September 2024 City Manager's Report

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City ManageR’S

Photo by Ross Abraham

Unity in Our Community: A Month at Fort Pierce Animal

This month has been nothing short of extraordinary for the Fort Pierce Animal Adoption Center! We are thrilled to announce our dynamic new partnership with the St. Lucie County Humane Society to provide a vital food pantry service for all pet owners in St. Lucie County— no matter where you live. Through this collaboration, we’re ensuring that no one is turned away when it comes to feeding their beloved four-legged friends. Our pantry will support one household with up to five pets, providing enough food to last an entire month. This is just the beginning of what we know will be many incredible opportunities for our community!

The excitement doesn’t stop there. We were floored when VCA Tri-County Animal Hospital generously donated over 150 bags and cans of dog and cat food. Walking into the room and seeing the volume of food was a moment we won’t soon forget! With over 230 animals currently in our care, this donation is amazing, and we’re incredibly grateful for their support.

Month of Remarkable Achievements

Animal Adoption Center

But wait—there’s more! We’ve also teamed up with Best Friends to transport 35 cats out of state on Monday morning. Recognizing the need to give these felines a fresh start, we reached out to both County Animal Services and the St. Lucie County Humane Society to see if they had any long-term residents in need of a new beginning. Thanks to the high adoption rate through Best Friends, we’re confident these cats will find loving homes. Both County Animal Services and the Humane Society answered our call, bringing in their longterm cats to join the transport.

This month has proven that when we unite, great things happen. We are honored to lend a helping hand whenever we can and look forward to what the future holds for our incredible community!

The Sunrise TheatreA Spotlight on Excellence

Celebrating Local Excellence

The Treasure Coast Community’s Choice program is dedicated to recognizing the best local businesses in the region. Unlike other awards, the power lies with the community itself, as readers nominate and vote for their favorite businesses. This grassroots approach ensures that the businesses receiving recognition truly represent the community’s preferences. The program is divided into two distinct voting phases: the write-in nomination round and the Top 5 voting round. During the nomination round, the community had the chance to visit and write in their favorite local businesses. This phase allowed businesses to be recognized and celebrated by those who know them best—their customers. After the nomination round, all votes were tallied, and the top five businesses in each category moved on to the final voting round. From May 17th to May 31st, the community cast their votes to determine the winners in each category. This year’s voting saw the Sunrise Theatre rise to the top 3 for Best Live

Theatre in Treasure Coast.

Enhancing the Sunrise Theatre Experience

In addition to the accolades, the Sunrise Theatre has recently made some practical improvements to enhance the visitor experience. New handrails have been added to the lobby stairs to help manage the high volume of traffic during show seasons and ensure that the theatre continues to meet safety standards.

The newly installed handrails were carefully designed to match the existing ones, ensuring a seamless look throughout the lobby. The rails are securely bolted to the floor but can be removed if necessary. They have been powdercoated to match the color scheme of the existing rails, creating a cohesive and polished appearance.

This enhancement was made possible through a combination of donations solicited by the Foundation from benefactors, as well as contributions from the Foundation itself. The community’s support in these efforts highlights the importance of the theatre as a local cultural hub.

2024 Street Resurfacing Program

The City has identified 2.1 miles of resurfacing for FY 2024. The table below indicates the streets included. FPUA has approved the list and an agenda item has been prepared for the City Commission’s September 3 meeting.


32nd Street


Delaware Avenue Moore's Creek

31st Street Okeechobee Road Nebraska Avenue

Avenue E 29th Street 25th Street

Avenue F 29th Street 25th Street

Avenue G 29th Street 25th Street

Citrus Avenue 33rd Street 29th Street

Florida Avenue 17th Street 13th Street

Pennsylvania Avenue 11th Street Sunrise Boulevard

Quincy Avenue 25th Street 23rd Street

Parkway Drive 3rd Street US 1

Wisteria Avenue Hills Court East End

Indian Hills Golf Course Site Expansion Phase 1

The proposed site expansion of the Indian Hills Golf Course includes Phase I development consisting of four (4) Pickleball Courts, paved parking lot for 36 vehicles, pervious paver golf cart staging area, landscaping, parking lot lighting, and utility connections for the Phase II improvements. Phase II improvements include the construction of a new clubhouse and golf cart barn.

