai is getting the House treatment, at a five-star location in the commercial district by fashionable Nanjing Road West. Italian design geeks are likely already scrambling to book, as minimalist furniture designer and architect Piero Lissoni has headed the project – dressing the 111 rooms in clean silhouettes with black four-posters, black wooden floors, and starkly white sheets and walls. We’ll have to wait until opening to see whether the boldly monochromatic decor extends to the spa, though we do know it’s set to feature a sprawling indoor pool and state-of-the-art gym facilities – including a futuristic fat-burning HYPOXI room to keep high-flying guests feeling trim. They’ll probably want to pay a visit after sampling their way around The Middle House’s many dining options – besides free-flowing wine on a blossom-laden garden terrace, there will be three restaurants, including a cafe by New Yorker chef Gray Kunz, a chilled-out Italian, and a very-now Chinese option. Watch this space: Opening in May 2018 Room rate: TBC


We can’t get enough of EDITION hotels. With branches in London, Miami Beach, New York – and, most recently, Sanya – this Marriott-owned glam brand, developed by former Studio 54 owner and boutique hotel guru Ian Schrager, manages to tick all the new-gen hotel boxes with its cutting-edge design, millennial-friendly fun and sense of place. Whether you’re wandering through the wood-panelled, velvet-lined environs of London’s Fitzrovia outpost, or the white-washed, blue-sea-views version in Miami, you always feel like you’re in the coolest spot in town. And no doubt The Shanghai EDITION will follow suit. A skyscraping showstopper of two separate towers and 10 levels of public space, it will be the new darling of Puxi when it opens its doors at the north-east corner of Nanjing Road East and Henan Road this summer. The location is prime, just five minutes’ walk from The Bund – so even if the 145 rooms didn’t look so slick (they’re rumoured, like the public spaces, to be dressed in wood, cream and brass), they’d probably still be permanently booked up. EDITION hotels always have food worth staying in for, and the Shanghai branch will be no different. The roster includes a Japanese restaurant on the 27th floor, overlooking the city; a Cantonese dining room; a whopping five bars; and, in true Schrager style, a nightclub. Watch this space: Opening in mid-2018 Room rate: From RMB 1,888 per night




如果 要评选 过去十年里 最出色的本土酒 作为世界顶级酒店品牌之一,艾迪逊酒店 店品牌,居舍系列品牌酒店首当其冲。该 永远不会让人产生厌倦感。作为万豪酒店 系列的北 京 瑜 舍 酒店首先将 独特的精品 旗下的高端豪华酒店品牌,艾迪逊酒店先 风格引入中国大陆,外观以草绿色窗户及 后开设于伦敦、迈阿密海滩、纽约及三亚 玻璃外墙为主,客房内部为大地色实木地 (近 期 刚刚开业)。无论 从前沿的设 计 理 板搭配青灰色石纹墙壁,饰以简洁纯白家 念、无与伦比的欢乐体验还是绝佳的选址, 居用品。第二家便是成都博舍酒店。该店 无不展现出其创始人、精品酒店界达人伊 坐 落于 一座 清 代 四 合 院 内,酒 店 的 吧台 安·施拉格(Ian Schrager,同时也是纽 灯光幽暗醉人,细节至臻至美,令人沉迷。 约传奇夜店Studio 54的创始人)对于酒 第三家上海 镛 舍坐 落于五星商业地 段南 店设计运营的巧思。不管您是漫步在位于 京西路,目前正在装修。该店111间客房的 费兹罗维亚(Fitz rovia)那实木拼接、铺 装潢由意 大利籍极简主 义室内装修 建筑 设天鹅绒的伦敦艾迪逊,还是倚坐洁白房 师皮耶罗·里梭尼(Piero Lissoni)负责, 间可观蔚蓝海景的迈阿密艾迪逊,您都会 四幅纯黑巨型幕 墙清晰映出酒店建筑 剪 感觉自己来到了整个城市放松享乐的最佳 影,内部色调搭配大胆采用黑色木地板撞 去处。今夏即将开业的上海店也绝不会让 色纯白床品及墙壁。至于这种大胆的撞色 您失望——店址选在南京路东段与河南路 设 计是 否也 将应用在 温 泉浴场等 休闲区 交叉口东北角,由两幢分立的摩天塔楼构 域,只有等酒店正式开业才能一探究竟了。 成,包含十层公共空间,势必将成为浦西的 目前得到的确切消息称,酒店将配备巨大 新亮点。从酒店步行至外滩仅需5分钟,拥 的室内泳池和顶级健身器材,包括瘦身消 有如此优越的地 理位置,即便设有145间 脂的HYPOXI室等,供尊贵的房客尽情体 客房,也将会一房难求(据传客房也与公共 验。如果房客想要一饱口福,上海镛舍也 休闲区一样以实木、奶油与黄铜色为主色 将提供多种多样的用餐选择——您可在酒 调)。艾迪逊系列酒店一直以顶级入住及餐 店的花园式天台小啜美酒,也可一品纽约 饮体验闻名,即将开张的上海店也将毫不 大厨格雷·昆斯(G ray Kunz)的咖啡小 逊色——酒店第27层汇聚了可以俯瞰全城 点,更有时髦的意大利菜和当下正火的中 景色的日料餐厅、粤菜餐厅、五家高档酒吧, > 餐供您选择。 以及一家典型施拉格风格的夜店。 65



We’ve waited ages for mega-hotel brand Mandarin Oriental to open up in Beijing – and now two are opening in one year. While both are sure to be knockouts, the one that’s top of our wishlist is the Qianmen branch. Located in an atmospheric hutong quarter, it pairs classic Mandarin Oriental-style excess with an oldschool neighbourhood feel and killer sights aplenty – the Temple of Heaven, Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and Mao’s Mausoleum are a mere stroll away. Forget skyscrapers: the hotel will be dotted throughout the stonefronted, tiled-roofed buildings of Qianmen East Hutong Quarter alongside local homes, shops and restaurants, letting guests get a taste of traditional city life in these labyrinthine alleyways. But, for all its nods to the past, it’s not staid. Being Mandarin Oriental, you can still bet on an ace spa – with muscle-melting massages and a tranquil swimming pool – as well as a dessert shop stuffed with decadent, cream-layered cakes. And, a roof terrace on which to sip a glass of sunset fizz as the neon lights of the city blaze – a reminder of what century you’re really in. Watch this space: We’re almost just as excited about Mandarin Oriental Wangfujing, also opening this year (read more in our feature on page 78). Both opening 2018. Room rates: TBC


Booming port city Guangzhou is already home to avant-garde architecture (see Zaha Hadid’s Opera House, the technicolour Canton Tower), tree-lined alleyways, scrummy Cantonese cuisine and a thriving shopping scene. So it’s about time that its hotels got suitably flashy too. Enter Rosewood Guangzhou: the cherry on the top of the city’s tallest building, the 530-metre CTF Finance Centre, it will occupy the 16 highest floors with 251 guestrooms (plus a number of to-buy residences, if you’ve got pockets deep enough). As you’d expect, it’s all about the views here – of the city, the Zhujiang River, and even Baiyunshan Scenic Area on clear days. And precisely because that panorama is so enthralling, Rosewood’s interiors have cleverly been kept low-key and calming – milky hues on linens and floors, steely greys, and flashes of gold in the extra-large bedrooms. There will be a spectacular, window-lined swimming pool – one of the world’s highest (after all, the building is one of the 10 tallest on the planet) – a sky bar on the 107th floor (the highest in mainland China), a double-decker spa and a whopping seven spots to eat, so if you don’t want to zip back down to earth for your entire stay, there’s no need. Though you should: that striking opera house is just a walk away. Watch this space: Opening in 2018 Room rate: TBC Clockwise from top left: Mandarin Oriental courtyard; Dining at Guangzhou's Rosewood is an extravagant affair; Lap up the luxury at Rosewood's indoor pool; Or indulge in their plush suites





盼了这么多年,终于盼来了酒店业知名品 牌——文华东方在北京落脚,而且一来就 是两家。尽管这两家店都将成为业内毫无 疑问的新宠,但最吸引大众目光的还是前 门店。前门店地处韵味十足的老北京胡同 深处,洋溢着 满 满 的经 典 文华东方风情, 同时兼备老式地方特色,景色也无与伦比。 从这里出发,您步行就可到达天坛、天安 门广场、故宫和毛主席纪念堂。在这里,您 望不到高耸入云的摩天大楼,映入眼帘的 只有前门东一带房顶铺着老式瓦片的典型 四合院,胡同里时常可见小饭馆、小卖铺 和世代居住的老北京街坊。住在这迷宫般 交错的胡同阵里,您将能够深度体验传统 的老北京市井生活。不过,作为文华东方 酒店,这里注定复古而不古板——一流温 泉设施、全身放松按摩、惬意豪华泳池,还 有售卖精致奶油蛋糕的甜品店。太阳西沉, 您还可以登上酒店天台细品一杯佳酿,看 城市的霓虹亮起。直至此刻,您才会突然 意识到,自己原来置身于21世纪。

作为正在飞速发展的港口城市,广州已经成 了诸多时尚前卫的建筑聚集地(以扎哈·哈 迪德设计的广州歌剧院和充满科技色彩的 广州塔为代表)。除此之外,这里还有绿树 成排的街巷、美味的粤菜小点以及热闹繁 华的购物中心。现在,酒店业也应该加快步 伐了,而广州瑰丽酒店便是行业内的佼佼者。 广州瑰丽酒店位于全市最高点——530米高 的周大福金融中心的最高16层,拥有251间 客房(及一些在售的住宅单位,如果您财力 充足,不妨考虑一下)。正如您所想,入驻广 州瑰丽,整个广州城、珠江,甚至晴朗日子 里的白云山美景都能尽收眼底。也许正是因 为美景太摄人心魄,瑰丽酒店的客房内饰 相当聪明地采用了相对低调和淡雅的配色 风格——床品和地板为奶白色,特大卧房中 以钢铁灰为主色调,用金色点缀。这里还有 全球最高的泳池之一(毕竟周大福金融中心 位列全球前十高楼榜单)、坐落于107层的 吧台(中国大陆最高)、双层温泉房和多达 七家顶级餐厅。如果您想要全程体验高空生 活,这里的设施完全能够满足您的期待,不 过距离酒店咫尺之遥的著名景点——广州 歌剧院还是值得您为之“下凡”的。 > 67


三亚亚特兰蒂斯酒店 坐落在椰林树影、水清沙白的三亚,这座亚 特兰蒂斯酒店可不只是家简单的酒店——这 是一座完完全全的水上世界。整座酒店以消 失的文明古城为主题进行打造,除客房以外, 还包含了更多可供全家一起尽享欢乐的休闲 项目。酒店毗邻三亚水世界冒险乐园,有滑 索道和水上滑梯等设施,与海豚、海狮和鲨 鱼共泳等项目,还是逾86,000只海洋生物安 居的乐园。酒店设置的影城与游戏区对小朋 友们来说永远有着无穷的吸引力,家长们完 全可以放心把孩子“寄存”在这里几小时,安 心享受属于自己的休闲时光,既可以在囊括了 香奈儿、古驰等国际品牌的购物街徜徉,也可 以选择体验Ahava Spa水疗所的颈肩放松 按摩。即便您和家人无意尽情购物,酒店周 边无数的用餐好去处也会让您眼花缭乱—— 种类纷繁的自助餐、泳池旁的精致吧台、动 感的tiki餐吧、厨神戈登·拉姆齐(Gordon Ramsay)创办的餐厅,还有专吃螃蟹的小馆 子,哪怕您是个口味挑剔的老饕,也绝不会失 望。孩子们都入睡了?别忘了,这里还有精酿 啤酒供您开怀畅饮呢……

Top: Yes, you’ll have the view of aquatic wildlife swimming around while you dine at Atlantis, set to take Sanya by storm Right: Luxury meets a water world at Atlantis



Perched on holiday isle Sanya, home to blue waters, silky sands and palm trees, Atlantis isn’t just a hotel – it’s a full-on watery world. Themed around the myth of the lost ancient city, it’s more all-encompassing resort than hotel, and families in particular will go mad for it. It’s not just the adjoining Aquaventure waterpark, complete with rides and slides, swimming-with-dolphins experiences, sea lions and sharks – not to mention a massive aquarium housing 86,000 marine animals. There are also elaborate, rainbow-hued kids areas with films and games, so parents can wave bye-bye for a few hours of their own holiday

time, hitting the shops – a mall features fashion favourites such as Chanel and Gucci – or the Ahava spa for a shoulder-unclenching massage. But this hotel is easy for families in other ways too: a mind-boggling number of dining options ensure even the pickiest palates are well catered for, with buffets and pool bars, sultry tiki lounges, a Gordon Ramsay restaurant and even a crab-specialist eatery. As for when the kids are all tucked in? There’s always the on-site craft brewery…. Watch this space: Opened March 2018 Room rate: From RMB 1,750 per night






Sydney’s dining scene is no stranger to breaking from the status quo. While some chefs are combining strange new flavours, others are going back to the classics. Trent van der Jagt chats with the Sydney chefs who are whipping up both new and old. 悉尼在饮食创新方面经验丰富。一些厨师把新奇的口味融合起来,而另一些 则正回归经典。我们专访了一些正在研发混合新旧口味的悉尼顶级厨师。




CONTINENTAL Co-owner ELVIS ABRAHANOWICZ Imagine if your corner deli, with all its locals and friendly owners, opened up a full-blown restaurant. That’s what the Continental Deli in Newtown is trying to achieve. The heart, the personality and the flavours of a specialty deli. HV: What is the concept behind Continental? EA: We wanted to create a great neighbourhood restaurant. Somewhere for locals, and everyone else, to come in, eat, drink and have a good time. Our food offering for the deli is influenced by a traditional European-style deli. We wanted to have all the great deli produce – great charcuterie, cheeses, tinned fish, etc. – that you could pop in to buy for home also available to sit in and eat. We just wanted to create a great neighbourhood restaurant. Somewhere for locals and everyone else, to come in, eat drink and have a good time. HV: Tell us about the space and its influences. EA: The restaurant was actually originally a home in Newtown so it’s a pretty small space. These two things were pretty influential – we wanted to keep a really welcoming, familiar feel and we had to really think about how to put it all together to fit in the space. We chose natural materials and more traditional-style fittings to help create the sense that we had been there forever. We wanted people to feel comfortable and at home in the space immediately, like we were their favourite old deli right from the first day we opened.

Clockwise from this page: Mjølner’s plush interiors; One of Continental’s deli-inspired dishes; The signature Martini in a can

HV: What are the influences for the menu? EA: Some of the main influences are the great, gourmet produce you find in a traditional European-style deli. Sandwiches that utilise sliced meats like mortadella, great cheeses and all the amazing tinned seafood. We do our own canning on-site. We can everything from salted caramel, to seafood, to cocktails and even T-shirts. The influencing concept on the Bistro menu is that Old World-style bistro, traditional dishes that we love to eat.

Continental 餐厅 设想一下,位于街角的熟 食店与所有当地人和友好 的老板们合伙创立了一家 超级火的餐厅,融合一切 情感、特色和美味,这就 是位于新镇(New Town) 的Continental Deli想要 实现的目标。

Continental背后蕴藏着什 么理念? 我们想要创建一家顶级棒的 街坊餐厅,供当地人和其他 所有人吃喝玩乐。我们提供 的食物是受传统欧洲熟食风 格的启发,希望为食客奉上 所有一流的熟食产品,包括 腌肉、奶酪、罐头鱼等,方便 您顺路买回家享用,或坐下 来大快朵颐之后再走。

请跟我们谈谈餐厅的格局 及其特色? HV: What do you love about the Sydney food scene? 这家餐厅原本是新镇 EA: Sydney is our home. And Newtown particularly is (Newtown)一户人家的房 where most of us involved with the Deli live. Why not 屋,所以面积很小。关于餐 build a restaurant in the style of places that we would 厅内饰,有两项非常重要的 love to go to in our own backyards? The Sydney food 考虑:一,我们想保持一种 scene is changing really quickly. More and more 亲切、熟悉的感觉;二,我们 great places are opening all the time and it’s great to 必须认真考虑餐厅布局以适 be involved – both with having our own venues and > 应这狭小空间。我们选择天 enjoying everyone else’s.

合伙人 埃尔维斯·阿布拉哈诺维奇 (Elvis Abrahanowicz)

然材料和更具传统风格的家 具,以便打造出店铺的年代 久远之感,希望客人一进店 就立刻感到舒适自在,就像 从开业第一天起就是他们最 爱的老店一般。 菜单有何特色? 在这里您可以找到一些在传 统欧洲风格的店才能找到的 美食,如用意式肉肠做成的 三明治、美味奶酪以及所有 可口的海鲜罐头。这些罐头 都是现场制作的,我们有自 己的装罐机器,能把各色各 样的东西装罐,包括盐味焦 糖、海产品、鸡尾酒,甚至还 有T恤。菜单上提供旧世界小 酒馆风格的美食,都是我们 爱吃的传统菜肴。 您最喜欢悉尼美食的什么? 悉尼是我们的家,尤其是新 镇,这里有与我们生活息息 相关的熟食产品。所以为什 么不在自己的后院建造一个 我 们 喜爱的餐厅 呢?悉尼 美食界变化极快,越来越多 的饮食好去处一直 对外开 放,能加入进来是个很棒的 体验——既享受自己的场地, 也享受别人的场地。 > 71




Head Chef JOACHIM BORENIUS Co-owner SVEN ALMENNING Mjølner is closer to a dining room for Thor and Odin than your typical Sydney restaurant. Sophistication and decadence is combined with fine Scandinavian dishes, drinks and atmosphere. HV: What is the concept behind Mjølner? SA: We have tried to create an experience that’s more than the sum of its parts. We want our guests to feel as if they’re transported away to a different time and space and for them to be immersed into our experience. I know this is a bit weird, but please stay with me. Imagine that the Avengers are real. These superheroes exist and they’re here protecting earth against aliens, and supervillains. Amongst these, we find the Norse God of Thunder, Thor. He becomes homesick and decides to build a small “feasting hall” where he aims to recreate the merriment and festivities of Valhalla. He names this restaurant Mjølner, after his hammer, the source of much of his power. We’re not a Viking-themed restaurant. Instead, we take inspiration from Norse culture and mythology in our design and in how we create our dining and drinking experiences.




HV: What are the influences for the menu? SA: Our approach is more along the lines of: would Vikings eat bone marrow if they were around today? Of course! What about slow-cooked short ribs on the bone? Hell yeah! JB: The heart of the kitchen is based around a big rotisserie grill. We roast chickens, pork bellies, lamb shoulders and suckling pigs, to name a few things. The dishes are sized to feast together, generously sized and with a rustic finesse. The cuisine, to me, is quite rustic Scandinavian fare, but I don’t want to be bound by tradition. HV: How did you get involved in the kitchen? JB: I was born and raised in the very south-west tip of Sweden in a family of six. We had fruit trees and a little veggie patch in the garden where my parents grew everything. Food had a very important social function in our family and we grew up around that table. I spent the majority of my cooking career in fine-dining kitchens and have worked for both Heston Blumenthal and Thomas Keller. I’ve travelled the world and have really enjoyed the beneficial nature of my profession, which has led me to see many different cultures and cuisines. HV: How do you see Sydney’s food scene evolving? JB: I can draw many parallels between the dining scene here in Sydney and the one in Sweden. The roots of the oldschool European way are here in Australia and are a lot more influenced by the natural bounty of nature as well as being strongly influenced by our Asian population. >

与其说Mjølner是一家典型 的悉尼餐厅,不如说它是 雷神和欧丁神酷爱的用餐 地点。餐厅内提供斯堪的 纳维亚式的佳肴,整个散 发着斯堪的纳维亚式高雅 奢华的气息。

主厨 乔基姆·博尼乌斯 (Joachim Boenius)

菜单有何特色? 斯文·奥蒙宁:我们的想法 是——如果今天斯堪的纳维 亚人在此,他们会吃骨髓吗? 当然会了!慢烤牛肋骨呢?当 然好啦! 乔基姆·博尼乌斯:厨房中心 围绕一个大烤架而建。我们 在这里烤鸡肉、五花肉、羊 腿、乳猪等,独具原始风味, 有大有小,可共享。这些美食 于我而言有着浓浓的斯堪的 纳维亚乡村风情,但我不想 被传统束缚。

Mjøln e r 背后蕴藏着什么 理念? 斯文·奥蒙宁:我们想要打 造一种整体大于部分之和 的体验,希望我们的客人有 一种穿梭到不同时间和空间 的感觉,并且沉醉于此不能 您是怎么成为厨师的? 自拔。我 知 道 这 有点 儿奇 乔基姆·博尼乌斯:我出生在 怪,但请您想象一下复仇者 瑞典最西南的一个地方,并 如果真实存在,这些超级英 在那里长大,家中共六口人。 雄在这里保护地 球免受外 我们种了果树,花园里有一 星人和超级恶棍的攻击。其 小块菜地,父母在里面种了 中,我们发现了挪威雷神索 很多东西。食物对于我们家 尔(Thor)。他想家了,决定 在社交方面起着非常重要的 建造一个小型“宴会厅”,重 作用,我们就在这张饭桌旁 现瓦尔哈拉殿堂的欢庆。他 边渐长渐大。我在高级餐厅 根 据自己的神 锤 ——他力 厨房度过了大部分烹饪时光, 量 的 源 泉,将该 厅 取名为 还曾为赫斯顿·布卢门撒尔 Mjølner。Mjølner不是斯堪 (Heston Blumenthal)和托 的纳维亚的主题餐厅,其设 马斯·凯勒(ThomasKeller) 计灵感、餐厅建造灵感以及 工作过。成为厨师让我拥有 餐饮体验创造灵感均来自北 周游世界的机会,见识到了 欧的文化与神话。 很多不同的文化和菜系。

合伙人 斯文·奥蒙宁 (Sven Almenning)

您如何看待悉尼餐饮业的 发展? 乔基姆·博尼乌斯:我可以把 悉尼和瑞典的餐饮境况相提 并论,二者之间有很多相似 之处。古派欧式的根源就在 澳大利亚,其更多地受到大 自然丰富资源和亚洲人口的 > 强烈影响。

Clockwise from this page: Mjølner bar; One of the cocktails inspired by the Viking age; Dishes take cue from Scandinavia; As do the restaurant interiors





The relaxed air of Sydney’s Northern Beaches meets the opulent style of a 1930s grand hotel dining room. Bert’s keeps things simple yet classic and lets the ingredients speak for themselves. HV: What is the concept behind Bert’s? JT: We wanted to try and transport people to give the feeling of being on vacation. There’s an elegance to the space and its finishings that gives it the personality of an old world 1930s. When people walk through the door they see the marble benches and era furnishings and get a sense of classic and effortless dining, where the space and the food allow people to relax. The venue itself opens up into a few different styled rooms to suit how different customers want to dine.


