RM$6.80 PPS:1585/03/2012 (022739)
Display until 15 DEC 2013 S$3.50 MICA: 147/09/2012
NO.49 SEP to DEC 2013
Cover.indd 1
3/9/13 6:00 PM
Link2Link.indd 1
27/8/13 4:30 PM
Link2Link.indd 2
3/9/13 2:12 PM
K9.indd 2
29/8/13 3:05 PM
K9.indd 3
29/8/13 3:05 PM
4 | www.clubpets.com.sg Content.indd 4
4/9/13 10:01 AM
ANF_Ad.indd 9
2/9/13 3:21 PM
6 | www.clubpets.com.sg Editor.indd 6
3/9/13 4:55 PM
Holistic.indd 65
2/9/13 10:48 AM
Singapore’s Longest-Running Pets’ Magazine
8 | www.clubpets.com.sg Pg10 Glory box.indd 8
3/9/13 4:12 PM
Made in Japan
Starpet_AD.indd 9
3/9/13 4:42 PM
Your Say
Your Say.indd 10
30/8/13 8:03 PM
PLC.indd 14
22/8/13 6:14 PM
12 | www.clubpets.com.sg Steal and Deal.indd 12
3/9/13 5:44 PM
PLC.indd 11
22/8/13 6:14 PM
PLC.indd 9
3/9/13 2:27 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Coco Comic.indd 15
15 2/9/13 10:01 AM
16 | www.clubpets.com.sg Insider.indd 16
4/9/13 1:02 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Insider.indd 17
17 4/9/13 1:03 PM
P&Y Personality V1 28082013.indd 18
3/9/13 12:21 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
P&Y Personality V1 28082013.indd 19
19 3/9/13 12:21 PM
P&Y Personality V1 28082013.indd 20
3/9/13 4:15 PM
Tac Link.indd 21
2/9/13 11:11 AM
P&Y Life Lessons 23082013.indd 22
30/8/13 7:12 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
P&Y Life Lessons 23082013.indd 23
23 30/8/13 7:12 PM
P&Y Life Lessons 23082013.indd 24
30/8/13 7:12 PM
PLC.indd 12
22/8/13 6:14 PM
P&Y HealthV1 26082013.indd 26
30/8/13 6:51 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
P&Y HealthV1 26082013.indd 27
27 30/8/13 6:51 PM
Pets&You Health
28 | www.clubpets.com.sg P&Y HealthV1 26082013.indd 28
30/8/13 6:51 PM
Link2Link.indd 3
27/8/13 4:30 PM
30 | www.clubpets.com.sg Real Life.indd 30
3/9/13 3:01 PM
Dingo Bone Meat in the Middle for Big Taste
Noble Advance Pte Ltd Tel +65 6367 7668
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Real Life.indd 31
31 2/9/13 10:03 AM
Pets&You Ask The Expert
32 | www.clubpets.com.sg P&Y Q&A V1 2208013.indd 32
30/8/13 7:52 PM
K9 ROP.indd 2
29/8/13 3:01 PM
CoverStory V1 29082013.indd 34
3/9/13 2:33 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
CoverStory V1 29082013.indd 35
35 2/9/13 10:56 AM
36 | www.clubpets.com.sg CoverStory V1 29082013.indd 36
2/9/13 10:56 AM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
CoverStory V1 29082013.indd 37
37 2/9/13 10:56 AM
38 | www.clubpets.com.sg CoverStory V1 29082013.indd 38
2/9/13 10:56 AM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
CoverStory V1 29082013.indd 39
39 2/9/13 10:56 AM
40 | www.clubpets.com.sg CoverStory V1 29082013.indd 40
2/9/13 10:56 AM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
CoverStory V1 29082013.indd 41
41 2/9/13 10:56 AM
| www.clubpets.com.sg
Photography: Edmund Leong/Edmund Leong Motion & Stills (Angie Lim and Coco)
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Feature 1.indd 43
43 4/9/13 4:47 PM
| www.clubpets.com.sg
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Feature 1.indd 45
45 4/9/13 4:46 PM
46 | www.clubpets.com.sg
1-2 Vet Gold.indd 15 Feature 1.indd 47
3/9/13 11:59 AM 4/9/13 10:13 AM