The City Commission approved awarding the Phase I construction contract to PRP Construction during the April 15, 2024, City Commission meeting. Commission authorized the execution of the contract at the August 12, 2024 meeting. Awaiting final receipt of the executed contract, at which time a pre-construction meeting will be scheduled. Construction is anticipated for October 2024 with construction completion estimated to be in March 2025.

SUN Trail Highwayman Trail Gap (Indian Hills Drive to Georgia Avenue)

The City has received bids for construction and has provided a recommendation to FDOT. The lowest responsive and responsible bid amount was $2,061,228.40. The current construction agreement provides $1,200,000. Staff has requested $800,000 in additional funding from FDOT but will not have confirmation on those funds until September. Staff is awaiting FEC approval for an amendment to our existing lease agreement for access to property near Indian Hills Drive. Staff is coordinating with the property owner at 810 S 3rd Street to amend the existing easement to accommodate the trail.

SUN Trail Historic Downtown Retrofit (Georgia Avenue to North A1A)

In 2021, the City was awarded FDOT funding for the design of the Historic Downtown Retrofit Trail (SUN Trail). Design began and was put on hold in April of 2022 due to potential conflicts along the alignment and Right-of-Way needs in the area. In April of 2024 the City developed a revised alignment and has requested the consultant revive their design. While the construction is not yet funded, the City is proceeding with the design anticipating construction funding in the future.

Nebraska Avenue Sidewalk (Lawnwood Circle) Phase 1

The City is coordinating with FDOT on the submittals and requirements of the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant and Local Agency Program (LAP) Certifications for the City to administer the project. Engineering received comments on the LAP Certification submittal and is coordinating with Risk Management to have ADA language added to the City’s website. The City has received the draft NEPA Categorical Exclusion document for review.

Avenue D (29th Street to US 1)

The City received minor comments from FDOT on August 19 and forwarded these to the consultant. The City will return the revised plans to FDOT for approval to advertise for construction

Avenue D (US 1 to Indian River Drive

The final design plans for this project are underway.

Avenue B Reconstruction (13th Street to 8th Street)

The contractor has begun sidewalk completion on Avenue B. This work is anticipated to be complete in September 2024.

11th Street (Boston Avenue to Orange Avenue

This project includes improvements to Boston Avenue from 13th Street to 10th Street and Preston Court from Boston Avenue to Delaware Avenue. The 100% design plans have been received and are under review.

13th Street Phase 2 (Georgia Avenue to Orange Avenue)

The City Commission approved the Specific Authorization for the consultant to update the plans for construction. The Preliminary Construction Documents are due September 13, 2024. The City has been notified that the $2 Million Grant from the State was not approved.

Former JC Penney

Parking Lot

Staff has received a quote to complete the improvements on this lot. An agenda item is being prepared for the FPRA approval.

Avenue D and Means Court

Public Parking Lot

Awaiting receipt of executed contract with the low bidder, Close Construction Services, so a Notice to Proceed may be issued. Construction commencement is anticipated in October 2024.

Indian Hills Golf Course

Throughout the warmer summer months, we have been diligently working to improve the turf grass at Indian Hills Golf Course, ensuring it is as healthy as possible heading into the fall. Thanks to a combined effort from Mother Nature, our Turf Doctor, and our dedicated Maintenance Team, we have made remarkable strides. The maintenance crew has been tirelessly fertilizing and spraying almost daily, striking a balance between nurturing healthier grass and reducing weeds. While we still face some turf challenges along the edges of the cart paths on the front nine, the progress we have made in such a short time is nothing short of impressive.

From a financial perspective, 2024 has been a banner year for us. By mid-August, we have exceeded last year’s numbers by approximately 7,000 rounds and

$300,000 in revenue. The combination of improved course conditions and timely summer rains has driven increased play and, consequently, higher revenue. We are on track to achieve our best financial performance in years.

Our second greens aeration is planned for late summer, specifically on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 3rd and 4th. Please note that both the Golf Course and Practice Range will be closed on these days. We will reopen on Thursday, September 5th, offering reduced rates for about 10 days post-aeration.