HV: What can customers expect when they eat here? JT: We try to evoke a feeling of community for all diners. We’re on the Northern Beaches in Newport so we wanted to create a restaurant that felt like it’s been around for decades and has always been a part of the area, an era gone by. Being located where we are we get a great mix of returning locals, people popping in from Sydney as well as travellers stretching their legs outside of the city. HV: How did you get involved as a chef? JT: I’ve been cooking now for 21 years and it has always been my life. At 16 I moved to Sydney and started working in some of the top restaurants before I moved overseas and started working in Europe and across Spain and the US for four or five years before coming back to Sydney – my home. HV: What are the influences for the menu? JT: Produce-driven and simple is really the menu, but we also wanted it to have an Americana bar and grill feel. There’s no gas in the kitchen, all the dishes and meat are cooked with charcoal and wood. The menu isn’t overly masculine though; there are still a lot of soft touches. The menu is split between focusing on the beef, seafood and the raw bar and then the larder where you can get brioche bread and pate. We go for really unadorned food that reminds you of eating and holidaying near the water. HV: How do you see Sydney's food scene evolving? JT: I think there’s definitely a movement in Sydney where chefs are doing less. Things are becoming not as fussy and less is done to the food. Creativity is shown in a lot of different ways, whether it’s capturing the flavours and styles of our childhood or a holiday or recreating and reimagining those flavours. I’m more about the whole dining experience where less is more and guiding people through a long and relaxing meal. >



Bert's Bar and Brasserie餐厅 悉尼北部海滩的轻松气 息与20世纪30年代大酒 店餐厅的豪华格调相结 合,Bert的慢调让一切变 得简单而不乏经典,并让 其各元素为自己代言。

Bert背后蕴藏着什么理念? 我们想营造度假之感。这里 空间格局、装修风格温文儒 雅,有20世纪30年代旧世界 之特点。当人们穿过大门,他 们会看到大理石长椅,心中 立生一种经典、轻松的就餐 感觉。享受这里的格局和美 食,定让人身心放松。这里的

厨师长 乔丹·托夫特 (Jordan Toft)

房间风格迥异,能满足不同 顾客的就餐需求。 该带着何种期待来此就餐? 我们希望让所有顾客都能心 生“社区大家庭”之感。我 们地处新港(Newport)北 部海滩,想要创建一家犹如 已存在几十年之久的餐厅,一 直是这个区域和时代的一部 分。这里有许多的当地人、从 悉尼来的人以及从城市来这 里放松身心的游客。 您是怎么成为厨师的? 我做厨师已有21年,这一直 是我的生活。16岁时,我搬到

悉尼,开始在一些顶级餐厅 工作。在此之后,我移居海外, 在欧洲工作,后来横跨西班 牙和美国,4至5年后,我回到 了家乡悉尼。 菜单有何特色? 主打农产品驱动和质朴简单 是菜单的真正特色,但我们 也希望它拥有美式酒吧和烧 烤之感。厨房不用煤气,所有 的菜和肉都是用木炭和木头 生火烧制的。我们的菜单上 既有诱人的主菜,也有精美 的小吃,共分为两个系列,一 种专注于牛肉、海鲜和新鲜 生食,另一种则像是拥有脆

面包和馅饼的“储藏室”。我 们追求天然不雕饰的食物, 让您时时想起在海边进餐和 度假的愉快时光。 您觉得悉尼餐饮业的发展 如何? 我认为悉尼的厨师有一个从 简的趋势,变得不那么花俏, 对食物的加工处理也越来越 少。创造力可通过不同的方 式表现出来,比如捕捉我们 童年或假日的味道,或者重 现和重构这些风味。我更推 崇简单至上的就餐体验,引 领客人享受漫长而又轻松的 用餐之旅。 >

Clockwise from this page: Sydney's freshest seafood is on display for diners to pick from; Interiors transport you back in time; Dishes are inspired by the old-school American bar and grill


techniques. We wanted the flavour combinations to be very fun and strong and not trying to be too subtle like most Japanese restaurants. The menu’s flavours focus on umami where we don’t use any salt and instead use seaweed to flavour our dishes. The menu works for everyone, all ages and any background where they can find something new. HV: What are some of your favourite dishes? SC: We have a few different menus. There’s an a la carte menu, seven- and eight-course tasting menus, and share plates. A favourite is the Bonito pastrami with yuzu-soy, avruga caviar and brown butter. Another is the Blanca black bun, a steamed squid ink bao with crispy fried soft shell crab and house-made XO mayo.


BLANCA Co-owner and chef SAM COLE Sam Cole and Tomi Björck have created a space and menu unlike anything in Sydney. Japanese and Mediterranean flavours served in a clean, stylish space combined with the chill atmosphere of Bondi have quickly made Blanca a Sydney favourite. HV: How did you develop the concept for Blanca? SC: I met my business partner Tomi Björck back when we were both working at Quay and were surfing buddies. I was working overseas for eight years in Scandinavia, Finland, London with Heston Blumenthal as well as on yachts in the Mediterranean when we both made the decision to move back to Sydney at the same time and start something together. When we moved to Bondi we wanted to make sure we created something that wasn’t boring or something that Sydney already had. HV: What are the influences for the menu? SC: We ended up throwing around some ideas once we were both back in Sydney and created a menu that was a mix between Japanese and Mediterranean, which gave us a massive spectrum of flavours and textures that work well together. Our goal was to make some of the heavier Mediterranean dishes a lot lighter using Japanese 76

HV: Tell us about the design of the space. SC: We worked with local Bondi design firms for over six months developing our concept. We put in elements of both Japan and the Mediterranean like the white double rendered walls combined with the long, clean, straight lines. Our materials are all natural and unfinished like raw timber and marble and metal. Everything influences the concept. Old holiday photos, memories of restaurants we’ve been to, input from family and friends, and it all came together in the final design.

Blanca餐厅 山姆·科尔(Sam Cole) 和 托 米·比 约 克( To m i Björck)打造了一家与悉 尼其他餐馆都不 相同的 餐馆,并定制了一份独一 无二的菜单。这家干净时 尚的餐馆主要为顾客 提 供日式和地中海风味的菜 肴,整个餐厅散发着邦迪 海滩(Bondi)的休闲气息, 让Blanca很快成为悉尼 人的最爱。

合伙人兼厨师 山姆·科尔 (Sam Cole)

和托米都决定搬回悉尼,一 起开创事业。我们决定在邦 迪(Bondi)创造一些有趣 而不沉闷,或者悉尼从来没 出现过的东西。

菜单有何特色? 我们回到悉尼后互相分享了 许多的想法和灵感,最后定 制了一份融日式与地中海式 为一体的菜单。这份菜单将 食物味道和质感完美地结 合起来。我们的目标是用日 本技 术把重口味的地中海 Blanca的理念是如何发展 菜变得轻口味。我们希望这 而来的? 种组合风味有趣、强烈,而 早在Quay做学徒时,我认 不要像 大多数日料那 样过 识了托 米·比 约克( To m i 于淡雅。菜单的味道专注于 Björck),他不仅是我在餐 鲜味(Unami),我们不使 厅的同事,还是我的冲浪伙 用任何盐,而是用海藻来调 伴,后来成了我的商业合作 味。菜单适合每个人,所有 伙伴。我在海外工作了8年, 年龄、任何背景的人都可以 包括斯堪的纳维亚、芬兰及 在菜单上发现新东西。 伦敦的赫斯顿·布卢门撒尔 (Heston Blumenthal)以 您最喜欢的菜式有哪些? 及地中海的游艇。后来,我 我们有几款不同的菜单:一

份 单 点 菜 单 ,一 份 7 道 和 8 道 菜 的品尝 菜 单 以 及 共 享菜单。我的最爱有两种, 第一 种 是 加 柚 子 酱、鱼子 酱和棕色黄 油的五香熏牛 肉;第 二 种 是 布 兰卡黑面 包—— 这是 一种清蒸的鱿 鱼 墨包,里面 裹 着 脆 炸 软 壳蟹和自制的XO 蛋黄酱。 请谈谈其餐厅空间的格局 设计? 我们与邦迪当地一家设 计 公司合 作了6个多月,构建 我们的理念。我们加入了日 本和地中海元素,如在经两 次抹灰的白墙上装饰以 又 长又干净的利落直线条。所 用材料 都是天然且不加修 饰的,如原木、大理石和金 属,这一切都传达了我们的 理念。古老的假日照片,我 们曾经去过的餐馆记忆,来 自家人和朋友的建议,所有 这 些 都 融 入了最 后的设 计 之中。

Clockwise from this page: Blanca’s Sydney Rock Oyster yuzu sake-bonito granita, baby shiso, flying fish roe; Diners with a sweet tooth will appreciate Blanca’s dessert menu; Minimal interiors; Oxtail dumpling braised beef and oxtail, black vinegar dressing, sesame, pickled chilli; Try some of the city’s freshest seafood at Blanca





Beijing is always changing – and it has never been better. But with so many hot spots vying for your attention, where should you spend your hard-earned cash? Alicia Miller takes a look at the places to see and be seen in China’s capital... 北京是个瞬息万变的城市,每一刻都在变得更加精彩。 但赚钱不易,眼前又是乱花迷人眼,到底该去哪儿尽享欢乐呢? 艾丽西亚·米勒(Alicia Miller)为您介绍帝都最新的休闲去处。

Clockwise from this page: F Bistronome’s grand interior matches its grand views; Beijing’s CCTV Tower is always in view at F Bistronome; Channelling Spanish vibes at Migas Mercado; Black rice paella at Migas Mercado




Beijing’s red-hot food scene is no secret – but now the latest wave of openings is pairing top-notch international cuisine with seriously sublime views. Take F Bistronome, which gazes across to Beijing’s robot-like CCTV Headquarters from the seventh floor of the China World Mall. It looks swanky with its floor-to-ceiling windows and mustard-yellow leather chairs, but here the Gallic dishes are truly homely – expect creamy gratin dauphinoise, fluffy souffle and tender Chateaubriand steak. Not feeling like French? In the same building – and with another wowza view – you’ll find Migas. This Spanish restaurant, bar and nightclub is a sequel to the popular Sanlitun original, and serves a full Iberian spread from flaky fresh fish dishes to truffle-laden delights. But you’d want to come here even if the food wasn’t this good – an open-air terrace is just the place for summer evening sundowners. Speaking of hot second helpings, foodies in-the-know are making their way to the new branch of Bottega at Xinyuanli, in the newly renovated Jin Shang building north of the Liangma River. Here the view is just as good inside – the NYC-style design features an open kitchen where you can watch chefs get to work, making pizzas to exacting Neapolitan standards. Silky pasta dishes, fresh salads and meat dishes appear on the menu, too. Finally, for the city’s coolest brunch, look no further than recently opened Australian spot Home Grounds. It’s your plate that’s Insta-worthy here; each dish eats like a rainbow, with edible petals bedecking banana pancakes, and cubes of kiwi and dragonfruit brightening yoghurt. Look out for subtle Chinese twists: such as Aussie favourite fish and chips, beer-battered with Tsingtao. >


商城的西班 牙餐厅米家思 北京的餐饮市场一直以汇聚 (Migas)。国贸米家思是继 天下美食而闻名,而最近涌 三里屯米家思后的第二家店, 入的新一批各国菜系又带来 集合了餐厅、酒吧和夜店多 了别样的火爆景象。坐落于国 种功能,主打伊比利亚菜式, 贸商城七层、可以眺望科技 从鱼类到松露甜点不一而足。 感十足的央视总部大楼的福 不过,就算您不是冲着食物 楼毕斯罗(F Bistronome)餐 而来,夏日傍晚时分,这里 厅就是其中之一。餐厅的通 的天台景色也定会让您无比 天落地窗和时尚芥末黄皮革 沉醉。 座椅让用餐空间显得十分高 如果您想要大快朵颐,资 档,而这里的菜式却洋溢着 深美食家建议您一定要去亮 满满的法式家庭气息——招 马河北边新源里一带新装修 牌菜有香煎奶油千层马铃薯 的金尚大厦意库(Bottega) 饼、酥软蛋奶酥和夏多布里 餐厅体验一把。撇去新金尚 昂牛排等。 华丽的外表不谈,餐厅里的 您 要 是 对 法 餐 不太 感 环境也同样别致—— 这里 冒,那么也可以去同在国贸 装修成纽约风格,配合全开

放式厨房,食客可以看着大 厨们是怎样烹饪最正宗的那 不勒斯式披萨的。除了披萨, 这里还供应爽滑意面、新鲜 沙拉及各式肉类。 说到早午餐,北京城最 酷炫的早午餐餐厅非近期开 张的澳洲小馆源厨(Home Grounds)莫属。这里道道 菜式都摆盘精美,让您抑制 不住想拍照发朋友圈的冲 动——香蕉薄饼饰以可食用 花瓣、猕猴桃和火龙果丁点 缀着手工酸奶,美不胜收。更 妙的是,这里的部分菜式还 添加了些许中国风味,比如 使用青岛啤酒炸出地道的澳 洲炸鱼薯条。 > 79



史,但 也 余下一 些 坚 守 阵 鸡尾酒餐吧在北京可谓炙 地 的 馆 子,比 如 合 并了 两 手可热,您若想体 验一把, 家 老 式 胡 同 酒 吧 的 首 都 大可以前往紧邻四季酒店的 酒坊(Capital Spirits and Equis酒廊。尽管酒廊坐落 The Distillery)。首都酒坊 在一幢令人目眩神迷、内部 新址选在辛寺胡同16号,是 结构繁复精妙的建筑内,其 世界上第一家白酒鸡尾酒 设 计灵感却是来源于北京 吧。尽管位置不太显眼,但 最古老的特色之一——四合 这 里的酒品可都是品质出 院。整间酒廊由五个相对独 众,甚至在全世界范围内都 立的空间构成——室内休闲 可以称得上是凤毛麟角。来 区、酒窖、图书馆、露天院 这里饮酒,品的就是那一份 落和VIP区,每个空间都各 美到极致的家常味儿。要想 具特色。不论您想疯狂一把 不留遗憾,您可一定得尝尝 还是想享受片刻安宁,都能 经典的边车鸡尾酒和古典 找到适合您的绝佳环境,点 鸡尾酒。 杯马天尼消磨时光吧。 在北京,品酒可不是 只 对 于 音 乐 发 烧 友 们 来 有鸡尾酒一种选择。如今精 说,最棒的去处莫过于地处 酿啤酒也成了北京人小酌 时尚聚集地三里屯的悦饵 的首选之一,其中必去之一 (Good Bait)酒吧了。极简 就是位于今旅酒店的鲜啤吧 风砖墙搭配幽暗灯光,空间 (Beersmith Gastropub)。 中流淌着悠扬的钢琴声,此 今旅酒店是香格里拉旗下的 时若是配上一杯用香槟、苦 品牌酒店,坐落于国贸CBD 柚、招牌鸡尾酒、阿佩罗和 商圈。鲜啤吧营业至凌晨两 利莱白开胃酒调制的招牌 点,足够您流连于成排的红 鸡尾酒,恐怕您真的要迷醉 铜酒缸、满桌的时令鲜啤和 于此了。 醇正的麦芽酒中,同时在大 许多隐匿在老北京胡 屏幕上观看体育比赛,尽享 > 同深处的酒吧都已成为历 欢乐。


Beijing’s gone wild for cocktails – so get sipping. Start at sceney Equis lounge at the Four Seasons. This blinged-up maze of rooms may be new, but its structure is inspired by one of Beijing’s oldest features, its hutongs. Five distinct, dramatically lit zones – lounge, cellar, library, courtyard and VIP area – come with their own vibe, so no matter if you’re hankering for clubby or low-key, you’ll find a reason to people-watch over a Martini here. As for all you music geeks out there: look no further than moody piano and cocktail bar Good Bait in stylish Sanlitun. Its minimalist bricked wall decor and dim lighting is just the setting for sipping its namesake cocktail – made with champagne, grapefruit bitters, Aperol and Lillet Blanc – while soaking up tunes from the in-house musicians. Many of Beijing’s hutong bars are rapidly disappearing, but others are just relocating – head to Capital Spirits and The Distillery, a merger of two old hutong drinking holes that has now become Beijing’s first dedicated baijiu bar and distillery. Its new location, at 16 Xinsi Hutong, still has a whiff of the clandestine; but the offering is world-class, with artisan tipples from around the globe leading the menu. And cocktails here are just as good as the homemade hard stuff – don’t leave without draining a classic Sidecar or Old Fashioned. It’s not only about cocktails in this city. Beijing’s fallen head over heels for craft beer, and for the finest pours look no further than Beersmith Gastropub at Hotel Jen, the Shangri-La’s little-sister brand in the CBD at Guomao. It’s open until 2am, and good thing – you’ll need the time to work your way through the dozen or so seasonal beers and ales, in a space lined with tall copper tanks, pool tables and sports screens. >


Clockwise from top left: Beersmith Gastropub's impressive bar; Yet to open Mandarin Oriental Wanfujing; Bulgari Beijing suite; Equis bartender; Capital Spirits and The Distillery put on a show with their cocktails; Equis know how to serve up fine cocktails, and even finer food



Having thrown open its doors in the Embassy District at the end of last year, the Bulgari Beijing transports all who cross its threshold to a world of 1930s Italian glamour. From camel-hued leathery couches to coraltinted plush rugs, the furnishings are the finest from Italy (even the bathrooms feature striking black granite). It has a sizzling bar, clad in shimmering copper, from which flows Italian bites such as oozy burrata cheese with tomato or creamy tiramisu, washed down with delizioso spritzes. Make time for the stretch-out cabanas by the 25-metre pool – you can easily lose an afternoon pootling between sparkling aquamarine water and gold tile-lined hot tub. Wangfujing is famed for its eponymous, touristfavourite snack street – selling everything from starfish to centipede – but it’s about to be known for a whole other reason: the Mandarin Oriental Wangfujing. Due to open this year over the top two floors of the upmarket WF Central building – also home to a glam shopping mall (see below) – it will have 74 slick rooms, many overlooking the Forbidden City. Just like the city’s other Mandarin Oriental opening this year (see page 64), it’s set to have a prime rooftop drinking space, in this case a garden terrace-meets-cocktail bar. Or look north-west, to the Hyatt Regency Wangjing, launching this spring. A self-proclaimed “urban forest” concept – the hotel is sandwiched between two parks – you’re set to get some of the greenest room views in the CBD. The interiors, meanwhile, will be neutral-natural soothing; just the thing to chill you out after a draining, pavement-pounding day. Modern Chinese-themed newcomer Nuo draws on a major hotel trend: sense of place. That “Beijing feel” is in the little things – a lobby lounge showing off contemporary Chinese art – and the big things (its own ultra-tranquil Yuan Tea House, where you can sip brews sourced from its own plantations). Even the produce served in its restaurants – a light-flooded deli and a Cantonese spot, amongst others – comes from green farm cooperatives surrounding the capital.