48 | www.clubpets.com.sg Feature2.indd 48
3/9/13 4:35 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Feature2.indd 49
49 3/9/13 2:58 PM
50 | www.clubpets.com.sg Feature2.indd 50
3/9/13 2:58 PM
TK openner.indd 51
4/9/13 10:14 AM
FirstMate_AD.indd 52
3/9/13 4:56 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
TKBreed Focus V1 14012013.indd 53
53 3/9/13 2:38 PM
TKBreed Focus V1 14012013.indd 54
30/8/13 6:46 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
TKBreed Focus V1 14012013.indd 55
55 30/8/13 6:46 PM
TKBreed Focus V1 14012013.indd 56
30/8/13 6:47 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
TKBreed Focus V1 14012013.indd 57
57 30/8/13 6:47 PM
TheKennel Solutions
58 | www.clubpets.com.sg The Kennel_Solutions.indd 58
3/9/13 3:04 PM
My dog will:
A Follow me from room to room. B Become distressed if it is denied close physical contact. C Show excessive greeting behaviour when you return to the house and may start to become agitated in anticipation of your arrival.
When learning new tricks, my dog:
A Remembers the commands. B Sees exceptions. C Is reluctant to obey commands.
You just shifted house and your dog:
A Mingles well with other animals in the neighbourhood. B Looks out of the windows perpetually. C Has incontinence issues.
Overall, I believe that my dog is :
When my dog is alone at home, it:
When watching TV or talking with others, my dog:
A chews my shoes and furniture. B barks, whines and howls. C soils the house by urinating and defecating.
A Sits beside you. B Rests in one corner. C Paces up and down.
There is a new member in the family and my dog:
A Barks at the new member. B Refuses to eat and drink. C Consumes some of its excrement.
You used to work from home but now goes to the office regularly, your dog:
A Waits for you at home. B Refuses to eat and drink. C Tries to escape from your house.
When I’m at home with my dog, I will:
A Spend most of the time with it. B Give less verbal praise when he did something right. C Scold it all the time.
A A high-level achiever. B An expert in doing tricks. C Refuses to obey commands most of the time.
www.clubpets.com.sg |
The Kennel_Solutions.indd 59
59 2/9/13 10:25 AM
60 | www.clubpets.com.sg TK Pet Shoppe.indd 60
11/10/13 5:40 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
TK Pet Shoppe.indd 61
61 3/9/13 3:48 PM
62 | www.clubpets.com.sg TK Pet Shoppe.indd 62
3/9/13 3:48 PM
4:49 PM
TheKennel Ask The Vet
64 | www.clubpets.com.sg TKQ&A V1 2908013.indd 64
3/9/13 4:04 PM
Scretching Post Openner.indd 65
3/9/13 4:20 PM
ScratchingPost Breed Focus
Scratching Post_Breed Focus.indd 66
2/9/13 10:22 AM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Scratching Post_Breed Focus.indd 67
67 2/9/13 10:22 AM
ScratchingPost Breed Focus
68 | www.clubpets.com.sg Scratching Post_Breed Focus.indd 68
2/9/13 10:22 AM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Scratching Post_Breed Focus.indd 69
69 2/9/13 10:22 AM
ScratchingPost Solutions
70 | www.clubpets.com.sg SPSolutions V1 27082013.indd 70
30/8/13 7:25 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
SPSolutions V1 27082013.indd 71
71 3/9/13 2:43 PM
ScratchingPost Solutions