We are proud to have hosted the First Tee’s Veterans Program for several months, providing free golf clinics to veterans, our nation’s heroes, every Tuesday from

11:30 AM to 12:30 PM through September. Additionally, the high school golf season is underway, and once again, we are the host site for Fort Pierce Central. Over the course of the season, we will facilitate practices and approximately 15 matches for both boys and girls teams, accommodating between 300-350 students during their competitions with neighboring schools.

Word of mouth remains our strongest form of advertising. If you’ve enjoyed the improvements we are making, please share your experience with friends. Conversely, if there is something we can improve upon, we encourage you to let us know so we can continue to enhance your experience. We sincerely thank all our members and guests for their ongoing support. Don’t forget to “Like” and “Follow” us on Facebook or Instagram for almost daily updates on the golf course and our ongoing maintenance projects.


A Tesla electric vehicle charging station is nearing completion in Crossroads Plaza. The plaza is located conveniently between I-95 and the Turnpike, near the intersection of Okeechobee Rd and Crossroads Parkway. The station will feature 40 Tesla charging posts and 10 Tesla supercharger cabinets with ADA accessible and van accessible spots available.


Following the completion of the clubhouse and amenity center, the first five homes are being installed in Savannas Ridge. Savannas Ridge is located at US Highway 1 and Edwards Rd. After the homes are placed, inspections are performed to verify that they are placed on proper blocking and are properly tied down. Electrical and plumbing connections from the meters to the homes are inspected for compliance.

421 N US HWY 1

Now that the slab has been poured at Phatz Chicken, the concrete block walls are being placed. The next inspections will be for the columns, down cells, and tie beam. These are all critical components of the structural wall system that are completed before the roof can be installed.





These figures are based on permits issued in July 2024 for New Construction



Sails Up! Ready, Set, Go!

On Thursday, August 8, 2024, Causeway Cove was transformed into a lively arena of friendly competition and community spirit as the Fort Pierce Police Department, in collaboration with Project Lift, hosted the 4th Annual Great American Fort Pierce Raft Race. Held at 601 Seaway Drive, the event showcased the creative talents and teamwork of local youth from the Fort Pierce Police Department’s R.I.C.H. House, Explorer Post, and Courageous Kids, alongside participants from Project Lift.

The race featured hand-built rafts crafted by the young competitors, who demonstrated their skills in both sailing and carpentry. The day was marked by energetic races across the waters, with each raft reflecting the ingenuity and hard work of its creators. In a special twist, Fort Pierce Police Officers also took part, constructing their own massive

raft for the event. Although their impressive creation didn’t clinch any race victories, the officers enjoyed the spirited competition and camaraderie with the youth participants.

The Fort Pierce Police Department extends its heartfelt thanks to the sponsors and supporters who made the event possible. Special appreciation goes to Project Lift, Derecktor Shipyards, Causeway Cove Marina, Fort Pierce Yacht Club, Ridgecap Roofing, The O’Brien Family, Marine Industry Association of the Treasure Coast, Salty’s Water Sports, and The Bamboo Band. Their generosity and support were crucial in bringing this exciting event to life and fostering a sense of community among the participants.

City Annexations

The City Commission approved two voluntary applications for annexation. The first, a 1.95 acre property (parcel ID: 3403-233-0002-000-6) located near the intersection of W. Midway Road and Oleander Avenue in Fort Pierce. The proposed property received a City Future Land Use designation of Residential High (RH), and a Zoning designation of High Residential Density (R-5). The second, a 11.34 acre parcel, near 3804 Sunrise Boulevard in Fort Pierce, (parcel ID: 2433-123-0001-000-1) received a Future Land Use designation of Residential Low Density (RL), and a Zoning classification of Single-Family Low Density (R-1).

In addition, the City Commission annexed seven properties of almost a combined 30 acres in area into the City under the provisions of existing Fort Pierce Utility Service Agreements. The total value of the properties being recorded at more than $2.3 million.

July 2024 SeeClickFix Summary

DTA - Days to Acknowledgement DTC - Days to Close

Please use this link to view a map of the Fort Pierce City Commission Election Districts:https:// View/22378/City-Election-Distircts-Map-2022

MCM Tire Express, LLC
Elite Boat Repair LLC
Seaway Cleaning Services
Cintim Worldly Creations
Eastern Precision Amandla Wellness Canter

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