After the hottest place du jour to cool off? With rooms draped in calming tones ranging from sand to sage, the Pan Pacific Beijing hotel opened near Xidan station

最炫酒店 去年底开业的北京宝格丽 酒店(Bulgari Beijing)坐 落在使馆区一带。酒店内饰 选 用 驼 色 皮 革沙发,搭 配 珊 瑚 色 挂 毯,家具全 部为 意 大 利 顶 级制 造,整 间酒 店洋溢着浓郁的20世纪30 年 代 的意 大利 奢 华风(连 浴室都铺设着极富冲击力 的黑色花岗岩)。酒店内部 设有一间人气酒吧,装修成 亮 铜 色,供 应 诱 人布 拉 塔 奶 酪 番茄、香浓 提 拉 米苏 及各种起泡酒。另外,一定 别忘了去体 验下酒店的25 米露天泳池。在镶了金色瓷 砖的浴缸里悠闲戏水,一下 午的时光转瞬即逝。 王 府 井大 街 声 名 远 扬, 不仅 是因为那条从 烤 海星 到 炸 蜈 蚣、各种美食 样 样

俱 全 的 王 府 井小 吃 街,同 完美体现了“城市森林”的 样惹人 期待的还有即将于 概 念,店址 选在 望 京 商圈 今年 在 这 里开业的王 府井 的两个公园之间,从客房望 文华东方酒店(Mandarin 出去,满眼绿意。而淡雅柔 Oriental Wangfujing)。 和的房间内饰与之自然 相 该酒店坐落于尚品生活零 呼应,让 您 感 受 到 由内 而 售中心王 府中环,拥 有74 外的轻松,是繁忙劳碌的一 间客房,其中大多数房间景 天结束之后放 松身心的不 观甚好,可以俯瞰故宫景色, 二之选。 大厦的其他 楼层也是 购物 走现代中国风路线 的好去处(见下文/图)。与 的 酒 店 新 贵 ——诺 金 酒 店 另一家即将 于 今年开业的 (N uo)引领了一波酒店业 北京文华东方酒店(详见第 的 新风尚。该品 牌 强调 地 64页酒店专题)一样,王府 方特色,大到优雅静谧的缘 井文华东方酒店也有小酌 茶 亭,小 到 酒 店大 堂 展 示 好 去 处 ——在 酒店的花园 的当代艺术作品,种种细节 式天台上,坐落着一间精致 都 透 着 浓 浓 的京味儿。诺 的鸡尾酒吧。 金酒店秉 承提供地道美食 在 京 城 的 西 北 方 向 , 的 承 诺,不论 缘 茶 亭售卖 望 京 凯 悦 酒 店( H y a t t 的茶饮还是餐厅供应的粤 Regency Wangjing)即 式美食,所有食材都采自京 将 于 今 春 开业。酒 店 设 计 郊诺金绿色生态农场。 > 81



Clockwise from this page: Nuo Beijing’s impressive lobby space; N’Joy chefs at work; Good Bait bar; Chairman Suite at Nuo Beijing



last year, introducing this polished Asian brand to the city for the first time. But why are we headed here now, just in time for summer? Its swimming pool has a fully retractable roof – so you can literally splash under the sunshine as if you were at the seaside. Rock up as early as 7am to catch the morning rays illuminate the sparkly tiles as you perfect your breaststroke; or backstroke under the stars until as late as 10pm. When it comes to Beijing’s neighbourhoods, Sanlitun is peaking right now. That’s in part thanks to its cafe culture, so go for a cappuccino crawl – from the Moleskine Cafe to the Topwin Center bakeries, and new Scandi spot Gertz Danish Bakery. The latter’s an Instagram dream, with cool blue booths lined with wood, Edison bulb lighting and proper savoury loaves. Don’t miss the Danish-style open sandwiches (smorrebrod), laden with egg and shrimp. There’s always somewhere fresh to shop in Beijing. But it’s not everyday that something like WF Central lands – it boasts 150,000 square metres of space, much given over to new-to-China luxe international brands. Come armed with your credit card and get ready to raid the racks at Chopard, Chaumet, or Fendi – or visit the


文化,因此该地成为了饮咖 西单附 近的北京泛太平洋 啡 的首选 之 地 。热门 餐厅 酒店(Pan Pacific Beijing) 包括Moleskine Cafe、通 已于去年开业,但现在依然 盈中心烘焙坊和充满北欧 热 度不 减。酒店的 配色设 风情的G e r t z丹 麦面包坊 计从温暖沙漠金过渡到清 (Gertz Danish Bakery)。 新 鼠 尾草 绿,采用柔 和 路 Gertz丹麦面包坊内的冷蓝 线,是该系列品牌在北京的 色配木纹卡座、老式灯泡和 首次亮相。来此入住的最佳 美味糕点,从环境到食物都 时间非夏季莫属,酒店泳池 吸引着大批美食摄影博主。 配有可伸缩式屋顶,体验与 来到这里,您可一定得尝尝 真实的海滩无二。早晨七点, 地道的虾蛋丹麦三明治。 您不妨游着泳看着清晨的 在北京,每天都有新的 阳光透过玻璃房顶;晚上十 购 物 去 处不断 涌 现,但 像 点,体验边仰泳边静赏星夜。 王 府中环 这么 大 规 模 、高 再将目光放大到中心城 档次的购物中心却也难 区周边,璀璨新星非三里屯 得 一见。这 里占 地15 万平 莫 属。三 里屯在休 闲 娱 乐 方米,吸 引了多 个 国 际 顶 业的地位飞速崛 起一定程 级奢侈品牌首次入驻中 度要归功于这里的咖啡馆 国,如萧邦(Chopard)、

Chaumet、芬迪(Fendi)、 R Sanderson、维多利亚的 秘密(Victoria's Secret)、 潘 多 拉( P a n d o r a )、 S u p e r d r y及L i n k s   o f London。建议您准备好信 用卡,来场大扫货吧。 即便天气昏暗阴沉,您 也总能找到消遣的好去处, 三 克 映 画( C i n k e r Pictures)就是其中之一。 这是一间集电影院、餐厅和 鸡尾酒吧三位于一 体的休 闲场所。酒吧区装修采用黄 铜色、大红色和蓝色大胆撞 色,吧椅选用黑白两色。影 院区的座椅是柔软的沙发, 您可以放松地窝在沙发里, 来杯小酒,惬意地欣赏一部 前卫电影。

capital’s first locations of R Sanderson, Victoria’s Secret, Pandora, Superdry and Links of London. Even when the weather is cool and grey, there’s something hot to do in Beijing. Head to Cinker Pictures, a slinky new cinema that doubles as a restaurant and cocktail bar. The bar bit is all brass, rich red and blues, with black-and-white tiling running under barstools; the cinema bit is all deep-chairs cushy, and you can even enjoy a bottle of vino while watching the avant-garde reels. 83





ALL HAIL McLAREN VALE South Australia’s small yet mighty wine region opens its doors to Lisa Perkovic as she wines and dines her way through the countryside. 南澳虽小,却是盛产葡萄酒的名地。 丽莎·佩尔科维奇(Lisa Perkovic)游走于南澳乡间,开启了一场寻酒觅食之旅。


s Australian wine regions go, McLaren Vale is 到 澳 大 利 亚 Pe n i n s u l a)到达 维克多 blessed with a combination of assets that make 的 葡 萄 酒 产 港(Victor Harbor),该 it stand out from the crowd. First of all, there’s its 地 ,麦 克 拉 伦 地 以 花 岗 岩 、清 澈 见 底 location, just a 45-minute drive south of Adelaide. You can 谷(McLaren Vale)拥有 的 海 水 和 神 仙 小 企 鹅 go from wheels on the runway to your first cellar door in 得天独 厚的优势,使 其 格 (Fair y Penguin)的栖息 under two hours. Even better, the wine region sits in the 外出众。首先是 其优越的 地而闻名于 世。其次便 是 low-rise valleys and rolling hills just back from the beach. A 地 理位置——从阿德 莱德 麦 克 拉伦谷 的土 壤 条 件。 15-minute drive west takes you to the dramatic coastal cliffs (Adelaide)南部驱车前 滨海的地理位置赐予其砂 and long beaches of Port Willunga. Drive 45 minutes south 往麦克拉伦谷仅需45分钟, 质土 壤 地 基,为各种红 提 and you’ll cross the Fleurieu Peninsula to Victor Harbor, 且不到两小时您便可看见 葡萄提供足够的生长空间, famous for granite rocks, crystal clear water and an adorable 第一家酒窖的大门。更令人 特别是西拉(Shiraz)。最 Fairy Penguin colony. Second, there’s the terroir. The coastal 欣喜的是,该葡萄酒产地 后,如 地中海 般 温暖的气 location provides a sandy soil base that gives red grape 位于崇山峻岭 的低处,刚 温为葡萄、农产品和居民 varieties, especially shiraz, plenty of room to grow. And 好处于海滩的背面。向西 营造了理 想的氛围。各种 third, the warm, almost Mediterranean temperatures make 驱车15分钟即可到达威伦 酒窖和葡萄园引来了各式 an ideal climate not only for grapes, but also produce, and 加港(Port Willunga)的 餐馆,麦克拉伦谷 拥 有为 people. With cellar doors and vineyards come restaurants, 壮丽海崖和绵延长 滩。而 数不多 但 极 具 吸引力,且 and McLaren Vale has a small yet powerful cluster of 向 南 驱 车 4 5 分 钟 ,便 能 将当地丰饶 物产发挥到 > dining options that make the most of the local bounty. > 穿越菲尔半岛(Fleu rieu 极致的各式餐饮选择。 85



Blazing a trail as a young yet cutting-edge winery, Mollydooker’s very modern cellar door sits atop Seaview Ride, giving views across its 114 acres of vineyards. With just a decade under their belt, the Mollydooker team have already won several awards, especially for their top range Velvet Glove and Carnival of Love shiraz. Wines are barrel-aged, in new or one-year-old barrels, and are also infused with nitrogen. The addition of the inert gas allows the winemakers to reduce the sulphite’s content. Drinkers are encouraged to do the “Mollydooker Shake” to release the nitrogen and bring the flavours to full force. Cellar door attendants will happily demonstrate the shake, offering tastings before and after so guests can experience the difference when nitrogen is released. Alongside tastings, Mollydooker encourages the community to visit for events like outdoor movies and festivals, with picnic baskets available for purchase.


There’s nothing cookie cutter about the d’Arenberg cellar door. The multi-million-dollar “Cube” stands five stories high in the middle of a vineyard, complete with wine inhalation room, 360 immersive video, avant-garde Alternate Realities Museum, and a virtual fermenter. And that’s before you’ve even reached the tasting floor and degustation restaurant. Masterclass vertical tastings of the Dead Arm Shiraz, the brand’s flagship wine, take place on-site and provide access to six different vintages. Guests can also try their hand at blending from three > different barrels to create their very own wine.

Top of page: d’Arenberg Cube restaurant’s colourful interior; Above: Cellar door at d’Arenberg; Right: Mollydooker red



莫莉多克酒庄 (Mollydooker) 作为一家年轻 但 拥 有先 进 技 术 的 酿 酒 厂,莫 莉 多 克 酒 庄 闯 出 了 属 于 自 黛伦堡酒庄 己 的 路 。其 酒 窖 大 门 非 (D’Arenberg) 常 现 代 ,坐 落 于 海 景 公 黛 伦 堡 酒 庄 的 酒 窖 大 门 路(S e a v i e w R i d e)的 绝 对是独一无二的。价值 顶 部,将114 英 亩 的 葡 萄 几百万澳 元、足 足 五层 楼 园美景尽收眼 底。虽然仅 高 的“立方体 ”大 楼 耸 立 有十年历史,莫 莉多克 却 在 葡 萄园中部,内部设有 已 荣 获多项 荣 誉,尤其 是 葡 萄 酒 芬 芳吸 入室,3 6 0 用 西 拉 酿 制 的“ Ve l v e t 度拟真视频带领您体验 Glove”和“Carnival of 身临其 境 之感,还 有前卫 Love”顶级系列。葡萄酒 的替代现实博物馆和虚 需要用新的或使用一年的 拟发酵 器。所有的这一切 木 桶 陈 酿,此 外还需加入 在 您 踏 足 品 酒 楼 层 和 餐 氮气。加入 这种惰 性气体 厅之前 就能 观赏得到。针 能帮助减少酒中亚硫酸盐 对 该 品 牌 的 招 牌 葡 萄 的含 量。酒庄建议品酒前 酒“Dead A rm Sh i raz ” 先进行“莫莉多克式摇晃” 的体验品鉴工作坊将在现 (Mollydooker Shake)来 场 举 行,让 您 有 机会品尝 释放氮气并充分激发酒的 到六种不同年份的酒。客人 风味。酒窖服务生很 乐意 们还可亲自动手,将来自三 为您展示这种摇晃醒酒法, 个不同酒桶里的酒品进行 让您进行摇晃前后的口感 混合,打造独具个人风格的 对比,这 样 客人才 能体会 葡萄酒。 > 到氮气被释放后酒品在口 感上的区别。除了品酒,莫 莉多克酒庄还鼓励社区居 民前来参加各类 活 动,比 如室外电影放映和节日庆 祝,并配有食物篮出售。

“There’s nothing cookie cutter about the d’Arenberg cellar door. The ‘Cube’ stands five stories high in the middle of a vineyard”



Just around the corner from d’Arenberg’s towering Cube is what might be described as the Paxton Wines container. The pop-up cellar door, housed in a shipping container, sits on the winery’s premium Jones Block shiraz vineyards. With seven different vineyards scattered throughout McLaren Vale, Paxton Wines has a vast range of varieties, from a rosé with bright fruity notes to an elegant Grenache, all produced through biodynamic winemaking. The Jones Block shiraz is well-known for its rich, complex fruit structures. It’s worth a trip out to the Landcross Farm, where the permanent cellar door occupies a beautifully restored 1850s sheep shearing shed and the manicured lawns often host events.


Committed to sustainable and generational winemaking, Gemtree Wines is a family-run winery producing some of the region’s best organic wines. With 328 acres of certified organic vineyards, Gemtree is well-known for its powerful wines, characterised by complex frameworks. It has just released its first 2016 Subterra Unearthed, a single vineyard Shiraz, aged underneath the vines. The barrels were literally buried in the soil, a technique inspired by the ancient Greek technique using amphoras. The connection to the land extends well beyond the barrels, with private walking tours of both the property’s vines and the wetlands onproperty available for visitors. The cellar door’s outdoor terrace is a great spot to spend an afternoon sampling wines and platters filled with regional produce.


From the main street of McLaren Flats, the small township of McLaren Vale, The Barn Bistro’s nondescript cottage gives away no secrets. Walk inside and the heritage cottage opens up to an open-air restaurant sheltered by lanterns and grapevines. Originally a Coach Stop Way Station back in the 1800s, The Barn was transformed into an art gallery and restaurant in the 1970s and has long been known for its producedriven fare. Current owners Matt Bailey and Meg Carr haven’t let things slip; indeed, you’ll find locals and celebrities alike settling in for dinner under the vines. Matt’s walk-in wine cellar includes more than 400 different (mainly local) bottles, and a healthy selection of French champagne. Diners are encouraged to peruse the collection pre-dinner to pick something to drink. >

Left: Mike and Melissa at Gemtree Wines; Right: Gemtree Cellar Door; Above right: The splendid grounds of Paxton Wines



DETAILS MOLLYDOOKER 莫莉多克酒庄 23 Coppermine Road McLaren Vale

D’ARENBERG WINE 黛伦堡酒庄 Osborn Road, McLaren Vale


“亲近大地的方式绝非仅 通过酒桶而已,您还可在 庄园的葡萄藤下以及庄 园湿地中体验私密徒步。”

68 Wheaton Road, McLaren Vale

GEMTREE WINES 宝石树酒庄 167 Elliott Road, McLaren Flat

帕克斯顿酒庄 (Paxton Wines)

腊使用双耳瓶酿造技法的 启发而发明 的。而亲 近 大 地的方式绝非仅通过酒桶 而已,您 还可在 庄园的葡 萄藤下以及庄园湿地中体 验私密徒 步。酒窖大门门 外的梯田是下午品尝美酒 和当地农产品的绝佳场所。

就在黛伦 堡酒庄高耸的 立方体大 楼 附 近,有一 个 被 称 之 为“ 帕 克 斯 顿 酒 庄”的 集 装 箱。弹 出式 的 酒窖大门设立在一个船运 集装箱里,坐 落于酒 庄的 顶级琼斯·布洛克(Jones Block)西拉葡萄园上。七 谷仓小酒馆 座不同的葡萄园散落在整 (The Barn Bistro) 个麦克拉伦谷中,帕克斯顿 在麦克拉伦谷麦克拉伦弗 酒庄拥有海量品种,从 果 莱茨(McLaren Flates) 香怡人的玫瑰红到优雅的 小 镇 的主干 道 上,您 看不 歌海娜(Grenache),均 出谷仓小酒馆那毫不起眼 由生物 动力制 酒 法 酿 成。 的小屋里究竟藏着什么秘 琼斯·布洛克西拉葡萄园 密。走 入 其 中,这个 传 统 以其丰富且复杂的水果分 小屋瞬间豁然开朗,成了一 布而著名。兰德克罗斯农场 个被灯笼和葡萄藤覆盖的 (Landcross Farm)也值 露天 餐厅。谷仓小酒 馆最 得一 去,那里的永久品酒 初 在 19 世 纪 时 为 一 处 大 室精美复制了1850年代剪 巴中转站(Coac h Stop 羊毛的场景,修剪 整 齐的 Way Stat i o n),在2 0 世 草坪上经常举办各种活动。 纪70年代摇身变为一家艺 术长 廊 和 餐厅,并 长 期 以 宝石树酒庄 来以主打农产品而远近闻 (Gemtree Wines) 名。目前的主人马特·贝利 宝 石 树 酒 庄 致 力 于 可 持 (Matt Bailey)和梅格·卡 续 性 和 代 代 相 传 的 酿 酒 尔(Meg Carr)还一直维 技法,是当地 最 佳有机酒 持着小酒馆 的特 色,您可 的家庭式 生 产商之一。宝 以看到当地人和名流在葡 石树 酒庄拥有32 8英亩的 萄 藤下围坐 进餐。马特的 认证 有 机葡 萄园,以出产 酒窖长 廊收 藏了4 0 0多种 烈葡 萄 酒闻名于 世,以 复 以产自本 地为主的酒品和 杂的置酒架为特 色。他们 有益健 康的法国香槟。他 刚刚推出首个“Subterra 们鼓励用餐者在餐前仔细 Unea r thed 2 016”葡萄 品鉴以挑出一款最爱的来 > 酒产品——这是一款陈酿 饮用。 于葡萄藤之下的西拉葡萄 酒。这 些酒 桶着实是埋于 地下,该 技 法 是 受到古希 89


DETAILS STAR OF GREECE 希腊之星餐馆 1 The Esplanade, Port Willunga

THE BARN BISTRO 谷仓小酒馆 252 Main Road, McLaren Vale

THE CURRANT SHED 红醋栗棚屋餐馆 104 Ingoldby Rd. McLaren Flat

VICTORY HOTEL 胜利酒店 Main South Road, Sellicks Hill



希腊之星餐馆 (Star of Greece) 说 到 在 海边 用餐,希腊之 星是澳大利亚最著名的选 择之一。坐 落于威伦加港 的悬 崖 上,刷了白漆 的餐 厅 就 像 是 位于 峭 壁 顶 端, 在那里可180度俯瞰海景。 餐馆以位于下方海岸的三 个失事船只桅杆来命名,主 打海鲜,菜单中还 囊括当 地 新 鲜 农产品。蓝花蟹宽 面、酸橘汁腌鱼、袋鼠岛椒 盐 鱿 鱼、脆 皮 猪 腩肉、和 牛薄片和新鲜的布拉塔沙 拉,多款美食不一而足。要 确 保 您 坐在 靠 窗位 置,一 边欣赏美景一边享受美食。

胜利酒店 (Victory Hotel) 胜利酒店虽然 不在海滩 上,但 其山 腰 的 位 置 赐 予 它赛力克斯海滩(Sellicks Beach)的大片海景。这个 可追溯至1858年、看起来 颇为古怪的澳大利亚酒吧 将其最好的资产埋于地底。 走到酒吧后部的地下酒窖, 您可看到8,000多瓶不同的 葡萄酒,是这个国家最好的 藏品之一。其中主要是当地 葡萄酒,但也有很多标志性 的澳大利亚红酒,包括产自 克莱尔谷(Clare Valley) 的传奇Wendouree红酒, 此外还有众多欧洲葡萄酒。 >


When it comes to seaside dining, the Star of Greece is one of Australia’s most well-known venues. Perched on the cliffs of Port Willunga, the white-washed dining room appears to sit almost on top of the 180-degree ocean views. Named after the three-mast shipwreck on the shore below, the restaurant focuses heavily on seafood, with fresh local produce filling up the menu. Blue swimmer crab fettuccine, market fish ceviche and Kangaroo Island salt and pepper squid sit alongside confit pork belly, wagyu beef fillet and fresh burrata salad. Ask for a window seat and split your time savouring the view and the food.


While not right on the beach, the Victory Hotel’s hillside position gives it sweeping ocean views over Sellicks Beach. What appears to be a quintessential Australian pub dating back to 1858 hides its best assets below ground. Pop behind the bar and head down to the basement cellar, where you’ll find more than 8,000 different bottles of wine and one of the country’s best collections. There’s a heavy focus on local wines, but also an extensive range of iconic Australian red wines, including the fabled Wendouree Wines of the Clare > Valley, along with a large range of European wines.