72 | www.clubpets.com.sg SPSolutions V1 27082013.indd 72
30/8/13 7:25 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
SP Pet Shoppe.indd 73
73 3/9/13 3:42 PM
ScratchingPost Pet Shoppe
SP Pet Shoppe.indd 74
3/9/13 3:42 PM
PLC.indd 2
22/8/13 6:14 PM
PLC.indd 5
22/8/13 6:14 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Lil Burrows openner.indd 77
77 3/9/13 4:20 PM
LBBreed Focus V1 22082013.indd 78
30/8/13 5:46 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
LBBreed Focus V1 22082013.indd 79
79 3/9/13 3:59 PM
LBBreed Focus V1 22082013.indd 80
4/9/13 4:30 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
LBBreed Focus V1 22082013.indd 81
81 2/9/13 12:00 PM
Lil’Burrows Solutions
82 | www.clubpets.com.sg Lil Burrows_Solutions.indd 82
2/9/13 10:00 AM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Lil Burrows_Solutions.indd 83
83 2/9/13 10:00 AM
84 | www.clubpets.com.sg LB Pet Shoppe.indd 84
3/9/13 3:44 PM
PetExpo.indd 80
3/9/13 2:46 PM
Lil’Burrows Ask The Vet
86 | www.clubpets.com.sg LBQ&A V1 2708013.indd 86
3/9/13 1:52 PM
PLC.indd 6
22/8/13 6:14 PM
PAT - Pet Navi 2308013.indd 88
3/9/13 1:50 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
PAT - Pet Navi 2308013.indd 89
89 3/9/13 1:50 PM
PAT - At Home With 3008013.indd 90
4/9/13 4:23 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
PAT - At Home With 3008013.indd 91
91 4/9/13 4:23 PM
PAT - At Home With 3008013.indd 92
4/9/13 4:23 PM
PLC.indd 8
22/8/13 6:14 PM
PAT - At Home With 3008013.indd 94
4/9/13 4:23 PM
PLC.indd 3
22/8/13 6:14 PM
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96 | www.clubpets.com.sg CP49_DIY.indd 96
3/9/13 3:09 PM
PLC.indd 10
22/8/13 6:14 PM
Pet Talk 26082013.indd 98
2/9/13 11:33 AM
Pet Talk 26082013.indd 99
2/9/13 11:56 AM
100 | www.clubpets.com.sg CP49_Clubpics.indd 100
3/9/13 3:15 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
CP49_Clubpics.indd 101
101 3/9/13 4:25 PM
Pets&You Real-Life Story
102 | www.clubpets.com.sg Coco Birthday.indd 102
3/9/13 4:46 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg | 103
Coco Birthday.indd 103
4/9/13 5:05 PM
104 | www.clubpets.com.sg Classified.indd 104
3/9/13 3:33 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Classified.indd 105
105 4/9/13 5:01 PM
106 | www.clubpets.com.sg Classified.indd 106
3/9/13 3:33 PM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Classified.indd 107
107 3/9/13 3:33 PM
108 | www.clubpets.com.sg Classified.indd 108
3/9/13 3:33 PM
PLC.indd 4
22/8/13 6:14 PM
110 | www.clubpets.com.sg Distribution List.indd 110
2/9/13 10:17 AM
www.clubpets.com.sg |
Distribution List.indd 111
111 2/9/13 10:17 AM
112 | www.clubpets.com.sg Horoscopes.indd 112
2/9/13 10:19 AM
PLC.indd 15
22/8/13 6:14 PM
114 | www.clubpets.com.sg Contest winner.indd 114
3/9/13 1:53 PM
PLC.indd 7
22/8/13 6:14 PM
#46 DEC12-MAR 13
#47 MAR-JUN 13
#48 JUNE-SEP 13
citrus 116 | www.clubpets.com.sg Sub Form.indd 116
3/9/13 3:51 PM
PLC.indd 13
22/8/13 6:14 PM
118 | www.clubpets.com.sg Important number.indd 118
2/9/13 10:19 AM
PLC.indd 1
22/8/13 6:14 PM
Ediot Pick V1 29082013.indd 120
2/9/13 11:24 AM
K9 ROP.indd 3
29/8/13 3:01 PM
Back Page-Euk-P.pdf
12:17 PM