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The Book Heart And Soul
The Slow Mayor’s Manual
Paolo Saturnini is the founding father of Cit- taslow. As Mayor of Greve in Chianti (Tuscany, Italy), he was the first person to have the intuition of the value of positive slowness linked to the local government of cities and territories. He was the honorary President of Cittaslow, but he suddenly left us on a warm summer evening in 2020, causing great sadness in all those who were lucky enough to have met him. Today Cittaslow International, with the Municipality of Greve and with the precious contribution Giulio Saturnini (Paolo’s son), is publishing a posthumous book. This publication was also made possible thanks to the caring commitment of many collaborators. This way, we can ensure that Paolo’s ideas will be appreciated by people all over the world. The book is made up of twelve short chapters, the first ones are biographical and describe Paolo’s initial contacts with the Tuscan countryside. A countryside that is made up of balances and secular knowledge but also of the hard work of its inhabitants. The following chapters explain why and in what context the idea of Cittaslow was born, what is happening today and above all what we can and must do to “save the world” and improve it for the new generations. It is the fundamentals of “good living” and an important contribution for the future we are trying to build.
For information and orders: contact Cittaslow International Headquarters info@cittaslow.net