Clockwise from opposite: Star of Greece has a definite seafood focus; Beautiful views of Port Willunga at Star of Greece; Local wines are the star of the show at Victory Hotel; Diners enjoy the ambience at Star of Greece




Another historic property that has been given a new lease on life is The Currant Shed. As the name suggests, this fine dining institution is housed in a century-old shed originally used to dry currants prior to export. These days, the space is simple. The corrugated walls and concrete floors keep things pared back, allowing the food to speak for itself. Beef tartare with seaweed wafers, slivers of perfectly pink tuna popping with finger lime, and a deconstructed apple meringue tartare make up just a few highlights.


Stalls piled high with freshly picked wildflowers, cartons overflowing with mushrooms of all shapes and sizes, freshly baked breads, still-warm soft cheeses, jars of honey and rustic homemade pies – wandering the weekly Willunga Farmers Market is a true taste of McLaren Vale’s bounty. Arrive early as every Saturday the markets are packed with locals, including the chefs. Whether you want to taste some of the country’s best reds, brush up on your wine education, or sit back and sample the local produce with a glass of wine under the vines or with a sea breeze, McLaren Vale won’t let you down. 92

红醋栗棚屋餐馆 威伦加农贸市场 (The Currant Shed) (Willunga Farmers 另一个坐落在历史文物建筑 Markets)

DETAILS WILLUNGA FARMERS MARKETS 威伦加农贸市场 Main Road Willunga willunga-market

里的便是红醋栗棚屋餐馆。 诚如其名,这个精致的餐馆 以百年棚屋为主屋,该棚屋 最早是用来晾干出口前的红 醋栗。如今,餐厅内饰朴素 简约,瓦楞墙壁,水泥地板, 没有过多的修饰,主要以食 物味道取胜。鞑靼牛肉配上 海苔片、粉嫩的金枪鱼与指 橙搭配得天衣无缝,再加上 入口溶化的苹果蛋白挞,这 只是其中的几道名菜罢了。

摊位上新鲜采摘的野花 堆 积 如山、硬 纸 盒 里各式 各样的蘑菇满到快要溢 出、新 鲜 出 炉 的 面 包、依 旧温热的软奶酪、罐装蜂 蜜、纯手工自制的馅饼,漫 步在每周一次的威伦加农 贸市场才能真正感受到麦 克拉伦谷 物产的丰饶。记 得 要 早点去,因为每到周 六该市场就变得人山人海, 挤满了当地居民和大厨们。 不管您是想品尝该国最 好的红 酒,给自己上一堂 葡萄酒课,还是 想 悠闲静 坐,品味几种当地农产品, 并在葡萄藤下或吹着海风 啜 饮着 葡萄酒,麦克拉伦 谷绝不会让您失望。




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Spanning thousands of years, changing powers and multiple dynasties, China has developed its fair share of historical marvels. From the country-spanning Great Wall to the Art Deco reimagining of Shanghai, we explore the many beating hearts of China. 几千年来,中国历经多次改朝换代、政权更迭,创造了相当一部分的 历史奇迹,其中包括横跨华夏大地的万里长城、上海装饰艺术派建筑等, 它们成了中国跳动的心脏。我们一起来探索吧。

中 国 之 心 脏





he Forbidden City, China’s greatest historical symbol, may be open to thousands of daily visitors, but there are still stories housed behind its walls that remain a mystery. Exploring this fortress can take hours. While most of the buildings and gates are free to be explored, work is ongoing to breathe the life of the 24 Emperors who called this place home back into its walls. It all started in 2005 – a 16-year project to restore and repair the Forbidden City to how it was before 1912. For 600 years, the Forbidden City was a symbol of power and intrigue, a holy place for the Emperor alone. Today it can be freely explored by foot. Or for those more interested in the nitty-gritty, 1.5 million artefacts have been collected, documented and are on display in the nearby Palace Museum. Stretching 961 metres from north to south, the Forbidden City is a masterclass of symmetry and flow. Once seen not only as the centre of China, but also the centre of the world, the most important buildings and gates of the city run along the central axis of Beijing from front to back, starting with the Meridian Gate and leading into the Hall of Supreme Harmony: the throne room and the most important structure in the city.


紫 禁 城

禁城是中国最伟大的 历史象征,每天接待 成千上万的游客,但其背后 深藏着的一些故事,至今 仍是未解之谜。想要探索 这座堡垒,至少要花上几 个小时。这里曾是历代24 位皇帝的皇宫,直至2005 年,这里启动了一项为期16 年的整修工程,使其恢复到 1912年前的模样。现在城 内的大部分建筑和宫门可 供自由出入,尽情观览,但 整修工程仍在继续进行中。 60 0年来,紫禁城一直 是权力和政治的象征,是

专为皇帝打造的圣地。今天, 人们可以自由出入,随意游 览。那些喜欢探究事实本 质的人,也可入内一探究竟。 附近的故宫博物院收藏了 150万件工艺品,同时也供 游客观赏。 紫禁城沿着一条南北向 的中轴线排列,总长961米, 不仅是中国的中心,也是世 界的中心。最重要的城楼 和城门沿北京中轴线从前 向后延伸,始于子午门,终 于太和殿—— 紫禁城的正 殿,也是北京城内最重要 的建筑。




eijing will always be the bustling heart of China, but there are plenty of places where crowds are at a minimum and serenity reigns. Most of the ornate buildings in the huge 660-acre complex known as the Temple of Heaven served a purely religious function. Huge red doors studded with gold, intricate ceramic tiles, circular wooden pillars and delicately coloured beams make up most of the temples in Tiantan and echo the royal style of the Forbidden City just 3km away. Built between 1406 and 1420 for the Yongle Emperor, the circular complex represents the relationship between heaven and earth and was built to help the Emperor mediate between these two worlds. With so much religious significance, the Temple of Heaven offers a welcome dose of calm and relaxation from some of the other major sights in Beijing. Now it’s a site for recreation for locals, where you’ll see everything from ballroom dancing and tai chi to families with children trying out the Echo Wall, a phenomenon where a whisper can be heard from opposite sides of the wall. >

Clockwise from top left: The Forbidden City’s giant structures are iconic to the site; Narrow corridors guide you through the ancient walled city; The towering Temple of Heaven can be seen from the laneways surrounding it; UNESCO has capped the amount of visitors allowed to visit the Temple of Heaven; Detailed sculptures found throughout the Forbidden City

天 坛

京永远是中国的心脏, 车水马龙,热闹繁华。 但这里也有许多地方人迹 罕至,宁静安详。在众多华 丽的建筑中,有一座占地 660英亩的建筑群,它就是 远近闻名、为宗教祭祀而 建的天坛。硃红色的大门 无比雄厚,上面镶着错综 复杂的金色瓷砖。天坛内 的大部分寺庙由圆形木柱 和彩色梁柱构成,其风格 与三公里之外的紫禁城的 皇家气派交相呼应。天坛 是一个圆形的建筑群,建于 1406年至1420年间,为永 乐皇帝而建,象征天圆地方, 是皇帝祭祀天地的场所。 天坛宗教意义浓厚,游 览完北京其他繁闹景点之 后来到这里,便会立刻感 到身心放松,安详平静。如 今,这里也成为了当地人的 游艺场所,他们在这里跳 交际舞,练太极拳,还有家 长带着孩子们来到回音壁 玩耍。在回音壁,一个人靠 着墙说话,无论声音多小, 墙对面的人都能听得清清 楚楚。 >




panning over 21,000km with sections older than 2,300 years, it’s no wonder the Great Wall of China is considered one of the world’s most historically significant sites. The Great Wall has spanned numerous eras of China’s history, with new sections added across four different dynasties to both prevent invasion and protect the Silk Road trade. Today, most of the wall that endures is found outside of Beijing, dating back to the Ming dynasty where it was built and reinforced to stretch from the ocean to the desert. The wall was generally fashioned from whatever materials were on hand, like tamped earth in the arid northern plains to brick and granite found in the mountains near Beijing. However, the reality is that vast tracts of wall have now been lost to the ravages of time. In the 50s and 80s, major restoration projects resurrected 8km of wall and 20 watchtowers in the Badaling and Mutianyu regions, where hundreds of millions of tourists have trudged up and down the gruelling stairs to experience just a small segment of one of man’s greatest achievements. > 98

万 里 长 城

国长城横跨21,000公 里,拥有2,300多年的 历史,被誉为世界上最具历 史意义的景点之一无可厚 非。长城历史悠久,在四个 不同朝代都有新建的部分, 主要为了抵御外敌入侵、保 护丝绸之路贸易。如今,大 部分留存下来的长城地段 是在北京以外的地方,这

些地段可追溯至明朝,即 在明朝建造并加固,从海 洋一直延伸到沙漠。修建 长城的材料并不统一,手 头有些什么就用什么,其中 包括北方平原的夯土以及 北京附近山上发现的砖石 和花岗岩。然而,长城很多 地段经不起时间的考验和 蹂躏,已然崩塌不复从前。

重大修复工程于20世纪 50年代和80年代启动,在 八达岭和慕田峪地区修整 了8公里的城墙和20座瞭望 塔。数以亿计的游客来到 八达岭长城和慕田峪长城, 在这一段破破旧旧的阶梯 上艰难行走,目的就是为了 感受这一历史成就的雄伟 壮观。




o trip to Xi’an is complete without a visit to Han Yang Ling, the imperial necropolis on the city’s outskirts where thousands of Emperor Qin’s Terracotta Warriors stand silently. This army of terracotta statues is the pride of Xi’an, a testament to the city’s history and endurance. Standing guard in the emperor’s final resting place, each of these 8,000 uniquely crafted soldiers have distinct facial features, armour and even ethnic nuances and facial hair and can be found alongside 130 chariots and 670 horses. These life-size models represent the army that united China at the end of the Warring States Period (476–221 BC), and their discovery is considered one of the greatest archaeological finds in the world. It’s estimated the army took 40 years and over 700,000 labourers to complete. It lay hidden underground for 2,000 years, and wasn’t discovered until 1974, when local farmers digging a well made the discovery that would lead to decades of excavation. The site is more than just a museum. Excavation is ongoing, with new pits continually being restored and life being breathed back into more warriors daily. >

秦 始 皇 兵 马 俑

到西安必去汉阳陵, 否 则 整 个西安 之 旅 便不完整。汉阳陵位于市 郊,是皇室墓园,那里静静 地屹立着成千上万座秦兵 马俑。这支兵马俑大军是 西安的骄傲,见证了这座 城市的悠久历史和经久不 衰。这8,000名战士俑都是 经过独特的手工而制作出 来的,他们面部表情各异, 身穿不同盔甲,民族差异显 而易见,甚至连胡须也各不 相同。他们静静地在皇帝 临终之地 站岗看守,身边 配有130辆战车和670匹战 马。这些兵俑如真人般大

小,代表了战国末期(公元 前476-221年)统一中国的 军队,被誉为是世界上最伟 大的考古发现之一。 据估计,这支兵马俑大 军是700,000多名工匠花费 40年的时间合力打造出来 的,被隐匿于地下2,000年 之久。直到1974年,当地农 民挖井时才发现它的存在, 也是从那时起,人们开始了 十余年的挖掘工作。 这 里不仅仅 是 一座博 物馆。直至今日,挖掘工作 仍未停歇,新的俑坑不断 涌现,每天都有更多的战 士“重获新生”。 >

Clockwise from top left: The Great Wall of China weaves its way through China’s countryside; Up-close shots of Xi’an’s ancient Terracotta Warriors; One of the pits packed with terracotta sculptures; Forts are now used as lookouts along the Great Wall





ost of China’s most significant sites date back thousands of years and across numerous dynasties, but the Bund in Shanghai is a historical pup by comparison. Despite this, it represents an equally important and pivotal period in China’s history. The Bund is the Art Deco capital of the East and stands out compared to the usual red and gold temples strewn across the city. When Shanghai became one of the wealthiest trading cities in the world in the 1920s, it was quick to adopt the refined, geometric Art Deco style that was popular through Europe to celebrate it’s new found riches. Businessman Sir Victor Sassoon established Art Deco as the defining style of Shanghai when he unveiled the Cathay Hotel (now the Peace Hotel) in 1929. Fortunately for us, most of these hotels, banks, apartments and offices are still standing and are conveniently located in one long strip along the Bund. Today these buildings remain some of the most luxurious sites in the city and are home to everything from high-end restaurants like Three on the Bund to luxury accommodation like the Waldorf Astoria, all lovingly embracing their Art Deco heritage.

国大部分的重要景点 历史悠久,可追溯到 几千年前,跨 越了无数朝 代。相比较而言,上海外滩 算是个新生儿,但它也称得 上是中国历史上一段关键时 期的真实写照。外滩是东方 装饰艺术之都,与上海红色 和金色寺庙相比显得格外 突出,更加引人注目。20世 纪20年代,上海成为世界上 最富裕的贸易城市之一,外 滩很快便采用欧洲流行的 精致几何装饰风格,以庆祝 它收获的新财富。 19 2 9 年,已 故 上 海 首 富维克多·沙 逊(Victo r S a s s o o n)的 华 懋 饭 店 (现在的和平饭店)在上海 开业,他把装饰艺术派变成 了上海的标志性建筑风格。 幸运的是,这种风格的酒 店、银行、公寓和办公室等 留存至今,我们还可以在外 滩一带看到。今天,这类建 筑仍然是上海最豪华的建 筑,其中包括外滩三号、华 尔道夫等高级餐厅和酒店。

上 海 外 滩

Clockwise from top left: Art Deco architecture along the Bund; Xi’an’s Bell Tower; Drums from the Drum Tower; Wild Goose Pagoda; Shanghai’s Bund is a reminder of the city’s European heritage





i’an helped usher in the Ming dynasty, thanks in part to the words of wisdom of sage and hermit Zhu Sheng. Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was advised to build a highly fortified 12-metre wall around the ancient capital and end of the Silk Road to protect and establish his new empire. The wall has gone through many rebuilds and iterations since 1368, but still stands strong, encompassing historic Xi’an. The city has well and truly expanded beyond its walls with skyscrapers towering just outside, but enclosed remains a city rooted in a long and complex past. At the centre of the city is the Ming Dynasty Bell Tower, the bestpreserved bell tower in China. Standing at 36 metres and built in 1384, the tower provided an early warning of attack as well as sounding in a new day. The other beating heart of Xi’an is the Drum Tower, built in 1380. Here, in contrast to the Bell Tower, a drum was stricken at the end of each day.

具 有 历 史 意 义 的 西 安

来成为隐士的朱升当 年向 朱 元 璋 建 言 献 策——“高筑墙、广积粮、 缓称王”,助其创基立国, 兴建西安。朱元璋皇帝纳谏, 在古都和丝绸之路尽头建 造一堵12米高墙,以保护 和 巩 固 他 的 新 帝 国 。自 1368年以来,这座城墙历 经多次整修重建,至今依 然屹立不倒,紧紧环绕着历 史悠久的西安。如今,西安 早已扩张到了城墙之外,墙

外高耸着无数 摩天 大 厦, 但墙内仍是一个有着悠久 丰富历史的城市。明代钟 楼位于西安市中心,是中国 保 存最完 好的一座钟 楼, 建于1384年,总高36米,用 于预警和报时。西安市还有 另一颗跳动的心脏——西 安鼓楼,建于1380年,亦用 于报时。鼓楼与钟楼报时 机制不同,前者敲钟宣告一 天结束,而钟楼却是在早上 敲钟宣告一天开始。 101


R O YA L T R E AT M E N T You’ll get a real taste of the very best produce Australia has to offer at the Royal Mail Hotel’s all-new Wickens. Words and Photography: Dave Tacon

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皇家体验 光临皇家邮政酒店(Royal Mail Hotel)全新威肯斯餐厅, 品尝澳大利亚天下无双美食。 103



unkeld is an unlikely gourmet destination. This hamlet, 260km west of Melbourne, lies on the flat, volcanic plains of Victoria’s Western District, better known as one of Australia’s premier pastoral regions for sheep and wheat than for fine dining. Save for its spectacular views of sandstone monoliths Mount Sturgeon and Mount Abrupt, which jut out of the landscape on the southern edge of the Grampians National Park, Dunkeld would be a typical Victorian country town with a single commercial street catering to its 678 residents. The town’s transformation into one of Australia’s foremost regional retreats can be credited to Alan Myers, a local butcher’s son. A gifted student, Myers won a series of academic awards including a Rhodes Scholarship on his way to becoming one of the country’s leading barristers. At Oxford University, he developed a passion for fine wine and his success as both a lawyer and a savvy investor helped him amass one of the world’s largest private collections of Bordeaux and Burgundy wine. Myers never forgot his roots and in 1996 bought the social hub of Dunkeld, the Royal Mail Hotel, which first opened as a bluestone inn in 1855. After a year-long renovation it re-opened the following year with a curved pale green Art Deco style facade and an outdoor saltwater swimming pool. The hotel can host up to 120 guests with accommodations ranging from suites to bluestone cottages and a restored homestead, which sleeps up to 11 guests. A good part of Myers’ 26,000-bottle wine collection is cellared

Clockwise from top left: Bushes of herbs and Mount Sturgeon; Cured rainbow trout, oat cracker, pickled roe at Parker Street Project; Sommelier manager Matthew Lance in the cellar; Ducks who serve as pest control at the Royal Mail Hotel’s organic kitchen garden; Flathead, zucchini, flower gel and dill on the menu at Wickens restaurant at the Royal Mail Hotel


behind his father’s former butchery across the road from the hotel entrance.


Along with its encyclopaedic wine list that encompasses all corners of the globe, the Royal Mail’s dining rooms have earned a reputation for impeccably crafted, locally sourced fare. In the years since, the Royal Mail Hotel has earned a string of awards while their farm-to-table philosophy has evolved to include the largest kitchen garden in the Southern Hemisphere and livestock reared exclusively for its tables. “We wanted to create the most Australian restaurant in Australia,” says British-born executive chef Robin Wickens of his signature restaurant, Wickens, which opened in 2017, five years into his stint at the Royal Mail Hotel. There are few dining rooms in the country more attractive than Wickens, which boasts a panorama of a eucalypt valley and the twin peaks of Mounts Sturgeon and Abrupt framed through floor-to-ceiling windows. Wickens, who arrived in Australia from Southampton 18 years ago, places great emphasis on the freshness of the local produce, the bulk of which is picked daily from the Royal Mail Hotel’s nine acres of organic garden, orchards and olive groves. At the beginning of each week, the chef surveys the gardens and writes his menu accordingly. The range of dishes is constantly changing and evolving. “It’s like free jazz. Some restaurants can become like a rehearsed play, but we’re like an improv group.” Signature dishes were also absent at Wickens’ >


“皇家邮政酒店 餐厅的酒单就如 同一本百科全书, 涵盖了世界各地 的葡萄酒”

凯尔德(Dunkeld)不太 可能是个美食圣地,它位 于墨尔本以西260公里处 维 多利亚西区的火山平 原上。作为澳大利亚的主 要牧区之一,那里的羊和小麦比美食出名。 除斯特金山(Mount Sturgeon)和阿布鲁 普山(Mount Abrupt)的壮观砂岩石景色 外,邓凯尔德还是一个典型的维多利亚乡村 小镇,拥有一条商业街,供678名当地居民 吃喝玩乐。 该镇能成功转型为澳大利亚最重要的地 区度假场所归功于当地一个屠夫的儿子,名 为艾伦·迈尔斯(Alan Myers)。迈尔斯是 个天才学生,在他成为澳大利亚顶尖律师 的道路上曾荣获一系列学术奖项,其中包括 罗德奖学金(Rhodes Scholarship)。在牛 津大学念书时,他对上等葡萄酒情有独钟。 作为一名成功律师和精明投资者,他成为世 界上波尔多和勃艮第葡萄酒最大的私人收 藏家之一。迈尔斯从不忘记自己的根,他于 1996年买下邓凯尔德社交中心,即皇家邮 政酒店。该酒店于1855年开业,那时还只是 个青石客栈。经过一年整修,酒店正面改为 流线型设计,呈浅绿色艺术装饰风格,同时 还修建了一个室外盐水游泳池。该酒店一 共能住120名客人,房间包括套房、青石房

和能容纳最多11人的大房间。迈尔斯共藏有 26,000瓶葡萄酒,大部分存放在他父亲以 前的屠宰场里,屠宰场就在酒店对面。

热门菜品 皇家邮政酒店餐厅的酒单就如同一本百科 全书,涵盖了世界各地的葡萄酒,而这里的 食物因精湛手工及纯正来源而享有美誉。此 后几年里,酒店荣获很多奖项,同时他们从 农场到餐桌的理念也发生改变,演变成为南 半球最大的花园厨房和专门供应餐厅所需 家畜的养殖空间。 罗宾·威肯斯(Robin Wickens)出生于 英国,是皇家邮政酒店招牌餐厅威肯斯餐厅 (Wickens)的主厨。该餐厅于2017年, > 105


famed Melbourne restaurant Interlude, which built a reputation on avant-garde dishes presented with creative flair with inventive flavour combinations. “You can follow some restaurants on social media and see every dish before it’s served. We change so fast that we’re a difficult restaurant to review, but we strive for consistency in the experience.”


