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Projects’ Table Cittaslow Bee Project
Act concretely by everyone, administrations and citizens, in favor of bees, the conservation of the biosphere and sustainable economic production chains connected to the world of bees and the safeguarding of the melliferous potential of plants, the promotion of the culture of health, biological and human .
Actions for Municipal Administrations • Sowing of flowers and melliferous essences along road edges, sidewalks, squares, urban parks, etc. • Planting of native plants in urban parks, publicly owned land, squares, etc. • Free use of public areas for the installation of apiaries. • Compliance with local phytosanitary protocols. • Additional municipal-based protocols. • Ban on the use of herbicidal phytosanitary products in public areas or areas open to the public. • Cooperation with local beekeeping associations. • Courses for the population and stakeholders in environmental education and biodiversity protection. • Organization of thematic and didactic walks in the municipal area. • “Bee education” programs in schools of all levels (Cittaslow
Education and eTwinning EUplatform) with the involvement of managers, teachers, beekeepers, experts in the sector, trade associations.
Actions for citizenship - Gardens and flowered balconies, refuge for bees To stimulate the private citizens of the Cittaslow to plant flowers and essences that attract and nourish the bees in their garden, balcony or vegetable garden. The vegetables that bloom, as well as different types of herbs, exert a great attraction on insects and bees.
The bee is the queen of biodiversity. If a single bee visits around 7000 flowers a day, the bees in a hive can collect and store food in an area of about 7 square km, and on their body covered with hair they can retain particles of various kinds: for this reason the ape is the bio-indicator par excellence of our ecosystem. The Cittaslow International CittaslowBee Project develops the key points of the Manifesto “CittaslowBee: concretely for bees, sentinels of biodiversity”, approved by the Coordinating Committee of Cittaslow Int’l on March 25, 2021. On the occasion of World Bee Day and world biodiversity, on 20 and 22 May of each year, all Cittaslow participate in the Project by promoting the awareness campaign for the protection of bees, “CittaslowBee, the bees sentinels for life.” The Cittaslow communities are committed to the following actions: 1. promote all sustainable agricultural practices, defend biodiversity and strengthen regulations, including on a voluntary basis, and municipal directives to ban the use of pesticides that endanger pollinating insects; 2. cooperate with any other associative, institutional, scientific subject involved in the world for actions in defense of bees; 3. to promote, through the “Cittaslow Youth” and “Cittaslow Education” projects, the direct involvement of young people in specific projects to protect bees, in schools and in society; 4. setting up of municipal apiaries; 5. activate communication and awareness campaigns, internal to the citizenry and external on the mass and social media. 6. propose a worldwide alliance with all the stakeholders interested in the “CittaslowBee, bees, sentinels for life” initiative: beekeepers, universities, the world of research, international organizations, local authorities, governments, associations and civil organizations.