Diners at Wickens can choose either five or eightcourse degustation menus priced at $145 and $185 respectively. Vegetarian options are available, with diners free to choose wine from a 2,300-bottle wine list that includes prized vintages from France’s Chateau Mouton Rothschild and Penfold’s Grange Hermitage from Australia. A passionate team of sommeliers are on hand to assist, or diners can simplify matters by ordering pre-selected series of wines matched to the menu in three categories and price points, from $145 for a “cellar” selection or exclusively Australian or French wines at $155 and $250 respectively. Higher View chose the eight-course menu and cellar wine match during a visit to Wickens dining room. A procession of 13 small courses emerged from the modern open kitchen paired with wines from as far away as the foothills of Mount Etna in Sicily to as near as Tarrington, 20 minutes’ drive away. It was difficult to choose a highlight from the menu, but special mention goes to a dish of perfectly poached pork belly, cooked in butter for 36 hours, paired with a 2014 Ata Rangi Célèbre merlot blend from New Zealand’s


Clockwise from top left: Executive chef Robin Wickens puts the final touches on a dish at Wickens restaurant; Royal Mail Saltwater swimming pool; French toast served with bacon at the Parker Street Project; And their locally sourced breakfast menu


Martinborough region and a dessert of strawberry shortcake paired with a sweet, but balanced 2014 Joh. Jos. Prüm Sonnenuhr Auslese from one of Germany’s oldest and highly regarded vineyards in Mosel. Diners at the Royal Mail Hotel also have the choice of the more casual Parker Street Project, which is also overseen by Chef Wickens. Parker Street Project, which is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, focuses on larger plates, which are designed for sharing. Again, the freshness of the produce shines through with dishes such as a deliciously tender slow-cooked beef brisket with a bourbon whisky glaze and fresh organic berries and a decadent French toast from the breakfast menu, which features a succulent slab of thick cut local bacon. Lunch and dinner offers a six-course ‘Feed Me’ menu that can be tailored to guests’ tastes and dietary requirements. “Apart from serving delicious food, the idea was to develop more aspects of the food-and-beverage experience to encourage guests to stay longer, enjoy the outback setting and relax.” The Royal Mail Hotel’s wine collection is clearly one of its drawcards. From Tuesday to Sunday, hotel guests can join cellar tours led by sommelier manager, Matthew Lance, who previously developed the wine list at Beijing’s Shangri-La hotel. “When we did our first stocktake, we had to write off some wines. From then on we make sure nothing gets poured down the > sink. Everything is available to buy.” Cellar tours are


即威肯斯在皇家邮政酒店工作满5年时开 业。威肯斯说:“ 我们想在澳大利亚打造出 最具澳大利亚特色的餐厅。”在澳大利亚, 没有几家餐厅比威肯斯餐厅更具吸引力。从 餐厅向外看,可以看到桉树谷的全景,落地 窗上也映出斯特金山和阿布鲁普山的双峰 倒影。18年前,威肯斯从南安普敦来到澳大 利亚,他强调酒店食材必须保持新鲜。酒店 自带9英亩的有机花园、果园和橄榄园,大 部分的食材均来源于此。 每周开始时,厨师会检查园中食材并据 此写出菜单。菜肴种类不断更新, “就像免 费爵士乐一样,有些餐馆可能像排练剧,但 我们就如同即兴表演团”。威肯斯著名的墨 尔本餐厅Interlude也同样没有招牌菜,它 以有创新口味的前卫佳肴而声名远扬。 “您 可以在社交媒体上关注一些餐厅,提前查看 每一道菜肴。然而,由于我们的菜单变化很 快,提前查看菜肴并非易事,但我们也在努 力保持其一致性”。

艰难抉择 在 威肯斯 餐厅吃饭,您 可以 选 择 5 道 或8 道菜品,价格分别为145澳元和185澳元。 这 里也 提 供 素 食,顾 客 可以 从 2 , 3 0 0 瓶 来自法国木桐酒庄(Chateau Mouton R o t h s c h i l d )和 澳 大 利 亚 奔 富 酒 庄 (Penfold)的珍贵葡萄酒中自由选择。热

情的斟酒服务员随时为您服务,或者简单一 点,您也可以点与菜单配套的预选葡萄酒系 列,共分三个种类和价位——“地窖”酒145 澳元、澳大利亚葡萄酒155澳元、法国葡萄 酒255澳元。来到威肯斯餐厅,我们选择了 8道菜和地窖酒搭配。从现代开放式厨房中 呈现的13道菜肴与远自西西里岛(Sicily)埃 特纳火山(Mount Etna)山脚和近自仅20 分钟车程的泰灵顿(Tarrington)所产的葡 萄酒相得益彰。从菜单中选出招牌特色并 非易事,但特别值得一提的是在黄油中慢 炖36小时的水煮五花肉,搭配产自新西兰马 丁伯勒2014年的墨尔乐红酒(Ata Rangi ‘Celebre’),还有草莓脆饼甜点,搭配 以2014年的J.J.Prum白葡萄酒(Joh. Jos. Prüm Sonnenuhr Auslese)——产自德国 最古老最有声望的酒产区摩泽尔(Mosel)。 来皇家邮政 酒店也可选 择更随 意的 Parker Street Project餐厅,也由大厨威克斯 负责。Parker Street Project餐厅提供早餐、 午餐和晚餐,这里的菜量都很足,主要是为 了相互分享。此外,这里的食物也很讲究新 鲜度,在早餐的菜单上就可以体现出来—— 波本威士忌慢炖鲜嫩牛脯、新鲜有机浆果和 法国吐司,吐司上的一片多汁厚培根是其主 要的亮点。午餐和晚餐提供6道菜的“喂饱 我” (Feed Me)菜单,可根据顾客口味和饮 食要求量身定制。 “除了提供美食之外,我 > 1 07


priced at $25 per person and include a comparative wine tasting that caters to novices and seasoned wine buffs alike.


If one thing compels guests to stay longer, it’s the scenery and serenity of the property’s rural setting. Encounters with eastern grey kangaroos on bushwalking tracks are common. The Royal Mail Hotel also hosts captive breeding programs for endangered Australian animals such as eastern and tiger quolls (a marsupial cat), long-nosed potaroos (a marsupial rat, more closely related to kangaroos) and squirrel gliders (a bushy tailed possum that can glide up to 70 metres between trees). Wildlife feeding tours are held each day from 4:30pm, Monday to Saturday. Daily kitchen garden tours led by either Chef Wickens or head gardener Michelle Shanahan are another unique experience at the Royal Mail Hotel. As a task force of white ducks patrols the two acres of the main garden as organic pest control, guests are led through the various crops, which provide 85% of fresh produce across both the Royal Mail Hotel’s restaurants. “Avocados are two years away, ”Wickens says, “but the whole process will take seven years.” Shanahan oversees 400 varieties of seeds, with each crop planned a year in advance. Although Wickens’ fruit and vegetables are entirely sourced from its gardens, ingredients such as tropical fruit make occasional appearances at Parker Street Project. Shanahan hopes to raise bananas for the first time in 2018. It’s clear that, for Wickens, the kitchen garden is the heart and soul of the Royal Mail Hotel and its restaurants, which are guided by whichever crop is freshest and bountiful. One of the greatest appeals of the Royal Mail Hotel is that each return visit will be met with an entirely different range of dishes as well as wines. “It’s a very unique way of running a kitchen,” Wickens says. “Things are always changing. We want people to be surprised, but sometimes chefs can try to be too clever. First and foremost, the food has to be delicious.” 108

DETAILS Royal Mail Hotel From $310 per night,

Clockwise from top left: A Deluxe Mountain View Room with private balcony; Rows of fresh berries at the Royal Mail Hotel’s organic kitchen garden, which can grow around 400 types of edible plants; Royal Mail Hotel entry

们还想发展更多方面的饮食体验以鼓励顾客 在酒店多作停留,享受放松的生活。” 皇家邮政酒店的藏酒显然是其王牌之 一。周二至周日,酒店宾客可以参加侍酒师 经理马修·兰斯(Matthew Lance)主持的 酒窖游,兰斯此前在北京香格里拉酒店定制 过酒单。 “第一次做盘点时,我们不得不倒 掉一些酒。自此之后,我们确保不再浪费任 何酒,所有酒品都可出售。”参加酒窖游的 费用是每人25澳元,无论您是品酒新手还是 资深爱好者,都可以大饱口福。

乡村酒店 如果有一样东西能留住顾客,让他们多住些 时日,那便是农村的景色和宁静。丛林中东 部灰袋鼠的身影随处可见。皇家邮政酒店还 为澳大利亚濒危动物如东虎袋鼬(一种有 袋目猫科动物)、长鼻鼠(一种有袋目鼠,与 袋鼠十分相近)、滑行松鼠(一种大尾负鼠, 能在树之间滑行长达70米)等设立人工养殖 项目。野生动物饲养体验从每天下午4:30开

始,每周一至周六对外开放。 大 厨 威 克 斯 或 园 丁 米 歇 尔·姗 娜 娜 (Michelle Shanahan)领导的每日花园 厨房之旅也是皇家邮政酒店的另一独特体 验。白鸭队在两英亩主园内防控害虫,顾客 可在各种农产品田地间穿梭游玩,这些农产 品为酒店提供了85%的食材。威肯斯说:“栽 种牛油果已有两年的时间了,但全程共需要 七年。”姗娜娜负责监督400个种子品种, 每种需提前一年做好计划。虽然威肯斯餐厅 的水果蔬菜全部源自酒店花园,但却不常出 现热带水果的身影。姗娜娜希望能在2018 年首次种植香蕉。 花园厨房是酒店和其餐厅的心脏和灵 魂,主打新鲜丰富的`农作物。酒店最大的吸 引力便是为回客提供不同的美食佳肴和上 等好酒。威肯斯说:“这是经营餐馆最独特 的方式,一切都在变化之中。我们希望带给 顾客惊喜,但有时厨师的尝试会过于冒险, 适得其反。最首要且重要的原则是——食物 必须美味。”

Gartelmann Wines Gartelmann Wines is one of the Hunter Valley’s most respected winemakers. Established in 1996 the winery produces award winning wines from the best wine growing regions in New South Wales.


24 HOURS IN... Qingdao Only have one day to spend exploring Qingdao? Don’t miss any of the must-see attractions with this guide to a perfect day in the coastal city.

如果您只有一天的时间探索青岛这座美丽的沿海城市,那么下面这一指南将为 您奉上各大必到景点,助您在青岛度过完美精彩的一天。




Start the day right with a relaxing walk around May Fourth Square. The crowds don’t pick up around the landmark till later in the morning, so it’s the perfect time to visit the site and take in its enormity. The giant May Wind sculpture is hard to miss. It’s bright red, 100 metres tall and in stark contrast to the rest of the city. Sitting on the city’s shoreline, it’s also a great starting point for a coastal walk.


Make your way east for a casual stroll, where you can stop at one of the many cafes along the way for the coffee. After about 40 minutes you’ll hit Qingdao No.1 Bathing Beach. Here, you can go for a morning dip or just take in the calming sounds of the ocean. If you walk west then you’ll hit the Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center, which was built for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. From here you could book a morning boat ride along Fushansuo > Wan, or try your hand at sailing.



新的一天,从五四广场休闲漫步开始。只有到了临 近中午的时候,大多数人才会来这里活动,所以清 晨是欣赏此地雄伟壮观、感受其沉重历史气息的 绝佳时机。来到这里,百米喷泉不容错过。它通体 呈鲜红色,高达100米,与城市形成鲜明对比。在城市 海岸线上坐坐,以此开启海边漫步之旅,也是不错的 选择。

如果您向东行进,途中会路过很多咖啡厅,您可以停 下来喝上一杯,稍作休息。步行约40分钟后,您便来 到青岛第一海水浴场。在这里,您可以来个晨浴,也 可以只是静静地感受悦耳的海水声。如果向西走,便 会到达青岛奥林匹克帆船中心,这是为2008年北京 奥运会量身打造的。在这里,您可以乘船游览浮山 湾,也可以尝试一下帆船运动。 > 111



Xiaoyushan Park offers some of the best views of Qingdao and it’s only a short walk from No.1 Bathing Beach. The park itself sits at an elevation of about 60 metres, but it’s even higher if you climb the stairs to the top of the ancient towers. To reach the towers you’ll have to walk through the 2.5-hectare garden, which is filled with a range of local and exotic flowers. The most impressive tower is Lan Cao Ge Tower. From the top of this three-storey octagonal structure you can see all the way out to Lu Xun Park, Zhanqiao Pier and Little Qingdao Island.


In the shape of a qin (a stringed instrument) jutting into Qingdao Bay, Little Qingdao was connected to the mainland in the 1940s by a foot bridge. The Germans built a light house on the isle in the 1900s, and since there isn’t much else on the island, it has become the main attraction. It’s the perfect spot to watch the city buzz while you kick back and relax.

早晨11点 小鱼山公园离第一海水浴场只有几分钟路程。登上小鱼山,俯 瞰青岛市,无限美景尽收眼底。公园海拔仅有60米,但如果您 登上古塔,便会发现它不止60米之高。到达塔楼必经一座2.5 公顷的花园,里面的鲜花竞相开放,飘香四溢。最让人印象深 刻的塔楼当属这座三层之高的“览潮阁”了,其采用八角结构 设计,站在上面可远观鲁迅公园、栈桥码头和小青岛公园。

下午1点 Clockwise from top: View of Old Town and Qingdao Bay from Xiaoyushan Park; St. Michael’s Cathedral; Qingdao’s iconic brew, Tsingtao; Old German guesthouse at No.1 Bathing Beach; Cherry blossoms in bloom; Lighthouse on Little Qingdao


小青岛呈古琴状(一种弦乐器),一直延伸至青岛湾。20世纪 40年代修建堤坝与陆地相连,成为陆连岛。20世纪,德国人 在岛上修建了一座灯塔,由于岛上没有很多其他的建筑,所以 该灯塔成了最显眼的景致。这里堪称绝佳之地,您可感受城 市的繁闹喧嚣,也可享受海边的宁静安逸。


“青岛的历史 建 筑 如同其他 欧 洲 租 界 城 市 的 建 筑 一 样 ,具 有 哥 特式、罗马式和装饰派艺术风格, 所 有这 些 风 格 都 是 从 其他 文化 借鉴而来的”

下午2点 青岛的历史建筑如同其他欧洲租界城市的建筑一样,具有哥 特式、罗马式和装饰派艺术风格,所有这些风格都是从其他文 化借鉴而来的。圣弥厄尔教堂就是一个很好的例子,该天主 教堂由德国人建造,1934年竣工。有趣的是,文革时期,两个 尖塔上方的十字架曾被锯下深埋。2005年,市政工人在离教 堂不远处的龙山路修理地下水管时,偶然发现了这两个被埋 葬的十字架。如今,它们被保存在北耳堂。



Like other European concession cities, Qingdao’s historical buildings can often reflect Gothic, Roman and Art Deco styles of architecture, all of which were adopted from other cultures. A great example of this is St Michael’s Cathedral. The Germans completed the Catholic church in 1934. An interesting fact is that the original crosses that topped the two steeples were once removed and buried. In 2005, city workers repairing water pipes on Longshan Road, not far from the cathedral, accidentally found them. They’re now stored in the north transept.

如果您去青岛,就一定得尝尝著名的青岛啤酒。要喝青岛啤 酒,就去青岛啤酒博物馆。青岛啤酒是中国最具代表性的啤 酒,在该博物馆,您能看到它最原始的酿造过程。这里还有老 照片、酿酒设备、统计资料等供您观看。除此之外,您还可以 一窥现代工厂生产线。啤酒花的香味弥漫整个博物馆,幸运 的是,途经的各种啤酒,您都大可开怀品尝。 >


If you’re going to visit Qingdao then you have to try its famous Tsingtao beer, and there’s no better place to do it than at the Tsingtao Beer Museum. It’s here that you’ll see the original and still-operating brewery of China’s most iconic beer. On view are old photos, preserved brewery equipment and statistics. You’ll also get a look at the modern factory line. The aroma of hops is everywhere, and thankfully you’ll get to sample brews along the way. > 113


“Like other European concession cities, Qingdao’s historical buildings can often reflect Gothic, Roman and Art Deco styles of architecture”




Sunset is best spent at Zhongshan Park. Sitting in the foreground of Taiping Mountain, the park is the largest and oldest in the city. It faces the sea in the south and is surrounded by mountains in the three other directions. There are more than 100,000 plants from at least 360 species in the park. There is also Cherry Blossom Road, just opposite the entrance. More than 20,000 cherry trees transplanted from Japan decades ago are growing along the 600-metre-long road. From mid-April, the cherry trees are in full bloom and are considered one of the most spectacular sights the city has to offer.

下午6点 到了日落时分,就去中山公园吧!该公园东傍太平山,是全市 最大、最古老的公园。它三面环山,南向大海,内有100,000多 种植物和360余种植物群。大门正对一条长600米的樱花路, 樱花树达20,000多棵,全都是几十年前从日本进口而来的。四 月中旬开始,樱花便堆满树枝,争芳斗艳,成为这座城市最壮 观的景致之一。

下午8点半 如果您只打算在青岛住一晚,那么就应该入住青岛最好的酒 店——香格里拉酒店。这里设有餐厅香宫,如果您想品尝淮扬 菜、粤菜、鲁菜,那么来这里算是来对了。如果您想吃海鲜,那 么青岛作为沿海城市,菜单上自然也满是新鲜海味。临睡之 前,记得去大堂小酌一杯。游览青岛一天后回到酒店,看到套 房里的豪华特大床,顿时让您心感宽慰!


If you’re going to spend just one night in Qingdao, then you want to stay at the city’s best: Shangri-La Hotel. Here, you’ll also find Shang Palace. If you want to sample and savour Huaiyang, Cantonese and Shandong cuisine, this is the place to be. Being a coastal city, the menu also boasts a large variety of fresh seafood. For a nightcap, head to the Lobby Lounge. After a day packed with discovering all Qingdao has to offer, you’ll be relieved to see a plush king-size bed in your suite awaiting you.

Clockwise from top: Zhanqiao Pier at sunset; Qingdao specialises in cooking up locally caught seafood; View of the city at dusk


Higher Life




Time travel

Frederique Constant’s 2018 novelty Classic Worldtimer Manufacture is a timepiece for the world traveller. A finely etched map is visible on the dial, as are 24 cities placed on its outer rim, so you’re able to track time throughout 24 cities worldwide. POA, 康斯登(FREDERIQUE CONSTANT)2018年打造的CLASSIC WORLDTIMER MANUFACTURE新作将是世界旅行者们的最 佳时计。这款腕表的面盘上雕刻了精美的世界地图,24座城市 的名称设于外缘上,让您一表在手就能知悉全球不同时区之 时间脉动。



Most wanted


Taste of paradise

Chopard takes a new direction when it comes to luxury fragrances, launching a line of ecological perfumes. Orang Mauresque, Jasmin Moghol, Rose Seljuke, and Miel d’Arabie make up the collection of four fragrances inspired by Gardens of Paradise. POA, 受天堂花园启发,萧邦(CHOPARD)向奢华香 水领域大胆地迈出了新的一步,推出了四款生 态香水——ORANG MAURESQUE、JASMIN MOGHOL、ROSE SELJUKE及MIEL D’ARABIE。



Zenith’s iconic Pilot Cronometro Tipo CP-2 gets an upgrade. The timepiece is now equipped with a cutting-edge automatic El Primero column wheel chronograph with flyback function and is available in both bronze and aged stainless steel case. Pilot Cronometro Tipo CP-2 Flyback, POA,

An homage to 80s videogaming culture, the Guccy print draws inspiration from the SEGA logo, a fixture in the colorful arcades and coin-op game rooms of the time. Guccy Leather Pouch, $1,135,

真力时(ZENITH) 的经典PILOT CRONOMETRO TIPO CP-2表款此 次获得了大升级, 现已配备具有高 端飞返功能的EL PRIMERO星速自 动上链导柱轮计 时码表,同时表 壳也提供两种选 择——青铜及复古 精钢。


GUCCY印花向80年代电子游戏文化致敬,灵 感来源于SEGA标志,常见于当时色彩绚丽的 街机游戏厅中的大型机台。售价:1,135澳元。

NEW IN TOWN Luxury Swiss watchmakers IWC have opened the doors to their very first Australian boutique. Located on Melbourne’s exclusive Collins Street, the store is as sleek as their timepieces and will house limited edition collections and timeless pieces. 360 Collins Street, Melbourne, 瑞士制表商万国(IWC)已经进军澳大利亚市场,其首家 精品门店选址于墨尔本市高档的柯林斯街(360 COLLINS STREET)。该门店的整体设计品味与万国腕表保持一致, 精致且时尚,同时这里还将收藏万国限量及经典款式。


Starry eyed Known for their stunningly minimalistic designs, Sarah and Sebastian have kept on brand with the launch of their new Zodiac collection. The range is made up of 12 fine necklaces that don petite zodiac symbols, available in both yellow and white gold. From $295,


因绝佳的简约设计而闻名,珠宝品牌 SARAH & SEBASTIAN此次又带来了让人眼 前一亮的新作——生肖系列。12款精致小巧 的生肖符号项链,有黄金及白金两种材质供 您选择。售价:295澳元起。

Family jewels Rolex is introducing a gem-set version of the Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona model. On this 18ct Everose gold version, in lieu of the tachymetric scale, the bezel is set with sapphires in rainbow hues. The case is adorned with 56 brilliant-cut diamonds and the dial features 11 baguette-cut sapphire hour markers. POA, 劳力士(ROLEX)最新推出了极致完美的宝石 系列计时腕表——宇宙计型迪通拿(OYSTER PERPETUAL COSMOGRAPH DAYTONA)。 这款18CT永恒玫瑰金腕表的面盘上镶有11颗 彩虹色系的蓝宝石,采用长阶梯形琢型切割方 式,用以代替刻度尺,与表壳上嵌有的56颗明 亮琢型钻石相映成辉。

Summer loving Evoking images of Italian summer, Salvatore Ferragamo’s Small Foulard Tote Bag is adorned with a chic floral printed silk scarf and delicately crafted from calfskin. The mini tote is a summer must-have. $1,190, 为重现意大利夏日的精彩,菲拉格慕 (SALVATORE FERRAGAMO)特地推出精 美迷你手提包。这款迷你手提包由小牛皮精 制而成,饰有别致的印花真丝围巾,是您夏 日搭配的必备品。售价:1,190澳元。

1. Jacquemus, $645, 2. Rejina Pyo, $660, 3. Loewe, $1,230, 4. The Row, $1,232, 5. Neous, $560,




German powerhouse A. Lange & Söhne break continue to impress In the world of high-end watchmaking one of the great technical challenges is the split seconds – or rattrapante – chronograph, which allows you to time two events simultaneously. Turns out that a regular split-seconds isn’t enough of a challenge for highend watchmakers A. Lange & Söhne who, in 2004 released the Double Split, allowing the wearer to simultaneously time events up to 29 minutes and 59 seconds in length. This year Lange doubled (or should that be tripled) down with the Triple Split, the first ever watch that measures split seconds, minutes and hours. The A. Lange & Söhne Triple Split isn’t just incredible looking, it’s an incredible achievement. A. Lange & Söhne Triple Split, POA,

标杆,重生 积家北宸(Jaeger-LeCoultre) 系列腕表追溯过去 Po l a r i s腕 表的成功回归引领着 积 家 北 宸 系 列 腕 表 在日内 瓦 的 盛 大 展 出。Polaris腕表在传统设计上进行重 新构想,是一款时尚运动型手表,既可 简单计算时间,又可进行复杂的世界时 间计时。表壳上的抛光设计是对1965 年发 行 的初 代 Po l a r i s 腕 表 的完美 致 敬。Polaris腕表与其他潜水手表不同的 是,它拥有整套的机械闹铃。这款2018 积家Memovox极地响闹系列腕表并 不是过去款式的简单复制,而是注入品 牌精髓,是精美且复杂的升级再造。表 壳经磨砂和手工抛光处理,工艺复杂; 表盘呈现出不同质感,并刻有积家的品 牌标志。其中一样元素始终如一,那就 是腕表发出清脆的闹铃声。



德国名表朗格(A. Lange & Söhne)延续追针传奇 在高端手表制造领域中,一个很大的技术性挑战就是双 秒针秒表,也称双追针计时秒表,能同时对两个事件进行 计时。对于一个高端手表制造商来说,普通的双秒针计时 并不足以成为一个挑战。20 04年,朗格手表发行了一款 双追针计时系列腕表Double Split,佩戴者能同时对不 同事件进行长达29分59秒的计时。今年,朗格研发了一款 Triple Split系列手表,计时时长是双追针款的双倍(或许 应为三倍),这是首款能进行秒、分、时计时的手表。朗格 Triple Split系列手表不仅可以带来惊艳的视觉效果,同时 也是称得上是一项惊人的成果。 120

The Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie, held every January in Geneva, sets the tone for the industry. Based on our highlights it looks like a strong start for 2018. 日内瓦国际高级钟表展(Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie)于每年1月在日内瓦 (Geneva)举行,奠定了钟表产业的基调。从那些 亮点看来,本届钟表展为2018年开了个好头。



Jaeger-LeCoultre dive into their past Jaeger-LeCoultre’s SIHH line-up was dominated by the triumphant return of the Polaris, a vintage design reimagined as a complete collection of sporty-chic timepieces that offered everything from simple automatics to complex world timers. The shining halo in the collection is this pitch-perfect tribute to the first Polaris, originally released in 1965. The Polaris is a different kind of dive watch, one with an integrated mechanical alarm. This 2018 Memovox isn’t just simple reproduction of the past; it’s a subtle and sophisticated upgrade that honours the spirit and unmistakable style of the original. The case is complex and hand-finished, while the dial displays a mix of finishes, and refined applied markers. But one thing that is the same is the sound of that whirring alarm. Jaeger-LeCoultre Polaris Memovox, $18,400, (indicative),


名士手表(Baume & Mercier)大展拳脚 名士Baumatic腕表上链一次所维持的时间长达5天,很 多名贵钟表制造商对这个惊人的数字都望而却步。这款 腕表看似平淡无奇,其强大的动力储存功能却并不是其 唯一过人之处。Baumatic腕表标志着名士手表进军享 有盛名的业内俱乐部。除多小时动力储存外,名士BM121975A机芯拥有防磁硅游丝,能抵抗150 0高斯磁场强 度。Baumatic腕表在表带上也下了不少功夫,表壳十分 耐用,表径40毫米,风格经典,永不过时。


Baume & Mercier flex their in-house muscles Five days. That’s how long the Baume & Mercier Baumatic can last between winding – the sort of impressive statistic that is typically reserved for much pricier timepieces. Strong power reserve isn’t the only impressive fact about this seemingly mildmannered watch. The Baumatic also marks Baume & Mercier’s entry into the prestigious in-house club. In addition to the many hours of power, the caliber BM12-1975A boasts extensive anti-magnetic silicon technology in the hairspring and escapement, ensuring that it will resist up to 1500 Gauss. The Baumatic delivers on the wrist too, with a very wearable 40mm case size and a timeless style. Baume & Mercier Baumatic, COSC edition, $3,900, 121



Ulysse Nardin’s avant-garde icon gets an upgrade Seventeen years ago Ulysse Nardin released a bold, unconventional watch that was like nothing anyone had seen before. That watch was called the Freak. Rather than hide its mechanism away, the Freak used gears and wheels in an entirely new way – to tell the time. One end of the carousel escapement ‘arm’ indicates the minutes, while a rotating disc marks the minutes. But this novel time display isn’t the only surprise the latest model – the Freak Vision – has in store. The 45mm platinum and titanium cased watch is the first Freak to feature automatic winding, thanks to the cutting-edge “Grinder” winding system. Seventeen years on and the Freak is still strong. Ulysse Nardin Freak Vision , $137,600 (indicative)

奇想风格 雅典表(Ulysse Nardin)前卫形象升级 十七年前瑞士雅典表(Ulysse Nardin)发行了一款 大胆、打破传统的手表,大家闻所未闻。这款手表 被称为Freak奇想陀飞轮腕表。奇想系列并不掩盖 机械内芯,而是以用机芯运转的方式显示时间,腕 表的“飞行卡罗素”会绕其轴心旋转,独有双向硅 晶体擒纵装置显示分钟,设计焕然一新。但这种新 颖的时间表示法并不是最新奇妙构想腕表(Freak Vision)的唯一惊喜,它采用最前沿的“磨床”式自 动上链系统,拥有4 5 m m白金和钛表壳的奇 想系 列手表是第一款拥有自动上链功能的表款。十七年 来,奇想系列(the Freak)仍然经久不衰。


Out-of-this-world watchmaking on show with Van Cleef & Arpels’ wrist-sized wonder The Maison of Van Cleef & Arpels may be better known for their jewellery and precious stones, but their watchmaking is as exceptional and unique, with a focus on telling time in a whimsical, poetic way. The diamond-set Lady Arpels Planétarium is no exception. While it does tell the time, thanks to the small shooting star at the outer edge of the aventurine dial, the real focus is giving the wearer an accurate model of the inner section of the solar system. Tiny models of Mercury, Venus and Earth revolve – in real time – around a golden sun, and Earth even has its own diamond moon, which makes its own 29.5-day revolution around our planet. High watchmaking at its finest. Van Cleef & Arpels Lady Arpels Planétarium, POA,

星空幻想 梵克雅宝(Van Cleef & Arpels)腕表 出色的手表制造商 提 到梵克 雅宝,人们大多想 到的 是 珠 宝和宝石,但它的手 表制造 也同样出色、独具一格,以一种异 想天开、极 具诗意的方式显示时 间,Lady Arpels Planétarium 镶钻系列亦是如此。在显示时间的 同时,砂金石表面外围的小流星给

予佩戴者将星体运行世界精确模 型戴在手腕上的感受。水星、金星 和地球的小模型围绕着金色的太 阳实时旋转,地球甚至拥有一个自 己的钻石月球,这个月球模型也以 29.5天的周期围绕地球进行公转, 不愧是至尊高端手表制造商。

GREEN MACHINE Montblanc’s high-end chronograph has evergreen appeal

Depending on the light, the stunning green dial of this watch – with its sunray and fumé finishes – looks anywhere between emerald and pine green. This incredibly rich colour is wonderfully complemented by the off-white Arabic numerals and white pulsograph scale. You could be forgiven for thinking the dial is the hero of this watch, but the real star is the movement – an intricate hand-wound Minerva calibre, the M32.21 – an exceptionally classic and incredibly finished movement. The fact this winning combination is packaged up in a wrist-friendly 40mm steel case is the icing on the cake. But get in quick, as only 100 of these beauties are being made. Montblanc 1858 Chronograph Monopusher Limited Edition, POA,



TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY HERITAGE Cartier’s icon gets a user-friendly upgrade

The original Cartier Santos, made for pioneering aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont, dates back to 1904, and claims the distinction of being the first modern wristwatch. The latest version manages to honour that rich history while still offering some innovative new features, notably the new QuickSwitch system, which allows anyone to easily change a strap in seconds, without the need for tools. There’s also the SmartLink, which gives you the same convenience with bracelet links – very welcome updates indeed. The Santos comes in medium and large sizes, in steel, pink and yellow gold cases, and – our favourite – a steel and yellow gold two-tone option. Cartier Santos de Cartier, from $8,750,

Piaget prove that thin is in

If Piaget is known for one thing, it’s thin. The Geneva-based brand has spent decades shaving fractions of millimetres off their timepieces. This watch, the Altiplano Ultimate 910P, is the ultimate expression of this quest – a watch as technical as it is debonair. And while the dial looks the part, you need to take a look at the side view to see the true appeal of this Piaget. This Altiplano measures a mere 4.30mm high, making it the thinnest automatic watch ever made, and an engineering marvel. Piaget has managed this incredible feat by stripping away anything superfluous. Take, for example, the case back. To keep things as thin as possible, the case back also serves as the baseplate of the movement. The winding rotor has also been placed peripherally, so as not to interfere with that slender profile. Piaget Altiplano Ultimate 910P rose gold ,$39,300,




卡地亚(Cartier)品牌 进行用户友好型升级 1904年,卡地亚为先驱飞行员阿尔贝 托·桑托斯·杜蒙(Alberto SantosDumont)设计了首款Cartier Santos 腕表,是当之无愧的首个现代腕表。 新一代在向这段悠久历史致敬的同 时,也彰显出一些新颖的特点——快 速替换系统(QuickSwitch)。通过这 个系统,任何人都能不费吹灰之力且


不借助任何工具在几秒内更换 表带。同时,SmartLink也能 让您轻松调试表链长度,这 项升级再造着实受到广大 消费者青睐。Santos系列 采用中大型钢制粉金和黄 金表壳,也有我们最爱的精 钢黄金双色表壳供选择。

伯爵手表的最大特点就是一个字——薄。 这个总部设在日内瓦(Geneva)的品 牌 耗 时 数十年,只为从 其 手 表 上削 去极薄的几毫米。这 款Alti plano U lti m ate 910 P系列手表实现了 “随心工艺”的终极追求。由于 从表面只能看到表的一部分,所 以您需要从侧面来观察这款伯 爵手表的真实面目。Altiplano 手表仅4.3毫米厚,是史上最薄的 自动手表,堪称工艺奇迹。通过去 掉所有冗余的部分,伯爵手表实现了 这一难以置信的成 就。以表壳底盖为 例,为了让手表薄到极致,底盖也用作机 芯底盘。上链自动陀被安置在周边,防止 其影响到手表细长的外观 。


万宝龙(Montblanc)高端计时器 在日光照射下,无论从哪个角度看,表盘都呈现出漂 亮的渐变绿 色,浅至翠绿,深至松绿。这惊人的丰 富色彩与白色的阿拉伯数字及白色测速刻度相得益 彰。您可能会误认为这款手表的亮点在于表壳,但实 际上,真正的主角却是机芯。其采用复杂的手绕式 Minerva calibre M32.21机芯,经过精致打磨,经 典非凡。表壳由精钢打造,直径40毫米。但是得抓紧 时间入手了,因为限量仅100枚而已。




Travel in style with these three timepieces

Montblanc’s latest 1858 collection is all about the spirit of adventure and exploration, so the choice to add a second time zone with the 1858 Geosphere makes perfect sense. The real appeal of this rugged travellers’ watch is the novel dual-hemisphere display on the dial. The Luminor Due, a dressier take on Panerai’s instantly recognisable diver, was originally released in 2016. This year the brand added a GMT complication to the larger 45mm model, which – combined with the elegant anthracite dial – adds a touch of first-class to the travel experience. One extra time zone isn’t enough for Jaeger-LeCoultre’s Polaris Chronograph WT, which allows you to tell the time anywhere on earth, at a glance. On top of that there’s a handy chronograph, and some serious heritage style.

环球 戴着这三款腕表来一场时尚旅行

Montblanc 1858 Geosphere, POA ,; Panerai Luminor Due 3 Days GMT Power Reserve Automatic Acciaio, $15,100 (indicative) ,; Jaeger-LeCoultre Polaris Chronograph WT $20,200 (indicative),

COLOUR AND MOVEMENT Women’s watches put on a show

Cartier’s love of the panther is well-known, and it’s a recurring motif on the brand’s timepieces. But never quite like this. The Révélation d’une Panthère (one of the Masion’s top-end Metiers d’Art pieces) uses hundreds of tiny golden beads, suspended in a clear liquid, which trace out the distinctive lines of the big cat. Pure enchantment. Glashütte-based A. Lange & Söhne have a reputation for serious, sober designs. This new take on the 39mm Saxonia Thin shows off their playful side. The dial, made from aventurine glass, gets its rich blue hue from copper oxide, a material that also accounts for the embedded sparkles. It’s like wearing the night sky on your wrist. Audemars Piguet offered new versions of the Millenary this year, including this model, with an offset opal dial and “frosted gold” case, a sparkling, diamondlike finish achieved by using a tiny pneumatic hammer to create minuscule indentations in the precious pink gold case. A Polish mesh strap completes the look. Cartier Révélation d’une Panthère, POA ,; A. Lange & Söhne Saxonia Thin in copper blue, $29,500 ,; Audemars Piguet Millenary , POA ,

1 24

万 宝 龙(M o n t b l a n c)最 新 款 18 5 8系 列 演 绎 着 冒 险与 探 索 精 神,1858 Geosphere系列增添了 第二个时区。这款旅行者腕表最大 的特别之处在于表盘上的巧妙分 布的双半球。 Luminor Due系列初始发行于 2016年,是沛纳海(Panerai)著 名的时尚手表。今年,这个品牌在 一款更大的45毫米款式上新增了

格林尼治标准时间设计,与优雅的 煤黑色表盘相得益彰,为旅行者带 来了一流体验。 对于积家世界 时间计时腕 表 (Jaeger-LeCoultre’s Polaris Chronograph WT)而言,增加一 个时区是远远不够的。这款腕表能 让您在地球的任何地方只需瞟一眼 就能获悉时间,并且秉承传统,内 置计时码表 。

颜色与动感 女人专属腕表 卡地亚(Cartier)系列对黑豹的钟爱 是 众所周知的,而这个主 题再次出现 在其品牌腕表上,这次更加别具一格。 卡地亚美洲豹腕表(精品店里最高端 的Metiers d’Art系列之一)使用数百 颗金色圆珠勾勒出猎豹轮廓,彰显纯 粹魅力。 以德国格拉苏蒂(Glashütte)为总 部的朗格(A. Lange & Söhne)手表 以严谨、朴素的设计而享有盛名。但这 款全新的39毫米Saxonia Thin系列展 现了其调皮活泼的一面。表面由砂金石 玻璃制成,从氧化铜中提取了丰富的铜 蓝色,镶嵌的宝石发出深蓝色光芒,宛 如将夜空戴在了手腕上。 爱彼(Audemars Piguet)今年为 Millenary千禧系列增添了新成员。这 款表拥有独一无二的猫眼石表盘,玫 瑰金表壳则经过璀璨夺目的霜金锤打 处理,搭配玫瑰金“波兰”编织表带, 优雅腕表完美呈现。

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Starting at the top Once the domain of super-rich speed demons, owning a Porsche just became more attainable – and drivable – with this suave SUV, reckons Susannah Guthrie. SPECS Price From $80,110 Engine 2.0-litre four-cylinder petrol Output 185kW/370Nm Transmission Seven-speed double-clutch Dimensions 4697mm (L), 2807mm (W), 1624mm (H) Weight 1770kg (DIN) 0 – 100km/h 6.7sec

The first thing to know before you get into a Porsche is that you’re probably pronouncing its name wrong. The friendly folks working for the German luxury carmaker are quick to correct you should you dare to utter “Poorsh” over the correct “Poorsh-ah”. It’s little details like pronunciation and bigger details like price that can sometimes make Porsche’s famously luxurious sports cars seem unattainable to mere mortals. But the Stuttgart-based manufacturer’s entry-level SUV, the Macan (pronounced “Mah-carn” for those who are interested) is here to remedy that image problem. It’s the most affordable Porsche on the market and, in terms of competitors, is in a class of its own, with even its starting price point more comparable to other carmaker’s kitted-out models. Still, for many buyers, the top-selling Macan, which made its debut in 2013, will be their first tentative step into the world of sports cars – a journey that’s as addictive as it is expensive. 126

Starting at a little over $80,000, the Macan is a roomy ride with an energetic engine that's capable of turning even the most banal outing into a zippy romp. Switching the car into sport mode, which provides a big boost to already responsive steering and braking, further enhances this experience. To really feel like you’re Mark Webber, hit the little button with the exhaust pipe symbol on it to activate a deeper, more satisfying grumble. On appearances alone, the Macan can’t be beat. It’s a real feat to take a body type usually associated with chunky durability and somehow make it sophisticated and streamlined. The Macan has a visual magnetism to it that you’ll have noticed if you’ve spotted one on a suburban street or bustling freeway. It stops traffic (pun intended). Indeed, the classic car feel is important to Porsche – a company that came to

prominence in the 1950s and whose innovative design quickly became synonymous with elegance. While the Macan’s compact SUV body is distinctly modern, there are old-school touches throughout. For starters, the ignition is an original insert-and-twist set-up, rather than the push-button style regularly favoured today. Music lovers will be happy to hear there’s a nice, prominent slot for CDs, along with the now-requisite SD card and USB slots. But thankfully there’s plenty of modernity packed into the Macan too: a great hold function for when you’re braking on steep hills, a reversing camera, front and rear sensors and lane departure warnings. Plenty of space, an economical engine and years of roadside assistance, all packaged into an instantly recognisable and prestigious package, make swallowing a hefty price tag that little bit sweeter. It also makes it Porsche’s most practical ‘family car’ options, but let’s face it – this is a car for the adults.


锦上添花 保时捷(PORSCHE)曾是价格不菲的豪车品牌,但现在您很容易就能拥有一辆,因为保时捷 推出了这款完美的运动型多功能汽车(SUV),苏珊娜·格思里(SUSANNAH GUTHRIE)写道。

驾 驶 保 时 捷(P O R S C H E )之前,您 要 知 道 您 可能把它的名字 都读 错了。如 果 您 的发音 是 POORSH而非POORSH-AH,那么这家德国豪车 友善的工作人员便会马上进行纠正。 读音事小,价格事大,保时捷公司的豪华跑车 有时会给人留下高不可攀的印象。为改进形象, 这家总部位于德国斯图加特市(STUTTGART)的

汽车生产商推出了入门级保时捷运动型多功能汽 车(SUV)MACAN(读音为MAH- CARN)。这 是市面上最便宜的保时捷,在同级别的竞争对手 中独树一帜,最低售价相较于其他汽车生产商的 精装车型甚至更具可比性。 尽管如此,对很多买家来说,这款2013年推出 的畅销车只是试水,接下来他们会正式进入跑车 世界,开始一段迷人而昂贵的旅行。 MACAN的价格为8万澳元起。它内部空间宽 敞,引擎强劲,可以将最无趣的旅行变成欢乐的 飞驰。 要增强这种体验,可调到S档,大幅提升已经 灵敏 无比的方向盘 和制动 器。轻 触 一下有 排气 管标志的小按钮,汽车就会发出低沉的轰鸣声, 您 便会感 觉自己像 澳 大利亚F1车手马克·韦 伯 (MARK ALAN WEBBER)一样在驾驶赛车。 单论外观,M ACAN 就 所向无敌。由一般车 身的厚实持久之感,改装成复杂精妙的流线型设 计,真乃壮举。如果繁忙的高速公路或郊区的街

道上出现MACAN的身影,您肯定会注意到的, 因为它的外观实在引人注目,其它车都会为之驻 足。汽车外观的经典感对保时捷公司非常重要, 这家公司成名于20世纪50年代,其别具一格的设 计迅速成为优雅的代名词。 尽管MACAN的紧凑型SUV车身充满着现代 感,但全车上下却都洋溢着复古之风。例如,该款 汽车的点火方式是插入并拧动钥匙,而不是如今 流行的轻触一键启动按钮,方便新手操作。除了 如今必备的SD卡和USB接口之外,还配备了很棒 的CD插槽,音乐爱好者们想必会对这样的设计 非常满意。 当然,M ACAN也不乏高端的现代元素,如 陡坡上制动时可自动驻车,同时还配有倒车摄像 头、前后倒车感应和车道偏离警告系统。 内部大空间、节能发动机 和多年道路救援 服 务,这些特色全部集于MACAN一身,迅速收获 各界的认可和好评。这样看来,为之付出一大笔 钱也是非常值得的。



Greatness redefined 波尔多2015年份期酒——重新定义不凡

Nick Stock travels to Bordeaux to take a sip of their just-released 2015 wines.

The prestigious cellars of Bordeaux have just released their 2015 wines to the world, the spoils of one of the greatest recent vintages and one that has set about redefining the world’s greatest fine wine region. It also marks the end of a phase that saw Bordeaux wines soar in ripeness, in oak influence, and in price. A phase in which wines all started tasting a bit too similar, sacrificing the real character on which their great reputations were built, a thing the French famously call terroir. So what makes the 2015 Bordeaux so special? Well, the wines are more refined than they’ve been for some time and the ripeness of the vintage is coupled with a sense of freshness, a combination that hasn’t been seen this convincingly in Bordeaux for some time, perhaps ever. The result is that healthy, ripe grapes have delivered immense depth of flavour and richness of taste, while a sense of freshness (acidity and tannin in the mouth) creates drinkability now with a long ageing potential for collectors. The best of both worlds. It may sound strange for such an accomplished group of winemakers at the forefront of luxury in the world of wine, but Bordeaux winemakers headed off on a new path through the 1990s, a path cleared by outsiders. A sharp rise in American collector investment in Bordeaux wines led by the fast-rising influence of mainly US-based wine critics saw the Bordeaux Chateaux start to radically change their wine styles. Aided by winemaking consultants who developed techniques to bend the wines in the direction of this new critical taste, the wines become darker, bigger, riper and overdone to the point of caricature. The intertwined power of critics, consultants and consumers drove the style of the wines away from their traditional roots towards a more universal style where too much of everything was barely enough. Pricing hit


坐落于波尔多(BORDEAUX)的世界顶级酒 庄近期在全球范围内发售2015年份期酒,这 些期酒注定将要重新定义全 世界最伟大的 红酒产地,同时也标志着波尔多红酒在成熟 度、橡木影响和价格方面持续飘高的时代将 告一段落——不同红酒的口味变得越来越相 似,逐渐失去了各自引以为豪的地方特色,慢 慢丢掉了被法国人称之为红酒“风土”的意 韵时代。 那么波尔多2015年份期酒又为什么如此 特别呢?首先,这批期酒在成熟度上超过近 年的其它产品;其次,在成熟的同时,这批红 酒还蕴含着恰到好处的清新感,这对于近几 年的波尔多酒品来说可谓罕见,甚至绝无仅 有。由于选用了优质成熟的葡萄,成品酒的 味道极富深度,口感饱满,兼具新鲜气息(是 入口的脆爽酸度和成熟柔和的单宁发挥了作 用),却不乏经久不衰的陈年潜力,也因此成 为了红酒收藏家们的投资热点。 作为一个时刻占据奢华红酒界鳌头的名

庄,波尔多在2 0 世纪90年代却选择了一条 由外行人开辟的道路,这着实有点让人费解。 彼时,以美国红酒鉴赏家为首的流派影响了 红酒界的局势,掀起一阵投资收藏波尔多红 酒的狂潮。自那时起,波尔多古堡红酒的风 格发生了根本的转变。 由于某些红酒鉴赏家的推波助澜,红酒 渐渐地开始贴近 新的评 判标准——色泽更 深、成熟度更高、酿制更久——甚至有点过了 头。评酒家、鉴赏家和消费者的意见交织拉 扯,引得红酒偏离了传统风格,变得越来越 全球化,颇有点过犹不及的意味。在2000年 前后,红酒的价格飙升到了历史上的高点,但 与任何过度膨胀的市场一样,这种价格上的 飙升都注定不会长久,波尔多红酒的泡沫最 终还是破碎了。 对于波尔多红酒近乎偏执的狂热于2009 年达到了巅峰,随后由于2010年份期酒品质 过硬,价格也依旧保持坚挺。但在之后的几 年,这种火爆局势就难以为继了。眼下推出的


REVIEWS stratospheric levels in the late 2000s and, like any overinflated market, it could not last forever. The Bordeaux bubble burst. The lunacy of wine style peaked with the 2009 vintage; pricing just held to support the powerful 2010 wines, and then a couple of difficult years ensued. Now, the 2015 vintage arrives with better-balanced wines and more sensible prices. Great wine in the current day is no longer about sheer size and impact. It’s about balance, freshness, authenticity and detail. The great thing about these 2015 Bordeaux wines is that the seam of quality extends from the very top Chateaux and First Growths deep down to the more humbly priced wines and appellations. It’s a great time to purchase Bordeaux wines, either as a first-time buyer or a collector re-entering the market. The greatest wines come from the greatest vineyards and, as can be seen in 2015 Bordeaux wines, they taste like the grapes from which they are made. It’s a bit like great people. You want to experience the real thing, not merely the clothing, the perfume and the makeup!

1. 2015 Chateau Lafleur (Pomerol) A gem in the bigger scheme of the region, this offers instant richness on the nose with ripe blackberry, plum and dark cherry fruits that carry to the palate with fine, dense tannins that deliver seemingly endless length of flavour. Concentrated and refined, very impressive wine.


1. 波尔多拉弗尔酒庄 2015年份期酒(波美侯) 该地区不可多得的精品红 酒。闻之果香浓郁,成熟黑 莓、青梅和黑樱桃的香气 馥郁饱满;品之精致细腻, 单宁扎实悠长,是纯度高、 品质佳的红酒极品。

2. 2015 Château Vieux Chateau Certan (Pomerol) Extremely assertive, luxurious and concentrated with aromas of perfectly ripe dark plums, mulberries, blueberries and blackberries leading to an extremely intense and vibrant palate that delivers a whirlpool-like spiral of dark berry and chocolate flavour.


2. 波尔多老色丹酒庄 2015年份期酒(波美侯) 精选顶级成熟黑梅子、桑 葚、蓝莓与黑莓,精心酿 造,令您尊享奢华体验。独 特的黑莓与巧克力芳香交 织萦绕,酒中蕴含的动感 活力一览无余。

3. 2015 Chateau Cos d’Estournel (Saint Estephe) This has X-factor depth and complexity with very concentrated rich dark berry and plum flavours. It delivers superb ripeness of fruit with impeccable freshness and an exceptionally long and silky mouthfeel. Finishes with a slate-like dark cherry stone edge. Really superb.


3. 波尔多爱士图尔酒庄 2015年份期酒(圣达史提芬) 该款酒品选用顶级熟果酿 造,黑莓与梅子芳香浓郁, 极富深度,同时洋溢清新 之感。入口丝滑,回味悠 长,最是余韵里那一抹黑 樱桃的浓香令人沉醉。

4. 2015 Chateau Margaux (Margaux) Very complex, deeply ripe blackberry and plum fruits with dark chocolate, orange peel, and well-integrated spicy oak. There’s a sense of impeccable measure and balance to the palate with blackberry, cherry compote, dark plum and chocolate rolling deep into the fresh, long finish.


4. 波尔多玛歌酒庄 2015年份期酒(玛歌) 口感极为丰富,蕴含深度成 熟的黑莓与梅子芳香,同 时完美融合黑巧克力、橙皮 与橡木的辛香。各种味道 配比精确,调和完美,裹挟 着黑莓、樱桃、黑梅子与巧 克力的余韵新鲜持久。

“The great thing about these 2015 Bordeaux wines is that the seam of quality extends from the very top and deep down to the more humbly priced wines” 2015年期酒不仅口感更加均衡,价格也更加合理。在 如今的市场上,衡量红酒好坏的标准不再仅是容量 或品牌影响力,而是口感的均衡和清新感、浓郁的地 方特色及其他细节。 在这一批波尔多2015年份期酒中,不论是顶级的 还是价格更实惠的产品,品质都可以得到保证。因 此,无论您是第一次尝试购买波尔多红酒还是重新回

归市场的资深红酒收藏家,现在都是投资的绝佳时 机。最好的红酒一定产自最好的葡萄园,这句话说得 绝对没错——品尝这批波尔多2015年份期酒,您一定 会有品尝这世上品质最佳鲜果的身临其境之感。就像 是面对最优秀的人一样,您不只满足于欣赏对方的衣 着、妆容及香水品味,更希望能够深入了解对方的性 格和品质。



Feminine 女性气息 A bright and playful scent, My Burberry Blush was inspired by a London garden in the first light of day as flowers blossom. The new fragrance is intensely feminine and fresh. $110, Top notes: Glazed pomegranate, lemon Heart notes: Geranbium, crisp apple, rose petal Base notes: Jasmine, wisteria accord

第一缕晨光轻柔唤醒睡梦中的伦敦花园,繁盛花 朵渐渐绽放出活力生机。这款我的博柏利花之绯 (MY BURBERRY BLUSH)全新香水从中汲取灵 感,散发出清新明快的花果香调,淋漓诠释迷人 的女性芬芳。 前调:石榴、柠檬 中调:天竺葵、青苹果、玫瑰花瓣 后调:茉莉花、紫藤


Six scents 无论您身上散发出何种气息, 都总会有一款香水来搭配它。 No matter your style of scent, there’s a fragrance to match it.

Spicy 辛香气息 P Frapin and Cie honour the memory of Laskarina Bouboulina, the heroine of the Greek War of Independence in 1821, with Laskarina. The fragrance is full of spice and punch. $229, Top notes: Grapefruit, pear sorbet, Italian bergamont, pink peppercorn Heart notes: Tunisian orange blossom, Bulgarian rose Base notes: Frankincense, black pepper, Ambroxan Ambrocenide

为了纪念1821年希腊独立战争中的女英 雄莱斯卡瑞纳·波波丽娜(LASKARINA BOUBOULINA),P FRAPIN AND CIE推出了 充满辛香气息和十足感染力的莱斯卡瑞纳香水 (EAU DE PARFUM LASKARINA)。 前调:葡萄柚、梨子冰沙,意大利佛手柑、粉胡椒 中调:突尼斯橙花、保加利亚玫瑰 后调:乳香、黑胡椒、降龙涎香醚


Beachy 海洋气息 A whiff of Amouage Beach Hut Woman will ignite flashbacks to long summer days spent on the beach as well as crisp winter mornings walking along a deserted beach. $339, Top notes: Bergamont, mineral accord Heart notes: Driftwood accord, Lisylang Base notes: Patchouli, casherman

爱慕沙滩小屋女士香水(AMOUAGE BEACH HUT WOMAN)将您的思绪拉回 那个在沙滩上度过的漫长夏日,亦或是沿 着寂静海滩散步的清爽冬日早晨。 前调:佛手柑、矿石香调 中调:木质香调、LISYLANG 后调:广藿香、开司米木麝香


Romantic 浪漫气息 Rose Goldea’s bottle is rich with gold and subtle hints of rose, with an iconic serpent design wrapping around the neck. The sensual perfume itself is meant to symbolise passionate love. $209, Top notes: Pomegranate, musk, rose, bergamont Heart notes: Damask rose, jasmine, peony, peach Base notes: Olibanum, sandalwood, vanilla

这款玫香金漾女士香水(ROSE GOLDEA)的瓶身 整体呈魅力十足的金色,再配合若隐若现的玫瑰身 影,标志性的蛇形设计装饰在瓶口处。香水本身散 发出性感的香氛,象征着充满无限激情的爱。


前调:石榴、麝香、玫瑰、佛手柑 中调:大马士革玫瑰、茉莉、牡丹、蜜桃 后调:乳香、檀香、香草


Miller et Bertaux’s 13th perfume, Indian Study Santal +++ is especially dedicated to sandalwood lovers. The fragrance is comprised of a duo of Mysore sandalwood and bark of the Santal Amyris. $199, Top notes: Myrose Sandalwood, Amyris Heart notes: Cumin, curry Base notes: Woods, musk

MILLER ET BERTAUX第13代香水——印度檀香 (INDIAN STUDY SANTAL +++)香水是专为那 些檀香爱好者们打造的,将迈索尔(MYSORE) 和阿米香树(AMYRIS)檀香进行了完美融合。 前调:迈索尔檀香、阿米香树 中调:小茴香、咖喱 后调:木质香调、麝香

Floral 鲜花气息 Chloe Nomade is daring, more so than its sweeter predecessors, by reinterpreting the rose and introducing chypre theme. $140, Top notes: Freesia, bergamont, lemon, orange Heart notes: Mirabelle plum, jasmine, peach, rose Base notes: Oak moss, amberwood, patchouli

蔻依(CHLOE)NOMADE香水的比之前走甜 美路线的款式更奔放,对玫瑰进行重新诠释, 同时融入了魅惑的西普调(CHYPRE)新主题。 前调:小苍兰、佛手柑、柠檬、橙子 中调:黄香李、茉莉花、蜜桃、玫瑰 后调:橡苔、琥珀木、广藿香




Luxury in a bottle 采用世界上最奢华珍贵的材料为您缔造驻颜传奇。 Here’s why using the world’s most precious materials in skincare products will transform your skin. 132



hen it comes to fine jewels, we want the most precious metals to be used to create pieces. Same goes with clothes – we’re always looking for garments made from pure fabrics that aren’t mixed with polyester. And when we dine, we expect chefs to use the freshest ingredients. That rule of thumb should also be applied to skincare products. We should accept nothing but the best when it comes to powerful, efficacious ingredients. That is why La Prairie have spent years developing ingredients from the world’s most precious materials – platinum, gold, caviar – to create opulent skincare products. Caviar craze La Prairie are innovators in the beauty industry and are often the first when it comes to introducing ingredients never thought to be used before, as was the case with caviar. “We pride ourselves on being a very cutting-edge company,” says Belinda Besant, La Prairie Australia’s regional training and events manager. “We were the first to come up with using caviar in skincare and launched our first caviar product in 1987.” The benefits of omega-3 are well-known. Unfortunately, every time you eat something the skin is the last place to be served the active ingredients from the food, so scientists wanted to deliver the potent active of caviar to the skin straight away. “The iconic blue caviar is very rich in omega-3, encourages healthy skin and healthy cell membranes and is also a potent antioxidant and rich in phospholipids,” Besant says. “It has a real firming effect on the skin.” Going platinum Just like the caviar, when La Prairie launched its first platinum product it did cause a stir. “It was a pretty audacious time to launch the world’s most expensive moisturiser,” Belinda says. Unfortunately, nobody could predict the Global Financial Crisis (except for the few fellas from The Big Short) hitting in 2008 – and especially not La Prairie. Alas, the product did sell out and was phenomenally successful. What makes it so unique and potent is that the platinum peptide, used as an anti-wrinkle and firming peptide, is surrounded by platinum. This coating of platinum protects the peptide, which is susceptible to enzymes in the skin. The little extra platinum bodyguard allows the peptide to work for longer in the skin and provides the user with effects that will continue to work days after application. Strike gold Gold is an age-old beauty secret. Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, was an avid user of pure gold. It is believed she would put on a gold face mask every night before bed. “Gold helps to inhibit the enzyme that causes collagen and elastin degradation,” Belinda says. “It helps to maintain elasticity and firmness in the skin.” Similar to the platinum, there is a gold peptide that is then coated in gold. For those with sensitive skin, gold also acts as an anti-irritant. If it’s good enough for Cleopatra, then it’s good enough for us.

Left to right: Skin Caviar Luxe Cream, $595; Cellular Radiance Concentrate Gold, $890; Cellular Cream Platinum Rare, $1,540; All available from

级珠宝——我们希望由最珍贵 的金属打造而成;服装也不例 外——我们总偏爱纯织而不混 涤纶的衣服;食物——我们希望厨师使 用最新鲜的食材;同样地,护肤品—— 我们仅接受最好、最有效的成分。正因 如此,莱珀妮(La Prairie)花费多年时 间,苦心钻研铂金、金、鱼子等世间最珍 贵的材料,以从中提取精华成分来打造 贵妇级护肤品。

鱼子热 莱 珀 妮 是 美 容业的大 胆 创 新 者,第一 家引进 前所 未用原 料 的品 牌,鱼子就 是 一 个 活 生 生 的 例 子。莱 珀 妮 澳 大 利亚 地区培 训活 动 经 理 贝 琳达·贝赞 特(B e l i n d a B e s a n t)说:“ 作为一 家 前 沿 公司,我 们 无比自豪。我 们 率 先 把 鱼子成 分 运 用于 奢 华 护 肤 系 列 之中,并 于19 87年 推出第一 款 鱼子产 品。”Omega - 3的益处众所周知,可 惜每次进食时,皮肤不能吸收食物中的 活性成分,因此科学家希望把鱼子的有 效活性成分直接传输给皮肤。贝琳达还 表示:“典型的蓝鱼子富含Omega-3 和磷脂,能促进皮肤和细胞膜健康生长, 具有强效抗氧化作用,用于皮肤表面具 有紧肤的效果。”

进军铂金 与鱼子 一样,当莱 珀 妮 推出第一 款 铂 金产品时,着实引起了不小的世界轰动。 贝琳达说:“推出世界上最昂贵的保湿 霜,实在可以称得上是一个敢为人先的 大胆举 措。”可惜,谁能预测到全球金 融危机会在2008年到来(除《大空头》 的少数人员外)?莱珀妮更是预料不到 会发生这种情况。让人意想不到的是, 这款产品却销售一空,取得惊人的成功。 它之所以如此独特、有效,是因为其拥 有的铂金胜肽成分——抗皱又紧肤。胜 肽被铂金包围着,铂金层保护胜肽不受 皮肤中酶的影响,从而让胜肽对皮肤产 生长久作用,使用之后有持久有效之感。 挖掘黄金 黄金是一个古老的美肤秘密。埃及女王 克莉奥帕特拉(Cleopatra)曾疯狂使 用纯黄金养肤,据传她每晚睡觉前都会 敷上黄金面膜。贝琳达说:“酶会导致 胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白降解,而黄金有抑 制酶的作用,有助于维持皮肤润弹、紧 致。”跟铂金一样,黄金内层也有胜肽。 对于敏感肤质的人来说,黄金也是一种 抗过敏良物。如果黄金对克莉奥帕特拉 女王都能起到美肤作用,那么对我们也 是一样。





As the fashion crowd descends on Sydney for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia, Anastasia Barrat chats to leading designers about how they got their start, the importance of fashion in Australia, and upcoming trends to look out for. 时尚界人士齐聚梅赛德斯-奔驰澳大利亚时装周(MercedesBenz Fashion Week Australia)。阿纳斯塔西娅·巴拉 (Anastasia Barrat)采访了几位前沿设计师,关于当初是如何 涉足时尚领域、为何时尚已经成为了澳大利亚这个国家的精髓 以及未来值得期待的时尚潮流走向,他们给出了如下见解...... 134



How did you get your start in the fashion industry? I went to design school in Sydney for four years and completed my studies, majoring in advanced tailoring. Throughout my course, I interned for designers such as Karla Spetic and Friedrich Gray, in addition to some brief experience at a fashion PR agency. Did any of them teach you some valuable life lessons? A key message I quickly learnt during this period of interning was the importance of confidence. To be successful in not only the industry, but also life in general, you have to be tenacious and always speak up. You’re known for having reinvented the white shirt. Where do you draw inspiration to continually push tailoring boundaries? I draw much of my inspiration from the surrounds of everyday life. I enjoy watching people in their elements, doing everyday activities. Seeing how they like to dress and how they move inspires me. The Anne long-sleeve shirt propelled the Anna Quan brand into the spotlight. Why do you believe it gained such popularity? I believe shirts are great as they are a fantastic wardrobe staple that can be worn both casually and formally. In regards to the success of the Anne shirt, it was effective in the fact that it was a very simple shirt with unexpected proportions. I guess it gained popularity because many people from different walks of life could style it their own way. What can we expect from this year’s collection at MBFWA? New things! That’s all I can say! Do you have a favourite piece from the collection? From my current collection, I love the top-stitched trench coat. It’s lightweight enough for the transeason and has the right amount of detail. Why do you think Australian fashion is so unique compared to the rest of the world? Australia is distinctive in the fact that we are an island nation at the bottom of the world that has a relatively young fashion history. This is advantageous in the sense that we’re not as constrained historically and socially compared to other nations in regards to fashion. There is less pressure, so to speak. What do you love about Australian women and how they dress? Australian women are relaxed in their dressing – especially due to our climate and way of life. There is an open easiness.

“I DRAW MUCH OF MY INSPIRATION FROM THE SURROUNDS OF EVERYDAY LIFE” What do you love about MBFWA? How important is it to the industry? A key benefit of MBFWA that we must recognise is the fact that it’s during the transeason. This allows Australian designers to more actively participate on the international circuit in terms of buying. It’s that one time of the year where we’re not in the opposite season with the rest of the world. What is next for the Anna Quan brand? I’m really excited about the brand expanding into China, with our collections stocked in Lane Crawford in Hong Kong and Shanghai. I’m looking forward moving the brand into other fashion capitals like Chengdu. Shop Anna Quan at

Left to right: Taking the staple shirt and reconstructing it is Anna Quan’s specialty; The designer herself, Anna Quan



How did you get your start in the fashion industry? I knew from a very young age that I wanted to be a fashion designer. My grandfather was a fashion designer in Korea and some of my earliest memories are attending art school at the age of four. I graduated from my formal fashion studies in 1992 and I’ve been working in a design room ever since.

您当初是如何涉足时尚领域的? 我当时在悉尼的一家设计学院学 习了4年并完成了相关课程,主修 高级裁剪方向。在上学期间,我还 在Karla Spetic、Friedrich Gray等 品牌做实习,同时也从一家时尚公 关公司收获了一些基础经验。 有哪些经历让您觉得受益匪浅吗? 我从这个实习经历中迅速感悟到 的一项关键信息便是——自信心 的重要性。想要在这个领域乃至 在整个生活中取得成功,就必须要 坚韧不拔,时刻为自己发声。 您因重新改造纯白衬衫而声名远 扬,那么您不断冲破裁剪禁锢的创 作灵感从何而来呢? 创作灵感来源于我生活中的方方 面面。我很享受观察每个人在他们 日常生活中的一举一动,看看他们 是如何打扮自己的,这也会激发我 的创作灵感。

您最喜爱的作品是什么? 在目前的创作成果中,我最喜爱以 明线缝合装饰的风衣外套——整 体非常轻薄,适合过渡季节,而且 细节感十足。 相比于世界其他地区,您为何认为 澳大利亚的风格是独一无二的? 澳大利亚是一个位处世界最南端 的岛屿国家,地理位置独特,时尚 历史也没有那么悠久。从这个意 义上来说,也算是澳大利亚的优势 所在。相比于其他国家的时尚领域, 我们不会更多地受限于历史和社会 因素,为自己发声的压力也就较小。 您喜欢澳大利亚女性穿着打扮中 的什么特点? 受我们的气候和生活方式的影响, 澳大利亚的女性对穿着打扮很随 意——舒适至上。

您喜爱梅赛德斯-奔驰澳大利亚时 装周的哪些方面?它对这个领域有 Anne长袖衬衫的问世让Anna 多重要? Quan这个品牌名声鹊起,您为何 梅赛德斯-奔驰澳大利亚时装周 相信它可以获得如此高的关注度? 的一个关键优势便是——它是于 我相信衬衫是衣橱中非常完美的 换季之时举办的,这一点我们必须 主要服饰之一,适合休闲和正式 要意识到。这就让澳大利亚的设 场合。Anne衬衫之所以大获成功, 计师们可以更积极地参与到全球 是因为它是一件简简单单的衬衫, 范围内的购买浪潮中,这也是一年 同时又融合了一些出乎人们意料的 当中我们与世界其他地区的季节 元素,让社会上各行各业的人士都 保持一致的时刻。 可以用属于自己的方式来穿搭它。 Anna Quan品牌今后有何计划? 今年的梅赛德斯-奔驰澳大利亚时 Anna Quan可以进军中国,在香港 装周上,Anna Quan将有哪些值 和上海的连卡佛(LaneCrawford) 得期待的动作? 与大家见面,我感到非常兴奋。我 我唯一能透露的就是——Anna 很期待这个品牌将来可以在中国其 Quan将奉上全新款式! 他时尚之都亮相,例如成都。


It has been 12 years since Yeojin Bae made its mark. Did you ever imagine the brand evolving into what it is today? Every season one collection flows into another and there is this continuous cycle that occurs. When I hit 10 years we celebrated and every year on top of this milestone is fantastic. The collection is about meeting the demands of our customers, focusing on dresses that become a part of celebrations in their lives. What can we expect from your latest collection? I love exploring tailored silhouettes on dresses that look really elegant yet timeless. There is a mixture of texture in lace and satin and a combination of prints from leopard to floral print. You are known for injecting bold colour into your designs. What colours will you be showcasing this season? I love colour and how it can transform how you look and feel. This season I have pieces in red, shades of pink as well as a bright yellow.


质 融 合了蕾丝和 绸 缎,上 面雕饰的印花也将豹纹和 花纹两种图案完美地结合 到了一起。

What makes a great runway show for you? Runways shows are all about collaboration within a team. From the stylists to models and make up artists, magic happens when you all share and align to one vision. What sets Australian designers apart from international designers? We are seasonally opposite from the main international fashion cities, however perhaps because of this, Australian brands are fantastic in creating transeasonal collections that suit our climate and work internationally as well. We find customers aren’t so seasonally driven; they have different needs, as they travel much more these days. Describe your personal style in three words. Tailored, simple and a touch of feminine Why is Mercedes Benz Fashion Week so important for Australian designers? This is an internationally recognised fashion event that brings buyers and press from all round the world. It’s a great opportunity for us to showcase our creations and latest collections. In what way has travel inspired your designs? I love travelling! My husband is French so we visit France and Europe every year. There’s this cool, effortless style in women that’s unique in cities like Paris and Italy that I really admire. I also really enjoy architecture and music that blends and creates a fusion of different styles. Shop Yeojin Bae at

您当初是如何涉足时尚领 域的? 我从很小的时候就知道我 想成为一名时尚设计师。 我的祖父在韩国是一名设 计师,我 还记得 在我四岁 的 时候,我曾去艺 术学 校 学习。1992年,我完成了正 式 的 时尚课 程 学习,自那 之后便一直在一家设 计工 作室工作。 Yeojin Bae成名已有十二 年的 时间,您当初有设 想 过这个品牌可以取得今天 这样的成就吗? 每季我们都会推出一系列 的作品,就 这样一 季接 着 一季,从不间断。当这个品 牌 迎 来它 的十周年 时,我 们好好庆祝了一番,而这个 里程碑之后的每一年都让 我们感 到十分欣喜。我们 系列作品的宗旨便是 满足 消费者的需求,主打裙装, 让其可以在人们一生中值 得庆祝的时刻扮演一定的 角色。 您的最新系列作品中有哪 些值得期待的地方? 我热衷于打造那些量身定 制、轮廓优美的裙装,让它 们 看 起 来非常典雅,而且 永不过 时。最 新 作品的材

您的设计作品一直以大胆 的 配色而出名,那么 这一 季的亮相作品将会是什么 色系的? 我喜爱色彩能够传递的信 息,它可以 影 响人们 的外 形及 感官。这一 季我们 推 出了红色、粉 红色 以 及 亮 黄色的作品。 在 您心目中,一场成 功 的 时装秀是怎样的? 时装秀可以展现出一个团 队内部合作的方方面面。 从 造 型师、化 妆师再到模 特,当所 有成 员都能做 到 齐力分担,同时秉 承着 一 致的构想,那么奇 迹 就 会 发生。 相较于国际设计师,澳 大 利亚设计师与众不同的特 点是? 澳大利亚的季节与那些国 际上主流的时尚都市相 反,但可能正因如此,澳大 利亚的品牌在打造过渡季 节服饰方面做得很出色, 不仅 顺 应我 们 的本 土气 候,而且在国际范围内反 响 也 不 错。我 们 发 现,消 费者们并不会很受季节的 影响,如今 他们外出旅行 的频率大 大 提 升,所以他

们对服饰也有着不同的需 求。 用三个 词形 容一下您的个 人风格? 量身定制、简单、淡淡的女 人味。 为何梅赛德斯 - 奔驰澳大 利亚时装周对这个领域如 此重要? 这是一场国际闻名的时装 盛会,来自世界 各地 的买 手和媒体都将汇集于此。 对 我们而言,这是 展示我 们的作品和最新服饰的大 好时机。 旅行是如何激发您的创作 灵感的? 我非常喜爱 旅行!我的丈 夫 是 法国人,所以我们每 年 都会去法国和欧 洲旅 行。在像巴黎、意大利这样 的城市有独一无二的时髦 且轻松的女性服饰风格, 这是我非常欣 赏的。我 也 很喜欢那些融合和打造了 一系列不同风格的建筑和 音乐。

Clockwise from top left: A structured Anna Quan shirt; Fashion designer Yeojin Bae; One of Bae’s AW18 designs; Bae is known for including unique cut-out features to highlight simple designs




Can you explain where your interest in fashion stems from? My mother was a designer so my love for fashion is really in the blood and quite innate to me. I have fond memories of us making clothes for my Barbie dolls together as a child. She has most definitely influenced me in becoming the designer I am today. Where do you draw inspiration from when designing? I find inspiration in everything I see and do – it’s constantly changing. I do, however, commonly look to great artists and vintage pieces for motivation and new ideas. Travelling has also always been a major source of inspiration, stimulating much of my designs. What is the best piece of advice that you have ever received and who was it from? The best advice stems from my mother. Through her unique and free-spirited attitude towards life and fashion, she taught me to develop my own personal style and identity using clothing and my own designs. The advice I always stick to and wish to pass on to my children is to never be afraid of taking risks and go with your intuition. You should always act on what you think will work with confidence.


Describe your personal style in three words. Instinctual, comfortable, Bohemian. What do you consider your greatest career achievement? There have been so many amazing moments in my career so I can’t pinpoint one as my greatest achievement. It’s really special and humbling when I see strong and beautiful women wearing my designs. It was not only an incredible moment for the brand but a real “pinch me” moment when Beyonce wore Alice McCall at the end of 2016. You were an international stylist for 10 years before the Alice McCall label was born. Do you believe your success as a designer is partly attributed to your background in styling? Yes, for sure. My time in London working as a stylist was an amazing experience and definitely a part of my success today. It taught me the concept of merchandising and ranging a collection. Through styling, I also had the opportunity to work with some amazing people along the way such as Kate Moss and Destiny’s Child. What does Australian style mean to you? There’s no doubt the brand is strongly influenced by the Australian climate and lifestyle. To me, Aussie style is laid-back and easy to wear everyday. Living in Australia, and more specifically in Sydney’s 138

beachside suburb Bronte, has definitely been a big factor in carving my design philosophy. It has also been an important factor in creating the brand’s iconic styles like our playsuits and mini-dresses. I believe Australian style really resonates with our international buyers and customers through the shorter hemlines and lighter fabrications; also showing that there’s a definite place in the international market for our brand. How important is MBFWA to the industry? MBFWA has become such a strong event and I love seeing other Aussie designers’ collections down the runway. It’s great because we get to showcase our Resort collection – the one collection that we are in line with all international brands. What exciting things are planned for Alice McCall in the year ahead? The brand is at a really exciting place right now! We just showcased our collection at NYFW in February for the first time on schedule and our international sales are really growing. We are continually aiming to expand our outreach of wholesale clients at both an Australian and international scale. With this comes the expansion of our brand recognition overseas too. Shop Alice McCall at

DETAILS Catch Alice McCall, Yeojin Bae and Anna Quan at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week from May 13-17. For full schedule details head to: australia

Clockwise from top: Whimsical Alice McCall; Designs draw from past eras; McCall designs never shy away from bold patterns and fabrics


您对时尚领域的兴趣来源 于哪里? 我的母亲曾是一名设计师, 所以我对时尚领域的兴趣 真的是与生俱来的。我还记 得在我小的时候,我和她一 起给我的芭比娃娃做衣服。 如今我能成为一名设计师, 最大程度上是受我母亲的 影响。 您的设计灵感从何而来? 我见到的和我做的每一件 事都可以带给我灵感——这 是在不断变化的。不过,我 也经常去留意那些优秀设 计师的经典作品来寻找动 力和新思路。旅行也是主要 方式之一,我的很多设计灵 感都是来源于旅途中。 您曾收获的最好建议是什 么,来自于谁? 我曾收获的最好建议来自 于我的母亲。她对于生活和 时尚保持着与众不同且无 拘无束的态度,教会了我如 何运用服饰和自己的设计 来打造属于自己的风格和特 点。我一直铭记着她的这条 建议,也希望将其传给我的 下一代——永远不要畏惧承 担风险,跟着直觉走,时刻 保持十足的信心,把自己所 想的尽情展现出来。

于当时做造型师收获的经 验吗? 当然。我在伦敦做 造 型师 的那段时间是非常有收获 的,也从一定程度上造就了 我今 天的成 功,它教会 我 经营销售和产品分类方面 的概念。在那份工作中,我 也有机会与一些优秀的人 一起工作,比如凯特·摩丝 (Kate Moss)和真命天女 组合(Destiny’s Child)。 澳大利亚风格对您来说意 味着什么? 毫无疑问,澳大利亚气候和 生活方式对这个品牌带来了 很大的影响。对我来说,澳 式风格是很闲散的,方便每 日穿搭。生活在澳大利亚, 尤其是在悉尼的海边区域 勃朗特(Bronte),这样的 气候和生活方式极大地影 响着我的设计理念,这也成 为我们在打造品牌 标志性 风格时的一个重要考量, 例如我们的连身装和迷你 裙。我相信澳式 风格 在裙 摆高度和轻薄材质方面可

以引得国际买家和消费者 的共鸣,而且我们的品牌可 以在国际市场上占有一席 之地。 梅赛德斯-奔驰澳大利亚时 装周对这个时尚领域有多 重要? 梅赛德斯-奔驰澳大利亚时 装周已经成为一项盛大活 动,我很期待看到其他澳大 利亚设计师的作品。能在时 装周上展示我们与所有国 际品牌并驾齐驱的Resort 系列时装作品是一件非常 棒的事。 明年Alice McCall将有哪 些振奋人心的大动作? 这个品牌目前就正处于一 个非常振奋人心的阶段!我 们刚刚在二月份的纽约时 装周上首次展出了我们的系 列作品,国际销量也正迅速 上升。我们计划未来可以在 澳大利亚乃至国际范围内 扩张以批发为导向的市场, 同时扩大我们的品牌在海 外市场的认知度。

用三个词形容一下您的个人 风格? 天性、舒适、放荡不羁。 您认为事业上取得的最大 成功是? 我的工作中有非常多让人 振奋的瞬间,所以我也说不 清哪个才算是最大的成功。 当我看到那些漂亮的女性 身穿我设计的服饰时,一种 很 特别、很开心的感觉便 油然而生。2016年末,碧昂 丝(Beyonce)身穿Alice McCall服饰时,那不仅是 这个品牌迎来的不可思议 的时刻,对我自己而言也是 个无比激动的瞬间。 在创立Alice McCall品牌 之前,您是做了十年的国际 造型师。您认为您在设计方 面取得的成功一部分归功 139



HEART BREAKERS Dedicated to the Queen of Hearts, Fendi’s Pre-Fall 2018 collection is for the seductive woman who is charming, magnetic, elegant, and set to break some hearts. 芬迪(FENDI)2018年初秋系列专为红心女王 (QUEEN OF HEARTS)而设计, 可谓魅惑迷人、高雅且极具吸引力女性的穿搭精选。 心动一刻,尽在芬迪。


All looks available from Fendi,


1 41


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All looks available from Fendi,



All looks available from Fendi,





Graeme Goldman

We chat to founder of Lion Brands and fanatical watch lover, Graeme Goldman, about collecting timepieces, travelling the world and always being on the lookout for his next watch.

我们对LION BRANDS创始人、狂热的手表迷格雷姆·高曼(GRAEME GOLDMAN)进行采访,探讨手表收藏、世界旅行以及永远期待收集的下一 款手表等话题。 Can you recall when your fascination for watches sparked? 可以讲述一下您当时是如何迷恋上手表的吗?

My father liked to play poker after work. One Sunday morning, he arrived home with the spoils of the game – a 1955-56 Omega Constellation Grand Luxe on an armadillo bracelet with a gold multi-faceted dial and arrow faced indices, the lavish burgundy leather box and ornate lettering all capturing my imagination. I was smitten and my passion for Swiss watches was sealed. I then begin visiting pawn shops and buying up second-hand pocket watches, and vintage Rolex pieces. 我的父亲喜欢在工作之余玩玩纸牌。一个周日 的早晨,他带回来了游戏的战利品——一条欧米 茄1955-56星座系列GRAND LUXE手表,配有 犰狳形状的表链、金色的多面表盘和箭头形状 的指针,华丽的深紫红色皮盒子上还有精美的刻 字,一切都满足我对手表的幻想。从此,我对瑞 士手表的热情便被点燃了。我开始去逛那些典当 行,购买二手怀表以及老式劳力士手表。

What is it about watches that resonates with you? 手表可以为您带来怎样的共鸣?

In a fast-moving world, watches allow us to take a step back and enjoy the simple pleasure of telling time. Watches can also tell a story, whether linking back to a luxury brand’s heritage or reminding us of a key personal milestone in our lives. From a sentimental perspective they can also become heirlooms, being passed from generation to generation. There are many watches in my collection that my sons will inherit and wear with great pride. 在这个迅速发展的时代,手表可以让我们放缓 脚步,感受报时那一刻最单纯的快乐。同时,手 表也可以向我们娓娓道来那些过去的故事,或回 顾奢华品牌的历史传统,或唤醒我们对生命中关 键的个人里程碑时刻的记忆。从情感的角度来说, 146

手表也可以当作传家宝,从一代传向下一代。我 曾收集过很多款手表,我的儿子们将来会骄傲地 继承和佩戴它们。

Do you have a favourite piece in your watch collection? 在您收集的手表中,有没有最喜爱的一款?

That’s a tough question. There are so many. The favourite piece in my collection is my next purchase. 这个问题很难回答,我喜爱的太多了。我最喜欢 的永远都是我将要收集的下一款手表!

What advice can you provide to someone who’s looking to purchase a luxury timepiece? 您对那些想要购买奢华手表的人有什么建议吗?

Be brave. Don’t automatically gravitate towards mainstream brands, choose a timepiece that offers superior craftsmanship and resonates with you. It may be that you purchase a timepiece to celebrate a personal milestone or a piece that is a talking point. At the end of the day, purchase a timepiece that you love the look of as you will look at it a great deal. 勇敢一点,不要自动受那些主流品牌的影响,应 该选择一款做工精细,并可以与之产生共鸣的手 表。在庆祝自己实现个人里程碑的时刻,或者在 生命中富有意义的一天,选购一款您最中意的手 表,这是非常棒的事情。

What goes into the process of sourcing brands for your impressive portfolio? 您在选购手表品牌的过程中,会看重哪些方面?

Like anything in life it boils down to relationships. We seek out independent brands that offer compelling alternatives to the mainstream brands and whose business principles and values are in sync with ours. 生活中,凡事都讲究“关系”二字。我们会侧重于 那些可以与主流品牌进行有力抗衡的独立品牌, 而且他们的营商原则和理念也需要与我们的是 一致的。

Do you prefer setting you watch inflight or upon arrival when travelling? 旅行中,您喜欢在飞机上就设置好当地时间还 是到达时再设定?

I prefer to set my watch before flight so that I can hit the ground running and try to adapt to local time as quickly as possible. After many years (and trips!) to Switzerland the jet lag can still take a toll but I try to counteract it by doing this and also taking advantage of the spectacular Swiss Alps scenery and walking on day one. 我喜欢在起飞前就设置好目的地的时间,这样 我可以在飞机着陆之后尽快适应当地的时间。虽 然有多年去瑞士旅行的经历,但我依然会受到时 差问题的影响。不过我在努力通过调整手表时 间这一方式来克服这个障碍,而且在到达的第一 天去瑞士阿尔卑斯山(SWISS ALPS)欣赏一下壮 丽的景色也是缓解时差难题的不错选择。

What can we expect from Lion Brands in the coming years? 未来,LION BRANDS将有哪些值得期待的动作?

Continuing to provide retailers and end consumers with a compelling portfolio of independent Swiss brands that provides much-needed choice in the marketplace. LION BRANDS将会继续提供手表零售服务,为 消费者推荐有竞争力的瑞士手表独立品牌,让他 们能有更多适合自己的选择。

What’s your top travel tip? 您的最佳旅行秘诀是?

Upon arrival, exercise, eat well and don’t go to sleep before local time. 着陆之后,做做运动,吃好喝好,等到当地的睡 眠时间再上床睡觉。

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